Elena - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

The name Helen first appeared in ancient Greece, presumably coming from the word helenos, which means bright, sunny, shining. The sound of the name resembles a delicate, thin, climbing plant stretching towards the light.

In Rus', the name began to spread during the baptism of Rus' by Prince Vladimir in 988. The name sounded both in its original form and in variations - Olena and Alena, Elenia. Basically, daughters in noble families were called this way, for example, Elena was the name of the wife of Prince Yaropolk Vladimirovich and the wife of Ivan Kolyta, the Polish queen was also called Elena.

The love for this name has been firmly established for many centuries, and has not lost its popularity to this day. The name Elena is strongly associated with the epithet Beautiful - the eternal heroine of many Russian fairy tales, always invariably kind and wise.

Among celebrities there are many bearers of this beautiful name. For example, actresses Elena Yakovleva and Elena Proklova, TV presenters Elena Kizyakova and Elena Perova, singers Elena Obrabova and Elena Vaenga, athletes Elena Isinbaeva and Elena Ilyina.

Derivatives of the name

  • Short form: Lena.
  • Diminutives: Lenochka, Elenochka, Lenusha, Lenusya, Elenka, Lenchik, Alenka. Sometimes short affectionate nicknames are used: Lelya, Lyolya, Elya, Alya, Lesya, Lesya, Elya.
  • Related names: Alena, Elina, Ilona. Synonyms - Helena, Helena, Helena.
  • Suitable middle names: Sergeevna, Aleksandrovna, Viktorovna, Nikolaevna, Stepanovna, Vladimirovna, Vasilievna, Petrovna, Vitalievna, Semyonovna, Egorovna, Yakovlevna, Antonovna, Konstantinovna.

Name in other languages

  • In English - Helen, Ellen, Elaine, abbreviation - Nell, Nellie, Ella, Laney.
  • In German - Helena.
  • In French - Helen.
  • In Spanish and Italian - Elena.
  • In Greek - Eleni.
  • In Ukrainian - Olena.
  • In Czech - Helena.
  • In Scots - Eileen, Eileen.
  • According to the meaning of “sunny”, the equivalent of the name in Korean is 태양의 (Teyan-Yi), in Japanese - 太陽他 (Tayota).

Writing in Latin letters - Helena.


The name Elena is of Greek origin and means “bright”, “sunny”. It is believed to be derived from Helios, the name of the mythological sun god in Ancient Greece. The ancient Greek heroine Helen of Troy (Sparta), who caused the outbreak of the Trojan War, was described in the epic of Homer. In Rus' it began to be used after Princess Olga was baptized under the name Elena. Moreover, both representatives of the nobility and commoners named their children with it. The meaning of the name Elena for a girl from an early age was associated with the bright images of fairy-tale heroines Elena the Beautiful and Elena the Wise.

Despite its ancient origin, this female name is still very popular and occurs quite often. Moreover, girls are given this name not only in Russia and the post-Soviet space, but also in European countries and non-CIS countries. For parents, it is important not only the origin and meaning of the name Elena for a girl, but also the presence of many diminutive forms. A loving mother and father can call their daughter Lenochka, Lenusya, Alyonushka, Elenushka, Alenka. Modern English analogues are Helena, Ellen.

Character at different periods of life

It is incorrect to call Elena’s character introverted or extroverted - in an amazing way, she combines both. It is interesting that a little girl and a young girl feel very mature and smart, but in adulthood these feelings disappear. Lena always strives for harmony and development, but sometimes she has to achieve them in a roundabout way.

In childhood

Little Lena is an affectionate, friendly, trusting girl. But she will remember whoever betrays her trust and will certainly set up some kind of trick.

The baby’s inner world is a whole country, like a fairy tale. However, in reality she also feels good. Lenochka loves when books are read to her, and soon she studies on her own in order to be able to wander through magical literary stories as much as she likes.

In youth

As a teenager, Lena becomes nervous and tense. Sometimes the reasons for this are ambition and the desire to show off as a queen everywhere.

She studies well, helped by her erudition and natural curiosity. But if one day a girl considers studying unimportant, high performance will come to an end.

Young Elena has many friends and fans - she knows how to find a common language with many people. However, her sympathies are not always constant, and communication does not turn out to be truly deep due to the desire to show off and appear better than others.

Usually this girl knows what she wants to do in the future, but does not yet have the necessary persistence to take steps towards her desired goal.

As an adult

With age, Lena gets tired of the desire to compete and finds new values ​​for herself. There is less communication in her life, but depth appears in her relationships.

