How to properly hang a horseshoe in a house or apartment above the front door for good luck? How to hang a horseshoe at home: with the horns up or down? How to charge a talisman, a horseshoe amulet for good luck, luck: spell

So that there is always money in the house and there are no quarrels, they hang a horseshoe. Next, find out how to hang it correctly and where so that it starts to work.

In ancient times, when the horse was considered the main mode of transport, a tradition arose - to hang a horseshoe at the entrance and inside the home. People believed that this talisman would bring happiness, prosperity, luck and even love to their family. It was believed that a horseshoe could protect household members from damage, thieves, the evil eye and other bad energy from the outside. This product is also placed in the place where the money is. But for this purpose they use not an ordinary heel for horses, but a small horseshoe, which is made in the form of a talisman.

What does the horseshoe over the door mean? How to hang a horseshoe at home: with the horns up or down?

There are different interpretations on how to properly attach a symbol of good luck above the door. Every nation has its own traditions. Often their opinions agree. Both in the Celestial Empire and the ancient Slavic peoples most often placed the horseshoe with the ends up. In China it was believed that this is a symbol of a full bowl in the house. The Slavs explained that with this arrangement, the owners would profit. It acts like a magnet, which attracts good luck, success, and positive energy to your home.

Horseshoe on the front door

Sometimes it happens that there is negative energy in the house. And this is always felt, the spouses cannot find a common language, there are often scandals, major quarrels, children do not understand their parents, and parents do not understand their children. In this case, it is better to hang the amulet with its horns down. There is a belief that thanks to this, negative energy will leave the house and all evil wishes from the outside will not be able to enter the room. This way, you will be protected from damage, gossip, and the negativity will go away.

Horseshoe - For good luck, good luck

As you can see, the owners of the house themselves have the right to choose how best to hang a symbol of good luck in their home. The main thing is to determine what is more important for the inhabitants.

If you decide to place the horseshoe with the curve downwards

, That:

  • you will increase happiness - there will be a full cup of it in the house
  • joy, understanding, peace, contentment await you
  • Poverty is not scary for the inhabitants of the house

If you fix the horseshoe with the horns down , then:

  • guests and you will be showered with happiness upon entering the room
  • according to other statements, on the contrary, happiness will decrease from the home
  • you will receive protection from the evil eye
  • negativity will gradually leave the house.

IMPORTANT : In souvenir shops you can now find horseshoes for good luck, even in the form of magnets. When you want to give such a gift to your loved ones, know that this is really a talisman, and not just an ordinary gift. Thanks to him, you can freeze scandalous situations and quarrels in the family. Just hang this magnet on the refrigerator.


“A horseshoe brings good luck even to those who do not believe in omens” Edison The horseshoe is a very ancient symbol that simultaneously has protective functions and is a symbol of fertility and prosperity. And it was used not only on the Eurasian continent, but also among the ancient peoples of both Americas and even among the aborigines of Australia. The sign that a horseshoe brings happiness originated in Ancient Egypt. The pharaoh, driving past the jubilant crowd of his subjects, may not have suspected that the horses harnessed to his chariot regularly lost their shoes. And everything would be fine if these horseshoes weren’t GOLD. Of course, the person who found such a horseshoe became, in the most literal sense, truly happy. They began to attach them to the hooves of horses in order to perform two functions at once - with the help of iron to protect the hoof from damage and at the same time to protect yourself and the horse from troubles on the road, to make the journey happy. And since horseshoes began to spread throughout Europe in the Middle Ages, when ancient symbols were not held in high esteem and witch hunts flourished, it was customary to remain silent about their pagan origin and the ability of horseshoes to bring happiness. But still, any information tends to spread, and gradually it became commonplace to hang this oddly shaped metal plate over the front door, seemingly out of place. Moreover, if in the vast majority of Europe and Russia greater importance was given to the protective function of the horseshoe, and therefore they hung it accordingly - with the horns down, then in England and Ireland it was placed differently - with the horns up, so that the house was a “full cup” .

And here is what was said about the horseshoe in the “Book of the Hidden Tree of Life”: “The Bright Cup, where Happiness lives, the Abode of Good, the Sign of Protection. If you want to save a house, hang it over the door; if you have a family, hang it over the hearth; if you want a child, hang it over the couple’s bed. Every deed will go for good if it does not contain evil. And if anyone plans harm, the Sign will protect him from that Happiness.”

