Funeral wreath - lining for damaging a car

If in the last century there were not so many motorists, now almost every family drives their own car. Car owners spend a lot of time next to their “iron horse”. This connection between machine and man can be used by black magicians.

Family car

There is damage to the car, which can be fixed in a couple of minutes. But the consequences for the car owner will be serious: from breakdowns to a fatal accident.

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Damaging is a serious and responsible rite. An even more serious step is damage to quick death. Such magical actions are performed only for very serious reasons, and in relation to a truly irreconcilable enemy, when other means cannot be used or they did not have the desired effect.

Only if you are fully aware of responsibility can you begin to implement your plans and perform the rituals presented below.

Let's sum it up

There are dozens of different arguments in favor of the fact that esoteric rituals for relieving diseases and troubles through a machine exist. On the other hand, there are dozens of arguments from skeptics, which are also fully justified by real situations. So we cannot say for sure whether this influence exists in reality. But the only thing that is certain is that we create our own problems. You shouldn’t think so seriously about damaging your car unless there are very serious reasons. For example, if you get into small accidents every day, you should change your car before it leads to a disaster.

Before buying, try to find out the history of the car, check for accidents involving it and other troubles. This will help you get a better picture of the energy picture. Many people advise buying cars only from positive people who actually have good feelings for you. But all this can be external and feigned, so it’s not so easy to recognize fake joy from a seller. Choose a car with your soul, buy exactly the vehicle that you like. And this will be the best choice without damage and troubles. What do you think about such mystical details of buying a car?

Damage due to an accident

The ritual of damage to a fatal accident is very common. Damage to an accident is carried out in two ways. In the first case, the magical effect occurs directly on the enemy’s car. In the second case, some thing associated with it is used.

For the first spell you will need:

  1. Nine small resealable containers of the same volume;
  2. Nine coins of the same denomination, preferably copper;
  3. Black scarf.

In order to cause damage, it is necessary to find nine graves of people who died as a result of the accident. Then collect the same amount of earth from each grave, put it in containers (for example, thimbles) and tie it into a black scarf. At the same time, it is necessary to leave a ransom - a coin - for each grave.

After this, you need to place the scarf with the cemetery soil so that the car runs over it and mixes it up. After this, within a few weeks the car will get into an accident, and there will always be casualties.

Ritual in a cemetery with an object from a car

The second conspiracy will require some item from the car that is being damaged.

The ideal option would be, for example, a used and discarded interior fragrance, or a replaced oil or fuel filter.

Next, you need to find an undisturbed grave. It’s especially good if the person buried there died on the road; best of all, he was run over. It is necessary to bury the extracted object in the grave, while saying:

“As you take a part, take the whole.”

After this, you should leave a gift for the deceased at the grave - good food, drink or a new thing.

Protect your car from negativity

To protect your car from negativity, you can use all possible amulets. Or carry out a ritual that will require a lot of time and effort, but will help put a barrier against negativity. The damage can be easily removed, but until this moment you may suffer from its effects.


To make an amulet that will help against the evil eye, you need to take a vessel with a tight-fitting lid. But before starting magical actions, you should clean out the garage and throw out the trash. Then fill the vessel with metal objects, be sure to fill it to the top. After this, you need to take some salt and sprinkle it on the floor of the garage, and then sweep it up and put it in the bottle. Taking the bottle in your hands, you need to go around the garage, repeating:

Salt will help against the evil eye

The effect of the amulet will last one year, then this ritual must be repeated. It will help protect your car from the evil eye.

Ritual from the evil eye

This ritual must be performed on the waxing moon, on Tuesday. You need to get up before sunrise (about an hour), and after washing, do several exercises. Then take a glass and pour some warm water into it. Add a little honey to it and mix it all with a silver spoon, pronouncing the words of the spell (you need to learn it by heart) as many times as you see fit:

Ritual from the evil eye

You need to drink part of the drink and take the rest to the car. First, “Our Father” is read in front of its hood. Then you need to get church oil and draw crosses on the car windows, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy. Afterwards, you need to walk around the vehicle, saying the words of the prayer “May God rise again”, splashing the drink on the car.

It is better to use a broom made from St. John's wort. When the water with honey has been used up, you need to stand in front of the car and say “Our Father” again, bow, thank God and, without turning around, go home.

If there is no access to a car, a ritual with a rope

However, there are situations when it is not possible to obtain any item from the enemy’s vehicle. In this case, you can use another type of plot - using a rope.

Some sources say that the rope should not be an ordinary one, but must be the one with which the coffin is lowered into the grave. In reality, this is far from a necessary condition, and you can use any new rope, as long as it is made from natural materials.

You need to take a rope and at midnight go out to one of the intersections that your enemy constantly passes by. Then you need to tie six knots on the rope, while saying the following:

“The first is for destruction, the second is for destruction, the third is for misfortune, the fourth is for misfortune, the fifth is for grief, the sixth is for death.”

