Dazhdbog - sun god in Slavic mythology

Dazhdbog is the god of sunlight and fertility in the mythology of the Eastern Slavs.

Translated from the ancient Slavic language it means giving (bestowing) happiness or benefit. There is a second name - Tarkh.

Dazhdbog is the Slavic god of the summer sun and grace.

According to some sources, the sun god is the son of Svarog, according to others - Perun.

Dazhdbog - the secret of the name

The ancient Slavic Dazhdbog is the sun itself and the source of all earthly goods that people possess. The origin of the very name of the deity causes a lot of controversy among scientists. Now there are several theories. According to one version, which M. Vasmer adheres to, the name of God arose from the merger of two Old Slavonic words: “dazh(d)”, which means a request to give something, and “bogъ”, which means happiness, good. In short, according to this statement, Dazhdbog means “the bestower of all grace.” V. Yagich claims that the name of this deity arose from the exclamation “God willing,” which is very consistent with Vasmer’s theory. That is, the name of God contains the prayer with which people addressed him. Some researchers argue that, as such, there was no trace of a separate deity with a similar name in the Slavic pagan pantheon. The phrase, which was accepted among the Slavs as a kind of greeting, was incorrectly interpreted by Christian missionaries as the name of a separate deity. It is very difficult to judge how true this statement is, since there are simply no arguments that could fully confirm or refute this theory. According to another statement, the first part of the name of God, and in particular “Daj(d)”, is a softened form of dagh, which in Sanskrit means “day”, “fire”. Both of these meanings can be associated with the sun, and from this perspective this theory looks very convincing, since Dazhbog is the god of the sun.

The theory of the appearance of Dazhdbog

To begin with, it is worth noting that the question of who were the fathers of Dazhbog, who bears the second name Tarkh, is a big question. Somewhere you can

come across the statement that Dazhbog-Tarkh is the son of the god Perun, the grandson of Svarog, and a descendant of Vyshen in the third generation. According to legend, the powerful Tarkh, with his dazzling light, crushed the hordes of dark forces that lived on the moon Lele and wanted to take over the mortal world. In honor of the great victory of the Sun-God over evil, the old Slavs celebrated this day with red eggs, which symbolized the power of Tarkh. The eggs broke against each other and were called Koshchei's eggs. This day was usually celebrated in the summer. I think it will not be difficult for every reader to trace the amazing similarities with the current tradition of celebrating Easter in the Orthodox world. In other sources, Dazhbog-Tarkh is mentioned as Svarozhich, the son of Svarog. In favor of this theory, they cite an excerpt from the Ipatiev Chronicle, where Dazhdbog is mentioned as the Sun. Word for word: “The Sun is the King of Svarogov.” there is Dazhb.” That is, there is a direct statement of the origin of the deity, the sun reigning in the sky, the son of Svarog, called Dazhbog. This version looks more plausible, although this article is not intended to assert anything, it is rather an attempt to let the reader become familiar with all the possible options and make his own judgments.

Dazhbog is the Patron God of the Sun
in the Hall of the Race (beta Leo), from where Tarkh Perunovich arrived on Midgard-Earth.
is the ancient Deity of nature, sunshine, white light, the giver of blessings. It should be noted that Dazhbog personified “light that has no visible source, like an emanation of the Deity creating the world.” It was this kind of light that was the object of worship of medieval pagans. The Tale of Bygone Years says: The sun is king, the son of Svarog, who is Dazhbog. ... The name Dazhbog is comparable to the ancient Indian - “day”, Persian - “to burn, bake”, as well as the Lithuanian daga “harvest”, “heat”. Among the Serbs, Dabog was the God of fruits and grains. The equivalent of Dazhbog among other Indo-European peoples can be considered the Greek Apollo and the Scythian Goitosir, mentioned by Herodotus. The main iconographic attribute of this Deity was the rhyton - the turium horn, the cornucopia. Dazhbog's sacred animal, like Apollo's, was the wolf. Judging by the image on the Blazhkov fibula, Dazhbog is accompanied by swans. This is a parallel to the ancient Greek Apollo, who, according to Herodotus, annually flies to the Hyperboreans in a chariot drawn by swans. The Scythians have a solar rider on a griffin. The hero of Russian fairy tales flies on a huge bird, Mushroom or Nogai (Old Russian nog, “vulture”). In Ancient Rus' and Bulgaria in the XII – XIII centuries. Images of Alexander the Great flying on griffins were popular. As shown by B.A. Rybakov, the Greek king replaced the pagan Dazhbog here.

