Since ancient times, Rus' has attached great importance to amulets, with the help of which they protected themselves and their homes from uninvited guests, troubles, evil spirits, evil spirits, as well as from the evil eye and damage. Such talismans not only had protective properties, but also attracted happiness, love and prosperity into the house. Currently, the ancient traditions of our ancestors are being revived and are successfully returning to our lives. The most common amulet that brings happiness and protects against evil forces is bast shoes. Lapti is an old Russian amulet, which no family could do without before. You will learn more about Russian amulets from our article.
Home amulet
Home amulet
Let's make a reservation that we will only touch on Slavic amulets. The choice in favor of amulets of a particular culture should be made depending on faith. If you are deeply religious and consider yourself a Christian, then protect your apartment only with icons. Without faith they will be useless. Muslim symbols will also benefit only the followers of the Prophet Muhammad. Feng Shui adherents should have amulets and their placement based on this teaching. Hanging bast shoes according to Feng Shui is absurd.
When choosing protective amulets for your home, you should listen to your intuition. If she suggests that the time has come to turn to ancient symbols, to the faith of our ancestors, to return to the origins of our native faith, then this is wonderful. A piece of paganism resides in everyone. There is no need to banish icons. For a long time, paganism and Christianity coexisted, which we see now. The holidays that we celebrate come from pre-Christian times. For example, Ivan Kupala, Maslenitsa. Now they are being revived more and more.
It is not even necessary to adhere to traditions and symbols. A bright picture will become protection, a toy, a children's craft. Energy and mental comfort are important.
It also happens that after a visit from some person, your favorite thing, which you considered a talisman, breaks, and the plant begins to wither. This means that an ill-wisher visited your house, and the talisman warded off misfortune from the owners. Note that this especially happens after praise. This is not necessarily intentional damage.
Before making a talisman, you need to know the theory: the meaning of the symbols and their correct location.
History of the amulet
Previously, peasants in Rus' walked barefoot in the summer.
Almost everyone had bast shoes - shoes made of birch bark, but they were cherished like the apple of their eye and worn only in winter and on great holidays. When simple shoes wore out, they were by no means thrown away, but tied with twine and hung on fences, over the porch of the house, in places where livestock was kept, etc.
This amulet was considered an indispensable protector against damage, the evil eye and curses. Those shoes that completely deteriorated were removed and burned in the fire. God forbid, while taking it off, someone drops their bast shoe! This was considered a complete tragedy! Dropping a bast shoe is a bad omen, leading to misfortune, illness and death of livestock.
When making bast shoes, they always made one extra pair for the brownie. They were made very small and placed above the stove. They put all sorts of sweets in the shoes to appease the brownie priest. In repayment for the generosity of the owners, the brownie protected their home from evil spirits and other evils, protected the cattle from disease, pestilence, and helped in other household chores.
Especially for you: Buddhist amulets and charms
The strongest and most popular amulet is the broom of happiness and prosperity
One of the most common household amulets is a broom. It has received quite legitimate fame, and already has its own rules for creation and its symbolism.
A broom amulet is a strong protection against strife, poverty and any misfortune. Elements are assembled into it, observing a number of rules. It is traditionally interpreted as a tool of labor with which the brownie must restore order in the house.
- The optimal and correct number of parts of the amulet is twelve. This is the number of well-being in the home. Therefore, when choosing components in the alphabet of symbols, you focus on those that are most necessary and valuable to you.
- Collect them by priority. At the top, the most important amulet symbols for you are attached to the handle of the broom, decreasing in importance to the bottom.
- You need to create a talisman exclusively with your own hands. Only help from someone from your family, relatives or household members is allowed. After all, their energy also affects the atmosphere and well-being in your home.
- To make the amulet correctly, it is also better to make the broom itself yourself. Bought externally, even if it’s new, it contains someone else’s energy. The brownie will sense it and reject it; they will not begin to restore order in your house.
- The broom amulet is a symbol of purity and creation, so the phase of the waxing moon is a prerequisite for creation.
Important! Never make a home talisman for the waning moon. The waning phase of the night luminary will make your amulet so that all the embedded meanings in its meaning will melt and wane, like the moon itself.
These are very simple and well-founded rules and regulations. Their implementation is the key to the successful operation of the amulet.
- Handle down can only be hung outside the home. For example, on the front door or above it. But they hang it this way only in private houses. And in general, by placing the amulet outside our home, we thereby give our enemies and envious people the opportunity to harm us. Therefore, although this method exists, it is not particularly recommended for security reasons.