Elena is a creative woman with a lively mind and a thirst for beauty. She strives for harmony, loves beautiful things, cleanliness and order in everything. Over time, organizing turns into a hobby and allows you to compensate for natural nervousness and chaos.

When Lena becomes an adult, her passion for learning awakens with renewed vigor. She is engaged in self-development, receives a second education, and tries different areas of activity. This is required by her nature, which strives to live an interesting life, but sometimes attempts to know oneself end in an attack of self-criticism.

Growing up

It’s also interesting what Elena becomes as an adult. The secret of the name says that its owner does not attach much importance to everyday life. She is rarely picky when it comes to food, is distinguished by a peculiar desire for asceticism, and often succumbs to bouts of laziness. The kitchen is far from Lena’s favorite place; she perceives housework as a heavy duty.

Friendships for the matured Elena mean much less than in her youth; she can turn into a real homebody, rarely leaving her home. Women who have received this name are reluctant to open their inner world to people and are tense about attempts at excessive closeness from others.

Basic qualities of temperament

QualityValue (1 to 5)Decoding
Self-esteem4A person who listens to his own voice knows how to soberly assess his mistakes. At the same time, he will not allow him to be offended just like that.
Hard work4A person who strives to work hard diligently completes assigned tasks. However, he knows how to differentiate between rest and work.
Sense of humor4The man has a subtle sense of humor. He is able to sincerely laugh at the jokes of others or make a variety of jokes on his own.
Sociability2Such a person prefers to spend time alone than in company. In large companies he feels withdrawn and awkward.
Activity5An active person who is not afraid to take responsibility and completes assigned tasks with great zeal.
Sensitivity3A person who worries and cares only about close people. Some situations may evoke deep feelings in them, while others may not even touch them.
Curiosity5A person who is too eager to know everything is meticulous about any situation. He treats any activity with excessive curiosity.
Goodwill4A person who treats strangers with kindness. If necessary, he will always help.
Friendliness4A person who respects the personality in another, knows how to trust and strives to find mutual understanding with everyone. The calling card of such a person is a smile.


The name Elena gives its owner a certain predisposition to flirt. This does not mean that the husband should be afraid of her infidelity; such cases are extremely rare. Intimacy with a regular partner eventually turns into a routine activity for Lena; she rarely makes attempts to add variety to her sex life, absolutely not needing it.

The chosen one of a girl with that name is categorically not recommended to flirt with other representatives of the fair sex in front of her eyes. Elena, allowing herself to flirt lightly, will not tolerate such behavior from her boyfriend or husband; she may feel insulted and inflamed with a thirst for revenge.

Significant years of life

  • 12-15 - the girl makes her first attempts at creative realization: usually these steps are not very confident, so parents should support her.
  • 25-27 - an unexpected and dramatic turn is possible that will change the course of life.
  • 32-35 - ancestral karma turns on: you need to be careful and clearly understand your own motivation so as not to lose control over events.
  • 45-48 - the set goals have been largely achieved, now it is extremely important to acquire new ones so as not to get bored.

The influence of a name on fate

The name gives Elena a lively mind, curiosity, rich imagination, and a sense of harmony. These characteristics help her realize herself in the field of art and be creative in any chosen endeavor. Lena must do her best to improve her health, and in personal relationships carefully monitor her own motives.


Elena has a well-developed sense of aesthetics; she is close to the arts: drawing, dancing, music, floristry. She has a rich imagination and analytical mind, a penchant for science, philosophy, psychology, and literature.

Lena is attracted to secrets, riddles and mysticism, be it the occult, astrology, numerology or a good detective story.

Professions, business and career

Lena can change several different professions, and still it will be difficult for her to choose one. As a rule, she is attracted to creative pursuits with a large degree of freedom: it is problematic for her to come to the office strictly on time and work according to someone else's orders.

She will become an excellent designer, photographer, fashion designer, psychotherapist, director, writer, actress or dancer. It is advisable to start your own business with a more practical and disciplined partner than herself.


Since Elena does not have very good health by nature, it must be strengthened. Due to constant nervousness and tension, her vital energy leaks through her fingers.

Sports, meditation, being in the forest and at sea, and working in the garden will help you restore your strength. Proper nutrition is very important for Lena: it is advisable to consume more fruits and greens, less flour and meat.

With an unhealthy lifestyle and psychological stress, weak points in the body become: the spine, lungs, throat, chest, kidneys, and thyroid gland.

