Conspiracies against any troubles at work

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Accountant Maria Stepanovna always grumbles that your salary is too high? Colleagues trying to steal your cup and swap sugar and salt? Is your boss criticizing your desktop shortcut policy? If you feel killed even before the start of the working day, don’t despair! Conspiracies from enemies at work, tested by time and circumstances, will come to the rescue.

Situations for using magic

There are various reasons why people may have enemies and envious people. Most often, people begin to think about how to get rid of enemies using magical powers in the following cases:

  • Promotion at work. When a person receives a new position, he may have ill-wishers. The most powerful magical rituals against enemies will help you get rid of these envious people.
  • Transfer to another team. Newcomers in a new team often begin to be bullied and want to destroy them morally. To protect yourself from bullying, you can use powerful spells.
  • Working in a women's team. Most often, problems at work appear in teams where many girls work. Some women hate their colleagues and envy them because they are more successful and beautiful.

You should arm yourself with conspiracies if a person is haunted by constant failures at his place of service, the causes of which are unknown.

Important! If there are a lot of envious people at work, you must definitely take care of magical protection: it neutralizes their evil eyes and curses.

Effective rituals

Protective spell against troubles

A protective ritual will help create an invisible shell from troubles

This conspiracy can be used by both women and men in case of troubles at work. If you are faced with a chain of failures, you can use a conspiracy to solve problems at work. It is read before leaving home for work. To increase the effectiveness of magic words, you can light a candle and, looking at its flame, say:

“Beyond the blue sea-ocean there is a black stone. Under that black stone there is a snake's nest. A mother snake lives in that nest; she has many snake daughters. She knows them all and calls them by name: ruler, ruler, guardian, leader, deputy, tormentor, tamer, seductress, avenger, conniver, devourer, warrior, kidnapper, enlightener. In addition to these snakes, there are 77 more daughters. Tell, command, mother snake, to your daughters, let them protect me, the servant of God (name), from the authorities, from princes, from kings and princesses. Let no one destroy me or offend me, let no one say a bad word. And whoever dares to offend me, scold me or shout at me, or decides to do something dirty, torture him, roll him into a ball. Let all ill-wishers turn away from me. Let it be so".

Sometimes a person creates trouble for himself. To get rid of them, at home the following words are read on the doorstep:

“Let no one ever blame me for making a mistake. There will be no foreign judgment against me, no evil poison from strangers. I will correct my mistakes myself, no one else will see them. Let this amulet against troubles become a daily companion in my life. Let it be so".

Ritual against envious people at work

A conspiracy against envious people is only needed when the situation cannot be resolved peacefully

If you are being pushed out of work, your colleagues are jealous, and you are constantly being provoked into conflicts, you can try to sort it out calmly and without emotions. If a person does not want to reconcile and live peacefully with you, you can use conspiracies and prayers so that there are no ill-wishers and enemies at work, in order to protect yourself from the negative influence of envy. To perform this ritual, you will need the following attributes:

  • Holy water;
  • any container;
  • sugar.

Pour water into a container, add three tablespoons of sugar. Stir clockwise with a spoon while saying the text of the prayer:

“Water-mother, my helper and intercessor. You are my protection from envy, anger, bad thoughts. Let my life become sweet like this sugar. When it dissolves in water, my colleagues will respect me. My words are strong, the solution to the problem is quick. As it is said, so let it come true.”

Next, drink sweet charmed water. This ritual will need to be repeated after nine days. The ritual is very useful if you got a new job and want your colleagues to quickly begin to appreciate and respect you.

Universal Spell

A universal spell is performed directly at the workplace

To protect yourself from troubles in the workplace, you can perform the following ritual. It is better if you perform such magical actions on a church holiday. To carry out the ritual, you will need any thing that a person constantly carries with him. This could be a watch, jewelry, bag or keychain. Get up with the first rays of the sun, put this thing in front of the icon of the Virgin Mary. Read the prayer Our Father and to the Mother of God.

Next, read the words of the conspiracy:

“Evil vipers, don’t splash me with your poison, don’t shower me with evil words, don’t wriggle around me. Your arrows have no influence on me. May there be only goodness in the hearts of people around me, may my life be filled with success, may there be no troubles at work. Let it be as I said in the bright hour.”