- Handle up. This is the only way to hang a broom in the house. In this position, it correctly performs the function of cleansing and attracting.
- Above the entrance he works for cleansing - the brownie sweeps with a broom bad energy, quarrels, misunderstandings, bad mood of the owners, jealousy and sadness from the house.
- Opposite the front door - greets those entering. It becomes a barrier to everything negative - unwanted guests, envious people, villains, thieves.
- In the kitchen - serves the owner of the home. Thus, the brownie becomes an assistant in everyday life. It is important for maintaining order in the house, efficient housekeeping, and the culinary abilities of the housewife.
Sign! There is a belief that an ill-wisher entering with evil or corruption entangles his evil thoughts in a broom whisk. And upon entering your home, he feels uncomfortable and confused. And your brownie, meanwhile, sweeps the bad out of the house.
Bast shoes in the house protect the family and increase its income. Placed in the kitchen, they will attract abundance, and evil spirits and people with evil thoughts will avoid your family hearth.
Since ancient times, bast shoes have been given to newlyweds. They were placed above the threshold or to the left of the front door. Thus, preventing homewreckers and homewreckers from interfering with the happiness of the young.
With such a keeper, the family is always comfortable. Lapotki take the owner away from temptations and firmly connects them with family and loved ones.
Amulet from the store
Do-it-yourself amulet panel for the kitchen
People who do not like handwork and sit down to sew against their will should not be ashamed. Let it be better to have a soulless, mass-produced thing than to make it with nervousness and irritation. Home charms are also a popular gift.
If it was given to you, then you need to think: is there any malicious intent in the gift, is it given from a pure heart. Turn to your intuition, remember your relationship with the person who gave it. If your intuition is undeveloped, just ask yourself whether you like the thing or not. Try it on in different places in the apartment. The protective amulet will find its location itself. A useless thing will sting your eyes everywhere. In any case, you need to clean things up:
- Wash the item. Start from the material. Some things will get damaged when washed, so just wipe those that are afraid of water with something disinfectant.
- Leave to dry in the wind and sun. Leave the talisman on the balcony for a day so that it can also bathe in the rays of the moonlight.
- Bury it in the ground for a day. Remember about the safety of the item, so first put it in a bag or box.
- Sprinkle with water from a natural spring.
- Hold it in your hands, transferring energy. Let the amulet get acquainted and make friends with the owner. Things should warm up.
- Burn a candle nearby. Any will do, but magicians recommend the church one.
This is what you should do with any thing that came to you as a talisman. Having decided to buy a talisman, again you must turn off common sense, stop choosing a protective item to match the color of the wallpaper and surrender to your intuition. We especially note hand-made items. They take over some of the energy of the needlewoman, so it is better to buy from friends in whose purity of thoughts, kindness and health you are confident. Where is the guarantee that the person who made the amulet was not sick, tired, upset and did not convey negativity to the amulet? If you fall in love with an item, take it.
Instructions for weaving different models
Craftsmen who make these shoes use birch bark, bast or more modern raw materials to create them. For example, very beautiful bast shoes are made from newspaper tubes, knitted yarn, and jute twine.
From newspaper tubes
This raw material is very common as a material for weaving bast shoes. The finished product looks beautiful and resembles shoes made of natural material.
For weaving you will need:
- newspapers;
- scissors;
- PVA glue;
- some water;
- knitting needles 2-3 mm in diameter (both metal and plastic are suitable).
Before weaving bast shoes, you need to prepare the material. This process is not particularly difficult; even a beginner can easily cope with this task:
- An ordinary double sheet of newspaper should be folded in half and carefully divided into two parts along the fold. The resulting material must be bent lengthwise and cut. So, from one part you should get 4 long narrow pieces.
- After this, you will need to dilute the glue in a ratio of 1:3. Place a knitting needle on the corner of the strip and wind the paper onto it in a spiral. When the sheet is completely curled, you need to secure the piece with a glue solution. After which you can remove the knitting needle.
To prepare the segments, it is recommended to cut a whole stack of newspaper sheets at once.
Before you start weaving, the tubes need to be slightly moistened without flattening. How to make bast shoes step by step can be found in the following instructions:
- Place one tube horizontally.
- Place the second one on it, having first bent it into the shape of the letter “L”.
- Put on the third one parallel to the second tube.
- They need to be intertwined on one base, one leg at a time, in a cross.
- In the same way, you need to put 5 more newspaper straws on the base.
- Pass the leg of each of them with a regular pigtail into the bases that were secured earlier.
