Rune Support

An analogue of the Elder rune Eyvaz in meaning and in design is one of the variants of the As and Bjarkan runes.
According to the outline, the Elder Rune Eyvaz determines the path of consciousness of the magician from the very top of the Tree of the Worlds, its crown, to the very bottom - its roots. Moreover, this entire path is in the power of the magician, Ash’s name is Yggdrasil, which means “Iga’s horse,” that is, Odin’s horse in a state of increased power (Igg is “powerful, terrible, inspiring unconscious awe, like a Force of a higher order”). The younger Rune As determines the upward path of Ash, but not yet his achievement - to a greater extent, help from above. The younger Runa Bjarkan sends the “I” to the earth, provides help from the lower world.

Rune drawing

The support is depicted as a vertical line, which is crossed by two beveled horizontal lines. It is considered the 14th rune of a number of Slavic magical symbols. Belongs to a number of runes of the gods. The vertical line means a tree leading to the sky, and the horizontal ones mean people obeying the gods, the cycle of life. This is the sacred drawing of this symbol. The color of the symbol is red or orange, which has long symbolized life and deity.

The Support rune will be most energetically effective if done on a wooden base, since wood also has magical abilities and has a positive effect on human energy. The support corresponds to beech and aspen, and if there is a need to wear a rune as decoration, then the aquamarine stone has the best energetic compatibility with the magical sign.

In the human body, it is a symbol of the spine, the foundation that supports the entire body and helps control other organs.

Slavic rune Opora and shamanic rituals

Knowledgeable people claim that in shamanic practice, during a trance, a warrior of the spirit travels through parallel worlds and, thanks to the supporting magical sign, always finds a way out back to our reality. This binding is called “falcon”: the Support rune is a symbol of a free bird. If a person lives righteously, then after death he ascends to heaven and becomes a deity.

Any person should honor their ancestors; they will definitely help in difficult times and guide them on the right path. The eternal circle of existence spins endlessly and supports all people living on the planet, indicating a way to be in peace and harmony with oneself and others.

The magic rune will tell you how to choose the right vector of your development and throw away the burden from your soul. It is necessary to weed out the negativity and arm yourself with sacred weapons. And in order to win good over evil, you need to have a sharp mind, a strong character and sincere intentions - and then everything will work out!


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The Rune Support is the rune of the gods, the rune of the foundations of the Universe; It is the supports, the pillars of the World, that the gods are revered in Tradition; in the ancient northern languages, these two words - god and pillar - sounded the same: ass/ans.

The host of gods are both the center and the periphery of the World, therefore, in Russian, both the Axis, symbolizing the World Tree, and the Circle, which embraces it, are denoted by almost the same word: Kol and Kolo.

The “SUPPORT” rune is suitable for protecting the home. Applied at the door, it can protect the inheritance from evil spirits. Also, given its other meaning, it can help the elders in the family.

But it is worth considering that the protection provided by Opora is passive, requiring effort from a person. If he does not direct his shield towards the enemy’s blows, then it will be useless.


TRAINING CONDITION: Having level 2 Alive and Harmony

Purpose of the channel:

  1. Help of the gods in any situation and affairs;
  2. The channel allows a person to gain strength of spirit;
  3. It opens well, gives a powerful push forward, and the help of higher powers for the planned business that you are about to start;
  4. Help and support in the development of something and, of course, help in self-development, in liberation from unhealthy habits and negative character traits, and, on the contrary, assistance in cultivating, in the formation of positive qualities;
  5. Help in the development of family affairs;
  6. Protect family heritage;
  7. Strengthen relationships within the family;
  8. Help to part with unnecessary memories, thoughts, feelings;
  9. and the development of traditional, national values.

It is not always possible to get exactly what you wanted and imagined as a result of accessing this channel. It is possible that the optimal result and development of the situation will not be your desire, but something else, and in fact, the energy of the channel will function in this direction.

In the rune Support - the channel there is the mother of the Earth, all the highest gods and spirits of Rule, Navi and Reveal, and especially those Gods and spirits that are related to the human race (to the race of this or that).


