Talisman for good luck

Although magicians and wizards today can be found more often on the pages of books or on the screen, people still, even subconsciously, believe in magic and the supernatural.
Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with a Slavic amulet or Scandinavian and Egyptian symbols applied to the talisman. With their help you can protect yourself from the evil eye, damage, black magic and curses. Some are worn around the neck, others in the pocket, and others are tattooed on the body. It is very popular now to wear an amulet bracelet, primarily for its convenience. And they also look stylish. We will tell you how to make a wrist amulet with your own hands and what types of such talismans are divided into. We'll help you choose the one that's right for you. Indeed, depending on the purposes for which you are making the bracelet, the magical jewelry will look different.

An accessory that protects

A hand amulet can be made from almost anything. The following materials are usually used:

  • leather;
  • colored fabrics;
  • metals, including precious ones;
  • tree;
  • bone;
  • stones

As a rule, amulets are made from natural material.
Safety bracelets are no exception. Very often you can find a variety of plastic bracelets on the shelves. But these are rather the costs of progress, and such products have nothing to do with amulets.

A bracelet made from rare types of wood or precious alloys can be enhanced with stones. Additionally, it is varnished to protect it from damage. You can also decorate the talisman with patterns or inscriptions, either simply for beauty or for additional effect.

You can easily make a protective wrist accessory yourself. To do this, you just need to have simple weaving skills and the right material. This will save you money and won't take much time. Moreover, a talisman made with your own hands, even the simplest one, will be stronger than one bought in a store.

A properly made amulet can not only ward off damage or the evil eye, but also, for example, help improve your personal life or get rich.

If you don't know how to weave, you can simply tie a red thread around your wrist. Only 100% natural will do, preferably wool. This simple talisman will protect you from an accidental evil eye or not very powerful evil spirits, but in serious situations you should not rely on it alone.

Amulet bracelets: meaning and varieties

Amulet bracelets are not simple jewelry. When choosing such a talisman, you should always remember that appearance is not the most important thing. Much more important is the symbolism it carries. Moreover, we are not only talking about patterns or magical signs used in production. An equally important role is played by the material from which they are created, or the technique with which the knots are tied. Color is also very important: for example, a red amulet bracelet will attract good luck and happiness, and a black talisman will protect against witchcraft.

When you start weaving an amulet, remember that this can only be done with good intentions. If you work in an irritated state, when you feel unwell, overpowering yourself, nothing will work out for you. When a practitioner makes a protective item with his own hands, the product begins to be powered by his energy simultaneously with the start of work. If you charge it with negative emotions, then all your efforts will go nowhere.

Let's figure out what kind of wrist talismans there are.

Slavic amulets bracelets

Skilled needlewomen embroidered protective symbols on fabric bracelets.

The ancient Slavs used amulets very widely. They were worn by everyone, from young to old. What symbols were depicted on them? There are a lot of authentic amulets known, just open any book on ethnography or read our article about Slavic amulets and their meaning. By the way, the most powerful signs will be those that were used specifically in the area where you come from.

Slavic amulets-bracelets were made of leather, bone or fabric. Richer people had different talismans - made of gold or silver. Ladenets, Lunnitsa, Rozhanitsa, Lada Star and Makosh were considered female symbols. Men wore the symbols of Perun, Kolyadnik or Molvinets. Universal signs were also used, for example, the Cross of Svarog Alatyr, the Kolovrat symbol or Odolen Grass.

The main targets for amulets-bracers were:

  • protection of soldiers in battle;
  • attracting good luck and wealth;
  • scaring away evil spirits;
  • health and longevity.

Examples of ancient jewelry can be found in archaeological and local history museums. Under the influence of Christianity, they did not change much; in most patterns of the 19th century, their prototypes of a thousand years ago are easily discernible.

