Maria - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Surely everyone knows that Mary is an ancient biblical name, which is a derivative of the name Miriam, translated meaning “bitterness.” In accordance with Orthodox traditions, the name Maria is translated as “lady.” What is the meaning of the name Maria, its characteristics?

For the first time, the name Mary is mentioned in biblical texts, this is what the mother of Jesus Christ was called, for this reason this name was so popular among peoples professing Christianity. In Russian, the name Maria appears around the 10th-11th centuries. The name Maria began to be given to girls belonging to noble families, and only later did they begin to call ordinary peasant women this way. Today the name Maria is in 11th place in the popularity ranking around the world.

This beautiful, euphonious name was worn by royalty, such as Grand Duchess Maria of Romanova, Queen of England Maria Tudor, Queen of France Marie de' Medici. Among modern women there are also a large number of worthy owners of this famous name, for example, singers Maria Maksakova and Maria Callas, athletes Maria Kiseleva and Maria Sharapova, actresses Maria Poroshina and Maria Ermolova, writers Maria Bashkirtseva and Maria Arbatova.

This list can be continued endlessly. So what is the meaning of the name Maria, since it was worn by famous, famous people at all times. The answer to this question will be given in this article.

Meaning of a girl's name

What character traits does the meaning of the name Maria determine?

Early childhood:

As a child, Masha is a kind, gentle, calm girl. A little stubborn and willful. Nevertheless, she is an inexhaustible source of joy for her parents and childhood for her will remain the brightest and happiest time. Maria is happy to help her mother. In kindergarten, Mashenka is calm, makes friends with everyone, loves outdoor games, reading poetry, and dancing.

Her favorite pastime during these years was being a nanny for small children. She treats them with great affection and attention, so adults are not afraid to trust their children to her. Maria is a very vulnerable child and has a hard time dealing with even a small remark addressed to her. But at the same time, she is able to stand up for herself; there is firmness and dignity in her character.


Maria studies well at school and is very responsible. Masha is offended by any criticism. A child with this name is not friends with everyone in the class, only with a few girlfriends, whom he is jealous of the other girls. The meaning of the name Maria is susceptibility to momentary whims. Masha tries to be fair and cannot stand injustice towards herself.

Mashenka's classmates love her: she is ready to share everything she has, she is able to show sympathy, she is hardworking, she sincerely worries if something happens, and she knows how to stand up for herself. Sometimes Maria acts impulsively and thoughtlessly. But this does not apply to studies, since here the most important thing for her is responsibility. Not doing her homework is a real disappointment for her. She always diligently performs household duties.


Masha is a person of extraordinary warmth. This is the best friend you could ever wish for. Maria has a rare ability for self-sacrifice; She, like no one else, is able to live life in her husband, children, friends, and favorite books. Her credo: “I feel sorry for everyone. I have to help everyone!” the one with the name is extremely intelligent and prone to philosophy; she is a psychic, a psychoanalyst, a fortune teller, a healer, a good sorceress - she always has sublime, almost superhuman abilities, which she rarely develops in herself: there is no time, she must arrange the affairs of others! The girl Maria is elegant, beautiful, and a wonderful housewife.

Pet names

From the moment of birth, parents try to call their baby affectionately and come up with diminutive nicknames for him. Most often these are abbreviated modified forms of the name. Children readily respond to them and keep them as household nicknames into adulthood.

Maria has many variants of different word forms: Masha, Mashunya, Munya, Mashura, Mura; Maryushka, Mariyka, Marisha, Marya, Marunya, Marulya; Marusya, Musya, Masya, Musha; Manya, Manyunya, Manyusya, Manyuta, Manyusha, Manyasha, Mulya.

Character of the name Maria

Positive characteristics of the name:

The meaning of the name Maria from a psychological point of view. The name Maria gives decency, kindness, reliability, activity, humanity. The girl Maria has a huge supply of love and tenderness. Since childhood, she has shown gentleness, obedience, sympathy for people and a willingness to help a person in trouble. At the same time, there is firmness and dignity in her character. If necessary, the girl is able to stand up for herself and her ideals. Maria is a little envious, but someone else's misfortune gives her an instinctive desire to help. If something happens to her, Masha withdraws into herself and rarely shares her experiences.

Negative characteristics of the name:

The name Maria brings gloominess, vulnerability, resentment, and stubbornness. If she doesn’t agree with something, she expresses her disagreement quite violently. Failures have special meaning for her. She has a hard time dealing with comments addressed to her. They, of course, upset her, but she doesn’t make a tragedy out of it, she quickly pulls herself together and starts over.

