Alina: name meaning, character, compatibility, name days and talismans

Surely not everyone knows that the name Alina is a shortened form of the German Adelina, which in turn is a reduced affectionate form of the name Adela of ancient Germany. The name Alina is translated from German as “noble”. Today we will look at the meaning of the name Alina in every area of ​​life.

Today there is also an Arabic theory about the appearance of the name Alina, which translates as “other”, “foreign”. In our country, women began to be called by the name Alina very late - only at the beginning of the 20th century. Since that time, the name Alina began to enjoy increasing popularity.

It should be noted that the Christian religion does not contain the name Alina; for this reason, during the baptism process, girls are given the name Alevtina, Angelina, and a little less often - Alla or Elena. All women bearing the name Alina are under the patronage of the great martyr of Caesarea Alevtina, better known under the name Valentina. Let's move on to consider the question of what meaning the name Alina has on a woman.

Forms and cases, declension of the name Alina

Declensions and cases of a name is a section that contains many nuances and exceptions. A large number of exceptions and features exist in names of foreign origin. All forms of the name Alina are located in the table below in the text.

Cases and forms of the name
Prepositionalabout Alina

In childhood

How does the owner of the name Alina behave as a child? The meaning of a name for a child is of interest to mothers and fathers who intend to name their daughter this way or have already done so. What awaits parents?

Restless and willful - such is little Alina. It is not easy to control this girl; she has a freedom-loving character. The child strives for independence and is ready to defend it by any means. Conflicts and quarrels in the family can hardly be avoided. Parents must definitely punish Alina for serious offenses. Otherwise, the child will be completely out of control.

Since childhood, Alina has strived to evoke admiration from others. She needs compliments, may even demand them. The girl loves to be the center of attention; competition irritates her.

Alina's character

Society and team
Hard work
Attitude towards yourself
Attitude to things

Alina's unusual personality is filled with such traits as responsibility, hard work and frugality. Also, others notice respect and diligence. Such a set of quality may seem quite complex and contradictory. But not all of them appear on a permanent basis. In life, sometimes it takes a long time for certain character traits to emerge.

Sex, love

What is the meaning of the name Alina, if we talk about the relationship of its owner with the opposite sex. This woman is confident in her irresistibility and sexy. She is a real “magnet” for men who fall in stacks at her feet. Alina knows about her attractiveness and enjoys her victories. Male attention pleases her vanity. She just plays with most of her fans, without the slightest intention of getting closer to them.

All of the above does not mean that she is indifferent to sex. Alina loves experiments in bed and easily achieves orgasm. She does not think about a man, she cares mainly about her own pleasure. Sometimes she uses sex as a tool to control her partner. Alina tries to exploit her man, getting him to indulge her whims.

Which guy has a chance to attract her attention? This woman is suited to a confident man who can put her in her place if necessary. Also important for Alina is the external attractiveness of her partner. Her chosen one must constantly look after himself.

Numerology – number of the name Alina

Of course, for a more accurate numerological analysis, it is necessary to know the person’s date of birth. We had to rely solely on the numerical interpretation of the name in numerology. We have made efforts to obtain certain statistics on Alina's name in this area. And based on this information, you can get a sketch of personality and character traits.

The number “2” symbolizes accuracy, pedantry and integrity. Throughout Alina’s life, these qualities are perceived as like a medal with two sides. Her integrity allows her to stand her ground and achieve what she wants. At the same time, Alina often experiences certain life difficulties due to the framework with which she surrounds herself.

Characteristics of the name

The name Alina represents something tender, feminine, which, however, does not at all correspond to her character, which is very obstinate and explosive. A woman named Alina is a harmful, nervous, stubborn and very daring person. Alevtina always strives to act only as she requires, and is very categorical about comments addressed to her.

Alina is a person of extremes, who sometimes lacks tact and skill to turn the situation to her advantage. It happens that a woman with this name can show aggression. Alevtina’s main disadvantage is her excessive excitability; she absolutely does not know the art of hiding her own problems and emotions, be it affection or not love. In general, the meaning of the name Alina has a tangible impact on the characteristics of a woman.

Such women like it when things happen only the way she wants, and this attitude can be forced to change only with patience, tenderness, but not with violence. Despite her explosive nature, Alevtina can become nervous on rare occasions. All Alis are extroverts, and when the need arises, they adapt well.

