Boy name Yaroslav: meaning, character and destiny

Meaning of the name

Men named Yaroslav are smart, wise, strong in character, strong in spirit, persistent and unhurried. But often they have a certain duality: for example, Yaroslavs tend to put on a mask of indifference and rigidity, behind which hides a vulnerable soul that is sensitive to the grief of others. Only the closest people can Yaroslav reveal his innermost dreams or pour out his grief, but the closed Yaroslav has very few such people.

1. Characteristics of the name Yaroslav
  • Stone - talisman
  • Color
  • Number
  • Planet
  • Element
  • Zodiac
  • Animal - symbol
  • Plants
  • Metal
  • Auspicious day
  • Season

2. Origin of the name Yaroslav

  • Name translation
  • History of the name
  • Forms (analogues) of the name
  • The legend about the name Yaroslav

3. The secret of the name Yaroslav

  • Patrons of the name
  • Angel's Day (name day)
  • Famous people

4. The meaning of the name Yaroslav

  • For a child
  • For a teenager
  • For a man

5. Description of the name Yaroslav

  • Moral
  • Health
  • Love
  • Marriage
  • Family relationships
  • Sexuality
  • Mind (intelligence)
  • Profession
  • Business
  • Hobbies
  • Character type
  • Psyche
  • Intuition
6. Horoscope named after Yaroslav
  • Yaroslav – Aries
  • Yaroslav – Taurus
  • Yaroslav – Gemini
  • Yaroslav – Cancer
  • Yaroslav – Leo
  • Yaroslav – Virgo
  • Yaroslav – Libra
  • Yaroslav – Scorpio
  • Yaroslav – Sagittarius
  • Yaroslav – Capricorn
  • Yaroslav – Aquarius
  • Yaroslav - Pisces

7. Compatibility of the name Yaroslav with female names

  • Yaroslav and Olga
  • Yaroslav and Anna
  • Yaroslav and Elena
  • Yaroslav and Yulia
  • Yaroslav and Anastasia
  • Yaroslav and Tatiana
  • Yaroslav and Ekaterina
  • Yaroslav and Natalya
  • Yaroslav and Marina
  • Yaroslav and Maria
  • Yaroslav and Svetlana
  • Yaroslav and Christina
  • Yaroslav and Victoria
  • Yaroslav and Ksenia
  • Yaroslav and Lyubov
  • Yaroslav and Nadezhda
  • Yaroslav and Alina
  • Yaroslav and Irina
  • Yaroslav and Diana
  • Yaroslav and Evgenia
  • Yaroslav and Daria
  • Yaroslav and Olesya
  • Yaroslav and Alena
  • Yaroslav and Alexandra
  • Yaroslav and Lyudmila
  • Yaroslav and Polina
  • Yaroslav and Inna
  • Yaroslav and Veronica
  • Yaroslav and Sophia

Meaning of a boy's name

Early childhood:

As a child, Yarik is a capricious, stubborn, unbalanced child. He often quarrels with children, tries to impose his own rules of the game, and gets offended when they don’t listen to him. Outwardly he looks like his mother, but in character he is closer to his father. The child is quick-tempered and can commit rash acts. Yaroslav’s parents need to win his trust, otherwise he will “withdraw into himself” and it will be difficult to achieve anything from him. Yarik's mood often changes, he is picky about his friends, sometimes he becomes delighted with one of them, sometimes he becomes too disappointed in him, even to the point of a quarrel. The man Yaroslav begins to read and write very early, loves fairy tales, later adventures, science fiction, war stories, and dreams of becoming a military man himself. He is very proud, but kind by nature, susceptible to influence, and grows up the way his parents raise him.


Yarik usually grows up as a favorite with his grandparents, protected from real and imaginary difficulties. This creates problems for him both at school and at college, where he is ridiculed for being lethargic and indecisive. But in their third decade, the Yaroslavs seem to be reborn. Yaroslav becomes hot-tempered, sometimes openly tyrannizing people, especially his own family. Charm is combined with cruelty, and such a cocktail cannot but attract - especially women.


Yaroslav is not inclined towards legal marriage relationships. Often he is forced to marry when there is nowhere else to go. For some reason, these tyrants enjoy great love from their wives, whom they are completely unable to make happy.

The character of a man named Yaroslav is ambiguous. Kind, but at times tough, especially if he needs something from you, stubborn and at the same time susceptible to other people's influence. He often becomes dependent on the people around him. Yaroslav is sentimental, but in a difficult or extreme situation he can be unjustifiably cruel. Tempered by life, he faces failures and defeats with steadfastness, not allowing them to break him.

