Daniel: name meaning, character, origin, interpretation and fate

Daniel is an ancient biblical name, and literally translated from Hebrew it means “God is a judge.” Daniel was the name of a famous prophet who, 600 years before the birth of Christ, accurately indicated the time of Christ’s coming to earth.

In Rus', the name Daniel appeared around the 11th-12th centuries, and initially it was assigned only to clergy and princely offspring, then the name quickly spread to other social strata of the population.

Gradually, any foreign name adapts to the phonetic and grammatical structure of the Russian language, acquiring everyday, colloquial sound options. Thus, in old archival documents and in Russian folk epics such sounds of the name Daniil are mentioned as Danilko, Danila, Danilets, Danilo.

In the post-revolutionary period, these old baptismal names began to be gradually forgotten. However, in our time, the name Daniel is gradually returning to use, which cannot but rejoice, since this beautiful name was and is borne by many outstanding personalities. Among them are writers Daniel Defoe and Daniil Granin, the outstanding explorer of Siberia Daniil Gottlieb Messerschmidt, jazz pianist Daniil Kramer, Russian painter Daniil Cherny and many others.

Name in history

In recent years, parents have often chosen the name Daniel for their child. The meaning, character and fate of the baby so named deserve special attention. Previously, this name was not very popular. In past decades, children were rarely called this. However, today the popularity of this name is returning again.

Daniel is a unique person. The origin of this name is Hebrew. It characterizes a just person. Translated: “God is my judge,” “God’s court,” “God is the judge of everything.” This name belonged to the holy prophet, who was held captive by the king of Babylon. He predicted the coming of Christ 600 years before his birth. Legend has it that the prophet Daniel was thrown to the lions, but the ferocious animals did not touch him.

In the Jewish religion, the prophet Daniel was not an active figure. He was a thinker. This name promises the child many special character traits. It was given to many famous personalities in world history:

  • Daniil Kholmsky. Boyar, prince, and also governor. He became famous for his victory over the Crimean Tatars in 1468. The following year, he won an equally significant victory for Russia in the battle with the Kazan Tatars, forcing their ruler to sign a peace treaty. Thus, it was possible to prevent Tatar raids on Russian lands and rescue all compatriots from Tatar captivity.
  • Daniel abbot. The first Russian pilgrim (died in 1122). He went to Palestine and wandered around these lands for several months. He was able to describe in detail the places where Christ walked. The document he wrote has survived to this day.
  • Daniil Zabolotny (1866-1926). Bacteriologist, academician of sciences.
  • Daniil Black (1350-1428). Icon painter, monk, employee of A. Rublev, for whom he was a teacher.
  • Daniil Shtoda (born in 1977). Russian opera singer, soloist of the Mariinsky Theater.

The meaning of the name Daniel, character and destiny for a child should be considered in detail. This will allow parents to develop the right parenting strategy to emphasize the strengths of their child’s character and reduce his shortcomings.

Synonyms, name days, religious overtones

Considering the meaning, secrets of the name Daniel, the character and fate of the person named by him, one should pay attention to the various word forms. There are several synonyms for this name, as well as diminutive variations. Synonyms are:

  • Danil.
  • Danila.
  • Danilo.
  • Daniel.

The diminutive forms of this name are as follows:

  • Danya.
  • Danisha.
  • Danyasha.
  • Danilka.
  • Danechka.
  • Danusya.

In other religions and nationalities, this name has a different sound and meaning. The church name Daniel in Orthodoxy belonged to three saints. Therefore, the name day of the owners of this name is celebrated three times a year:

  • 20 April. Patron Saint Daniel of Pereyaslavl (lived in the 16th century). At a young age, he secretly left his father's house and entered a monastery. He devoted himself to serving his neighbors. He became famous for the gift he received to perform miracles.
  • July 23. Patron Saint Martyr Daniel. He was one of 45 Christians who in the 4th century AD. e. tortured in Nikopol for faith in Christ. The martyrs were burned at the stake and their remains were thrown into the river.
  • December 30th. Patron: Holy Prophet Daniel. Lived at the palace of the Babylonian king in captivity. For his faith he was thrown into a den of lions, who did not touch him.

There are certain signs on the days of Daniel's name day. So, on July 23, traditional healers and grandmothers collect healing dew. It is used for healing. To do this, run a clean canvas cloth over the morning dew on the grass. The procedure is carried out until the fabric gets wet. Then the water is squeezed into a bowl, decanted into a container and stored in the cellar. Water is used to protect against the evil eye and damage.

