Powerful rituals for money. Rituals for money for the moon, waxing, waning, full, young, waxing. Simoron rituals for money. Ways to attract money and luck

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It has long been known that the new moon has a special miraculous energy. During this period, magic can fulfill any desire, give success, restore health and improve material well-being. A new moon spell for money and wealth is highly effective and allows you to quickly increase your income.

Rituals for money on the new moon - preparation

Any magical practice to attract something must begin with cleansing.
Doing a ritual for money without it is like trying to drink clean spring water from a dirty glass. If you want cash flows to not bypass your home, clean the space. They do this on the new moon. For money magic to be effective, do wet cleaning. What should differ from the general routine is the presence of salt in the water, which helps in energetic cleansing. Before you start cleaning, it is useful to ask for salt and water for protection from everything negative. For the ceremony, open all doors (and cabinet doors) and windows. When you are concerned about what the neighbors will think, the solution is simple - do not open the door wide, leave a gap.

Directly for purification you will need any symbol of Air - an incense stick, a bell, feathers or a fan. Choose the option that suits you and ring, fumigate with incense, clean every centimeter of the house with a fan or a bunch of feathers. From the front door clockwise. Remember secluded corners, closets and mezzanines - negativity accumulates there. Clean doorways and windows.

When you're done, draw a sign of protection in the air opposite the front door: a cross or a protective pentagram - a symbol close to you. This is done with what was used to cleanse it. When you complete all the manipulations, you can choose a ritual for money on the new moon and begin to attract wealth.

How rituals work and the specifics of the waxing Moon

It has been repeatedly mentioned that the connection between lunar energy and everything on Earth is undeniable and recognized.
Using the lunar phases in the rituals of magical practices, you can perform real miracles, changing your life for the better, attracting money and success, or you can get rid of negative factors and tame your shortcomings. Details and subtleties of rituals:

  • They try to change everything that requires increase, multiplication, addition, development, using the energy of the growing Moon.
  • The new moon is the first days of the waxing moon, the period with the most powerful energy. During it, they try to perform rituals of the greatest responsibility, making their most secret dreams come true.
  • In the first three days of the new moon, they try to carry out rituals of material addition to money, wealth, and real estate. The concept of success implies luck in obtaining all these material goods.
  • Closer to the seventh day of the waxing moon, rituals associated with feelings - love, family - are recommended. Seven in this case is a symbol of family relationships.

Important! They never perform addition and multiplication witchcraft on the waning moon. This will lead exclusively to losses and a decrease in those properties of life that you intended.

New moon rituals to attract money

During the new moon, the birth of the month occurs - a symbol of income growth. That is why rituals during this period are so effective for attracting money. To improve your financial situation, pour fresh water into clean dishes with the arrival of the new moon. Place it near the window so that it stands from new moon to full moon. On the night of the full moon, wash your face with this water and say:

Income will increase, and money will flow into your hands - constantly perform a simple ritual for money on the new moon. On its first day - it’s good when it’s Wednesday or Thursday - collect all the money that is in the house. Lubricate with drops of one of the “money” essential oils - cinnamon, rosemary, mint and others, and hide under the pillow. This is done before going to bed, and the next morning, lying in bed, take it and count it 3 or 7 times.

Or say poppy, then your financial situation will definitely improve. To do this, on the new moon you need to go to the market and buy a poppy from a woman. You cannot bargain and you must take without change. You will have to take more small money with you, guess the price or leave the change.

Spread a dark cloth on the table and draw a circle on it with a piece of soap. It is necessary that no one but you uses it. A poppy is poured into a circle, and a cross is drawn with the ring finger of the right hand and it is said:

Vanga's money conspiracies are popular today.

Simoronsky ritual for money on the new moon

To become richer, bury money in a flower pot. On the new moon, take large denomination bills, place them in a pot and place it on the windowsill. Take it out and spend it later, when you are saturated with the light of the moon.

Allow yourself a playful game. Take a spray bottle and spray water into the pot to make the money grow. Involve the whole family in the process.

A prerequisite will be a cheerful attitude towards the Simoron ritual; the main active force in it is positive energy.

Read about Simoron rituals for money.

Full moon rituals for money

The full moon is a time for any magic, especially money. As far as the moon is full, the wallet will be replenished, but perform the ritual correctly.

Rituals with a coin

Choose a day so that the full moon coincides with good weather and the moon is not hidden behind clouds. You will need a silver coin, but a regular one will do. On the street, hold the coin up to the moonlight and say:

The spell is pronounced three times, learn it by heart. Thank the moon for your help. Don't spend the coin until the next full moon. On this day the wallet is charged.

