Conspiracies from enemies and ill-wishers

Features and specificity of rituals against merciless enemies

Magical effect on your enemies.
All witchcraft rituals aimed at getting rid of envious people are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Amulets from negative influences. They reflect various magical attacks and other interventions in human energy.
  2. Rituals for eliminating negative influences without resistance. They make it possible to identify who the enemy is and from whom the negative influence comes. In addition, they help make the ill-wisher lose interest in his victim and stop harming her.
  3. Conspiracies for protection against enemy interference with reverse action (black magic). They protect against damage and curses, using a targeted response.

In some cases (when enemies do not want to be left alone and cause a lot of problems), the last rituals become the only possible way to get rid of the pursuers.

However, here you need to seek help from an experienced magician. Otherwise, you can bring terrible and irreversible consequences on yourself and your loved ones.

In other situations, it is better to use white magic: charm amulets, install an energy shield between the offender and yourself, etc. These methods can be used as often as necessary.

With each new ritual, powerful positive energy will accumulate, creating a barrier to the destructive magical effects.

Rituals to identify ill-wishers

When you know the enemy, it is easier to carry out rituals to neutralize him. However, if he carries out his activities secretly, he can be recognized by prophetic dreams. It is best to carry out such rituals on major church holidays.

Before going to bed, you need to light 2 white candles, place them on the table and say:

Ritual to identify enemies.

Then you need to put out the candles and go to bed. That same night, the image of an ill-wisher should appear in a dream. After this, you can begin to conspiracies for protection.

Ritual with photo

You can scare away and punish the enemy using a photo spell, which is easy to do at home. This is a fairly powerful ritual, for which you will need to get a photo of the victim in which she would be depicted alone. You also need to prepare three black candles, a black scarf, a gypsy needle and a black tablecloth. It is worth performing the ritual only on the person who is really tormenting you, sending damage and curses.

At night, cover the table with a black tablecloth, thus creating an altar. Then light the candles and place them on the table in the shape of a triangle. Place a photo of your enemy in the middle of the improvised triangle. Then take the needle and heat it in turn on the fire of each of the three candles, while reading the plot:

“I will heat the needle with the heat of the fire and speak the sacred word. I bow to the powers of the night and call upon them to come to me for help. Let the needle sting more painfully than a snake, let it become my weapon. Let it be so".

Next, stick the charmed needle into the image of your enemy and say:

“As the needle enters your body, so... (further voice your “wishes” to him). My word is harder than stone."

After you have “spoken out,” pull out the needle and read the plot:

“As soon as the needle leaves your body, your anger and hatred towards me will leave you forever. From now on, if you plan something unkind to me, you will not see any joy, happiness, or peace, only failures and sorrows will become your faithful companions. Only troubles and illnesses will follow you everywhere. My word is harder than stone."

After reciting, place a few drops of wax from each candle onto the hole in the photograph and say:

"Let it be so".

At the end of the ritual, the photo should be wrapped in a black scarf and put away. There is no need to extinguish the candles, and in the morning all items, including wax from burnt candles, should be taken out of the house and buried under a young tree.

Options for spells to perform at home

There are various types of conspiracies, many of which can be used at home without fear of consequences.

For a new shirt or blouse

You need to buy a new shirt or blouse. The fabric must be natural. It is undesirable for it to have any decorative elements (patterns, decorations, metal fasteners, etc.).

Arriving home, you need to lay it out on the table, unfasten the buttons on it and read the spell:

A slander for a new shirt.

The charmed clothes are put on a clean body when there is a meeting with an ill-wisher. It can only be washed by hand in a basin or trough with laundry soap. The spell for such a shirt is read once. You can use it for a year and then replace it with a new one.

To make a bad man admit defeat

To force your enemy to admit defeat, you need to read the following plot at night:

A strong conspiracy against your enemy.

While reading, you need to walk around the room and touch every corner, as well as the door frame. If the ritual is performed correctly, the effect will appear within a week.

