Mascot flowers: which plants protect the house from poverty and troubles


This flower is a good amulet against gossipers, envious people and the accumulation of negative energy in the house. It is advisable to place Tradescantia right in the hallway, not far from the front door. This will protect the house and its residents if ill-wishers live next to you.

In addition, the kitchen and living room are suitable for this plant. The only place where the plant will feel bad and will not benefit is the bathroom or toilet.

St. John's wort

This plant is best planted in the yard of the house. It is believed that St. John's wort planted in the front garden is able to protect the entire yard and house from linings, which are part of the ritual magical paraphernalia used by evil people to cause damage. If you don’t have a country house and live in an apartment, then you can pick a few branches of St. John’s wort and put an impromptu bouquet under the threshold.


Another name for the plant is spur flower. Plectranthus, present in at least one room of the house, protects it from negative energy, the evil eye and evil spirits. It also helps residents with financial problems caused by the bad influence of envious people.

The owner of this plant moves up the career ladder faster, copes with business more easily, and has excellent performance. But plectranthus helps only strong-willed and purposeful people, and its influence will not extend to lazy people.

However, you need to treat the plant very carefully, because if its leaves begin to wither or dry out, there will be no luck in work matters. It also happens: the care is good, but the plant deteriorates uncontrollably.

In this case, it is possible that plectranthus is pointing you to the wrong career path or warning you of impending money problems. A bad plectranthus needs to be thrown away, otherwise it will begin to attract negative things into the house.

Wormwood (Chernobyl)

It is unlikely that it will be possible to grow such a plant in an apartment, but planting several bushes in the front garden would be a good idea. Chernobyl has the wonderful property of protecting the family at all costs from evil energy. If you are expecting guests, then it is worth hanging several branches of wormwood on door handles or placing them under the rug at the front door.

If you hang wormwood in the bedroom, you can restore harmony to the family. A small leaf, carefully dried and placed in your pocket as a talisman, can protect you from the evil eye. The tops of plants, where magical power is concentrated, have particularly powerful energy.


This flower protects the house from envy, damage, and the anger of envious people. But its main effect directly depends on the shade of the flowers. It is red pelargonium that protects against negativity and attracts money to the house. It can be placed on a kitchen window or on one that faces a crowded street. The main thing is that the curtains do not hide it completely from the owners themselves.

The pink flower attracts love and is suitable for the bedroom. White - cleanses the energy of the home, brings joy and tranquility. This flower can be placed in any room.


If you have a dacha, a country house, or you are the owner of a home in the private sector, then you should plant amulets trees in your garden, which also have remarkable magical powers. These plants include:

  • The aspen tree on which, according to biblical stories, Judas hanged himself. Of course, we are not talking about that specific tree, but by planting such a plant in your garden, you can get rid of the negative energy sent by ill-wishers towards you. You should not avoid being near such a tree.
  • The yew, considered the tree of the god Thor, from which he made his spear to defeat evil. The medieval legend gave rise to numerous myths. Some people believe that yew has destructive powers. Others call it a talisman against evil, rumors, etc. Our ancestors made yew amulets against animals suffering from rabies. There is also a legend that the yew shadow is unfavorable for everything otherworldly. It is not necessary to plant yew in the garden, but having a small piece of wood with you is not a bad idea.
  • Oak is a mighty tree with incredible positive energy. It is believed that oak brooms used in the bathhouse can rid a person of negativity, cleansing him of the evil eye. Previously, monastic monasteries were built in oak groves for a reason. Oak is known to cleanse any negativity. Our ancestors believed that an oak cradle could bring peace to even the most capricious baby. Oak trees have always been associated with the guardians of the clan.
  • Rowan, considered the main assistant, saving from misfortunes, evil thoughts of ill-wishers, and witchcraft powers. It protects against bad news. And young girls wearing rowan beads could improve their fate and soon wear a wedding dress.

In fact, there are many plants that have magical powers that protect the house from the evil eye. It is enough to choose your favorite amulet flower or tree, pleasing the eye with its beauty and the house with positive energy.


