Spell on the red thread - protection on the wrist

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Read the red thread plot at home using seven knots

From ancient times to this day, spells involving a red thread on the wrist have been very popular. This powerful amulet protects against damage, the evil eye, and helps to cope with many everyday troubles.

Often the enchanted red thread is used to protect one’s child, to attract and preserve love, as well as to attract money and wealth into the house.

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Currently, red thread on the wrist is becoming more common. Many wear it as a fashion accessory, while others realize the benefits and power of this amulet. But until certain rituals are carried out, the protective power will not begin its work. It is important to know what the ancient Kabbalists bequeathed if you want to acquire this talisman.

Prayers and conspiracies for the red thread - the history of the amulet and its purpose

The red thread is a powerful amulet against the evil eye and all negativity. This talisman goes back to the Kabbalistic tradition, which has now taken root throughout the world. The roots of the conspiracy on the red thread follows.

  • search in Israel
  • at the tomb of the biblical foremother Rachel.

Her grave was tied around with that same woolen thread. The holy books say that Rachel dedicated her entire life to protecting humanity. Kabbalists believe that she is the mother of the whole world.

Purpose of the talisman

For an Orthodox person, the true values ​​are icons, prayers, and a pectoral cross. Wearing a red thread is not particularly popular in Orthodoxy. The origin of the attribute as a talisman relates to cabalistic teachings. Cabalists believe that it resists the negative influence of envy, the evil eye, and corruption. Among Slavic Christians, it was considered a symbol of good luck.

Such an attribute must meet the following criteria:

Should be made from natural red wool material, natural material has a beneficial effect on the human body. They use thread bought only with money; the gift given will not have magical powers. The most powerful talisman is considered to be something brought from Jerusalem. A prayer is read while tying a red thread on the wrist. The talisman is attached to the hand by a loved one, preferably one with positive energy.

It is customary to wear the attribute on the left hand, because it receives negative energy, but it can also be tied on the right hand.

It is generally accepted that the red tint and coat have a good effect on health:

strengthens capillaries and enhances blood circulation; accelerates the process of skin regeneration; helps with tendon stretches; reduces headaches and toothaches; eliminates inflammatory processes.

The positive effect of the thread is associated with the use of lanolin in the manufacture of wool. This component is included in ointments and creams with analgesic properties.

They give the talisman magical qualities:

Attracts positive energy and repels negative energy. Protects from the evil eye and negativity. Improves personal life and has a beneficial effect on fate. Develops professional abilities.

Action and use of red thread

Initially, the color red was considered a good helper in the fight against evil spirits. It comes in handy as a talisman. Red is a bright shade that will not go unnoticed. At the same time, he is able to repel any negative influence, or a person with bad thoughts. Thus, a red thread bracelet protects the owner from negativity.

This amulet is suitable for everyone and is found among people of all ages. Worried parents tie wool threads to their children. They are worn by lovers and those who simply want to protect themselves from negative energy. Most often, close people speak and tie amulets. It is believed that then the amulet will work more effectively.

Rules for conducting rituals

The ceremony is carried out observing the following rules:

  • do not tie the amulet to themselves;
  • tie the lace with 7 knots, but no more;
  • wrap the thread once, without making a second turn, unless this is indicated in the description of the ritual;
  • they think only about good things;
  • take a thread from wool;
  • tie a talisman on the left hand;
  • they try to take the lace from the ball that is wound up after unraveling the old thing.

How to tie a red thread correctly

This method of charming a talisman is rare. However, this does not make its effectiveness any less. In order to prepare a talisman, you need to take a red woolen thread and tie exactly nine knots on it. They should be located at an equal distance from each other. Whisper as you tie each new knot.

Amulet, amulet, protect from inevitable misfortune, creeping twigs, the enemy under the fence, the rebellious demon. Become a strong wall around, a high mountain. Lock yourself with nine locks, nine keys. My word is strong, no one can break it. As he said, so it became.

After all the words have been said, the thread should be tied on the left wrist. The ritual can be performed either by you personally or by a person you trust.

This ritual is especially effective if a mother wants to protect her child from the evil eye. She can perform the ritual herself, and then she just needs to hang a thread on the baby’s hand.

Love spells

Not everyone is lucky enough to meet their soul mate, but many strive for it. The magic thread will come to the rescue if you are not sure about your partner’s feelings, it will help you meet your love, and it will relieve you of loneliness. Conspiracies for the red thread, especially for love, are read quietly, in a low voice or in a whisper, but the words are pronounced clearly.

