Sexual horoscope for women of Eastern signs

» Astrology » Compatibility of signs according to the Chinese horoscope » What is the compatibility of the Rooster woman with other signs



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The compatibility of the Rooster woman with other signs is quite interesting to consider, because such people are able to take the initiative in love relationships. Their main character characteristic is that they are always independently capable of making someone who is truly interesting to them fall in love with them. The Rooster woman is not patient with indifference towards herself. If a lady does not pay attention to the one she likes, then she will not make every effort to achieve him. What is she like - a Rooster woman in true love?

What is the compatibility of the Rooster woman with other signs?

Description of the sign

Rooster women are very careful in choosing a life partner. Most of all, they like men who can bring variety to their lives. The more interesting and brighter their boyfriend is, the more the lady will express herself and open up. The main negative characteristic of this zodiac sign is jealousy.

Due to their short temper, they can show aggression and discontent. People born in the year of the Rooster are always ready to surprise and give a gift to a loved one. Moreover, she does this, first of all, for herself. By this she herself proves her success. What will be the compatibility of this representative with other signs?

Character Strengths

A person born in the year of the Rooster according to the Eastern horoscope has a strong-willed character and does not get lost under any circumstances. He loves precision in everything, so he quickly makes decisions without unnecessary hesitation. For these qualities, the Rooster is highly valued by less decisive people connected with him by kinship, friendship or work. This person is not afraid of responsibility, and in addition, very often takes part in solving problems that were not created by him.

The Rooster does not succumb to the influence of others and is able to defend his own point of view to the last, especially when he feels that he is right. He is principled and does not tolerate injustice, therefore he does not pretend to belong to others and does not infringe on the interests of those who are not so strong in spirit. One of the main qualities of his characteristics is nobility, based on compassion and sympathy for those who trust him.

Compatibility with the Rat

A man born in the year of the Rat is not particularly compatible with a Rooster woman. Their love does not last long and is short-lived. They are selfish by nature. They are not able to provide their partner with what is required of him. For example, people born in the year of the Rat demand seriousness from their beloved half. But the girl is not sure that she is ready to do anything for her beloved.

Over the years, they can accumulate a large number of claims. Considering the fact that their character is quite tough, then no one will ever make concessions. As a result, there is a high probability of rupture. People born in the year of the Rooster know that a non-demanding companion is suitable for them. But the Rat is suitable for someone who will think not about himself, but about starting a family.

Sexual horoscope for women of Eastern signs

In a sexual horoscope for representatives of the fair half of humanity, we will talk about what hidden talents and innate abilities each eastern sign has. We all know very well that the Western art of seducing men is strikingly different from the Eastern one. As an example, it is enough to recall the Japanese geishas, ​​who with just a glance and a movement of the hand were able to make men move mountains. So, now a little about each eastern sign:

Snake Woman

According to the sexual horoscope, the Snake woman is the most honorable and charming eastern sign. She has bright femininity and Yin energy. For the Japanese, the snake symbolizes the open and strong energy of the sexual chakras. The sexual potential of a Snake woman will be enormous if she is born in the summer months.

Pig Woman

But the Pig woman is the carrier of male Yang energy, which gives her a strong character and, according to the sexual horoscope, some kind of enveloping tenderness. For the Japanese, this eastern sign symbolizes carnal pleasures, but this is precisely what causes a lot of controversy. The reason for this is the changeable nature of the Pig woman. Now she is a passionate lover, and in the next minute she may turn out to be cold and indifferent.

Horse Woman

The Horse woman in the sexual horoscope is also a carrier of the male type of energy. Her character is characterized by obstinacy, which is why she arranges real castings for her suitors. This eastern sign has a pronounced pride and a penchant for competition and conflict. Often, Horse women are participants in love triangles.

Monkey Woman

If you believe the sexual horoscope, the Monkey woman combines two types of energy at the same time: male and female, Yin and Yang. This eastern sign is characterized by masculine ingenuity and feminine intuition. In bed, they are not afraid to take the initiative and love variety.

Goat Woman

The Goat woman in the sexual horoscope is the most favorable sign. She is very artistic and sensual, which sometimes causes the male half of humanity a lot of trouble and anxiety. With age, the Goat woman only becomes sexier in love affairs due to the experience gained.

Rabbit Woman

But the Rabbit woman is a typical carrier of the feminine type of energy. In the sexual horoscope, she is very pretty, she is characterized by such qualities as feminine mystery, grace and irresistibility. The Rabbit woman prefers intimacy without thrills due to her calm nature.