It is believed that the cactus harms family relationships and prevents single people from finding their soulmate. This applies to cacti that stand on window sills in bedrooms or living rooms.

If you place it in the hallway, opposite the entrance, or on the balcony, then its thorns will not allow damage, the evil eye and other negativity to enter the house. In this case, he will be a protector and not a pest.


An ornamental plant is not just an element of decoration and interior refreshment. Beautiful and powerful shoots with lush foliage can bring well-being, peace and tranquility to their owner. Bamboo has the excellent property of protecting its owner from the intentions of evil people. Even if an ill-wisher gets into your house, his bad thoughts will not affect the household members in any way.


The second name of the flower is Saintpaulia. A red or pink violet takes care of the health of residents and financial well-being, but a white one protects against negativity and envious people. To protect against damage and the evil eye, white Saintpaulia should be placed in the western part of the house, with several pots nearby.

These flowers attract good spirits and prosperity to the room. When negativity enters a house, violets let it pass through themselves, and instead give the residents well-being and harmonious relationships. Saintpaulias of other shades, except white, should be placed in the southern part of the house.


Plants that will forever drive rodents out of your garden

Mint is not just a fragrant addition to tea, but also an excellent protection against representatives of the other world and people who want to bring trouble to your family. From time immemorial, mint has been considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity. That is why it is worth planting a few sprigs in a flower pot or making a mint lawn in the garden. If you store some valuable things in your house, then you should put mint sprigs nearby to prevent intruders from encroaching on your property.


This flower is able to protect the owners of the house from envious people, gossip, the evil eye, and unnecessary fuss. Instead, it attracts positivity and love, gives people self-confidence, and energizes them.

It is better to place an azalea in the kitchen, where, together with food, you can absorb all its positive energy and cleanse yourself of bad energy. The plant calms and calms.


The smell of geranium seems pleasant to us, but for evil spirits it is a real poison. At the same time, geranium leaves have disinfecting properties, so you can not only protect your home from other people’s bad thoughts, but also gain a natural antiseptic. It is recommended to place pots with geraniums in places where negative energy accumulates; they are often represented by corner areas.

It is believed that a flower that becomes covered with yellow spots and stops blooming for no apparent reason has absorbed all the negativity present in the home. To get rid of bad energy forever, it is recommended to throw away the flower along with the pot. To do this, it is buried in the ground, which allows you to lock in all the negativity.


This plant is also called asparagus ivy. It is able to stop the leakage of positive energy from the house and prevent negative energy from entering. Asparagus gives its owner confidence in his strength, protects him from the evil eye and disappointments.

In addition, it helps to decide on actions that are constantly postponed due to doubts and self-doubt. It is better to place this flower where a person spends more time thinking or working.

Love spell and magical help

Help from indoor plants - amulets.

Many people underestimate the importance of indoor flowers, thinking of them only as home decoration, medicine or a means of improving the microclimate of an apartment, and do not even imagine that flowers can open up a whole world of harmony for a person, cleanse the house and protect it from troubles. Flowers help develop creativity, have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and on the physical, psychological and energetic state of a person as a whole. Indoor flowers minimize the harmful effects of household appliances and synthetic materials in the room, cleaning the space around them, creating an atmosphere of comfort, and protecting the room from unwanted influences. The main thing you need to remember is that you need to take care of indoor flowers and give them your love, only then will they serve as reliable protection from many of life’s adversities. In a flower, the main organ that affects space is the leaves, which perform a cleansing effect. Other parts of the plant form the energy of the house and person, strengthening or weakening certain energies, attracting them from space or, conversely, preventing them from entering the apartment, transforming or balancing energies and vibrations.

Azalea - maintains the energy of vigor in the house, helping to concentrate on the main thing and not pay attention to the little things. Azalea protects against gossip, lies and vanity, nervousness and uncertainty.

Aloe arborescens is good to have where people often get sick, which indicates a weakened biofield at home. Aloe protects the apartment from the penetration of pathogenic energies and vibrations, cleanses and strengthens the energy of the space.