✅ BRIEFLY ABOUT THE TRAINING: The course is designed for 7 days of daily practice and useful training on each channel. The first successes await you after the 1st lesson. Your intention is enough, unlike practice with a physical rune, you will immediately feel the energy and action of the Runic Channel (the sensations may be different, depending on the situation).


  1. (DEDICATION FORM) The dedication will be transmitted remotely to each student; you can receive it at a time convenient for you. Instructions for dedication will be sent after payment. The preparation time for the dedication is 1-3 days.
  2. After the initiation, the methodological manual 14. Practice from the screen of the rune Opora-7str.doc – 7 pages of A4 format will be sent by email .

With the help of the knowledge gained, you will be able to:

1. Practice healing yourself or a patient.

2. Use the strength and power of the runic channel in other healing practices.

3. Protect yourself from negative energies.

4. And much more. Everything will come only by practicing and creating for the Glory of Light, Love and Harmony. Doing good deeds and deeds.

Your intention is enough, unlike practice with a physical rune, you will immediately feel the energy and action of the Runic Channel (the sensations may be different, depending on the situation).


Symbol meaning

A person becomes more harmonious if the symbol is in an upright position.
In the correct position, the Support rune gives maximum positive energy and means:

  • protection from evil forces and the evil eye;
  • upward movement in business, health, personal life;
  • solving problems that have arisen;
  • strengthening strength and talents;
  • development of internal harmony;
  • clarity of thinking;
  • confidence in strength;
  • long-term love relationship, union;
  • recovery;
  • strengthening relationships;
  • achieving the goal.

In the traditional sense, the rune does not have an inverted image, but it can fall out so that the horizontal lines become vertical, and the vertical becomes horizontal. This is considered the inverted state of the symbol. In this form, the meaning of the Support rune can be interpreted as:

The reverse meaning of the symbol can promise a person illness.

  • destruction;
  • disease;
  • fixation on the past;
  • lack of progress in business;
  • grievances;
  • stress;
  • self-deception;
  • lack of support;
  • betrayal;
  • breakup and divorce;
  • quarreling;
  • distance in achieving the goal.

Scope of application

The Support rune is inextricably linked with such concepts as folk traditions, divine power and connections with past generations. This symbol personifies a person’s basic ideas about the surrounding reality and life in general. To achieve a specific goal, it is extremely important to understand why you need it - this will help you more confidently make your way through any obstacles. The Slavic Rune Support will only indicate the vector of movement, and also focuses on mistakes that can become fatal. Its main purpose is to support people on the path of spiritual development, as well as help fight bad habits and completely eradicate negative character traits. This symbol will be useful to all people who strive for new knowledge and self-development. You can buy the Support Rune, made of 925 sterling silver, in our online store.

How is it used?

Slavic magical runes are used to strengthen the spirit, life position and energy of a person. To do this, the rune is worn on the body in the form of an amulet or amulet. It provides support in difficult situations, allows you to find new friends and strengthen relationships with old ones. It can also be used as a talisman for the home or to protect the family. To do this, the support is hung above the front door or placed in the corner of the bedroom. The rune is used in fortune telling; its interpretation depends on the symbols that appear with it.

Love: interpretation

Loyalty in relationships can only mean the direct position of a given sign.
In fortune telling for love, Opora indicates that the chosen one is faithful and reliable. Family relationships are possible in the future. The rune recommends not listening to the advice of loved ones, but doing what your heart says. An inverted rune promises a quarrel with a loved one, conflict and possible separation, making it clear that the relationship is just an appearance. In the form of an amulet for love, it helps strengthen the marriage union.

Career: reading

At work, an amulet in the form of a rune will help to structure work responsibilities and highlight the main ones that most need to be resolved to advance your career. Helps you not to be distracted by extraneous things and focus on the main thing. In its negative aspect, the rune can mean that the employee is not inclined to solve the situation using a new approach, is not committed to getting the job done, and does not want to complete the necessary task. When positioned correctly, it symbolizes that a person intends to achieve his goal. In any scenario, the rune has several interpretations, so an experienced runologist should do fortune telling, and the one who is being told fortunes must be focused on one important thought so that the symbols can hear him.