Alevtina has the wonderful gift of curbing her own character only if she herself needs it. She likes to boast, but at the same time she is largely dependent on the opinions of strangers. He makes promises with ease, but with similar ease he forgets about them. A woman named Alevtina is characterized by a tendency to create conflict situations; for this reason, she has great difficulty finding a common language with strangers.

In friendship, a woman named Alevtina prefers men, because she simply cannot tolerate women. In addition, she is always under the pressure of significant success with men, which is facilitated by her excellent appearance, as well as relaxed behavior. With age, Ali softens, but is not able to completely overcome his own explosive temperament.

Alina's personalized plants and animals

Analysis of Alina’s totemic symbols is the key to obtaining the subtleties of a portrait of personality and character. Totem plants and trees are a direct reflection of a person, his view of his inner “I”. At the same time, totem animals exhibit the peculiarities of his interaction with the environment. Successful relationships with people and avoiding conflicts are based on understanding the aspects of personality and character.

Leading plant – Aspen

Aspen symbolizes energy. A battery man - this is precisely the characteristic that can often be heard in a team when it comes to Alina. An amazing personality quality that is rarely appreciated.

Totem tree – Spruce

Spruce is a coniferous tree with “splitting” foliage. This symbolism aptly reflects an important part of Alina’s character - she is not afraid to tell people the truth to their face, and her thoughts, expressions and arguments are particularly straightforward. It is difficult to say whether this has a positive or negative effect on her life, but such qualities always have inherent advantages.

Spiritual tree – Yew

Yew symbolizes attractiveness. Alina's appearance is quite unusual, and this is due both to taste and style, and to the genetic predispositions of the body itself. The combination of these factors gives Alina charm and charisma.

Lead animal – Lobster

Lobster is a symbol of charm. Alina is endowed with a very high level of charisma. Charm allows her to build strong connections with the outside world, thanks to which Alina feels like a fish in water in society.

Totem animal – Cow

The snake is a symbol of delicacy. Alina gives the impression of a good-natured person who does not tolerate evil and hatred. However, this does not mean at all that this personality trait prevents you from responding to offenders and blocking manifestations of harshness where necessary.

Spirit Animal – Bear

The bear is a symbol of curiosity. This skill helps Alina accumulate knowledge and life experience. By skillfully systematizing the information received, she achieves success in life where other people fail.


What does the name Alina mean if we talk about its influence on a teenage girl? Its owner rarely has problems with studies. The girl has a good memory, a lively and agile mind. However, it is important for Alina that her parents and teachers admire her successes. If you don't praise her, she may stop trying.

Forcing teenage Alina to do anything is extremely dangerous. She will immediately begin to defend her freedom. Parents should under no circumstances insist on attending any clubs. The girl prefers to make all decisions herself.

Already in high school, Alina begins to realize her influence on members of the opposite sex. Guys are intrigued by her bright personality, they like her love of freedom. Parents should make sure that the girl does not get carried away with the role of the conqueror of hearts and does not abandon her studies.

Ecclesiastical variants and famous bearers

The name Alina is not indicated in the Orthodox calendar, so at baptism girls are named Alevtina, Elena, Alla, Angelina.

Since there is no saint of the same name, Alin’s patron is considered to be the Great Martyr Alevtina of Caesarea. She was burned for her true faith in Jesus Christ. Name days according to the church calendar are celebrated in the summer - July 29.

History includes the following famous people with this name:

  • Kabaeva is a gold medalist in rhythmic gymnastics.
  • Charigot is the wife of the French artist O. Renoir.
  • Moradei is a star of Italian cinema.
  • Vitukhnovskaya is a Russian poetess.
  • Grosu is a pop celebrity in Ukraine.
  • Fernandez is the daughter of the famous politician Fidel Castro.
  • Pogostkina is a German violinist of Russian origin.
  • Janowska is a theater and film actress in Poland.
  • Gut is a Polish politician.
  • Dunaevskaya is a singer and author of her own songs.

Characteristics of an adult woman

The owner of the name knows how to restrain herself in any difficult situation. But at a certain moment, unexpectedly for others, he may show aggression. It should be noted that this behavior does not happen often.

Usually Alina easily adapts to the conditions that develop around her. It is not difficult for her to find a common language with people of any character, different interests and inclinations. Alina is easily excitable, but this state cannot be called nervous. She is able to hide her emotions, so she can always seem calm to others. This woman perceives any dispute as a personal insult and will defend her rightness, no matter what the cost.

Age changes character. The name Alina and its owner are characterized by intolerance, stubbornness, and a desire for extremes until the last years of life.

