ANCHOR in the abyss of passions | STONE for ARIES

This sign is the first in the Zodiac circle. Unites leaders, heroes and fanatics. They recognize no boundaries in generosity, work or passion, giving themselves completely to them. However, due to ambition or straightforwardness, they are often unable to complete the project. Minerals are called upon to direct their energy in a peaceful direction and for creation. Aries stones are energetically strong, bring good luck, and act as an amulet.

What should be the stones for Aries?

Aries belongs to the element of Fire. The energy of the fire symbol of the Zodiac is threatened only by water minerals: these two elements are capable of destroying each other.

Universal stones for Aries: diamond, garnet, ruby, zircon, citrine. The colors are suitable for scarlet, green, blue, white, yellow stones.

The main zodiac stone of Aries is diamond. In second place is ruby.

Select by date of birth (decade)

Astrologers suggest choosing a precious or semi-precious gem based on your date of birth.

March 21–31

The ten-day period from March 21 is ruled by Mars. These are current or potential leaders for whom there are no other scenarios other than victory. However, they are aggressive, selfish, straightforward.

Their lucky stones are rock crystal, agate, moonstone, hematite, serpentine, tiger's eye, jasper, carnelian in fiery shades.

April 1–11

People of the second segment of the constellation are under the influence of the Sun. These are honest, generous, noble, but contradictory natures. They are excellent organizers, but they are authoritarian, quick-tempered, and do not recognize generally accepted rules of communication.

They put family values ​​at the forefront, but due to jealousy or selfishness they can make the life of their household unbearable.

Their magic stones are amber, golden or pink pearls, cat's eye, bright sardonyx.

April 12–20

The final period is ruled by Venus. These are adventurous, passionate people who believe in eternal love and strive to find it. Their magic stones are the most expensive: transparent diamonds, zircons of yellow or golden shades, sapphires, rubies.

Depending on year of birth

Adherents of Eastern teachings prefer gems that match the year of birth:

  • Rat. A deep red garnet will give you strength to implement ambitious projects.
  • Bull. Jewelry with agate will create conditions for personal growth and self-expression.
  • According to the horoscope, amethyst and diamond are suitable for Tigers of both sexes. The first will become a protective amulet from impulsive actions, the second will comfort and give strength to survive difficult moments in life.
  • The Rabbit (Cat) is given rock crystal as a talisman. It will give you energy and push you to take active action to achieve your goal.
  • Sapphire will give the Dragon wisdom, which he often lacks.
  • Snake. Jaspers of warm shades will present Aries from its advantageous side.
  • Those born in the year of the Horse will appreciate amethyst. Talismans or amulets with stones will help you be more restrained and calmly accept life’s troubles. The amulet will save you from sudden dangers.
  • The goat will be energized by the pomegranate, while the sapphire will provide intellectual development and personal growth.
  • Monkey. Ruby will create a cocoon around the owner, impenetrable to external negativity.
  • Rooster. The mission of solar citrine is to help overcome overflowing emotionality. The mineral will teach you to control yourself and respond adequately to criticism.
  • According to the dog's horoscope, jasper is prescribed. It will nullify anger, aggression, and protect against phobias.
  • Pig. Moonstone is considered a love and spiritual guardian, protecting against disappointments.

Minerals selected according to the Eastern horoscope exhibit magical properties in jewelry, products or crystals.

The influence of the Chinese calendar on the choice of a talisman for an Aries man

Aries are friendly and sociable; many people would like to have such a friend. But, caring about the harmony of their personal space, they carefully choose close people. Each Aries man is individual; his fate is also influenced by the representative of the animal world of the Chinese (Eastern) calendar. A specific animal is responsible for each year of the 12-year cycle.


Practical and enterprising Aries men are born in the year of the Rat. These are sociable, charming intellectuals; behind their external calm lies a violent temperament and a sea of ​​passions. Out of nowhere, they can “explode” with an incomprehensible outburst of anger. To prevent unpleasant situations you will need jasper, amber or garnet. Amethyst will teach you good manners.


