Compatibility of Scorpio woman and Virgo man

Character compatibility of Scorpio woman and Virgo man in the family

When communicating closely, you have to get to know the shadow side of everyone: a petty grumbler and an eccentric girl who needs to be re-educated - it happens that spouses see each other this way.
Astrologers explain this phenomenon very simply. It is ruled by the planet Mars and the water element, such a symbiosis provokes activity, inconstancy, and the desire to embrace the immensity. The second symbol is no less contradictory: you have to constantly maneuver between the patronage of Mercury - the most lively and mobile of the planets, and the stubborn element of the Earth, into which the moisture and warmth of the other half breathe life. Knowledge of these basics helps to understand what caused this or that action of a loved one, which significantly reduces the number of grievances. As a rule, family roles are distributed as follows: a passionate wife sets the emotional background, a pedantic husband tries to maintain at least a semblance of order. He is also no stranger to emotions, but the habit of uncontrollably flaunting them is completely incomprehensible. He is sensitive to savings, while his wife is sure that peace of mind is more valuable than money. Often, a partner’s natural restraint is regarded as indifference and coldness. It is usually not difficult for a discerning lady to find out what thoughts currently prevail under routine politeness, but it is not easy for her to endure criticism due to her truly Martian temper. For advice and love to triumph, everyone must show concern and not give the go-ahead to a pattern of behavior that can hurt a loved one.

Compatibility at work

Business partnerships are doomed to success, be it production or research activities. Moreover, by collaborating, both can realize themselves in previously inaccessible industries and achieve a lot.

For example, earth signs rarely risk trying themselves in the field of art, and water signs - in exact disciplines. Having secured mutual support, Virgo receives intuition in addition, and Scorpio receives logic and precise calculation. The hierarchy is not at all confusing; these are universal employees both in leadership positions and as performers, for whom the common cause is above all.

How a Virgo man can conquer a Scorpio woman

Anyone who dares to conquer a lady born in November should know that the chosen one is also a provocateur. The girl is full of sarcasm, skepticism, reasons for jealousy and other poisonous things. Paradoxically, such behavior is not at all out of malice, but on the contrary, out of the best intentions.

The fear of being deceived is too strong; it is necessary to make sure of the sincerity of the applicant. And anger is the most overt state; it is almost impossible to pretend to be angry. The only purpose of numerous unflattering tricks is to see the true face of a potential companion. For representatives of the earth element, this is a difficult test, since many of them themselves are full of suspicions.

More details here: characteristics of a Scorpio Woman

How a Scorpio woman can win a Virgo man

Before conquering such an unapproachable guy, it is advisable to honestly answer yourself whether the one who is always right, whose statements are always true, whose manners are impeccable, and whose actions are correct, is suitable for you.
If this is the case, keep in mind that a Virgo man needs a special approach. He unmistakably determines when they are trying to seduce, and immediately loses interest in the temptress. But he is unlikely to resist a fascinating conversation, especially if the girl needs advice. Criticizing and discussing mutual acquaintances or characters in a series is another weakness. An offer to help figure out who is right in a given situation is a completely appropriate excuse to start a conversation, show yourself as an interesting, cheerful interlocutor, and emphasize commonality of views. Most likely, the conversation will captivate both of them; in fact, it’s fun to come to similar conclusions in different ways: intuitive and logical, funny discussions can turn out. Just don't forget who is always right.

More details here: characteristics of a Virgo man

Is a Virgo man prone to cheating?

The Virgo man is distinguished by his constancy in his affections.
But a lack of emotion and warmth on the part of the woman he loves can push him into the arms of another. It is difficult to recognize a Virgo’s betrayal based on standard signs. As a rule, his significant other does not need to worry if he begins to stay late at work more often - most likely, the reason is true.

Virgo men rarely cheat

The real identifier of adultery is often an increased flow of unfounded criticism towards the chosen one, and in a raised voice. A naturally polite and tactful Virgo man can be rude to his woman, feeling his own guilt and thus trying to somehow justify himself.

Who and how raises children in a family?