Interests, hobbies

What hobbies might Alina develop? This woman is a creative person, which cannot but be reflected in her choice of hobbies. She likes to create beautiful things. For example, Alina may be interested in drawing, floristry, knitting, clothing design, and so on.

The owner of the name cannot live without music. It is difficult to guess which direction will win her heart. Alina can also often be seen with a book in her hands. This woman gives the greatest preference to historical novels.

It is important for Alina to do something she likes. Therefore, there is a high probability that her hobby will turn into a profession.

Symbols and talismans

Name symbolism:

  • talisman stone - aquamarine, pearl;
  • patronizing planet - Venus;
  • element - fire;
  • totem animal - praying mantis, swallow, elephant, dolphin;
  • plant (tree) - willow, mint, maple, verbena, eucalyptus;
  • Lily flower;
  • zodiac sign - Pisces;
  • metal - iron;
  • lucky day - Tuesday;
  • season of the year - autumn;
  • year - Snake.

The most successful colors for a name are blue and crimson.

Children's period

Girls named Alina have a complex character and are difficult to educate. Parents are not an authority for them. They like to command and do not take adults' comments seriously. Alinas often grow up in single-parent families, which leaves a negative imprint on the formation of their personality.

They rarely cry, but are highly sensitive. They can demonstrate their suffering for a long time, refusing to talk. This continues until the girl’s wishes are fulfilled.

Alinas are endowed with excellent memory, which allows them to easily study school subjects. But studying comes easily to them only if they are interested. They are naturally capable, but rarely become diligent students. They often get sick and miss classes, which does not contribute to good academic performance.

Alinas have many talents: they draw beautifully, love to read, have a competent literary style, and are artistic. They constantly try to take care of someone, but they do it in a rude manner, with their characteristic egocentrism. It is recommended to raise them with love, but with strictness.

You cannot pamper Alina too much, otherwise her character will become unbearable in adulthood.

Pets are needed in the house, which will allow the girl to develop kindness and responsibility.

The influence of the seasons

What else can you tell about how the name Alina influences the character and fate of its owner? You should definitely take into account what time of year she was born.

  • Alina was born in winter? This means that she is characterized by determination, foresight, and quick reaction. This woman has no equal in her ability to set goals and achieve them. She will be able to conquer extraordinary heights. Unfortunately, despotism will not allow her to create a happy family.
  • Alina was born in the spring? This means that she is sublime and prone to romanticism. “Spring” Alina has her head in the clouds, she likes to immerse herself in the world of her fantasies. However, one cannot help but note the nervousness and imbalance of this woman. She will achieve the greatest success in the field of art.
  • Alina was born in the summer? This means that she is characterized by a quick temper. However, “summer” Alina is easy-going and is unlikely to take revenge on her offenders. She is convinced of her superiority over those around her, but at the same time she condescendingly forgives people for their weaknesses. It is quite easy to communicate with this woman. The main thing is not to forget to admire her and give her compliments.
  • Alina was born in the fall? Enterprising, practical, purposeful - this is how she can be described briefly. This woman will easily achieve success as a businesswoman, she is simply created to lead others. Professions related to creativity are absolutely not suitable for her.

Origin and meaning

Alina is a beautiful name, the origin of which has not yet been precisely established. Some historians believe that it has Latin roots and in translation means “alien”, “other”, “different”. It is also associated with the Latin name Albina (lat. albus), which translates as “white”, “light”, “fair-haired”.

A number of sources believe that the name Alina has French roots and is derived from Aline (Aline), and some researchers believe that this is a form of the Scandinavian name Adeline, the meaning of which is interpreted as “generous,” “noble,” “majestic.” And finally, the secret of the name lies in its ancient Germanic origin with the interpretation “noble”.

The name is widespread in Russia, the peak of its popularity among newborn children was in 1998.

Marriage, family

If we talk about starting a family, what does the name Alina mean? The meaning of the name indicates that its owner does not have a penchant for early marriage. This woman decides to give up her freedom at a fairly mature age.

Alina will be happy in marriage only if her husband is able to come to terms with her despotism and desire to command. It cannot be said that the owner of the name is a good housewife. She prefers to leave the solution to everyday issues on the shoulders of others and often uses the services of housekeepers. There is a high probability that Alina will have a tense relationship with her mother-in-law.

A woman with this name most often gives birth to girls. She passes on her charm and difficult disposition to her daughters. Alina is very kind towards children and spoils them.

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