Suitable flowers and houseplants for a Scorpio woman

For each sign of the zodiac chart, including Scorpio, there are special types of plants that have the most beneficial effect on them.

These flowers can support energy, increase vitality, improve health and add strength to “your” sign. Therefore, before purchasing a green friend, you should pay attention to astrological recommendations: they will tell you what flowers to give to a Scorpio woman.

What flowers should I give to a Scorpio woman?

The following plants are energetically suitable for Scorpio women:

  • fragrant peonies - protect representatives of this sign from the evil eye, damage and other dirty tricks, give vitality and charge with vigor;
  • openwork chrysanthemums - attract happiness, fill the house with positivity and joy, give a sunny mood;
  • strict carnations are a reflection of the inner world of Scorpios, bring spiritual harmony, help fight stress, therefore they are very popular with almost all women born under this sign;
  • self-sufficient gladioli - symbolize spiritual strength, tenacity of character, masculinity, integrity, help Scorpios achieve their goals;
  • magnificent orchids are a reflection of femininity, sexuality, pride and inaccessibility, which fully corresponds to the character of Scorpio girls.

Flowers should be colorful, elegant, and ideal in appearance. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the smallest details. All petals should be smooth, dense, without any defects. It is better to choose a neutral, restrained and laconic design for the bouquet. Excessive decor in the case of Scorpios is strictly contraindicated!


Cacti will be able to catch all the flashes of Scorpio. They have the ability to absorb and dampen unpredictable reactions. Cacti take care of the space around Scorpio, protecting his energy.

Finger-shaped cacti will protect you from offensive words, column-shaped cacti will protect you from humiliating actions, and spherical cacti will protect you from negative feelings.

All cacti give Scorpios the ability to think sensibly without giving in to emotions. These flowers are a bit like Scorpios themselves. They give their flowers only to those whom they consider worthy of such a gift.

Houseplants for Scorpio

The active nature of Scorpio is difficult to pacify. Often they themselves suffer from this. Indoor plants help them concentrate, relax, and escape from work and everyday hustle and bustle. Among potted plants, Scorpio women like:

  • lush cacti with long spines - balance, calm, absorb negativity, smooth out conflict situations;
  • ginura - awakens a craving for creativity, develops philosophical thinking, helps to adequately look at what is happening and survive stressful situations;
  • dracaena - relieves oppressive, obsessive thoughts, improves sleep (if placed near the bed), gives strength, evokes the desire to perform new “feats”, tames the temper of Scorpios;
  • oleander – eliminates irritability and aggression, helps to give up bad habits, softens despotic character, enhances intuition.

The ideal houseplant for Scorpio should be as simple as possible, low maintenance, and evergreen. Representatives of this sign prefer decorative deciduous crops, so you need to choose a flower not by its buds, but by its leaves. They should be large, bright, rich, perhaps with some kind of pattern.

dragon tree

Dracaena dracaena or Dragon tree will give strength, eliminate excessive demands and remove unnecessary negativity.

This plant can give active and sometimes overly aggressive Scorpio peace of mind.

If this zodiac sign needs to master oratory skills, then he simply needs a dragon tree. It can develop the innate oratorical abilities of Scorpio.

How to arrange a bouquet for Scorpio?

If you still decide to give Scorpio a bouquet, remember that it is very difficult to please such a woman. Entrust the flower arrangement to a professional florist. Warn him that you are choosing flowers for a special lady, who is very demanding and picky. You can give a Scorpio woman a bouquet of various shapes:

  1. Free - randomly collected from plants of different heights. Light negligence looks luxurious only if everything is in moderation. Such a bouquet should have a minimum of decor in the form of foil, paper, and ribbons.
  2. Round - pedantic Scorpios will really like it. Ball-shaped compositions are assembled from small plants. The more buds, the better.
  3. Linear – one in which all plants “look” in one direction. The buds are arranged in one line or in tiers. In the second option, a cascading multi-level composition is formed.
  4. Frame - flowers are fixed on a rigid frame made of wire and other materials. The frame can be given any shape, for example, heart, oval, triangle, etc. With the help of a frame of flowers, words and even entire sentences are left.

