Smoky quartz (Rauchtopaz)

An unusual brown hue, which can be diluted with golden inclusions, unique strength and a number of magical qualities attributed to this stone - this is how one can briefly characterize the rauchtopaz stone, which pleases the eye with its beauty.

Rauchtopaz can rightfully be considered one of the most popular stones, which is used in the manufacture of jewelry: brooches, pendants, pendants, as well as in other areas.

Brief information about the mineral:

  • Precious;
  • Lasting;
  • Not demanding in care;
  • Price – from 1500 rub.

General description of the stone

Being a type of quartz, rauchtopaz is distinguished by a smoky-brown hue, which, if the mineral contains even a small content of copper or iron, has golden inclusions.

Possessing high strength, this stone is used to create figurines; it can be given a variety of shapes.

Having a high degree of transparency, rauchtopaz can have a wide range of different shades.

Its closest relatives in terms of external characteristics and structure should be considered rock crystal, rose quartz, amethyst and citrine.

Origin story

The appearance of rauchtopaz in history is associated with the difference in its name: in different periods of time the mineral bore different names, its magical and medicinal properties were interpreted differently.

However, people have always noted its attractive appearance, the ability to use it to create exquisite jewelry and special properties that could be used to improve health, attract the opposite sex and increase a person’s magical power.

The names of the stone sounded differently among different peoples and in different periods of time; the meaning of the rauchtopaz stone was largely determined by its color or deposit:

  1. The most ancient names for rauchtopaz are “Colorado diamond”, gypsy, “radium diamond” and talyanchik.
  2. In the Middle Ages, doctors called it rauchquartz, which more correctly described the nature of the stone.
  3. The English most often used the name “Cairngorm” - this is the name of the mountains in Scotland (Cairngorm Mountains), in which a similar mineral was found.
  4. “Gopher” was the name given to the stone in Rus', due to its color. Also, the Russians called rauchtopaz “smazne”.
  5. Eastern peoples gave the name to the mineral “Buddha stone” for its attractiveness and full of charm, the smoky iridescence of its facets.

French connoisseurs of the beauty of this unusual stone gave it the name “Alençon diamond”, which is due to its external characteristics and the place of extraction - the city of Alençon, located in France.

physical characteristics

Despite its name, rauchtopaz is not structurally related to topaz. Its composition may include various components; the stone is classified as island aluminum silicates.

The prefix “rauch” translated from German means “smoke”: it is the characteristic smoky color that gives the stone its special charm and attractiveness. And the smoke is silicon dioxide, that is, quartz.

Color and its shades, as well as smokiness, are imparted to the mineral by irradiation.

Scientists made this conclusion based on an analysis of stone extraction sites: it is most often found in granite rocks, which have a natural radioactive background.

Based on such observations, various studies of the mineral were carried out, and the following results were obtained:

  1. After irradiation, transparent rock crystal acquired a smoky appearance, that is, it became rauchtopaz.
  2. Rutile, which loses its color when destroyed due to rising temperatures, is responsible for the mineral acquiring a yellow tint.
  3. A smoky sample will completely turn into citrine when the stone is heated to a temperature of 300-350°C.

The strength of the mineral is high and amounts to 7 points on the generally accepted Mohs scale. This makes it possible to use rauchtopaz for the manufacture of various objects of art with high precision and smooth lines.


The discovery of this gem occurred in the mountains of Switzerland, Madagascar, and also in Brazil. In the mountains of America, a few deposits were discovered in which the mineral consists of fused branches of a crystal.

It can be either completely transparent or translucent.

Mining rauchtopaz is not a difficult or rare process: deposits of the mineral are often found in hydrothermal veins of rocks that are adjacent to the place where rock crystal is mined.

To extract large specimens of the gem, which can reach a mass of 200 kg or more, special equipment is used.

Where is rauchtopaz mined?

Rauchtopaz stone is found on all continents, but the most beautiful ones are mined in Brazil. More than half of all specimens that have jewelry value are found in this country.