Next, you need to leave the rope at the intersection along with the ransom - a pack of cigarettes, a bottle of alcohol, small metal money. If you do not leave a ransom, the spell will work, but trouble can also happen to the one who cast the spell.

Ritual with a photo of a car

Another option is to take a photograph of your enemy’s car and burn it on a candle made from the stubs of cemetery candles at midnight. Then the ashes must be scattered at the crossroads, and the ransom must be left there. Moreover, it is better to do this as if the ransom was not abandoned, but lost.

A photograph of the enemy’s car license plate must be left on the undead grave, replacing it with a photograph of the deceased. If no one takes this photo within nine days, the car will definitely get into a serious accident.

Removing damage from a car

Removing damage is more difficult; usually, you need the help of professionals who know exactly how to remove damage from a car without negative consequences. But there are rituals that even beginners can use. One of them is carried out using holy water, which has special properties. To remove negativity for sure, holy water is additionally charmed. The text is as follows:

“O Lord, bless my road, my wheels, my cart. Three rivers flow in an open field: the first is Varvara, the second is Nastasya, the third is Paraskovya. These rivers are washed with stumps, underwater roots, white stones, steep banks, hidden pearls. So they would wash, wash away all damage: from the cart, from the cart, from the wheels, from the road.

It would jump, it would jump: from the path, from me, from the horse carrying me, from the ride, from all four wheels. So that it doesn’t get stuck and carried away, knocked down, crushed, broken, or destroyed. The bad should not be, but the good should live. Neither the first enemy, nor the other, nor the third enemy, none. Mother, help, Father, help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

You need to speak to the water on a cloudless, calm night. The moon should illuminate the water when the incantation is read over it. The body is sprayed with enchanted water three times. If the weather is windy, the drops will not reach their target. It’s good if you manage to read “Our Father” three times, then God will not leave you in trouble.

Other options

You can also damage an accident using a regular magnet. For this damage

you will need:

  • Small powerful magnet;
  • Requested grave of a person killed in an accident, with a metal monument;
  • Access to an enemy's car.

First, the magnet is left in the cemetery attached to the tombstone. He must stay there for nine days. However, you cannot place or pick up a magnet on Sunday.

Next, this magnet is attached to the enemy’s car so that it will not be noticed or removed. If the magnet does not fall off within another nine days, the negative energy will affect the driver until an accident occurs. In this version of damage, it is not necessary to leave a ransom to the deceased.

Often damage to an accident is caused as damage to the death of a husband. In this case, it will not be difficult to carry out the following actions aimed at magical harm. It is necessary to somehow get any object from the scene of the accident that ended in the death of the driver. It does not matter how the item is obtained - purchased or taken without anyone's knowledge.

Next, this item is placed in the car that the husband drives. If there are icons, a blessed cross or other similar objects in the salon, they must be removed from there under some non-suspicious pretext. Within a few months after the lining, an accident will occur.

You can also use a technique such as lining cemetery soil. It must be collected from the grave of a deceased and certainly not inveterate person, leaving behind some new thing for it. Then the earth needs to be placed in the passenger compartment, closer to the driver - in the glove box or side door pocket.

Of course, there are other, more complex options for damage. But it is very difficult to implement them on your own, without proper experience in such matters. If a person who does not have the necessary experience in such matters tries to undertake a complex ritual, the result may be unpredictable. At best, nothing will happen. At worst, the negative impact will turn against the one who performed the ritual incorrectly or without the proper strength.

An example from personal experience

A man came to see me after an accident had happened to his car. She went under the ice while ice fishing. His friend was driving, who was alone in the car, and at that time, the owner of the car was sleeping peacefully in the house, after a stormy night. On the eve of the tragedy, about ten days before, in the morning, he discovered a funeral wreath on the hood of his car. He didn’t attach much importance to this fact; he thought that someone was playing around. True, he sinned on the evil mistress he abandoned, but there was no evidence, and there was no particular desire to understand this. He threw the wreath off the car and drove away, unaware that grief and pain were following his car.

If the car is damaged, then automatically, everyone who moves in it, both the driver and passengers, will be in mortal danger.

Take care of yourself!
Magician-master Olga Yan Share:

Bringing criminal liability for intentional damage to someone else's property

If, when assessing damage caused intentionally to someone else's property (which in the case we are considering is a car), an amount exceeding 2,500 thousand rubles is established, this offense is subject to consideration and determination of liability under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The basis is Article 167, according to which it is possible to appoint:

  • a fine (its amount can reach 40 thousand rubles or be equal to the amount of three months’ earnings of the perpetrator);
  • compulsory work (for up to 360 hours);
  • correctional labor (up to one year);
  • arrest, which can last up to three months;
  • forced labor or imprisonment.

If damage to a car in the yard is considered under this article, committed for hooligan reasons, arson or another method dangerous to the public, or the event resulted in serious consequences (for example, injuries or unintentional death), then the perpetrator faces imprisonment for up to five years.

Important! Considering how different the liability assigned for damage to someone else’s car can be, it is necessary to involve an experienced lawyer who will take control of the situation and be able to protect your interests.

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