Anastasia, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for girls

Origin:Russian names
Category:Female names
Name number:2
Zodiac sign:♑ Capricorn, ♊ Gemini, ♋ Cancer, ♐ Sagittarius

The main feature of the name is sociability and the ability to establish relationships and negotiate. People with this name are real peacemakers and excellent psychologists who help others and themselves build good relationships. You have a sense of humor, the ability to communicate, and build relationships, which will help you achieve your goals in any activity. However, sometimes it is better for you to come down to earth and not try to please everyone, so as not to get into trouble. A little strength of character certainly won't hurt you.

Origin and meaning of the name Anastasia

“Resurrected” is the literal translation of the name from Greek. It has several other similar meanings - “resurrectionist” and even “immortal”. In life, Nastya can overcome the most difficult circumstances and be reborn, despite her apparent fragility and sensitivity.

Tender, beautiful and smart Nastya is a name that has become popular among us thanks to Russian fairy tales. The young girl became a princess thanks to her responsiveness and hard work, and in the future, the real adult Anastasia lives by the same principle. Sound variations in other countries - Anastacia, Stacia or Stacy.


Appeared in Hellas. Translated from Greek, the name Anastasia means “immortal” or “reborn.” There is an opinion that Nastya’s ability to easily cope with all life’s obstacles, and even retain strength for hobbies, is associated with this meaning.

It is curious that in ancient Greece the name was given exclusively to boys. With his help, they wanted to raise future warriors so that they could protect their native land from enemies. The literal translation of the name Anastasy is “relocation.” Only a strong person is capable of rebirth when his body and soul are wounded.

Our ancestors called both boys and girls this way. Children of different classes were named - from peasants to representatives of the royal family.

The holy great martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker protects everyone. This woman lived in ancient Rome and secretly visited prisoners in prisons, treating their wounds and illnesses. She spent her personal funds to ransom the unfortunate from captivity. For her true faith in Christ, she was burned at the stake after much torture. Since then, every January 4th is considered to be the day of her memory.

However, Asya also has other patroness.

Anastasia's character

All Nastyas are given the talent to get along with people and find a common language with everyone. At the same time, sometimes they become too dissolved in close people and forget about themselves and their interests. This is an amazing combination of sacrifice and determination in one person.


Anastasia is a beautiful, feminine, sophisticated, dreamy and witty lady. Despite this, she easily endures difficult life circumstances and is always ready to help others. She doesn’t give up even when everyone around her thinks there’s no chance.

Nastya is prone to mysticism, philosophy, esotericism and spiritual practices, but at the same time she is good at science and study. If she finds an interesting area, she works painstakingly until she achieves a brilliant result.

Weak sides

Dreamy Nastya can be too melancholic and changeable, and sometimes downright capricious and uncollected. Because of this, she can waste her talents and intellectual potential on nonsense. Sometimes she is too suspicious, naive and easy to offend.

Anastasia is vulnerable and cunning ill-wishers take advantage of this, after which she openly gives up. If a girl is greatly spoiled in childhood, she may grow up lazy, avoiding any decisions and work.

Personal life

Anastasia's fate is almost always connected with the attention of the opposite sex to her. Men want to protect her, take care of her. But the bearer of the name can hardly be called amorous: she takes the choice of a life partner extremely seriously. If a young man is not able to provide for her or be responsible for his own affairs and actions, she will quickly lose interest in him.

  1. When choosing a partner, Nastya subconsciously compares potential candidates with her father. If she is completely convinced of the correctness of her decision, she may agree to a very early marriage.
  2. In family relationships, Asya will primarily value trust and understanding. Capable of jealousy and very difficult to endure conflicts with her husband.
  3. She has an excellent relationship with her mother-in-law and all her husband’s relatives. She will be a devoted and caring wife. Flirting on the side is not for her.
  4. As a mother, she devotes herself entirely to her children. Strives to cultivate moral qualities in them.
  5. Anastasia will never be able to satisfy only physical pleasures. The spiritual component is what is truly important to her. Such a woman needs to trust a person. Only then is she happy.

Anastasia in everyday life

Nastya’s character is influenced by her time of birth: summer ones are more sociable and friendly, autumn ones are more reserved and reserved. Winter ones are smart, responsive and more pragmatic, and spring ones are amorous, romantic and sensual.


Since early childhood, Anastasia has been artistic and creative, loves beautiful things and delights adults. She is open, simple, funny, loves fairy tales and dreams of becoming a real princess. The girl bravely communicates with strangers, but can be overly naive and trusting.