To prevent a love spell from ricocheting on your health and well-being, you must follow certain rules specified in the conspiracies.

Love spell on the ring finger

To bewitch your other half, on a new moon, at night, you need to cut off a red thread (about 35 cm) from a new skein, light candles and tune in to magical actions. Turn off electrical appliances and sit by the window to see the moon.

Having made a knot in the thread, begin to wind it around the ring finger of your right hand. After 2-3 turns, make another knot, repeat until the thread runs out. Read the spell for each knot (as many as possible):

Having made a knot on the thread, begin to wind it around the ring finger of your right hand and read the spell

Remove the threads from your fingers and extinguish the candles. The number of candles does not matter, they are only needed to illuminate a dark room.

Now comes the hard part. A skein of thread needs to be thrown into the guy’s house, preferably in the room where he sleeps. There is no need to hide them. The plot will work as soon as he takes the threads in his hands. The success of a love spell largely depends on the willpower of the one who casts the spell.

You definitely need to go to the intersection and leave a few coins there, mentally saying: “Paid!” It is easier to use a payoff than to pay for something else, for example, with health.

How to “sew” your lover to you

If you want to make a man fall in love with you, then for the ritual you will need a red thread, but if you just arouse sympathy and attract attention, then buy a white one. For the ceremony you need to purchase:

For the ritual you need to purchase a new needle with a wide eye, thread

  • a new needle with a wide eye;
  • threads of the corresponding color;
  • item of clothing of the chosen one;
  • a couple of candles.

Clean the needle using a candle flame (glow). The most difficult thing is to get clothes, but you can do it differently. If you work together, meet at parties or with mutual friends, then, taking a moment, you need to quickly sew the charmed thread to your clothes. Naturally, you will have to bring it with you, having spoken in advance.

On the waxing moon, in the evening or at night, light candles. Using their light, connect the red thread and hair from the head together (this is not necessary for the white thread). Thread the thread with the hair into the eye of the needle and read the spell:

If you couldn’t get your loved one’s clothes, then you carry a needle and thread with you until the right moment.

Secure a thread (without knots) with several stitches to the wrong side of the garment with the words:

Removing the spell is simple - remove the threads from the clothes.

When using love spells, you need to be careful to avoid negative consequences.

Bring back your loved one

If you have been abandoned, and you want him (she) to return, you need to throw a ball of red thread after him (her) with the words:

If you want him to return, you need to throw after him a ball of red thread with the words

Leave without looking back.

The secret of the red thread on the wrist - what you need to know for a successful conspiracy

Useful publications

The red thread is just one of those magical objects that need to gradually gain strength in order to begin to protect its bearer, attract love or attract money into a person’s life. Therefore, the longer you wear it, the stronger the effect of this amulet will be.

I believe that you should remember that it takes time to fulfill any desire.

The same applies to independent conspiracies using a red thread for good luck -

financial, in business, in business, in love and in any other area.

Love, a charmed thread of red wool, will also attract love into a person’s life, and even teach it to be preserved, but also not right away. The result of witchcraft always comes gradually.

Talismans for good luck and wealth

Everyone wants to be successful and rich, but not everyone succeeds. Ancient money rituals and ceremonies have survived to this day in a slightly altered state, but this has not made them any less effective. Among the many slander, those that can be used independently have been preserved. When reading a wealth plot, the red thread is tasked with attracting money. This can be done in different ways, but only during the period when the moon is gaining strength, or during the full moon.


Before you begin the ritual, you need to purchase a new wallet and a skein of red thread. Without cutting the thread from the ball, use it to measure the length of the largest bill you have seven times. Tear the thread from the ball and begin to wind it around the wrist of the right or left (taking) hand with the words:

For the ritual you need to purchase a new wallet and a skein of red thread

Wind the thread until it runs out, then tie three knots, leaving the ends. Place the bill in your wallet and do not spend it for 7 days.

It is imperative to remember that the red thread on the wrist is a spell for wealth, not a decoration, so you need to handle it carefully, trying not to damage it.

