Effective spells and rituals for your birthday

Since ancient times, people have been trying to observe rites and rituals aimed at improving the quality of life. It is believed that from the moment a child is born, higher powers begin to protect it. The ancestors noted the special influence of the date of birth on fate, therefore they believed that carrying out the correct rituals on this day would have a positive effect on the future life of the birthday person.

Birthdays are very suitable for magical rituals.

The purpose of the rituals is on the birthday

Perform magical rituals for health on your birthday.
On the day a person was born, his sacred connection with the forces of the Universe opens. Each of his birthdays is the beginning of his personal annual cycle. On this day you can change his destiny for the coming year by programming him for success and positive events.

Even in ancient times, it was believed that at the moment of birth a portal opens and the Higher Powers are able to accept his wishes and fulfill them.

Spells for health and youth

Rituals aimed at increasing the protective functions of the body through strengthening its biofield cannot serve as an alternative to official medicine and should not be used in place of traditional procedures and medicines.

In order to significantly alleviate the patient’s condition or protect a person’s health for the whole year, it is better to read conspiracies several times - on the birthday itself and a few more days after the holiday.

To your health

The most popular ritual for increasing vitality and restoring a person’s energy balance is performed at sunrise. The birthday boy fills a bucket of slightly warm water, adds a few drops of holy water and pronounces the following words over it three times:

“Water, water, help me heal. Today I was born, today I came into this world, you make sure that my pain goes away. Grant me good health, steal illnesses and diseases from me. I ask you for strength and blessings, so that my worst enemy does not take them away from me. Let it be so! Let it be so! Let it be so! »

When you get into the bathtub or go out into the yard, you need to throw over the entire volume of the enchanted water at once.

Amulet for the whole year

The “health” amulet for the entire coming year is read at the first rays of the sun, which the performer needs to meet in the yard, dressed only in nightwear and preferably barefoot.

Pressing his hands to his chest, the birthday boy recites the text three times by heart:

“I, servant of God (name), will cross myself and go out, blessing myself. I wash my face with clean water. I will say goodbye to my father and bless my mother. I’ll leave the hut in the hallway, and from the hallway onto the porch, and from the porch into an open field. Beyond the field is the Okiyan Sea, and in that Okiyan Sea is the island of Buyan. There are three towers on the island. The first one is wooden. In that mansion the Mother of God sits. I’ll go up to her, bow down and say: “Mother Mother of God, just as you watched over your little son Jesus, watch over me. Give me damask health, love and bright beauty.”

The second golden tower. In that mansion Saint Paraskeva sits. I’ll go up to her, bow and say: “Holy Mother Paraskeva, give me good luck in financial matters, so that I don’t lack anything.”

The third tower is made of jasper. Saints Peter and Fevronia sit in it. I will go up to them, bow and say: “Saints Peter and Fevronia, I will ask you for hot blood and a heart for ebullient love, a strong spirit for family harmony.” To all my words, a key and a lock for all days, hours and minutes. Amen".

Returning home, you need to light a white wax candle and read the prayers and psalms due for the coming day.

For rejuvenation

While everyone in the house is sleeping, the birthday girl quietly gets up, goes to the window and waits for the first rays of sunshine. As soon as dawn breaks, the woman must quickly say three times:

“Lord, I wash myself with spring water, dry myself with the heavenly sun, take refuge in the bright sky, smile at heaven and earth, and with you, Lord, I am blessed with a long and healthy life. Well, body, hold on! Amen".

After prayer, you need to go wash, clean yourself up and dress in everything clean.

Execution Rules

In order for the desired to come true, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. They begin the rituals only with a positive attitude and in good health. You cannot do this during illness, malaise, apathy, etc., otherwise you will not achieve a positive result. First you need to get rid of destructive emotions (anger, fear, anxiety).
  2. Clear formulation of what you want: all the characteristics and features of the object you want to have are described in full. General phrases and lengthy arguments are not used.
  3. You shouldn’t think about how your wish will come true. You need to trust the Universe and not set any restrictions for yourself (within reasonable limits).

