The meaning of the Algiz rune for protecting home and person

Runes of protection are among the means that perfectly help protect a person from evil and return him back to the creator. Charms, staves and talismans with runes can not only protect the house, but also remove all negative influences from the outside. All runes have a huge connection with the Universe and almost unlimited power over the world.

Depending on what specific goal is pursued by the one who draws the rune, he must choose the color. Black, gold and blue are considered the most effective in terms of action. Algiz and Eyvaz are considered to be the most powerful symbols. The first of them protects against thieves and represents a kind of protective barrier. The second is a powerful amulet against envy and damage.

Sources of traditions

The runic tradition of Scandinavia and the Elder Futarch became the very first and most obvious indicators of ancient magic. Among other things, it is the Scandinavian runes that are the most studied in the world. Methods of using signs are collected in the epics of many nations. In particular, Anglo-Saxon and Germanic legends provide many methods for the correct use of this mysterious knowledge. And today, many magicians and ordinary people confirm that these sacraments perfectly help to cope with many problems in life.

The difference between Scandinavian runes is that they are very difficult to understand. And without this it is impossible to begin to apply this knowledge. If you believe the legends, then even the god Odin, who was the first to reveal the sacred mysteries of the runes, must make his own special sacrifice. To do this, he hung for seven days, pierced by a spear on the tree of Yggradisil.

Using symbols incorrectly can lead to some pretty disastrous results. This is exactly what the legends testify to.

But archaeologists today find a lot of evidence that runic symbols were used by people everywhere to protect their homes and fulfill their desires. For this purpose, special runic formulas have been developed that can be easily used even by the most ignorant people in this matter. Therefore, when using these staves there is no danger to humans.

Sometimes the line between energy storers and energy sources is very blurred, they all have to do with energy conservation.
Both energy guardians and sources help preserve, protect and enhance the energy field you created when cleansing your home. GUARDIAN SPIRITS

The inner regions have many helpers and allies. To create a feeling of safety and security in your home, contact your guardian spirit. The guardian spirit will not only protect you from uninvited intrusion from the outside, but will also bring a sense of security into your home so that its inhabitants suffer less from possible accidents and domestic injuries. Many traditional cultures around the world believed in protectors of the home. The protectors or guardians of a home can take many forms, including that of an animal spirit, guardian angels, a home protective spirit, or even a protective tree spirit. Whatever their form, they are all valuable additions to making your home a safe haven. One woman lived in a block of flats in London. One day, returning home after work, she discovered that every apartment where the owners were absent had been visited by thieves - except her apartment. At first glance, her apartment was no different from other apartments and nothing prevented the thief from breaking into it. It was no more difficult to enter than any other apartment. However, the doors of 14 apartments were broken into, but hers was not. She believed that this was due to the energy field she created around the apartment and partly thanks to the guardians of the house. Another woman installed an image of an animal - a protective spirit - at the door. She worked with the energy of cats and placed a large cat statue near the front door. She was gone for three days, away for the weekend, and returned to find the door open. However, nothing was stolen, although many valuable items were located right next to the door. Another house in this usually quiet area was also broken into by thieves this weekend. The inhabitants of this house were also not very injured; very few things were stolen from them. Police said something scared the thief away. The woman believed that her protector spirit stopped the thief and he never entered the house. Of course, there could be many reasons why nothing was stolen from her house. What happens is that the energy of the guardians of the house, when people with dishonest intentions appear, causes the latter to feel uneasy, which makes them run away. Of course, you need to take basic, reasonable precautions to prevent theft when living in any modern city. And yet, perhaps it was the energy of her house, together with the energy of the house keeper, that helped protect the house.


The most powerful protector and guardian of the home is the Angel.
Asking the Angels to become guardians of your home to protect and spiritually revive it can bring you a wonderful sense of peace, harmony and security. Who are angels?
Angels are constantly mentioned in history and myths. Myths aside, Angels are real beings. The veils separating the world of Angels from the world of people become thinner, and these messengers of the Spirit declare their presence. They bring beauty, peace, joy, perfection, laughter and love. Their presence helps us get rid of the burden of fear, uncertainty, guilt, pain and anxiety. Instead of feeling worthless and insecure, they offer a sense of joy and belonging. Angels help us connect with powerful, but very soft forces that encourage us to live a full life. They help us live in joy instead of fear. Angels help us discover the world of love. There are many different Angels, and each one serves us in different ways. Each person has his own Angels, called Guardian Angels. These creatures are directly related to you and your development. They can help you be creative, protect you, and help you realize your dreams. There are also Nature Angels who protect specific areas, such as mountains or lakes. Those places in which you are overcome with a special feeling of reverence are most likely guarded by such Angels.