10965 - 8805 BC e. Age of Leo

The constellation of the Chalice of Dazhbog is located under the constellation Leo - Dazhbog.
is the son of Perun and the mermaid Rosya, who, in turn, is the daughter of Asya (sister of Maya Zlatogorka) and Don, the king of Atlantis.
Perun is the son of the supreme god Svarog. MAYA Zlatogorka
was born under the star Alpha Virgo in the Age of Virgo.
She became the Soul of Atlantis. She was born at noon, the Day of Svarog began to decline (Noon of the Day of Svarog - humanity is open to Cosmic Knowledge and the Light of this Knowledge is dazzling) ... “Dazhbog Perunovich was proud of his power. He believed that no one could be stronger than him, and was very surprised when he was convinced of the opposite... Once he was flying like a clear Falcon into the sky, and saw that a glade rider was riding in an open field, and she was fast asleep. firmly. Her helmet rests on the clouds, her golden braids spill out into fire. Tarkh Dazhbog flew to the ground, turned into a knight and, without thinking twice, hit Zlatogorka with his club. But she didn’t even notice it. Dazhbog was surprised, drove up again, and hit again. Then he hit him a third time - with all his might! Then she woke up, picked up Dazhbog along with the horse and put them in a casket, and locked the casket with a key and put it in her pocket. And I almost forgot about the purchase. And when she remembered, she took Dazhbog out of the casket and demanded: “You take me as your wife.” Then you will live as before. If you refuse, you know you won’t live. I’ll put it on my palm and press it with the other – it’ll just get wet between my palms! There is nothing to be done, Tarkh admitted to Maya Zlatogorka that she has been in love with him for a long time, and he agrees to accept the golden crown... Once Dazhbog and Zlatogorka were driving through the Holy Mountains, and suddenly they ran into a large stone coffin in a field. Zlatogorka wanted to try it on, climbed into the tomb and closed herself. And then she couldn’t get out, because that coffin was enchanted by the Black God. Dazhbog wanted to break it with the sword Kladenets, but after each blow the coffin was covered by an iron hoop...” 10,300 BC.
the Gothenburg magnetic pole shift occurred, the island of Poseidonis perishes (see Atlantis).
Maya is the soul of Atlantis, the cathedral soul of Atlantis lay in a stone coffin (the death of Atlantis), left by the Black God in the Caucasus Mountains... August 21 - Assumption of Maya Zlatogorka
... Dazhbog went to Viy to ask for a magic ring that could lift the spell. Viy gave the ring, and Dazhbog disenchanted Maya. But Maya’s life was returned only for a while until she gave birth to Kolyada. And they drove across an open field, and Spring came - Vyshen Dazhbog, and behind it Summer - Maya. Where Dazhbog passes through the field, there he will sow crops in the field. Wherever the goldfish passes, the golden ears will ripen.” (Old Russian legend). On the day of the winter solstice - December 22 - Maya Zlatogorka gave birth to the god Kolyada (new Sun) from Dazhbog. Which symbolized the displacement of matriarchy by patriarchy and the spread of the cult of fire (the era of Aries), spread in the Urals by Rama (see Arkaim). Patriarchy arises in the Trypillian-Usativ culture (see Tripillian-Usativ culture.). 2848-1228 BC
- The era of Kolyada .
See Kolyada. And from Kolyada, in turn, came the grandchildren Vyatka and Radim. From them are the Russian peoples: Vyatichi, Rotary, Obodrit, Ruyan, Radimichi. Maya had two more sons: one of them was Kryshen, the other son was called Month. From him was born Dennitsa, and from Dennitsa was born Vashtinya. According to Slavic legends, Dazhdbog and Zhiva together revived the world after the Flood (10,300 BC). Lada, Zhiva’s mother, united Dazhdbog and Zhiva in marriage. Then the betrothed gods gave birth to Arius, according to legend, the ancestor of many Slavic peoples. According to the Tale of Bygone Years, during the reign of Dazhbog, people “honored the moon, and the friends honored the summer for days, two more for ten months, then they learned that when people began to give tribute to the kings, half the moon or days kept chronology, then they learned twelve months t ... that is, the solar calendar and people began to give tribute to the kings.” In other words, in the mythological era of Dazhbog, a twelve-month solar calendar and the foundations of the state arose. Apparently, Dazhbog was highly revered among the Slavs, for, judging by ethnographic data, mentions of him survived until the 19th century. One of the wedding songs, recorded in Vinnytsia, tells about the meeting of the wedding prince with Dazhbog: Between three roads, early and early, Between three roads, early, There the prince met with Dazhbog, early and early, There the prince met with Dazhbog, early. - Oh, God, you, Dazhbozhe, it’s early, early, turn my path, early. For you are a prince of fate, sooner or sooner, For you are a prince of fate, sooner or later, And I am a prince once in a lifetime, sooner or sooner. And I am a prince once in a lifetime, very early. Once every week, early, early, Once every week, early. May 6 - DAZHDBOG DAY