Signs after the holiday

Twelve days after your birthday symbolize the months of the year and areas of life.

The first day after the celebration applies personally to the person. It is dedicated to one’s own person – body and soul. This is a good time for introspection, debriefing, massage, spa treatments, and reading books.

The second is cumulative. Relates to finances and health. Time for a belly celebration. It is important to “refuel” with healthy food, which is rich in vitamins, microelements and prepared with minimal heat treatment. The next year depends on the chosen diet.

On the third day, they establish contacts with the outside world. Friends, colleagues, business partners. They start projects, get information, learn new things.

The fourth is dedicated to family, home, parents. Mom needs attention. Sort out albums, archives, library. Time for real estate transactions and magical endeavors.

On the fifth day they relax and have fun. The company of friends or children charges you with energy, joy, and positive emotions. A new acquaintance can develop into a serious relationship.

The seventh is dedicated to marriage. Spend time with your significant other. Shared leisure time brings people closer together. Watch TV, go to the cinema, visit an exhibition.

The magic of the eighth day is for meditation. Prophetic dreams will be a hint for resolving a difficult situation. Inheritance and budget issues will be resolved positively.

The ninth will help build a career and improve the learning process. Travel, communication, broadening one's horizons allow a person to grow and develop. Feeling good and smiling will give you a positive mood for the whole year.

Success in all endeavors - about the tenth day . Your career, personal life, and reputation will grow when you start thinking positively. Take advanced training courses, volunteer, learn from experience, have lunch with your parents.

The eleventh is dedicated to friends and everything new. First, they get rid of the old - principles, stereotypes, bad habits. The new is attracted by a change in image, status, faith, or relocation.

The last day is dedicated to fighting enemies and restrictions. They are engaged in eradicating bad or negative habits. They meditate. They attend church. They go to concerts.

Effective magic spells

There are effective rituals that are recommended to be performed on your birthday:

  • to fulfill a wish;
  • for protection from troubles and troubles;
  • for love;
  • to fate;
  • to get rid of loneliness;
  • for success and wealth;
  • for health;
  • for luck, etc.

To fulfill a wish

A strong conspiracy that helps to fulfill a wish is read on a birthday with 3 burning candles:

You need to repeat the words 12 times, and then wait until the candles burn out completely.

Another hex that fulfills any wish is read on one’s own shadow. To do this, you need to go outside and say the following words to your shadow once:

The text is spoken quickly and without hesitation.

The shadow should not touch any other shadows.

From problems

This protective spell is pronounced while standing at the window with a lit candle (red), which must be purchased on the eve of the name day.

You need to read the plot at the time when the birthday boy was born. If such information is not available, then this should be done after 22.00.

Conspiracy text:

Conspiracy at the hour of your birth.

For love

If the person celebrating his birthday has not yet met his love, then he can use a spell to attract this bright feeling into his life.

To do this, you need to buy a beautiful painted scarf in advance, tie it around your neck or head and go outside. When taking a walk, you need to attract as many glances and attention of passers-by as possible. After this, return home and read the following plot on the scarf:

Ritual for love.

Place the charmed object under the pillow until the morning.

To change fate

This magical ritual is recommended to be performed when a round date (ending with “0”) is celebrated. Strict fasting should be observed for 3 days before the ceremony and the same amount after it.

On the eve of the event you must purchase:

  1. 7 church candles.
  2. Icon of Jesus Christ.
  3. Icon of Our Lady of Vladimir.
  4. Salt (Thursday).
  5. 2 mirrors of the same size.
  6. Holy water.
  7. Matches.

4 candles are placed in a row on the table, and then 3 candles in front of them (also in 1 row). Icons are placed behind the candles, the face of which should be turned towards the performer of the ritual.

Mirrors are placed to the left and right of the arranged objects. They should reflect each other, as well as everything that is on the table and the performer himself. A container of water is placed on the floor on the right side of the table.