A horseshoe with its horns pointing upward represents a cup that will attract wealth into the house. If you hang it with its “horns” down, then all the negative energy of the house will linger on it and flow down to the ground. Usually, a horseshoe is hung in this way “for good luck.” But in Russia it is still customary to adhere to this tradition: inside the house the horseshoe is hung with the “horns” up, but outside (for example, above the porch) with the “horns” down. And here's what Feng Shuists say about a horseshoe: A horseshoe placed on the inside of the door or above it evens out the energy of the room if it contains geopathogenic zones that are harmful to health. For the same purpose, you can keep souvenir horseshoes at the head of your beds; A horseshoe in a car will protect the owner from accidents and bring him good luck in business; · a horseshoe placed on the windowsill with the ends inward on the first night of the full moon will begin to attract money into the house and contribute in every possible way to material well-being; A horseshoe buried in the ground near the northwestern wall of the house will bring good luck in the area of ​​help and support; · if flowers grow poorly in the house for unknown reasons, place a horseshoe near them.

A horse shoe nailed above the door of a house brings good luck to everyone who lives in it. (Everywhere). If the horseshoe above the door is taken from under the hind leg of a gray mare, good luck will be greatest. A horseshoe nailed to the mast of a fishing boat protects it from storms. (Superstition of Scottish fishermen). If you find a horseshoe on the road, pick it up, spit on it and throw it over your left shoulder, making a wish. Your wish must come true. (North). Finding a horseshoe on the road is lucky. (Everywhere). If a rider places a coin on one of the stones at Wayland's Forge (Berkshire) and then leaves, Wayland will miraculously shoe his horse. (Wayland is Wölund, the god of the ancient Scandinavians. As for the “Wayland Forge,” this is a group of ancient stones in the Berkshire area of ​​Whitehorse). Belief in the lucky qualities of a horse's shoe is one of the most common modern superstitions. Even those who are indignant when they are called superstitious, having found a horseshoe, still try to nail it over the door. But superstition requires (we found this out from the example of many nailed horseshoes) that it hang in a strictly certain way, namely with the ends up. The source of this belief is that the devil (from whom the horseshoe is supposed to protect) always walks in circles and, reaching each end of the horseshoe, is forced to turn around and go back. In Devonshire and Cornwall, lands inhabited by fairies and pixies, the superstition associated with the horseshoe is still popular to this day. To ward off the devil, a horseshoe was buried in the portal of Stainenfield Church in Suffolk. Apparently the community did not trust the holy water that is usually used for these purposes. Many great people also had a weakness for horse shoes. For example, on the Victoria, Admiral Nelson's flagship, a horseshoe was nailed to the mast. Mr. Carey Hazlitt remembers how he was once driving through London with his famous friend in a cab when the horse lost a shoe. His friend immediately jumped out of the cab and grabbed a horseshoe to nail it over the door of his house. When Dr. James, then a poor chemist, invented an antipyretic, he was introduced to Newbury, to whom he could sell his medicine. On the way to Newbury's house, the chemist saw a horseshoe on the road and hid it in his bag. And all the successes that were subsequently achieved with the sale of the antipyretic, Dr. James attributed to the fact that he nailed the found horseshoe under the roof of his carriage. The cult of the horseshoe may also have arisen from the legend of St. Dunstan and the devil. The saint was a famous blacksmith, and (as the legend says) one day the devil himself came to him and asked him to shoe his hoof. The saint agreed and, chaining the visitor to the wall, grabbed him so tightly that the devil asked for mercy. Before freeing him, the saint made him swear that he would never enter where the horseshoe would be visible. However, most likely, the idea that a horseshoe can protect against evil forces was brought to our islands by the Roman conquerors. After all, the Romans were sure that evil could be nailed to something, and driving nails into the doors and walls of buildings was a common means of treating diseases and warding off damage. How strongly people believed in the power of the horseshoe is evidenced by one of the good wishes common at the beginning of the last century. “May your threshold never lose its horseshoe!” In addition to Christians, Jews, Turks, heretics and atheists all over the world believe in the lucky properties of the horseshoe. Belief in the horseshoe is widespread in Russia: “Finding old iron, especially a horseshoe, brings happiness. A found horseshoe nailed to the threshold of a trading establishment brings good luck in trade.” In Russian villages, horseshoes were usually nailed either in front of the threshold or above the door, however; Unlike the English tradition, it was customary to place the horseshoe with the ends down.

How to attract good luck with a horseshoe Since ancient times, a horseshoe has been a symbol of good luck. If you can’t get a real horseshoe, you can buy a souvenir one and hang it with its “horns” up above the door. And say to her: “The horse ran, bringing goods to the house. So you, horseshoe, bring good luck, goodness, wealth and prosperity to our house.” For a horseshoe to help you in attracting good luck, take care of it and wipe it from dust. When you feel that the horseshoe is “tired”, you can put it in the sun, let it clean and charge. After this, you need to hang it in place again with a conspiracy.