It is worth noting that the meaning of the name Daniel in Islam is also quite interesting. His form in this religion is Daniyal. Muslims call their children by this name. That was the name of the prophet who did not want to worship idols. For this, he and his followers were thrown into a ditch among the lions, who did not touch him. King Bukhtanasar, seeing this, elevated Daniyal. Therefore, the prophet is a respected person in this religion. Knowing the meaning of the name Daniel in Islam, many parents who profess this faith name their children by it.

History of the origin of the name, legend

Daniel, like any other name, is much more than just a combination of letters. Even each individual letter can be translated into a description of a character or personality. A name is the key to destiny, which is given to us by those who call us. Moreover, knowing only the name, you can already tell a lot: what a person likes, what he is successful in and how he will change over time. Knowing a person's name, it is easy to find out his content.

The history of the origin of the name Daniel goes back more than two thousand years. Its ancestors were biblical and Jewish names, which were transformed for several centuries to the final result. There is a legend about the prophet Daniel, who named the exact date of Christ’s birth. It is easier to understand the meaning of the name Daniel if you know the legend about the prophet Daniel, or at least its short version.

The Prophet Daniel came from a noble family, at the age of fifteen he was taken captive, this happened during the capture of Jerusalem in 606 BC. The prisoners were sent to school, where they were prepared for service in the royal palace. The young prophet was diligent and excelled in his studies, and later it turned out that Daniel was superior to the Babylonian sages in intelligence, so he and his friends were appointed court dignitaries.

But Daniel had one more feature besides a strong mind: he could interpret dreams that predicted the future, which more than once helped out the kings he served. He wrote down these prophecies in a separate book; there were references to the end of the world and the second coming of Christ.

The pagan nobles were jealous of Daniel's high position, and therefore they slandered him before the king, for which he was thrown into a cage with lions. God protected the slandered man, and the animals did not touch him. The king quickly realized what was going on and executed the liars.

The prophet died as an old man; he left behind a book of prophecies, to which Jesus himself often referred. Since then, the news about Daniel, whose name was indicated in the book, has spread throughout the world.

This male name came to Rus' two thousand years ago along with Christianity and was especially common among male clergy and nobility.

Now several varieties of the name have appeared, and Danilov can be called:

  1. Danechka.
  2. Daniel.
  3. Danil.
  4. Danila.
  5. Danya.

Or even (they can be heard in the USA, Canada and some European countries due to the peculiarities of their accents): Danya and Daniil.

There are other consonant names, but their owners will have completely different characteristics.

Characteristics according to Rouget

Considering the meaning, secrets, character and origin of the name Daniel, the fate of the child, it is worth paying attention to several of its descriptions. Many researchers have characterized this name. One of them was Rouget. He describes the following:

Characteristic Description
Personality Smiling
Color Yellow
Main features Intelligence, intuition, sociability, morality
totem plant Holly
Totem animal Sperm whale
Zodiac sign Fish
Type Phlegmatic person. Calm, never nervous. Even when experiencing drama in his soul, he does not show it with his appearance
Psyche Balanced. Does not strive to shine in society, is a pleasant conversationalist
Will Strong. However, subject to constant doubts
Excitability More interested in your own inner world
Speed ​​reaction They decide to act only after making strong arguments. They require devotion from friends and loved ones. They need the presence of loved ones and do not like loneliness. Friendship is put above love
Field of work They like to do two things at the same time, for example, get an education in two different specialties at the same time. Need a job that allows plenty of free time to develop creativity
Intuition Perfect. Their premonition almost never deceives them.
Intelligence Too analytical mind. Pays attention to every detail
Susceptibility The imagination is too developed, so they are quite receptive and impressionable. Sometimes suspicious. They idealize their partner, which can greatly hurt them later. Lacks aggression and pressure. Cannot stand open display of their feelings
Moral Law abiding citizens. Devoted to family. Even if it seems that he is somewhat distant and cold, he is strongly attached to his partner
Health Average. Need proper nutrition. It is important to exercise, especially water sports
Activity Average. They don't become adventurers, but they're not entirely passive either.
Sociability They are somewhat tyrannical. They look impeccable and like to receive guests somewhat ceremoniously. Characterized by some degree of snobbery