Adult woman

The ancient origin of the name Maria makes it popular. Growing up, the girl will have the same character traits that she received in childhood and adolescence. In many ways, the development of her personality will be influenced by her upbringing. The people around her will also contribute to the development of her character. When faced with difficulties, Maria will overcome them to the best of her ability. If her peers treat her with disrespect, the girl will eventually develop the strength to fight back.

If Mary’s surrounding world is harmonious, an adult woman will be as kind, sociable and generous as in childhood. She has a strong sense of justice. Therefore, if necessary, he will stand up for the weak. However, she defends herself much less often. Maria is friendly and cheerful.

As an adult, she develops courage in communication. Growing up, she develops the ability to persuade and defend her own point of view. Gradually, a desire to be a leader and other similar qualities appear. She might even learn to argue. However, this will not be a strong character trait.

The ability and thirst for creativity gives its owner the name Maria. The meaning of the name is as deep and ambiguous as the girl’s character. She will strive to become a leader, although nature will dictate the opposite.

Maria will have difficult relationships with representatives of the opposite sex. The thing is, this girl is actually quite selfish. She will strive to attract attention to herself by any means available to her. This may be misunderstood by men.

The fate of the name Maria in love and marriage

Does the meaning of the name Maria promise happiness in love? Having matured, Maria radiates warmth, affection, and attention around her even more than in childhood. People who need help and support always turn to her, and she, in turn, is always ready to help a person in trouble.

In marriage, Mary is faithful, sensual, ready to follow her husband, and will never give him a reason to reproach her for something. But in order for the relationship with your spouse to be warmer and more sincere, you must have at least one child in the family.

Maria is a wonderful housewife; she devotes herself entirely to her children, relegating her husband to the background. Giving all of herself to the kids, Masha takes care of even grown children, as she is a very devoted mother. The children reciprocate her feelings and always take her side. Her husband and children more often respond to her with devotion and obedience. Mary has a good relationship with her mother-in-law, if she is an old and frail woman. If the mother-in-law is healthy and does not need care, then difficulties are possible.

Maria takes her husband's infidelity very hard. She might even leave him because of this. Mashenka’s husband should remember that she is painfully going through internal and family discord.

Name days and patron saints

In Christianity, the patron saint of all Marys is the Mother of God.

Mary Magdalene Equal to the Apostles can be considered an equally strong patroness. Once this woman was possessed by demons, and she turned to Jesus Christ for healing. The meeting with Jesus helped Mary to be healed, and his righteous speeches made such an impression on her that she became his faithful disciple. Mary Magdalene was with her teacher even when the apostles left him, fearing punishment. It was Mary Magdalene who witnessed the crucifixion, death, and then the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Women named Mary have many other strong patrons, such as Mary of Egypt, Mary of Radonezh, Mary of Caesarea, Mary of Asia.

Masha celebrates her birthday several times a year: February 19, 58, 25, April 2, 14, 16, 25, May 17, 5, 11, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24 June, July 2 and 25, 4, 22 , August 24, September 28 and November 11.

Talents, profession, career

Choice of profession:

A woman bearing the name Maria belongs to the type of person who “reigns in heaven and on earth.” Her activities are marked by high spiritual, intellectual and creative aspirations. Maria is responsible and hardworking; she manifests herself most fully in medicine, pedagogy, and the arts. Since childhood, the girl Masha has become accustomed to solving her problems on her own, without placing them on the shoulders of others. If she fails to receive an excellent education, then she can earn fame and honor in a modest work field.

Masha is not afraid of professions where you need to give your all, the range of her activities is extremely wide, she is in her place everywhere - cheerful, good-natured, hardworking. Over the years, she becomes quite strict and outwardly serious, but her warmth and sociability remain. Therefore, the best professions for Maria are pedagogy and medicine, the most humane, requiring warmth and rigor.


This girl stands firmly on the ground and does not strive to shine. She lives within her means, knows how to save money, but does not depend on it. Defeats and failures upset Maria, but she does not attach great importance to them.

Translation into other languages

Thanks to its wide distribution, the name Maria has acquired a heterogeneous sound in different countries of the world. Each ethnic group adapted it to its own dialect. Sometimes the changes went so far that they no longer resembled the original name.