Simple rituals for money

The list of simple rituals can be used on any day of the waxing moon. The closer to the full moon, the sooner money will appear:

The closer to the full moon, the sooner money will appear

  • Cut a thread from the new ball, the length corresponding to the width of your wrist.
    Put it in your wallet, placing it between paper bills, for three days. Take it out and speak the words: Put the thread on your wrist and secure with a red bead and three knots. You can use a coin by drilling a hole in it.
  • In clear evening weather, place the thread on a saucer and pour a handful of coins on top.
    Place it on the windowsill so that the moonlight falls on the coins, and read the spell: Tie the talisman on your hand with seven knots.
  • Ask a rich man to tie a thread on your hand. When he does this, mentally read the plot:

These same words can be used for successful trading. If you are a rich person, then such requests can be fulfilled with the confidence that no harm will come to you. If you slightly change the words, you will get a black conspiracy that will deprive you of your wealth.

Attracting good luck

Success in all matters and endeavors does not accompanies everyone. If you consider yourself a loser, then the red thread slander will help.

With the first rays of the sun, you need to hold the future talisman in your palm and, looking at the sunrise, read the spell:

At the first rays of the sun, hold the future talisman in your palm and read the spell

Tie in three knots and wear without taking off.

A strong spell against the evil eye on a red thread

Now the red thread spell against the evil eye is gaining popularity - people have become afraid of dark magic. The key role here is played by holy water, which has been used for cleansing since ancient times. How to properly consecrate a talisman if you have obtained some “correct” water?

  • a container filled with said water;
  • red woolen thread;
  • wax candle (ideally a church candle, white).

The ritual begins with the recitation of the Lord's Prayer. After this, light the candle and tie 7 knots. The amulet made in this way should be lowered into church water. Say a prayer on the red thread.

“Bound by blood, bandaged by wool, my soul is protected. I speak to the knots and accompany my thoughts with actions. As soon as this amulet is wrapped around your wrist, the evil eye will turn away. The evil damage will go away, the terrible fate will bypass me. I will not become a victim of someone else’s witchcraft, I will not give up what I have tied. Thread, spell, water and candle. Amen".

Protective spells

Human envy is a source of evil eye and damage. If damage - intentional harm - is less common, then no one is safe from an accidental evil eye. Children especially often suffer from this. People can jinx them on the street, on public transport, at work, and even in their own home. To prevent this from happening, the protection of the energy field is entrusted to the red thread, speaking to it accordingly.

A conspiracy on a red thread against the evil eye and damage can be read by a mother, grandmother, or close relative.

A conspiracy on a red thread against the evil eye and damage can be read by a mother, grandmother, or close relative, or you can read it independently, protecting yourself.

Rules for tying an amulet

If you want to wear a charmed thread, follow the rules:

If you want to wear a charmed thread, follow the rules

  • Protective amulets and amulets are worn on the left hand. Esotericists believe that the left side of the body controls the exchange of energy flows. In the path of these flows, protection from negative influence from the outside is placed.
  • The thread is wrapped around the wrist from one to seven times, depending on the plot. There cannot be less than three nodes.
  • Security thread can be woven into bracelets. In this case, she is spoken to separately.
  • The amulet has a stronger effect if a close and loving person tied it to you. For children, the most reliable protection will be a mother's or grandmother's plot or prayer.
  • A protective spell on a woolen thread protects not only energy, but also health, preventing the development of diseases.

If the thread is untied, frayed or lost, the protective ritual must be repeated by tying a new amulet.

Amulet for baby

After birth, the baby’s energy is protected by the mother’s biofield. He's safe in her arms. When a newborn is placed in a stroller, he needs additional protection. To do this, tie an amulet of red thread.

The child's father must buy the thread for the ritual. It should be bright and pure wool.

The child's father must buy the thread for the ritual

You need to cut the required piece from the skein. Ordinary scissors are not suitable here; it is better to use a ceramic or bone knife. Tie exactly 9 knots on the thread, distributing them evenly along the entire length. Whisper a conspiracy for each knot:

Learn the spell by heart, pronounce the words clearly. Tie the amulet to the baby with 7 knots, cut the ends of the thread. Keep in mind that the child is growing, so the thread should not be tight.

Exactly such a conspiracy can be used for one’s own protection. You can tie the thread yourself or ask a loved one whom you completely trust to do it.

Adult protection

Many adults feel when someone is trying to do harm in an energetic way. Those who have well-developed intuition are especially sensitive. If there is a threat of energy attack, you can use a strong protective ritual.