. On the day of Dazhdbog, people rejoiced that Dazhdbog rejected Marena and became engaged to Zhivaya. This meant the end of the long Winter, the beginning of Spring and Summer. At this time, Dazhdbog was noisily praised in Vedic temples and in plowed fields. Dazhdbog Day is also the time for the first cattle drive to pasture. That’s why they lit fires for Dazhdbog and asked him to guard the cattle. Among the people, Veles and Dazhbog were most revered. Based on some analogies, we can assume a semantic correspondence between the ancient Indian pair Mitra-Varuna and the Slavic Dazhbog and Veles. This connection is confirmed by the fact that Dazhbog, being in heaven, sent people the so-called. The “Pigeon Book,” which provides knowledge about the origin and structure of the world and society. With this arrangement, it is not simple, but fair. According to the correct statement of D.M. Dudko “it was the God of the sun (Mithra, Balder, Dazhbog, etc.) that was considered by all Indo-Europeans to be the defender of justice in this world.” The emergence of myths about Dazhbog should apparently be dated back to the early Iron Age. Describing the Scythian plowmen (Skolotov), ​​in which B.A. Rybakov saw the Proto-Slavs, Herodotus reports the following: “According to the stories of the Scythians, their people are the youngest. And it happened this way. The first inhabitant of this then uninhabited country was a man named Targitai. The parents of this Targitai, as the Scythians say, were Zeus and the daughter of the river Borysthenes... Targitai was of this kind, and he had three sons: Lipoksais, Arpoksais and the youngest, Kolaksais. During their reign, golden objects fell onto the Scythian land: a plow, a yoke, an ax and a bowl. The elder brother was the first to see these things. As soon as he approached to pick them up, the gold began to glow. Then he retreated, and the second brother approached, and again the gold was engulfed in flames. So the heat of the flaming gold drove away both brothers, but when the third, younger brother approached, the flame went out and he took the gold to his house. Therefore, the older brothers agreed to give the kingdom to the younger.” And further: “from Lipoxais... came the Scythian tribe called the Avhatians, from the middle brother - the tribe of the Katiars and Traspians, and from the youngest of the brothers - the king - the tribe of the Paralats. All tribes together are called skolats, i.e. royal. The Hellenes call them Scythians.” Kolaksai divides Scythia between his sons into separate kingdoms. The largest of them contains these golden relics: a yoke, an ax, a bowl and a plow. We can easily correlate Targitai and the ax with the military class of the Scythians, Lipoksai and the cup with the priesthood, Arpoksai and the yoke with cattle breeders, and the plow with farmers. Skolotsk Targitai and Lipoksay are Slavic Svarog and Dazhbog. Among the Slavs, this myth was preserved in the fairy tale “Three Kingdoms”. Its hero, the youngest of three brothers, bearing a solar name (Ivan Zorkin, Zorevik, Svetovik, etc.) and born at dawn, along with the sun, obtains three eggs in the upper or lower world, containing three kingdoms - copper, silver and gold, as well as the three princesses of these kingdoms. He marries the princess of the golden kingdom, and his brothers marry the other two. In the Russian folk calendar, many holidays are dedicated to Dazhbog, here are the most important of them: - February 12-14 - the salvation of Dazhbog and Veles; — February 16 — Veles and Dazhbog; — February 17 — Commemoration of the holiday of Veles and Dazhbog; — March 18 — Dazhbog Day; — May 6 “Dazhbog Day” (“Dazhbog the Spring” or “Big Oat”). Meeting spring. Dazhbog was called Spas, that is, the savior of the Russian Land and its defender. - August 19 - APPLE SPAS - Transfiguration of Dazhdbog. — August 16\29 – Spas Khlebny, Polotnyany Spas. According to the ancient Russian system of Star Calculation, in the month of August the Sun resides in the constellation Leo, in its royal abode. At this time there are already three Spas: Honey, Apple, Linen. All three Spas represent stages of a single narrative. Namely, the Tale of the Transfiguration of Dazhdbog. According to ancient legends, Dazhbog, after drinking Morena's honey, turned into a deer with golden horns. - September 22 (at the autumn equinox), as well as the beginning of the hunting season and the meeting of Dazhbog and Marena. — December 9 — Dazhbog, together with Yarila, is honored at “Yuri the Winter” (“Yuri Kholodny”). In the original folk tradition, this is the day of Dazhbog and Madder. According to some assumptions: Dazhbog is the son (hypostasis) of the Sun God (Ra). Its time is from the summer solstice on June 21-22 to the autumn equinox (day equals night) on September 23.