Maria in different languages ​​of the world:

  • In English - Mary (Mary), Maria (Mary), Mariah (Mariah).
  • The name is translated into Japanese not literally, but its meaning - Nigai (bitter, stubborn).
  • In Chinese "Malia". Name hieroglyphs: 玛丽娅, transcription -mǎlìyà.

What does the name Arina mean, the girl’s characteristics

Horoscope named after Maria


uncollected, impulsive nature. She tends to make promises that she does not keep and take on tasks that she is not able to complete. She has a lot of impetuosity, sincerity and enthusiasm. This is an eternally young, never despondent woman. Mary-Aries always becomes the object of male attention. It's easy with her, but she's fickle.


a strong, decisive, unflappable woman. She is honest and selfless, she moves towards her goals calmly and confidently and often occupies a leadership position. Mary-Taurus gets along well with others and knows how, as if by chance, to impose her point of view on them. She often does not have enough time for her personal life, and when this time appears, she prefers to spend it at home. Typically, Mary-Taurus begins relationships with men already in adulthood.


energetic, talkative, welcoming woman. She is more concerned about the world of internal values ​​than material gain. Mary-Gemini is objective, stays open with everyone, and does not like to remain in the shadows. She has a wonderful tongue. Mary-Gemini knows how to convince and defend her principles. She always looks attractive, dresses fashionably and is not offended by the attention of men. She likes suave fans.


a woman of few words, shy. At first glance, she is happy with everything, patient and reserved. However, passions rage in the soul of Mary-Cancer, she is overwhelmed by imagination. Only she does not want to attract attention to her person, and therefore does not express her opinion, preferring to agree with the opinion of the majority. Also, Maria-Cancer does not make any effort to please men, which is why she has problems in her personal life.

Maria Leo:

proud, expansive personality. She looks at life broadly, openly, her actions are distinguished by their scope, she is always ready to lead. Such excessive enthusiasm often leads Mary-Leo to mistakes. She trusts people, and they use her; she is convinced of her irresistibility, and she is considered an upstart. Representatives of the stronger sex are not averse to hitting on Mary-Leo, but they are faced with her difficult character. She begins to command, is arrogant, and often makes violent scenes.

Mary the Virgin:

balanced, prudent, methodical nature. She never loses patience and does not rush into battle, preferring to think carefully first. Mary-Virgo literally sees right through people, but knows how to keep other people’s secrets perfectly. She suppresses her emotions, so she gives men the impression of a cruel “ice of ice.” In fact, Mary the Virgin knows how to love, she just believes that the manifestation of passion is not the most important thing in a union.


an elegant, accommodating, peace-loving woman. This is a born diplomat. She is endowed with the rare ability to smooth out rough edges in relationships between people. Maria-Libra is attentive to the words of her interlocutor, knows how to give in, but if necessary, she will defend her point of view. Men are drawn to her. Mary-Libra enjoys gentlemanly courtship.

Maria Scorpio:

obstinate, sensual, artistic personality. She has a huge reserve of internal strength, is unusually hardworking and careful. Maria-Scorpio carefully analyzes the actions of others, knows how to adapt to them, hiding her own feelings. She does not give in to any persuasion if she is convinced of her opinion. The sensuality of this woman attracts the stronger sex with terrifying force. Maria-Scorpio often starts affairs, but is often disappointed. She breaks off the relationship harshly and no longer wants to have anything to do with her former passion.

Maria Sagittarius:

inquisitive, adventurous, straightforward nature. She despises any restrictions; if she wants to learn something or achieve something, she rushes ahead. Maria-Sagittarius does not care about the consequences, as long as the result turns out to be worthwhile. She is sincere with people, but sometimes demonstrates her superiority, causing healthy irritation in others. However, such praise of one’s own merits attracts men. Maria-Sagittarius often gets carried away, she is excited by unknown sensations. But, having satisfied her curiosity, she immediately leaves her partner. If you want to keep this woman, prepare surprises!

Maria Capricorn:

stubborn, resilient, pretentious woman. She gives the impression of a very gentle person to those who have never encountered her stubbornness. Mary-Capricorn prefers to handle things on her own and actively resists any help. But she herself always solves the problems of her friends and acquaintances, which drives her chosen one into a state of frenzy. Friends in her life sometimes take up more space than love.


correct, aloof, peculiar personality. She is overwhelmed with plans and ideas, most of them of a utopian nature; Mary-Aquarius does not accept the advice of others, and she herself advises with great reluctance. This woman does not care at all about the opinions of others; she has her own view of the world, her own tasks and her own ways of solving them. The personal life of Mary-Aquarius is not easy: after all, the likelihood that she will meet a man with a similar worldview is negligible.