A man named Yaroslav is selfish; for him, his own well-being is above all. He knows well what he needs in life, knows how to find a way out of a difficult situation, acting quickly and accurately. Yarik is not a very sociable person, but also not a confrontational person, he easily adapts to any environment. Able to force others to reckon with himself.

An adult man, named Yaroslav, is also highly dependent on his environment. He can hardly restrain his pride, he faces life’s adversities with steadfastness, mobilizes, and does not allow them to break him. He strives to adapt to the harshest living conditions and be content with little.


Adult Yaroslav becomes a real gentleman. Strong, courteous, kind, hardworking and confident. He always defends justice and stands up for the weaker. Loyal and principled, sociable and friendly. Does not like conflicts and is not the first to start an argument.

Sometimes he is too secretive. She is in no hurry to tell even her closest people about her problems. Reaches great heights in professional activities. Quickly builds a successful career. Becomes an executive and responsible specialist.

Character of the name Yaroslav

Positive characteristics of the name:

The name Yaroslav gives energy, determination, firmness, self-confidence, perseverance, and reliability. Yarik is distinguished by his sedateness and wisdom. Even as a child, Yarik looks important. He is devoid of fussiness and verbosity. His actions are precise and verified.

In any business, Yaroslav is talented, but modest, and achieves success in life with difficulty. He is a sophisticated, diplomatic person, always correct, loves children, flowers, loves animals, keeps a dog in his house, not necessarily a purebred one, and takes care of it himself.

Negative characteristics of the name:

The name Yaroslav brings vanity, secrecy, irony, and cynicism. Yaroslav does not reveal his true thoughts and goals, and is not inclined to trust people at first sight. Yaroslav is able to subjugate the people around him, control their minds and take advantage of their favor.

Yaroslav is very sensitive, acutely sensitive to grievances and failures, and does not hesitate to seek consolation from friends and loved ones. But if you deeply touch his emotional strings, he can be vindictive, deal harshly with the offender, and humiliate him. No one even expects that Yarik can show such a side of himself. This proves that the man Yaroslav is a complex, ambiguous nature.


Little Yaroslav has a good character. The boy has many positive characteristics. In childhood, he begins to show an enviable sense of purpose. Honest and headstrong, sometimes lacks confidence.

Sometimes he can be very shy and self-conscious. Gradually he gets rid of these qualities. The boy is positive from all sides. Never does bad things. Sociable and sincere, makes friends quickly. Easily establishes friendly relationships with peers.

The fate of the name Yaroslav in love and marriage

Does the meaning of the name Yaroslav promise happiness in love? Yarik is passionate in love, but carefully hides his feelings. The man Yaroslav loves beautiful, extravagant women, does not tolerate dishonesty or betrayal. Attacks of jealousy can darken his family life. This is a caring parent, but may suffer from the actions of their children.

In love - Yaroslav perceives sex as one of the greatest pleasures available to man. The initiative always belongs to him. Yaroslav is able to become attached to a woman for a long time and therefore often forgives his beloved for deceit and infidelity. This is a good family man. He loves children - both his own and those of others.

Yaroslav is a sexually strong man, capable of subjugating a woman. The initiative always belongs to him. Yaroslav gets excited when a woman in his arms is weak and submissive.

The first marriage is most often unsuccessful. But he usually loves his first wife. He compares others to her, which does not make subsequent marriages happy. Only after ten years of his second or third marriage does he begin to especially appreciate the one with whom he lives and who loves him.


To find out the meaning of the name Yaroslav for a boy and the versatility of the character of its bearer, you should pay attention to the origin.
The era of Ancient Rus' is the stage from which the history of the name Yaroslav begins, which is one of the few that were officially accepted by the Orthodox Church. In Kievan Rus, only children of the princely family were given this Russian name. Vivid examples are Prince Yaroslav Svyatoslavovich of Chernigov, Grand Duke Yaroslav the Second (Theodore) Vsevolodovich of Novgorod, who is mentioned in handwritten calendars, elevated to the rank of saints, and is the father of St. Alexander Nevsky;

After the advent of Christianity in Rus', it was not used in everyday life. The second half of the 18th century was marked by its first mentions. This was mainly the name given to boys in southwest Russia. It is also found in Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic.

The origin of the name is Slavic. There is also a theory about the Norman formation, but the origin from the Vikings has not been scientifically confirmed. There is no consensus on what a boy's name means.

Scientists offer the following options:

  • "strong";
  • "bright";
  • "glorious for its vitality."