Before the ritual begins, a special protective circle is drawn around the table and chair, which consists of an inner ring (a thin strip of Thursday salt) and an outer one (holy water applied with a brush). After establishing such protection, read the conspiracy:

A complex ritual to change fate.

After the conspiracy is pronounced, you need to cross yourself again, bow to the icons and go to bed, leaving all the objects in their places (nothing can be removed or rearranged).

In the morning, immediately after waking up, you need to visit the church and place 3 candles in front of the icon of Jesus, 3 in front of the Mother of God and the same number in front of Panteleimon the Healer and the Holy Trinity.

From loneliness

To get rid of loneliness, you need to perform an ancient ritual on your birthday and read the red candle spell. In addition, you will need a glass beaker and holy water.

After midnight, you should go to the intersection of 2 roads (where there are no people). Pour blessed water into a glass and light a candle.

Drip wax into a glass of water and say the following words:

Conspiracy against loneliness.

Pour the charmed liquid onto the ground, take the candle with you and store it until the next name day.

For wealth and good luck

To carry out the ritual for good luck and well-being, you need to buy a glass of poppy seeds without taking change. When you get home, lay out a black handkerchief on the table and draw a circle on it with new soap. Pour the grain into the center of this circle and say:

Ritual for wealth.

To your health

On your name day, you need to get up at sunrise and go to the window or go outside and meet the dawn, pressing your crossed palms to your chest and saying the following spell:

We learn the words of the health ritual by heart.

Repeat the text three times and return home. Light a church candle and, standing in front of the icons, read the prayers.

Such a conspiracy is read immediately after waking up, without having breakfast, without washing or combing your hair. You should also not pin or braid your hair.

For luck

To attract happiness into your home, you need to wake up early in the morning and go to the open window. Read the hex:

Plot for happiness.

As soon as the festive feast is over, collect the leftover food from the table and distribute it to homeless animals.

To advance your career

For luck in the professional field of activity, career growth and material well-being, you need to say in the morning, before leaving the house:

A ritual for moving up the career ladder.

As soon as the wish is fulfilled, you will need to take a donation to the church in the amount of a tithe of the new salary.

There is another version of the spell, which is made on birch bark: they break off the birch bark and pronounce the spell:

Birch bark ritual.

Then they put it in linen and sew it up. Store in the workplace away from prying eyes.

Love magic

It is strictly forbidden to use black love spell or lapel magic on your birthday, to challenge married men to melancholy or passion, or to work to eliminate rivals. By reading conspiracies on this day that have a depressing effect on the will of another person, the performer risks receiving a “kickback” that is incompatible in strength with the joy of victory.

White magic rituals aimed at increasing their personal sexual energy and enhancing their external attractiveness will remain without negative consequences for girls.

From loneliness

For girls who have not yet experienced the joy of love or who want to get rid of old unrequited love in favor of a new feeling, a simple ritual that relieves loneliness is suitable. If a girl knows how to draw, then, waking up at dawn on her birthday, she must sketch on paper an approximate image of the young man she would like to see next to her.

In the absence of artistic talent, the performer can simply write down in detail the desired qualities of her future groom. In the evening, when the guests have gathered, the fortuneteller places a thick candle in the middle of the festive table and lights it. The energy of happiness and fun that reigns at the table will gradually accumulate in the candle, charging it with power.

After the guests leave, the performer must sit down at the window, put that candle in front of her and read the spell:

“Just as the bright sun does not exist at night, so I do not know loneliness. Just as the moon walks and meets with the stars at night, so I meet with my beloved, spend the days, spend the nights, and soon get married. To walk with him through fate and through life, with a person dear to my heart. My words are strong, but things are going well.”

Then you need to light a candle, shine it through the window and say sternly: “Let my desire only bring good and do no harm.” The ritual is repeated two more nights after this one.

For marriage

Girls who dream of getting married soon should get up before sunrise on their holiday. Taking a broom in her hands, the performer goes out the door of the house (apartment) and begins to sweep the floor from the threshold into the hallway, whispering at the same time: “I don’t sweep up the trash, I bring in the grooms. One hundred, two hundred, I’ll be together with one. Amen".

