Ace of Wands Tarot - the meaning of the court card of the minor arcana in fortune telling

Sergey Savchenko May 25, 2021 89 733 5 Minute(s) read

  • The main meaning of the Ace of Wands card
      Ace of Staffs combined with the Major Arcana
  • The meaning of the Ace of Wands in relationships
  • Ace of Staffs combined with the suit of Staffs
  • Psychological condition
  • Ace of Posokhov in health matters
  • Ace of Wands combined with the suit of Cups
  • Business and finance, in professional activities
  • Card of the day Tip
  • Card of the day Caution
  • Ace of Wands combined with the suit of Swords
  • Characters
  • Ace of Wands combined with the suit of Pentacles
  • Ace of Wands: General Meaning

    The upright position
    of the Ace of Wands denotes prospects, opening up opportunities for spiritual development, energy, courage, and large-scale projects. The Ace of Wands is resourcefulness, courage, and willingness to make certain sacrifices. In addition, this card denotes: optimism, inspiration, the release of human creative potential.

    The key meaning of the Ace of Wands is something new. This could be a new project, the beginning of a life stage. Unfortunately, this period is unlikely to end well. The Wands belong to the Fire element, therefore the components of the card include: self-control, clarity in judgments and actions, adherence to moral principles, spiritual growth.

    Analysis of this card suggests the following: Ace of Wands is the joy of life, a positive attitude, and creativity. It is possible that an inheritance or a large cash receipt is coming. Sometimes, this card speaks of excessive haste. Optimists usually get this card.

    Reversed position
    The Ace of Wands card in reverse “signals” a loss of strength, failure of plans, failures and disappointments. It may happen that the person being told fortunes did not prepare his project well enough, or was let down by a lack of experience... Alternatively, the right time simply did not come for the implementation of this person’s plans.

    The Ace of Wands suggests that the fortuneteller is a very insecure person. It is difficult for him to make decisions, he constantly doubts. It is precisely because of doubts that plans may not be implemented.

    The general meaning of the Ace of Wands (minor arcana of the Tarot) in the reading

    In a straight position

    The traditional meaning of the Ace of Staves card is associated with successful endeavors in any field of activity. The questioner can hope for favorable circumstances that will help his dream come true. At the same time, the card symbolizes courage, perseverance, determination, fearlessness and masculine strength. This means that the desires of the questioner will come true not by luck, but as a result of their own efforts.

    This card belongs to the element of fire, it carries passion, desire, impulsiveness, assertiveness. Surrounded by the favorable arcana of the Tarot, it enhances their positive meaning and brings closer all the happy events predicted to the fortuneteller. The combination of the Ace of Wands Tarot with unfavorable cards can be interpreted as “adding fuel to the fire.” In this case, the Ace of Staves will give impetus to negative circumstances, only pushing them into the life of the questioner.

    In some cases, the card indicates travel, recovery from illness, conception and birth of a child, liberation from oppressive circumstances of life.

    Inverted position

    Predicts indecision, delays in business, situations getting out of control, failure of plans, unfortunate circumstances, loss of strength.

    In the reverse position, the card advises the questioner not to take on new tasks, since there is not enough strength to complete them. Also, don't make important decisions. At the moment, the fortuneteller cannot soberly assess the situation and does not have enough information to do this.

    Often the inverted Ace of Staves indicates loss of strength, depression, lack of material resources, mental exhaustion, infertility, and male impotence. In the most unfavorable combinations, this card predicts complete failure, bankruptcy, serious losses, and death.

    Ace of Wands: Meaning in Love and Relationships

    Direct position
    In a reading for love and relationships, the card denotes a happy occasion. The Ace of Wands predicts that relationships will reach another level, good events are “just around the corner.” For a fortuneteller, this may promise: a wedding, pregnancy (for a woman), passionate carnal relationships, receiving joyful emotions.

    Perhaps a new partner (or partner) will appear, or perhaps an existing relationship will gain strength. If loving people began to live together, the card suggests that the period of “grinding in” to each other will be quite successful. The lovers will feel good together; they will try to spend as much time together as possible.

    The Ace of Wands is a good sign that the relationship will bring strong love, warmth, tenderness, and care to the man and woman. They will want to realize their plans. Violent “outbursts” of passion are possible. Strong love feelings can develop into marriage.

    Reversed position
    If an inverted card falls out, this means a cooled love relationship. There are no conflicts, but there is also no interest in each other. Such relationships are a habit. If the fortuneteller is currently alone, he will not meet anyone on his life path.

