Sardonyx: magical and healing properties of the stone, who is suitable for it, zodiac signs

History and origin

The mineral received its unusual name back in the 7th century BC thanks to the city that is considered its original source - Sardu (today the territory of Turkey). This majestic city was once the capital of the glorious Lydian kingdom.

Do you know that the Holy Scriptures of the Bible mention sardonyx as the fifth foundation of the Great Heavenly Jerusalem.

Due to its rejuvenating properties, as well as the ability to renew the body at all levels, sardonyx was a revered mineral of ancient kings and nobles. A large number of jewelry with this gem were found in the treasuries of the Egyptian ruler Cleopatra. This is no accident, because Cleopatra knew a lot about jewelry, possessing the secrets of eternal youth and beauty.

In addition to the Egyptian beauty, the scientist Ptolemy, as well as the emperor of Ancient Rome Tiberius, owned sardonyx products. Alexandrian carvers used sardonyx plates to carve portraits of gods. The Middle Ages brought no less glory to the mineral - the nugget was used by alchemists, jewelers, sculptors, and magicians. Jewelry, decorative items, talismans were made from the stone, and a number of diseases were healed with it. The mineral was popular for creating seals and glyptics (artistic carvings).

This is interesting! There is an interesting story connected with sardonyx that happened with the artist Benvenuto Cellini. This man created a gem of incredible beauty, on which he depicted the canonical subject of the Gospel - the Last Supper. To create this work of art, he once had to briefly disappear from the Vatican, causing the Pope to be angry and indignant.

Upon the artist’s return, abusive speeches awaited him, in response to which Cellini silently presented his masterpiece. Dad was amazed by the skill of the work - every stripe, spot or vein of multi-colored stone was used to characterize the characters.

So, Jesus was dressed in a white robe, the Apostle Peter was depicted in red, and John in blue. Judas received a gloomy brown tunic. But what was most striking was the idea that a stone that no one needed, lying under our feet for years, was used in the most inventive way.

Benvenuto Cellini was forgiven, proclaiming him the favorite son of the church. To this day, in the altar of the main vestibule of the Cathedral of the Apostle Peter, side by side with gems from all times of Christianity, a majestic work of art by a talented artist flaunts.

In mineralogy, sardonyx is considered a type of onyx; among jewelers, it is a semi-precious gem. The formation of stone originates deep in the bowels of the Earth, where deposits of quartz sand were sintered and compressed under the influence of temperature, pressure, time, and then came to the surface during mountain building processes.

Physical properties

Contrasting layering is the main feature that distinguishes sardonyx from other minerals. In it, stripes of dark shades alternate with light layers.

The main element that makes up the mineral is silicon dioxide. Impurities of calcium, aluminum, magnesium and other substances are responsible for the different colors of the gem stripes. Iron and its compounds color the layers in red-brown shades. Brown tones are acquired due to aluminosilicates, and light tones are acquired due to oxides of non-ferrous metals.

The luster of the gem is assessed as glassy or waxy. However, in a natural mineral it is weakly expressed - the stone shines more only after processing.

Color palette

Sardonyx is a mineral with many shades and combinations. Many people confuse it with agate, but the difference between these stones is noticeable - sardonyx is characterized by wider stripes, while the contrast between the layers is maximum.

The color range of sard varies from warm, light orange tones to red-brown, brown or almost black shades. Such bright colors are interspersed with light layers, white, white-pink, blue.

Healing abilities

Since ancient times, sardonyx was considered a remedy that promotes the regeneration of the human body after damage. This nugget was used for the rapid fusion of cartilage and bones due to fractures, restoration of ligaments after sprains, to stop bleeding and heal wounds.

Our ancestors have always divided sardonyx into female and male gems. Stones of light shades were considered feminine, and dark nuggets were considered masculine. At the same time, the owners and owners of the talismans felt the power of the stone in different directions - the amulet helped women get pregnant, and men - to recover from ulcers and various skin lesions.

Records of sardonyx are contained in the medicine books of ancient Rus'. In those days, the mineral was used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Also, Russian healers used the gem to cure “fragility of the body” or, in modern terms, osteochondrosis (arthrosis).

For this purpose, pink or light orange beads were applied to the problem area, secured with fox fur. People believed that the stone “came to life” under the influence of animal heat, eliminating severe pain.

Do you know that the ancient sages of Christianity, when describing the deeds and accomplishments of the saints, dedicated the “onyx from Sardis” to Philip, the apostle who brought people back to life and healed the poisoned.

In Rus' it was believed that sardonyx, ground into powder, kills tumors growing in the abdominal cavity. Russian healers used this powder for severe abdominal pain. Modern research in this area has shown that in fact this method takes place in cases of disorders in the intestines, since the effect of the powder from the striped mineral is equal to the effect of sorbents.

Today, lithotherapists have studied the range of problems of the human body that can be eliminated with the help of sardonyx:

  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • infertility;
  • ulcer;
  • hearing problems;
  • impotence;
  • fever;
  • epilepsy attacks;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The gem helps the body in the process of resorption of cysts. And for small children, the stone helps with acute ear pain.

