Boy name Mark: meaning, character and destiny

Short form of the name Mark.

Markusha, Markusya, Masya, Mara, Mar, Maka, Markus, Markukha, Martusya, Tusya, Marichek, Marik, Marki, Marko, Marchik, Marcho.
Synonyms for the name Mark.
Marko, Markus, Markos, Marku, Markush, Marek, Marks.
Origin of the name Mark.
The name Mark is Russian, English, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Mark has several versions of the origin of the name. According to the first version, the name Mark comes from the Greek name Markos, which has Latin roots and in turn comes from the Latin word “marcus”, meaning “hammer”.

According to the second version, the name Mark originates from the name of the god, patron of people and herds, who later became the god of war - Mars. This is confirmed by the presence of the praenomen (personal name) Marcus among the Romans. Christians venerate the Evangelist Mark, an apostle from the 70s, who is considered the patron saint of livestock farmers, as well as secretaries, notaries and teenagers.

According to the third version, the name Mark has French roots and comes from “marquis”, meaning “marquis”.

The name Mark has related names - Markell, Marcel, Marceline, Marcian, Markius, Marsyas, Martin, Martyn, Martimyan, as well as paired female names to the listed male ones. In Russian, Mark can also be called as Marko, and they will affectionately address him as Markusha, Markusya, or Masya, Maka, Mara.

Orthodox name day dates for Mark: January 11, January 15, January 17, January 27, February 1, February 23, March 18, March 23, April 11, April 18, May 8, May 27, June 18, July 16, July 17 , August 24, October 10, October 11, October 20, November 9, November 12, December 5, December 7, December 31.

In early childhood, it is especially noticeable that Mark is self-centered. As the boy grows older, he begins to disguise this trait behind a smile, politeness and readiness for self-sacrifice. And as a child, Mark strives to ensure that his family members deal only with him. At school, the boy is sensitive to the success of others, although he tries to hide his envy. Having become a grown man, Mark remains tolerant of those who do not take into account his interests and contradict him. This has a beneficial effect on his career success.

Mark shows an interest in reading; in his house there are many books by foreign authors and various newspapers. Mark loves card games, but when he loses, he gets angry and can behave rather unceremoniously.

Mark is quite secretive; even to those closest to him he does not open up completely. In everyday life, Mark is unpretentious, but in the house he must feel like a master. Mark raises his children in unquestioning obedience, and is sometimes excessively cruel to them. He often argues, proves that he is right, and loves to talk with his wife and mother-in-law.

Mark approaches marriage carefully, trying to choose a wife who can become not only his friend, but also an impeccable assistant, ready to sacrifice her interests for the sake of her husband’s plans. It is important for him that the future wife recognizes her husband’s intellectual superiority, no matter whether it actually exists or not. It is unlikely that Mark will tolerate a woman with a strong personality and creative talent next to him.

Meaning of a boy's name

Early childhood:

Mark is all good nature, gentleness, charm, and helpfulness. In childhood, this is everyone's darling and favorite. Marcus is most often the only child in a large family with grandparents and aunts, spoiled by everyone and loved by everyone. The guy Mark is capricious, stubborn, constantly demands attention to his person and knows how to make everyone at home and guests focus only on him. It is impossible to force Mark to be content with only his toys or to calmly take him away from the store. The more they insist, the less they achieve. Mark can achieve something only with patience and gentleness. A lot can be achieved by appealing to his feelings: showing indifference to him or obvious resentment. Marcus suffers from self-neglect and is sentimental.


At school, the boy does not study well, he is painfully worried about the successes of his classmates, but he knows how to hide these feelings. Also in adult life, he hides his selfishness under the guise of politeness, correctness, good-natured humor, and a sweet smile.


The guy named Mark, having matured, immediately strives for sensual pleasures, gets married early, and adores children. Mark is an intellectual, he will never bypass or destroy an obstacle in his path: others will do it for him, skillfully guided by the guy. Being extremely scrupulous about financial transactions, a man will not lend money to anyone, except perhaps to a very necessary person. Perhaps Mark’s main passion is traveling to exotic countries, where he relaxes body and soul alone, avoiding the noisy companies of his compatriots.