- Screw the lowermost parts of the parts into the resulting fabric to the middle of the product, having previously grabbed the side.
- Secure the remaining free edges in the same way.
- This way the back fragment of the bast shoe will be formed.
- After every fourth crossing, additional tubes must be attached to the sole of the future shoe. In a similar way, with the letter “L”.
- According to this pattern, the bottom of the product is woven. Since additional tubes are woven in, closer to the toe of the shoe the required expansion is obtained.
- The sole should be tried on the foot, if everything fits, you can begin making the upper part.
- For the top of the bast shoes, two bent tubes should be left in the central area. The straws at the edges of the middle ones are secured with calico weaving.
- Do the same with the remaining tube, bringing it to the center.
- The weaving bends the fabric upward, thereby forming a cape. You should do the same with all the tubes, lifting them up.
- All that remains is to close the edges of the bast shoe and form the sides. For this purpose, the tubes from the middle should be intertwined one with the other and brought to the reverse side, stretching each one separately to the edge.
- Then they should be threaded through the nearest hole to the side of the sneaker and attached with glue to the sole.
- All remaining tubes must be intertwined in each direction and glued to the sole part.
This weaving pattern is one of the simplest. Thanks to her, even a beginner can figure out how to weave bast shoes.
From knitted yarn
Such products look beautiful and are very easy to use, and even a novice craftswoman can make them. To work you will need:
- knitted fabric 1 x 1.5 m;
- hook;
- scissors;
- needle and thread.
Step by step execution:
Before weaving knitted bast shoes with your own hands, you need to prepare the yarn. To do this, cut strips about a centimeter wide from the canvas. After which they need to be sewn into one continuous thread.
The knitted fabric is soft, stretches well and takes the desired shape. That is why with its use, weaving bast shoes is easy and pleasant.
When the yarn is prepared, you can start weaving:
- For a size 27 bast shoe, you will need to crochet about 13-15 chain stitches.
- After this, the trace is knitted in single crochet stitches to the required length.
- Then you need to knit the sides: 3 rows with a double crochet.
- In the center of the resulting bast shoe, you need to knit 5-6 air loops to fasten the sides and better fix the shoes on the foot.
- The top of the slipper is knitted in the round using single crochets. After this you need to fasten the thread.
Next, all that remains is to knit a chain for the laces, which are secured to the heel.
Knitted from jute twine
Before making bast shoes, you need to prepare the materials. To weave bast shoes from twine you will need:
- crochet hook;
- jute twine.
Beads, glass beads, and artificial flowers are useful for decoration. The instructions show how to make decorative slippers. Using a similar pattern, you can knit a full-size pair of shoes.
Step-by-step master class:
- You need to put a chain of 5 chain loops on the hook. After this, it is tied with single crochets in a circle.
- Thus, you need to knit about 2 cm - this is the height of the sock. Afterwards you need to knit the sole to the heel in rotating rows with single crochets, about 4 cm.
- Next, you should lower the loops under the heel part. For this purpose, a loop is not knitted in each row, while the outermost one is caught.
- When one loop remains, you need to tighten it, cut the thread, calculating the margin for processing the edge of the product.
- The remaining thread needs to be wrapped around the top of the sneaker.
The second bast shoe should be knitted using a similar pattern. They are fastened in pairs. Woven products can be given as a souvenir or kept for yourself. If desired, the bast shoes are further decorated.
The ABCs of creating amulets for the home
Popular opinion is very skeptical about amulets purchased in souvenir shops. They are usually considered souvenirs, cute trinkets, but miracles are not expected from them. It is considered right for a home guardian to make himself, so that it is endowed with the energy of the one who created it, investing a certain meaning in every detail.
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The meaning of the elements in amulets:
- Grains, cereals, legumes - prosperity in the house, a well-fed life, good financial situation.
- House - figurine is made from salt dough and baked in the oven. Symbolizes peace in the family, mutual understanding between household members, comfort.
- Bast shoes can be either an element when making a broom amulet with your own hands, or a self-working talisman. They symbolize a pleasant atmosphere in the house, the desire to return to one’s native walls.
- Coins are important for attracting financial well-being, protection from a miserable fate.
- Garlic – protection of the home from evil spirits. In addition, if we put aside the magical component, the use of garlic was justified by its strong smell, designed to combat household pests.
- A pod of dry pepper - for the owner of the house should symbolize his fertility, masculine strength, and potency.
- Dried rose hips are a symbol of the feminine. Gives women the energy of fertility, strength to bear children.