Esotericists who study the influence of minerals on various chakras of our body have identified sardonyx to the solar plexus chakra. Therefore, the action of this mineral is aimed at overall improvement of physical and mental well-being. If the solar plexus chakra works harmoniously, then the liver, spleen and other digestive organs, along with the thyroid gland, work like clockwork, and the person feels a surge of strength and energy.

Varieties, colors

The mineral is divided into two types: female and male. The former are used for making paired jewelry, the latter – for amulets and rings. Very small stones are used to make beads.

Sardonyx comes in a variety of colors:

  • white;
  • brown;
  • pink;
  • brown.

Important: The most expensive stones are those that have a pattern on them.

The magic of sard

The magical properties of sardonyx are as varied as their medicinal properties. The mineral acts as a family amulet, maintaining harmony and calm between spouses. It is worth noting that the gem precisely supports the already strengthened peace in relationships, and does not create it. For this purpose, spouses use discreet pendants with a mineral, without removing the jewelry during separation. And it doesn’t matter whether lovers separate for an hour or a month.

The striped sard is considered an amulet for travelers. The talisman protects a person from unkind eyes, fills the soul and thoughts with light, making the journey easy and relaxed.

This is interesting! The magical power of sardonyx was felt back in the days of Ancient Egypt. Queen Cleopatra was the first to use the gem as a talisman on the battlefield. Sardonyx jewelry was worn by warriors during victorious battles. Legend has it that the fiery shimmer of the mineral contributed to the blinding of enemies, creating confusion in their thoughts and hearts.

Modern esotericists attribute a number of unique abilities to sardonyx:

  • The talisman dispels fear of the future, giving the owner peace, tranquility, and balance. Regularly wearing the amulet will help you get rid of causeless worries forever.
  • Sardonyx is a shield against any manifestations of black magic or energy attacks.
  • The mineral slows down the aging of the body and promises the owner a long, serene life.
  • A sardonyx ball will strengthen family ties, attracting financial well-being to the home.

Mediums and magicians use the mineral to reveal or enhance clairvoyance abilities, and also as a guide to the other world.

It is believed that the magic of the stone is enhanced in a gold or silver frame. Bracelets and necklaces are considered the most powerful amulets, as they contain a large number of stones, while having direct contact with the human body.

Sardonyx jewelry and its effect on humans

Sardonyx jewelry
Sardonyx jewelry looks very impressive. However, the stone cannot be combined with all precious metals, which is not known to everyone.

Jewelry in silver or cupronickel are reliable talismans. But in platinum or gold, the magical significance of sardonyx practically disappears.

Let's talk in more detail about sardonyx jewelry:

  • Rings made from this crystal can be worn by women regardless of age. Such jewelry will protect its owner from gossip and intrigues.
  • Earrings with miniature stones should be purchased for young girls, and large earrings should be purchased for older ladies. Such jewelry will protect you from frivolous actions.
  • Thin bracelets are one of the best jewelry for thin hands. Heavier products will look harmonious on chubby hands. However, in any case, the bracelet will protect against all kinds of negativity.
  • The beads will ideally highlight the femininity and beauty of the neck, and will also be a reliable talisman that will instill in its owner the thought of her unearthly beauty.
  • Brooches made of sardonyx are very popular. They are not only a stylish decoration, but also protect their owner from viral diseases.
  • A pendant on a long chain will protect the wearer from heart disease.
  • Cufflinks made of dark crystals will go perfectly with any shirt. Such a talisman will instill self-confidence in a man and help him make difficult decisions.

Compatibility with other stones

Sardonyx is a stone of Earth and Fire. Therefore, the mineral’s best friends will be:

  • variegated agate;
  • carnelian;
  • emerald;
  • golden topaz.

At the same time, there are gems that are absolutely unsuitable for sard, including:

  • ruby;
  • heliotrope;
  • chrysolite;
  • carbuncle;
  • diamond;
  • aventurine;
  • chrysoprase;
  • hyacinth.

Particular care should be taken when combining with pearls, beryl, coral, adularia, turquoise or aquamarine. These minerals belong to the element of Water, which is at odds with the fiery “half” of sardonyx.

Where is sardonyx used?

Round faceted bead 10 mm Sardonyx
The only area of ​​application of the stone is aesthetics and beauty:

  • Master stone cutters place the multi-layered structure of the stone in the first place. Especially if among the layers of the gem there is a milky one: this expands the range of subjects and allows you to show personal mastery.
  • For jewelers it is an ornamental stone; the best specimens are considered semi-precious.

Particularly prized are large translucent stones with alternating orange, cherry, purple, pink and brown hues.

Jewelry sets are of particular importance, since it is difficult to choose inserts of a suitable texture. The price of sardonyx parures increases several times compared to single products.

Collectors like decorative or jewelry that is “not in good condition”: these pieces are the most unusual.

Jewelry with mineral

Sardonyx is widely used by craftsmen of any profile. It is used to create luxurious decorative items, as well as magnificent finishing mosaics. Jewelers also paid attention - the mineral is easy to work with and makes beautiful jewelry that is affordable for everyone.