A man with this name is envious, jealous of the successes of his colleagues, and cannot stand anyone’s superiority. According to another version, this is a modified word from Mars, the ancient Roman god of war. He Mark hides his egocentrism behind a charming smile and emphasized politeness. For careerist reasons, Mark is tolerant of those who do not take into account his interests. He is pragmatic and secretive. Even close ones do not open completely. The guy Mark strives to get a comprehensive education.

Adult Mark is practical and secretive, with increased self-esteem. He has a sober mind, a strong character, and a strong will. Thanks to these qualities, Mark achieves visible success in life.


Adult Mark becomes more disciplined and calm. Such qualities as constancy, commitment, responsibility and diligence appear. Sociable and intelligent, he becomes an interesting conversationalist. Always ready to listen, give advice and provide support.

Very generous and kind. He reaches great heights in his work. Thanks to focus and determination, he quickly climbs the career ladder. He chooses a profession in which he needs to constantly communicate with people.

Character of the name Mark

Positive characteristics of the name:

The name Mark gives a predisposition to premonitions. He was given the ability of high intuition, it is possible that from time to time Mark will have amazing premonitions, dreams, and possible predictions of the future on the scale of all humanity.

Negative characteristics of the name:

At times it will be difficult for those around him to understand Mark; he can be a strong skeptic, denying all religions, and in his older years he can radically change his way of thinking or even become a fanatic of a certain direction.

The fate of the name Mark in love and marriage

Does the meaning of the name Mark promise happiness in love? He gets acquainted with sexual joys early, has success with women, but does not marry soon, choosing his wife for a long time and carefully. She must live by his interests, even to the detriment of her own, must recognize Mark’s intellectual superiority, even if there is none. The wife must be completely subordinate to her husband. A woman with a strong personality will irritate and depress him.

It is not easy for the romantic name Marcus to adapt to married life, and therefore one should not get married too early. He Mark marries very carefully. The chosen one of Mark's boyfriend must be his faithful assistant, capable of sacrificing her interests for the sake of her husband's ambitious plans. Creatively gifted women with a strong personality annoy him.

Mark has a good library in his house, he collects antiques, so Mark never has money for everyday life. In everyday life he is unpretentious. Children are of particular importance to Mark. Mark loves children, but raises them strictly, limiting them to only the essentials. He is a strict, demanding father, sometimes even cruel.

Talents, profession, career

Choice of profession:

Mark is characterized by dreaminess combined with a powerful mind, and he can achieve success as a writer, poet, inventor, innovator in any business. But monotonous work is not for him. A guy named Mark can express himself in social and political activities thanks to his intelligence and eloquence, and attaches great importance to the originality of ideas.

Mark usually gets a higher education. His interest in the profession makes him an excellent specialist. If he becomes interested in science at the institute, he can devote his whole life to it. Marcus can be a good lawyer, dentist, neurologist. Economics, finance, and accounting are also in Mark’s field of activity. Artistry and musicality, a subtle sense of humor make it possible to become an artist or director.


In his youth, the boy Mark will face financial difficulties, but in his mature years he can achieve a stable financial position. Child Mark has an extraordinary artistic taste and collects books, paintings, and bronze. He never strives to be a leader or boss, being completely satisfied with the role of a “gray eminence.”

School years

Mark fully justifies the meaning of a name for a child. Growing up, he becomes a leader in the company of his peers. Some children do not like him, but are afraid to speak out openly.

He does not show much interest in studying at school, but does well. He is jealous of the successes of his classmates, but carefully hides these feelings.

The boy comes easily to the exact sciences: mathematics, physics, but with languages ​​there can be big problems if he doesn’t get a tutor. However, parents should not put pressure on Mark, forcing him to do something against his will. When communicating, you should not raise your voice, otherwise he may harbor a grudge.