Garbage swept into the house is poured into a bag and put away in a secluded place. The bag is kept until the fortune teller is asked for her hand in marriage.

For love

A conspiracy for true love can also be read by women who have been “burned” many times in unsuccessful relationships, and who want to change their destiny and bring real feeling into it. The ritual takes place late in the evening, but must be completed before midnight.

The performer, by the light of a red candle, takes a blank sheet of paper and begins to describe in detail, but very clearly, in writing, all her dreams and thoughts regarding what kind of person she expects in her life. When the text is compiled, the woman needs to quietly but impressively read it three times, then burn the paper and immediately go to bed.

In the morning, the ashes and wax are collected in two different paper envelopes. The ashes should be scattered at a crossroads, and the wax should be buried under a growing tree further from the house.

Effective rituals

There are many effective rituals that bring various benefits to the life of the birthday person.

With a candle

To preserve and increase your well-being, you need to purchase as many green candles as the birthday person turns, and place the change from the purchase in every corner of the house, saying:

We pronounce the plot 13 times.

Then the candles are lit one by one and a wish is spoken over each of them.

Ritual of protection

A protective ritual restores energy and protects against negative influences throughout the year.

To carry it out you will need:

  • glass or mug;
  • spring water;
  • inexpensive decoration (new).


  1. Buy jewelry no earlier than a week before the holiday and wear it daily without taking it off.
  2. The night before the birthday, it is removed and placed in a container of water. Leave it on the windowsill under the light of the moon.
  3. The next morning they take it out, wipe it thoroughly and, clenching it in a fist, mentally or out loud say a request for protection.

You can wear such an amulet all the time or put it on in difficult situations. This thing has a powerful protective field and will protect you from various troubles.

Protecting against poverty

This is a conspiracy from the healer Natalya Stepanova. It is pronounced at the hour when a person is born.

If they don’t know the exact time, they say it at midnight.

They place an icon of Jesus Christ on the windowsill, place a lit candle in front of it, and say prayers. Then they say 12 times:

We repeat the words clearly and loudly.

After this, the candle is extinguished with your fingers and wrapped in paper or clean cloth, hidden behind the icons.

On your next birthday, you take the used candle to church, and then repeat the same procedure, but with a new candle.

At the crossroads

You can ask for the fulfillment of a desire at the crossroads of 2 roads, then the likelihood of its fulfillment increases. You need to find a deserted crossroads and arrive there at noon. Stand in its center and say:

Ritual at the crossroads of two roads.

The text must be memorized and spoken from memory 4 times, turning to each side.

In addition, you need to leave a ransom in the form of coins.

For marriage

In order to get married as soon as possible and be happy in your marriage, you need to say before going to bed on your name day:

Marriage ceremony.

Then go straight to bed without talking to anyone.

For beauty

This ritual is performed only by unmarried girls. You need to get up at dawn and wash with spring water. Then take off your clothes and jewelry and let your hair down. Stand in front of a full-length mirror and say:

A ritual for the beauty of your body.

After such a conspiracy, the girl will feel that men are drawn to her like a magnet.

On a flower

With the help of such a ritual, you can ask for the fulfillment of not one, but several desires at once.

To carry it out you will need:

  • a candle bought in church;
  • a flower taken from a presented bouquet;
  • colored ribbons.

The color of the ribbons is chosen in accordance with the wish you make:

  1. To attract financial wealth - green.
  2. To kindle love and passion - red.
  3. To improve health - blue.
  4. To enhance female attractiveness - pink.

Left in complete solitude after the holiday, you need to light a candle and tie a ribbon on the stem of a flower, while saying:

Flower ritual.

If there are several wishes, the ritual is repeated with a ribbon of the corresponding color. When tying the last one, you need to whisper:

We repeat the words three times.