Tarkh Dazhdbog

He was called Dazhdbog (the giving God) for giving the people of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Family
Nine Santiy
These Santias were written down by ancient Runes and contained the Sacred Ancient Vedas, the Commandments of Tarkh Perunovich and his instructions. Santii in the original can only be called a Book visually, because... Santiy are plates of noble metal on which Ancient Aryan Runes are inscribed. The plates are fastened with three rings, which symbolize three Worlds: Yav (World of People), Nav (World of Spirits and Souls of Ancestors), Prav (Bright World of Slavic-Aryan Gods). All residents in various Worlds (in Galaxies, Star Systems) and on the Earths where representatives of the Ancient Family live live according to the Ancient Wisdom, Family Foundations and Rules that the Family adheres to. After God Tarkh Perunovich visited our Ancestors, they began to call themselves “Dazhdbog’s grandchildren.” Our Ancestors were also visited by many other Gods. In many Images he holds a gaitan with a Swastika in his hand. Tarkh is very often called the many-wise son of God Perun, the grandson of God Svarog, the great-grandson of God Vyshen, which is true). Dazhdbog
is the giver of all kinds of blessings, happiness and prosperity.
Tarkh Dazhdbog was glorified in sacred and folk chants and hymns not only for the happy and worthy life of the Clans of the Great Race, but also for deliverance from the forces of the Dark World. Tarkh did not allow the victory of the dark forces from the Pekel World, which were gathered by the Koshchei on the nearest Moon - Lele, in order to capture Midgard-Earth. Tarkh Dazhdbog
destroyed the Moon along with all the dark forces that were on it.
This is reported in the Santi Vedas of Perun. First Circle: “You, on Midgard, have been living peacefully since ancient times, when the world was established... Remembering from the Vedas about the deeds of Dazhdbog, how he destroyed the strongholds of the Koschei, which were located on the nearest Moon... Tarkh did not allow the insidious Koschei to destroy Midgard, as they destroyed Deya ... These Koschei, the rulers of the Grays, disappeared along with the Moon in half... But Midgard paid for freedom, hidden by the Great Flood... The waters of the Moon created that Flood, they fell to Earth from Heaven like a rainbow, for the Moon split into pieces and an army of Svarozhiches descended to Midgard "(Santiya. 9, shlokas. 11-12). In memory of this event, a unique ritual with deep meaning appeared, performed by all Orthodox people, and not just Old Believers, every Summer, on the great spring Slavic-Aryan holiday - Easter. Very often in various ancient Vedic texts, Tarkha Perunovich is asked to help people from the Clans of the Great Race by his beautiful sister, the golden-haired Goddess Tara. Together they performed good deeds and helped people settle in the vast expanses of Midgard-Earth. God Tarkh indicated the best place to place a settlement and build a Temple or Sanctuary, and his sister, Goddess Tara, told people from the Great Race which trees should be used for construction. In addition, she trained people to plant new forests in place of felled trees, so that new trees needed for construction would grow for their descendants. Subsequently, many Clans began to call themselves the grandchildren of Tarkh and Tara, and the territories in which these Clans settled were called Great Tartaria, i.e. the land of Tarha and Tara. Anthem-Pravslavlenie
: Dazhdbog Tarkh Perunovich! Glorious and Trislaven be you! We thank You, the giver of all blessings, happiness and prosperity. And we proclaim great Glory to You for your help in our good deeds, and for your help in our military deeds, and against dark enemies and all unrighteous evil. May Your Great Power come with all our Clans, now and ever and from Circle to Circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! Tarkh gave 9 Vedas, so he is the Giver God - Give-God. The Universe consists of nine worlds - levels, where each level is a certain frequency of existence of the entities that inhabit them and have their own mind (which corresponds to the 9 chakras of a person). Each level has its own measure of understanding (KNOWING) of the overall picture of the universe.

Nine Chakras of the Energy Cross

Tarkh Perunovich
DAZHDBOG - God Tarkh Perunovich
- Guardian God of ancient Great Wisdom. Giver of all blessings, happiness and prosperity. Tarkh Dazhdbog was glorified in sacred and folk chants and hymns not only for the happy and worthy life of the Clans of the Great Race, but also for deliverance from the forces of the Dark World. Tarkh did not allow the victory of the dark forces from the Pekel World, which were gathered by the Koschei on the nearest Moon - Lele, in order to capture Midgard-Earth. The Santias of Perun, written down by ancient Runes, contain the Sacred Ancient Vedas, the Commandments of Tarkh Perunovich and his instructions. Tarkh Dazhdbog destroyed the Moon along with all the dark forces that were on it. This is reported in the Santi Vedas of Perun. First Circle: “You, on Midgard, have been living peacefully since ancient times, when the world was established... Remembering from the Vedas about the deeds of Dazhdbog, how he destroyed the strongholds of the Koschei, which were located on the nearest Moon... Tarkh did not allow the insidious Koschei to destroy Midgard, as they destroyed Deya ... These Koschei, the rulers of the Grays, disappeared along with the Moon in half... But Midgard paid for freedom, hidden by the Great Flood... The waters of the Moon created that Flood, they fell to Earth from Heaven like a rainbow, for the Moon split into pieces and an army of Svarozhiches descended to Midgard "(Santiya. 9, shlokas. 11-12). In memory of this event, a unique ritual with deep meaning appeared, performed by all Orthodox people every Summer, on the great spring Slavic-Aryan holiday - Easter. On Paskhet (Easter) colored eggs are struck against each other to see whose egg is stronger. The broken egg was called the Egg of the Koshcheev, i.e. the destroyed Moon (Lelei), and the whole egg was called the Power of Tapxa Dazhdbog.

Patron God

Dazhdbog gives the Earth and people such great benefits as light and warmth, which is why he received his name, the prefix “dazh” (giving). For the same reason, He is the only one of the Gods whom you can ask for anything, and His name itself has firmly entered into colloquial use with the expression “God willing.” Dazhdbog's element is fire, his weapons are a spear, a club, a staff and sometimes a double-edged sword; His round shield bears the Swastika; the hidden animals are the lion (Ras), white horses and white wolves or dogs; hidden birds - falcon and goose. Common symbols of Dazhdbog are a circle, all types of swastikas, a wheel with four, seven or twelve spokes, eight-rayed stars (although in some Slavic families all stars with the number of rays from 8 or more are practically read as signs of the Sun). The swastika is an ancient solar symbol that is ideal for everyone who aims to bring the Spiritual Light of Knowledge and the Heat of Universal Love into the world. It is precisely because of his Light that he is so hated by the descendants of the Black and Gray Gods, as well as by those who want to hide the Truth from people for the sake of their greed and lust for power. The Straight Cross is a separate component of the Swastika, but as an energy symbol it is simpler and is designed to bring Harmony of Unity into the world and balance Darkness and Light.