Despite their strictness and integrity, Scorpios like original, unusual bouquets. Dilute the flowers with fruits or sweets. Such a gift will not only please you visually, but will also sweeten your life with its edible contents.


The uniqueness of jasmine will help awaken your senses of beauty. Perhaps Scorpio will look around and see beauty in the most ordinary things.

Blooming jasmine on a windowsill or summer cottage will be a wonderful talisman for good luck and will become a talisman in your personal life.

The plant can enhance the feeling of love, bring joy and cheer up Scorpio, who sometimes likes to grumble.

How many plants should there be in a bouquet?

The number of plants in a bouquet is very important for Scorpio. Representatives of the sign will definitely count the buds and try to unravel the hidden meaning of the composition. The number of flowers will help express feelings:

  • if you just want to show attention, give one flower;
  • three plants will show that you treat the recipient with respect;
  • five flowers are given as a declaration of love;
  • seven plants demonstrate devotion, adoration, admiration;
  • the nine buds symbolize the message “I am at your feet”;
  • eleven flowers should be given as a sign of fidelity and serious intentions;
  • a relative or good friend should be presented with seventeen buds;
  • It is customary to give nineteen plants to the bride, as this is the wedding number.

It is advisable to count flowers in a bouquet only if they are large. When a composition is made up of small plants, for example, field plants, no one counts it.

To make the bouquet seem more magnificent, you can dilute it with decorative greenery. It is not included in the total number of plants. Greenery can be placed around or between the buds, on all or just one side.


A trapper tree - Pisonia in nature can attract the attention of scorpions with sticky resin on the leaves. The small white flowers may produce sticky fruits after they have faded.

But for Scorpio representatives of the zodiac circle, the “hunting tree” will be able to save them from bad thoughts and anxieties. The plant will absorb negative energy and cleanse the energy of the house.

Useful tips for choosing flowers for a Scorpio woman

Once again, it should be noted that Scorpio women are very picky and picky. Even the slightest flaw can ruin your opinion of a bouquet. These tips will help you avoid making mistakes when choosing colors:

  • choose plants without aroma (lilies, daffodils, lilacs are not suitable), as the aroma will be irritating and can cause headaches;
  • carefully check each selected plant in a flower shop (so that the cut is fresh, the leaves are not yellow, the petals are not dried out);
  • refuse low-quality packaging materials (cheap packaging can stain your hands and deteriorate from exposure to water);
  • do not give bouquets to a Scorpio man (regardless of the occasion, such a gift will be perceived negatively);
  • when choosing indoor plants, carefully inspect the flowerpot (the soil should smell natural, not rotten, and there should be no pests on the plant itself).

A win-win option is to find out from the Scorpio woman in advance what kind of flowers she likes, and give them exactly those. But if this is not possible, choose any plants using the suggested tips. Don't worry, your gift will definitely be appreciated!


Aechmea has the same mystery and mystery as Scorpio. At the same time, the plant is able to absorb the fussiness of fidgets at a subtle energy level.

If there are complexes, they will gradually be forgotten, and the aggressive energy will be absorbed by the flower. In addition, it will help Scorpio to clearly, competently and beautifully express their thoughts, both in writing and in conversation.

But most importantly, echmea has a strange mystical ability that can open and develop the gift of prediction, clairvoyance and other abilities that are commonly called “superpowers.”


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Flower horoscope according to zodiac signs