On a sheet of paper

This ritual to improve health is performed using a blank sheet of paper and a candle. On the sheet they write their full name, time and date of birth, and then the words of the spell:

We repeat the plot three times.

Set the sheet on fire, and while it burns, say the spell out loud. Scatter the ashes to the wind.

On the smoke

This spell protects against diseases.

To do this you will need the following attributes:

  • white candle;
  • dry leaves and flowers of St. John's wort;
  • photo of the birthday boy, where the face is clearly visible;
  • white thread (cotton);
  • saucer;
  • new tablecloth (white).

They read the plot at the hour of birth (if there is no such information, then at midnight). The table is covered with a tablecloth and a lighted candle, a saucer with a dried plant and a photograph are placed on it. They set fire to dry St. John's wort and fumigate the photograph with this smoke, saying the following words:

Prayer for illnesses.

As soon as the grass is completely burned, the photo card is tied to the candle with a white thread and wrapped in a tablecloth. The package is hidden in a secret place and kept there for a year. No one should discover it.

To the waxing moon

The next beauty spell is carried out on name day in the morning during the waxing moon.

This easy ritual is suitable for women of any age.

When you wake up and without getting out of bed, you need to say:

We perform the ritual on the waxing moon.

Then you can get up and get down to business.

For a gift

To protect yourself and protect yourself from negative influences, you can cast a talisman. A gift of a small size can be used as a talisman. This gift should be given by a loved one whom the birthday person trusts.

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • gifted item;
  • purple candle;
  • a glass of holy water;
  • small glass container with a lid.

The spell is cast at the hour of birth or midnight. Blessed water is poured into a container, and a gift is placed on the right side of it. Then they light a candle and drip wax into the water, saying:

Ritual for a gift.

After this, the item is placed in water and covered with a lid. Take it out in the morning, wipe it dry and put it in your wallet, pocket or bag.

The candle and container are buried in a deserted place far from home.

On a scarf

For such a ritual you will need a new handkerchief. Left alone with yourself, you need to take it in your hands and focus on your desire, and then say the following words 3 times:

We repeat the ritual on a scarf 3 times.

After reading, the birthday person ties 1 knot on the scarf.

The charmed amulet is always carried with you until the wish comes true. And when this happens, it is burned in the open without untying the knot.

"Money Bath"

For the wealth ritual you will need:

  • small metal container;
  • 8 coins;
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon;
  • 4 tsp. dried parsley or a small bunch of fresh.

Place all ingredients in a container and pour boiled water for 2-3 minutes. Prepare a bath with warm water in advance and pour the infusion into it, saying:

We learn words by heart.

Then the birthday boy needs to plunge into the water 5 times. The ritual can be repeated 1 more time after 5 days.

From the evil eye

This ritual lasts throughout the year. The table is covered with a clean tablecloth and an icon of Jesus (man) or the Mother of God (woman) is placed on it and prayers are read.

The candle is lit with a match and the following spell is spoken on it 12 times:

We repeat the words of the ritual 12 times.

After reading, the candle is extinguished with the fingers of the right hand and hidden behind the icons.

With shadow

You need to stand opposite the wall so that the shadow is full height and not obscured by anything. Place your hands on your chest and say 4 times:

We repeat the shadow ritual 4 times.

The ritual can be performed not only for yourself, but also for relatives, friends and children, substituting the necessary names.

To achieve the goal

There is a magical ritual that activates personality traits in accordance with the desired color.

Candles of different colors are used as an attribute, each of which has its own meaning:

  1. Pink - heals emotional wounds, shocks, restores mental balance.
  2. Green - charged with the energy of money and prosperity. Promotes career growth and increased profits.
  3. Red - awakens passion, sensual pleasure.
  4. Yellow - gives cheerfulness and fun, strengthens the body and spirit.
  5. Silver - promotes self-development and self-knowledge.
  6. Golden - awakens wisdom and helps achieve goals.

A wish is written on the selected candle. White candles are placed in the center of the table and on the right side. The colored candle is placed on the left and lit last. Pronounce:

Ritual to achieve a goal.