How to make a horseshoe enter the Force If you hang a horseshoe from the inside, then the owners themselves should understand and feel how to hang it. If a lot of evil has accumulated in your house, quarrels, scandals are constant, there is no harmony in the family, then it should be hung with the base down, and if everything is fine in the house, but it is important to preserve and increase this well-being, then the “rays” should be up. – Is it possible, for example, to first hang it this way, and then another? – You can, of course, but you just need to remember this: the horseshoe must be placed above the door in a special way, otherwise it will not enter its highest Power, it will not be able to. Firstly, it should always be hung on only one nail. And so that no other nails are driven nearby. Secondly, it is imperative to ensure that both the owner and the mistress of the house participate in this process; they must do this together. The exception, of course, is the situation when a person lives alone in the house. Then he alone must hang the horseshoe. Thirdly, before hanging the horseshoe, the owner and the hostess together should take hold of the arms of the horseshoe and say the following words: Just like we nail a horseshoe on the door, So we protect our family from any harm, We leave everything bad at the threshold, We attract peace and harmony into the house . If one person is hanging a horseshoe, then he must first grab both arms with his hands and say: Just as I nail a horseshoe on the door, So I protect myself and the house from any trouble, I drive everything bad out of the threshold, I attract love and joy into the house.

Series of messages “Talismans, amulets”:
Part 1 - Sachets, or herbal amulets Part 2 - Fortune telling begins with simple things... Part 22 - Thor's Hammer - a talisman Part 23 - A ritual for protection against colds and a talisman against colds Part 24 - How to attract good luck using a horseshoe Part 25 - Talisman of good luck and wealth - Talisman of Jupiter Part 26 - Talisman of the mind ... Part 38 - Magical properties of pearls. Pearl amulet Part 39 - seal of King Solomon Part 40 - Talisman of the year

How to properly hang a found horseshoe in a country house?

Again, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a country house or the dwelling in which you live - the main thing is what you want to receive from this symbol of good luck. Therefore, you can hang it in any way, just place the horseshoe outside.

The most powerful symbols of luck are horseshoes that you find yourself. Before hanging it over the door, you should clean it, then anoint it with oil, only after these steps apply the amulet.

Horseshoe talisman on a string

Country houses are usually used for summer holidays. In winter, the owners only occasionally visit there to check whether any unwanted guests have been there or taken anything unnecessary. If you are afraid of thieves, then hang the amulet with its horns down, and always from the outside.

Although according to Feng Shui it is not advisable to place the amulet this way. Experts in this field claim that positive energy and prosperity will disappear from the house.

And for other nations it’s the other way around. Tajiks hang a horseshoe with its horns facing down and believe that this is the only way it should be positioned. Thanks to the amulet, your home will become protected from all witchcraft rituals. Pets will be safe.

Which horseshoe to use

First of all, let's figure out which item is magical. Anyone, you say? Right. But there is one small clarification. If a thing is made of natural materials, then its power is good. But all kinds of synthetics add neutral energy to it, which an evil sorcerer can take advantage of. A negative entity is introduced into it so that it takes away any kind of well-being from the house or from the aura of the owners.

Therefore, it is advisable to use a real horseshoe. If it is not possible to get one, then buy a magic item made of wood or metal. Be sure to speak up. Otherwise, it won’t start working right away, and it won’t be of much use. But first you should clean your new talisman. For this, brine is used - saline solution.

It's done like this. Bring the talisman home. Pour water into a bowl, add a couple of tablespoons of salt. Stir and place the future amulet there. It should be kept in brine for several hours. Then rinse with running water. Dry and leave in the sun to soak up the light. And take the brine outside the threshold of the house (or the gate of the yard) so that the negative does not stick.

How to properly attach a horseshoe over a door, how many nails are nailed into a horseshoe?

Many Old Believers claim that it is undesirable for a talisman to be attached with nails. Because when a horse loses a shoe, he doesn’t want to be shod again. Therefore, it is good if the owner of the home hangs a symbol of good luck on a string. Most often, this is how the Slavs attached horseshoes above the door at the entrance to their home.

Horseshoe attached with a nail

According to another version, the guarded amulet is nailed with one nail. So that it serves the owner for many years. This is how the owner proves his strength to the horseshoe.