A strong ritual with salt from ill-wishers

After midnight, you should take a clay or wooden dish and pour a handful of salt into it.

Then light a black candle and, stirring the salt, say:

Magic with salt.

Then the charmed salt is collected in a small bag and scattered under the enemy’s threshold so that he does not see it, while saying: “I give you a gift for all your daring deeds.”

To return evil to its source

To make a powerful return of evil intentions to an ill-wisher, it is necessary to say the following words to his eyes when talking to him:

We perform the ritual alone.

After that, turn around and leave without talking to anyone else.

Spell on poppy

For this ritual you will need to buy a glass of poppy seeds, leaving the change to the seller.

Come home, scatter them on the table in front of you and read the spell:

Ritual with poppy seeds.

After this, scatter the poppy seeds under your own threshold. This ritual works instantly. Enemies will no longer be able to cross the threshold of the house and will return back, and grains will not become an obstacle for people with good intentions.

To curb the enemy's anger

For this ritual you will need to purchase an icon of St. George the Victorious and, after making 40 bows, read the prayer over it:

We read the words 40 times.

With a voodoo doll

To carry out such a black ritual you will need:

  • black fabric;
  • black scarf;
  • a piece of chalk;
  • black threads;
  • dried herbs;
  • black candle;
  • 2 gypsy needles;
  • a few hairs from the enemy's head.

When the moon is full after midnight, you need to light black candles and start making a doll. It is made of black fabric and stitched with black threads. Stuff the doll with dry grass to give it volume. The hair of the ritual victim is also placed inside.

When the doll is ready, give it a name (the same as that of the enemy on whom the ritual is being performed).

Say out loud:

Ritual with a voodoo doll.

During production and in the future, keep its image in your head all the time, think about it.

After this, build an altar. The table is completely covered with black cloth and a circle is drawn in its center with chalk, inside which a voodoo doll should fit. After this, it is placed in the center of the circle, a candle is lit and the needle is heated in its flame.

Then they pierce the doll in the head area with this needle, saying:

The ritual refers to black magic.

The second needle is inserted into the heart area with the words:

We learn words by heart.

After this, the doll is wrapped in a black bag and hidden in a place where no one will find it. Then they extinguish the candle and go to bed.

Repeat the ritual 2 more nights in a row. When performing it for the last time, the doll is wrapped in a black scarf and tied with a triple knot.

After this, they drip melted candle wax onto the knot and say:

We repeat the ritual two nights.

On this night, the candle should not be extinguished: it must burn out to the end. In the morning, the package is hidden in a secret place, and the remaining materials are destroyed.

This black ritual will take effect within 5-7 days.

Whisper in the back of the offender

When you see an enemy, you need to wait until he turns his back and say:

We throw words after the enemy.

From a photograph to get a bad person out of your way

For this ritual, you should take out a photo of the enemy and read the spell against him on the full moon:

Say these words 5 times, then burn the photo.

To take revenge

When meeting an enemy during a conversation, you need to pretend that they are listening to him attentively, and in the meantime say the spell to yourself:

Words of a revenge plot.

On a handkerchief

This attribute will serve as a powerful amulet.

However, it must be changed every time you go outside, saying the following words over it:

The words are read on a handkerchief.

On paper

You should take a blank sheet of paper, write the enemy’s name on it and whisper:

After the words, the paper is torn into small pieces and scattered to the wind.

On a pin

This is an easy way to get rid of enemies.

The plot is read on a safety pin:

Ritual with a pin.

Then you need to pin it to the wrong side of your outerwear and wear it when meeting an ill-wisher.

On a hat

You need to collect all your hats together and read the plot over each of them separately:

Magic for your hats.

To punish the offender and get rid of him

To punish the offender and get rid of him, you should say this powerful conspiracy to the Moon:

A spell for the waning moon.

With black berries

You need to get a handful of dark-colored berries (any) and cast a spell over them at midnight:

We read the spell at midnight.