To do this, take out everything that was stored in it. Open it wide and place it on the window all night so that the moonlight falls on it. The ritual is performed on all three nights of the full moon, starting from the first. Afterwards, place the wallet on the windowsill during the new moon, but not empty, but with coins and bills.

Charging an item does not give an immediate effect, and the ritual is extended over time. But it lasts a long time and supports even a precarious financial situation well.

There is another spell for the full moon with a coin. It is done on a clear night when the lunar disk is clearly visible. You will need a container and a silver coin. Fill the container halfway with clean water into which the coin is thrown. Place the dishes so that moonlight hits them. Ideal when the moon is reflected in the water.

Move your hands over the container as if you were collecting silver and say three times:

Keep the coin with you and pour the water on the ground under the plant. Or find an aspen tree and wait for the day when the full moon falls on an even day of any month. Dig a hole under it, put a coin and say:

Then bury it.

Ritual with a banknote

It is simple to implement, but people with their own bioenergetic potential can implement it. You will need one large denomination bill - don’t waste your time on trifles. On a full moon, hold it between your palms and imagine the energy flow that comes from the moon through the bill and goes underground.

If you don’t have enough imagination, you can imagine a huge hourglass in which the Moon is located in the upper bulb, and the earth in the lower one. The flasks are connected between the palms, where the bill is clamped. Imagine a stream of glowing sand falling from top to bottom.

When the performer of the ritual has enough bioenergetic potential, he will feel pulsating warmth between his palms. The hotter the better. There is no need to continue irradiating the banknote with energy for a long time: when there is an effect, it is achieved in the first five minutes.

Carry the bill in your wallet to attract money. mark it so you don't waste it. Write “wealth, abundance, prosperity” on the obverse in red ink - a symbol of sacrificial blood, signing an agreement with dark forces.

Important: when there is an image of a person on a banknote - a political or public figure, the inscription (or other mark) should not cross the face: you will offend the spirit of the deceased and incur his wrath.

This ritual is indefinite, but make sure that the bill does not depreciate, then the action is repeated with a larger bill.

Full moon ritual from Alexey Fada - secrets of the “Battle of Psychics”

Anyone who watched the “Battle of Psychics” program probably noticed one of the finalists - the young magician Alexei Fada. He agreed to share the secret of attracting money.

You will need a metal (important!) vessel that can be sealed. Alternatively, a thoroughly washed beer can. On the night of the full moon, fill the tin with white coins in denominations divisible by 5 - this color and the five symbolize the Moon in magic and numerology, respectively.

The jar is carried around the entire apartment, shaken so that the coins make a clinking sound, which will attract monetary energy. When you finish going around, cover the hole with oiled paper and fill it with wax.

Important: a church candle is not suitable for this.

The jar turns into a battery, which emits monetary energy. The charge lasts for a year, after which everything is repeated. This container and coins cannot be used. Spend the money - no harm will happen, but bury the jar.

Women's full moon ritual

This ancient ritual is performed by a woman on a clear night during the full moon. It is held in a room where the windows look at the moon. A lit candle is placed in each corner. They stand at the window, look at the night light and say:

Just as the moon was filled with light, so may this house be filled (at these words, hands are spread to the sides, pointing to the surrounding dwelling) with wealth and abundance.

Repeat the spell three times, extinguish the candles. Like all rituals for women, this ritual is not recommended for menstruation.

To get rich quick

In some magical rituals aimed at receiving money, it is clearly stated why the performer needs money, and if such a ritual is performed and the money is received, then it must be spent on the cases specified in the ritual. This magical spell is universal; it can be used to attract financial well-being and money to the family, which can later be spent on any needs.

The ritual should be performed on Sunday, during the waxing moon. To perform this you will need an astrological candle, as well as yellow, green and brown ritual candles, a green altar candle, jasmine oil, incense sticks with cinnamon scent, a sheet of brown paper.

First of all, you need to light a large altar candle and an incense stick. Now rub a brown candle with jasmine oil and place it on the altar, scratch any currency symbol on this candle with a knife, for example, indicating a dollar or euro, and also write “quick money” on it.