With such a prayer you can punish them so that they don’t say bad words about you behind your back, so that they don’t spread gossip at work, so that they don’t put a spoke in your wheels and don’t put you in front of your boss.

Per bottle

You will need to fill the bottle with holy water

This ritual is recommended if you have heard gossip about yourself at work, if things are not going well. To carry it out you will need a bottle. Fill it with holy water and place it near the window so that the container is illuminated by moonlight. Leave the bottle for three days, let it be charged with lunar energy.

On the morning of the fourth day, get up with the first rays of the sun. Take a bottle and go to a natural pond. Turn your back to the sun, take a sip of water and say:

“I don’t see the dawn from my back. So may all my misfortunes go away forever, may no one be able to harm me. No one will offend me or say bad words to me. My mistakes and shortcomings will not be noticed at work; my superiors only praise me and speak good words. With my words I call on the sun to help, let it come true as it is said.”

Then go home silently, without talking to anyone. Conspiracies with prayers are very good helpers in business; they will protect you from various troubles, troubles and failures at work. After they are completed, gossipers and envious people will no longer harm you, you will be able to do your work calmly and with pleasure. Just remember that if you use magic to achieve your own goals, you yourself must lead a decent lifestyle - do not gossip, do not cheat on your colleagues, do not harm them or do dirty tricks, and do not blaspheme your superiors. This is the only way you will experience harmony not only with yourself, but also with the world around you.

Rules for conducting rituals

To read a conspiracy against enemies at work so that bad things come back to them, one must comply with certain rules: only in this way will magic rituals performed be beneficial. Of these, the following are the most important:

  • All rituals must be performed during the waning moon. During this period of time, all prayers and conspiracies become more effective.
  • Conspiracies must be read very carefully, without changing the magical text. Even if some words are incomprehensible, they still need to be pronounced.
  • The ritual must be accompanied by visualization. You must clearly imagine your enemy. This will strengthen the effect of the conspiracy.

Conspiracies to ward off troubles at work for an angel

If troubles at work do not stop, first of all you should analyze the current situation, identify your mistakes and take measures to correct them. You need to talk less about yourself, your successes and failures. On Saturday you should attend morning or evening services. Collect holy water, buy candles. Some candles are placed during the service in front of the icons: St. Nicholas the Pleasant, the Most Holy Theotokos, Matrona of Moscow, Jesus Christ the Great Martyr. They leave three candles and take them home.

In the evening, three candles are lit in front of the icon. Having forgiven their enemies, they read the “Prayer to the Three Angels.” You can't read it with malicious intent.

Examples of rituals

There are several effective conspiracies against ill-wishers at work. With their help you can protect yourself and get rid of enemies.

From envious people

A ritual using salt will achieve the goal

This ritual is ideal for protection from envious people who may work with a person in the same team.

To carry out the ritual, you need to pour the salt into a small plate and place it in front of you on the table. Then you need to place church candles around the plate, light them and read the following words:

Conspiracies when checking at work

If the inspection is planned, and it cannot be avoided, you need to use conspiracies - tricks to divert your attention. They help reduce the attention of inspectors and hide existing flaws. These conspiracies will be useful for both women and men. They can be used in different ways:

  • say to yourself while looking at the person;
  • speak on poppy seeds and quietly scatter them in the right places;
  • if there is an image of the inspector, it can be used to read the puzzle.

Another method can be used if the test falls on a full moon. In the evening, when everyone has left, you need to walk through the office in a cross pattern. After this, stand by the window and read a strong conspiracy against inspections at work. If he cannot prevent it, he will make the auditors’ attention less intense and the audit will be successful.

Possible consequences

Magic rituals are not always beneficial and help protect against enemies. Sometimes they can cause harm and seriously ruin your life.

Most often, black magic rituals cause harm. If you use them thoughtlessly, health problems may arise. The person will also face troubles in his personal life and at work. Therefore, it is better to use proven white magic conspiracies that cannot harm.

Some people have to deal with enemies at work that can hinder their career advancement. Before you use a conspiracy to get rid of a bad person at work, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of magical rituals and the peculiarities of their use.