Talismans for Daniel

  • Patron planet - Mercury.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign - Pisces and Gemini. All Daniels born under these signs will definitely be successful in life.
  • A good time of year is spring, a good day of the week is Wednesday.
  • Lucky colors are blue, yellow and gray.
  • Totem animal: squirrel and sperm whale. The squirrel symbolizes high efficiency, thriftiness and dexterity. It is considered a symbol of foresight and everyday ingenuity. The sperm whale is a sea animal that symbolizes power, strength and peace of mind.
  • Totem plant - ash and buttercup. An ash tree growing near a house will protect its peace, protect it from the evil eye and damage, and promote material well-being. A talisman made from ash bark will attract wealth and love to its owner. Buttercup is a symbol of energy and self-confidence, helping to establish relationships with others.
  • The talisman stone is jasper. This stone has always been considered the strongest amulet and amulet; it is capable of driving away bad thoughts, protecting against damage and the evil eye, improving mood, increasing strength and intelligence. Blue jasper neutralizes envy, protects against rash actions, and enhances the gift of foresight.

Common features

Every parent choosing a name for their child is interested in knowing the impact of one or another option on the baby’s fate. Scientists have proven that the sound combination that a child is called has a strong influence on his perception of his own personality. Therefore, it is worth considering in detail the meaning, secrets, and character of the name Daniel.

It is quite rare, so the impact on humans will be strong. The sound of this name is calm. Therefore, it sets its owner to be moderately active and leisurely. Such people have the ability to concentrate and concentrate. However, in this combination of sounds, some uncertainty is also heard.

On the one hand, the full form of the name sounds emphatically respectable. At the same time, his other form - Danila - is perceived by the common people. In order not to look rude and clumsy in the eyes of others, the young man begins to behave in an emphatically intelligent manner. Therefore, it is extremely important that parents devote time from a very early age to instilling in their child a sense of taste. Otherwise, he will look somewhat ridiculous in his efforts.

The secrets of the name Daniel and its meaning help parents develop the right tactics of behavior. You should not prevent your child from cultivating a sense of self-confidence. He must be able to respect others and himself.

Daniel is not hot-tempered or aggressive. Negative emotions, even very strong ones, do not find support in him, as if getting bogged down in the depths of his calm. However, the tendency to self-examination sometimes darkens the life of this person. Daniel does this right up until his marriage. Afterwards he is distracted from meaningless worries.

The desire to know oneself makes Daniel a good psychologist. Therefore, he understands people well, penetrating into the very essence of those who are nearby. He is lucky in his relationships with loved ones. Daniel does not allow random, empty people near him.

In communication, he prefers persuasion, but not assertiveness. Able to smooth out sharp corners. This is a non-conflict person. This ensures success in a variety of areas of activity. It is extremely difficult to challenge this person to an active debate. He will patiently justify his point of view without showing negative emotions towards his interlocutor. Willingly responds to calls for help. If the petitioner reveals dishonest intentions, he will forever lose the respect of Daniel.

Character of a boy named Daniel

Parents who named their offspring a wonderful and harmonious name that came from the ancient Greek state are interested in what positive or negative traits he will have. The character of a boy named Daniel will definitely please his loved ones. The following qualities will prevail in him:

  1. concentration;
  2. the desire to achieve everything through hard work and perseverance;
  3. assertiveness;
  4. perseverance;
  5. self improvement;
  6. calm;
  7. friendliness;
  8. curiosity and desire to learn;
  9. caring for loved ones and relatives.

Despite the considerable number of advantages, we should not forget about the negative features. There are not too many of them, but parents should not turn a blind eye to the shortcomings. One of the most basic is that a boy gets lost in the company of strangers or even well-known friends. This may cause him to become withdrawn over time. Parents and loved ones who notice this deficiency should certainly try to cope with it. If necessary, you can ask for help from a specialist and visit a psychologist with the boy several times. This will certainly allow you to cope with a problem that can bring a lot of trouble in your future career or even in dating girls.


The chosen name determines to some extent the character of the child. The meaning of the name Daniel should be considered in the context of different ages. So, in early childhood this child will have a lot of positive character qualities. This will be a kind, honest and fair baby. He will be friendly towards people.

The meaning of the name Daniel and the character of a preschool-age boy indicate the presence of such positive qualities as sociability, determination and activity. The child will obey his elders, but at the same time he will not mind having fun with his peers. He is ready to help, not only his friends, but also his parents.