    Classic combination with the suit of Wands

    Ace, Seven and King of Wands

    The Ace of Wands and cards of a similar suit, which promise the questioner double combinations of the Arcana.

    • Two advises you to think carefully about your plans and prepare for the unexpected.
    • The troika promises that the project will be implemented and that the plans will definitely come to life.
    • The number four symbolizes the achievement of your goals. In fortune telling about personal relationships - a quick marriage.
    • The Five of Scepters foretells quarrels and disagreements between family members and colleagues.
    • Six - you will find like-minded people.
    • Seven - get ready, life will test you.
    • The Eight promises that the goals set will be achieved.
    • The Nine of Posokhov advises gaining experience and accumulating strength for the fight.
    • The Ten in combination with the Ace of Wands symbolizes sadness, apathy, and lack of faith in one’s own strength.
    • The page recommends studying.
    • Knight – enthusiasm, passion.
    • The Queen promises career growth.
    • The Scepter King announces that success is just around the corner.

    Ace of Wands: Meaning in Situation and Question

    Upright position
    When the Ace of Wands appears in a situation, and the card lies in an upright position, it speaks of a person with powerful energy potential, as well as creativity and inspiration. This is a genius in his field, performing all tasks quickly and professionally.

    A fortuneteller should not be afraid of difficulties - his time has come! He can safely implement his plans. The time has come for him to reveal his own self. This applies to all areas of his life. A person will now begin the path “towards his best self.” He will finally understand his life purpose and will be able to realize his talents.

    Any work for him will be successful during this period. If we are talking about professional activities, then the time has come for career growth. Perhaps the fortuneteller will receive a difficult task and complete it successfully. The motivation will be quite strong. The authorities will not ignore this fact. A bonus or a new position - that’s what awaits the person who is being told fortunes. Luck is on his side! The card predicts a successful transition from a stable situation to rapid development.

    On the financial side of the issue, a good time awaits the fortuneteller. The implementation of new ideas will allow you to get additional profit. Perhaps one of the “old” debtors will repay the debt, or the management will increase the salary.

    If a question about health is asked, then this person has strong energy.
    To stay cheerful and full of energy, he can play sports. He also needs to walk in nature more often and eat right. Inverted position
    Failures and problems await the fortuneteller if the Ace of Wands falls in an inverted position. To a person, the whole world seems black. He has no luck either in his professional activities or in his personal life. Health problems appeared. Money, as it seems to the fortuneteller, is “moving away” from him. The situation can be changed by “pulling yourself together.”

    The card says that this person is committing acts that are contrary to moral standards. He needs to reconsider his views on life, ask for forgiveness from those people whom he offended. Attending church will help you cope with internal contradictions. The fortuneteller urgently needs to get rid of bad habits so that health problems do not become even worse. The card recommends paying attention to the fact that a person sleeps little.

    Ace of Wands in the Thoth Tarot

    In the Thoth Tarot deck, the Ace of Wands is depicted as a flaming torch, which symbolizes the element of Fire. According to the descriptions of the author of the deck, Aleister Crowley, this is the second card in the deck, which means higher energy, the first is the Sun lasso. The image on the card shows the energy that manifests when you remove everything that blocks it.

    This card indicates that the fortuneteller is full of strength and energy, he has all the necessary resources to work on a project that interests him. He must start looking for something worth putting his energy into.

    However, before you begin the process of completing a task, think about it - what would you really like to do? What brings you the most pleasure and what paths should you take to fulfill this dream? You can draw clarifying cards from the deck so that the Tarot can help you answer these important questions.

    In general, the Ace of Wands symbolizes the fire element, bright events, willpower and excellent motivation. This card perfectly sets you up for success if you are asked about the result of something. However, when reversed or in particularly unfortunate combinations with other cards, it can predict various trials and even the failure of a project.

    Ace of Wands: Card of the Day Meaning

    Today, the person being told fortunes will have enough energy to take on a new project. You can move unresolved issues and problems “off the ground.” Whatever idea comes to a person, he can safely take on its implementation. He will succeed. His passion for creative discoveries will not leave his colleagues indifferent. They will support the fortuneteller in his projects.

    It is possible that unexpected information will appear that will open up new opportunities. Even non-standard solutions and crazy ideas can bring good cash income. It is also possible to receive news that may affect one of the areas of life.

    Classic combination with the suit of Cups

    Ace of Wands, Queen and Four of Cups

    Cups and Staves, what to expect from this combination.