From secret enemies

If you suspect secret enemies, you need to read the following plot:

Words from secret ill-wishers.

To make a bad man submit

To force the enemy to submit, you need to say:

Ritual of submission.

Whisper after the enemy

You can whisper the following words to the enemy’s back:

Words after the enemy.

Two powerful rituals against enemies at work

Universal conspiracies against opponents are considered the most effective. They will thoroughly and reliably protect you from negativity and allow you to maintain absolutely normal relationships with all your colleagues. As a result, your enemy will lose interest in you and simply stop bothering you. However, at the same time, he will not become your friend, and in the same way remains your enemy.

Option 1: Conspiracy in the photo of the enemy

An effective conspiracy against opponents at work.

A powerful conspiracy against opponents at work involves the use of a photo of the enemy, in other words, you must identify the ill-wisher. At the same time, in the photo used for the ritual, the enemy must be presented alone in the photo. You are allowed to cut out the image of the desired person from a group photo.

An additional attribute of the ritual is a large wool thread of any dark color. During the ritual, it is necessary to take an image of the enemy, wrap it with thread, leaving the ends free.

After which you need to say the following magic phrases 7 times:

I, Slave(s) of the Lord(s) (my name) in the absence of malice in my soul, my own powerful freedom against my own enemy,

I convert the servant of God (name of the enemy).

In one word, with my own strong and reliable word, I command that evil deeds and thoughts

They entered a hopeless situation with my enemy, and they did not achieve their own mission.

I will reel in the image of the enemy on a dark thread, and I will weave a strong net into his ideas.

He gets entangled in it and never gets out of it, forever about his own business,

Concentrated in spite of me he will forget. It will be as it is said. Amen".

After the final reading of the plot, you need to combine three times with a strong knot at the end of the threads and after that say the phrases:

“The threads are connected, the job is done, I want it that way, it will happen.”

After this, you need to burn the photograph wrapped in a dark thread in a flame; you can use an ordinary candle. This ritual is very powerful. It can be used if you feel that a team of employees is plunging against you. However, in this case it is necessary to use a collective photo, but it is important not to forget that there should not be innocent people in it. Of course, magical spells against opponents at work are very effective means, but they should not be abused. The best thing to do is to try to get to know the relationship with employees through a good-faith conversation and find a compromise solution.

Option 2: Strong slander against enemies at work (colleagues)

A strong conspiracy from enemies at work on the waxing moon.

This plot must be carried out exactly at twelve o’clock at night, without fail on the waxing moon. During the ritual, we pronounce the following phrases of the conspiracy three times. This spell must be learned by heart and read without hesitation.

Become wolves and bears, take away good from evil, and take away happiness from evil.

The stupid slander will fall and give way to the truth. From inhuman prophecies,

From the evil house, from the black voice, from the fierce eyes, from the tangled hair,

From ambiguous speeches, from lively actions, from ridiculous ideas.

O late adversary, rush beyond the seas, beyond the forests, beyond the peaks of the world, beyond the skies, beyond the sun,

So that he doesn’t imagine me with his own eyes, so that he doesn’t show me in any way

With my own finger, so that I don’t remember your appearance.

To appear to you in chains, heavy, metal chains.

There is no way for your opponent to get closer to me (name), no way to get closer, no way to cause harm, no way to think of malice, certainly no way to give.

You crawl in the mud and get stuck, you fall into a hole and can’t get up.

All without exception. What you have planned will be hidden in a large ditch,

He drinks into the blackest abyss. What you have done wrong, you will get back, 100 times more powerful.

The evil enemy of the servant of God (name) will be afraid and will not commit inhumane deeds to him,

He will not think of sinful ideas. I will take out your unkind soul, tear it into small pieces, and torture it.

My phrases are said, my deeds are done. Just as I said, this is how it will come true.”

Find out how to punish the offender through a strong conspiracy.

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