The child's name Mark indicates that its owner loves music very much. Can learn to play any instrument. At school he takes prizes at various events.

Mark is growing up as an active boy, but also devotes a lot of time to books. He loves to read. For him, books are a break from games.

After school, Mark will definitely continue his studies and plans to make a good career in the future.

Horoscope named Mark


very eccentric personality. In life, he acts in obedience to spiritual impulses. Mark-Aries is very temperamental, his passionate nature draws him to search for love adventures. He is a difficult person, but reliable.


a calm and persistent person, endowed with enormous inner strength. There are no obstacles for him; he “rushes like a tank” towards the goal, without dwelling on mistakes or failures. He values ​​comfort, so throughout his life he is looking for a woman who could provide Mark with this comfort.


an attractive and gallant man. He is sociable, has many friends, and even more lovers. Love for him is the meaning of life, a way of self-affirmation, an endless game. Mark cleverly avoids obligations, and as long as a woman is desirable to him, he is ready for anything. However, he is fickle and it is better not to fall into the trap of his charm.


touchy and capricious, like a child. He largely depends on his own emotions, which he cannot control. Vulnerable, gentle, feminine, hysterical and hot-tempered - he is simply a godsend for a woman who needs to take care of someone.


a selfish person to the core. He strives only to satisfy his own ambitions, which, by the way, are considerable. Mark dreams of becoming famous and achieving universal love and respect. Mark-Leo is an ardent lover, but he does not hear his beloved at all, but is guided only by his feelings and desires.


a charming and sociable person. He never promises what he cannot fulfill; brings things started to completion. You can safely rely on Mark-Virgo; he will not betray or blurt out someone else’s secret. In Mark's relationships with women, he is a decent and generous partner.


nature is subtle and artistic. He has a tendency to “play along” with people in their opinions and moods, while remaining in the shadows and not revealing his own feelings and thoughts. Mark-Libra understands women well and always knows how to please them. His partner will be lucky - he is a devoted friend and a gentle lover at the same time.


expansive personality. He is overwhelmed by passions, he simply does not know the limits in the manifestation of feelings. Mark-Scorpio very easily moves from love to hate, and can be vindictive and cruel. For a woman, this is not a gift at all, unless she is keen on life next to a dormant volcano.


a trusting person with an enthusiastic attitude towards life. When communicating with others, he can be so naive that he causes laughter and bewilderment. Mark-Sagittarius often suffers from ridicule, then he withdraws deeply into himself. Mark needs a kind and sympathetic partner.


he is a realist by nature. Characterized by patience and scrupulousness. In relationships with women, Mark-Capricorn values ​​clarity and mutual understanding. This is the ideal founder of a family, next to whom his partner will be “like behind a stone wall.”


responsible and careful person. He is quite confident in his abilities and in his mind, but he acts slowly, carefully thinking through his steps. Mark-Aquarius values ​​his independence and is much better oriented in life and friendship than in love. Because of this, he perceives a woman, first of all, as a friend, which, of course, does not suit everyone.


an impressionable, gentle person. He does not tolerate violence and pressure, avoids conflicts and quarrels. Mark-Pisces is inclined to dramatize events. In the sphere of love, he becomes blind, becoming completely dependent on his partner.

Angel Mark's Day:

The name Mark celebrates name days twice a year:

  • January 11 (December 79) - Venerable M. Peschernik labored in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery (11th century). He was endlessly busy digging caves and graves and exhausted his body wearing heavy chains. His holy relics rest in the Kyiv caves.
  • May 8 (April 25) - St. Apostle and Evangelist Mark - disciple of the Apostle Peter; together with him he preached the teachings of Christ in Rome, where he wrote the Holy Gospel; was the first bishop of Alexandria, where he died a martyr in 67 A.D.


On May 8, on the Apostle Mark, flocks of songbirds arrive. If the birds fly to the hemp field on this day, there will be a hemp harvest. St. Mark is sometimes called the key holder among the people, because they believe that he holds the keys to the rains.