Love, sexuality, marriage

In her youth, Elena is rarely interested in relationships, but considers it her duty to make as many men fall in love with her as possible. All her novels are very short - despite her feminine charm and popularity, she can’t find a person who matches her.

If in her youth she decides to marry, it is possible that she is driven only by selfish motives. She will understand the full value and essence of a love relationship a little later, and then, as if by magic, a fairy-tale prince will appear next to her.


Men with names are suitable for Elena: Alexander, Alexey, Vitaly, Ilya, Anton, Ostap.

Relationships in love and marriage are developing successfully with Eduard, Konstantin, Andrey, Fedor.

Compatibility with Igor, Kirill, Yuri, Evgeniy, Arthur is considered unsuccessful.

Check name compatibility

Role of the parent

Elena is kind to children, loves them and tries to become a good friend to them. However, she cannot only be a mother. Her life must be filled with other interests, otherwise her character will change for the worse. Lena’s priority is a trusting relationship with her child, and she is quite successful in building it.

Summer and autumn Helena

Summer and autumn also endow the bearers of this name with certain character traits.

  • The meaning of the name Elena for a girl born in summer makes its owner ambitious and envious. As a rule, this is a strong personality who strives to rise above others by any means. To achieve her goal, Lena sometimes neglects such concepts as kindness and decency. Because of her love of intrigue, she may lose friends. But fleeting romances may well replace her relationships with friends.
  • If the child was named Elena, what does this name mean for a girl whose birth time is autumn? She is distinguished by foresight, foresight and prudence. The owner of the name has a complex character, the girl is painfully worried if she loses to someone. He is demanding of young people. To create a family, autumn Elena prefers honest and unselfish men. She likes to be looked at with adoration.

Name horoscope


An energetic, cheerful woman with a fiery temperament. Sometimes she can be stubborn and unyielding. In relationships he values ​​honesty and loyalty.


Unlike representatives of other zodiac signs, she has a stable psyche, balanced character, and self-confidence. A good organizer and a great hostess.


Charming intellectual with a wide range of interests. Her mind is similar to a man’s, but her emotions are purely feminine, mobile, and they often interfere with concentration.


A delicate and pleasant girl to talk to. She is distinguished by a rich imagination and well-developed intuition, but is not too confident in her own abilities.

a lion

Cheerful, bright, energetic. Attracts others with strength of character and nobility of soul. Her weak point is vanity and pride.


Responsible, patient and punctual. These are quite rare qualities for Elena of other zodiac signs. She prefers to work among men, but she never mixes her personal life with her career.


A sociable and active woman with an original sense of humor. She is endowed with the gift of diplomacy: she knows how to smooth out any conflicts, for which she is especially valued in the work team.


He has a sharp mind and insight, and is an excellent judge of people. Outwardly she may look calm, but inside she is just as emotional as other Elenas.


An energetic girl with a cheerful, lively character. Loves to travel, meet people, learn new things. A certain degree of freedom and independence is important to her.


Always knows what he wants and knows how to organize himself. Loves order, precision and clarity in everything. She has good taste and strives for natural beauty. Does not tolerate vulgarity.


A creative person with unconventional thinking and an original approach to life. She never wants to be the center of attention, but she is so impressive that it is impossible not to notice her.


Kind and sympathetic, has a keen sense of people. He has a rich imagination and likes to daydream in his spare time, but in the everyday world he acts very rationally.

Beautiful legend

There are hardly any experts in ancient history who have never heard of the woman who gave birth to the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great; she also bore the name Helen. Supporting her famous son, who advocated the spread of Christianity in his lands, she also converted to this faith.

Legend has it that Helen of Constantinople had a dream in which an angel told her to reveal to the whole world divine places where relics related to Jesus were hidden. The dream prompted the woman to travel to Palestine, where she discovered the Holy Sepulcher and Cross. Also, Constantine’s mother became famous as the founder of a huge number of churches, the patroness of the disadvantaged and sick. Thanks to her, many unjustly convicted people gained freedom.