An excellent safe ritual that works on personal power

On a piece of paper, write down the approximate amount of money that you would like to receive in the near future, for example, several thousand to buy a household appliance. The remaining candles should also be rubbed with jasmine oil. Place the astrological candle behind the brown one, the yellow one on the left, and the green one on the right. Now light all the installed candles and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Money comes quickly into my hands, it will bring me luck and freedom, they will give it to me. Fate will give me a good opportunity, and I, the servant of God (name), will thank her for her help. Just as the candles on my altar burn out, so will all my problems burn out, and so will the lack of money leave my family. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The words of the conspiracy must be pronounced an odd number of times, but more than once. After this, burn the piece of paper on which the amount you require is written, and scatter the ashes in the wind that same night.

Powerful ritual for money

This is a very powerful magical ritual that requires little preparation. You need to take any banknote, bend its corners so that the paper forms a triangle, and fold the bill in half. You should have a banknote folded in half, the ends of which form an arrow on one side. After this, you need to hold the bill in your right hand and recite the words of the conspiracy by heart:

“Like a strong river attracts thin streams to itself, like a mighty sea absorbs strong rivers. Just like a woman always attracts a man, and a man attracts a woman. How the night attracts the morning dawn, and the day the sunset. So you, money, attract people like yourself, and collect in my wallet, the servant of God (name). Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen.

And it would be good to monitor the condition of your wallet.
It shouldn't be old and dirty. Afterwards, you will need to put the charmed bill in your wallet and, if possible, add banknotes of the same denomination to it. It is very important not to touch the charmed banknote and not to count bankrupt bills of the same denomination. Money in a special section of the wallet cannot be spent during the next three lunar months.

Magic ritual for good luck and money

This ritual must be performed during sunrise, during the waxing moon. To perform the ritual you will need a clean basin or any other large container. The performer must wake up before dawn and, when the first rays of the sun appear on the horizon, he will need to wash himself with spring or charged water over the basin, and then read the spell for good luck and money:

“As water pours into a basin, so money will pour into the wallets of God’s servant (name). Just as water does not pour out of the basin, I will not lose money. Just as water never flows from a basin, my money will never run out. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The words of the conspiracy must be read 12 times and always from memory. If everything is done correctly, then within the next two weeks you will understand that luck is smiling on you and you are making financial profits.

Meditation on money during the full moon

Place a longer green candle in a gilded candlestick and light it. Look into the middle of the flame, not the tip or wick. Close your eyes, mentally calm your pulse and breathing. Stop the internal dialogue. Consciousness must reach the Universe. When you are ready, create a glowing golden sphere around your body using your imagination.

Think about wealth, how nice it is to own it, and what such possession gives - about the things you want, the people you will give gifts to, and the like. Imagine how the sphere is filled with money in as much detail as possible so that you can see the watermarks and numbers. During meditation, imaginary bills should not be motionless - they should rotate around you.

Holding this picture in your head, clasp the candle with both hands and say:

It is not necessary to speak loudly, nor do you need to do a certain number of repetitions. It’s a good sign when you feel sleepy after meditation. Extinguish the candle with your fingers or a special cap.

Knot magic for money on a new moon or full moon

Money teachings are made during the new moon or full moon. You need a green ribbon, the length from the hand to the elbow. Tie nine knots on it and read for each:

Keep the tape secret from everyone. Or put it in your wallet, pocket, at home or in your car.

The New Moon is considered a successful time for acquiring wealth. This day is the harbinger of the birth of a new month. He is not yet in heaven, but he is about to be born. The magic of the growing moon will help your income increase many times over - one of the laws of the Universe that everyone can use.

The most powerful rituals

It is no coincidence that they are made during the new month. When a celestial body grows, the flow of energy increases with it, increasing what you want to attract into your life.

Magic recount

Recalculating financial savings on the waxing moon helps to preserve them and directs cash flow towards you, not away from you. When the new moon appears in the sky, take out all the money - paper bills, coins.

Sit near the window. It is better if the money lies on the windowsill, in the field of view of the moon. Recalculate your finances carefully – down to the last penny. Then put them in the place where they are always stored. Now money will be drawn here like a magnet.

Given the simplicity of the method, you can safely hope for its effectiveness if you firmly believe in it. During the ritual, the window sill and window must be clean. Money does not appear in dirty spaces.

Purchasing a wallet

A lot depends on how you store your finances. They choose where to come and where they don’t. Choose which wallet you like. Of the colors, give preference to green, red, brown, gold. They are more attractive for financial flow .

It’s better not to be greedy and don’t try to reduce the price - your costs will still pay off. Invest money in it, preferably paper money, while saying: “There are many stars in the sky, there is a sea of ​​​​water in the oceans, and let there be just as much money in my wallet.”

Be sure to keep the lucky bill in it and do not change it under any circumstances. It can be a currency with the number or year of your birth, associated with a certain memorable and happy date.

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