Tender Nastya is neat, loves order and enjoys mastering sewing or cooking. But she cannot be forced to do this, because she needs mood and inspiration. Parents will have to delicately explain and motivate so as not to discourage the desire forever.


As a teenager, Nastya studies diligently and makes friends easily. Teachers appreciate her for her efforts and diligent behavior, but at home she does not like to waste time on household chores. Because of this, it may seem that the girl is spoiled and lazy. The ability to be friends with everyone at once sometimes turns out to be the other side, and Nastya finds herself between two fires in any conflict situations.


Adult Anastasia is at the same time very active, but with a subtle mental organization. She approaches any work creatively and with imagination. Excessive sensitivity sometimes leads to slight nervousness, but this adds even more feminine charm.

Adult Nastya perfectly foresees events, and many even consider her abilities to be prophetic. In fact, it is an amazing balance of observation, intuition and a subtle analytical mind. Anastasia is in no hurry to demonstrate her deep knowledge to everyone, so she can really surprise.

Name for a girl

You already know what the name Anastasia means. To decide whether you should name your daughter this way, check out the characteristics of girls with this name in childhood.


Anastasia is a wonderful name for a girl. Babies named Nastya have a good disposition and easy-going character. They are polite, non-conflict, friendly and generous - they like to give gifts and share sweets and toys with other children. They have no envy, malice or bad intentions towards people.

As a child, Anastasia is very dreamy. She sincerely believes in miracles, compares herself to the heroines of fairy tales and always hopes for the best. It is important for parents to take into account that Nastya is trusting, so she needs to know the rules of communicating with strangers and be more concerned about her safety.

Little Nastya is very vulnerable. It is difficult for her to resist other people's rudeness and not react to criticism addressed to her, but she quickly forgets about any grievances, since she is not vindictive. However, when communicating with her, parents need to be as tactful as possible, otherwise the daughter may lose confidence in them.

The meaning of love for Anastasia

Nastya has not left men indifferent since her youth, but at the same time she is trusting. Because of this, it can be too easy to win her heart by manipulating her tendency to deeply empathize. Nastya is helped by good intuition, but first she needs to learn to listen to it.

Anastasia is given an amazing talent to turn enemies into friends with the power of her charm. She chooses courageous and strong men as her chosen one. A girl gets married in her youth, and strives to overcome all difficulties and problems to the last.

Nastya is an excellent housewife and loving mother with an innate talent for creating warmth and comfort around her, even if she has to sacrifice her own interests. Anastasia's relationships with Boris, Victor, Vladimir, Oleg and Konstantin are developing well. Conflicts may arise with Nikolai, Vitaly, Philip and Vadim.

Compatibility with male names

The female name Anastasia is compatible with many male names. Best partners:

  • Konstantin;
  • Paul;
  • Bogdan;
  • Denis;
  • Ilya;
  • Nikita;
  • Victor.

Nastya and Denis are drawn together by their similar characters. They will enjoy each other's company. In their relationship there is always a place for a sense of humor, strong emotions and a whirlwind of impressions. Partners just need to learn to take care of all this.

If Asya connects her life with Nikita, she will always feel as protected as possible. Such a man will never hurt his beloved. And she will give him warmth, care and tenderness.

Konstantin can become the chosen one because he is able to win the heart of a girl over a long period of time. He is endowed with special masculinity and strength.

An alliance with male representatives with the following names is not desirable:

  • Andrey;
  • Boris;
  • Semyon;
  • Eugene.

If Nastya marries Andrey, both partners will be too ambitious. Usually the life of such a couple is constantly spent in business and worries. They come home to spend the night. At one moment, Asya may realize that there is a complete stranger next to her.

In alliance with Eugene, she will be his complete opposite. While one is establishing family life, the other is thinking about more lofty things. It can be quite difficult for them to come to an agreement.

The meaning of a career for Anastasia

Nastya achieves incredible success in professions related to social activities. They get along well with children and become excellent educators and educators. Psychologists, doctors, librarians and workers of charitable organizations - all this is typical of Anastasia.

Very often Nastya chooses creative professions: dancer, choreographer, actress or writer. Journalism, philology and linguistics attract dreamy idealists. For the sake of what she loves, Anastasia easily changes places of residence, cities, countries and surroundings in general.


Anastasia is prone to allergic reactions. This should be taken into account when planning long trips to exotic countries and when exploring new products. Due to your inattention and carelessness, you can get injured.

