Sansevieria flower: Signs and superstitions

The pike tail flower or mother-in-law's tongue is a frequent inhabitant of residential and office premises. We, amateur flower growers, keep this plant in our apartments, sometimes without knowing anything about it. What attracts us to this flower is that it is quite pretty in appearance and completely unpretentious.

Mother-in-law's tongue or Sansevieria, as this indoor pet is scientifically called, requires virtually no care and can grow in any conditions. But what kind of flower is this? Does it bring benefit or harm? What signs and superstitions are associated with it? Is it even possible to keep it in the house? I would like to receive comprehensive answers to all these questions.

Origin of the plant

Sansevieria was first discovered in Africa. This happened in the 18th century. Subsequently, this plant was found in Asian countries, on the island of Madagascar, on the Arabian Peninsula, in India and Sri Lanka. The flower was described by the Italian botanist Prince Sanseviero, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of science.

Botanists and travelers were attracted by the appearance of the plant - its powerful dense leaves, original colors, strong root system. Sansevieria quickly spread throughout the world and gained well-deserved popularity.

Why "mother-in-law's tongue"?

Sansevieria is called the devil's tongue, pike tail, Indian sword. These names were given to the plant because of the unusual pointed shape of its leaves. Sansevieria began to be called mother-in-law's tongue for the same reason. After all, it is as sharp and long as a mother-in-law’s tongue.

There are many superstitions associated with the plant. Basically, “mother-in-law’s tongue” is blamed for quarrels and conflicts in the family. They say that it is fueled by negative energy, so keeping it at home is not recommended. People even claim that a family can break up because of a plant. Young girls are not recommended to keep the plant, because problems may arise in their personal lives.

However, this sign also has a downside. Some are sure that Sansevieria, fueled by negativity, cleanses the home of bad energy. Some owners of “mother-in-law’s tongue” note that purchasing it creates a favorable atmosphere in their home. It is likely that the long leaves function as a kind of antennas that absorb negative energy and emit fluids of peace and creativity.

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In order for the “mother-in-law’s tongue” to bring only benefits, it is not recommended to place it in the bedroom in which members of the household sleep. They say that it can cause spouses to cool off towards each other. It's better to place it in the kitchen.

It is advisable to choose a pot of a calm shade - for example, beige or pistachio.

Description of the flower

Sansevieria belongs to the genus of perennial evergreen stemless herbaceous plants of the Asparagus family. Mexican agave belongs to the same genus, from which tequila is successfully produced. It is characterized by the presence of fleshy leaf blades, pointed towards the top, which in natural conditions often reach a height of 1 meter.

Leaves can be placed either vertically or horizontally. The coloring is usually variegated - from light green to a very dark shade. The plant has no stem. With good care it can bloom.

Magic properties

It is very important that positive energy prevails in the room. If a house is filled with negativity, it becomes difficult to live in it; the inhabitants feel constant irritation, quarrel, and feel bad. Mystics believe that filling a room with positivity is quite simple - just acquire sansevieria. It “feeds” on negative energy and absorbs it. Moreover, the stronger and more beautiful the leaves, the more negativity the perennial has absorbed. Other magical properties of pike tail:

  1. Promotes the development of imagination, stimulates thought processes.
  2. Helps get rid of the blues, gives optimism and good mood.
  3. Improves well-being, helps normalize blood pressure, and relieves headaches.
  4. Increases efficiency, strengthens willpower, helps achieve your goals.
  5. Attracts material wealth.
  6. Warms up fading love between spouses.

Practicing magicians are confident that mother-in-law's tongue can get rid of the evil eye and even serious damage. If any member of the household suspects that black witchcraft has been cast upon him, it is necessary to place a flowerpot next to the bed. It should remain there until the person feels completely healthy.

Benefits of Sansevieria

The pike tail brings great benefits to both the room where it is located and its inhabitants:

  • the flower is able to absorb all the negativity accumulated in the room, including magic, and also purify the air from harmful radiation that occurs during the operation of household appliances;
  • the plant is an indispensable talisman against ill-wishers and envious people. It reflects all the negativity and returns it back to where it came from;
  • Sansevieria improves the atmosphere in the home. Relieves its inhabitants from irritability, anger and aggression. Helps cope with stress;
  • Endows its owners with balance and tranquility. Enhances qualities such as fortitude and endurance. Has the ability to attract material well-being and good luck.

How to get rid of the negative influence of beliefs?

Attention. Never accept mother-in-law's tongue as a gift from a single woman, this is the worst sign.

And vice versa, if a man gave it to you, then the plant will become a protector in the family.

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Also, you should not take into your own home a pike tail flower given by friends or relatives for family celebrations: it is usually believed that the person who brought it wants to cast spells on you. The most favorable omen would be to “steal” a flower , that is, to dig up a shoot without the knowledge of the owner. If such a plant takes root, it will definitely bring good luck to the house.