However, not only Latin America is known for its deposits of smoky stone. Large deposits are known:

  • on the island of Madagascar;
  • in Namibia;
  • in the United States of America (California);
  • in Germany;
  • in Switzerland;
  • in Spain;
  • on the territory of the Urals.

The properties of rauchtopaz are such that extracting it is not too difficult. It is quite strong and hard and occurs in large aggregates. The largest crystals, which weigh more than two hundred kilograms, are pulled out using special equipment.

Colors and types

In nature, there are a large number of varieties of rauchtopaz, depending on the degree of color of the stone and its shades.

The most common color is the brown color of the stone, but there are transparent and translucent options that seem to be filled with haze inside, which gives the stone mystery and attractiveness.

Rare specimens whose color is close to black are called morions, but their production is limited. Crystals with a brown color are more often found.


Rauchtopaz is a stone for decorating jewelry, and its color allows you to choose a material for decoration so that the mineral looks most attractive.

History of the stone

The first descriptions of rauchtopaz and its properties were found in ancient Jewish manuscripts. In India and Tibet, the mysterious gem was called the “Buddha stone”; mainly magical properties were attributed to it; the beauty of the mineral came in second place.

Smoky quartz was treated differently in Russia. In the Urals, where the main places of its extraction are concentrated, local “jewelry masters”, using their techniques, transformed modest gray stones into masterpieces of beauty and sophistication.

The natural version of smoky quartz with an admixture of the mineral rutile was incredibly highly valued. Its inclusions gave the crystals a peculiar striped appearance. Such rauchtopazes gained enormous popularity among the ladies of the court during the reign of Catherine the Great.

Magic properties

Rauchtopaz has long attracted the attention of magicians, fortune tellers and fortune tellers. This is due to its special coloring, which adds mystery to the stone.

It was often used to perform various rituals, attributing to the mineral the ability to serve as a guide to other worlds.

The magical properties of the stone are used to restore mental balance and give greater insight

When choosing rauchtopaz, you should take into account the specifics of a person’s makeup and profession, as well as interests.

Wearing a rauchtopaz stone as a talisman entails the following changes in life:

  1. Eliminates obsessive thoughts and ideas.
  2. Drives away negative forces and evil spirits.
  3. Restores peace of mind and psychological comfort.
  4. Eliminates the negative effects of enemies and negative energy.
  5. Increases the degree of susceptibility to magical actions, obtaining the gift of clairvoyance.

Many people note that when wearing rauchtopaz as a talisman, you can gain the ability to see prophetic dreams and predict the future.

Physicochemical characteristics

The chemical nature of the stone is silicon oxide, silica. It contains impurities of aluminum and iron in various quantities and proportions, which play the role of chromatophores - substances that give the mineral its color.

List of the main physical properties of rauchtopaz stone:

  • hardness - 7 according to Mohs, one less than that of true topaz;
  • fragility;
  • variable transparency - from perfectly transparent to opaque;
  • The shine is glassy and looks greasy when broken.

In terms of hardness, rauchquartz is equal to ordinary non-tempered or strengthened glass. It is processed with harder minerals: topaz, corundum, diamond, as well as files or needle files made of superhard metals and alloys.

ColorVarious shades of brown
ShineFrom glassy to oily on fracture
TransparencyTransparent, translucent
Hardness7; fragile
CleavageUnclear by rhombohedron
KinkConchoidal, uneven
Density2.52-2.65 g/cm³

Medicinal properties

Unique medicinal qualities were noted for this mineral already in ancient times. Doctors used sharp, light-colored pieces of this natural gem to perform surgical interventions.

And although today it is not used during operations, the medicinal properties of rauchtopaz are used in folk medicine.

According to research, a mineral with a pronounced brown color has a positive effect on the human body in the following cases:

  1. In the treatment of alcohol addiction.
  2. To eliminate gambling and drug addiction.
  3. In the presence of nervous overload and a tendency to prolonged depression.
  4. To relieve the most obvious symptoms of mental disorders.

It is with the help of rauchtopaz that many healers eliminate various types of addiction and ensure a speedy recovery in the manifestations of many nervous and psycho-emotional diseases.