Sometimes children named by this name claim to be a leader, but only unspoken.

He knows how to adapt well to all the conditions that surround him. It is difficult to embarrass Daniel. Even at a young age, he does not get angry and does not argue with anyone to the point of a quarrel. These are general traits that largely depend on upbringing.

Parents should not try to change their child's personality. On the contrary, it is better to encourage the positive qualities of his character. You should never insist that your child show aggression or a strong-willed solution to the situation. This is a diplomat who will find a way out of the situation.

In the company of unfamiliar adults, a boy with this name can behave withdrawn. However, this is a completely normal reaction. This allows the child to protect himself. In addition, any child should not speak freely to strangers. This is not safe for any baby.

Character traits

A man named Danila regularly experiences doubts about everything, although until he settles on a specific decision, the execution of which he will never back down from. Sometimes a man named Danila is carried away by self-flagellation and is distinguished by the presence of internal conflicts. Since childhood, Danila has not recognized coercion in any of its manifestations, but it is still possible to come to an agreement with it.

Today the name Danila’s origin and meaning are described, helping such a man to successfully adapt both to various circumstances and to the people around him, and a well-developed sense of intuition helps to predict upcoming events. Distinguished by his analytical mind, a man named Daniel easily finds the truth everywhere and is able to calculate any, even the smallest, subtlety.


Considering the secrets of the name Daniel and its meaning, it is worth noting its influence on a person in adolescence. In adolescence, boys with this name hone their ability to woo people. At this age, their organizational abilities begin to actively manifest themselves. Daniel can gather around him many friends with whom he will have common interests. Even those people who do not show much respect for his person are drawn to him.

As a teenager, Daniil knows how to keep his own emotions under control. He almost never gets offended, unless the reason is really serious. Criticism and teaching are not able to make Daniel angry. At such an early age, thanks to his natural qualities, this child can win over a variety of people. This could be his peers or teachers at school. He knows how to get attention.

Daniel's leadership as a teenager is difficult to dispute. But at the same time, he is not going to take responsibility for the crowd. And this is a flaw in his personality. The meaning of the name Daniel and the character of the person so named indicate the teenager’s inability to take on any responsibility. He's afraid of it. It is almost impossible to combat this disadvantage.

Positive character traits of a teenager are the ability to concentrate on what is important, caring and attentiveness to others. He is eloquent and does not mind talking about everything at once. At the same time, the ability to compromise makes him a good diplomat. Daniel is not without a sense of humor. He is optimistic about life.

In his studies, Daniil is attracted only by the humanities. At this age he does not have perseverance. Therefore, he is unlikely to be able to receive a good basic education. Even if the subject is interesting to him, Daniil cannot get hung up on his studies. This leads to dissatisfaction among teachers. However, the boy knows how to find a common language with them. Therefore, it receives satisfactory grades.

Astrological symbolism and zodiac signs

The secret of the name Daniel partly lies in the patron objects. The more a boy comes into contact with the following subjects, the easier it will be for him to achieve what he wants; this can manifest itself in sudden motivation, improved health, the appearance of free time, and so on.

  • color - yellow, gray, blue;
  • plant - holly;
  • patronizing planet - Mercury;
  • element - water;
  • season - spring;
  • amulet stone - jasper;
  • metal - iron;
  • tree - ash;
  • flower - buttercup;
  • animals - squirrel and sperm whale;
  • favorable day - Wednesday;
  • The most successful zodiac sign is Gemini and Pisces.

Zodiac signs play perhaps the most important role for everyone.

After all, they are the ones who set our priorities and character, type of activity and way of life:

  1. Aries is a cheerful and cheerful sign; a person born under the sign of Aries has a wonderful sense of humor. It is quite easy to communicate with him, since Daniil is open, intelligent and knows how to carry on a conversation on a variety of topics. Just because he appears calm on the outside does not mean that he will have the same calm on the inside, because, like any other Aries, Daniel has a big sensitive heart. He is no stranger to self-flagellation, and it happens so violently that a man can destroy something he has worked on for more than one night. But Danila rarely learns from his mistakes, so he constantly steps on the same rake over and over again. Partly, the boring life of Aries - Danilov is due to this.
  2. Taurus is a master of diplomacy and the art of charm; it will not be difficult for him to find a common language and topics for conversation with anyone. He has a cheerful disposition and an easy-going character; such a man will strive for the most peaceful life possible, both financially and emotionally. He will do his best to avoid various shocks. It is important for Taurus to take an advantageous position in society, because he knows how to both save and earn money. Daniel will never allow himself to be manipulated and will not always do what he is told.
  3. Gemini is one of the most flighty and fickle signs who loves to have fun and be in noisy companies. You shouldn’t believe his every word; very often he forgets promises or simply “tells tales.” He has a naturally sharp mind and a well-developed imagination, but very rarely Danila-Gemini delve deeply into any topic, they are superficial, and therefore run a great risk of wasting their lives.
  4. Cancer is a rather impressionable and vulnerable person who is used to hiding so as not to be hurt again. Sometimes Daniel is overwhelmed with a variety of emotions, but out of habit he hides them from strangers, his inner world is open only to a select few. He does not make decisions rashly; he always thinks them over carefully and evaluates the external situation. Cancer-Danya is not a supporter of conflict situations; outwardly he may seem slow, but there is no point in rushing him. If he feels threatened, he will immediately withdraw into himself, he also does not endure insults easily, so depression does not go far away from him, and loneliness provides the necessary peace.
  5. Leo is the king of charm and a master of tricks and tricks. He is an actor, and his performance is constant and unrecognizable. Danila has few problems with people, since he perfectly senses the mood of those around him, it is easy for him to win the love and attention of the public and understand what is expected of him. Leos are bright, charismatic, fearless and memorable personalities. They make excellent leaders whose ideas captivate one follower after another. They have all the qualities necessary to create a brilliant career, but at times Dani can get into debt due to the desire for a luxurious life.
  6. Virgo is a practical, prudent person and even somewhat cold, but romantic notes are not alien to him. He can well be described as a person who loves to wander somewhere in his thoughts. Daniel is the embodiment of stability and reliability; he can control himself no matter what happens. He has a lively mind and innate hard work, for which his bosses love him; this trait helps him climb the career ladder. He always looks several steps ahead, like a true strategist.
  7. Libra is a charming dreamer who does not forget about rationality. He is calculating, inquisitive and not lacking in intelligence; in addition, Libras are excellent conversationalists, they will talk to anyone, and, if possible, will avoid quarrels and conflict situations. Daniels know how to compromise and raise the white flag if the situation requires it. They will not miss the benefit; they have plenty of ways to make the only right decision among others.
  8. Scorpio is a courageous, impulsive, explosive and sincere person who is most afraid of loneliness. He does not accept either difficulties or the opinions of others. He can always briefly and sharply express the whole truth to his face, which is why his fate is not always as cloudless as he would like. If Scorpio has set a goal, it doesn’t matter to him what prevents him from going towards it, he will go straight ahead and “over the heads”, but sooner or later he will achieve his goal. It is impossible to subjugate him; he will always strive for autonomy. He can achieve great success in his work if he approaches it with all seriousness.
  9. Sagittarius is the one who can get the description of an easy-going, romantic, sincere and spontaneous man, but some are confused by his straightforwardness. He often lives “from paycheck to paycheck,” and legends can be made about his generosity. If Daniel loves his job, he will have no equal in it, he will quickly achieve financial independence, and besides, Sagittarians are real lucky people.
  10. Capricorn is an adventure lover and a keen extreme sports enthusiast who cannot imagine his life without movement and sports. He has a strong-willed, unbending character, he is thorough in everything and does not tolerate superficial things. Danya is practical and knows what he wants to achieve from life. Family will always come first for him. He will look for intelligence and manners in his chosen one; she should be a woman with whom he is not ashamed to go out in public.
  11. Aquarius is vulnerable and sensitive, one carelessly thrown word can drive him into deep depression, the reason for this may be his internal lack of confidence in his own abilities. However, Danila has a wonderful trait - he always strives to make the world around him a little better. He is a loner, because he is too fixated on doubts and his problems, he does not know how to defend his point of view, but he may have great creative potential. His wife should be, first of all, like-minded for him, pursuing the same goals, ready to support both morally and financially.
  12. Pisces is a sign that truly knows how to empathize, it is charming and attractive, but full of contradictions, changeable and emotional. He has a colorful inner world, which is very susceptible to outside influence. Daniel is friendly, simple-minded, open and will always respond with kindness, but sometimes he is hampered by shyness and the inability to defend his positions. Pisces are a storehouse of talents, most of which they do not use, thinking that everything will work itself out. In marriage, he is ready to cede to his wife the role of the head of the family and help her; moreover, without being very jealous, he will be able to give a sea of ​​​​tenderness and give moral support.