This variation is associated with word formation.
Yaroslav has the following meaning. The word itself consists of two parts: “Yar” (a shortened version of “ardent”), that is, “hot”, “energetic”, “ardent”, “strong”, “active”, “violent”, “bright”, “ unstoppable,” “fiery,” “brilliant,” and “Slav” (equivalent to “glory”), which translates as “glorious in its vitality,” “possessing bright glory.” Its origin is associated with pagan mythology. This refers to the legend of the Slavic god of the sun and fertility Yaril, who was considered the founder of life-giving and omnipresent power. From this point of view, Yaroslav is literally translated as “glorifying Yarila.”

Advice! In Rus' during the period of paganism, the word “yar” was understood as the life-giving power of fertility.

In addition to the male version, there is a female form - Yaroslava.

Talents, profession, career

Choice of profession:

He is a gifted, original person, and also full of determination and fearlessness in achieving his goals. Yaroslav is ambitious and can become the most significant person in his family. Yarik’s activities will always be fruitful, no matter what path in life he chooses. He has an innate intuition in relation to circumstances and people, which guides him in all matters. Yaroslav occupies a dominant position and enjoys the respect of his superiors and subordinates.

The range of Yarik’s professional interests is very wide: music, pedagogy, medicine, literature, theology, research. Yaroslav is a hardworking, responsible person, and always finishes whatever he starts. Can be calculating and diplomatic, content with little. Yaroslav is very well brought up. Often interested in the mysteries of the universe.

A guy named Yaroslav is deeply interested in the secrets of the universe, space, philosophy, psychology, he is a subtle and impressionable nature. Often he becomes a priest or seriously, with the help of science, goes into these problems. Yarik can also be a teacher, engineer, musician, writer, worker, but always thinking about life, why he exists, what he must do.


Yarik is successful in social activities and the business of organizing shows and entertainment. Yaroslav’s character is dominated by the desire to successfully complete any business he has begun, however, even having reached great heights, he is not satisfied with what he has achieved and strives higher and higher. At the same time, the Yaroslavs show generosity: they help relatives with money and do charity work.


The patronymic of the name Yaroslav for a boy is Yaroslavovich. Names for son:

  • Nikita;
  • A lion;
  • Ruslan;
  • Ivan;
  • Savely;
  • Novel;
  • Daniel;
  • Demyan;
  • Oleg;
  • Vladimir.

The middle name for a girl named Yaroslav is Yaroslavovna. Names for daughter:

  • Margarita;
  • Olga;
  • Victoria;
  • Daria;
  • Natalia;
  • Catherine;
  • Elena;
  • Svetlana.

Horoscope named after Yaroslav


a passionate, sincere and simple-minded person. He is demanding both of himself and of those around him, and does his work honestly and diligently. Yaroslav-Aries constantly suppresses his passion for power and higher position. But he gives free rein to this passion in his relationship with his partner: he does not tolerate objections.


a personality full of charm, will and strength. He makes an indelible impression on women: he simply fascinates with his appearance and unctuous speeches. Knowing full well what impression he makes, Yaroslav-Taurus will not fail to take advantage of his charm. However, he will demand from his partner unconditional recognition of his will and authority.


nature is bright, dynamic, sociable. He likes to play with others and mislead them, pretending to be easier than he really is. Easily gaining trust in people, he often uses them for his own purposes. With all this, it is impossible not to love him - such is his attractive power.


a proud and ambitious man with noble manners. He knows how to make a positive impression on others, many trust him and pour out their souls. Yaroslav-Cancer is a sensitive listener, but is unable to provide real help. For Women, he is a playboy from a magazine cover, he is not averse to flirting, but always knows when to stop. In fact, he is capable of deep, sincere feelings.


a vain, arrogant, self-confident man. He treats those around him with a kind of insulting politeness, with arrogant condescension, so that in his company you feel awkward. Yaroslav-Leo will not accept rejection from the woman he likes, he will besiege her for a long time, and, having achieved reciprocity, he will easily leave her. It doesn't hurt to put it in its place sometimes!


a timid and insecure person, but endowed with exorbitant pride. He hesitates for a long time before making a decision, so as not to get into trouble and not look unworthy in the eyes of others. For the same reason, he behaves distantly and arrogantly towards women. Yaroslav the Virgo dreams of an unearthly queen, but he himself does not know what she looks like.


a gentle and romantic, impressive and cunning man. He deftly finds the right approach to people, especially the fair sex. Numerous love affairs flatter his pride, inspire confidence and fill him with inner energy. Honestly, it's better to stay away from this red tape.