- Sunflower or pumpkin seeds symbolize a good and healthy offspring, many children.
- Corn grains – protection of the family, fertility, relief during childbirth, change of generations.
- Bay leaf - victories and success in work and business.
- Nuts – the health of all family members, family strength, cohesion.
- It is customary to hang dried fruits to sweeten your life and fill it with pleasures.
- Bagels - hospitality, many friends, generosity, responsiveness.
- Red ribbons or threads - love, feelings, fidelity. They protect the heartfelt affection of their owners.
- Green ribbons - attracting financial flows, improving material wealth in the house.
- Yellow ribbons – joy, good mood, kindness.
- Flowers – longevity and youth.
- Needles and pins are protection against damage and the evil eye.
- Dried herbs (thyme, wormwood, nettle) are a talisman against the magical effects of ill-wishers.
- A piece of bast - harmony in everyday life, thriftiness, thrift and practicality of household members.
- A bell, a bell - a child's laughter, the fertility of the owners of the house. It should help in a situation where the owners have problems with childbirth.
By assembling these elements in our amulet, we put a certain code and meaning into it.
Sign! When the owners constantly give birth to girls, then by attaching more beans to the home amulet, you can attract the energy of the birth of a boy.
One of the most common Slavic amulets for the home is Domovenok. There is even a wonderful Soviet cartoon about him.
Among the Slavs, he was considered the protector of the home. He loves warmth very much, so he hid near the stove.
In the pagan faith, Domovoy was considered a good spirit, although sometimes a prankster, but again with the advent of Christianity he turned into evil spirits.
But why is this little guy so useful?
- Shows concern for the house in which he lives and the owners.
- Strive to increase family income and guide the owner for the better.
- Protects against thieves and burglars. Helps prevent property damage. Warns of danger by its appearance or through dreams.
To live in harmony with the brownie, you need to follow several rules:
- Strive for order, as the brownie does not tolerate chaos.
- Stimulate yourself to flourish with your behavior.
- Live with the desire for the best.
- Stop being a bad owner, otherwise you will feel revenge for your carelessness and laziness.
It is best to make such a Slavic defender with your own hands, like Grandma Ezhka. There are a lot of options: a bag doll, an old man-piggy bank, and so on. Each detail during manufacturing will have its own meaning. Remember that when making a talisman with your own hands, you need to be in a good mood.
Place it in the most appropriate place, as you think:
- Kitchen. If, for example, you decide to place it in this part, then it is ideal to choose the option with a spoon. Your defender will make sure that the family does not face “hunger times.” It will saturate household members with both physical and spiritual energy.
- Hallway. Place the Brownie in front of the front door. Thanks to this arrangement, he will monitor incoming ones. He must have a broom or broom in his hands, with which he sweeps away all the bad things.
- Bedroom. If you are thinking about protecting your well-being, then you need to place the Brownie in the bedroom, living room, or office. Mandatory attributes for this option will be a bag (preferably with grains), coins, and bills. It will become a real magnet for money.
If you place the Slavic amulet Chur at home, it will further strengthen the influence of the brownie.
Where to place
To answer such a question, we must turn to the history of the Slavs, because it is from there that we draw knowledge. Our ancestors were afraid of evil spirits and their influence on humans, therefore all doors through which evil spirits could enter the home were guarded by protective signs and amulets. Remember the appearance of a Slavic hut: carved architraves, shutters with images of mermaids, a horse on the roof, architraves around the front door, carved gates.
You can still find such huts now if you move away from the center. The Russian North especially stands out. Small county towns and villages are glorified, where ancient culture and attributes are still preserved in the Vologda region, Arkhangelsk region, Irkutsk region.
In a modern apartment, it is enough to pay attention to:
- Entrance doors, placing the necessary amulets above them;
- windows. Our ancestors placed rowan branches on the windows. This was done both for beauty, since coal was poured between the frames to prevent moisture, and to protect against spirits. Every modern person can follow this example by decorating a window with red rowan. You can use branches, beads, crafts. Residents of the first floors should especially pay attention to this when a passerby looks into the windows;
- household items. Since ancient times, signs have been applied to kitchen utensils and stoves. Some household items themselves became amulets. Now you can paint some dishes with Slavic signs. You don’t have to use it for its intended purpose; you can just put it on a shelf for protection. The simplest technique is dot painting. You can use cross stitch patterns for it.