Option 1

The ritual is best performed on the 15th day of the lunar cycle; you will need 3 wax candles

The best time to perform the ritual is the 15th day of the lunar cycle. You will need 3 wax candles. They need to be lit with a match and placed in front of you.

Cut the required length of thread from the ball. Holding it in the fist of your left hand, hold it three times over the flame of each candle in a clockwise direction, reading the plot:

You will get 9 repetitions. Find the middle of the thread and tie 1 knot on it, 2 more at the edges. Tie the charmed thread on the wrist of your left hand with three knots. This spell on the red thread is valid for 3 months, after which the ritual must be repeated again.

Option 2

Light a church candle and read the Lord's Prayer

Light a church candle and read the “Our Father” prayer. Pour holy water into a bowl, cut a thread from a skein and dip it in the water with the words:

Take out the thread and tie it on your hand with three knots. You can strengthen the spell with a pin, pinned head down on the inside of everyday clothing. Read the spell on the red woolen thread by heart.

A prayer suitable for believers:

After reading, tie the amulet on your left hand.

After reading the prayer, tie the amulet on your left hand

Red thread amulets

Before you tie an amulet in the form of a red thread on yourself, you need to speak it in advance. You can use this prayer for this.

“I will be pardoned by the Lord, may I be preserved by the Most Holy Theotokos, Father the Savior Jesus Christ, and all the holy saints. I ask for the Lord's blessing. Save, preserve and have mercy, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.”

A red thread amulet can not only prevent the evil eye, but also cleanse people from damage. You can speak it easily at home. To activate its magical properties, whisper a spell while tying a thread on your hand.

“I am being healed (name), the Holy Spirit, the seal of Christ, the hand of the Savior, the Mother of God blesses me. With a cross next to me, with a cross above me, I curse you, the malicious enemy, let all the bad things you did before come back to you. I’m driving you away from the earth and into an obscene pit, an empty hole. In the name of the Lord, the life-giving Cross, the Father of what is happening. Have mercy on me. Amen".

The thread can last a long time and will reliably protect its owner. Such protection from damage and the evil eye, like the red thread spell, is popular both among ordinary people and among psychics, sorcerers and witches. The bracelet can protect you from even the most powerful magical attack. With the help of a charmed thread, you can get rid of not only personal problems, but also improve your health: a spell on a red thread will help get rid of warts (for the ritual you need to bandage an apple while reading a prayer), headaches, and relieve nervous tension. The amulet has very strong properties, helps to get pregnant and improve family relationships. It can also be spoken against a child in order to protect it from the evil glances and tongues of others. You need to wear a red thread bracelet for 3 months, then replace it with a new one.

What to do if the thread breaks?

You can determine whether you are being negatively affected by paying attention to the condition of the thread. If you put it on just recently, and it already looks pretty shabby, then this indicates that someone is regularly trying to harm you. If the thread suddenly breaks, then this is a sign. They tried to damage you, but the amulet took the brunt of the blow.

If this happens, you definitely need to cast a new talisman and perform a ritual that will tell you exactly who caused the damage. Try to stay as far away from this person as possible and, if possible, not have contact with him. Be sure to rinse the used amulet under blessed water. This is necessary in order to not only wash away all the negativity, but also to break her connection with you and erase information about energy. After the work has been done, the used amulet can be thrown away.

In order to be less negatively influenced, do not stand out. Those. It is advisable not to show your amulet to anyone. For many sorcerers, a red thread is a sign that screams that the victim is quite weak and often succumbs to negative influence. This means that this loot can be obtained very easily. How to hide a thread on your hand, especially in summer? It is worn on the left hand, like a watch. The amulet will not be visible under their strap. You can do the same not only with a watch, but also with a bracelet, for example.

In general, a conspiracy on a red thread will help get rid of the negative impact and protect you and your loved ones for a long time from witchcraft misfortunes that can be committed by your enemies. This is a fairly powerful amulet, available to everyone.

Red thread conspiracy - protection on the wrist - all the secrets on SlavicNews.ru

Do you want reliable protection or success in various endeavors? Then take advantage of the talismanic wisdom of the Slavs and the knowledge passed on from generation to generation in ancient Rus'. Break the cycle of failure by learning about the best defenses that work towards your excellence. Visit our website about choosing amulets, amulets and talismans.