Variety of Angels

Angels can appear in various forms. Most often, people imagine Angels in the form of traditional church images with wings. Almost every culture in the world has adherents of winged Angels. American Indians call Angels Winged People or Bird People. But Angels with wings are quite rare; much more often Angels appear in human form. Angels take the form that most suits and comforts the one to whom they appear. They can be male or female, young or old, of any nationality, sometimes beautifully and sometimes poorly dressed.

How to recognize Angels

Most often we do not see Angels, but feel them. We can sense their presence in various ways. Sometimes they announce their arrival with a light breeze when the windows are closed. Sometimes you hear the sounds of bells, bells or horns. When Angels penetrate our reality, their appearance is accompanied by a sound that most closely resembles the sound of horns in our reality. Sometimes you may see a flash of light indicating the appearance of an Angel. And most often you just feel a wave of love covering you. If you think that an Angel visited you in these moments, then most likely it is so. Angels serve as a bridge connecting our physical reality with pure spiritual energy. Like a leaf gently falling to the surface of a pond, Angels descend from above into our consciousness, and we become aware of their presence. To the extent that we believe in them, we can receive blessings from them. Intention and a surge of energy will appear. If you think about Angels more often, they will begin to appear more often in your life. See Guardian Angels.

How to call an Angel to your home

To call an Angel into your home, first do some general cleaning. Then determine what is most important in your home. This may be the part of the house that you consider to be the heart or center of it; it may or may not coincide with the geometric center of the house. Determine such a place and sit quietly in this place. Focus and ask the Angel at home to come to you. Imagine this Angel of the Home directing a beam of light that completely covers your home and the area surrounding it. You can call upon the energy of an Angel to a specific room in your home. You may want to bring the Angel's energy into your bedroom so that it can help you at night, guide you on the true path in your inner quest, or help you and your loved ones find health during the night. You might want to call an Angel into the nursery. Children have a special relationship with Angels. Many children see the Angel when adults cannot.

How to call the angels of the four cardinal directions

Another way to protect your home is to ask the four great Angels to stand at the edges of your house. Imagine that they have spread their wings, forming a huge tent of light and love over your home. This is how these Beautiful Creatures of Light are invoked: Angel of the East: I turn to the Angel of the East. I ask you to grant safety, protection and love to this home. May warm heavenly winds gently blow through this house, thank you for your presence. Angel of the South: I turn to the Angel of the South. I ask you to grant safety, protection and love to this home. Let the gentle heavenly rains cleanse and heal everything in this house. Thank you for your presence. Angel of the West: I turn to the Angel of the West. I ask you to grant safety, protection and love to this home. Let the warmth of the sun fill everyone who enters this house with light and love. Thank you for your presence. Angel of the North: I turn to the Angel of the North. I ask you to grant safety, protection and love to this home. May the power and steadfastness of the earth fill everyone who enters this house. Thank you for your presence. Creator: Great Spirit present in all things, I ask that you give guidance and love to all who enter this house so that we can live in peace and love. Please accept my deepest gratitude for your loving presence. You can call on these Angels during meditation or go around the four sides of the house and call on Angels from each side of the world. Then leave a gift for the Angel - a beautiful pebble, feather or flower. When turning to someone with a request, it is customary to give a gift. It's not the size of the gift that matters, but the energy you put into it. If you are lucky and have at least a small garden around your house, you can plant a plant on each side of the compass for the four Angels. Don't worry if the direction isn't accurate. In fact, what matters most is your intention. To make the presence of Angelic energy more tangible in your home, consider hanging a picture of Angels on the wall, or putting up figurines, or even hanging figurines of Angels somewhere. You can leave the Christmas Angels for the whole year. What you pay more attention to will appear more often in your life. If Angels attract your special attention, they will increasingly make their presence known. I believe that all prayers reach their goal, and the Angels are very close.