- Some amulets were located under the matitsa (ceiling beam). This is where the custom of placing amulets under the ceiling came from. Not all things can be placed this way. Remember also that later a rule appeared to hang amulets below the icons.
You can find a lot of advice on placing talismans on the cardinal points. It comes from feng shui. If you are looking for a place for a frog or a turtle, then turn to Chinese philosophy, but if you don’t know where to put the broom, then turn to the Slavic faith. Mixing cultures will not lead to anything good, so stick to uniformity in design.
Learning to knit doll shoes
We invite you to knit small bast shoes for a doll. This is not difficult to do. Prepare suitable threads and a hook and get to work.
Step-by-step instruction:
- Cast on two air loops.
- In the first loop, tie 4 tbsp. without a crochet (knitted using both halves of the loop).
- Continue working in the round, knitting 2 single crochets from each stitch. Repeat the pattern until the number of loops increases to 14-15 pieces.
- Knit 5-6 circular rows (one stitch from one loop).
- Conditionally divide the number of loops into two parts. Continue knitting one half. This will be the sole of the laptik. Knit 4 rows and finish in the center (see photo).
- Fold the sole right side inward. Tie with connecting columns.
- After finishing knitting, leave long ends of the threads that will serve as ties. The shoes are attached to the doll's feet by wrapping them around the shins.
The bast shoes are ready!
And such bast shoes can be knitted, for example, for a brownie.
They are made from natural yarn, according to the following pattern:
- Cast on 12 chain stitches.
- Close them in a circle.
- Knit 5 rows of single crochets in the round.
- Knit a section of 8 stitches with straight fabric, 5 rows high.
- Then do it this way: 2 single crochets, 1 single crochet, 2 double crochets, 1 single crochet, 2 single crochets.
- Pull the row together with a thread, making a backdrop.
How to knit bast shoes for the brownie Kuzi is shown in detail in the following video.
Charms from the folk traditions of the Slavs
In addition to the broom, there are other amulets that are not widespread in the modern world. However, they served our ancestors with great success as faithful guardians of well-being in the home.
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I should have bought a new large ceramic pot. These were traditionally used to store cereals and flour in the house. Selected wheat is poured into the pot from the past generous harvest. It serves as the basis for the amulet. Then some details from the symbols listed in the alphabet are added to it.
Since the symbolism of details and objects is similar in meaning, it corresponds to almost all regions. Ancient tribes usually had little variation in the meaning of the elements, so choose them as you wish.
- The number of elements is usually three, seven, twelve.
- The selected parts should be hidden in the poured grain.
This pot becomes the place where the brownie will keep the spirit of your home. Therefore, it is correct if the amulet is placed near the stove or in the pantry - these are significant places for your invisible assistant.
To make such a talisman, all you need to do is buy decorative bast shoes. But by supplementing them with some details, you can get a completely functional and effective talisman for your home.
Bast shoes are given to the spirit of your home so that the brownie is satisfied and responds to you with his efforts. They contain several characters at your discretion for encoding to perform certain tasks.
Sign! It was customary for bast shoes to hang at the threshold on a red ribbon. It’s like a ritual with which the hostess cemented her husband’s connection with the house. Wherever a man finds himself, he will still be drawn to his home with his family.
Such a talisman kept the owner from temptations on the road and made his connection with his family and home strong. Especially when the man is stately and prominent, a good owner, they tried to make such a talisman so that no one would get coveted and steal the hostess’s husband.
This amulet's style echoes the way other peoples hung boots for gifts on New Year's Day. Our ancestors also have their own New Year's amulet - felt boots.
To make it, you need to put a gingerbread, a coin and a handful of wheat in a felt boot. They put it in a corner near the stove - the traditional place where the brownie lives. Such a New Year's gift should serve to appease your home keeper, and in return he will be more affectionate towards you, and will not play pranks and harm his owners. When making such a talisman, you also hoped that you could find out from the brownie about the hidden treasure if other owners lived in the house before you.
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Product Features
Since ancient times, bast shoes have served as footwear for the poorest segments of the population. They were worn by almost everyone, regardless of gender and age, with the exception of residents of Siberia and representatives of the Cossacks. Bast shoes were woven from bast or wool. The materials used to create the item were blanks from linden, willow, birch, and elm. It happened that for these purposes they used not only wood, but also straw or horsehair.
Products made from linden bast were considered the most durable and durable. Birch bark bast shoes were soft. Shoes were often named according to the number of strips of bast that were used in the manufacture of bast shoes: five, six, seven. For warmth and durability, weaving with hemp rope was used, and leather soles were sewn on.