Since sardonyx belongs to the list of inexpensive stones, the main part of the products is costume jewelry. The prices for such jewelry are minimal:

  • Rings - from 300 to 700 rubles.
  • Pendants – 350-600 rubles.
  • Earrings – from 200 rubles.
  • Beads - from 900 rubles.
  • Bracelets start at 500 rubles.

Sardonyx is also used to complement products made of precious metals, but these are individual designer works that are not sold everywhere. The price for such jewelry will be many times higher.

Price of products

The cost of sardonyx depends on the quality, color, type of processing and frame.

The mineral intended for ornamental crafts is sold in grams. The average price for 1 gram on the stone market is $8-15.

In products, the cost of sardonyx varies within:

  • $9-15 - for jewelry with small stones set in a jewelry alloy;
  • up to $40 - for a decorative money tree with leaves made from this mineral;
  • $30-40 – per necklace depending on the length and size of the stones;
  • $80 - for a silver men's ring with a large sardonyx;
  • up to $200 - for a set of jewelry consisting of earrings and a ring in a silver frame.

How to spot a fake

Sardonyx is not a stone of that level that is profitable to counterfeit. The mineral is common and its price is low. However, this gem is in great demand, so it is still possible to find plastic or imitation.

You can distinguish parts of even cheaper breeds glued together using a magnifying glass. Plastic will give away the established rule - a natural mineral is always heavy and cold. A plastic fake will immediately heat up in your palms, and at the same time it will seem weightless. In addition, if you knock a plastic cabochon on a hard surface, the sound will be dull, while a natural nugget will be distinguished by its sonority.

Place of Birth

India is considered the main source of sardonyx.

Stone is also mined in other places:

  • Brazil;
  • USA;
  • Arabian Peninsula;
  • Uruguay;
  • Argentina.

There are few deposits of sardonyx in Russia. The stone was found in Chukotka and in the Kolyma River basin. The stone cannot be classified as a rare mineral, since it is present in all corners of the globe. Despite this, the gem is mined exclusively in places where it is profitable from an economic point of view.

How to wear and care

Any woman who has a spring or summer type of appearance can wear jewelry with sardonyx. The striped mineral will emphasize the warmth of the appearance of each color type. The mineral also looks great on brown-eyed girls, making the deep gaze even more alluring.

It is worth noting that sardonyx is not a status stone or an evening stone, so the best style of clothing for such jewelry is casual. When choosing a wardrobe, they rely on the main shades of the gem. You should be careful when combining a contrasting striped mineral with other stones so that the image does not look vulgar.

Caring for products made from sardine is simple, but always careful. Compliance with several rules is necessary to maintain the original appearance of the mineral:

  1. The structure of the nugget is fragile, so each piece of jewelry is stored separately from the others. The container can be soft bags or cases with foam walls.
  2. Do not wear products in hot or extremely humid weather. Accordingly, when visiting a solarium, swimming pool or beach, jewelry is removed. Sunlight and high humidity contribute to the irreversible loss of shine of the stone.
  3. To clean the sard, you only need a piece of flannel or woolen fabric. Washing under running water is allowed, but without the use of chemicals, with further thorough drying.

The fragility of sardonyx does not prevent it from being a wonderful friend and talisman. And every item needs careful care.

What to remember about care

To keep the stone intact and preserve its natural properties, remember a few simple rules of care. The mineral is fragile, it is necessary to avoid impacts, mechanical damage, chips, and rough contact with other surfaces.

Storage must be observed: a soft suede bag. You should not expose the product to direct sunlight - the stone prefers semi-dark places.

The crystal should be cleaned once a year: use a slightly warm soapy solution and non-abrasive, mild products. Mechanical cleaning occurs with a soft brush. After washing, the gem sometimes fades, but this does not last long.

Zodiac and name compatibility

Astrologers believe that sardonyx is not capable of bringing good luck to all signs of the Zodiac. For some constellations, wearing a gem is contraindicated.

(“+++” – the stone fits perfectly, “+” – can be worn, “-” – is strictly contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

Among the favorites of sardonyx are Libra, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. What all these signs have in common is that for comfort in life they need balance, calm, and composure of thoughts. The striped mineral is able to maintain the measured pace of life of such people, providing the necessary protection.

Gemini and Scorpio should completely abandon the gem. In the first case, sardonyx will harm the contradictory nature of Gemini, further exciting the changeable temperament of the representatives of this sign. In the case of Scorpios, everything is simpler - this sign itself rejects the mineral. Explosive and temperamental Scorpios do not like the quiet calm emanating from the sard.

Other signs can enjoy the external splendor of the stone. The emotionality and energy of other Zodiacs is less pronounced, so sardonyx will not have any effect on them.

“Onyx from Sardis” will become a powerful amulet for people who were named Yuri, Gennady, Taisiya.


Over the centuries-old history of the mineral, sardonyx has been loved by people of all classes. It is surprising that a gem, not on the same level as precious stones, was so revered by the rulers of entire nations of different eras. Apparently, there is something truly enchanting and attractive in this nugget.

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