Messengers of Spirit can appear in many forms. There are many references to the use of Allies (also called totems, power animals, guide animals, and spirit animals) in traditional cultures. People believed that every person has a personal animal, a spirit that guides him, gives him strength and protection. Although a person may have more than one totem, usually only one of them is the main one. The Western equivalent of the totem is the Spiritual Guide. Totems can be very powerful home protectors. Although people of indigenous descent are more inclined to work with totems, anyone from any culture can receive the help of their totem animal. Knowing a person's totem helps to better understand it. In many tribes, connections and relationships are based on totem relationships. See Totems.

How to find your ally

In ancient traditions, the totem was found during a special vision or inner journey. However, not everyone has the opportunity to go on such a journey, so there are many other ways to get to know your ally. Your power animal may be an animal you have loved since childhood. Your totem may appear regularly during meditation. The animal that you constantly dream about could be your totem. Sometimes you can find your power animal by feeling yourself irresistibly drawn to it. For example, if as a child your favorite thing to hear was stories about horses, and being around a horse gives you a feeling of peace and balance, you can assume that the horse is your totem. Your animal ally may manifest in unusual ways. If a crow's feather fell in front of your feet while you were walking, the crow may be one of your totems. Another way to find out your totem is by observing the “signs” or omens in your life. For example, you receive a postcard in the mail with a picture of a deer. And then you start to notice images of deer on posters and covers. You turn on the TV and see a program about deer. Just as you drive past a herd of deer, a deer song comes on the radio. Every night you dream about a deer. You turn around and it seems to you that a deer has looked at you. You want to know the meaning of these events. These are all "signs" indicating that one of your totems is a deer. You may share qualities with your totem, so it can be discovered by studying the habits and behavior of different animals. Read books about animals. Learn about the habits and lifestyles of those animals to which you feel special attraction. This information is in nature magazines, encyclopedias, and books. For example, bears wake up late and are quite conservative in their habits, always walking along the same path. If you jump out of bed in the morning full of energy and strive for variety in your activities, then the bear is unlikely to be your totem. If you always move quickly, eat little, never get fat, speak quickly, then your totem could be a bird (and most likely a songbird, not a raptor, i.e. not an eagle or a falcon).

How to discover the meaning of your ally

Each ally has their own qualities or abilities. By interacting with your totem, you can gain these qualities. Different cultures have attributed different qualities to different totems, so I believe you need to trust your intuition more when determining the meaning of your totem. There are no universal meanings for totems. A good example of this is the Spirit Ally Owl. When I was talking about totems with old Aboriginal people in Australia, one of them said that a man should be wary of the owl because it is a female totem, embodying darkness and the unknown. He said that the power of women and the unknown is frightening and therefore one should be wary of the owl. In New Zealand I spoke about totems with members of the Terinaki Maori tribe. I asked them about the owl and they told me that the owl is a sacred Maori bird. She is so sacred that her name is never spoken aloud. In American Indian culture, some tribes have special respect for the owl, believing that it embodies deep wisdom. And at the same time, other tribes consider the owl to be a messenger of death and darkness. Different cultures define the meaning of animal allies differently, and therefore I believe that you should determine the meaning of the totem yourself. There are many ways to determine the value of your ally. There are books that describe animal powers and their qualities. It is sometimes interesting and amusing to see how traditional cultures determined the meanings of various totem animals. While this can be helpful, it is important to remember that this is just someone's personal interpretation, with different authors defining the meaning of the same totem differently. But while any interpretation is only a personal or traditional point of view, it can be a good start. Some descriptions of totems may be particularly attractive to you. You can read about the nature of your totem in some book and “feel” how much it is in tune with your vision. Your own definition of the meaning of a totem is unique and as valid as anyone else's. The second way to determine the meaning of a totem is to study the habits and characteristics of your totem animal. For example, if you feel that your totem is the leopard, you can study the behavior and habits of leopards. By researching this, you can learn that the leopard sleeps most of the time, but when the time comes to hunt, it instantly focuses and rushes quickly and purposefully after its prey. This research may lead you to the conclusion that one of the qualities of the leopard totem is the ability for perfect rest, which does not interfere with quickly and easily achieving the goal. Your power animal helps you understand your strengths, which can help during times of stress. You can also discover the qualities of your ally during meditation by imagining that you are talking to him. Clearly visualize (or simply feel the presence of the totem if you have difficulty visualizing) the totem to determine its meaning. Ask the totem about its qualities and how it can help you. Sometimes, over time, the totem changes. You may find that a particular totem works well during a certain period of your life. But then, as you change, you may be attracted to the energy of another spirit animal. There is some kind of primal power in the energy of the totem, which is why it is perfect for protecting your home. Not only can your totem protect your home, an alliance with it helps bring the qualities of an ally into your home and your life.