Asparagus and asparagus ivy help to “patch up the black holes” that weak-willed people create in the energy space of their apartments and prevent wasted energy: energy intended for accomplishing some things flows through the “black holes.” These plants, like cyclamen, protect against disappointment, lift your spirits and give you self-confidence.

Balsam - creates a powerful vibrational flow of joy and harmony around itself, smoothing out the consequences of conflict situations. Balsam charges the atmosphere of the room with solar energy; attracts creative energies. The benevolent atmosphere created by balsam helps to bring out the best qualities in people.

Royal begonia - suitable for sociable, hospitable people, being one of the strongest protective plants. Royal begonia not only transforms negative vibrations into positive ones, but also organizes them, bringing the atmosphere in the house to balance and harmony.

Decorative flowering begonia - neutralizes negative energy from quarrels between loved ones, smoothes out conflicts and contradictions, nervousness and tension (expressed not only in words, but also subconsciously present in people); protects the house from the invasion of external vibrations.

Geranium - serves as a “fire extinguisher” for negative energies, aggressive attacks, emotions of anger and irritation. The vibrations of anger are one of the most dangerous and destructive of a favorable atmosphere; The longer an aggressive emotion persists in space, the more actively it affects people. Geranium softens the energy of anger; its protective ability extends mostly to the owners of the house.

Calla - can serve as a talisman of happiness in the home. Calla not only brings opposing energies to the golden mean, but also transforms them into a single stream of joy. The energy of calla lilies resists vibrations of sadness, pessimism, melancholy, sadness, despondency and depression. Calla increases a person's immunity against emotional exhaustion and stress, filling the atmosphere of the home with joy and cheerfulness.

Cacti have many faces, but they act approximately the same way: they attract and absorb negative energies for humans, transform vibrations of hatred, anger and irritation, working as a “lightning rod”. Cacti do not allow negative energy into the house, so it is recommended to place them on windows or opposite the front door.

Kalanchoe - protects against apathy and loss of strength and resists internal negative energies. Dejection is one of the seven deadly sins; its energies weigh down the atmosphere and clog the channels of joy, nullifying any positive beginning. Kalanchoe Mangina prevents the energy of despondency from merging with the atmosphere of the apartment, protects against depression and helps to withstand any troubles in life.

Camellia japonica is an excellent cleanser of space from any negative energy, attracting the energy of peace and balance from the space, leading to balance and harmony. Camellia serves as a reliable shield from outside interference for those who do not tolerate fuss and noise and strive to lead a calm, measured, contemplative life.

Monstera is needed where the situation is extremely chaotic, where, under the influence of circumstances, everything goes upside down. Monstera absorbs vibrations of disorder, concentrates all energies on peace and balance, serves as a kind of “tuning fork” for the energies present in space, putting everything in its place softly and flexibly, even tenderly.

Fern is a plant of the “golden mean”; it is ideal for bringing into harmony the energy flows of the outer world (the surrounding space) and the inner world (a person’s own vibration field). No other plant is capable of balancing these two energy vectors, as well as promoting the manifestation of paranormal abilities and awakening the hidden powers of a person. The fern leads people to compromise and creates a sense of proportion in the atmosphere of the room.

Golden scindapsus - needed in a room where there is a “leaden” atmosphere - when people get hung up on material problems and everyday trifles, so creative energies cannot penetrate into the atmosphere - an energy vacuum is created there and the people’s psyche begins to work for wear. The same situation arises when there is a person in the room or next door who does not know how and does not want to enjoy life, who sees only the bad in everything and is always grumbling. Scindapsus has the ability to cleanse space from stagnant negative energies and transform the heavy energy of passivity and laziness into the light energy of creation.

Tradescantia - neutralizes envy and is useful for those who live next to envious people. Tradescantia has the same protective properties as Aechmea sparkling.