General value

The Venedian rune Support is a traditional shamanic pillar, a model of the World Tree.
By performing actions on the model, the shaman gains access to the prototype - the vertical axis connecting our Universe. If the Power rune, like Kolo-Swastika, is a horizontal connector that connects disparate parts of the Universe into a single flow, then the Support rune, like a Kolo-lingam, is a vertical connector at the level of energy distribution. Support is not a guarantee of complete achievement of merging with the Tree (like Eyvaz). These are just two steps - up and down.

Up - to the forces that govern society, to the so-called Upper World, the world of pure forces of egregors. Forces inaccessible to awareness in perception. Here the “I” seems to collide with the world of egregorforms, field structures, flows of Force and energy. The information here is, to a greater extent, on the verge of understanding, and is more saturated with energy components.

Down - to the Lower World - the world of the ancestors. This is the world of memory, a wallpaper information bank of past generations. Here perception freely operates with familiar and recognizable images, the information is clear and specific. But this world is dead and requires energy. Remember Odysseus making a blood sacrifice to awaken a dead seer, Odin awakening the völva with the sacrifice of a rooster...

By contacting the lower world, the shaman exposes himself to the danger of losing his Life Force, even to the point of dying. Moreover, not all the dead are happy with their fate: and there is a real danger of possession - the dead can take possession of your body, psyche and consciousness. Likewise, a person in Support gets the opportunity and desire to consult with his past - both in his subconscious and in real events. But too often the past takes possession of him - old grievances, old values, old states of consciousness, social roles, connections and responsibilities... And all this will steal the energy of the present, the energy of the Force.

In the Upper World there is also a danger - to identify oneself with the organizing force, or to completely fall before their greatness and otherness. These forces do not have their own energy, like the dead, they live off the energy of this reality. Only the dead try to preserve the past, but the egregor is aimed at the future, at the initial goal given to it, and uses your energy to achieve this. Moreover, the egregor actually doesn’t care what happens to you in the present, the main thing is what he will give you in the future! And the more global the egregor, the less he cares about the fate and condition of individual people.

A person who turns to the “Upper World” of his consciousness for support can fall under the influence of global ideas and someone else’s goals, which completely destroy his personal ones. If the appeal is to a personal egregor, then you can fall under the desire to achieve certain past goals that have already lost all relevance for awareness. But in the egregor they are still important. And by turning there, a person dooms himself to receive things, events, and processes that are no longer necessary. The upper world lives by pumping energy from today to the future, the lower world - from today to the deceased. When working with them, a person must be attentive and strong.

Support, like the Rainbow, are two paths to another space of awareness from everyday isolation. And, like the Rainbow, the Support uses the difference in the potentials of parts of consciousness, the difference between the value systems of the past and the future, the Concepts of Good and Evil. Good and Evil “at the top” clearly and definitely serve certain general social global interests, and, moreover, with little change and stability. And “below” Good and Evil are vague; different parts of the subconscious, formed in different years and in different situations, understand Good and Evil in a very situational, personal way. These concepts are unstable here and transform into each other. Support is the contact and interaction of the supraconscious layer of consciousness and subconscious that corrects and determines the “norms” of behavior, containing unrealized promises and aspirations unrealized under the prohibitions of the superconscious. In the Support, the “I” distributes energy from the Force into these layers, transforming them and launching an active exchange - both energy and programs. A person gives up illusions, gets the opportunity to realize plans and desires - if they are still relevant, and understand himself, make himself more effective and stronger.

Rune Support in magic

Support is a connection between generations. And therefore, it is often used in rituals aimed at strengthening family unions and restoring family relationships.

Often the cause of all troubles is a generational curse. The Slavic rune will help you remove it. Also, a professional magician can use it to build a protective energy shield around the injured person.

Talismans with Support help solve family problems. Such an amulet is capable of awakening past memories in the thoughts of its owner and turning on ancestral memory.

Alena Golovina - white witch, psychic, author of the website "MAGiYA"

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