They wait until the candles burn out and mentally imagine how the wish will come true.

"Sweet" ritual

Such a powerful ritual fulfills 3 dreams at once. It is held after sunset. Place a flat dish on the table and 3 candles on it: white, red and green. Green is a symbol of money, red is love, white is other desires.

Sprinkle a thin layer of sugar on the bottom. The structure is placed on a cabinet or shelf under the ceiling. They light candles and turn to three saints: Gabriel, Michael and Raphael, saying what they want in their own words.

When the candles burn out, you need to pour the sugar into water, wait until it is completely dissolved, and water your indoor plants with this water.

Protective rites and rituals

It is very important before entering a new life cycle to cleanse yourself of foreign foreign matter, since the dark aura of negative vibrations will prevent the flow of clean energy.

Such rituals are no less significant for children of all ages, especially for younger schoolchildren who are encountering a lot of negativity for the first time.

Reading to protect a small child

On the baby's first birthday, a ritual to cleanse him from the influence of the evil eye is carried out during the day. When the tired child falls asleep, the mother lights 3 church candles:

  • the first is placed at the head of the baby;
  • the second is secured at the feet of the crib;
  • The mother takes the third one in her hand.

With a candle in her hand, the woman baptizes the baby and reads the prayer three times: “Holy, holy, Lord of hosts, sitting in the highest, walking on thunder, coming out of the crypt and tomb, rising from the dead. And having become the king of Heaven and earth, hear and see me and my child, God’s servant (name). Cover with Your holy shield, a ring of fire, from all evil spirits and misfortune, from any unknown passion. Lord, save him, save him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Then the candles are extinguished and put away in the closet where the baby’s things are stored.

From damage and the evil eye for adults and children

You can remove existing negativity from yourself or your child or provide protection from misfortune for the coming year with the help of a Christian, Orthodox egregor with its symbolic attributes: an icon of God (for a male performer) and an image of the Virgin Mary (for a woman). The ritual takes place in the afternoon. The icon is placed on a table covered with a white tablecloth, and a candle is lit in front of it.

The ritual begins with the prayer “Our Father”, and then the conspiracy is read 12 times without interruption and with the same intonation:

“I speak to the servant of God (name) from witches and sorcerers, from witches and witches, from the carkun crow, from the hermit and hermit, from the old woman and the old man. I send everyone away from the servant of God (name) to walk through the forest, take tar grass from the ground, and bother themselves. As long as the servant of God (name) is alive, you cannot bewitch her, do not make her drunk, do not take her as a lesson and do not spoil her. Not by deed, not by word, not by aspen, not by spruce, not by candle, not by stake, not on Christmastide, not on Kupala night, not on any cursed day or night. Word and deed. Amen".

Immediately after reading the prayer, the candle must be extinguished with two fingers of the right hand and hidden behind the icon in the red corner.

Protection from troubles and troubles

A protective spell is cast on your birthday in the morning before guests arrive and in the evening before bed:

“Angel of my birth, send me your blessing, deliverance from trouble, grief. From my enemies nine times nine, from slander and vain blasphemy. From a sudden and terrible illness, from a sharp point in the dark, from poison in the cup. From the beast in the thicket, from the gaze of Herod and his army, from anger and punishment, from bestial torn apart, from eternal cold and fire, from hunger and a rainy day - save and save me. And my last hour will come, my angel, stay with me. Stand at the head, make it easier for me to leave. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer rituals

Powerful prayer rituals help you achieve your goal in the shortest possible time.

Guardian Angel

They ask their guardian angel for intercession at any time of the day. However, there is a prayer that is said only on your name day:

We repeat the words to our angel 7 times.

About what's planned

With these wishes they turn to the Most Pure Mother of God for help:

Prayer to the Mother of God.

The prayer is read an odd number of times.

Cleansing from sins

This prayer should be read with sincere repentance in your heart:

They say it 12 times in a row.

Prayer “Angel of my birth”

This is a powerful prayer that helps fulfill your most desired requests. It is quite effective and gives quick results.