Varieties and colors

Rauchtopaz is a stone with many color options. The shade of a particular specimen depends on many factors. First of all, the color is affected by the intensity of natural radiation to which it is exposed during the formation process. Specks and halftones are formed due to impurities. Finally, jewelry processing of the gem plays an important role.

The main varieties of rauchtopaz include:

  1. Light gray stones, from which citrines can be obtained when heated to three hundred degrees.
  2. Pleochrome crystals, whose shades can vary from green to purple. When the gem is rotated and light hits it from different angles, it changes color. The task of the jeweler, into whose hands such a specimen has fallen, is to reveal this play of shades as much as possible.
  3. Dark brown minerals. Relatively inexpensive samples from which figurines, signets or beads are made. Individual samples are fired and cut to give them pleochromic properties.
  4. Black smoky rauchtopaz. It is sometimes confused with morion, about which we have a separate article. This crystal is loved by witches, spiritualists and mediums; it was called the stone of the dead in East Asia. A rare gem that can teach its wearer to communicate with the spirits of the dead, to see the past and future.

The magical and healing properties of rauchtopaz do not change depending on the shade. The only thing that stands apart is the black mineral, which is closer in its energy to morion. The remaining varieties are interchangeable.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

The zodiac sign determines how sensitive a particular person will be to the effects of the rauchtopaz stone:

  • Cancers and Scorpios may feel some discomfort from wearing items made from rauchtopaz due to their natural secrecy and increased sensitivity: the impact of the mineral will enhance these character traits, making representatives of these signs more withdrawn.
  • For representatives of fire signs (this applies to Sagittarius, Leo and Aries ), they are contraindicated, since they can turn them into real dreamers: if they regularly wear the stone, they will feel an uncharacteristic constraint for them, which will leave their desire for active action only at the stage of fantasy.
  • Wearing a talisman made from this stone has a good effect on Capricorns : the stubborn disposition of these people will become more balanced, which will make it easier for them to perceive life with its adversities and storms.
  • With regular use of jewelry made from this stone, Virgo
  • For Pisces and Gemini, jewelry and talismans with dark-colored stones will allow them to remain calm in difficult situations, balance them and give them mental strength. It will be most useful to them for medicinal purposes and for the prevention of heart disease.
  • By regularly wearing jewelry with rauchtopaz, Libra will become more purposeful .
  • to Aquarius : against the backdrop of natural calm, people belonging to this zodiac sign may develop a tendency toward anger and increased nervousness.

Practical use

Magical influence

Hindus and Tibetan monks call the mineral the sacred stone of Buddha. Even in Ancient India, there was a legend that rauchtopaz allows one to reach the highest peak in spiritual practice and free the body from negative energy. Modern esotericists have proven the fact that it helps a person cope with negative thoughts and experiences and neutralizes them. Given its strength, the mineral is a powerful amulet not only for an ordinary person, but also for people with psychic abilities. He fights well against black magic and negativity. Another ability of the crystal is that it directs the energy needed to where there are energy breakdowns, correcting the situation.

In addition, it allows you to cope with jealousy, incomprehensible grievances, and relieves stress and tension. In particular, it is recommended to be worn by hot-tempered and impressionable people. It is also suitable for vindictive people. The mineral, placed under the pillow before bed, allows you to see prophetic dreams.

Rauchtopaz is a stone symbolizing calm and peace of mind.

Its exciting and intoxicating vibrations make it suitable as a talisman for creative people, poets and artists.

There is an opinion that dark stones have more pronounced magical properties. It is better for young beauties to buy light rauchtopaz, for older women - darker products with black inclusions.

You can reveal your intuition and enhance the magical properties of rauchtopaz by purchasing jewelry framed in silver.

Therapeutic effect

The positive effects of stone on the human body have been known since ancient times. The mineral has a general stabilizing effect on the human immune system and endocrine function. Regularly wearing products with rauchtopaz improves the functioning of the pancreas and adrenal glands.

Its effect on the owner’s reproductive system has been noticed. In the form of an amulet, it is more suitable for men, enhancing their qualities. It helps women cope with infertility, making them more attractive and charming.