Evil eye bracelets

If you often fall under negativity, or simply constantly encounter a lot of people, for example, you work as a cashier in a supermarket, then you can easily be jinxed. A simple bracelet made of red wool thread, on which you need to string a bead, will help against this misfortune. You can try to depict an eye on a bead.

Fatima's hand will harmoniously complement your wrist accessory and serve as a strong talisman against the negativity of ill-wishers.

You may be interested in amulets against damage and the evil eye, which are used in the East. We wrote about them in an article about Muslim talismans and symbols. Even if you are not a Muslim, Hamsa or the Eye of Fatima will work for you. These are very powerful talismans; it is enough to put them on a thread, tying seven or nine knots.

Red thread for happiness and good luck

In order to create an amulet to attract good luck and happiness, you need to take a red thread as the basis of the bracelet. You should hang an additional talisman on it, for example, a symbol of your zodiac sign. A cross or a small icon will also work.

If you do everything right, then happiness will not take long to arrive. The color red will gather positive energy around you and help ward off evil. When tying knots, you must read a prayer.

Money bracelets

To attract money, take a blue or green thread and tie nine knots. You can hang an exotic coin on a thread. Money from any country you have visited will do. The Scandinavian rune Fehu also attracts wealth.

Unlike amulets against damage or the evil eye, which need to be removed from time to time, a money talisman can be with you all the time. This will attract cash flows and positive energy to you.

Shambhala bracelet

Tibet is known for its ancient wisdom and powerful wizards. It was they who gave the world the well-known Shambhala talisman bracelet.

Shambhala is not just a decoration, but a talisman, and when wearing it, certain rules must be followed.

To make Shambhala yourself, it is best to use beads made from natural stones and rope made from natural materials.

The Shambhala amulet will help you cope with even the most difficult life situations, not lose your fortitude and find the right solutions.

What thread should you choose for an amulet?

Since ancient times, two compositions of threads have been used to make amulet: linen, cotton and wool. These fibers are natural and do not cause irritation to the skin. The most common material is wool. It has many useful properties:

  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • protects the joint from sprains;
  • reduces inflammatory processes;
  • accelerates the healing of damage.

The color of the thread directly affects the purpose that the amulet must fulfill:

  • Red. The most common shade. Its main function is to provide protection to the owner. Develop courage, determination and increase performance. A person endures life crises more steadfastly and recovers from them faster, while suffering minimal losses.
  • White. If the owner wants to start a new stage of life, full of good deeds and intentions, then the thread helps not to go astray.
  • Black. Indicated for those who find it difficult to cope with negative emotions. It restrains the owner’s impulses and serves to maintain confidence and perseverance. Promotes respect for others.
  • Blue. Develops steadfastness and helps to express thoughts more clearly. Improves material affairs, promotes promotion at work and attracts lucrative orders.
  • Yellow. Favorable energy gives harmony in family relationships, wards off life’s troubles and protects from the influence of negativity.
  • Green. Restores a person’s energy and brings him into a harmonious state. Improves well-being and helps improve health.
  • Brown. Promotes productive work: focus on completing tasks and the ability to achieve goals.

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A combination of several colors is allowed. You just need to be careful that the shade values ​​do not contradict each other.

The wrist is one of the most vulnerable parts of the body in terms of the influence of hostile energy. Many cultures tie a red thread from the first days of a child's life.

How to properly tie a talisman on your wrist?

The amulet consists of knots. They can be tied in numerous ways, and the amulet itself can be woven in the form of a braid or the thread can be left untouched. Tying each knot is accompanied by full concentration of attention. You need to pronounce silently or out loud the intention, the power of which the bracelet will be endowed with.

The finished amulet is attached to the wrist, since this area is considered the most vulnerable on the body. The hand can be anything.

  • The left one is most suitable. An amulet on the left wrist will serve as protection from negative people around you and ward off misfortune.
  • The right hand is considered to be giving. A talisman on the right wrist will help the owner increase financial wealth, succeed in business and increase invulnerability.