Quite often in historical chronicles the ancient Slavs are called sun worshipers.
Yes - our ancestors revered the Sun above all else! All great holidays were invariably associated with the movement of the Sun. But our ancestors did not worship the Sun, but revered Him! Dazhdbog has four phases-hypostases, in which he appears to us after the days of the Equinox and Solstice. Each such individual hypostasis is the spouse of earthly Nature, which also has four hypostases, known as the Seasons (Limits of Kolo): HORS
(Horus, Horst, Crunch, Kors, Cross) - the first hypostasis of Dazhdbog, the spouse of Winter-Snegura, the winter, cold sun which shines brightly but does not warm, for it has not yet gained its strength and does not glow with heat. He is the lord of the white sunlight, the heavenly all-knowing, all-knowing, all-good eye. He opposes chaos, darkness and nothingness. It got its name from the Old Russian “horo”, “koro”, which means “circle”. His symbol of Christmas is an ordinary straight cross. The common symbol is the salt swastika. There is no doubt that the name “Horse” (in the entry without vowels KHRS - shining) is the prototype of the name “Christ” (in the entry without vowels KHRTS - sun-like).

Commandments of Tarkh - Dazhdbog

1. Whoever has Perun’s blessing for a family union, let there be neither hostility nor veil between them. 2. Whoever gives part of his Soul to his children has not diminished his Soul, but has increased it. 3. He who squanders love will lose it, and he who radiates love will multiply it. 4. Know, people of the Clans of the Great Race, that you must treat with kindness all living things created on Midgard Earth. 5. Whoever caresses and warms an orphan child has committed a small deed, and whoever has warmed, given shelter and taught hard work has committed a greater deed. 6. He who does not support his Family and his Faith in the hour of hardship is an apostate of his Family, and there will be no forgiveness for him all the days without a trace. 7. Let Conscience and the Laws of the Family be the measure of everything in all your actions. 8. Reject from yourself foreign thoughts and deeds that lead to immeasurable inferno. 9. Read the ancient Vedas, and let the word of the Vedas live on your lips. 10. The ancient wisdom that is preserved in your Clans belongs only to your Clans and your descendants, and therefore do not give ancient wisdom to strangers who use it against your Clans and your descendants. 11. Save the lives of your Relatives and your neighbors, and you will find help from your Most High Gods. 12. Whoever protects his child from creative deeds destroys the Soul of his child. 13. He who indulges the whims of his child destroys the great Spirit of his child. 14. The Vedas are known through the Living Word, for only the Living Word reveals the meaning hidden in the Vedas. 15. Do not destroy your nature, the blood of your Clans, for these are two great forces that enable the existence of your ancient Clans. 16. Remember, children of the Great Race, that a family union created without God’s and parental blessing is not protected from suffering and misunderstandings.

Hall of Ras, the White Leopard (Tarkh) August 7 - 28

People born in the Hall of the Race are reasonable by nature, which allows them to calmly solve any problems. The Hall of Race also grants serenity, as a result of which people, under the auspices of this Hall, feel comfortable in any vision of the world that they choose for themselves. And during rest they give themselves entirely to fun and serenity, internally feeling harmony and peace. But this does not mean at all that representatives of the sign always have their head in the clouds, because the first quality is prudence. They know where and when to relax, and where they need to clearly analyze the situation. This gives a person’s character purposefulness and perseverance; he cannot be confused by any propaganda of values ​​that are alien to a normal person, which modern “civilization” imposes on society. That is, it gives courage in the defense of the Ancestral Foundations and orders, their humanitarian-analytical Mind is not afraid of both militant and analytical fabrications.

Hall of the Race

World Tree Ash
Sacred tree - Ash
. Ash, like Oak and Birch, are the essence of the World Trees, rooted in the Most Pure Svarga, and feeding on the life force from the Heavenly Iry. The name itself speaks for itself - Clarity... The world tree in the traditional mythopoetic worldview embodies the universal concept of the world. It can be the “tree of life”, “tree of knowledge”, “tree of fertility”, “tree of ascension” (from earth to heaven, or to the underworld). Images close to the World Tree are the “axis mundi,” “world mountain,” “world pillar,” “navel of the earth,” as well as “world man” (first man). “World Tree Ash Yggdrasil” is most of all a symbol of knowledge, and then it includes other definitions, such as life and fertility. The branches of the ash tree stretch over the world and rise above the sky. Three roots support the tree, and these roots spread far. One root is with the Aesir, the other with the first intelligent beings that appeared in the world, and primordial wisdom is available to them - knowledge of the origin of the world, and under it is a source in which knowledge and wisdom are hidden. The third reaches out to the serpent.