According to the third version, the symbol of good luck must be nailed down. Their number should be equal to the number of holes in the amulet. The spirits that are in the horseshoe will not be able to leave it and will fulfill all the wishes of the owner.

IMPORTANT : In the old days, ancestors hung the amulet with its horns up on the doors inside the house. On the outside, the talisman was attached only with the horns down. In this form, he protected the home from evil spirits.

Ancient amulet

This tradition has interested scientists. They conducted a whole study and found out why such an ardent belief in the horse attribute is connected.

There are several versions:

1. Egyptian pharaohs shod their horses with gold “bows.” If a poor person found such an item on the street, it was real luck. His future life became comfortable and happy.

2. The ancient pagans attributed to the blacksmith the significance of a deity, because he could tame fire and the power of hot metal, so the ancient Slavs considered a fire-hardened horseshoe to be a talisman against all sorts of troubles.

3. There is a legend that one day an evil spirit made his way to Saint Dunstan But he drove it out with hot metal, and then hung a horseshoe over the entrance.

How to charge a talisman, a horseshoe amulet for good luck, good luck: conspiracy

For the amulet to take effect, it must be activated. Everyone who lives in the house must hold a horseshoe in their hands. After such a ritual, the owner takes the amulet and walks clockwise around the entire house three times, asking for support and well-being. Then the horseshoe is filled with energy. To do this, it is placed where there are sun rays. The amulet stays like this all day.

If you want to use a horseshoe to protect against the evil eye, then place it in a place where it will be exposed to moonlight. Moreover, it only needs to be charged during the full moon.

Horseshoe - a talisman for the home

The next step is to tame the amulet, or rather, configure it to help. To do this, prepare three candles from the church and place them around the horseshoe. Two candles near the ends and one near the bend in the middle. When lighting them, read the plot:

As power enters the horseshoe, so the Lord the All-Merciful house of God’s servants (list the inhabitants of the home) will bless the doors, windows, and gates from the evil ones.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then wait until the candles burn out completely, and at the very end repeat the same plot.

And after that you can already choose the place where the horseshoe will be located. On the front door, inside the home, or maybe in the bedroom at the head of the room.

Where to hang the talisman and how

Most often, the found metal semicircle is placed on the top bar of the front door. So the horseshoe serves as a talisman for the entire home. Now all that remains is to decide whether you will nail it outside or inside the house. The effect of the talisman depends on this. Outside, the horseshoe will serve as a talisman for the house against all evil forces. Negative energy should not accumulate, but flow down. Therefore, if you decide to nail a horseshoe on the outside of the front door, place it with the horns facing down.

Inside the home, everything should be the other way around. The horseshoe in this case symbolizes the proverb “a house is a full cup.” Wealth and prosperity need a place to accumulate. Therefore, on the inside of the front door, the horseshoe should be nailed with its horns facing up. But before that, let everyone in the household hold the talisman in their hands. Then happiness and luck will be distributed approximately equally among all family members.

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Is it possible to weigh a used horseshoe at home?

The best amulet is a horseshoe worn by a horse. And even if she is very old, then it’s okay. The power of such a symbol of happiness is much greater than that of souvenirs that can be bought in a store. The most interesting thing is that the older the horse’s heel, the better it is for the amulet. You can find these horseshoes:

  • at horse shows
  • in riding schools
  • at stud farms, hippodromes
  • in villages, hamlets.

Horseshoe for good luck
The amulet will have a strong effect if:

  • The owner will find it purely by chance
  • One of the family members or friends will give it to the owner of the house

You can also buy or make a talisman yourself.

If you decide to buy a talisman, keep in mind that they come in different colors due to the fact that they undergo a special treatment - patination. And amulets of different colors have different effects from each other.

Nowadays it is difficult to find a real horseshoe, so they use souvenir ones, they are decorated with various figures, bells, ribbons, rhinestones, rings, etc.

In addition, horseshoes come in different colors due to the fact that they undergo a special treatment - patination. And amulets of different colors have different effects from each other.

  • Steel-colored products protect people from burns and skin diseases.
  • Golden-hued amulets give their owners confidence and relieve them of bad mood.
  • Copper-colored horseshoes relieve depressive disorders and stomach problems.
  • Silver ones will save you from colds and help you avoid slander and witchcraft.

IMPORTANT : The amulet cannot be stolen. Otherwise, instead of a positive impact on your home and inhabitants, you will only get negativity and a constant lack of means for subsistence.

A horseshoe is a tested amulet by our ancestors. Now you know how to use it correctly so that there is positive energy, good luck and no need in your home.

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