Sometimes a Scorpio woman makes a rather serious mistake in her upbringing: wanting, like all parents, to endow her child with the best qualities, sometimes she does not take into account individuality, the child has to correspond to the image invented in advance. Fortunately, this happens quite rarely. Usually, caring mothers notice the real-life abilities of their children and try to develop them. Babies do not grow up spoiled, but they are firmly confident in their mother’s support.

The Virgo man is convinced that, first of all, the parents themselves are obliged to meet the standard, and therefore strives to be an exemplary correct father. The primary objectives are quality education, organized life, and the cultivation of such qualities as discipline and responsibility.

Children are dearly loved, but they don’t often hear about it from their parents. Adults devote too much time and effort to landscaping; live communication sometimes comes down to checking homework. Lack of attention most noticeably affects children with a naturally gentle character. Children early become independent, do not recognize authority, and their emotional development often leaves much to be desired. Many representatives of astrological symbols realize in time the importance of harmonious development, then the atmosphere in the house becomes much more comfortable.

Intimate compatibility between Virgo man and Scorpio woman

Love plays one of the main roles in the life of a Scorpio woman; behind the doors of the bedroom she experiences the most vivid emotions.
Pleasure comes from everything that happens: the partner’s shyness, awakening desire, flaring passion. She easily initiates intimacy and almost never refuses without good reason. Regardless of how long the marriage has been, deep down she continues to be afraid of being rejected, hence the unreasonable jealousy and resentment of her partner’s restraint. Such moods arise infrequently and smoothly flow into violent sexual games. Virgo men also have secret fears: the difference in temperament or lack of experience inspires uncertainty, at times they are filled with doubts about the sincerity of their partner, and the same barrier has to be overcome again every time. Long breaks in intimate life are undesirable for this couple.

Elements of Virgo and Scorpio

Virgos are bright representatives of the earth element signs. They are overly calm and unperturbed, but if necessary and convenient, they can turn everything upside down; nothing will stop them on the way to their goal. The element of Scorpio is water, or more precisely, ice, which hides all the secrets of their soul like a huge iceberg. If the ice of this iceberg melts, expect trouble, the secret desires of the scorpions will appear on the surface and great power will be released. Like ordinary soil, the earth element of Virgo is in dire need of the water element of Scorpio. It is this need that plays a key role in the relationship between Virgo and Scorpio and can result in a rather strong union. Of course, power-hungry Scorpios may be irritated by Virgo’s reluctance to give the main role in the relationship, and Virgos, in turn, will fight to the bitter end for the right to lead in the union. But such relationships do exist, and astrologers recommend familiarizing yourself with the forecasts of compatibility in love relationships for Scorpio Virgo.

Pros and Cons of Virgo men and Scorpio women

Compatibility is positively influenced by the fact that each is a bearer of qualities that the other lacks. The lively Scorpio woman does not allow the Virgo man to become despondent, she encourages him with her energy, and, if necessary, provides practical help. In her marriage to him, she finds peace and a new calling: to take care of those who are dear to her.

The habit of criticizing is inherent to a certain extent in both. For her, irony is nothing more than one of the manifestations of a sense of humor, and he seriously believes that remarks will open the eyes of others and help change for the better. It is unlikely that it will be possible to eliminate caustic phrases from everyday life, but you can redirect them to strangers, and try not to take those that do slip too literally and painfully.

Here is about the most suitable partners for VIRGO and SCORPIO

Relationship between Virgo Woman and Scorpio Man

Women of the Virgo sign are cold-blooded and unperturbed; one gets the impression that even with complete chaos all around, they will remain sweet and shy. Such a girl knows her goal and moves towards it with enviable constancy and perseverance. A distinctive feature of this sign is a love of order; everything around Virgo should shine and radiate purity. In an amorous relationship, the Virgo girl is very picky and difficult to please.

This is all due to the fact that Virgo has an image of an ideal partner in her head, whom she is always trying to find. Virgos have many fans, but most of them do not pass the strict casting. Representatives of this sign are rightfully considered to be good wives; they happily run the house, cook well and are able to create an ideal world for their partner.