White Pardus
is a sacred white leopard or, they say,
White Pardus
is a large white cat, very proud and lives in pairs all its life and does not tolerate captivity (According to legend, in the 18th century the last Pardus was killed while hunting).
Pardus serves as a symbol of military valor and the ability to take care of one’s homeland, and no matter what, not to surrender to enemies - not to be a slave, both physically and spiritually. There are legends that say that on his first visit to our Earth, Tarkh brought a family of cats from Ingard - Earth. A person born under this Hall must learn to bring gifts to Nature, the Gods and his environment and do it with all his heart. He must also learn to protect and revive life. Pardus or Ras has a white color interspersed with black dots, each dot is a developing individual consciousness on the surface of existence, that is, the skin, and deeper it is a single self-developing organism. And yet, a cat, when performing any action, does it without thinking, it simply knows what to do at the next moment in time. The patron god of the Palace of Ras is Dazhdbog Tarkh Perunovich
. Dazhdbog, with his influence, protects people born under the auspices of the Palace of the Race from all sorts of problems. The motto for life in this Hall is “no problems.” It's simple, there are no secrets: its representatives are calm about changes in life, without panicking for no reason. The solution comes on its own, from the many options that exist initially, in our world it looks like luck. Let us also note foresight. The Palace of the Race is able to predict many events, because it really looks at what is happening. And also the Palace of the Race endows a person with high sensitivity and a Big, warm heart. While it beats, it feels, loves, suffers. However, do not expect violent manifestations of your feelings from the Palace, because everything is under the control of the mind, or it is better to express that all manifestations of feelings are conscious. See Circle of Svarog.


The thunder god Perun was driving along the banks of the Don. And on its other bank, the Mermaid Maidens danced in a round dance. One mermaid, Ros, the daughter of Don and Asya Svyatogorovna, floated her wreath across the waves and sang to Perun: “If only my dear dared.” If he swam across the Don, if he could overcome the flow of the fast river, then I would give love to that hero. The blood in Perun’s veins caught fire, he turned into a goldeneye bird and rushed into the waters of the Don. But Don, and this was Veles-Guidon himself, became agitated and threw him onto the steep bank: “You, Perun the Thunderer, son of Svarog!” - Don cried. - Don’t swim, Perun, on my waves! Do not anger, Perun, Father Rod, Mother Lada - the Mother of God and a formidable wife! And Ros sang to Perun: “Apparently, I won’t meet you. Apparently, I, thin Rowan, have been swinging alone by the river for centuries, far from the tall Oak!” And then Perun sent lightning across the river. Lightning struck the stone behind which Ros hid. And a fiery image appeared in the stone. Ros took this stone to the heavenly blacksmith Svarog. He hewed the stone, began to hit it with a hammer, and then Tarkh Dazhbog was born from the stone. And to this day, the wise men argue whose son Dazhbog is - either Perun, who threw lightning at the stone, or Svarog, who hit the stone with a hammer. This is how Dazhbog was born. And he was the son of Perun and Svarog, the second descent of Vyshny. That is why he was also called Vyshny Dazhbog. And he was the son of Rosya, and through her the grandson of Veles-Guidon. Dazhbog Perunovich was a powerful knight. He became famous throughout the world for his strength and daring. Perun found out about this, saddled Storm the horse and went to see if they were telling the truth about Dazhbog. Dazhbog and Perun came together in a clean pole and decided to try each other’s strength. When they fought, Mother Earth wavered, the oak forests bowed, great waves spread across the seas and oceans. And then they got off their horses and began to fight hand-to-hand. Perun turned into an Eagle, and Dazhbog turned into a Lion. The Lion began to claw the Eagle. And then Perun weakened and fell to Mother Earth. And Dazhbog asked his name, and found out that he had defeated his father, Perun. Perun and Dazhbog made peace and became brothers, and then went to Svarga to the Alatyr Mountains. Dazhbog, according to the Ipatiev Chronicle of 1114, is the son of Svarog: “His son (Svarog) is called the Sun Dazhbog... The Sun is Caesar, the son of Svarog, who is Dazhbog, and his husband is strong.” There is no reason to trust this testimony of the monk, because this phrase is a translation from the Greek original (here Hephaestus is replaced by Svarog, and Helios by Dazhbog, and as a result, in the original and in the translation, who is whose son is confused). In Rus' in the 12th century, Vyshny, the son of Svarogov-Tvastyrev (cf. Vishnu - the son of Tvashtvar), was already confused with Dazhbog - his second descent to Earth (cf. Daksha, identified with Vishnu). The fact that Dazhbog could be considered the son of Svarog is evidenced by the fact that he was born from a stone, like other Svarozhichs, after the stone was hewn by Svarog. However, the tradition has been preserved of honoring Tarkh Dazhbog as the son of Perun (cf. Apollo Targelius, son of Zeus, also Sasrykava, son of the Thunderer). The identification of Dazhbog and the Good also forces us to consider Dazhbog the son of Perun (in the epics Dobrynya is the son of Ilya Muromets, who replaced Perun). The song about the birth of Dazhbog is restored according to the legend about the birth of a god from stone - the South Slavic Dobrinka, the Abkhaz Sasrykava, etc. see: “Songs of the South Slavs” (M., 1976), “Abkhazian Tales” (Sukhumi, 1985). The Russians also have a similar song: “Russian Folk Poetry” (Moscow, 1984, p. 47), “Epics and Songs of Southern Siberia” (Novosibirsk, 1952, p. 84), etc. The horse walks along the bank with its golden bridle. ... A daring fellow sits on a horse and takes notice of his betrothed. I would marry her, but My hands don’t rise.” I walked along Berezhok, I walked along the steep slope, I stepped on a flammable stone... I looked at my dear one, I sighed with a deep sigh: “Don’t look at me, friend... Songs sung on Elijah’s Day ( Perun's Day) “Slavic gods and the birth of Rus'” Asov A.I.

