Why do you dream about Suicide?

Why do you dream about suicide: what dream books say

The dream book contains both positive and negative interpretations of dreams about suicide:

  1. Miller. Your own suicide, seen in a dream, portends longevity and good health. A dream about the suicide of someone close to you warns of injury or illness of this person, but serious health problems can be avoided.
  2. Freud. The psychologist argued that if a person sleeping commits suicide in a dream, it means that in reality his chosen one wants to appear better than he actually is. In the case when his partner decides to commit suicide in a dream, the relationship in the couple has problems.
  3. Vanga. A dream about suicide foreshadows problems with the law and going to jail. If you had to watch another person voluntarily die, you should take a closer look at your behavior. The sleeper is probably too cruel and indifferent to others.
  4. Modern dream book. Troubles and failures await the sleeper.
  5. Mindell's Dream Book. Your own suicide in a dream is a harbinger of troubles in all areas of life. Someone else's suicide promises the sleeping person financial difficulties.
  6. Psychoanalytic dream book. Some period in the dreamer’s life will unexpectedly end. This could be dismissal from work, a break with a lover.

    According to the dream book of the Zim spouses, to see suicide in a dream means to experience any contradictions and mistrust in reality, all this can lead to the collapse of desires and ideas

  7. Dream Interpretation of Kananita. The dream promises troubles and adversity, and the culprit for everything will be the past actions of the sleeper.
  8. Dream book of Denise Lynn. Such a vision means that the dreamer blames himself for something and is trying to get rid of certain qualities.
  9. American dream book. This dream interpreter encourages the sleeper not to give up in the face of troubles.
  10. Velesov's dream book. Anyone who voluntarily gives up his life in a dream will experience unexpected joy.
  11. Loff's Dream Book. Suicide in a dream foreshadows the death of someone close.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

Committing suicide or seeing a suicide in the dream books of famous authors is interpreted in different meanings. In order not to draw premature conclusions, it is worth turning to trusted sources. And perhaps you will learn about upcoming problems and dangers. Some dream books can foreshadow terrible and unpleasant situations in reality. Others make it clear that nothing bad will happen; most likely, good luck and success await you in all unfinished matters. Which of these to believe is up to you to decide!

Miller's Dream Book - health and longevity

  • A suicide in a dream is a symbol of longevity and health. The dreamer should not worry if he saw such a dream.
  • The suicide of a stranger will bring you news of the illness of your relatives or loved ones. But don't worry too much. All difficulties will be frivolous and temporary.
  • For a woman, such a dream promises that your friends now need your support. Don't ignore their requests for help.

Vanga's dream book - problems with the law

  • Seeing your own suicide in a dream means that you should be careful with the law. There is a chance of going to jail.
  • For a married lady, such a dream promises a new romantic relationship. Perhaps you will be caught in the web of a real gigolo who will destroy your family life. Despite the fact that your spouse has a strong feeling of love for you, betrayal for him will be the last straw.
  • The suicide of a stranger reminds us that it is time to change our attitude towards others. By your actions you will bring upon yourself many problems that will be difficult to get rid of.

Freud's Dream Book - you are incompatible with your partner

  • Seeing a suicide in a dream does not bode well. You constantly feel a sense of fear because you don’t know how to solve your problems.
  • For a woman to commit suicide because of love means that she should take a closer look at her boyfriend. This may not be your person. It will bring you a lot of tears and suffering, which will soon make you think about suicide.
  • For a young girl, seeing her boyfriend commit suicide is a sign that she should not continue a relationship with him in real life. It will be difficult for you to cope with a person who has mental problems; it is better to stay away from him.

Modern Dream Interpretation - difficult times

  • Difficult times await you. There is a possibility of committing a bad act, which you will remember for a long time and blame yourself.
  • A woman should expect a dirty trick from a loved one. What she learns about him will greatly surprise her.
  • If you committed suicide by poisoning, know that you will make many more mistakes in real life before you understand the correctness of your actions.
  • If you saw the suicide of several people at once - think about your relatives. Some of them really need your help and support.
  • Drowning yourself in a dream is a sign of longevity and a happy old age.

Who dreamed of suicide

For a girl, a dream about her lover’s suicide promises imminent disappointment in her chosen one. For women, such a vision foreshadows disorders caused by relationships with a partner. For married ladies, a vision of a spouse’s suicide advises them to show more attention and care to their husband. If the woman herself decided to die, it means that soon a new forbidden love awaits her. The romance will be short-lived, and the spouse will never forgive the infidelity.

A dream in which a married man saw his mother commit suicide foreshadows problems for the sleeper in his relationship with his wife.

For lonely people, dreams of suicide become a symbol of internal uncertainty. The sleeper is probably afraid of responsibility and does not know how to solve his own problems.