The Scorpio man is all the evil spirits that can come to mind, at the same time. He is a mystic, a palmist, and a magician. Already at birth and from an early age, Scorpio boys are endowed with a piercing, cold gaze and magical abilities, which only intensify with age. In addition, the Scorpio man is very gallant and charming, thanks to this he easily drives even the most unapproachable women crazy. Women are drawn to him like a magnet. Scorpio men are famous heroes of romance novels, but when they get married, they calm down their ardor. All their passion is now addressed only to their wife. At the same time, Scorpios are big owners and jealous people, and this fact should be taken into account when starting a family. If your chosen one is Scorpio, you should not give the slightest reason for jealousy, otherwise loud and long-lasting scandals are guaranteed.

How does the acquaintance of such a couple go?

Virgos prefer a quiet, relaxing holiday. It could be a health resort or a sanatorium, the main thing is that everything around is prim, clean and comfortable. The desire to attend a party or entertainment venue rarely arises. Scorpio, by its very nature, simply cannot sit still; he is constantly in search of adrenaline and new sensations. An ordinary vacation on the beach or near the pool is a real torment for a Scorpio man. It would seem that these zodiac signs have nothing in common and there is simply nowhere for them to meet. But acquaintance can happen at work, by chance on the street, or in a common company of friends. When meeting, Virgo pleasantly surprises Scorpio with her manners, restraint and sense of tact. Scorpio, at first from a distance, resembles an “ideal drawing”, and upon closer acquaintance, it strikes Virgo on the spot.

Couple dating

As soon as a conversation begins between Virgo and Scorpio, it becomes clear that the interlocutors are interesting to each other and do not mind continuing their acquaintance. A Scorpio man is excellent at caring for a lady. The date is dynamic and fast. But soon Scorpio realizes that the usual methods of seduction do not work on Virgo and turns on fantasy.

The Scorpio man will push his partner to commit actions that are completely out of character for her. Scorpio is an excellent manipulator and doing this will be veiled, and from the outside it will seem that Virgo herself craves extreme sports. When spending time together, Virgo will catch herself thinking that this is my ideal. But out of a sense of tact, he does not confess to his partner, but will wait for his recognition first. A Scorpio man in love, on the contrary, will shout about his feelings at every opportunity. He will give expensive and valuable gifts, perform beautiful deeds, but all this will last exactly until the moment the woman is interesting and inaccessible to him. As soon as he realizes that the victim is in his network and completely fascinated by him, Scorpio loses interest.

Love in such a couple

As has already become clear, when a Scorpio man wants something, resistance is useless. He is polite and courteous, attentive to his companion. Virgo relaxes from this attitude, and the heart takes precedence over the mind. Intimate relationships in such a couple occur in the early stages of the relationship. Scorpio is a rather passionate and skillful lover, this is inherent in him by nature. Virgo delights her chosen one with her femininity and tenderness. The idyll in a relationship lasts until the first reason for jealousy provided to Scorpio by Virgo.

Even though in reality this will be just a simple courtesy on the part of Virgo to another man, it will touch Scorpio to the core. In a moment, from a pleasing and interesting gentleman, he turns into a ferocious creature with sparks flying from his eyes. At such moments, Scorpio cannot control himself and can say a lot of stupid things. This plunges a virgin into a state of deep shock.

Since Virgo girls are vulnerable and very impressionable in emotional moments, they do not like to make trouble and immediately begin to cry. The Scorpio man can’t stand women’s tears, he simply doesn’t understand them and instantly his ferocity and menace change to a desire to calm and talk calmly. Scorpio's diplomatic abilities are also at their best, and by choosing the right words, he quickly calms down his beloved. A man’s reaction to tears will not always be this way; over time, he will get used to it and Virgo’s tears will not cause anything but irritation and anger.


Quite often, the Scorpio man makes a promise to himself to restrain his emotions towards Virgo. The couple very quickly begins to live together and enjoy each other's company. Often, Scorpio proposes to his chosen one just a couple of months after they met. So, everything seems to be going as usual. Virgo happily cleans and cooks for her husband and greets him happily from work. Virgos in marriage tend to idealize everything around them, even if she has clear evidence of Scorpio’s infidelity, she will put it in her secret chest and won’t tell anyone about it. She will still smile at her husband and coo to him.

