Belobog is the god of light, goodness and justice in Slavic culture

Since ancient times, Belobog has been revered as the bearer of light, goodness, and truth. In the sphere of influence of the god of peace, luck, prosperity, health and happiness rule.

The Slavic god Belobog has always been contrasted with Chernobog, the ruler of darkness.

People always turned to him with grateful prayers, asking for help in protecting them from any manifestation of darkness.

Legends and myths about the Slavic God Belobog

Among the Slavs, God Belobog is the embodiment of goodness and the bright forces of Rule. Ancient ancestors believed that Rule is the highest world of justice and truth that protects humanity. He issued laws for people that they need to follow, otherwise they will end up in Nav. The execution of laws is monitored by the supreme deities, one of which is Belobog. He belongs to the Yasuns - the bright gods who bring goodness and light to humanity. The Yasunis created Reality and rule over it. They are aware of everything that people do. People's thoughts are always open to them. The complete opposite of the Yasuns is Dasuni. These are the gods of darkness and evil, pulling people to their side.

Belobog is good and light. He is always depicted as a kind old man with white hair and a beard. He gives people happiness and peace. He is not able to punish even those people who do not worship him. Belobog never takes revenge, he guides a person to the true path and teaches him goodness.

Often people asked this God to fulfill their desires. They could only be fulfilled if the person asking was not a bad person and brought goodness to those around him.

The Slavs considered him the giver of a good harvest and material well-being. People believed that during the grain harvest he came to the field and helped the reapers. There is a belief that Belobog, or Belun, as he is also called, sits in the rye and holds a bag full of money on his nose. He invites some poor person to wipe his nose. When the request is fulfilled, money will fall out of the bag, and Belobog will hide.

Nauz Belobog "end of darkness"

Nauz is knot magic that involves attracting what you want through a specially tied knot of thick thread. When tying a protective knot, a hex is read.

If you are caught in a swamp of hopelessness and despondency, you don’t see a way out of the current situation, a magic knot can help.

Nauz “end of darkness” attracts good luck to the house, helps to move from the “dead point”.

The magic knot should be worn for 49 days. It’s good if you take it out from time to time, think about the good, clear your thoughts from the bad, imagine the power of light inherent in the science of happiness and health. After the specified period, burn the bundle, thereby cleansing yourself of evil through fire. Life should start getting better.

Nauz slander

Hex on the science of Belobog

The meaning of the symbol and use as a talisman

The Belobog symbol is considered a strong rune that can resist evil forces. It should not be worn by people who engage in witchcraft or magical rituals. This symbol is also prohibited from being worn by people with evil thoughts. If such a person disobeys and wears such an amulet, his aura will soon disintegrate and he will die. His soul will remain under the influence of evil spirits and fall into Nav.

What does Belobog look like?

Good people can wear such a talisman as decoration. It can be depicted on a pendant, earrings, rings. Often the image of the amulet is embroidered on clothing. For this, only red threads are used; no other shades are used here.

This is what the symbol is for:

  1. The Belobog symbol is of great importance for protection from evil. He protects his master from bad thoughts and bad people, taking them aside. On the contrary, it attracts happiness and good luck. A personal amulet can be made of gold, silver or wood.
  2. To protect the house, the amulet is painted on the walls. This is how he protects everyone who lives in this house from evil. Under the auspices of this symbol, all household members will be happy, luck and fortune will accompany them throughout life. And people with bad thoughts will not be able to cross the threshold of this house.
  3. The amulet attracts wealth to the house. Thanks to him, a person has the opportunity to earn good money.
  4. The talisman protects against the evil eye and damage.
  5. Belobog can also be applied to outbuildings where winter supplies are stored and livestock live. He does not let in evil forces, so the harvest does not spoil, and the livestock does not get sick or die.

All this effect of the amulet can only be felt by people with pure thoughts. Miracles happen only when the owner of the talisman believes in its magical power.

If a person does not comply with the canons of truth and does not live according to the laws of the universe, the talisman loses its power and stops working. Only to honest and fair people can it bring good luck, prosperity and protection from evil. A person will experience happiness and joy in family life, and illnesses and troubles will bypass him. People around him will respect him and treat him well.

Belobog in the pantheon of Slavic gods

Belobog had many names in ancient times: Belbog, Sventovit, Belun, White God, Svyatovit, god of white light. Born by Rod to defend truth and goodness, he constantly fights with his brother Chernobog.

It is believed that without experiencing misfortune and suffering, a person will not be able to appreciate happiness and goodness. Only after passing the test does a person awaken the desire to do good.

The Temple of Belobog was erected in a sunny place on a hill, positioned in such a way that the sun sanctified it from all sides. The interior decoration of the bright god always shone with wealth and abundance. The golden decoration reflects the sunlight, thanks to which the temple dedicated to white light is always bright and there is not a single corner for darkness.

Sayings revealing the image of Belobog

External characteristics

The Belobog amulet consists of closed lines in the form of a diamond, similar to the rays of the sun. Sometimes the symbol is enclosed in a circle, this enhances its properties. The color of the symbol is always red or gold. These are the colors of the sun.

