Amulet Alatyr: secret meaning and use of the symbol

Symbol of life

Alatyr serves as the personification of life itself, its incessant movement, the cycle of existence. This name itself consists of three divine words:

  • Al is an inhabitant of the heavenly heights;
  • La - soul;
  • Tyr - giver, heavenly.

Together, the three ancient words come together to designate the carrier spirit - heavenly and divine. The shape of the Alatyr amulet arose as a result of the organic interweaving of masculine and feminine principles, designated in the form of crosses - straight and oblique.

The philosophy of the ancient Slavs argued that only the combination of opposites, including good and evil, destruction and creation, ultimately gives life. Eight star peaks, rushing towards each other, create the ninth. The point of convergence of the rays personifies the center of the universe or, in other words, the Eye of God.

This is the image of all living things - Alatyr. He reminds us that the world, like a baby, was created by two forces. One, like a mother, is light and supple. The other, like her father, is firm and unshakable. Alatyr fused in itself the origin and end of the world, its ability to be reborn again and again in the lives of new people.

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