Think about the meaning!

The suicide of a stranger in a dream, especially if he hanged himself, warns that your dearest person will offend you.

Did you happen to see an unfamiliar drowned man? The interpreter believes that you will have to relinquish your rights.

Did you dream about the suicide of a loved one? In a dream, this is a call to reflect on the meaning of life. Perhaps you are underestimating someone or doing something wrong.

Dream details

Any detail seen in a dream can significantly change the interpretation of the vision.

Who decided to commit suicide

If in a dream the sleeping person turns out to be a suicide, it means that in reality troubles and misfortunes await him. The dreamer should also be more careful - danger can come from anywhere.

Did someone else decide to die? Remember who the suicide was:

  1. A stranger. Changes in life await the sleeper. If you manage to see suicide in all its details, get ready for illness, betrayal and gossip.
  2. Friend or relative. The dreamer has to make a difficult choice, the outcome of which will determine his entire life.
  3. Mother or father. The dream promises good health to the sleeper and his loved ones. If both parents died at once, it means that a pleasant journey will soon await the dreamer.

    The death of a father in a dream is the beginning of difficulties associated with the profession

  4. Beloved. Soon the sleeper will learn about the betrayal and he will have to decide whether to forgive the unfaithful person or not. Regardless of the decision made, the dreamer will soon feel truly happy.
  5. Brother or sister. The suicide of an older brother or sister foreshadows the imminent defeat of enemies; a younger one is a sign that the dreamer dreams of getting rid of some negativity in his life.

A dream in which the dreamer tried to save a suicidal person warns that the sleeper will lose close people and good friends. Seeing blood on the body of a suicidal person is a warning of danger. The sleeper is likely to be seriously injured.

Method of suicide

When interpreting a dream, it is important to take into account the way in which the suicide decided to die:

  1. Poisoning. Intrigues are woven around the dreamer's personality. It is worth showing more wisdom and caution when communicating with people.
  2. Vein opening. The dreamer is prone to wastefulness and does not know how to properly handle not only money, but also his own energy.
  3. Throat cutting. The sleeper will experience great success in the financial and love spheres.
  4. Headshot. The dream warns of serious mistakes that the dreamer may make. It is worth making important decisions more carefully.
  5. Shot in the chest. The person who sees the dream doubts his judgment.
  6. Hanging. The dreamer lacks self-confidence, which greatly hinders him in life.
  7. Drowning. The vision promises quarrels with loved ones, but at the same time foreshadows longevity and prosperity for the sleeper.
  8. Jump from a height. The sleeper will do a stupid thing.
  9. Walling up. The dream promises unpleasant news.

An unsuccessful suicide attempt seen in a dream indicates that troubles will befall the dreamer, but he will deal with them, suffering minimal losses. In a dream, did you just want to die, but didn’t do it? Soon there will be a serious shock in life that will change your destiny.

Reason for suicide

Was the reason for suicide clearly visible in the dream? This fact is also significant for the interpretation of the vision:

A dream in which there were several reasons for suicide foreshadows problems with finances and in relationships with loved ones.

A dream about suicide not only becomes a harbinger of some changes, but also reflects the internal state of the dreamer. Suicide is often dreamed of by those who in reality are dissatisfied with their life or are not confident in themselves and their abilities.

Plot development options

To understand why a suicide is dreaming, it is important to pay attention to the details and subtleties of the night’s dreams, remember the events and actions - both the suicide’s and your own. All this will help you read the clue of fate more accurately. So, there are many options possible:

  • Watching someone take their own life and not coming to help. Such a dream suggests that now someone needs the support of the sleeping person, it is necessary to provide it. Otherwise, very soon the dreamer himself will find himself in a similar situation and will understand for himself what the severity of loneliness means.
  • In a similar situation, provide assistance, but fail to cope, and cannot save a life. This means that in reality you will have to go through a series of unpleasant events that will make the sleeper exhausted mentally and physically.
  • Witnessing someone's death and then encountering law enforcement officers. Such a dream suggests that a friend or close relative in real life will cause serious problems for the sleeping person.
  • Commit suicide. Such a night dream is interpreted in the same way by dream books - it is a reflection of the secret intentions of the dreamer, who is trying with all his might to attract increased attention to himself.

It is necessary to try to remember as many details and nuances as possible, this will help in reading the secret meaning of the dream.

Use the help!

If a sick relative commits suicide in a dream, then in reality a miraculous healing awaits him.

Did a woman dream that she learned about the untimely death of a relative? The interpreter suspects that her boyfriend or husband is cheating on her.

If in a dream you had to save a suicide, then in reality you will need the help of friends or parents to cope with a difficult everyday situation.

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