An Aries man, born in the year of the Ox, is persistent, truthful, and ambitious in a good way. Straightforward, stubborn and very independent, Aries-Oxen can sometimes break down and find themselves in unpleasant situations. Agate and lapis lazuli will become their mentors and assistants, protecting them from mistakes as talismans. These gems will help you move towards your intended goal.


Representatives of the Year of the Tiger among Aries men are called “Fortune’s favorites.” They bring positivity to life, decorating it with their charm, energy, erudition, and external attractiveness. Aries-Tigers are impulsive and reckless; their adventurism will be restrained by the tiger's eye and pomegranate. A representative of such a tandem, brave in nature, needs a reliable amulet; its role will be played by a ruby ​​or carnelian.

Rabbit (Cat)

The reasonable prudence of the representative of the year of the Rabbit (Cat) is very appropriate for the energetic and impetuous Aries man. Aries-Rabbits are much more cautious and calm, but this does not make their life boring and monotonous. They have enough strength and perseverance to achieve their goals. And ruby ​​helps them with this. In order to avoid exploiting the kindness of this sympathetic person, it is good to acquire a talisman made of amber or pearls.

The Dragon

The Year of the Dragon and the sign of Aries are extremely energetic symbols. It is no coincidence that men with this combination of signs are very active, self-confident and do not wait for the favors of fate - they take from life everything they want. It is difficult to resist his pressure, it is impossible to convince him. The only thing Aries-Dragon lacks is patience. Sapphire or amber will fix this.


For Aries men, wisdom from the year of the Snake turns into useful qualities: insight, intelligence, rationality, talents. Perseverance, concentration, hard work and willpower are very helpful in life. In order not to miss profitable opportunities and become more decisive, Aries-Snake will need topaz, jasper, and hematite. Malachite can enhance their natural observation and attentiveness.


The character of Aries, born in the year of the Horse, is obstinate and unpredictable. Such men are distinguished by a violent temperament, spontaneity, and lack of order in their thoughts. Aries-Horse is in constant motion, often switching from one thing to another. He has an abundance of assertiveness, hard work and enterprise; he lacks composure, which a ruby, garnet or amethyst can provide.

Goat (Sheep)

A man of the sign of Aries and the year of the Goat (Sheep) adapts to any society and group without effort. He is a sociable, charming person, but far from simple. Aries-Goat is very stubborn and independent, he has to fight with selfishness. Not the best character trait is vindictiveness. To fully reveal your positive sides, you need an agate or sapphire. Pomegranate will cope with bouts of pessimism.


A dexterous, enterprising, persistent Aries man, who was destined to be born in the year of the Monkey, will cope with any task alone, especially since luck is always on his side. But he would prefer to rejoice in his successes among friends, next to his beloved. Loneliness is unbearable for this charming, witty optimist. His talismans will be agate or rock crystal.


Brave, risk-taking, independent, decisive. How can an Aries man of the Rooster sign not enjoy the attention of women? His obstinacy and temper, narcissism and boasting are obscured by kindness, sincerity, responsiveness, and inexhaustible optimism. Topaz or garnet will highlight its positive qualities very well. Ruby will help you find love so you don't have to be alone.


Aries, born in the year of the Dog, places decency and honesty above material wealth. These are straightforward, brave men, determined and reliable. But it will not be possible to manipulate his virtues; Aries-Dog is careful and insightful. Cheerful and sociable, he can be overly self-confident and distrustful. Agate will help him overcome difficulties, and amber will help him solve problems.

Pig (Boar)

Aries men who were born in the year of the Boar (Pig) do not strive to look into the future and live in the present. They can easily organize and lead people. Aries-Pigs are open and prefer to voice their complaints while looking into their eyes. But they get along well with people due to their friendliness and optimism. Topaz will become their amulet and assistant.

Aries women's stones

Nature has prepared stones for the Aries zodiac sign that are useful for women on various occasions. They are also able to satisfy high aesthetic demands:

  • Diamonds. The best stones for an Aries woman. They make the hostess irresistibly attractive and confident. Allies in curbing passions or other weaknesses. Diamonds are not recommended for unmarried young ladies - they are an attribute of mature ladies and a talisman for women seeking to experience the happiness of motherhood (preferably green).