Rat Woman

According to the sexual horoscope, the Rat woman is a rather contradictory sign. This type of representative of the fair sex does not have a golden mean. It is difficult for a Rat woman to cope with her own instincts and natural shortcomings, but in bed this is what makes her unique for men.

Rooster Woman

In the sexual horoscope, the Rooster woman is characterized by a warlike character. They are very temperamental, which makes them excellent lovers. But at the same time, the Rooster woman remains prudent in everything, which adds a certain sense of danger to the relationship.

Dog Woman

The Dog woman in the sexual horoscope is simply a master of long foreplay and kisses. She perfectly masters the art of touching, giving her partner unique pleasure. Just don’t deceive yourself with the standard assumption that since a woman is a Dog, that means she’s faithful. You will hardly be able to keep up with all their thoughts and fantasies.

Tiger Woman

According to the sexual horoscope, the Tiger woman is a very complex and unpredictable eastern sign. She embodies the most powerful force of male Yang energy. Due to her unapologetic nature, the Tiger woman often competes with her partner in bed, which makes intimacy quite unpredictable.

Ox Woman

The Ox woman in the sexual horoscope prefers not to flaunt her intimate preferences and feelings, which makes her a rather shy lover. However, natural grace and coquetry attracts men in her network.

Dragon Woman

According to the sexual horoscope, the Dragon Woman can make any man tremble. She bewitches members of the opposite sex, turning them into obedient puppets. In bed, the Dragon woman feels liberated, which allows a man to explore the limits of his sexual capabilities with her.

Of course, there is no doubt that every woman has her own temperament. In our sexual horoscope we have tried to combine most of the qualities according to belonging to certain eastern signs through some generalization. We wish you more pleasant moments in intimacy with your partner.

Rooster Bull

Relationships are possible between these zodiac signs if they stick to a compromise. For example, a Rooster woman must either accept the Ox’s love for command, or not provoke him to show aggression. But the Ox must slightly control his desire for command.

The Rooster is quite demanding in alliance with other zodiac signs. When it comes to connections with the Ox, they have good compatibility in love and friendship. For the Ox, this is a good choice, because he finds that person who will always be with him. But the girl will be able to find the guy who will protect her from troubles, since she is always looking for adventure.

In sex they have perfect harmony. The Ox in bed loves to take the initiative, which is simply ideal for the passive Rooster. Moreover, both partners are ready for various experiments.

Rooster Woman in Love and Family

The Rooster is a woman whose characteristics describe her as a connoisseur of family values, striving to create a stable couple. She is looking for a worthy partner to enter into a long-term alliance. The importance of career and family are in equal positions for her. That is why it is important for representatives of the sign to maintain balance.

The sign shows strengths as a teacher. They make good mothers. Partly they use accumulated life experience, the second half comes from intuition. Zodiac bearers place the health and well-being of loved ones above their own interests.

They know how to find compromises and are overly compliant in the first stages of a relationship. As a result, they begin to take their toll through manipulation. They are well aware of their partner's strengths and weaknesses. They devote a lot of time to studying this issue in the first stages of the relationship.

Alliance with the Tiger

The alliance between them is tense from the very beginning. The point is that each of them tries to take the initiative in love, and they are not always able to reach a compromise. Since they will often clash in interests, no relationship will last long. As a result, they will have only one option left - to seek their own happiness with other zodiac signs. It's a pity that understanding comes only at age 30.

Marriage between them happens less often than with other signs. Moreover, it very rarely lasts more than 1 year. The thing is that the Rooster woman loves the company of other men, so she is unlikely to be able to pay due attention to the Tiger. Therefore, you will have to make difficult life choices:

  • step over one’s own interests in order to save the marriage;
  • live without love, and accept the constant betrayal of a partner;
  • part as friends, and not remember the difficult marriage, it is better to look for happiness in relationships with other signs of the Chinese horoscope.

Rooster woman in love

The Rooster woman in love seeks, first of all, thrills. She already loves the very word “romance”, which, in her mind, is associated with ardent passion, free from any restrictions. Her personal life is very difficult, especially in her youth, but with age it turns into more and more stable and happy. Representatives of this sign of the Chinese horoscope are sometimes too young and hastily get married. And only over time they become more prudent and experienced in matters of relationships between men and women.