The mineral is also worn for diseases or disorders of the nervous system. This is an excellent antidepressant for any stressful situations or experiences.

It is applied to a sore spot, as it perfectly fights headaches, general weakness, and improves a person’s energy field.

The mineral is recommended to be worn by those who struggle with bad habits, suffer from drug addiction and alcoholism; it fills a person with self-confidence.

In order to achieve peace and calm down, you need to tightly squeeze the mineral in your hand and imagine how it pulls all the negativity into itself. At the same time, it is important not to think about anything and relax completely. You can complete the procedure after the quartz has become warm. To achieve the state of nirvana, you can meditate with the stone, viewing its reflections through the fire of a candle.

Influence on various zodiac signs

This is an excellent option for Libra and Scorpio, for whom it will help discover talents and gain new opportunities.

In addition, it is also suitable for Capricorns, who have inner strength. The stone helps guide her in the right direction.

Other zodiac signs can wear it if worn from time to time.

An absolute contraindication for wearing it is belonging to a Cancer, who is overly emotional. Also, Sagittarius, Aries and Leo should not wear it.

When choosing jewelry, you should give preference to non-dark minerals, since the latter are recommended for wearing by magicians.

Who is it suitable for depending on their profession?

There is an indicator of whether the mineral in question is suitable for wearing by certain people. So, in the case of a clear denial of rauchtopaz, if you experience unpleasant sensations while wearing it, you should not purchase jewelry and art products made from it.

The stone is perfect for people of the following professions and interests:

  1. Yogis to purify their consciousness.
  2. Sorcerers, magicians, lovers of everything unusual and mystical to lift the curtain to another world.
  3. With an increased tendency to take everything to heart.
  4. For entrepreneurs and businessmen, a pendant or decoration for cufflinks is an indicator of their impeccable taste and as a talisman against business failures.

People with creative professions (writers, musicians, artists) should sometimes hold a rauchtopaz stone in their hands to regularly “touch the muse.” And earrings with stones are perfect for women's professions: educators, teachers, housewives, nannies.

Jewelry with mineral

Jewelers use rauchtopaz quite widely, as the stone looks impressive and is relatively inexpensive. Natural stones decorate pendants and brooches, necklaces and bracelets, earrings and rings.

Brown minerals are used to decorate figurines and other decorative items. Balls or eggs carved from gemstones look impressive and stylish, worthy of decorating the most sophisticated interior or becoming an integral part of a practicing magician’s office.

The cost of jewelry with stone is low and largely depends on what kind of metal the rauchtopaz is framed in. For example, today you can buy elegant gold earrings with noble gems for 0 rubles, and a silver ring that can become an effective talisman for 2,000 rubles.

Talismans and amulets

Jewelry made from smoky rauchtopaz, as well as amulets of various shapes and types, provide reliable protection. It is especially evident for those people who sincerely believe in the protective qualities of the stone and feel comfort and tranquility when wearing it.

Talismans also have the following effects on humans:

  1. Eliminate dependence on other people's opinions.
  2. Prevent the negative effects of evil forces.
  3. Stimulate the immune system and protect against infectious and viral lesions.

Regularly wearing such a talisman increases the power of intuition and allows you to improve your magical power.

According to psychics, talismans made of stone of a darker shade have greater power, however, it should be borne in mind that they can also have a more pronounced negative effect on a person.

Rauchtopaz of light and golden colors has a more positive effect, but less pronounced.

Amulets can be made both in the form of jewelry for everyday wear, and in the form of decorative items.

For example, figurines symbolizing certain phenomena, gods and goddesses, as well as animals that personify these gods.

Products used for amulets can have an abstract form: this way the stone is less processed and carries more positive energy, protecting its owner.

When making a talisman, it is not recommended to cut a natural stone: this way it retains its healing and magical properties to a greater extent.

Zodiac compatibility

Astrologers believe that according to the zodiac sign, Rauchtopaz has optimal compatibility with Capricorn. Smoky quartz will add dreaminess and imagination to this Earth sign, which is often lacking, while at the same time leveling out “heavy” temper. Among the signs suitable for the horoscope are also Virgo and Libra.