For festive events they wore elm bast shoes, which were decorated with braid and painting.
The first mentions of these shoes are found in the 12th century. Low cost and availability of raw materials for manufacturing made bast shoes very common. Right up to the Civil War from 1918 to 1920, most of the Red Army soldiers wore them. Today, bast shoes are produced as souvenirs, decorative elements, shoes for dolls, and items for recreating a folk costume. They are also worn as house slippers.
Traditional signs and talismans for home protection
Each had its own place, but there are also universal ones, located everywhere.
- Kolovrat is a sign of the clan, it was placed exclusively on the mother;
- Horseshoe - must be hung above the entrance;
- The sun (any image or sign of it) is protection from evil spirits. Placed above the entrance, on the roof, on facades, on windows;
- The thunder sign is a symbol of the family. Depicted on the facade;
- Mermaids were placed on the windows and protected from ghouls;
- Images of Slavic gods, in particular Lada. They were depicted on windows and on outbuildings.
Now not every one of these symbols is applicable; most are forgotten. But everyone can use everyday things as talismans:
- Key. Locks the house from evil forces, helps to gain wealth;
- Crest. Protects against the evil eye, damage, evil witchcraft, and prevents hair loss. It cannot be accepted as a gift, so that the sorcerer cannot influence through the hair;
- Mela. Symbolizes reconstruction. Sweeps out evil spirits. Now there are signs associated with it: bristles up brings wealth, bristles down protects from bad influence. Revenge is not allowed in the evening, so as not to sweep away wealth; sweeping is not allowed when someone is leaving home, so as not to frighten off good luck on the road.
- Needle, clasp, pin. Components of many amulets. However, it itself was both a talisman and a means of damage. Among others, the main meaning is to prevent the evil eye. A needle stuck into the doorway did not let the witch through;
- Beast's tooth. Later, heads, horns, and animal skins began to be used. The symbolism is the same - scaring away enemies, gaining the owner and hunter the strength and qualities of the killed animal. Moose antlers still hang on the walls of the huts. Hunters love to place stuffed game in their hunting lodges. This is again the work of intuition, and not a desire to boast;
- A bell or any other ringing thing. Called to ward off evil spirits. In the old days, a bull bladder with peas was even used for these purposes. Old people in the outbacks of Russia still remember this tradition, although they rarely use it.
Lapti is an ancient piece of clothing and a Russian amulet. In ancient times, only these shoes were worn, and they were also present in the house as a protective element. Lapti were made from birch bark and were worn only in winter. In the summer, the Russian people preferred to walk barefoot in order to feed on the life force from Mother Earth.
When the bast shoes were worn out or lost their appearance, they were not thrown away, but were used as a talisman. Shoes were tied with twine and hung in the house or in the yard on the fence. This amulet could be seen near the porch or next to the barn where the cattle were kept. Those bast shoes that were completely unusable had to be burned at the stake.
The worst omen in Rus' was when a person dropped his bast shoe. This was considered a harbinger of trouble or tragedy. In the house of a Russian person there was always an extra pair of birch bark shoes for the brownie. Tiny bast shoes were hung near the stove, in which there was always sweetness.
Modern amulets
As for amulets for the home now, they come down to brownies, decorated brooms, horseshoes and other crafts. Sometimes they combine several images at once. Intuition will tell you whether to use it or not. Many of them have little in common with the original Russian symbols.
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Horseshoe amulet
A good multi-valued amulet. Since ancient times, they hung an old rusty horseshoe found on the road above the front door. This is due to the fact that metal itself carries cleansing energy, and rust draws out diseases. The image itself is associated with a horse - an assistant.
A horseshoe with its horns up will bring wealth, and with its horns down it will protect you from evil. It was nailed onto one nail above the entrance.
No need to make horseshoes yourself. It will lose its symbolism and will not bring any benefit. In the kitchen, as a magnet, it will also only be a decoration, not protection.
It is often found in modern stores, but has little in common with the symbols of the Slavs. Our ancestors believed in the spirit of the house, fed it and transported it to a new hut, but never made its image. The image of a good spirit will not harm your home if you treat it well. You can make such a doll yourself from fabric, thread, plastic or salt dough. Give him a broom, money or a bag of cereal. If you want to add additional meaning.
You can also use a bast shoe, or better yet two, tied with scarlet thread. These amulets are different. There are often tips for filling an old shoe with needles, broken glass and other sharp objects. This should protect against the evil eye and witchcraft. You can easily make this talisman at home.
