Rozhanitsa: the meaning of the ancient Slavic symbol

Rozhanitsa is one of the most ancient women's Slavic amulets. It was created in honor of those accompanying the god Rod (this is the supreme pagan god), who were called women in labor. They were directly involved in the creation of the world. Until now, historians have not come to a consensus about who they were.

According to one version, Rozhanitsa is a goddess. Her main purpose was to give birth to children. Another version says that several goddesses were called women in labor - Makosh, Lada and Leia. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether this amulet was created in honor of one goddess or in honor of several goddesses. For those who are going to wear it, only its meaning matters. The woman in labor is a symbol of fertility. This means that it gives a woman the opportunity to give birth to healthy children and raise them as worthy people. Thanks to this meaning, the birthing amulet is still popular today.

Legends of the origin of the amulet

In Slavic mythology, Rozhanitsa are goddesses who determined the fate of newborn children and were the patroness of offspring, of the entire clan. These are Lada, Makosh and Lelya - the embodiment of feminine energy, which is aimed at the birth of offspring, at procreation.

Their significance was enormous, because according to the ideas of their ancestors, a family that did not have children could not be complete unless it fulfilled its duty to the Family. It was a great misfortune for a woman not to have children, and on the contrary, a family in which there were many of them was considered blessed by the gods. Women were revered in them as mothers of the family, guardians of the hearth.

Amulet Rozhanitsa.

This symbol was used not only for the Higher Powers to help and support women in their desire to become pregnant and give birth to children. The Slavs believed that Rozhanitsy contributed to the birth of healthy, strong children, their well-being, longevity, and endowed them with a happy lot.

Although Rozhanitsy was always present in the lives of women, our ancestors had a holiday of Rod and Rozhanitsy, which was celebrated in early autumn - September 8th. It was no coincidence that this day coincided with the harvest time, which further emphasized their significance as a symbol of fertility and continuation of life.

Basic rules for making a talisman

Every woman can embroider a talisman; the best time to start the sacrament is 10-14 lunar days. While working on the talisman, the woman should feel good.

If a woman is already pregnant, embroidery should be done using satin stitch to ensure the unhindered flow of energy.

If the amulet is embroidered for a girl planning a child, then it is better to do the embroidery by the mother or older sister. The symbol is embroidered with a cross.

When making a family amulet, the mistress of the house herself embroiders.

For work, it is better to choose natural fabrics and threads.

The Slavic amulet woman in labor personifies femininity and fertility. Used to facilitate intrauterine development of a child, reduce pain during childbirth and protect infants. This amulet applies to women and is not suitable for men. However, wearing a symbol does not provide a one hundred percent guarantee of the birth of a child in case of infertility. Nevertheless, if a woman is mentally ready to become a mother, miracles of giving birth to healthy children have happened when the couple was already in despair.

What does the sign Rozhanitsa look like?

It consists of successively curved lines that form a certain shape. You can recognize her as a woman in a dress with a wide bottom, with her arms spread to the sides.

The symbol of Rozhanitsa, used in embroidery, is very reminiscent of another popular sign of fertility among the Slavs - the goddess Makosh, with whom she can be confused at first glance. The difference between them is that Rozhanitsa is depicted with her palms facing down, and Makosh with her palms raised up.

Embroidery of the Rozhanitsa symbol.

Embroidery of a talisman as a way to protect a loved one ↑

Ancient Slavic women, if they knew that their loved one was in a difficult situation, could also begin to create embroidery. They read a prayer, embroidered and imagined their loved one in good health and a happy mood. So women, with the help of their energy, helped their husbands, brothers, fathers and sons win in battles.

While embroidering the amulet, women read prayers

If a woman had a difficult birth, then her older relatives also prayed and embroidered this amulet. This was the sacred meaning of the amulet.

Who can wear the amulet

The main purpose of the amulet is to help conceive, bear, and give birth to children. Therefore, it should be worn, first of all, by girls and women who are planning to have children. The amulet will support the woman throughout pregnancy, make childbirth easy, and help avoid problems or complications. The age of the owner does not matter much; what is important is the decision to build a family or have a child.

However, this is not the only purpose of the amulet. Previously, it was also given to girls whose character or behavior did not correspond to generally accepted ideas about what a woman should be. To accustom them to the idea of ​​their purpose, so that they think about starting a family in time, become interested in and learn everything that a married woman needs to know.

The amulet helps in the birth of children.