Dazhbog and Zlatogorka

Dazhbog Perunovich was proud of his power. He believed that no one could be stronger than him, and was quite surprised when he was convinced of the opposite. Once he was flying like a clear Falcon into the sky, and saw that a glade rider was riding in an open field, and she was fast asleep. Her helmet rests on the clouds, her golden braids flow like fire. Tarkh Dazhbog flew to the ground, turned into a knight and, without hesitation, struck Zlatogorka with his club. But she didn’t even notice it. Dazhbog was surprised, drove up again, and hit again. Then he hit him a third time with all his might, then she woke up, picked up Dazhbog along with the horse and put him in a casket, and locked the casket with a key and put it in her pocket. And I almost forgot about the acquisition, but when I remembered, I took Dazhbog out of the casket and demanded: “You take me as your wife.” Then you will live as before. If you refuse, you won’t live. I’ll put it on my palm and press it with the other - it’ll just get wet between my palms! There is nothing to be done, Tarkh admitted to Maya Zlatogorka that she has been in love with him for a long time and he agrees to accept the golden crown. Once Dazhbog and Zlatogorka were driving through the Holy Mountains, and suddenly they ran into a large stone coffin in a field. Zlatogorka wanted to try it on, climbed into the tomb and closed herself. And then she couldn’t get out, because that coffin was enchanted by the Black God. Dazhbog wanted to break it with the sword Kladenets, but after each blow the coffin was engulfed by an iron hoop. Then Dazhbog went to Viy to ask for a magic ring that could lift the spell. Viy gave the ring, and Dazhbog disenchanted Maya. But Maya’s life was returned only for a while until she gave birth to Kolyada. And they drove across an open field, and Spring came - Vyshen Dazhbog, and behind it Summer - Maya. Where Dazhbog passes through the field, there he will sow crops in the field. Wherever the goldfish passes, the golden ears will ripen. Source: “Slavic gods and the birth of Rus'.” Asov A.I. Eternal flame of Zoroastrianism

Old Russian calendar Slavic Vedism.

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional love

Who is Dazhdbog?

No matter whose son Dazhdbog is, one thing is clear: he is the deity of the Sun, the lord of light and grace that is bestowed on mortals. Dazhdbog was presented in the form of a middle-aged man, of strong build, with azure eyes like the sky, and hair as blond as the light emanating from him. The Slavs believed that Dazhdbog could turn into a lion. The god was depicted on a chariot drawn by lions. But there was a belief that Dazhdbog crossed the sky twice a day on a golden chariot drawn by golden-maned horses. Flocks of swans and ducks always flew in front of him. They are like the messengers of dawn and dusk. The Slavs believed that the bright daylight was a reflection from the golden armor that Dazhdbog was wearing. In essence, Dazhdbog is the supreme manifestation of good. He is a protector, not a warrior. His weapon is a shield that is capable of repelling the blow of any force and any weapon, but the god herself almost never uses magic. He does not attack, he only protects and protects. Dazhdbog is a peaceful god. His destiny is to give people and the whole world light and warmth, so that there can be life there. Dazhdbog gave people not only light and warmth, but also material values ​​and health. The harvest also depended on it. Therefore, the ancient Slavs tried in every possible way to appease the bright god. They made him offerings in the form of bird feathers. These were mainly feathers from geese, swans and ducks. Honey, apples and nuts were also presented. The temples were erected on the hills, and the idols, which were made of wood, were placed so that their faces were turned to the east, from where Dazhdbog began his daily journey.

Holidays in honor of Dazhdbog

Like any other representative of the Slavic pagan pantheon, Dazhbog had special days when people honored him. The days dedicated exclusively to this deity were March 18 and May 6, which respectively bore his name. These days, the Slavs celebrated Dazhdbog's renunciation of Madder, which meant the end of the winter cold and his union with the living goddess. During these same days, Yarilo was also revered as one of the faces of Dazhdbog, or rather of the spring revival. On the day of Dazhbog, cattle were also driven out to pasture for the first time, after a winter retreat. The Slavs asked their solar god to preserve not only crops, but also livestock and return them intact. In honor of this, it was customary to light bonfires. Dazhbog was also revered on February 12-14, 16 and 17 along with the god Veles. There is an opinion that Dazhbog was also called Spas, as the savior of the Slavic lands. Based on this, August 14 and 19, when the apple and honey Savior is celebrated, is associated with Dazhbog. If we take into account that offerings to this god were made in the form of honey and apples, then we can trace a certain logical pattern.

Symbol and amulet of Dazhdbog.