Rituals to fulfill the wishes of the birthday person

The born baby separated from the mother’s body and was filled with its own energy. Birthdays are a stressful time for him. Many adults continue to unknowingly experience stress during the holidays. Often birthday people suffer from troubles and are sad for no reason. You should take care of yourself by entrusting your family with some of your worries.

READ How to bewitch a girl: proven conspiracies, tips and consequences

The holiday is filled with magic. The hero of the occasion can make a wish. Sincere dreams voiced by the birthday boy will definitely come true. To do this, you should resort to proven rituals.

It is not allowed to use birthday rituals with the aim of taking revenge or harming people, even if this is the cherished dream of the birthday person. It is worth asking for health, luck and prosperity.

At the crossroads

At noon, the hero of the occasion takes 4 identical coins and goes to a quiet intersection. You need to take more than 300 steps. The birthday boy stops at the intersection of roads. It is necessary to bow successively to the east, west, north and south. Next, you need to turn to the east again, saying: “Servant of God (introduce themselves). I bow (listing cardinal directions). I command each side to summon the forces of heaven and earth.

May these forces make my wish come true (voice the dream). Let what is commanded come true.” After the conspiracy they say “Amen” three times. They complete the ritual by bowing again to the cardinal directions in the required order. The prepared coins are thrown behind the back and they say: “Paid.”

Conspiracy to the brownie

Different treats are placed in 3 containers (for example, cake, candy, lollipop). They leave treats in possible places where the spirit lives. Usually this is the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom. They hide dishes with goodies where people won’t notice them, because these sweets are prepared for the brownie. Such secluded places can be a far corner, a place under furniture.

For every delicacy they read a spell: “I dream of making friends with a brownie. We live together, so there is no need to quarrel. We'd better be a family. I swear to you, brownie, not to offend you. For this, please do not harm me, and I will treat you with goodies. Just let me know what you love. Give me a sign, show that you heard me.”

The plot is suitable for attracting luck. The spirit hears that a person is trying for him, so he becomes merciful, shows the same respect, and helps.

Sweet rite

This is one of the most effective rituals that helps to fulfill 3 desires. It is held by the birthday person after sunset. Sequencing:

  1. Place a flat dish in front of you and place 3 colored candles on it. Green means a money dream, red means a love desire, white is used at the discretion of the birthday person. The plate is sprinkled with sugar. The layer should be thin, just covering the bottom.
  2. Place everything on a high place (cabinet, shelf).
  3. Candles are lit. At the same time they ask Saints Raphael and Gabriel to fulfill their dream. The desire is expressed in your own words.
  4. If the candles are almost melted, then you should carefully pour the sugar into the water using a spoon.
  5. Dissolve the grains. Water flowers at home with liquid.

The ritual is recorded and letters with instructions are sent to strangers. Calmly awaiting quick results.

DIY amulets and talismans

You can make a talisman with your own hands. To do this, you will need some small thing, purchased, gifted or made yourself. She needs to be spoken on her birthday with the following words:

Amulet spell.

It will bring good luck and ward off evil forces. However, this thing must be carried with you at all times (on the body or in personal belongings).

Conspiracy-appeal to the Guardian Angel

Waking up at dawn on his birthday, a person should first of all thank the Universe and his Guardian Angel for the opportunity to meet this morning in health. You need to do this in front of a mirror, bringing your face closer to the reflective surface and looking intently into the eyes of your double.

You need to say these words that speak to the heart:

“My dear and beloved Angel, thank you for being with me all year and protecting me from misfortune. I thank you for your help and ask you not to leave me in the future. Help me set my life up for prosperity, wealth and happiness.”

Then you should go to the nearest church and buy 12 thin candles there. When you step outside the church threshold, you need to close your eyes, press the purchased candles to your chest and whisper:

“Heavenly Angel, my faithful guardian. Follow me through this miserable life. Don’t give up on failures, save me from torment, and on my birthday, start studying again. Love and forgive, do not sin and do not get angry, pray to God as hard as possible. My angel, don’t abandon me on a long journey, don’t let my legs break in weakness. Let your hands control and your heart knock, I will pray again on my birthday. Amen".