The harmony of a magical amulet with your biofield depends on several parameters: individual characteristics and desired goals. Do not forget about the difference between an amulet, a talisman and a talisman. The amulet is always made personally; the talisman and amulet can be purchased. In addition, the talisman attracts positive energy, and the amulet protects against negative energy.

Red thread plot to protect a child

Women often use the red thread to protect their child from illness and anything bad. A red thread is tied around the child’s wrist while the following prayer is said.

“I remove redness and protect from the evil eye. The circle is protective, the circle is red. From evil and evil, from hatred and envy. Protects the child and brings him back.”

If the child is too small, you should explain to him that the thread cannot be torn or removed. The talisman is worn until it becomes unusable. When the thread breaks, you can repeat the protective ritual.

Red thread plot - what words to say and how to say them correctly

In the ritual, you can use either a wad of money or one high-denomination bill. Next, along the length of the bills, you need to measure the thread seven times, saying the following prayer: Our ancestors often used the power of the red thread to protect their closest and dearest people. It is better if the ceremony is performed by a mother or sister. It is believed that threads brought from Jerusalem have the most powerful spells. But an ordinary woolen thread bought in a store will be no less effective if the prescribed recommendations are followed. For the spell, a red woolen thread 20 cm long is taken. The thread is taken with the right hand and wound around the ring finger of the left hand, as if drawing the number eight. Then the ends of the thread are tied and carefully removed from the finger, without disturbing the infinity (figure eight) shape, and placed under your pillow.

“I’ll tie a tight knot, I’ll tie (the name of my beloved) to myself. He will be attached to me, he must only be with me! Until the knot is untied, his passion will not subside!”

Strong conspiracies on the red thread

To attract wealth and luck into their lives, people are capable of many things. The use of magical rituals to achieve this goal was no exception. In order for the ritual of conspiracy for money and success to go correctly, and for you to be satisfied with the quick result, you first need to prepare for it. The red thread is the best protector against the evil eye. To use it as a talisman, when tying it on your hand, a certain text is said: Important: read the prayer for a spell for wealth and good luck out loud, without stuttering or distorting the words. Before you begin the ritual, listen to how you feel. You cannot perform the ritual if you feel tired, hungry or unwell, or have a toothache or headache. You must be in full health and excellent health.

“Fields and mountains, streams and roads, my red thread runs through you. It wards off the evil eye and danger, and brings good luck and joy. A thread came running to me and shared its happiness. Now I am preserved by love, I drive away trouble.”

  1. close every window in the house and lock the door at night when the moon is full;
  2. light the candles one after another, place them near the skein of red thread;
  3. tear off a piece of thread and tie the required number of knots on it: 7-9 pieces;
  4. When tying, read these words:

Red thread conspiracy - how to read at home

The conspirator must certainly believe that the talisman in the form of a red ribbon will definitely help. If a person is skeptical about such things, the amulet is unlikely to help. A psychological attitude is important, and even some kind of self-hypnosis to achieve a goal or fulfill a desire. To make an amulet, you will need a small piece of red woolen thread about 30 cm long. It is better to measure the distance from the index finger to the elbow and cut off the required length of the thread. One of the most powerful and effective conspiracies for a scarlet thread is considered to be the conspiracy or cabalistic prayer “Ben Porat Yosef”. Such an amulet will help neutralize negative energy, and also rid a person’s immediate environment of unnecessary, envious and negative people. A torn scarlet thread should not be thrown away. In this case, it is best to burn or bury the talisman in the ground, after washing it in consecrated water.

The bracelet is tied on the left wrist, with 7 knots, while it is necessary to read the words of the conspiracy: “I attract money and increase my income by (quantity) times.” When tying the last knot, say the following words: “The job is done. Let it be so". After finishing the ceremony with a red thread for money, the person who helped tie the thread and charge the bracelet with positive energy needs to be thanked.

Read the red thread plot at home using seven knots

Currently, red thread on the wrist is becoming more common. Many wear it as a fashion accessory, while others realize the benefits and power of this amulet. But until certain rituals are carried out, the protective power will not begin its work. It is important to know what the ancient Kabbalists bequeathed if you want to acquire this talisman. Her grave was tied around with that same woolen thread. The holy books say that Rachel dedicated her entire life to protecting humanity. Kabbalists believe that she is the mother of the whole world. A red thread amulet can not only prevent the evil eye, but also cleanse people from damage. You can speak it easily at home. To activate its magical properties, at the moment of tying a thread on your hand, whisper the following spell:

“I remove redness and protect from the evil eye. The circle is protective, the circle is red. From evil and evil, from hatred and envy. Protects the child and brings him back.”