Uzambara violet (Saintpaulia) - has a calming effect on the atmosphere of the house, creates comfort and an atmosphere of bliss and peace around itself. But not sleepy peace, when you want to freeze and not move, but joyful, when people don’t worry about little things, but know internally that everything will be fine. White violets cleanse space from vibrations of heavy thoughts and bad feelings; they are good for apartments where small children live, to protect them from negative vibrations. Violets with pink and red flowers clear the space from closed energies and tension, in which people can easily get sick; they lighten the energy of the apartment.

Ficus - works like a “vacuum cleaner”, clearing the space from the dust of worries, doubts, and worries. Sorrows and worries weaken the energy of the apartment and disrupt the vibrational balance. Ficus not only cleanses space, absorbing negative energies and transforming them into positive ones, but also prevents the penetration of negative vibrations from the outside, which are especially numerous in a large city.

Fuchsia - cleanses the apartment of stagnant “swampy” energy, maintains the energy of the room in a natural moving state, providing a constant influx of new creative energies, helping to break out of the vicious circle of troubles.

Cyclamen is useful to have in a house where emotional people with a soft, changeable, weak character, who are highly dependent on their mood or the opinions of others, live or often visit. In the atmosphere of the house there are negative vibrations of fear from their lack of confidence in their own abilities, and this can be the cause of discomfort and illness for household members. Cyclamen liberates closed energy and brings into the atmosphere the energy of inspiration that weak-willed people so lack. Thanks to cyclamen, the mood rises and the desire to do something appears; Cyclamen protects against disappointment.

Echmea striped has a feminine, gentle, soft and soothing character. It maintains a state of peace and goodwill in the house, and at the same time prevents a dull mood from merging with the atmosphere, clearing the space of the negative energy of apathy and melancholy. Aechmea is suitable for people who often feel sad and offended, or if those who like to cry come to the house.

Aechmea sparkling - protects against negative energy emanating from envious and greedy people. Envy and greed disrupt harmony and form a “hole” in the energy space through which vital energy leaks. The best protective agent in such a situation, in addition to sparkling aechmea, is also tradescantia.

Plants for business

Plants that promote business relationships and work should be kept in the office.

Croton. He is able to optimize the workplace atmosphere for successful negotiations. Codiaum protects the owner from the negativity of strangers. Its lush, voluminous foliage carries the energy of order and organization. The plant gives comfort and concentration. It is recommended to grow it for Capricorns.

Maranta. It invigorates, allows night owls to turn into early risers, and saves from insomnia. The flower helps the owner to become a professional and protects him from the moral pressure of others. It is good to keep it at home to prevent family quarrels. Arrowroot is especially suitable for Aquarius.

Yucca. This plant promotes harmony with business partners and gives confidence in difficult situations. It is especially appropriate in a manager's office because it helps increase productivity in the workplace. Elephant yucca is most suitable for Capricorns. Flowers for character education

Cyclamen. It uplifts, inspires and creates a comfortable atmosphere for communication. The flower helps the owner, subject to other people's influence, to be more independent. It is especially recommended for Taurus.

Geranium. It helps overcome attacks of rage and anger. The flower develops a sense of humor and allows you to calm down faster. Geranium treats headaches and relieves eye fatigue. The plant is suitable for Aries.

Begonia. Promotes relaxation and relieves psychological discomfort. The plant speeds up the thinking process and helps in communication. When it blooms, it will be easier for the inhabitants of the house to overcome coughing attacks. It is recommended to grow begonia for small bodies. Plants for creativity

Monstera. It helps organize your mental flow. However, this plant is the most powerful vampire. It should not be grown by weak individuals or in a children's room. It is useful to place a flower pot near electrical appliances. Monstera will feed on their negative energy. It is suitable for girls.

Chinese rose. The plant gives men strength and helps women gain independence. Hibiscus promotes creative realization and the fight against laziness. It suppresses power, aggression and dissatisfaction.

Roicissus. It helps distract people who are overly concerned about cleanliness and are obsessed with cleaning.

Plant color

Red flowers help to warm up, energize, excite and increase their influence on others. Blue flowers calm, develop sensuality, tenderness and put you in a serious mood. To prevent them from causing melancholy, they should be combined with orange and white. White flowers add freshness to the home and represent purity. Orange and yellow flowers invigorate, delight and cheer. They help ward off melancholy and overcome depression.