Having crossed yourself, you must hurry home and immediately hide the candles from prying eyes. Now, in the most difficult life situations, all that remains is to remove one candle from its hiding place, light it and say your request over it.

Signs and beliefs

There are signs that are recommended to be followed on name day in order to ward off trouble and misfortune.


Good omens on your name day:

  1. If dishes break, the year will be successful.
  2. How this day was spent and by whom will be the same throughout the year.
  3. Seeing a rainbow in your own name is a good sign.


Random situations and incidents on name day will tell you what the next year will be like:

  1. If they congratulate or give gifts in advance, it means trouble.
  2. Celebrating in advance can invite death.
  3. Borrowing or lending on this day means incurring poverty.
  4. Celebrating your fortieth birthday means losing wisdom and foresight.

Traditions and recommendations

One of the main traditions of celebrating a birthday is organizing a magnificent feast with inviting a large number of guests, but not everyone knows about the existence of sacred life points, which should be overcome in peace and quiet. Thus, it is not customary to celebrate 9, 13 and 40 years for both sexes and 53 years for women. And at 3 years old, 12 and 18 years old, candles are not lit on the birthday cake.

Other important beliefs and customs associated with the holiday:

  • on your birthday it is better not to swim or limit yourself to a light shower, so that, as the ancestors believed, you do not lose your ancestral protection;
  • if the birthday person is fasting, then the holiday is transferred to the end of the fast or the feast is represented by Lenten dishes;
  • You cannot accept congratulations ahead of time - this makes a person energetically vulnerable;
  • On your birthday, you can change clothes no more than 3 times;
  • It is considered a bad omen to spit on the ground on a name day;
  • if a plate or cup breaks during a celebration, the fragments are put away in an inconspicuous corner and thrown into the trash only after all the guests have left;
  • if such things as a knife, potted plant, mirror, manicure set or comb are presented as a gift, then before picking up the item, you need to give the donor a coin;
  • in case of a quarrel with one of your close people or friends on the eve of the holiday, you need to make peace with them so as not to transfer the negativity to a new stage of life; for the same reason, on your birthday you cannot raise your voice at anyone, quarrel, cry or participate in the spread of gossip;
  • women who plan to become pregnant within a year should not shell seeds on this day and for another 8 days;
  • since a person’s energy protection is weakened at the transition stage, he cannot participate in funeral rituals or visit a cemetery.

Receiving a bouquet with an even number of flowers from one of the guests is one of the worst omens on a birthday. If this happens, you should sit alone with the unlucky bouquet during the holiday, take out the extra flower from it, break it and throw it at your feet, then whisper:

“There are two dawns in the sky. One dawn blooms, another fades. Without the morning dawn the Sun does not rise, without the evening dawn the Sun does not set. The Lord counted the apostles, but my flowers are countless. Whoever counts across my prayer will exchange the odd number. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

A ritual to get rid of loneliness

Many magical birthday rituals are related to personal life. Not everyone can boast of an ideal relationship or the fidelity of a loved one. A ritual performed on a birthday helps convey one’s thoughts to heaven, and they become merciful and kind.

To forget about loneliness forever, you will need “silver water”. It's easy to create it yourself.

To do this, you will need any silver jewelry or spoon made of this metal. Pour ordinary water into a glass and place a silver item at the bottom. When your day comes, say over your glass:

“I ask for a white blessing from the whole World, from Mother Earth, the raw water, from the blue water, from the strong wind, from the bright fire! There is silver water in a crystal bowl. She is Mother Earth’s burning tear. She knows about my bitter lot and drops silver water. You, lonely melancholy, leave my lot! Let everything now be according to Mother Earth’s will! Just as I wash myself with silver water, the loneliness will go away at once! Amen!"

Take seven sips and throw whatever is left over your head.

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