Rabbit Compatibility

Difficulties cannot be avoided

The compatibility between them is very difficult and unsuccessful, and this is reflected both in friendship and in love. The earth sign (Rooster) has a brighter and more aggressive character. He always tries to take everything from life, and does not take into account other opinions. But the Rabbit is quite calm, and is always wary of the world around him. Even adjusting to your partner won't help.

There is a chance of success only if the Rooster woman has a Rabbit man who will benefit from this relationship. If such events do not occur, then difficulties cannot be avoided. A positive outcome is possible only by the age of 20-25, when the Rooster realizes his mistakes.

Positive and negative qualities

People born under the sign of the Rooster are multifaceted individuals who have many different qualities. Character strengths include :

  • determination;
  • determination;
  • responsibility;
  • the ability to defend one’s own point of view;
  • justice;
  • sociability;
  • nobility.

Character weaknesses include:

  • hot temper;
  • frivolity, greed for flattery;
  • stubbornness;
  • selfishness;
  • loveliness.

Reference . The Rooster considers his shortcomings to be advantages and tries to prove this to everyone, so it is useless to argue with him on this issue.

In a love relationship

In love, the Rooster reveals itself from different sides, depending on the character of the partner and the attitude towards him. The positive qualities of this sign in the love sphere include :

We recommend: General characteristics of a man born in the year of the Rat. Compatibility of this sign with others

  • recognition of your choice as the best, unwillingness to listen to the negativity of others;
  • generosity towards a loved one;
  • showing initiative in getting closer to the object of sympathy.

Despite the advantages, the Rooster still has more negative character traits:

  • jealousy, quickly developing into aggression;
  • the desire to always dominate a partner;
  • loveliness, rapid loss of interest in one person;
  • complete lack of romance;
  • highly developed narcissism.
  1. A man of this sign is always full of fans, because he has a special sexuality and charm. When choosing a soul mate, he looks only at appearance, so he often loses interest in the woman in the process of developing a relationship. For family life, he chooses only a lady who combines both attractive appearance and a high level of intelligence.
  2. The Rooster woman is quite relaxed and easily approaches a man. If he sees obvious interest in himself, he will quickly succumb to temptation and enter into a close relationship.

In progress

At work, the Rooster manifests himself as an executive employee who tries to do everything perfectly. He treats the execution of orders with fanaticism, which management quickly notices and moves such an employee up the career ladder.

A person of this sign shows positive qualities even when occupying a leadership position. He is responsible, able to quickly notice talent and innovative thinking even in a young new employee and support his ideas.

Of the negative human qualities, one can only note ruthlessness towards employees who have worked for many years, but it is not unfounded. As a rule, such a manager fires and dislikes only unpromising employees who do not bring any benefit to the company, therefore ruthlessness at work can be considered a positive trait.

People of this sign can best realize themselves in the following professions::

  • cosmetologist, makeup artist;
  • actor, presenter;
  • designer;
  • stylist, fashion designer;
  • dentist;
  • surgeon;
  • politician;
  • military personnel or law enforcement officer.

Important! Taking into account his character traits, the Rooster may also try to open his own business and realize his full potential in it.

Connection with the Dragon

Harmony is achieved in this couple quite quickly. The metal symbol of the eastern horoscope (Dragon) immediately shows who is boss in the house. He is able to take full responsibility in the relationship and constantly look after the Rooster, who rarely looks into the future. Moreover, dissatisfaction in this couple is rare, because everyone minds their own business.

Despite the fact that the Rooster can cheat on his partner, he is happy with everything in this marriage. But, by 2 years of marriage, he reconsiders his wrong behavior and changes. Moreover, it is very difficult to disturb the idyll in bed. The dragon is a lover of beauty and features. And the Rooster, who is always distinguished by his beauty and subtlety of taste, will become an excellent object of pride.

Rooster and profession

Representatives of this sign are very self-confident, therefore they are able to achieve success in any field of knowledge. They have excellent self-discipline, and their inexhaustible energy is enough for everything - study, work, and noisy entertainment. Usually the Rooster chooses professions related to people. Working with papers and numbers kills him, but active communication, business trips, travel, speaking in front of a large public - this is just what he needs!

The rooster is straightforward and persistent. He will not rest until he reaches his goal. He likes to spend the money he earns on beautiful, high-quality things, but he would not be called a spender. The Rooster is trying to accumulate the necessary capital in order to have a decent standard of living in old age. He takes his finances very seriously, so he will never choose a dead-end and low-paying job.