10 indoor plants for family happiness:

1. The first place in this list rightfully belongs to spathiphyllum (popularly known as “Women’s Happiness”).

This perennial plant comes from the distant forests of South America. It is not difficult to grow. The main thing: be sure to spray your Spathiphyllum every day, and in the spring, replant it in fresh soil.

How it will help us:

– unmarried people will find their soul mate;

– who is already thinking about a child will become pregnant;

– in a family where “Women’s Happiness” grows, there will always be love and mutual understanding.

2. In second place in our “rating” is a very beautiful flower with the exotic name Uzambara violet, or Saintpaulia.

Violets, as everyone knows, love careful care, they need a lot of light, they do not tolerate hard water. Nevertheless, this capricious person is very popular among us.

Violet helps maintain peace in the family: quarrel less. In addition, this flower is a symbol of eternal love.

3. The third is also a well-known plant - Chinese rose, hibiscus. Everyone loves her beautiful and large flowers.

Hibiscus needs warmth, because it comes from the tropics, but not more than 35 degrees.

If Hibiscus appears in your home, expect passionate love soon

4. In fourth place among plants of happiness is hoya, or “wax ivy.”

This indoor vine has many varieties. For example, there is Hoya Kerry, which in some countries is given as a “Valentine” on February 14th. But in their homes, people most often grow beautiful hoya or fleshy hoya.

Hoya will bring you family happiness, especially if you put it in your bedroom.

5. Myrtle occupies the golden mean of our list.

This evergreen shrub bears small white flowers. In addition to beauty, it also has healing properties. The word “myrtle” itself is translated from Greek as “balm”.

It is believed that myrtle makes a marriage successful, and brings happiness and peace to an already established family.

In some countries, this plant is even considered the best gift for newlyweds.

6. Aichrizon – and sixth place. Popular nicknames are “tree of love” and “tree of happiness”.

This is an indoor flower that can grow up to 30 cm in height. It has peculiar leaves, similar in shape to hearts.

Aichrizon, as the name implies, brings love and happiness to its owner.

7. The next plant for those seeking happiness is the beautiful and unpretentious calathea.

This indoor plant with beautiful patterned leaves is native to America. Many people grow calathea for its beautiful foliage. But you and I now know that calathea helps us in our family life, because it is a symbol of domestic happiness.

8. Who's next? The well-known chlorophytum, or simply “family happiness.”

This plant is easy to care for. It grows well and blooms beautifully. Just water it more in the summer. With chlorophytum, your family life will be happy and calm - that’s what people say.

9. The penultimate giver of happiness on our list is oxalis (Oxalis).

Oxalis juice contains oxalic acid, which is why it gets its name. It can be grown both indoors and in the garden. And how many different healing properties it has!.. But that’s another topic.

If you want to find your love, then get a wood sorrel. If you want to save a family, then start one.

10. And finally, our list closes (may men forgive me!) anthurium, or “male happiness.”

This flower comes in a variety of varieties. It does not tolerate direct sunlight, requires frequent spraying and has a weakness for high humidity (especially during growth). And what is very important - it is poisonous! (Our spathiphyllum next to it is an angel.)

But it gives men masculine strength. And all together - success and happiness in love.

So get yourself one of these wonderful plants immediately and believe that it will definitely bring you happiness!

Where is the best place to place flowers?

If your household is under constant stress and not a day goes by without scandals, you can try arranging decorative plants in such a way as to attract positive energy into the house. They will be able to absorb all the negativity, the main thing is to place them wisely:

  • Bathroom. All known signs about artificial flowers do not apply to the bathroom. Water flowing from the tap has a positive effect on energy. Even a rose made from soap will do. If you arrange flowers from other materials, be it plastic or fabric, the room will not only become more beautiful, but will also be filled with sexual energy.
  • Living room. In this room you can hang various fabric flowers. The most important thing is that they look like real ones. It is not recommended to buy such decor in non-realistic colors.
  • Hallway. It is best to leave reeds made of plastic in this room. If you hang a small bunch of St. John's wort or thyme above the entrance, it can create a pleasant atmosphere throughout the room.
  • Kitchen. Here you can put any plants you want. Energy is concentrated in the kitchen, capable of absorbing any negativity.