Basic rules of conspiracies from ill-wishers

For the magical ritual to take effect and produce results, it is necessary:

  1. Conduct it in complete privacy: no one should see or hear what is happening.
  2. Keep the secret of the action performed: you cannot tell about it even to those closest to you.
  3. Observe a week's fast before starting it.
  4. Forgive your offender and do not hold a grudge against him. Negative emotions and energy can harm the performer.
  5. Use magic only for good purposes (to protect yourself from negativity, and not to take revenge on the enemy).

How to correctly use conspiracies and prayers from enemies

To find out who is the enemy in the team, you should use a search spell.

The ritual is performed at sunset. You will need 7 keys for different locks.

As soon as the sun begins to set below the horizon, you need to throw them into boiling water and say:

Conspiracy from enemies for keys.

Then the keys are placed in places where a potential enemy may be located. After a short period of time he will give himself away.

There is another ritual for which you will need a handkerchief. Exactly at midnight you need to bring it to your lips and whisper:

Plot on a handkerchief.

After that, he is hidden in an office not far from his workplace. Whoever finds the scarf first is the enemy.

Types of magical rituals

In order for the enemy to leave work, you can use the help of light forces or black magic. All rituals are strong and effective. The performer himself chooses the option that seems more attractive and easier to implement.

To the ground from the crossroads

Most of the spells associated with the crossroads belong to black witchcraft, since dark satanic forces are called upon for action. Therefore, rituals at the crossroads are most suitable for those people who have an anti-Christian life position.

To carry out the ceremony you need to prepare:

  • black piece of fabric;
  • candle;
  • ritual knife with black handle;
  • saucer;
  • photo of the ill-wisher, if available, in his absence - a sheet of white paper.

A guide on how to perform the sacrament of getting rid of an enemy at work is presented as follows:

  • Late in the evening, find an unpaved intersection.
  • Stand in the very center of a mysterious place, take 3 pieces of earth with your bare hands, and whisper a magic phrase:

Mother Earth, I take you not for the sake of my own ambitions, but to fight for justice.

  • When you come home, spread out a black cloth on the table and pour cross soil in the middle.
  • Light a candle, turn off the lights.
  • Draw 3 inverted crosses above the ground with a ritual knife. An inverted sign is considered to be a satanic sign, which differs from a Christian one in that it is rotated 180°.
  • Light a photograph of your opponent from a candle and place it on a saucer while it burns. The picture can be taken from a person’s personal account on a social network, provided there is a registered page, or you can use collective photos, cutting out the competitor’s image from it. If it is impossible to get a photograph, take a white sheet of paper and write with a pen all the information about it: last name, first name, patronymic and position. Burn the sheet with written information about the envious person instead of a photograph.
  • Mix the ashes with the soil.
  • Simultaneously recite the magic text 3 times:
    I address you, unclean spirits and dark forces! Pounce on my hated enemy (name) and frighten him. Torment him from early morning, don’t let him go in broad daylight and don’t spare him in the dark at night.
  • Go to bed.

The first results from a powerful spell will appear in the near future. This way you can get rid of any person forever.

On poppy seed and salt

The ritual consists of making a lining of poppy seeds and salt.

Magic actions necessary to get rid of a malicious colleague:

Buy a pack of poppy seeds and salt from the store. At midnight, on the ritual table, pour 3 handfuls of each ingredient into a bowl, mix thoroughly with a knife counterclockwise.

Bending low to the bowl with the contents, read the spell on poppy seeds and salt 7 times in order to remove a person from work:

Place the enchanted mixture in a handkerchief or napkin and go to bed with peace of mind.

In the morning, come to work before all employees. Sprinkle the prepared powder at your opponent’s workplace, in bedside tables, drawers, and in the corners of the office. Residues should be dumped at the rear facade of the building.

On a black candle

The main instrument of the ritual is a black candle. It is used in magic both to induce damage, curses and diseases, and to expel negative thoughts, to protect oneself, to restore justice and to punish the guilty. Through it they communicate with spirits and dark forces, calling the dead.

A conspiracy on a black candle to remove a person from work.

The best day for performing manipulations with a black candle is Saturday, so before starting the ritual, you need to choose a time when the next Saturday will fall in the bad month. Otherwise, this plot option will not work.

The following items will be required for the sacrament:

  1. Black candle.
  2. Black thread.
  3. Black pen with black ink.
  4. Empty container with lid.
  5. Vinegar.
  6. Dried nettle powder.
  7. A sheet of white blank paper.