    Diamond pendant

  • Amethyst. It sharpens a woman's instincts and cements her feelings.

    Amulet with amethyst

  • Zircon. Natural budget diamond substitute. A stone for Aries women of an impulsive nature or those who quit things halfway. Will teach you to bring projects to the final. Saves you from the blues and gives you strength during times of mental decline. The best choice for an Aries girl is transparent ones; older ladies are recommended to wear yellow ones.

    Ring with zircon

  • Ruby. Mineral of selective action. May increase emotionality or aggression. For ladies with a more calm character, especially pure specimens without impurities are suitable.

    Ruby pendant

  • Pomegranate. A transparent crystal will fuel energy, bring confidence and harmony to the hostess’s mood, and help meet her soul mate.

    Ring with garnet

  • Rauchtopaz. The influence of the gem is to preserve marital love and fidelity.

    Gold jewelry with rauchtopaz

  • Cornelian. A mineral that protects from poverty, gives strength and health. Attracts the attention of men. Worn in silver, preferably as a ring or ring on the ring finger.

    Bracelet with carnelian

  • Jasper. The red variety is an ally of business ladies or career climbers. Helps women plan their lives so that they have time for their family.

    Bracelet with bloody jasper

Stones suitable for Aries women can be used in jewelry or as a beautiful thing on the desktop.

Talisman stones for Aries men


Diamond ring
This is the most important talisman stone for Aries men. In this function it is equivalent to ruby. It enhances the advantages of its owner and allows you to get rid of shortcomings.


Ring with rubies
When choosing this mineral, it is better to choose specimens in white or blue shades. In this case, the representative of the sign will have the opportunity to use the features of its structure and minimize the exciting effect of the color red. To increase the ardor of deliberately active Aries, it is very important not to buy a spinel passed off as a ruby. The appearance of both gems has much in common. However, the first one can greatly harm the representatives of the sign.

Aries stones for men

For an Aries man, stones that are in tune with his character are ideal: hard and energetically strong. The following minerals are recognized as the best allies of Aries men, most of whom are self-sufficient, active and a bit dictatorial:

  • Ruby, garnet. Stones that bring good luck to leaders or bosses. They will protect you from gossip and failures, but are suitable only for self-confident people.

  • Amethyst. A stone for the hot-tempered Aries man. It will make the owner restrained, calm down aggression, and suggest a way out of a problematic situation. It will help improve the microclimate in the family and protect against drunkenness. Awakens abilities or talents that the owner did not even suspect.

    Cufflinks with amethyst

  • Onyx. Will make Aries look at life more cheerfully.

    Onyx chess

  • Rauchtopaz is suitable for men. Smoky quartz is capable of resolving complicated situations.


  • Turquoise. The attribute of winners provides the owner with universal honor and respect. A magnet for money, a good companion on a business trip or cruise. Will help you concentrate to achieve your goal.

    Turquoise blue

  • Pyrite. Feeds the emotional sphere of Aries, attracts wealth. A good talisman for travelers.

    Shambhala made of pyrite

Careerists or those who are absorbed in any business need a ring on the index finger of their working hand. For romantics looking for love, this pendant will help.

Individual talismans and amulets

When choosing a stone for Aries as a magical artifact, it is advisable to consider the following. Instances of the solar scale saturate the sign with energy. Colorless, green or blue minerals inhibit the activation of negative character traits of Aries.

Astromine scientists have identified gemstones for Aries that can be amulets or talismans:

  • Ruby. Makes Aries wise and generous. The best love stone: a symbol of reciprocity of feelings and personal happiness, realizes the desire to meet fate. Contemplation of a crystal helps to overcome depression and phobias, and conquer the heights of life. Darkening of the stone means that the owner is in danger or has health problems.

When using rubies for Aries, take into account their saturation. The bloody tint gives an influx of strength, activates the thought process, and quickly restores the body’s energy balance. However, it awakens aggressiveness and excess emotions. If these character traits already predominate, we choose lighter stones.

