Scorpio and Taurus: compatibility of men and women in love relationships, marriage and friendship

Astrological forecasts can be believed or not, but the fact remains that millions of people on the planet know their zodiac sign well and often associate their character traits, behavior, certain life positions with it, and sometimes even leave to the stars any manifestations of fate and everything that happens around them .

In this article we will give a detailed description of the compatibility of a Taurus man with a Scorpio woman. Do these two signs have a chance for a happy life or maybe it’s better to remain good friends? How to make any relationship as strong and long as possible, what should you be wary of and what should you change in yourself for the sake of your partner? We will try to answer these questions.

Features of the sign Taurus

Taurus is perhaps the most typical representative of the earth signs. Taurus are characterized by hard work and perseverance; they know first-hand what dedication to work and family means, but, unfortunately, they are also not without some shortcomings.

Firstly, the vocation of Taurus, especially the male, is physical labor. In this area, be it agriculture, blue-collar jobs, construction, repairs, representatives of the sign achieve special heights. It is important for them to stand firmly on their feet, so they will do everything with special, literally ideological tenacity, and, as they say, conscientiously. Of course, such qualities simply cannot go unnoticed by most women.

Another question is that the stubbornness characteristic of Taurus sometimes becomes excessive, if not infuriating. This person will really dig the earth to achieve a result, and if, God forbid, something stops working out, he can show severity, anger, and aggression. Of course, all this can overwhelm loved ones.

ADVICE : Taurus, indeed, can get angry over trifles and provoke scandals, but one of the main secrets of communication and coexistence with this sign is to make him feel important, needed and loved.

But you shouldn’t “have a blast” with Taurus yourself. Men of this sign sometimes literally infuriate with their slowness, excessive pragmatism and conservatism, but you should not focus on this. Firstly, no tectonic shifts will occur - Taurus is like that by nature, period. Secondly, this showdown may result in a quarrel, which is unlikely to bring anyone any good.

He is Scorpio, she is Taurus

Scorpio and Taurus are opposite signs. The elements of these two signs according to the date of birth are water and earth. They will find a common language only if they both have one common goal. If there is a clash of interests, then there is a possibility that they will become enemies. Both signs are characterized as stubborn, unyielding and principled people. Scorpio, like Taurus, will prove that he is right to the last, even if in his soul he is aware of his guilt.

Both signs are similar due to the following qualities:

  • determination;
  • hard work;
  • stubbornness;
  • constancy;
  • developed sense of humor.


According to the horoscope in love, this couple has a very low percentage of compatibility. The Scorpio man appreciates in the Taurus woman her inherent calmness and constancy. The representative of the Taurus sign is also satisfied with the Scorpio man. She likes his attentiveness, gallantry and decisiveness in actions.

At the very beginning of a relationship, the difference in their life rhythm is unnoticeable. But after some time this problem will surface. In the process of life, a Scorpio man needs changes, an active lifestyle, as well as a variety of emotions and impressions. The Taurus woman, on the contrary, perceives any life change as a loss of stability. She is afraid to change anything in her life and has a negative attitude towards the bright ideas of her loved one. To all his offers to go somewhere or go to a meeting with his friends, relatives and parents, the Taurus woman will find a thousand excuses not to do this. At first, a man will follow the lead of his beloved, suppress all his desires, but soon he will get tired of this and will initiate the breakup of this enslaving relationship for him.


The marriage union between very young representatives of these two zodiac signs will be short-lived. But if the signs enter into a marriage relationship at a more mature age, then their family life will develop quite favorably.

In life together, both prefer stability and reliability. It is important for them that close and dear people are nearby. Both love the house to be clean, comfortable and cozy. Each of them tries to benefit the family. The husband usually takes on the responsibilities of the breadwinner, while the wife prefers to do housework.

But here, too, the problem arises of the difference in the degree of activity of these two signs. The wife wants family life to be more stable, so she perceives all her husband’s aspirations for life changes negatively. But the Scorpio man by nature is a lover of new sensations, so he is always looking for changes for the better. Routine and stagnation in relationships depress him; he does not like to just go with the flow.

The happiness of this marriage depends on the Taurus woman. For a happy family life, she will not need to try on her husband’s lifestyle. Having looked closely at her husband, she will understand that he is quite smart and insightful. Therefore, she should not worry that because of his activity he will get involved in various adventures and scams. The ideal option would be if the wife trusts her husband and does not limit him in self-expression. A Scorpio husband will appreciate his wife's wisdom and will try to pay her as much attention as possible.