Flowers talismans according to zodiac signs - horoscope

People all over the world, especially in the East, read horoscopes and consult them before making purchases. With flowers too. Each sign has its own patron plant.

Flower by date of birth.


Violet, orchid, hawthorn. Choose tall stemmed plants with red or orange flowers.


Geranium, lilac. They retain vitality.


Poppy, clover, climbing plants, rose.


A rose will bring love. Lily patience. Plants that love water are suitable for Cancers - orchid, aloe, lily.

a lion

Orchid and magnolia will attract good luck and love. Peonies, callas, roses, jasmine will lift your spirits.


Chamomiles, sunflowers, lemons, dates will give you strength and reveal your potential.


Violets, roses, edelweiss, hibiscus, gladioli will balance you, harmonize the space, and bring aesthetics to the house.


Roses, carnations, oleander, monstera will protect the house, help you concentrate and calm down.


Daffodils. These flowers will bring joy and good luck.


Belladonna and cloves will help in difficult situations. Yucca and cactus will bring wealth.


Violets, mimosas, dracaena, narcissus will tell you the right path in life, drive away bad thoughts and bad people.


Narcissus, jasmine, poppy, orchids, lilies, forget-me-nots will lift your spirits, fill you with energy and balance your emotional state.

There are also flowers - talismans:

  • The Flower of Life is a symbol of the matrix of Life, the union of Spirit, Body and Soul. This talisman is universal and serves as a tuning fork for a person, harmonizing him.
  • The Arabian flower is a talisman of unity. It depicts a man and woman embracing. Helps to find happiness, tranquility, family happiness. The talisman is universal. Once the talisman has completed its mission, hang it next to your bed.
  • Aphrodite's flower is a talisman of love, kindness, and falling in love. It is worn with the goal of finding a mate and finding female happiness. This is a female talisman.

Which magical plants to choose for your home?

Many people keep herbs at home and are unaware of their magical properties. Moreover, the plants are in completely different forms - dry bunches above the front door, scented bags or a set of dry leaves, berries and other fruits in decorative vases. The kitchen is also filled with various jars with mountain herbs, herbal teas, all kinds of herbs and spices, for example, bay leaves. Cosmetics often also contain herbs in their composition. Considering that each individual item has a number of functions, healing, prolonging youth, giving vigor, in one apartment, in fact, there is a whole shop of magical plants hidden.

Indoor flowers are also no exception. Depending on what the household members are striving for, you can choose your own special indoor talisman for everyone. Of course, there are flowers for general purposes, for example, to purify the air. Plants can be male or female, some protect the home, others attract good luck, prosperity, success and harmony. Among other things, magical plants decorate your home, making it cozy, comfortable and fragrant.

Attention! Some plants are dangerous for pets because they release poisons when they are potentially dangerous.

Hibiscus, or Chinese rose, is a symbol of a peaceful family atmosphere. If you give such a flower to newlyweds, it will strengthen their relationship, creating harmony between soul and body.

The indoor plant Calathea will improve the most difficult relationships between spouses. Regardless of the reason for the discord between husband and wife, in an attempt to preserve their union, you can present this magical flower to the suffering family, and it will calm the couple and save the marriage.

Thus, the spathiphyllum plant, also known as women’s happiness, improves the affairs of the family hearth, eliminating conflicts. If you give such a flower to a lonely woman, she will soon have the chance to make an interesting acquaintance.

The famous houseplant violet brings an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. For marriage ties, the presence of such a magical talisman will ensure fidelity. The white variety of violet will eliminate mental anguish. However, single people grow violets with caution; for them, this plant only aggravates this condition. However, we should not forget about the people who deliberately chose this lifestyle.

Although chlorophytum looks like thick, chaotic grass, it will cleanse the home atmosphere of negativity. Moreover, this is one of the proven plants that purifies the air from harmful and even toxic substances, so it can be given to people as housewarming gifts in honor of renovations.