To quickly dismiss an ill-wisher from work, take the following steps:

  1. A sheet of paper is placed on the table.
  2. The name of the offender is written on it with a pen 7 times.
  3. On what is written, the words “Leave forever” are crossed out.
  4. The image is sprinkled with nettles.
  5. Roll up the sheet and tie it with black thread.
  6. Place the package in a container and pour in vinegar.
  7. Close the lid tightly, place a black candle on top of the container and light it. You need to relax, let go of all problems, then concentrate, quietly call the spirits. If the candle flame begins to sway a little, the call to other worlds has been heard.
  8. They cast a spell. They read, watching the fire until the candle burns down.

On the picture

You can influence your opponent’s success in his work with the help of a strong ceremony performed on his photograph.

As a result, a person’s ability to work decreases, he will be late for work, become inattentive, and will not be able to concentrate on business. Gross mistakes made by him, low performance indicators, and untimely fulfillment of professional duties will contribute to his quick dismissal.

The conspiracy in the photo is to remove a person from work.
For the ritual you need to prepare the following attributes:

  • photo of a competitor;
  • candle;
  • a thread;
  • scissors;
  • knife;
  • black fabric cut.

Algorithm of magical actions:

  1. Place the photograph on the ritual table.
  2. Light a candle.
  3. Move the lit candle counterclockwise over the photo.
  4. Take scissors and make 2 pieces of short length thread.
  5. Place the threads crosswise on the photo.
  6. Move a knife over it and read a spell.
  7. Repeat the text 3 times.
  8. Collect all the items, put them on black cloth and wrap them up.
  9. Take it outside and bury it under an old tree.

To dismiss a boss

Before taking any decisive action to eliminate the boss, of course, you first need to try some simple conspiracies to win the boss’s favor, but if the boss still pesters the person with his nagging and bad attitude, you can get rid of him. It is enough to perform the cemetery sacrament with a candle and sweet water.

In order for a director to be dismissed from office, the following is required:

  • At night, when the full moon is shining in the black sky, go to the cemetery.
  • Light a church candle.
  • Pour water into a bowl and add a handful of sugar. Stir the ingredients.
  • Whisper a spell. Here is the plot to fire the boss:

May the strength of those who left us help me. May the departed bosses be driven away from their warm place. May he go where it is sweeter and even richer. Just as the water is sweet in my hands, so will my life become sweet. And I will find peace when the bad person leaves. Let it be so.

  • Pour the water in a circle, turning clockwise.

In order to remove the boss and take his place, you can use another method. A long thread with the words:

Just as I confuse the thread, I confuse the path. If you don't get through here, you won't find the way to your place. When your power here ends, you will not order anyone else.

To get rid of a competitor

A broom will help you remove your competitor forever. In the office, when no one is there, they begin to sweep away the garbage with a new broom in the direction from the opponent’s workplace to the exit. You need to draw a cross at the door and walk along it with a broom, then turn to the east and say the spell. Take the garbage away from the place of work, burn it, and scatter the ashes to the wind.

Conspiracy to get rid of a competitor:

On a sheet of paper

A spell on paper refers to white magic. It is simple to implement, but effective. The meaning of the ritual is as follows:

Provoke the envious person into conflict and quarrel. The stronger and louder the scandal, the more effective the result. Turn your back to the person, saying:

Why am I praising an empty space here? Three times ugh, scum on you!

And go to your workplace.

On a piece of paper, draw an image of a spiteful critic with a pen, put a cross on it, then cross out the details, saying the phrase:

Go, go, find another job for yourself, and leave this one, forget about it and don’t remember it. My word is strong. Amen.

Go to the restroom, tear the paper to shreds, flush it down the toilet, whisper:

This is where you belong.

The person will begin to perform his official duties poorly, after which his dismissal will follow.


A spell in the name will help eliminate the enemy. At night before going to bed, the performer must light 2 candles. A blank sheet of paper is placed between them. The name of the ill-wisher is written on it in large letters and crossed out with a cross. The fortuneteller reads a magical plot:

Leave here, come there. Don't come back, don't remember the way back. Don't look for happiness here. Wait for him somewhere else. Let it be so. Amen.

And he burns the leaf and goes to bed. In the morning, the remains of the ashes are brought to work and scattered across the drawers of a competitor’s desk.

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