Mother's love in a talisman ↑

Of course, this symbol also includes maternal energy. This is the energy of unconditional love. Because a mother can love her child absolutely, unconditionally, without demanding anything in return from him. The amulet treats its owner with approximately the same care and acceptance. He doesn't demand anything from her. Thanks to this amulet, a woman always feels maternal support, which makes her stronger and more confident. At the same time, the maternal energy that is hidden in this symbol teaches a woman to be a real mother herself and perceive the world and others with unconditional love.

The amulet develops patience and tenderness in a woman

If a woman feels excessively rigid, categorical, or too strong in character, then this can interfere with her relationships with others. Such a woman should wear Rozhanitsa on herself. He will help develop it in himself:

  1. Patience.
  2. Wisdom.
  3. Tenderness.
  4. The ability to listen to your interlocutor.
  5. A woman develops flexibility, which helps her feel confident in any life situation.

The meaning of the Rozhanitsa amulet

The amulet helps:

  • in the birth of a new life, and as a consequence in procreation, which is considered as the main female purpose;
  • it helps those who are planning to become a mother for the first time or want to have another child;
  • for those who have difficulty conceiving or bearing, it makes the woman calmer;
  • helps not to be afraid of childbirth:
  • after the birth of a child - to properly care for him, love him, raise him patiently and wisely.

An amulet can protect mother and child from unkind people, from the evil eye, envy, and evil intentions.

Therefore, it should be worn not only by pregnant women, but also by women who have already given birth, while the child is small and vulnerable to this kind of energy. For girls who want to start a family, Rozhanitsa helps them meet their loved ones, create and maintain warm relationships with them, and get married. For girls, learn how to run a household, prepare for family life, and gain the desire to create a strong family.

The meaning of the Rozhanitsa amulet today

Today, the Rozhanitsa sign is still relevant and has not lost its meaning. It is still used, just like in the old days, to protect and help women in their intention to become mothers and raise healthy, strong children. Pregnant women can also wear this amulet so that pregnancy proceeds without complications and childbirth occurs without problems. Whether the amulet will work depends, of course, on its owner, on her faith in its strength and abilities.

Subtleties of manufacturing and activation

Today, every person is free to believe in the deity that he likes best, and therefore, along with Christian symbols, many still wear and venerate Slavic amulets.

But not everyone is ready to buy them, because the most powerful are talismans that are made according to special rules:

  1. The material must correspond to the pagan deity and suit the wearer himself.
  2. The most powerful amulets are those made by relatives: father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. Such a talisman contains the strength of previous generations and their wisdom. Amulets are not created for oneself.
  3. When making, you need to take into account the days, because each god had their own.
  4. At the moment of creating a talisman, a person must have pure thoughts and a clear head. This way the amulet will be charged with the correct cosmic energy.
  5. You cannot force someone to create such a thing; everything must be voluntary. An amulet made incorrectly will bring a lot of grief to the owner.

How to make and use a talisman with your own hands

The ancient Slavs used the Rozhanitsa sign only in embroidery:

  • on women's clothing;
  • bed linen;
  • towels that were used during childbirth.

Today it is popular not only in its traditional use, but also in creating jewelry - pendants, earrings, rings. Modern women more often choose the second option - jewelry with original Slavic symbols looks original and original. They can be worn constantly, at any time, in any place, they will be with their owner, and, perhaps, one day they will change her destiny.

Do-it-yourself embroidery of the Rozhanitsa amulet

Embroidery is a woman's occupation, so it is not surprising that this ancient magical amulet was most often used in embroidery. The image of the goddess Rozhanitsa was found as an independent element, but mainly in combination with other decorative details - schematic images:

  • birds;
  • animals;
  • plants;
  • wheat ears;
  • deer;
  • solar signs.

Together they formed a single whole, organically complemented each other, and enhanced the overall effect.

Making an ancient amulet yourself is not difficult, but it turns out that in order for it to “work”, you cannot embroider it for yourself. For the woman for whom the clothes are intended, the talisman can be embroidered by a mother, sister, grandmother or good friend. An important condition is that they have a child or several children, as well as a friendly attitude towards the person for whom the amulet is intended. It will be symbolic if the delivery of the finished gift is timed to coincide with the Day of Birth and Birth.