The Rooster likes work related to shows, crowds, and manipulation of collective consciousness. He is undoubtedly a leader and will not allow others to control him. This position provokes frequent conflicts with his superiors, so he constantly changes his place of work and type of activity. The Rooster can search for himself for quite a long time, and only his family can force him to reconsider his views on work. Family Roosters take their profession more seriously and try to find stability.

Rooster Snake

These two horoscope symbols are quite difficult to match with other signs of the eastern horoscope. But, if they meet each other, then their compatibility is truly amazing. The girl in this couple can not only make the guy fall in love with her, but also count on his support.

There is an opinion that they both always have a tendency to cheat. Despite this, loyalty and love always reign between them. They suit each other, both personally and sexually. If they have children together, this only strengthens their character traits. The snake shows itself more caringly, but the woman becomes more responsible. There are very rarely situations when they break up. The point is that they can always find a compromise during a difficult stage and can forgive offenses in any case.

Rooster Man

Bright, charming, and incredibly sexy - these are the qualities a typical representative of this sign possesses. He always has crowds of fans who want to share their fate with him and are ready to sacrifice their own interests for this. It would be unfair to remain silent about the fact that the Rooster man actively takes advantage of this.

This guy's youth is eventful, so he is in no hurry to part with freedom. Most of the girls and women in his life are beautiful and relaxed, but romances rarely last. The fact is that initially the Rooster man pays attention to appearance, and if a representative of the opposite sex has aroused his interest, he without hesitation does everything to start a relationship as quickly as possible. In the process, it may not live up to his hopes, because behind the bright wrapper there is not always an equally interesting content.

For family life, he will choose an intelligent and active woman who takes care of her appearance and knows how to behave beautifully in society. He must become the only man for her, which means that all the friends of the opposite sex who were in her life before marriage are simply obliged to step aside. At the same time, he allows himself not only to flirt, but also to have affairs on the side, believing that he has the right to this. If the wife is willing to turn a blind eye to this, the marriage can become strong and friendly.

Union with the Horse

A harmonious relationship is possible if the couple agrees to an open relationship. Moreover, they should meet rarely, but with a great emotional message. If women of the Year of the Rooster decide to commit themselves to a serious relationship with the Horse, then disagreements may arise out of the blue.

For years they can torment each other, and at some point, decide to break up. The horse always defends its own point of view. But the girl is not ready to constantly be in the risk zone of a conflict situation, which only aggravates their common union in love. Their relationship ends immediately after the usual empty quarrel. In this case, the lady immediately decides to seek her happiness and love with other signs, which in no way causes her regret.

Compatibility with Sheep

Relationships with the Goat will always be difficult. This is explained by the fact that both partners have selfish tendencies and think only about themselves. Also the trouble is money.

Financial problems will interfere with relationships

The point is that the earth symbol is always able to fully provide himself with everything he needs. But the man in such a couple does not like to work. As a result, he will constantly seek benefits in relationships, and look only for that person who can provide him with a beautiful and expensive life.

Rooster Monkey

In a union between a Rooster woman and a Monkey man, it will also not be sweet. The whole point is that the Monkey also seeks benefit for himself in everything. And as soon as the lady understands this, she immediately ends the relationship. Quite often there are situations when things never come to marriage or sex.

You should know that the Monkey will look for benefits not only in monetary terms for years. A partner born under this sign will try to achieve his own desires and plans through his life partner. It’s a pity that understanding of this does not come to a man even at the age of 40.

Union of one sign

The union of a Rooster man and a woman of this sign cannot be called ideal. Young people with the same signs can rarely build a strong family in their adult years. Despite their monotonous character, it will be difficult for a Rooster man and a woman with the same sign to find a common language. Calm communication between them is impossible to achieve. All the time they spend together will be occupied by quarrels and accusations. Even if a couple gives birth to a child, no one will agree to look after him. Both husband and wife will think only about their careers.

A girl born in the year of the Rooster always craves bright emotions. A man of this water sign can give her this. The only problem is that she will very quickly become tired of the monotony. As a result, their marriage or friendship will immediately end. The only question is who will give up faster.

Compatibility with Dog and Pig

It’s better not to even start a relationship with a Dog, because guys born this year are quite boring and will not be able to provide proper emotional pleasure. A dog will never give its partner the opportunity to enjoy life.

Harmony is not achieved with the Pig due to the fact that the Rooster and Pig have quite different views on life. They even live their lives at different paces. Of course, the Pig will try to change his character and put his own desires on another plane. But she will very quickly get tired of such a life, which will lead to a breakup.

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