    • The Ace of Cups in combination with the Ace of Scepters symbolizes love passion, a spark that jumps between people and ignites the fire of feelings.
    • The deuce personifies sincere affection and mutual interest.
    • Three means a new life, sometimes the birth of a child.
    • The number four warns that the desire has dried up, the interest has faded.
    • Five symbolizes sadness, deteriorating health, apathy, and despondency.
    • Six predicts a passionate love affair.
    • Seven warns the fortuneteller that he is mistaken and is wishful thinking.
    • Eight – loss of interest in what you love, abandonment of your plans.
    • Nine – implementation of an idea, successful completion of affairs.
    • The Ten of Cups indicates unity with your partner and colleagues.
    • The page advises taking on new projects.
    • The knight does not recommend following your whims.
    • The Queen is good company, a favorable outcome.
    • The king symbolizes a mature, wise person who purposefully follows his dreams.

    The World of Tarot: gallery of Tarot and Oracle cards, Practical Tarology

    If your card of the Day is the direct Ace of Wands , the day should be good :) This card promises something new, first of all - at work and in your professional activities.

    If this Ace of Wands falls on the day when you are planning to get a new job, or are preparing for an interview, this can become a sign not only for a favorable outcome in getting a job, but also foreshadow a good prospect for the job for which you are trying.

    In my practice, there were many cases when the Ace of Wands fell out at the moment of getting a job. And sometimes people who received this card did not have high hopes for the offer, they simply went because they needed a job, and there were no other vacancies at that moment. But contrary to modest expectations, it later turned out that this work became not only reliable and long-lasting, but also the best, almost in my entire life :)

    Therefore, if on the day you get the Ace of Wands Card of the Day , they make you some kind of business offer - take a closer look at it! Behind such a proposal or beginning there can be a long-term and very productive cooperation!

    Sometimes, the Ace of Wands can also foreshadow a confirmed pregnancy, or an understanding of the fact of pregnancy.

    But in my memory, such cases occurred much less frequently in comparison with indications of something new in work, creativity or professional activity.

    A particularly interesting moment! There are periods when the direct Ace of Wands, like the Card of the Day , will appear several days in a row, or several times in a short period of time, a week or a decade. Take a close look at such periods! Very often, they mark the time in our lives when a “new streak” begins, or people appear who can help us in our profession, business, or become your partners (primarily partners in creativity and earnings) for a long time.

    I remember once I couldn’t find an administrator for quite a long time. And one day I noticed that right under my nose a girl I had known for a long time was writing on a social network. Every time I got the Ace of Wands Day card , my thoughts were focused all day on the new project, and especially how to find an administrator for it. And every day I noticed this girl... Ultimately, I took this as a sign and proposed to this girl. As a result, she was my administrator for four years :)

    If you are preoccupied with some particularly important undertaking or a matter that is serious for you, and on such a day you get the Ace of Wands Day card, you can get an additional card , which will clarify and tell you how to accept the new undertaking.

    For example, if you have been tormented “between two chairs” for a long time, you have two job offers or two projects, or something similar, from which you need to choose only one, and suddenly you get Arcanum Tower , this may indicate , that you should choose something that is newer or less developed, even if this means destroying something!

    If the Ace of Wands is complemented by the 8 of Wands , this is an indication that you need to act very quickly, even swiftly, and also that your start in a new business will be lightning fast.

    The psychologically direct Ace of Wands indicates self-confidence, readiness for new beginnings, high creativity, new ideas come easily and become productive, new businesses and initiatives begin simply and without delay.

    Article from the blog Tarot Reader's Diary

    Ace of Staffs Tarot - meaning when characterizing a person

    The Ace of Posokhov characterizes a very active person with enormous energy capabilities and potential. He not only earns a good income, but also loves what he does. There are constantly many different ideas in his head, all of which he strives to implement.

    Such a person is courageous and courageous, always ready to take risks. Difficulties do not frighten him, but on the contrary, they excite him. Man has enormous creative potential. This is a born leader. He is always ready to take the initiative and lead people. No obstacle can withstand his assertiveness and stubbornness. His passionate nature is very attractive to the opposite sex.

    The reversed Ace of Wands describes a person who is weak both physically and spiritually. This is a complete loser, unable to take the initiative into his own hands. He prefers that others do everything and decide for him. Such a person does not want to be a leader. Whatever he undertakes does not work out. He doesn’t want to develop, he doesn’t care about anything. He sees his whole life in pessimistic tones. He goes to work under pressure and often hates what he does.

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