Description of the amulet and magical action

A woman in labor is a schematic image of a girl, in appearance resembling a combination of lines and figures, but if you look closely, you can see the outlines of a woman. According to legends, if her palms are turned up, then she is called the goddess Makosh, and when down, she is called Lada. Basically, this sign is embroidered on items of clothing or sleepwear; birds and animals are added nearby to increase the meaning of the symbol. They help enhance the action of Rozhanitsa and give the amulet magical properties. It is extremely rare that this amulet is worn on the body as jewelry.

It is believed that embroidery can help a woman become a mother, but this theory is not supported by facts. Esotericists believe that every image of the Rozhanitsa is endowed with a magical effect. Often it is created in the form of a doll from snow-white natural fabric, always on the 9th or 14th lunar day. Clothes are put on over the base. The Rozhanitsa doll is made without arms and without a face, because the Slavic people believed that a woman’s main purpose is to give birth and raise a child, and not to work.

A small doll of a newborn baby is placed under the clothes, on the abdomen. The talisman is used in this form until the girl is able to conceive a child. After delivery, the small doll is untied from the stomach and tied to the mother’s chest with red threads.

Making a protective doll

Since ancient times, our ancestors have made amulets not only in the form of embroidered ornaments or amulets made of metal or wood. The Slavs knew how to make special dolls that had great power. The created amulet doll Rozhanitsa helped families no less than the embroidered figurine.

The main effect of such a doll is to help a woman overcome difficulties associated with pregnancy and protect the expectant mother from any negative influence. To establish a connection between the owner and the amulet, they make it with their own hands. When creating dolls with the influence of a talisman, the master should not use artificial materials - plastic, synthetic fabrics and other parts. And to endow such a talisman with magical properties, it is necessary to say special prayers.

The meaning of the fertility symbol

Pendant with the Rozhanitsa amulet
God Rod, the creator of the Universe, created the world alone. Myths contain references to Rozhanits who accompanied the supreme god. The divine essence of this image is known, but little information has been preserved about their features. Those that exist are contradictory. Some consider the Mother in Birth to be a separate deity. Others claim that all the light goddesses were called this way, that is, Lada, Makosh, Lada; humanity today does not have accurate information. It is only clear that Rozhanitsa is a symbol of the corresponding deity.

In ancient times, the Slavs did not even think about contraception. For a woman to live her life and not become the mother of a large family was equivalent to shame. This could only happen to a patient. Since illness was considered a punishment from higher powers for sins, a Slav woman who did not give birth to many children was perceived as having sinned before the gods and before her family. The women themselves treated their inability to give birth to healthy children as a punishment.

What material is the amulet made from?

If you plan to wear the amulet known as Rozhanitsa as a talisman, then you need to know what material is best to make it from. Properly selected materials will increase the effectiveness of the amulet to its maximum.

The best options for making this ancient Slavic amulet are:

  1. Metal.
  2. Tree.

This choice is due to the fact that these particular materials do not simply enhance the impact of Rozhanitsa, but provide a targeted enhancement of a certain quality that the amulet is endowed with. The direction of reinforcement depends on the type of wood or metal.

Metal products have the following effects:

  1. A copper amulet will help you avoid conflict situations.
  2. Brass will give the owner of the amulet peace of mind.
  3. Cupronickel helps a person become more patient, wiser and more consistent.
  4. Silver amulets are not only the most famous protection against evil forces, but also give rejuvenation to the body and strengthening to the spirit.

According to the heritage of our ancestors, ash is used to understand the omen destined by fate. Oak products help increase physical strength, spiritual energy and health. Using pine to make an amulet helps protect against nervous system disorders and restore lost peace of mind. And maple amulets will help you become more confident, while at the same time balancing your emotionality.

The magic of the symbol during obstetrics

The amulet was especially widely used during childbirth. Then the woman in labor was surrounded by these amulets everywhere. They were applied to many objects involved in the process of childbirth. Each of our ancestors considered it their duty to ensure the presence of this image on everything that might be needed at the birth of a new person.

The newborn was also surrounded everywhere by the Rozhanitsa amulet, the meaning of which helped protect the weak baby from evil and troubles. After all, a newborn’s own energy is too weak to withstand the world around him with its misfortunes and illnesses. Such Slavic amulets were used by childless women to overcome their misfortune.

Important! Only a woman who was pure in soul and thoughts could count on the help of the amulet. Such amulets did not help the evil, stained by communication with dark forces.”

A skillful and competent combination of this image with family signs expands the meaning of Rozhanitsa, extending protection to the entire family, to the household, even to livestock. Thus, the possibilities for using the amulet are extremely wide.

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