Attach the amulet to either hand in the same way. You can tie it yourself or ask a loved one who wishes sincere goodness and in whom you can trust.

An easy way to tie a thread charm yourself:

  1. It's worth sitting down at the table.
  2. Take a thread and loosely tie a simple knot on it.
  3. Pass your hand through the loop formed.
  4. Attach an adhesive plaster to the edge of the table.
  5. Glue the main thread and one of its free ends to the adhesive tape.
  6. Tighten the knot on the amulet. Try not to tighten your wrist. A comfortable size to wear is when your finger fits freely between the skin and the thread.
  7. Tie more knots. It is believed that their total number should be seven.
  8. Trim the ends with scissors.

After the amulet is put on your hand, you need to pray or ask the Universe for blessings on its work.

Christians use the prayers: “Our Father...”, the Holy Spirit and “Be merciful to me, a sinner...”.

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Materials in bracelets

As we have already said, hand amulets can be made from any materials. Bracelets made of gold and silver are especially worthy of mention. Even in ancient times they were credited with enormous magical powers.

Gold is associated with the Sun, silver with the Moon. Silver amulets were credited with the ability to ward off evil spirits. To this day, crosses and body icons are very often made from silver. Many rituals required silver ritual utensils. Nowadays, silver and gold talismans are still considered very powerful.

If the gold or silver amulets bracelets on your hand begin to darken, this indicates that they have collected too much negative energy.

In order to cleanse the talisman, choose the right time. For silver it is the waxing moon, for gold it is the dawn. Place the amulet in salted water and leave for a day, after which drain the water away from your home.

Popular materials are also stones and genuine leather. For a stone bracelet, you need to select several smooth stones of the same size, on which runes or other protective symbols can be inscribed.

How to wear a wrist talisman

Amulet bracelets must be worn carefully so as not to damage them - losing a talisman you made yourself will be very unpleasant. Moreover, it could mean impending disaster. Any wrist amulets are worn on the wrist, where the pulse beats. But on which hand to wear the amulet depends on some nuances.

On the left hand

Any bracelets made of threads should be worn on the left hand, as well as those that are intended primarily for protection from evil, regardless of the material. The fact is that negative energy enters our body mainly through the left hand, so the amulet on it will be most effective. Talismans are also worn on the left hand, designed to improve personal life, bring inspiration, and help find happiness.

On the right hand

Talismans made of gold or silver should be worn on the right hand. She is also put on amulets, which are designed to enhance the positive energy coming from other people. For example, those with the help of which you hope to get rich, achieve success in business or important negotiations.

Other good luck amulets

A good luck charm, in fact, can be very different. There are simple symbols, and there are entire compositions. The main thing is that this symbolism has meaning for a person, his soul responds to its meaning.

gold fish

In China, goldfish have long been considered symbols of good luck. If it is not possible to have real fish, then at least they put up figurines.

Golden Key

The golden key pendant will allow you to achieve what you want. But you don’t need to show it to absolutely everyone - hide it under your clothes.

cat's eye

Gives the ability to find secret connections and advance in career - a cat's eye stone. It is recommended to be worn by people for whom it is important to understand the true motives of others.


Decoration with a ladybug will help you find your love and improve relationships between spouses. A gold pendant with a ladybug attracts the attention of the opposite sex.

Spiral of luck

The talisman prevents positive energy from leaving a person. As a result, all his endeavors come very easily to him.


Bamboo is a symbol of durability and flexibility, as they say in China. When bad times come, they turn to such a talisman for help. Place bamboo near the threshold of the house.


An amulet in the form of a scarab beetle will attract good luck, regardless of what kind of problems you have - money, love. It is advisable to carry it closer to your wallet.

Golden garlic

Golden garlic is an ancient Chinese symbol. It is believed that a talisman placed near the threshold will protect against evil spirits.


The solar plant symbolizes good relationships with people. Needed by those who want to improve family relationships.