  • Diamond. An ideal status option, a symbol of victory, which all Aries always crave. Protects from the evil eye, diseases, makes you courageous. When choosing a target, the color of the mineral matters. A white stone as a talisman for Aries is universal, a red stone protects against damage and the evil eye, and a blue stone will tell you where to go. Useful only if purchased honestly, and the owner’s aspirations are a plus.
  • Sapphire. A symbol of wisdom, it suggests a worthy way out of a delicate situation. A mineral of good luck for young people who are just gaining life experience. For Aries, the yellow variety of stone serves as a talisman.
  • Labrador. An amulet for extreme sports enthusiasts that protects against reckless risks. It will teach you how to correlate opportunities and desires.
  • Hematite. It puts up a shield against the evil eye and other external influences, creates peace of mind in Aries, and removes depression.
  • Amethyst. Talisman of careerists of both sexes. Creative people will feel a surge of inspiration. Necessary for people who are unable to control themselves when communicating with loved ones.
  • Agate. Promotes concentration and focus, a companion for everyone who studies or is engaged in mental work. Makes the owner more organized and more restrained in expressing emotions. Suitable for an Aries child to be more diligent and study better.
  • Pomegranate. A strong amulet against negativity, gossip, and enemies. Green garnet will prevent violent death.
  • Rhinestone is good for Aries. A constantly cool crystal will calm the owner, who will become more sensitive and tactful. It will develop intuition, harmonize the inner world, and ensure respect and recognition of merit.
  • Turquoise is the best amulet for a child against the evil eye, damage, and envy. An accessory with light stones is especially necessary for a girl.
  • Emerald is not one of the main gems of the sign, but is useful as a conductor of joy, fun and success.

For impulsive or overly emotional natures, minerals of light tones, medium saturation or transparent are good as a talisman. They will cool down the boiling passions and make Aries more tactful and attentive to others.

Magic properties

Adularia is a magically powerful stone. He can perform many miracles, for example:

  • make a person gentle and merciful;
  • add patience, sensuality;
  • relieve stress, get out of depression;
  • move away from conflict situations.

But the main purpose of the moonstone is to attract true love to its owner, get rid of loneliness, and help in preserving the most beautiful feeling. In order for this ability of the gem to manifest itself most strongly, astrologers recommend wearing a product made of natural stone on the left side of the chest, closer to the heart. For a woman, a brooch with a delicate adularia would be an excellent solution.

If a moonstone falls into the hands of a notorious egoist, a closed and callous person, he will still strive to teach a person to love, to open his heart to true feelings and the path to happiness. In such a situation, the ring with the lunar treasure should be worn on the finger of the left hand.

Healing minerals of Aries

People of this sign are endowed with remarkable physical health; failures such as chronic diseases are rare. Stones for Aries, suitable according to the horoscope, are used as a preventive and health remedy.

The only health problem for Aries is hypertension. Ruby heals her, along with her heart.

Ring with light ruby

A natural green diamond is indispensable for a woman: it treats the reproductive system, ensures a problem-free pregnancy and childbirth.

Green diamond ring

Semi-precious onyx provides comprehensive health benefits for men.

White onyx earrings

Semi-precious or precious minerals are equally effective. They are used as a natural complement to traditional medicine or therapy.

How does Aries benefit from amber?

The sun stone will give its wearer a lot of useful things; thanks to its organic nature, the stone has strong energy and actively interacts with the human body, its soul. Aries must carry amber talismans with them; they are very impulsive, can rarely complete a task and often spoil everything themselves. Despite the fact that they have a good physique and powerful energy, they cannot do without an assistant.

Amber has a beneficial effect on Aries during periods of stress, when representatives of this sign prefer to withdraw into themselves and stop communicating with the world. The stone will bring joy, happiness and peace to Aries. But you shouldn’t carry the stone on yourself all the time, only pregnant women can, it will help them protect the child and give them additional strength to bear it.

Connection with chakras, metals, trees, names

The first chakra, Muladhara (Root), is associated with the symbol of Aries. Her colors are red and black. Minerals used in chakra manipulations are garnet, hematite, red jasper. These are the main stones of this chakra.