Cyclamen - the main magical ability of this plant has the function of calming. It is recommended to keep it in the bedroom, as it will protect you from nightmares, and over time it will begin to fight obsessive thoughts.

If there is a need to attract material wealth, then it is worth knowing that there are special conditions for their maintenance. Firstly, you need to purchase such flowers, in particular, pick them yourself in the first half of the day, so that there is sun.

Attention! The roots are collected on the waning moon. Stems, foliage and other elements of the plant - for growing.

In addition, magical herbs are stored in bags made of natural fabric. It is advisable not to show money talismans to strangers.

And such herbal bags are made from the following magical plants:

  1. Elecampane will increase income and also promote vigor and determination to achieve goals in the field of material wealth. The roots of the plant are used, which need to be dug up on a day without precipitation. It is noted that this must be done with a special magic knife, and also leave gifts to the forest or garden where the plant was taken from. The roots are cleaned, ground and placed in a sachet or so-called special charmed bottle.
  2. Calendula is a common flower that is found in the garden, in the city and at home. All parts of this solar plant are used except the roots and seeds. They are dried, then poured into a bag, stored, or burned, fumigating the house.
  3. A rose, or rather its buds and petals, which are also dried and stored in a bag, will also contribute to financial well-being. It is noteworthy that other parts of the flower perform other functions. For example, thorns are a talisman against ill-wishers, and carved leaves can hide what needs to be hidden from others.
  4. The apple tree will bring material benefits through dried branches, which are used to fumigate the room, and even dried fruit slices and petals; they must be stored in a special magical container.

How to determine damage to a flower

You shouldn’t see something bad in every gifted flower or bouquet. There are many kind and sincere people who wanted to congratulate you with all their hearts. You could have suffered from their evil eye, but it could have happened by accident. If there was still malicious intent, then you will feel it very quickly. Damage transmitted through flowers acts immediately. As soon as the bouquet begins to fade, your health will deteriorate sharply.

Signs of damage transmitted through a flower

It is quite difficult to distinguish one damage from another, but if changes in your life occurred precisely after you were given flowers, it may be damage transmitted through them. Although there is another option - you have suffered from the evil eye. The one who congratulated you praised you too much, or someone was jealous after seeing a huge number of flowers.

Signs of damage

Signs of damage transmitted through flowers:

  • The person feels constant weakness and fatigue.
  • There is a loss of appetite.
  • Your head may hurt very badly.
  • Particularly sensitive people may experience olfactory hallucinations (unpleasant odor) or auditory hallucinations.
  • The person constantly has nightmares.
  • Diseases appear that doctors are unable to diagnose.
  • Dizziness, nausea.
  • You feel cold all the time, your temperature begins to fluctuate (it rises and then falls), and there is severe chills.
  • I want to lie down, I’m lazy, it’s hard to do anything.

A way to determine damage caused by an indoor flower

If you were given not a bouquet, but an indoor flower, it may also contain a negative program, much stronger than the evil eye. Usually, to induce damage, the plant is planted in cemetery soil. There is one way to check if there is a lining. You need to bring holy water and water the flowers only with it. If the gifted flower dies, then it was damaged.

Indoor flower

Impact on energy

Many people grow plants in their apartments. With their help, the interior becomes fresher and the house is filled with energy. Plants grow, live and develop together with their owners, take away all the negativity from them and die after a while. With the help of modern technologies, it has become possible to produce artificial flowers that look the same as real ones.

Artificial flowers can be kept in the house indefinitely. Their appearance is perfect, people admire them, but at the same time they also feel the cold they give off. In residential areas, such flowers create a negative atmosphere and literally take away people’s happiness.

It is not recommended to place non-living plants in the bedroom. Household members will absorb more and more negative energy every day and ultimately discord may occur in the family. In order for these flowers to bring happiness to the house, they need to be wiped free of dust. Signs advise carrying out a cleansing ritual every six months and reading a conspiracy at the same time.

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