Friendly relations between these two signs are impossible a priori. For a Scorpio man, a Taurus woman is a rather boring person who leads a monotonous lifestyle. A woman is also not interested in a representative of the Scorpio sign. With his unpredictability and mystery, he frightens and at the same time repels her. In addition, the Scorpio man is a secretive person, and Taurus women do not like communicating with such people.

Friendly relations between them are still possible, but nothing more. If a friendly relationship nevertheless arose between a Scorpio man and a Taurus woman, then this is explained by the hidden sympathy of one of them for the other.


As a boss, the Taurus woman very often shows her rigidity and despotism. The Scorpio man cannot stand this attitude towards himself and becomes depressed. As a result of this, the Scorpio subordinate either neglects his work or performs his duties carelessly. In this case, only good encouragement will save the common cause and make the employee active again. If Scorpio turns out to be the boss, then their cooperation can be called ideal. He will be able to rely in everything on the executive and responsible employee of the Taurus sign.

The partnership between these two signs will not work out due to the difference in approach to business. A cautious and thoughtful representative of the Taurus sign will categorically refuse to follow Scorpio’s adventurous plans.

Features of the Scorpio sign

Scorpios by zodiac sign are strong-willed individuals with a very strong character, but some kind of incredible attractiveness that is given to them by nature. This is probably why Scorpios - both men and women - very often occupy leadership positions at work or in a couple, and, frankly, cope well with their obligations.

THE MAIN FEATURE of Scorpio women is that they are very deep, multifaceted natures, meanwhile, always remaining quite cautious, not to say distrustful. Wooing a Scorpio woman will require long, painstaking work, not forgetting about truly valuable gifts (breathe out, Taurus, this is not about money, but about practicality) and noble deeds addressed to her.

BY THE WAY , if we consider the union of Taurus and Scorpio, then even a male Taurus may well transfer leadership to a Scorpio woman. Perhaps this particular scenario should be regarded as the only true one on the path to exceptional harmony and understanding of each other.

Again, both Taurus and Scorpio are essentially two draft horses. Both of them don’t exactly love, but they try to finish what they start, no matter what. Both will make every effort, and will not “move out” at the expense of their partner. These qualities make this union quite strong. Moreover, this concerns primarily working relationships, but it is also valuable in love.

Scorpio is a representative of the element of water, which is why he gets along quite willingly with earth signs. In general, there is an opinion that it is useful for Scorpio to be closer to water or land in order to maintain their health. Otherwise, self-criticism will lead to too early problems and illnesses.

Disadvantages of the union: Taurus Man and Scorpio Woman

The disadvantages of the union of a Scorpio woman and a Taurus man appear in a relationship if trust and understanding in the partner, mutual respect or passion in close relationships disappears.

The passionate nature of Scorpio cannot stand monotony, which can aggravate the relationship in a couple and even become the beginning of a breakup. If a Taurus man does not want to change and starts spending a lot of time on the couch watching TV, the union is unlikely to be strong.

For a Scorpio woman, the constancy and conservatism of a Taurus man can turn into real torment. In this situation, the psychological flexibility of the partner and the ability to resist one’s own laziness and apathy will help save the relationship.

For a Taurus man, a relationship with a Scorpio woman can be a real test of strength and ability to adapt to circumstances.

If he is satisfied with himself, does not want to leave the house too much, or likes to spend a lot of time with friends, family life may crack.

Especially if the Taurus man, feeling that he is losing the Scorpio woman, will create scenes of jealousy and scandals, without trying to change his own behavior and attitude towards what is happening.

  • Jealousy;
  • Routine, if the partner does not want to change his habits and lifestyle;
  • Stubbornness of both partners;
  • Hot temper and lack of flexibility;
  • Stealth;
  • Reluctance to listen and understand each other in a difficult situation;
  • Acrimony;
  • Requirements are too high;
  • Intolerance;
  • Varying degrees of sociability of both partners.

Compatibility of Taurus man and Scorpio woman in love and love relationships

Love between a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman is common and one could even argue that it is quite a common phenomenon. The thing is that both signs are suitable for each other in almost any area, and in love in particular.

Of course, there will be problems, where can we get away from them? Especially when it comes to a really long relationship (after all, both, by definition, will not rush things). But both signs should have enough natural insight and prudence to build strong relationships, from which an equally close-knit family can later emerge.