Rauchtopaz is suitable for representatives of the fire element for self-soothing and meditation, but fire signs should not wear it for too long. But smoky quartz is not suitable for such a zodiac sign as Pisces (and, to a lesser extent, Aquarius and Cancer) - it will produce their vulnerability, touchiness, daydreaming and a tendency towards escapism.

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion

(“+++” – fits perfectly, “+” – can be worn, “-” – is strictly contraindicated)

Jewelry, how to wear?

Jewelry in which rauchtopaz is installed belongs to the middle price category and is available to most buyers.

This category also includes jewelry made from jasper, amber, and rose quartz. Before installing the rauchtopaz stone, it goes through a cutting stage; only in the case of making jewelry or a talisman from it, its original shape is left.

When choosing the type of decoration, you should know that a brown stone framed in silver looks most advantageous. Lighter shades of this stone look most advantageous in a white frame, while darker and richer tones look best in gold.

The dark green color will benefit when framed in a thin gold frame.

You can wear such jewelry as a set; however, even a single ring or earrings immediately attract the attention of connoisseurs of grace and beauty.


For care, it is enough to wipe the stone with a soft cloth when it becomes dirty, to prevent cracks and scratches from appearing on the edges.

However, this gem has a distinctively high strength, which makes it safe to care for even with the help of mechanical action: if it is heavily soiled, a product with this stone can be cleaned with a brush and a thick cloth.

You can wash the stone with water and a saturated soap solution, after which it should be rinsed with a sufficient amount of running water.

It is preferable to dry such a product in the sun: this way the stone will absorb more solar energy, which will give it greater richness and expressiveness.

How to care for stone

Rauchtopaz is a fairly hard stone, so it can only be scratched when stored in the vicinity of diamonds and harder corundums. However, it is better not to risk it and give him a separate soft bag or box. The stone is also quite fragile and is afraid of any sharp or abrasive mechanical influences - it also needs to be wiped with a soft cloth. Otherwise, the care requirements are standard - regular cleaning with soapy water and rinsing with running water will help keep the rauchtopaz clean and shiny. But it is better to dry the stone in direct sunlight, so its color will become even richer and warmer.

How to distinguish from a fake?

Fake rauchtopaz can be made from ordinary glass, which is given a smoky or brownish tint.
Fake rauchtopaz stone does not have a radiant surface and color depth.

The color of a natural stone is combined with a certain degree of transparency of the mineral and richness of shade, which is not found in its fakes.

Every fan of beautiful gems should remember that although rauchtopaz is somewhat reminiscent of topaz in appearance and name, in reality it is an inexpensive quartz.

And attempts by the seller to pass off this mineral as a more expensive gemstone should be prevented by asking to provide a certificate for a specific product or stone, which will confirm its relation to this class of gems.

The differences between fake stone and natural stone are also the following:

  1. In fake or artificial rauchtopaz there are numerous air bubbles of a perfectly round shape, while in its natural version air can also be present, but not necessarily in the form of round inclusions.
  2. An artificial analogue of a stone often has rounded grooves visible to the eye on its surface, indicating the process of stone growth. There are no such grooves on natural stone.

The listed differences will allow you to distinguish a natural stone from an artificially grown one or from a fake.

Compatibility of rauchtopaz with other stones

The compatibility of cairngorm with other minerals is affected by its color. Light smoky, gray and golden crystals harmonize on an energetic level with rock crystal, citrine, garnet, pyrite, amethyst, and amazonite. The combination of light rauchtopaz with lapis lazuli, turquoise, jasper, jade, malachite and labradorite is considered neutral. Do not wear it with items containing alexandrite, aquamarine, pearls, emerald, opal and moonstone.

Rauchtopaz harmonizes with rock crystal.

It is better to keep dark quartz as far as possible from zircon, ruby, diamond and garnet, since due to different elements these gems will enter into constant confrontation. The best neighbors for it are emerald, pearl, opal, jadeite, agate, chalcedony, jade and other representatives of the earth and water elements.

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