On the walls of houses, the symbol is painted in red paint as a separate element or in combination with different symbols. It can be drawn against the background of various patterns and paintings that decorate the walls. It is important that it stands out in red or gold. The same paints are used on household items and embroidery.

For jewelry, the amulet is made of gold or silver. Such noble metals further enhance the effect of the amulet.

Who is suitable for the sign of Belobog?

Not everyone can wear the sign of Belobog. For those who have a penchant for bad deeds, anger, envy and hatred, the symbol brings great trouble. Or, at best, it simply doesn't work.

The Belobog amulet can be worn by everyone

The amulet brings goodness to those people who believe ancient legends about the Slavic Gods. It can also be worn by people who have a pure, bright soul, who have no hatred, desire for revenge or malice. People of different genders and at different ages can wear the amulet.

Options for making an amulet

Anyone can make a Slavic Belobog for themselves or their family:

  1. The easiest way is to embroider a sign on some material. It is often performed on bedding, clothing and towels. You can also embroider the symbol on a leather item or piece of leather. You can decorate a keychain with it or use it as a pendant in your home or car. You can embroider with an image of God himself and add a symbol to the composition. It is also popular in ornaments. Only natural threads and materials are used for embroidery. Artificial fabrics are not suitable for this; they do not contain the necessary energy.
  2. It's easy to make a wooden symbol. It can be carved from wood or a design can be made by burning on a wooden plate. When choosing wood, you need to take into account the energy of the tree. An amulet for women is made from female breeds, and for men - from male ones. In this case, the effect of the amulet will be stronger. The finished amulet can be painted with red paint and varnished. Or immediately cover it with red nail polish. This symbol can be worn around your neck on a cord, on a keychain, or used as a pendant.
  3. You can paint the sign with red paints on the house or household items. It can be added to the composition of a painting or a regular drawing. It can also be done on walls made of finishing materials for plaster.
  4. Gold and silver jewelry is made by jewelers. The symbol is depicted on rings, pendants, and earrings. Sometimes they make bracelets and necklaces, each element of which depicts different Slavic symbols. Gold items are worn by women, silver is more suitable for men.

Belobog from wood
There are many ways to make a sign, everyone chooses it according to their capabilities and abilities.

Activation and cleansing of the talisman

Before you start using the talisman, you need to clean it, regardless of whether it was made yourself or purchased. You need to know that the symbol absorbs the energy of every person who touched or looked at it - the master, the seller or the buyer:

  • Belobog is cleansed using running water or sunlight. It must be held under the stream or in the sun for several minutes, while mentally wishing for its cleansing.
  • You can put it in salt water.
  • You can simply put the amulet in salt for several hours or in clean river sand.
  • The amulet is cleansed by the smoke of myrrh, wormwood, saffron or St. John's wort, which can be used to fumigate it.
  • Metal objects can be scorched with a candle flame.

The purified talisman is activated using a special ritual.
You can also simply hold it in front of your face in your hands and breathe rhythmically on it, imagining how it absorbs the energy of the owner. You can keep it under your pillow at night to keep it nourished. Or put it at night so that the moon illuminates it.

Rune meaning

The rune of Belobog Mir is attributed several meanings:

  1. A person who raises his hands to the sky knows his divine origin. In Slavic culture, man embodies God on earth, a microcosm. And God is the whole World, the macrocosm.
  2. Tree of life , which is powered by pure celestial energies. The axis of the tree connects the material world with the spiritual. Just like the spine is the axis of a person.
  3. A community, a clan , is an environment that preserves the memory of rules, laws, and strives for order.

If we combine all the meanings, then the World rune symbolizes the path of spiritual growth, connection with the ancestors, with the Family. It's not for nothing that she comes first. Through the rune, a person turns to the divine principle within himself, looking for clues from Belobog, as the bearer of higher knowledge. Since Belobog controls Reality, he can show how to apply higher knowledge in life. In magic, the rune of Peace is used when they want to receive the protection and patronage of the Supreme Gods.

Apply the received tips in life in order to maintain the protection of Belobog. For example, refuse a profitable deal because it is contrary to the laws of the Government.

The action of the rune of Peace:

Rules for using the amulet

Before purchasing or making the Belobog symbol, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for its use:

  • The symbol will not work if its owner treats the surrounding people and nature with disdain and indifference.
  • If a person accidentally commits evil, he must repent, otherwise the symbol will punish him.
  • During the day, the symbol is carried with you, at night you can keep it under your pillow, making a wish before going to bed.
  • Using this symbol, you cannot perform witchcraft and magical actions involving invoking spirits.

The main rule is good. It should accompany a person in everyday life in his thoughts and deeds. Belobog protects such people and gives them happiness. It protects from troubles and the influence of evil forces.

Slavic prayers

Slavic prayers are traditional ritual words that people use to appeal to the Higher Powers. There are several prayers of praise dedicated to Belobog. One of them:

“You are a goy, the most pure God of God, four-faced, seeing all around with eight bright eyes, become forever a stronghold of truth in your manifestation, and reject all falsehood and untruth, it is disgusting to the sun and indecent to people, who from Svarog the god Rule the heavenly rope of childbirth lead, and That’s why they’ve been called Svarozhich relatives for centuries. The great White God of light, glorify today! Goy! Glory!"

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