endowed with excellent intuition, powerful and energetic. He is great at guessing people, subconsciously senses lies and insincerity. His passion for the woman he loves is uncontrollable, but he is possessive and selfish and will be jealous of anyone he meets. If the partner knows how to give in, then the relationship with Yaroslav-Scorpio can develop happily.


a well-mannered and honest person. He hates criticism, and he himself never criticizes others, trying to accept them as they are. Yaroslav-Sagittarius loves society very much, he behaves simply and openly. He chooses a partner who is as simple-minded and sincere as himself.


a thoughtful, important and helpful personality. All sorts of adventurous undertakings are not for him; he gets bored in noisy companies and keeps to himself. He has many affairs with women, but at the same time he falls in love reluctantly and does not like to express his feelings. He becomes a good partner, but too practical and stingy.


a very original person, endowed with an idealistic worldview. In life, he tries only for himself, everything else cares and touches him little. He is persistent, sometimes even stubborn and, as a rule, successful. He thinks about starting a family late and often marries for convenience.


She has a generous, entertaining and extremely loving nature. He is always ready to help and listen, a brilliant conversationalist and a loyal friend. The number of his love affairs is immense, and sometimes he himself is not able to explain why he enters into a relationship with a woman or why he cheats.

Angel Yaroslav Day:

Yarilin's day was the one that the ancient Slavs now call the day of Ivan Kupala. Yaroslav celebrates his name day on this day.

Numerological horoscope

The influential numbers in Yaroslav’s life are 4 and 7, but the predominance of seven is obvious.

In addition to the fact that the seven personifies a creative nature, it made Yaroslav an ambitious, independent and purposeful person. He dreams of many things and wants to get everything at once, but natural tact somewhat suspends such aspirations. However, Yaroslav has such strong willpower, which he sometimes does not suspect, that he can achieve the highest goals, jokingly brushing aside obstacles along the way.

In addition, Yaroslav is endowed with the gift of inspiring people, subjugating them and managing them. As a rule, his aspirations are honest and noble. If Yaroslav finds himself out of work, he may fall into a dangerous state of melancholy and depression, which will affect his entire future fate.


Yaroslav is a very romantic and passionate man. He knows exactly how to attract a woman's attention. He easily starts new romances and also quickly loses interest. In his youth he led a very active personal life.

It takes a long time to choose a life partner. He takes the issue of finding a wife very seriously. Becomes a devoted and faithful husband. He is patient, gentle and generous. He spares neither time nor money for his beloved. Ready to do anything for love. He will never betray or deceive.

Yaroslav will be able to become happy in a relationship if he learns to talk about his experiences to his other half.

Celebrities named Yaroslav

  1. Yaroslav - this truly princely name was borne by sixteen Russian princes, starting with Yaroslav I the Wise (978-1054).
  2. Yaroslav Vladimirovich (982-1054) - Grand Duke of Kiev and All Rus'. On the initiative of the prince, nicknamed “The Wise,” a chronicle collection began to be created.
  3. Jaroslav Spaček - (born 1974) professional Czech ice hockey player. Role: Defender.
  4. Yaroslav Osmomysl - (c.1135 - 1187) Prince of Galicia (1153-1187), son of Vladimir Volodarevich. Mother (presumably) - Sophia of Hungary, daughter of King Kalman the Book (1070-1116).
  5. Yaroslav Ognev - (born 1969) Russian Internet producer, editor-in-chief of the Internet broadcasting editorial office of the Voice of Russia radio station.
  6. Jaroslav Frantisek-Julius Veshin is a Czech and Bulgarian artist who lived and worked in Slovakia and Bulgaria. One of the founders of Bulgarian art of the 19th-20th centuries.
  7. Yaroslav Lopatinsky - (1906 - 1981) Soviet mathematician, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (since 1965), corresponding member (since 1951).
  8. Yaroslav Shved - (born 1949) director of the private agricultural enterprise "Mamaevskoe", Chernivtsi region, Hero of Ukraine.
  9. Yaroslav Ternovsky - (born 1970) Russian public figure, politician, businessman.
  10. Yaroslav Khabarov - (born 1989) Russian hockey player.
  11. Yaroslav Khoma - (born 1974) former Ukrainian football player, midfielder.
  12. Yaroslav Borodin - (born 1986) sculptor, teacher at the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture I.S. Glazunov. Member of the Union of Artists of Russia.
  13. Jaroslav Grzebik - (born 1948) Czech football player and coach. Currently heads the youth team of his country.
  14. Jaroslav Plašil - (born 1982) Czech football player, midfielder.
  15. Jaroslav Gandliř - (1888 - 1942) Czechoslovak politician.
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