It is believed that the main problem in the unions of Scorpios and Taurus is jealousy . It can be characteristic of both one and the other. The Taurus man, for example, being a very faithful partner himself, would like to see similar qualities in his Scorpio partner. However, Scorpios, although not distinguished by flighty character traits, are big egoists. And, of course, they will look for the best for themselves, including in their environment. It is clear that this can cause jealousy in a conservative, slightly reserved Taurus. Let’s add here even attempts to artificially induce jealousy in a partner, which Scorpios sometimes do not shy away from, in order to stroke their pride, or to push their Taurus to at least some kind of display of emotions.

And as for Scorpios themselves, it is well known that they are a very jealous sign of the zodiac, and sometimes they don’t even need reasons for a scandal just because of jealousy. But we remember that Taurus, among its advantages, has amazing loyalty and devotion. Therefore, a Scorpio woman in alliance with a Taurus is unlikely to often have to suspect her partner of something. Of course, if you don’t attach importance to trifles and don’t try to suck the conflict out of thin air.

ADVICE. Accordingly, the secret of a good relationship is that the Taurus man must try to convince his partner of his devotion through actions and patience, and the Scorpio woman must control herself without finding fault with her other half over trifles.

And it is worth remembering that Taurus and Scorpio are located strictly opposite each other in the zodiac circle. What does it mean? That in this pair there will be a certain confrontation in any case. In particular, most of all the signs will rest on mutual jealousy, although, as has already become known, most likely, both partners will not actually be aimed at any kind of love affairs. After all, both are too pragmatic and try to think a hundred times about their actions.

Useful information for a Scorpio woman

If a Scorpio woman wants to keep a partner like Taurus next to her and always remain his best chosen one in the world, then it will be important for her to learn to accept him with all the pros and cons, to give in at some points and show her kindness.

BY THE WAY! It is not so difficult to find a common language with a Taurus man, because he is sympathetic and kind, often ready to show his understanding and perseverance.

How can a Scorpio woman behave in family life to create an atmosphere that will be pleasant to Taurus:

  1. The Scorpio girl must show that she rejoices in the protection of her man, feels confident and calm next to him.
  2. It is important to keep jealousy under control and not show a temper, as the Taurus man gets angry when he is not trusted and is subjected to endless checks.
  3. Despite their strength, determination and restraint, Taurus are quite vulnerable and gentle men. You need to be patient and not put pressure on them.
  4. Taurus does not accept open manipulation. A woman should find other ways to control a man if she wants to achieve something from him. But the best ways are honesty, sincerity and straightforwardness.
  5. You should never try to seem better than you really are, because Taurus senses deception and cunning, and this already infuriates him.

Compatibility in marriage and life together

Very often, Taurus and Scorpio find happiness in love, so they often move to the next stage - marriage. The life together of these signs is considered strong, and this is the most important thing.

First of all, we can highlight an almost identical attitude towards finance. Neither one nor the other can be called spenders. Both know how and love to earn money.

At the same time, the marriage of a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman is not a banal accumulation of wealth like a piggy bank. No, both are far from opposed to taking a break, they are unlikely to give up cultural leisure, but they will do everything wisely, and not scatter their earnings left and right.

For the same reason, both will appreciate practical, reliable purchases. They pay attention to prestigious things, in which they look most at quality. Luxury takes second place in this case, and that's good for the wallet.

It is clear that marriage without children and with them are two different things. But it will definitely not be possible to compromise both Taurus and Scorpio through some kind of improper upbringing.

The Taurus man, for example, will take on the main concerns of providing for the family. Moreover, over time, he will happily teach his offspring everything he knows. Of course, all this will certainly be useful for children.

BY THE WAY. A striking example of ideal fatherhood for a Taurus man is David Beckham and his large family. The footballer, despite being incredibly busy, was raising his children - that’s a fact.

Scorpio is a subtle, sensual nature. Very often, Scorpios shine with their intelligence, so raising their children is not empty words for them. We can confidently say that the Scorpio woman will enthusiastically take on the process of raising and developing her child.

However, do not forget about the strong character of Scorpio. On the one hand, a woman of this sign will not let her children be hurt, but with outbursts of anger she will sometimes push the child away too. This kind of “swing” (anger and mercy) will be a characteristic method of education for a Scorpio woman, and the Taurus father and their children need to get used to it.

The problems and quarrels of the Taurus and Scorpio couple themselves after the birth of children still will not completely disappear. When both are forced to be away from each other for a long time (for example, Taurus is at work, and Scorpio is with children), then their main problem will especially manifest itself - jealousy. Unfortunately, there are no effective ways to get rid of joint suspicions. But you will have to endure these difficulties, systematically proving your fidelity and reassuring your separated partner.