The New Year is just around the corner and I want to know what changes await us all. Naturally, we must believe in changes for the better. Optimism is a useful thing and always priceless. And despite the fact that the year of the Wooden Blue Horse comes into force on January 31, 2014 and transfers the reins of power to the Goat only on February 18, 2015, I want to know all the ins and outs of the new year now. Some are interested in a love horoscope for 2014, some are interested in a wedding horoscope, some are interested in a business horoscope, some are interested in a geographical one. And we are interested in everything. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to study the entire 2014 horoscope. We will be, like a horse, savvy on all issues. Now let's look at the flower horoscope, because plants can bring good luck. Of course, you can treat horoscopes differently and nevertheless, there are many people who are interested in knowing about the relationship between the zodiac sign and plants. Think how our mood lifts when our own home is a beautiful room with bright, elegant flowers - we smile at the beauty and flowers, receiving a charge of great mood and vigor. From contemplating flowers we get joy and become a little happier, luckier and kinder. If you don’t already have flowers in your house and want to have them in your home, select them according to your zodiac sign. Flowers will then become dear to you and loving you. They will contribute to a great mood and good health, help to realize oneself, and sometimes improve relationships in the family. If, in accordance with the horoscope, you plant flowers at work, they will clear the energy of the room and help establish relationships with colleagues. Many plants will contribute to the flow of good luck and success, so you can keep them in the house as a talisman. Aries is a strong personality. His plants help him achieve personal success and build character. Aries plants: - Indian and Japanese azalea (with red and pink flowers), - garden geranium (with red and dark pink flowers), - dwarf pomegranate, - royal begonia. Taurus is a sign of material stability. Its plants contribute to the achievement of material wealth. and help maintain strength. Plants of Taurus: - Persian cyclamen, - Uzumbar violet, - beautiful gloxinia. Gemini is the sign of friendship and learning. Its plants help to quickly assimilate information, strengthen memory, improve physical and mental health, ease the soul, improve relationships with loved ones, friends, buddies and colleagues. Gemini plants: - tradescantia, - ferns, - asparagus, - ivy, - cirrus palms. Cancer is a home, family sign. Its plants help create coziness in the home, preserve the family, and improve relationships with relatives. They help maintain physical and mental health and improve relationships at home. Plants of Cancer: - hybrid fuchsia, - bushy peperomia, - American agave, - tree aloe, - Mason's begonia. Leo - nobility and creativity. His plants are a talisman of successful creativity and happiness in love. They always need good lighting. Leo plants: - royal geranium, - impatiens (impatiens), - calla lilies, - Chinese rose (hibiscus), - Japanese camellia. Virgo. Virgo plants develop intelligence, impart rationality, and are useful for maintaining health (help improve the gastrointestinal tract). Virgo plants: - aucuba japonica, - monstera, asparagus, - birch (rhocissus rhombicum). Libra - harmony in relationships, development of a sense of beauty. Their plants help cultivate good taste, establish peace between partners, sharpen your intuitive understanding of people and events, and bring beauty and harmony to relationships. Affects the kidneys and nervous system. Libra plants: - aster, - dracaena reflexum, - philodendron, - Schlumbergera truncated (Decembrist), - Indian azalea (white), - small-flowered chrysanthemum, - capsicum (Mexican) pepper, - croton (codiaum), - hydrangea. Scorpio is cunning and knows how to tempt. Its plants can be very attractive, but are often thorny and poisonous. Helps develop paranormal abilities, clairvoyance, intuition. Necessary for people of unusual professions, doctors, athletes and artists to develop their abilities. Scorpio plants: - common oleander, - dragon tree (dracaena dragon), - desert cacti. Sagittarius is the sign of travel, both physical and spiritual. Its plants help develop curiosity and enhance the desire to understand the world. Sagittarius plants: - mother-in-law's tongue (sansevieria), - lemon, - sacred ficus. - bonsai trees. Capricorn sign - career and social status. Its plants help maintain a good figure, develop enthusiasm, self-confidence, love of order and organization. Plants of Capricorn: - rubber ficus, - elephant yucca, - silver crassula (money tree) - fragrant dracaena. Aquarius - originality, innovation. His plants are quite unusual and rare, they stimulate the search for something new, support the “white crows”, help find unconventional solutions, maintain emotional and physical health, and improve the atmosphere at home. Plants of Aquarius: - arrowroot tricolor (prayer plant), - indoor maple, - spurge (poinsettia most beautiful). Pisces is a sign of wisdom and spirituality. Its plants help to find spiritual goals in life and distract from everyday problems; they have a pleasant aroma and beautiful flowers. Plants of the sign of Pisces: - lily, - magnolia, - fragrant geranium, - orchid, - papyrus cyperus (umbrella).

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