Signs and superstitions about mother-in-law's tongue are so varied and contradictory, therefore, if you are a suspicious person, for the sake of your own peace of mind, get yourself another plant.

What properties does it have?

Some sources say that Sansevieria has heavy negative energy and is not recommended to be kept in an apartment. But these statements are greatly exaggerated. The flower works exactly the opposite:

  • the leaves of a flower, like antennas, absorb negative energy and emit positive energy into space;
  • sansevieria protects the house from the invasion of uninvited guests with evil thoughts;
  • this plant is capable of reconciling those living in the house, bringing harmony and peace to the relationship between household members;
  • mother-in-law's tail is endowed with the property of enhancing feelings between spouses;
  • gives strength to fulfill all plans.

Mother-in-law's language: signs associated with the name

mother-in-law's tongue flower, photo

This plant has many popular names. Its scientific name is Sansevieria, but it is also called pike tail, Indian sword, snake skin, devil's tongue and mother-in-law's tongue, which influenced the signs about this plant. Its leaves really resemble very long tongues in shape.

People believe that the mother-in-law is not the calmest and friendliest member of the family. True, not all women agree with this. Perhaps the popular name, associated with the length of the mother-in-law’s tongue, was given to the flower as a joke, but it has survived to this day and influenced the signs about it. Some consider it a gossip plant and believe that thanks to sansevieria, quarrels will appear in the house and the family will quickly collapse.

How does a flower affect health?

Due to the fact that the pike tail releases positive energy into space and absorbs negativity, it helps to get rid of many health problems:

  • relieves headaches, improves overall well-being;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • relieves depression, helps cope with nervous tension;
  • the mother-in-law's tongue growing in the room will relieve fatigue and raise tone;
  • heals stomach ulcers;
  • The juice of the plant is an indispensable remedy for otitis media.

Is it possible to keep mother-in-law's tongue at home?

A popular saying says that if a perennial is healthy and its leaves grow upward, there will always be a cozy atmosphere in the house. The pike tail strengthens relationships and prevents conflicts. Esotericists believe that the plant is able to eliminate the energy of aggression and tension, absorbing it and transforming it into the energy of creativity.

The generally accepted opinion is that it is possible and even necessary to keep mother-in-law’s tongue in the house. Not only people who trust omens think so. It has been established that sansevieria cleanses indoor air from harmful substances contained in tobacco smoke, microbes, and unpleasant odors. The juice of the leaves has a wound-healing and disinfectant effect, and the tincture from the roots helps strengthen the body's defenses. In addition, the mother-in-law’s tongue is beautiful; it brings a touch of exoticism to the interior.

Signs and superstitions

There are many signs and superstitions associated with the flower, both good and not so good.


  1. If the flower looks good, its leaves are even and smooth, and the plant itself is healthy and lush, then there is good energy in the home.
  2. Sansevieria blooming in summer portends joyful changes, including the imminent appearance of offspring.
  3. If a flower is inherited, then its new owners will always live in harmony, and their house will have complete prosperity.


  1. Flowering in winter portends troubles in the family or at work (quarrels, conflicts, discord).
  2. The leaves of a flower that turn yellow mean separation from your loved one.
  3. The tops of the leaves dry out - among relatives or close acquaintances there is a person bringing negativity into the house.
  4. The plant died - problems are occurring in the family (depression of one or more household members or a serious conflict situation is occurring).

Legends and superstitions about the plant

Attention. There is an opinion that the mother-in-law’s tongue absorbs all the negative energy in the house and the longer and thicker the leaves of the plant, the more negative energy it has absorbed.

But in parallel with this opinion, there is also the opposite, that it is the pike tail that causes quarrels and scandals in the house.

A pot for the plant should be chosen in light colors with metallic decor; this will cool its “violent temperament.” And under no circumstances plant it in a red flowerpot, this can intensify negative emotions.

If it blooms

If you believe it, then the flowering of sansevieria in the summer is a good sign, promises success in all endeavors and promotes good luck. And you shouldn’t pick a flower, it can destroy the positive energy. If the mother-in-law’s tongue throws out an arrow in the winter, then this may be a warning of impending troubles.

Each rosette of Sansevieria blooms only once in its life. The buds usually bloom at night and have a very pleasant smell.

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If he died

If the leaves of the pike tail begin to dry out and wither, this does not bode well. This means that a lot of negative energy has accumulated in the home atmosphere and the flower cannot cope with it. And even bigger troubles await the family if the mother-in-law’s tongue has died.

Can it be accepted as a gift?

But accepting a plant as a gift is not recommended, nor is giving it to someone. Especially if the plant was presented by the husband’s relatives. Also, under no circumstances should you accept a gift from women who do not have a good personal life.

Did you get the “mother-in-law tongue” from your parents? Then he can become your talisman.

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