Compatibility of a couple in business: Taurus Man and Scorpio Woman

A business partnership can be successful if the Scorpio woman is the boss and the Taurus man is the subordinate. In this case, Taurus’ constancy, pedantry and exactingness, his diligence and subtle artistic taste will help achieve the best result. If a Scorpio woman is submissive, Taurus will find it difficult to control her. Intrigues and quarrels are possible, which will only harm the common cause.

Productive relationships are possible between Scorpio and Taurus colleagues if Scorpio does not suppress Taurus. If both partners are competent enough and know their business well, over time they can become good partners who understand each other perfectly.

If one of them shows leadership qualities or tries to deceive a partner or be cunning, serious passions will boil over. Therefore, a partnership between them is possible in the case of high business competence of both partners, honesty and frankness.

Compatibility of zodiac signs in sex

It turns out that a Taurus man may seem leisurely and slow only at first glance. As for the intimate side of life, here this sign shows passion and temperament. You can even say that a man will have fun in bed, not paying attention to all the taboos and prohibitions during sex, completely surrendering to the will of his feelings. And, I must say, the Scorpio woman should like it.

Scorpios attach great importance to intimate life, often considering physical intimacy to be the most important thing in a love relationship. Therefore, if they themselves show temperament, they will appreciate the same qualities from their Taurus partner.

How does a Scorpio woman behave during a breakup?

Scorpios, both men and women, are not used to admitting defeat in any area, including personal ones. If a representative of this sign decides that a certain man should be with her, in 99% of cases she achieves her plans. What can make a lady, who fought so hard for her feelings, break up with her partner? In most cases, this is an insult or betrayal on the part of the latter. At this point, romantic feelings are instantly compared with hatred, and the enraged Scorpio is ready to raze the scoundrel to the ground.

A Scorpio woman will not forgive a man for betrayal

The man who decides to leave the Scorpio lady will be no more lucky. Whatever loyal phrases you use in your farewell speech, be prepared to hear the strongest words in response, and hope that there are no traumatic objects nearby. Scorpio is scary when angry. She is ready to throw out the worst words and often takes revenge.

Taurus man and Scorpio woman at work and in business

As we have already noted, Taurus is, to some extent, an ideal worker. To achieve the overall result, representatives of this sign will dig the earth, without focusing on fatigue or time spent.

On the other hand, such zeal is most effectively directed and controlled correctly, otherwise Taurus can do a lot of useless things. And Scorpio, who is naturally given the ability to manage people, can easily cope with this task. The subtle mind of a Scorpio woman is definitely enough to highlight the most correct tactics. In some cases, Taurus will quite consciously and voluntarily give the reins of power to a woman, but in some cases, he will have to be guided secretly, veiled, indirectly.

It is known that Taurus can achieve great heights in business. First of all, thanks to my hard work. Scorpio can also boast of success in the business sphere. But for him, the dominant role is already occupied by a deep mind and a rich spiritual world.

So, this combination of hard work and intelligence is obviously the most correct “mixture” for fruitful joint work.

And, of course, let’s not forget to note the loyalty inherent in both signs. From a business point of view, neither Taurus nor Scorpio are known for betrayal or attempts to carry out any intrigues.

How does a Taurus man behave during a breakup?

Parting is very painful for Taurus. Voluntary leaving a passion means that a reasonable man made a mistake in his choice, for which he will reproach himself for a long time. Before saying the final goodbye, the Taurus man will most likely try to save their romance in every possible way.

Breaking up is very painful for Taurus.

If this fails, it is possible that the representative of the Earth will simply disappear from the life of the chosen one without explaining anything. But if you abandon Taurus, he will withdraw into himself and for some time will most likely simply suffer alone. Taurus people don't want to share their troubles with other people. What the stricken man now “doesn’t have enough” is pity.

Compatibility in friendship

Friendship is perhaps the strongest and most harmonious relationship that can only exist between Taurus and Scorpio. Moreover, if both have already built relationships, so to speak, “on the side” with other signs of the zodiac, then their lovers should not be afraid of this friendship of their halves at all. After all, neither Taurus nor Scorpio will be aimed at crossing boundaries, maintaining only strong, reliable companionship with each other, nothing more.

Both Taurus man and Scorpio woman will become good interlocutors and listeners. Both will have something to talk about: both are hardworking, they may well have similar interests and hobbies, but also the same problems.