Since Dazhdbog is a solar god, that is, a solar god, the disk is considered his symbol. Dazhdbog belongs to the great Slavic solar triad of gods: Khors, Yarilo and he, but since Khors is the god of the winter sun, Yarilo of the spring, and Dazhdbog himself is the god of the summer, the disk, as the embodiment of the full and mature sun, is exclusively his sign. The most common sign of Dazhdbog is also the solar square, which has many similarities and similarities with the Svarog square and the Lada star. This square contains the sacred meaning of the very power and grace of the deity: his light and love extends to all four corners of the world. Also among the symbols of Dazhdbog is the ruby, which is recognized as the personal stone of the deity. The Dazhdbog amulet is not only a great honor, but also reliable protection. For young people, this amulet is a path to enlightening the mind and acquiring the strength and understanding that are needed to overcome all life’s difficulties and obstacles. The Dazhdbog amulet will allow you to find the right solution from a difficult situation and attract a worthy life partner. For representatives of the older generation, a talisman is a way to gain peace of mind, health and find a common language with the younger generation. In general, the Dazhdbog amulet is designed to make people happy, to attract love to them, but it also allows the wearer to understand that his happiness is within himself and depends on his thoughts and actions. The Dazhdbog amulet was made of wood or soft metals. It was also embroidered on napkins and carefully carried in pockets located on the chest, closer to the heart.


There is also a runic incarnation of Dazhdbog . Many runes focus their ancient power on specific aspects of life. Usually they affect either material well-being or spiritual peace. However, the runic sign of Dazhdbog is able to balance all life cycles.

The wearer of this runic amulet will find the desired success in life, cope with all the difficulties that arise with virtually no losses, and will also be able to overcome their doubts and fears, because Dazhdbog’s solar energy is aimed precisely at this.

Correct use of the rune:

  1. Buy or order a talisman, and then wash the jewelry with water and charge it with solar or fiery energy.
  2. Draw the Dazhdbog rune on paper and put it in a medallion or wallet. In the second case, the power of the amulet will be aimed exclusively at monetary success.
  3. Get a rune tattoo. Wearing the Dazhdbog rune for a long time will not affect a person’s energy field or life path in any way, since this rune is universal.

In the video about the meaning of the Dazhdbog rune:

Dazhdbog's wives and grandchildren are Slavs.

According to legend, Zlatogorka became Dazhdbog’s first wife. Seeing her sleeping one day, God was captivated by her innocent beauty and decided to marry the sleeping beautiful maiden. He struck three times with his club to awaken the one who had captivated his heart. Having woken up, Zlatogorka was angry at Dazhdbog’s courage and, having bewitched him, she locked him in her magic casket. But the young god’s face was too beautiful and clear, and he captivated the beauty’s heart. Zlatogorka released her beloved from captivity. Having got married, the young people were going to the great Mount Latyr, when in the field Zlatogorka saw a coffin enchanted by the vile Chernobog. She really wanted to sleep, so she climbed into it, but the trouble was she couldn’t get back out. No matter how hard Dazhdbog tried to free his beloved wife, everything was in vain. And then he went to the underworld to seek help from the wise Viy. He gave him a special ring that was capable of breaking Chernobog’s dark spell, but he warned Viy Dazhdbog that if he lost this ring, then the soul of his beloved Zlatogorka would go to the Navi world forever. The freed goddess gave birth to two sons to her husband: Kolyada and Ovsenya, after which, due to the machinations of Chernobog, Dazhdbog nevertheless lost Viy’s magic ring, and Zlatogorka went to the Navi world, where her soul merged with the soul of the goddess Mary. Madder, in which she lived, the soul of Zlatogorka married Dazhdbog and bore him a son, Bogumir, but then she renounced her husband and ran away from him with Chernobog’s grandson, Kashchei. The angry Dazhdbog set off in pursuit of his unfaithful wife, but was defeated by the twice vile Kashchei. The first time he turned the sun of God into stone, but Perun disenchanted him. For the second time, Kashchei deprived him of his powers and chained him to Latyr Mountain, dooming him to eternal torment, but the clear Dazhbog was saved by the beautiful goddess Zhiva, who became his third and most beloved wife. She gave him living water to drink and she revived his soul in his body, a new and more powerful one. Alive gave birth to Dazhdbog two sons: Kiseka and Aria. From the sons of the first came the peoples of the Hessians and West Germans. Arius had three sons: Kiy, Horeb and Shchek. From them came the Czechs, Serbs and Kyiv glades. Arius had descendants - Lech and Krak, who became the ancestors of the Mazovian and Polish tribes. About the eldest son of Kolyada, Dazhdbog had a grandson Radogost. He became the father of the peoples of Radimichi, Vyatichi, Obodritov, Ruyan and Ratar. From the son of the dark Marena, Bogumir, Dazhdbog had granddaughters Poleva, Dreva and Skreva, from them came the Krivichi and the Drevlyans and grandchildren Rus, Skif, Kim-ra, Khazar, Sloven and Seva. From the latter came the families of Rus, Slovenes, Khazars, Scythians, Northerners and Cimmerians. All Slavic peoples are the descendants of Dazhdbog, his grandchildren.

Composition of the Divine Family

His father was Svarog, who gave birth to the Svarozhichi, and they, in turn, were given to the pagans to help them in the main events. The god of the Slavs, Dazhdbog, became the eldest descendant.

The Svarozhich brothers were: Perun, Stribog, Semargl. According to pagan beliefs, Svarozhichi were born from sparks struck by a hammer striking the Alatyr stone.

Dazhdbog married Zhiva, daughter of Lada. Before this, the deity of the summer sun rejected marriage with Morena, the patroness of the underworld. A legend tells about this event, where the groom was crucified at the request of the rejected bride.

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