The character of the name Daniel, in fact, plays a minor role, so men behave quite typically for their zodiac signs. The main difference lies in priorities and life values.

Mature years

Considering the character and meaning of the male name Daniel, it is worth considering in detail the characteristics of this person in his adult years. Over time, he begins to develop many new qualities. In his youth, this person is prone to introspection. Sometimes this develops into painful self-flagellation. However, by the age of 30, Daniel develops such character traits as responsibility, constancy, and diligence. This is what he lacks in his childhood and adolescence.

As an adult, Daniel becomes even more diplomatic and serious. However, he is not alien to a positive attitude and hard work. An adult man with this name is very different from himself in childhood. This is a consequence of introspection, in-depth work on one’s own personality.

Considering the meaning of the name Daniel, the character of an adult man, it should be noted that, having matured, he can become a real leader. As an adult, Daniel learns to be responsible. This allows people to trust him with a number of special powers. In his professional activities, he often achieves significant heights. He is appointed head of a department, another structural unit of the organization. This is a merit of his natural abilities, which are determined, among other things, by the chosen name.

Daniel's relationships with girls are quite difficult. He does not strive to create a family for a long time. It’s hard for Daniil to imagine himself as a family man. Therefore, he avoids serious relationships. However, if there is a girl who will conquer him with her kindness and beauty of soul, Daniel will become a wonderful family man. He does not pay attention to external beauty. His life partner should be a good person and his friend. Although even in this case, Daniel will be somewhat secretive in expressing his feelings. At the same time, he is very attached to his family.

Characteristics of the name Danila

A man named Daniel is almost always associated with something big, slow, calm, faithful, and reliable. In life, these judgments turn out to be correct - a man named Daniel is not in a hurry to judge things and people, he is constantly in thought, but is decisive in action. By his nature, Daniel resembles a phlegmatic person, in other words, he absolutely always looks calm, unperturbed, and is able to remain calm sometimes in critical situations of life.

A man named Daniel concentrates only on his own experiences, for this reason he only occasionally provides help. Deep down in the soul of a man named Daniel, he suffers from his own snobbery, however, he strives to hide it from others.

Danila’s sense of leisure, solidity, and goodwill can only evoke a respectful attitude in others, and snobbery manifests itself only in certain circumstances. The ability to always restrain oneself and secrecy are characteristic character traits of a man named Daniel. At the same time, Daniel can be described as a not very brave, sometimes cowardly guy.


Considering the meaning of the name Daniel, its character and compatibility with representatives of the opposite sex, several successful options should be named. The marriage will be strong with Anastasia, Irina, Maria, Evdokia, Ulyana. But relations with Zinaida, Raisa, Ksenia, and Tamila will be difficult. Daniel is looking for a friend in his partner, so the girl must be sincere and honest with him. In this case, peace and mutual understanding will reign in the family.


It is worth paying attention to a person’s energy, considering the meaning of the name Daniel, character and destiny. His health is quite good. As a child, this child loves to play sports. Moreover, he does not strive to conquer peaks. He plays football, tennis or swimming for his own pleasure. This allows him to grow strong and healthy.

Daniel does not show his experiences to others. He remains friendly and smiling. However, strong internal conflicts can affect his health. This can negatively affect the nervous and digestive system. You need to watch your diet. The problems arising in this area can be significant.

You also need to maintain dental health. This is one of the weak points of people with this name.


The topic of sexual relations is unpleasant for Daniel, so he never talks about it. Since his youth, he has felt problems in this area, feeling a discord between internal receptivity, sensitivity and sexuality, and therefore experiences some kind of anxiety.

Daniel will never rush into flashy sexuality if an empty and uninteresting personality is hidden behind it. In bed, he needs a more experienced partner who will help a man overcome his natural modesty. Daniel will always strive, first of all, to please the woman, and then to himself.


Considering the meaning of the name and the character of Daniel, a few words should be said about his career. He will achieve great success in the field of psychology, psychiatry, and may be a spiritual mentor. This person also has the makings of an actor and artist. He can do research work.

He rarely creates his own business. He prefers to be a middle manager. Chooses professions that bring a stable income.

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