Taurus will receive in a Scorpio friend an insightful person with a deep understanding of the world and relationships. To some extent, Scorpio will not be averse to “teaching”, or giving practical advice.

Scorpio will see in Taurus an excellent listener, moderately talkative (and, as we remember, Scorpios like to talk more than to remain silent), quite smart, understanding and even a little naive.

In general, both signs receive some advantages from joint friendship. And, of course, both become stronger and more confident.

Useful information for a Taurus man

The Taurus man must make some efforts to keep the Scorpio woman next to him, because the love horoscope predicts an excellent connection between these two zodiac signs.

What you need to do for this:

  • Try to find a common language with your chosen one, be more sociable and active.
  • Learn to be patient and a little mysterious, but open-minded. The Scorpio woman loves to unravel her man, but only if she sees mutual interest.
  • It would be good for Taurus to periodically go out with his beloved, because home walls make this woman bored.

ADVICE! It is important to get used to the changeable mood of your companion, since in her character she is similar to natural disasters that destroy everything around her.

In general, it is necessary to make the woman understand that her choice is correct, so that she never regrets her choice.

Positive aspects of compatibility

The Taurus-man – Scorpio-woman pair is certainly not without serious advantages:

  1. The Taurus man is an extremely pragmatic person. It is important for him to stand firmly on his feet, and for this he really does a lot. But Scorpios can be called flighty natures, for whom it is a burden to plan the family budget (although wastefulness is not typical for them). Therefore, in this pair, the prudent Taurus must help his woman not experience financial problems.
  2. Note that both signs primarily value comfort in life, but can do without luxury. Therefore, quarrels against the background of financial disagreements are rare for all Taurus and Scorpios.
  3. The sexual relationship between Taurus and Scorpio is bright, intense, and unusual. They are unlikely to turn into ordinary, uninteresting even after many years.

What kind of parents will they be?

A woman born under the sign of Scorpio is a devoted mother who actively cares about providing her children with a good future.
We are talking not only about the material component (the faithful Scorpio is usually responsible for this). A mother born under this zodiac sign teaches her offspring to be resistant to life’s troubles and overcome any difficulties with dignity. The Taurus father madly loves his heirs and, just like the Scorpio mother, tries to give them all the best. However, sometimes a representative of this constellation tends to be excessively strict. Heavenly patrons recommend Taurus to be more loyal and patient. If, when raising the first-born, the father of the earth sign may look awkward at certain moments, when the second and so on children appear, he takes into account his mistakes and becomes simply an excellent parent. This man supports the hobbies and endeavors of his children, believes in them and helps in their education.

Individually, Scorpio and Taurus are good parents, but what are they like in tandem? If they avoid sorting things out in front of the child and do not fight for his love, but act together, then both will remain authorities for their child. Otherwise, expect disaster in your teenage years.

Negative aspects of joint activities

We can also highlight the negative aspects of the union of Taurus and Scorpio. However, they are almost always quite minor.

  1. It is often noted that jealousy is the stumbling block of all Taurus and Scorpios. The lion's share of all the couple's scandals will be built on these mutual claims.
  2. Taurus and Scorpio are located strictly opposite each other in the zodiac circle. This means that both will have to “butt heads.” The reasons can be different: from jealousy to banal everyday problems.
  3. Both signs are, as they say, “with character.” Because of this, it is worth learning to get along with each other, otherwise resentments and quarrels will simply “gobble up” your shared happiness. Which, by the way, is very real, but you will have to try for it. How else?

general characteristics

Before meeting stable Taurus, emotional Scorpio was looking for new sensations, secretly dreaming of calm home comfort. Representatives of the earth and water elements will happily spend the evening watching an interesting film, rather than at a noisy party. Disagreements may arise due to the pessimism of Venus’s wards, but lovers can cope with this too.

READ Libra and Scorpio: compatibility in love and other areas of life


Lacissitude and regularity are the main character traits of Taurus. They maintain enviable calm in any situation; it is almost impossible to unbalance representatives of the earth sign. If some daredevil succeeds in this, he will regret what he did in the first minutes, having learned better the power of his opponent’s anger and anger. Taurus makes decisions once and for all, unshakable in priorities and established opinions. Typical homebodies do not like to visit, but they are happy to host friends in their home, providing comfort and attention to everyone present.