This ritual is especially effective if a mother wants to protect her child from the evil eye.
She can perform the ritual herself, and then she just needs to hang a thread on the baby’s hand. Spell on the red thread: casting a spell on an amulet correctly

An amulet is an object filled with a certain energy that serves to protect a person from negative influences, everyday troubles and health problems.

Prayer of Ben Porat “Just as the fish on earth are covered with water, and the evil eye has no power over them, so the evil eye has no power over the descendants of Joseph. An eye that does not covet what does not belong to it is not subject to the evil eye.”

“Our Father” “Our Father who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen!"

  • thread must be purchased;
  • Only a friendly person can help tie knots;
  • the bracelet is tied with 9 knots;
  • The spell is repeated when weaving each knot.

According to Kabbalah, energy from the outside world comes to us through the left side of the body.
The thread filters the flow, preventing destructive forces from passing through. In order to maintain only positive energy within yourself, it is important to not allow evil thoughts about others. Folk spells on red wool thread

“Bound by blood, bandaged by wool, my soul is protected. I speak to the knots and accompany my thoughts with actions. As soon as this amulet is wrapped around your wrist, the evil eye will turn away. The evil damage will go away, the terrible fate will bypass me. I will not become a victim of someone else’s witchcraft, I will not give up what I have tied. Thread, spell, water and candle. Amen".

For the red thread spell to be effective, use natural wool. The ball must be new, so purchase the thread at the store. The Jerusalem wool thread, which pilgrims bring from Israel, is considered the most effective. If such a string of seven knots is tied by a loving person, it is destined to become a powerful amulet.

Text of the prayer: “Come to me, money and luck. Return to the buyer, profit with change. People buy goods and send money to me. I will spend what comes for good. Amen".

How to correctly read strong conspiracies on the red thread

However, there is a way to get rid of it and attract love into your life. If you don’t know how to read the red thread spell for love, we will tell you the most important rules and give several options for prayers. The main thing is to know the right spells, and you can not only attract love into your life or see a wish come true, but also completely protect yourself from harm from the people around you.

However, for some, even this does not help, willpower gradually decreases and, as a result, the person breaks down and ceases to control himself. If you are familiar with this, you can only guess what is the reason for such weakness of character. Perhaps you are missing one element that will help you not give up in difficult times and not get upset over some little things.

Read the red thread plot at home using seven knots

Before you tie an amulet in the form of a red thread on yourself, you need to speak it in advance. To do this, you can use the following prayer: “I will be pardoned by the Lord, may I be preserved by the Most Holy Theotokos, Father the Savior Jesus Christ, and all the holy saints. I ask for the Lord's blessing. Save, preserve and have mercy, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.”

“I remove redness and protect from the evil eye. The circle is protective, the circle is red. From evil and evil, from hatred and envy. Protects the child and brings him back.”

Carrying out magical spells using threads

If you cannot find the lost item, you can perform a certain ritual on a string to find the lost item. Such conspiracies are carried out regardless of the color of the threads. Tie a thick thread on the table leg and say:

“Father brownie, talk to me. Help me find (item). I searched everything, but he wasn’t there. My eyes do not see what I am looking for. Become a helper for me, and I will bow low to you.”

After reading the words, extinguish the candles and hide them in a hiding place. Never throw them away or show them to anyone. This is your personal amulet that will protect the family union from ill-wishers and envious people. Also, a husband will not be able to change and love someone else, no matter how hard they try.

The most effective conspiracy to activate the red thread

It is no secret to many that the amulet in the form of a thread came to us from Kabbalists, followers of the teaching of the same name, which originated in the Middle Ages.
By using this plot from the homeland of the talisman, you can be 100% sure that it will give the desired result. On the future amulet, 7 knots are tied and a special Ben Porat prayer is said over each of them. It can be said in the original:

or in Russian adaptation:

This talisman should be worn on the left hand. This is due to the fact that, according to followers of ancient teaching, it is the left half of the human body that is most defenseless against the attacks of dark sorcerers. With the help of such a talisman, a person protects his most vulnerable part and puts up a kind of block against the forces of evil.

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