The best magical and jewelry metal for a fiery nature is gold. Semi-precious gems can be framed in gilded silver or cupronickel.

According to the Druid horoscope, the trees correspond to the end of March and the beginning of April:

  • hazel: March 22–31;
  • Rowan: April 1–10;
  • maple: April 12–20.

For March 21, the day of the vernal equinox, a personal tree has been allocated. This is oak.

Their attributes - an acorn, a nut, a bunch of rowan berries, a maple leaf - can be used in the decoration of accessories or boxes.

Talisman stones are also selected by name. That is, stones are distinguished from the general list according to the sign of the Zodiac. For example, suitable minerals for Tatyana are obsidian, tiger's eye and ruby. The last two correspond to the constellation Aries, so the choice is made between them based on financial capabilities.

What stones should not be worn by a sign?

According to the Aries horoscope, stones of cold shades that embody the element of Water cannot be used:

  • pearl;
  • blue agate;
  • aquamarine;
  • gray chalcedony;
  • chrysolite;
  • blue jasper.

Aries is not recommended to wear jewelry whose stone color is black, dark green or blue.

Minerals of the opposition sign Libra are prohibited: bright blue, green. Corals, lapis lazuli, malachite, beryl, opal, aventurine, and rhodonite are not suitable.

Dangerous stones

It is very important for each person to find his own stone. The Aries man according to the Zodiac has a huge selection of talismans that will make his life much easier. But we should also not forget about the negative effects of minerals that are contraindicated for this constellation. For Aries, these are stones of the opposite sign of Libra. You should beware of beryl, opal, malachite, white pearls, aquamarine, blue or lilac jasper, lapis lazuli, gray chalcedony. It is not recommended to purchase minerals of black shades; they can provoke melancholy and depression.

When choosing a ruby ​​for yourself, you should give preference to a stone with a pink tint. Saturated red color can enhance the negative impact of such qualities as aggressiveness, egocentrism, hot temper and excessive emotionality.

Recommendations from experienced specialists about which stone is suitable for an Aries man are very important, but not decisive in the choice. Each person should be guided by their own internal sensations that arise when touching the mineral. Representatives of the fire sign have a wide choice, so they should approach this issue slowly and with all responsibility. If you believe in the power of the talisman and sincerely hope for its help, life will definitely become happy and harmonious.

Features of using stones

Jewelry accessories work more effectively when stones are used correctly:

  • A diamond exhibits magical properties when it comes into contact with the skin. It is advisable to wear it on the neck, left hand or side (ring, bracelet, brooch).
  • Rauchtopaz or hematite is framed in gold. Gold earrings with rauchtopaz guarantee love for life.
  • Any frame fits the pomegranate. A bright, rich red stone looks better in gold.
  • The shape of the jewelry inserts is strict geometry (square, rhombus, triangle or 12-sided). Round outlines are not desirable. Cut – brilliant, step or faceted. If a cabochon is chosen, it is better to leave its lower part in its original form.
  • Among amethysts, Aries needs to select accessories only with lilac crystals.
  • Ruby, like other top-level gems, cannot tolerate the presence of any other gems nearby.

Jewelry or stone becomes stronger if it is engraved with the golden fleece, the silhouette of a wolf or the zodiac Aries.

Gold earrings with amethyst

In astrology, there is no consensus on gems suitable for this sign. It is difficult to please him, so choosing a talisman stone for Aries is a responsible matter. In order not to get into trouble with a gift, especially an expensive one, it is better to ask the person what he likes or is suitable for. Straightforward Aries will approve of this approach. If you don’t get it right with the stone as a gift, a sarcastic comment is guaranteed.

Why amber

The mineral has similar energy to representatives of this sign. The talisman will help Aries become even brighter, gain long-awaited independence, and gain directness in judgment, which this sign already possesses, but acts thoughtlessly and uncontrollably.

The mineral will keep Aries constantly awake; it will be able to strengthen willpower and help complete tasks. With such a talisman, a person will be able to do almost anything, if the idea is really good and can be translated into reality.

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