Maria Pisces:

subtle, ceremonious, touchy nature. She is incredibly dedicated to her work, although failures can temporarily disorganize her. Mary-Pisces is reluctant to make contact with new people, she acts arrogantly and coldly. Men really like her, but she is too touchy and will instantly flare up over any little thing. You can only achieve the attention of Mari-Pisces through persistence and originality.

Angel Mary Day:

the name marks the name day three times:

  • April 14 (1) – The Venerable Mary of Egypt left her parents’ home for twelve years and led a sinful life for seven years, then she turned to the righteous path in Jerusalem and for forty-eight years Mary lived in solitude in great feats of fasting and prayer in the Jordanian desert (VI century)
  • June 5 (May 23) - St. M. Cleopas (that is, the wife of Cleopas) - daughter of Joseph the Betrothed; she lived in her father's house with the Blessed Virgin Mary; they loved each other as closest relatives, which is why the Gospel calls her “sister of the Mother of Jesus.”
  • September 21 (8) – Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


April 14 Marya - light up the snow, make the ravines play. If there is a spill on Mary of Egypt, there will be a lot of grass. September 21, the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, is Opozhinki, a harvest festival. On this day, the fire in the huts was renewed: the old one was extinguished, and the new one was lit.

Decoding letters

First letter of your name:


If your name starts with M, it means that you can handle difficult situations well. Appreciate nature, comfort, strive to visit as many new places as possible. Such individuals are friendly and ready to help others. They have trouble communicating with people they don’t know well.

Next, let's decipher each letter individually:

MThose with the letter “M” in their names easily solve complex problems and problematic circumstances. But due to shyness, they find it difficult to find a common language with their surroundings. For their own comfort, they prefer a quiet and measured life. In matters of the heart, they are ready to make any sacrifices.
ADetermines willpower and determination in different life positions. Individuals with the letter “A” in their name are characterized as hardworking, persistent, and occasionally showing sensitivity and affection in their feelings. Leadership positions and a focus on performance are observed in all areas.
RThose with the letter “R” in their names are patient and responsible. They have their own opinions on life and are often confident that they are right. Thanks to their optimism, such people do not despair in cases of failure and quickly tune in to new exploits. As their other half, they are looking for a partner who will be devoted to them and will always lend their shoulder.
ANDThese owners are observant and resourceful. They are romantic by nature and have been looking for a partner with the same sincere character for a long time. People with this letter in their name are prone to fantasy, good-natured, purposeful and extraordinary.
IThose with the letter “I” in their names are distinguished by their good manners and tact. They are successful in creative activities. They want to receive respect from their other half. However, they can ruin relationships through caustic remarks. Holders of this letter achieve their goals. According to astrologers, individuals should be more restrained in their statements.

Celebrities named Maria

  1. The Blessed Virgin of Nazareth, mother of Jesus Christ. Theotokos, Mother of God, Madonna - earthly mother of Jesus Christ.
  2. Princess Maria N. Volkonskaya (1806–1863) - wife of the Decembrist Prince Sergei Grigorievich Volkonsky.
  3. Maria Romanova (1907 - 1951) - from birth bore the title of Most Serene Princess Kirillovskaya.
  4. Maria de' Medici (1575 - 1642) - Queen of France, daughter of Grand Duke Francesco I of Tuscany and Joanna of Austria.
  5. Marlene Dietrich (1901 - 1992) - née Maria Magdalena Dietrich; German and American actress and singer.
  6. Maria Ermolova (1853 - 1928) is one of the most talented actresses in the history of the Maly Theater.
  7. Maria Krivopolenova (1843 - 1924) - storyteller, performer of epics and folk songs.
  8. Maria Sklodowska-Curie (1867 - 1934) - Polish-French experimental scientist (physicist, chemist), teacher, public figure.
  9. Mary Stuart, Mary I (1542 - 1587) - Queen of Scots from infancy, actually reigned from 1561.
  10. Maria Bochkareva - (1889 - 1920) nee - Frolkova; one of the first Russian women officers.
  11. Maria Mironova (1911 - 1997) - Soviet and Russian actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1991))
  12. Maria Biesu (1935 - 2012) outstanding Moldovan Soviet opera singer, teacher.
  13. Maria Skobtsova - nun, known as Mother Maria (1891 - 1945).
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