Five-leaf clover brings good luck - this is what many peoples of the world believe. Carrying a clover talisman with you means attracting good luck.


A metal horseshoe can be hung at the entrance to the house. It is believed that then positive energy will not leave, and negative energy will not come.

Making a bracelet-amulet with your own hands

First, clearly articulate what you want from your product. Then study the materials carefully. Everything matters: the material, the color, the stone that will be included in the bracelet, the pattern and the method of applying it. Remember that all this has certain magical properties. Not all stones, signs, and metals will suit your zodiac sign or character traits.

The main thing in making an amulet bracelet with your own hands is to approach the matter with soul. Put all your bright feelings, dreams and hopes into your work. Remember that you cannot do needlework with a heavy heart. In order to strengthen your focus on the goal, you can meditate.

If the amulet really brings you good luck and joy, then minor flaws are forgivable. You can make them not only for yourself, but also for people dear to you as a gift. The gender of a person or his age is not important here, the main thing is love and a sincere desire to help. But it’s not worth making bracelets for sale. At least there is no need to charge them, let the future owner do it.

How to turn a bracelet into an amulet

To turn the bracelet into a magical amulet, it must be activated.

Any ordinary decoration can be made magical. “Meaningful” bracelets are best for this. For example, the one that was on your hand at a particularly joyful moment. Things leave an imprint of your energy on them, and a positive imprint can be captured so that it continues to bring you joy.

To “enchant” a piece of jewelry, you can:

  1. Bless it in a church or temple of your religion, if you do not profess Christianity. The best choice is not ordinary churches, but those located in particularly strong places, for example, ancient and sacred cathedrals.
  2. Hold it in water while reading a special spell.
  3. Apply runes or sacred symbols to it.
  4. Read a prayer or spell and sleep for several nights with the object under your pillow.

Before making a talisman from an ordinary thing, you need to clean it by keeping it in salt water for a day. If you bought a magical item secondhand, which is still better not to do, pay special attention to cleaning the talisman and charging it with positive energy.

Good luck talismans in different cultures

Different nationalities around the world use different talismans to ensure good luck in love, at work and in travel. Of course, no one forbids using the talisman to which the soul is drawn.


Since ancient times, the Slavs carried with them and decorated their houses with talismans and amulets. The main ones are the serpentine, the symbol of the clan, Kolovrat, Velesovik. They were originally made from wood. But now there are various metal options.


Runes are symbols with a special meaning. Usually, talismans that can attract good luck are decorated with the runes Fehu, Vunyo, Ansuz, Soulu.

Interesting! If there is not enough vital energy to achieve what you want, then it is recommended to make a talisman with the Soulu rune, which activates energy flows. At the same time, Fehu will attract more material benefits, and Ansuz will give the opportunity to be realized at work and in creativity. Vunyo is a rune that will give the owner of such a talisman a good mood and carelessness.


Tibetan talismans are very popular not only in their homeland. The little thing will help you literally “grab luck by the tail.” As reviews say, Tibetan amulets help you win the lottery, meet your destiny, and simply avoid getting into negative situations that for some reason were constantly haunting you in the past.


The traditional Japanese good luck charm is the omamori. This is an ordinary bag made of cotton fabric. In it, the Japanese keep messages for the Gods. You can write any of your wishes, for example, to get married successfully or to realize your creative project. This pouch is carried with you in a wallet or bag, or left at home. The practice began to spread to other countries.


Chinese good luck charms are basically feng shui. Note:

  1. The most famous talisman that will attract wealth into life is coins tied with a red ribbon.
  2. God Hotei can be found in almost any home; it is believed that if you rub him on the stomach, he will bring happiness and good luck to a person.
  3. Mandarin ducks are chosen by those who would like to attract happiness and love into their lives. Indian
  4. Indian amulets are rag dolls. Pebbles and wishes are placed inside them, and then they are simply hung near the entrance to the house.
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