On the day of Mark they pray for the sending of strong rain, so necessary at this time: “If three good rains fall in May, then there will be plenty of grain for three years.”

Numerological horoscope

Mark falls under the negative influence of the number 6.

Unfortunately, for this name, six means selfishness. Conflicts and friction are not uncommon in Mark's life. They are quick-tempered and irreconcilable, do not know how to listen to their interlocutor, and cannot stand Mark’s criticism. Because of this, Mark is often lonely and can become cruel and vindictive.

However, the six endowed Mark with an unusually romantic soul. He (or she) who can win this soul will gain a faithful, gentle and caring friend.


As a teenager, Mark becomes more purposeful and pragmatic. Learns to set specific goals for yourself. Acts confidently and actively. There is a strong desire to achieve great heights in life. He reads a lot, studies well, and educates himself.

He behaves politely with others, is not rude or insolent. To get what he wants, he becomes an interesting and charming interlocutor. Has a good sense of humor. He likes to make fun of both other people's and his own shortcomings.

Celebrities named Mark

  1. Count Marko Ivanovich Voinovich - a Slav, entered Russian service in the navy in 1770, commanded a squadron in the Caspian Sea to establish a Russian colony on the Persian shores.
  2. Mark K. Ivelich (1740-1825) - count, lieutenant general and senator. When the war against the Turks began again in 1788, Mark was again sent to Montenegro and Herzegovina to stir up the population.
  3. Mark Antokolsky (1842-1902) is a famous Russian sculptor. He managed to bring history closer to us, personalities recreated by his imagination - Peter I, Ermak, Christ, Spinoza.
  4. Marc-Andre Bergeron is a Canadian professional ice hockey defenseman who is currently a free agent.
  5. Marc-Antoine Muret - (1526-1585) French humanist, teacher of Montaigne.
  6. Marc-Vivienne Foe - (1975-2003) Cameroonian footballer, died of a heart attack during the semi-finals of the Confederations Cup in 2003; posthumously received the tournament's silver medal.
  7. Mark Alan Webber is an Australian racing driver and Formula 1 driver.
  8. Mark Yzerman - (1913-1992) Soviet scientist in the field of control theory, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, representative of the first generation of cybernetics in the USSR.
  9. Mark Azadovsky - (1888-1954) Russian folklorist, literary critic and ethnographer.
  10. Mark Barton is a New Zealand football attacking midfielder and former New Zealand international.
  11. Mark Bernstein - (1919-1989) one of the largest materials scientists in the USSR, Doctor of Technical Sciences. He was the organizer and head of the thermomechanical processing laboratory at MISiS.
  12. Mark Almond - (born 1957) full name - Peter Mark Sinclair Almond; English singer. From 1979 to 1984, Almond was a member of the electronic pop duo Soft Cell and the Marc And The Mambas project.
  13. Mark Sobol - (1918-1999) Russian Soviet poet; awarded the medal "For Courage", the Order of the Red Star.
  14. Mark Braga - (1910-1985) innovator of agricultural production, combine operator of the collective farm "Russia" of the Golopristansky district of the Kherson region of the Ukrainian SSR, twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1949, 1958).
  15. Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa - (63 BC-12 BC) Roman statesman and commander, friend and son-in-law of Emperor Octavian Augustus.
  16. Mark of Ephesus, Manuel Eugenicus - (1392-1444) Orthodox theologian, the only participant in the Ferrara-Florence Council who did not accept the union; in 1734 he was canonized as a saint.

Name day

  • Orthodox ( dates are given according to the Gregorian calendar
    )[4]: January 11, January 15, January 17, January 27, February 1, February 23, March 18, March 23, April 11, April 18, May 8, May 27, June 18 , July 16, July 17, August 24, October 10, October 11, October 20, November 9, November 12, December 5, December 7, December 31
  • Catholic: February 27[5], March 24[6], March 29[7], April 25[8], April 28[9], June 14[10], June 18[11], July 3[12], July 15[13], September 25[14], September 28[15], October 4[16], October 22[17], November 22[18]
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