In love relationships, Taurus are passive - they prefer to respond to someone's feelings and suggestions. They themselves rarely take the first step forward for fear of being intrusive. Taurus' nerves seem to be made of steel - they are not subject to emotional breakdowns and doubts. They accept any failures with dignity, look at what is happening realistically, and do not expect miracles. They quickly get used to a measured life, so sudden changes unsettle them.


Astrologers advise caution when communicating with representatives of the water element. Despite the outward simplicity and apparent good nature, Scorpio is capable of painfully stinging the offender. Pluto's wards know how to carefully hide their true emotions and intentions, so recognizing their essence is not easy. Passionate people have high self-esteem, which cannot be influenced by harsh criticism or the opinions of others. Scorpio knows perfectly well who he is and what he is worth.

Compatibility in love and marriage is often reduced due to the love of truth of Pluto's wards. They are not used to fussing or fawning, so they always speak honestly and fairly. Scorpios respond to requests for help, are ready to support a friend or loved one, but in return they demand the same participation. Representatives of the water sign do not leave anyone indifferent to their own person - their environment is divided into malicious enemies and devoted fans.

What you need to know about each other

It is important for a Scorpio woman to remember about Taurus:

  1. Taurus is still not a fan of much attention to his person.
  2. A Taurus man needs encouragement and expressions of love from time to time, even dependence on him.
  3. You shouldn't play on the strings of his jealousy.

A Taurus man needs to know about Scorpios:

  1. Scorpios are exalted natures, so they often do not show themselves very well in the household (cooking, cleaning, for example).
  2. Women of this sign are especially hot-tempered and can change their anger to mercy several times a day.
  3. Selfishness is another problem for Scorpios. True, Scorpios themselves do not see their selfishness. Therefore, other signs need to learn to accept this trait as a given.

What should you avoid and what should you be wary of?

Taurus is one of the most hot-tempered signs. This anger manifests itself when something does not work out for him. Scorpios are also prone to mood swings. If both manage to stop each other in time, then such a union cannot be called anything other than an idyll.

And, of course, we need to learn to trust each other. Jealousy is truly a dominant negative quality that is common to both signs. What's most interesting is that both Taurus and Scorpio are, in fact, very faithful. However, they take their devotion into account in the last place - it is easier for them to be jealous.

What does the well-being of a couple depend on?

In financial terms, Taurus and Scorpio usually simply do not have problems. But you need to understand that if Taurus does not succeed in something (and usually in this couple it is the Taurus man who takes on all the difficult work), then he will be very nervous. His Scorpio partner must understand this, accept it and try to support her partner in every possible way.

They say, by the way, that Scorpio women are rarely known for their thriftiness. However, in this particular case, the woman will show miracles of needlework, cooking, etc. The fact is that she will inevitably be spurred on by a Taurus man, who will do a lot to maintain comfort in the house, since he himself madly appreciates this state of affairs.

In turn, Taurus should not forget that the first pancake can be lumpy. Therefore, you will have to be patient until the Scorpio woman, who is not very predisposed to household chores, turns into an excellent housewife.

How to maintain a relationship?

It will be difficult for lovers to create a stable and unbreakable union, but it is still possible to do it.

It is important for partners to understand the strengths and weaknesses of their other half in order to help work on them and look at their skills and desires from a different perspective.

ADVICE! It is good for Taurus to pay attention to himself and understand that his desire for constancy sometimes leads to absolute laziness, apathy and reluctance to move forward.

A Scorpio woman would never agree to live her life with such a man. She needs to be sure that every next day will become more interesting and brighter for her. However, the practicality of the man in this couple will help the Scorpio woman realize her dreams.

Taurus is unlikely to disagree when she wants to make the house cozy and comfortable, choose clothes for him or organize a holiday. When it comes to outdoor events or major life changes, the chosen one always puts the vehicle in reverse.

At the same time, the partner must make more efforts to find a common language with Taurus, because due to constant changes, he loses himself.

The Scorpio girl must remember that her partner is very constant, faithful and devoted, and not every man has such character qualities.

At some point, even a Taurus can flare up and just pack his things, finding the woman who will accept him with all his shortcomings.

What feelings should a Taurus guy and a Scorpio girl show to each other to make their life much more comfortable:

  1. be more understanding and gentle;
  2. show concern for each other more often, and not throw in a trail of discontent;
  3. dispel each other’s fears so that the other half is sure that nothing threatens their union;
  4. partners should be observant or insightful, but not openly show baseless jealousy;
  5. It is important to focus on intimate life, through which you can let go of all minor troubles and free your head.
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