Amulet pouch
This amulet is the easiest to make with your own hands. Take a linen piece of fabric, sew a bag and fill it with herbs as you wish and tie the neck with red thread. You can put it under your pillow to improve sleep (stuff it with hops, mint, valerian), you can carry it with you as a talisman. The use of the bag depends on the filling and purpose.
The symbolism of plants according to the beliefs of their ancestors is as follows:
- Vine, dill, cornflower, rose are protectors;
- Kalina gave good luck and offspring to the family;
- Willow and birch protect quarrels;
- Thistle protects against witchcraft;
- Wormwood wards off trouble;
- Nettles during the flowering period, onions, and garlic prevented spoilage;
- Juniper protected from almost all troubles.
You cannot bring reeds and bindweeds into your home. They foretell illness and death. It is advisable not to cut the plants, but to tear them. Herbs acquire great power on Ivan Kupala.
The meaning of the Slavic amulet
Hand-made bast shoes have the greatest power, so it is recommended to make them yourself or buy them second-hand in monasteries or markets. It is important that the amulet is made by a person with pure thoughts and a good disposition.
The original Slavic amulet has long been used in villages to ward off misfortune from the home, ward off ogling neighbors and protect family happiness. In Rus', old bast shoes that were already worn out were usually hung on the fence, but modern practices recommend placing the talisman inside the apartment. You can use decorative miniature shoes that are not intended to be worn. The bast shoes act as an offering to the brownie, so that he can better protect the home and household members.
With the appearance of the amulet in the family, quarrels and conflicts disappear, relationships and financial situation improve, and people who come and harbor evil do not cause harm. The Slavic talisman takes over all the negativity. Decorative bast shoes are also good at repelling potential homewreckers. The amulet should be hung in a visible place so that guests will immediately notice it. A kitchen or hallway wall is best. Another option is a magnet attached to the refrigerator. There may be other amulets for the home nearby, since bast shoes are non-conflicting and only enhance the positive impact of the talismans.
Ritual doll
Vepsian amulet doll
Anyone can make such a talisman for their home. They are made without a needle or scissors, in a good mood for each family member. The face is not painted so that an evil spirit does not settle in it. There was a doll for every occasion.
Here are the most popular:
- Bereginya. The main doll, its place was later taken by the icon of the Virgin Mary;
- Grain. It was filled with grain or cereals for prosperity and satiety. In difficult times, porridge was made from the stuffing;
- Diaper. The child's first doll. It was made by the expectant mother from pieces of relatives' clothing. In the child's crib, she did not allow evil spirits to harm the baby;
- Nurse. Bringing prosperity and well-being.
There are dolls for unmarried girls that help in finding a groom, ritual wedding dolls that cure illnesses and many others.
Amulet of bast shoes: meaning
Although no one uses such shoes for their intended purpose today, they can be found on sale. But these are no longer shoes as such, but a talisman for the home - bast shoes as a symbol of prosperity and family happiness are hung over mirrors, attached with magnets to the refrigerator, and placed on the windowsill.
In the old days, this is how they protected the harvest from the evil eye - they hung as many bast shoes as possible on the garden fence. People looked at them, forgetting to look into the garden itself. And nothing threatened the rich harvest.
Plant amulets
Some plants will help you achieve family happiness, while others will hinder you.
Here are plants that will have a positive effect on the home atmosphere:
- Aloe – health;
- Cacti - fight evil;
- Spathiphyllum - gives happiness to women;
- Anthurium - to achieve male happiness;
- Hibiscus is a sign of passionate love;
- Fern is a sign of gaining knowledge.
Flowers like orchids, which are parasitic in nature, are not recommended; they suck energy from the host. Ivy is a man-killer, it will bring misfortune to the entire male population of the house.
Knitted bast shoes for combs
You can knit decorative bast shoes for combs, which will become a wonderful decoration for your home. Thanks to this craft, you will always have hair care accessories at your fingertips.
Tools and materials:
- natural yarn – 2 skeins;
- crochet hook – No. 7 and No. 3;
- multi-colored threads for flowers;
- scissors;
- glue gun;
- wire.
Crocheted bast shoes pattern and description. Cast on a chain of 20 chain stitches. Knit in the round according to the pattern:
- 1st: 20 sc;
- 2nd: 4 sc, knit 2 sc in the 5th sc of the previous row;
- 3rd: 25 RLS;
- 4th: 5 sc, 2 sc in 6th sc;
- 5th: 30 tbsp. without crochet;
- 6th: 5 sc, 2 sc in the 7th sc of the previous row;
- 7th: 35 st. without crochet;
- 8th: 5 RLS, 2 RLS In the 8th RLS;
- 9th: 40 st. without crochet;
The result is an element of this shape.