  1. “Problem” areas of the body are the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, nervous system. There is a high risk of chronic laryngitis and bronchitis.
  2. At an early age, Nastya often suffers from pneumonia. This could have a negative impact on her health in the future.
  3. During school years, he often misses classes due to another doctor's house call. Parents should pay increased attention to their daughter's health.
  4. In adulthood, gynecological problems worsen: there is a threat of early menopause. Deterioration of vision is possible.

Horoscope named after Anastasia

Anastasia-Aries are stubborn and straightforward, but are subject to mood swings. Taurus is sensual and soft, prone to a quiet life. Geminis are very intelligent, with a subtle sense of humor, and Cancers are intuitive and unpredictable.

Leos are very self-confident, decisive and energetic, while Virgos are charming, ambitious and meticulous. Libras are elegant, sublime and strive to help others, while Scorpios are explosive and temperamental. Anastasia-Sagittarians are categorical, open and sometimes too harsh.

Capricorns are cold-blooded, critical of everything around them, and very strong-willed. Aquarians are honest, simple, good-natured, but they put their freedom above everything and everyone. The sophistication and vulnerability of Pisces is hidden behind deliberate rudeness and closedness.


Since childhood, Angelina has relied only on herself, is stubborn with her parents and tries to lead her peers. This affects school performance, and in adult life – on relationships with others. In Greek the name means "messenger". Talisman stones for Lina are turquoise, lapis lazuli and chrysolite.

Turquoise. It will smooth out conflicts and protect you from quarrels and misunderstandings. The stone will direct the energy of the brave and uncompromising Angelina to a good cause, teach prudence and thereby protect against risks. To achieve harmony and mutual understanding in a relationship, a young girl needs to wear a blue stone.

Lapis lazuli. The stone calms, relieves irritation, clears the mind and develops intuition. This helps Angelina make timely and rational decisions that have a positive impact on business development. An amulet with lapis lazuli will bring her good luck, prosperity and prosperity.

Chrysolite. The mineral neutralizes Lina’s temper and instability and prevents stress and bad thoughts. It will protect you from dangers and the influence of ill-wishers. For Angelina, a talisman with chrysolite is a symbol of material wealth and well-being.

What is Nastya’s character?

Traits that define Nastya: constantly changing mood, timidity, charm and elegance, hot temper and nervousness. Nastya is always ready for both mutual feelings and loneliness.

Natural intuition does not betray her, thanks to which she can predict in advance the course of the future. This is also facilitated by her strong and flexible analytical mind. Thanks to him, Nastya is able to prevail in a discussion over any opponent.

People around her often see her as cold, since for Nastya only her loved ones are truly important. She perceives the rest of the environment neutrally and indifferently.

It’s not difficult to offend Nastya, and it’s also quite easy to deceive her. She is not vindictive and will not take revenge; anger is not able to cloud her mind. At a young age he loves to listen and read fairy tales and demonstrates a bright and wide imagination.

It is difficult to instill in her a love of order, which often annoys her parents. The habit of throwing things around will remain with her for many years. Even as a teenager, Nastenka will undertake to restore order only in a fit of the right mood.

Thanks to her ability to feel and understand, Nastya will become an excellent teacher, psychologist or actor. This woman will make an impeccable wife and mother - she will never agree to flirt on the side, much less to cheat.


The name Arina has several versions of origin. It is considered an outdated name for the name Irina and is associated with the ancient Slavic god of fertility Yarila. Arina is independent, a little reserved, intuitive, but too slow to make timely decisions. She is devoted to her chosen one, but increased caution and distrust make her jealous. For help, she should turn to chalcedony, tourmaline and diopside.

Chalcedony. With the help of an amulet with this mineral, the indecisive Arina will be able to liberate herself a little and attract the attention of the opposite sex. The stone protects from envious people and ill-wishers, pacifies and spiritually balances.

Tourmaline. The properties of the stone are versatile, so when choosing a talisman you should take into account its color. The pink mineral will act as a talisman of love and devotion, the blue one will strengthen self-understanding, the green one will help Arina restore harmony and mental balance, and the black one will help protect herself from energy vampires.

Diopside. Arina’s characteristic isolation does not allow her to throw out accumulated negativity, which can lead to stress and bouts of irritability. To normalize the energy balance, it is necessary to use the properties of diopside. In addition, an amulet made from this stone helps to establish connections with others and win over the right people.

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