Characteristics by seasons

  1. Spring. An incorrigible optimist, in difficult circumstances she is always helped out by hope for the best. She loves to charm men, but sometimes takes their feelings lightly. It can also go to the other extreme - to feel sorry for the person and only therefore join one’s destiny with him. But when he realizes that both options lead to nowhere, he begins to act more wisely.
  2. Summer. Curious, well-read, prone to self-development. Sometimes she lacks patience and willpower: she enthusiastically grabs onto several different things, but the inspiration soon passes. He cannot stand boredom, and if he has freedom of choice, he always knows how to entertain himself. Loves nature, sports and animals.
  3. Autumn. A charming, intelligent and versatile girl, she quickly finds a common language with people. She loves male attention, but rarely falls in love herself. Usually chooses a creative profession related to art or beauty. Attaches great importance to his own appearance.
  4. Winter. He strives to achieve perfection and complete harmony in everything. Sometimes perfectionism greatly hinders her, preventing her from finishing one thing and moving on to the next. Dissatisfaction with what has been done leads to nervousness and negatively affects health. Elena should turn off her logical mind at times and rely on intuition, let go of the situation and criticize herself less.

Career and business

We learned about the origin of the name Elena, what this name means for a girl. Now we’ll find out how it affects the career of its bearer. Elena’s ability to communicate with people and captivate them with her ideas often leads them to creative professions. Women named Lena are attracted to the beauty industry; they often choose modeling for their activities.

Elena can also show her creative nature in teaching children about beauty. For example, she can teach at a music school or an art school. Often those with the name Elena become singers or actresses.

But sometimes Lena prefers to create her own business, for example, in the field of trade. As a rule, this type of activity turns out to be quite successful for them. Elena treats the money she earns thriftily, but boldly invests the necessary amount in the development of the business she has started. Doing business gives her the opportunity not only to show her innate ingenuity and enterprise, but also frees her from the need to follow a strict daily routine. Elena works exactly as long as necessary to achieve her goal. Relations with business partners are smooth and businesslike.

Spelling out the name

First letter of your name:


Such people tend to be constantly surrounded to express their thoughts. Very often they are considered too talkative. The main qualities of owners of names starting with the letter “E” are considered to be authoritative and honest. They go headlong towards their goals and cannot stand loneliness. Since they are independent natures, it is difficult to create a family with them.

Next, let's decipher each letter individually:

EThese people are characterized as sociable, friendly, impulsive and energetic. They are subject to decisive action, but most often they do not think about the result obtained. A rich inner world allows people with this letter in their name to lead a bright and colorful life.
LPeople with the letter “L” in their name are creative individuals who prefer unexpected and extraordinary situations. They are solved through their developed logic. They can realize themselves professionally in any field. Therefore, a profession is chosen based on personal preferences.
NIndividuals have a strong character and an extraordinary mind. They easily achieve success in the professional sphere, but according to their zodiac sign they can be unyielding. To maintain good relationships in friendship and family, you should make more compromises.
ADetermines willpower and determination in different life positions. Individuals with the letter “A” in their name are characterized as hardworking, persistent, and occasionally showing sensitivity and affection in their feelings. Leadership positions and a focus on performance are observed in all areas.

Marriage, family

What predictions in terms of personal life does the name Elena allow you to make? The fate of a woman in marriage directly depends on her chosen one. A man who dreams of taking her as his wife should be persistent; such girls say “yes” to the most persistent representatives of the opposite sex.

In marriage, Lena is demanding and jealous. They sincerely expect that the chosen one will value family well-being above all else; they may demand that he part with old friends and give up time-consuming hobbies. Of course, they also need to constantly prove their love, not to forget about gifts, surprises and compliments.

“Keeper of the hearth” - this is how these women see their role in the family, despite their negative attitude towards household chores. When they get married, they happily quit their jobs, devoting themselves to their husband and children. As a rule, Elena makes good mothers; their children are always clothed and fed. However, they are not always able to achieve spiritual intimacy with their offspring. Thriftiness is another feature inherent in Lena. They avoid unreasonable spending that could leave the family without money, and they do not allow their other halves to do similar things.

Celebrity namesakes

  • Glinskaya is a Russian princess, mother of Ivan the Terrible.
  • Roerich - writer, philosopher, public figure.
  • Miroshina is a world champion in diving.
  • Pchilka is a Ukrainian writer and playwright.
  • Modrzejewska is a theater artist of Polish nationality.
  • Yakovleva is a Russian and Soviet actress.
  • Collins is an American pilot and astronaut.
  • Proklova is a famous film actress.
  • Isinbayeva is a world champion in pole vaulting.
  • Khmelnitskaya is a Russian film actress.
  • Blavatsky is a religious philosopher, writer, and occultist.
  • Kamburova is a Russian and Soviet singer.
  • Deutsch is a psychoanalyst and colleague of Freud.
  • Rojo is a Mexican theater and film actress.
  • Andreyanova is an outstanding ballerina of the romantic style.
  • Petushkova is a sports figure, world champion in equestrian sports.
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