Knit 7 rows without any additions. The result will be this part of the bast shoe.
Location of amulets in the rooms of the house
Talismans need to be correctly distributed throughout your home so that they work better.
- Kitchen. The room where the whole family gathers, where the woman, the hostess, rules the roost. A brownie lives in the kitchen. There are many amulets for the home here. Scopes or wreaths of garlic or hot pepper, pots, bottles of cereals, motanka dolls for prosperity, spoons for satiety, and a broom would be appropriate.
- Hallway. A large number of amulets for the home are also concentrated here. This is due to the fact that unkind guests, evil spirits and bad energy enter through the doorway. In this regard, the entrance must be guarded. A horseshoe and a wheel (stylized craft) are hung above the door. There was a pin or needle in the doorframe, salt under the rug, and juniper was placed around the door. Remember that there should be no twilight in the hallway.
- Living room. This is the place for a beregin doll, hunting trophies, wreaths, and a sun sign.
- Children's room. Each amulet is designed to protect a child. There is a diaper in a baby's crib, a rooster with raised wings above the crib, and the sun. There is no place for flowers in a nursery, not only because they can energetically affect the child, but also for safety reasons (some are poisonous).
- Bedroom. Place dolls here that bring love, help find a soul mate (who needs it), and help in conception.
We are objects that should be present in the house; many home amulets can protect more than one generation. To cleanse your energy, remember that you need to get rid of old, broken, dirty and unnecessary things.
How to choose
The choice of protection for the house was not easy and depended on:
- The one who created it. To serve for many years, it was made by hand.
- Vida. What a Slavic amulet for the home looks like, it will carry such energy.
- Depending on where you want to place it. Everything that is above the head and at its level is of great value. And what is located below the head is of secondary importance.
Let us consider in detail several options for Slavic amulets for the home.
We make traditional bast shoes from birch bark with our own hands
Of course, traditional birch bark bast shoes will not escape our gaze either. This master class will allow you to better understand how they were made in Rus', because bast shoes were the only available foot protection for a long time.
To make it, you will need birch bark, 1 cm wide, and a clamping device (preferably wire).
Progress of work with a detailed description.
- Take the wire, make a clamp by folding it in a cross. On this basis, weave a rug from three strips of birch bark.
- To create the nose of the product, first intertwine the first and second ribbons, then the third and second.
- Weave all intersecting sections.
- Make 2 more corners.
- Decide which side will be up and which side will be down based on which leg you are weaving on.
- For example, the right bast shoe. Using tapes 1 and 2, make the first corner on the side with two sections.
- Then on the opposite side you also weave a corner (they should be symmetrical).
- Next, intertwine all the intersecting stripes.
- Make an edge using the first and second tape to make it stronger, pass them under several sections.
- If any of the ribbons become very short, weave in an additional one, thereby lengthening it.
- We insert the first ribbon into the weave, then tighten the inner one so that it turns out to be outside.
- We make another corner using 1 and 2 stripes.
- Weave an additional ribbon on the opposite side and continue the edge.
- Make a second corner and finish the heel.
- Using the same principle, make a bast shoe for the second leg.
This type of work is far from suitable for novice needlewomen, as it requires certain experience and skills in the way of weaving parts.
In Rus', almost everyone knew how to weave bast shoes, but now this requires training. Next, let's look at a simpler method of making, albeit souvenir products.
Another option for knitting mini bast shoes
The length of such knitted shoes is 12 cm. They are knitted in single crochets, tightly, without unnecessary holes. Step-by-step knitting plan:
- Make a chain of 10 chain stitches.
- When tying in a circle, at turns, knit 5 stitches from one loop.
- Knit 2 more round rows. On turns, knit 2 sc from each of the previous 5 stitches.
- Knit in the round, crocheting the far half of the loop.
- Knit row 1 using both halves.
- Turn the product and continue knitting the toe according to the following pattern: 1 chain stitch, 6 sc. In the center, knit 2 times, 2 stitches together, 7 sc.
- Turn over: 1 chain stitch, single crochet to the center of the toe, 2 times 2 sc together.
- Rotate and duplicate the previous pattern. Tie a knot, cut the thread and sew the sock along the seam.
How to knit doll shoes was discussed above, and by watching the next video, you will learn how to knit large size shoes.