The prudent Scorpio will take control of the entire financial part of family life; this state of affairs will only please Virgo. She will not claim leadership in the couple, and Scorpio may quickly get tired of Virgo’s complaisance and will look for more and more reasons for a quarrel. Scorpio men need a showdown in order to once again feel their superiority over their partner. But no matter how furiously Scorpio screams, the screams are always followed by a beautiful exercise of reconciliation. What can we say, Scorpio knows how to ask for forgiveness and does it in such a way that Virgo begins to envy herself, because she has such a caring man.


Calculating and economical Scorpio will be against a magnificent wedding ceremony. Virgo will try to bring this event closer to the ideal. After a time, when the post-wedding euphoria passes for the lovers and the honeymoon is also behind them, Scorpio noticeably reduces its ardor and settles down.

Virgo wants a big family, and talks about this to Scorpio all the time. Quite quickly, children appear in the couple. With the onset of this stage in the life of a couple, difficult trials begin. Scorpio and Virgo have completely different attitudes towards children and their upbringing. Virgo in the role of mother is quite disciplined and hysterical when something does not go according to her script. She is obsessed with making sure everything goes as it says in the book.

Scorpio dad - relies on his intuition, allows his child to do things that would give Virgo heart attacks. As a result of this, constant scandals begin in the couple, and here Virgo begins to defend her opinion, which greatly angers and provokes Scorpio.

But oddly enough, such unions usually have many children. A long and strong marriage of these representatives of the zodiac is possible if Virgo observes absolute neutrality in relation to the affairs and business of Scorpio. Such a man cannot stand it when people lecture him or point out his mistakes.


Virgo women are punctual and scrupulous. They easily cope with the tasks assigned to them. They do not feel very confident in leadership positions, but this does not prevent them from effectively managing the team. Scorpio is strong and hardworking, sometimes stubborn and straightforward. In tandem, these signs can move mountains if necessary. It seems that all troubles and obstacles pass them by. Virgo does not set a goal for personal enrichment, and prefers a moderate pace of work. This is where Scorpio shows itself and perfectly motivates Virgo to new financial exploits.


Friendship between representatives of these signs is possible, but unlikely. In rare cases, when a Scorpio guy and a Virgo girl begin a friendly relationship, this is friendship until old age. A well-mannered Virgo has a positive influence on the daredevil Scorpio. The guy tries to fit in with his girlfriend and will think several times before doing anything.

In turn, courageous and courageous Scorpio will protect the girl from all dangers and failures. This will continue for many years. It is possible that they will even be friends with their families, and quietly allow themselves to criticize them behind the backs of their partners.

Both the Scorpio guy and the Virgo girl know how to keep secrets and secrets. And promises made to each other, even in childhood, will never be broken. But Scorpio does not betray himself and is jealous everywhere and everyone, even in friendship. The Scorpio man is capable of jealousy from his Virgo girlfriend right up to her wedding, even if he himself is married three times. He will always try to find the shortcomings of his girlfriend’s chosen one and will definitely voice them loudly. All contenders for the heart of his girlfriend will have to try hard to please Scorpio as well.

What is the likelihood of compatibility between a Virgo man and a Scorpio woman?

The Virgo man has a lot in common with the Scorpio woman: pleasant communication, sufficient mutual understanding, trust and a sense of confidence. Oddly enough, numerous differences only strengthen compatibility: partners will never get bored of each other and are able to show a versatile approach in difficult situations. A similar value system, easy-to-understand jokes, and interest in the psychology of others encourage us to spend a lot of time together. According to the astrological scale, the couple's compatibility is 87 percent.

Compatibility in friendship 97%

Scorpio woman and Virgo man are compatible in friendship. They are rarely united by entertainment or relaxation in noisy companies and at parties. Such friends prefer to have long, constructive dialogues. They intellectually converse and argue, drawing useful information from the discussions. Representatives of these zodiac signs have been friends for many years. They become each other's support and spiritual mentors.

How to Improve Compatibility in Friendship

Don't forget to take a break from each other. Time spent apart will allow you to put your thoughts in order and provide new food for conversation.

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