How to use the help of an ally at home

Once you know your totem and its meaning, you can invite the energy of the totem into your home. You can pray to your totem, inviting it into your home or office as a protector of the home. You can also use totem images and sculptures in and around your home to attract even more protective energy. To protect your home, you can use your personal totem or summon the totem animal of the house itself. You may want to use different spirit animals for different rooms or parts of the house. For example, if you want healing energy to be present in your home, a bear totem would be a good choice, as the bear is traditionally associated with healing. Or there is a special healing room in the house. Then you can only summon the bear totem to this room. If you want to bring a feeling of strength and freedom to your home, you can invoke a horse totem. The horse is often associated with grace, strength, freedom and movement. If you really like to look into the unknown, then you can use an owl as your spirit animal. If you have a large family or live in a house with a lot of people and you want a real sense of community in your home, you may want to work with a wolf totem. Wolves live in packs and are largely family oriented. The energy of birds lends itself well to the kitchen as they are very active, energetic and cheerful. In order to bring the energy of the totem into your home, it is good to purchase a figurine, photograph or painting depicting your totem. These items have their own energy and can help bring the energy of the totem into your home.


At the entrance to the house, place images of the strongest and most powerful totems. A totem placed at the entrance to a home sets the tone for the energy of the entire home, so in many ways it is the most important place for a totem image. In my own home, there are totemic images of lizards at the entrance. The lizard is the guardian of dream time among the Australian aborigines and one of the guardians of the internal mysteries. This is an exclusively female totem. When you open the door of my house, you encounter lizards. I have two large wood carved Balinese lizard figurines and a painting of a lizard next to the Door. They protect my space and also help reinforce the energy I desire for my home. Their presence creates a sense of sacred space. At one time, many tramps lived in our neighborhood. Although most of them were kind but unhappy people, one tramp stood out for his sinister appearance. He came into our garden and looked into the house. My daughter Meadow was very young and I was worried about her safety. When my anxiety reached its peak, I carefully picked up the large wooden lizards and placed them on the steps in front of the entrance. I asked them to let people into the house only with good intentions. It so happened that I saw from the window how the tramp again approached my house. He looked at one lizard, then at the other, quickly turned and left. I didn't see him again.

Totems for the bedroom

A bear can often be a good bedroom totem. The bear spends the winter in a den and channels energy for healing. Intuitively, it is no coincidence that people buy teddy bears and put them on their beds. This can be called an unconscious invitation of bear energy into the bedroom. Pisces is an equally effective bedroom totem because it lives in water, which represents dreams and emotions. Another beautiful totem is the turtle. The turtle is the embodiment of Mother Earth. She is also associated with safety, the return to the womb, darkness and its comfort. Turtle energy used in the bedroom provides complete rest, restoration and a strong sense of security. The eagle totem has very strong energy and attracts many people. However, this energy is often too strong for the bedroom. If you want to use a bird as a totem, turn to nocturnal birds, such as the owl. Eagle is more suitable for a living room or meditation room if you want intense, powerful energy in these rooms. Two totems are the most powerful symbols of the transformation our planet is currently going through: the dolphin and the whale. These are wonderful totems for a child's bedroom. They are also great for places where people socialize a lot. The dolphin is a symbol of joy, communication and connection. Whether you use a drawing, a figurine, or a small photograph, any image creates the energy of the totem you are calling upon. Sometimes a snake totem is used in the bedroom. Although many people view the snake negatively, it is a very powerful totem. Throughout human history, she has represented qualities such as healing, personal transformation, and essential life force. Two snakes entwined around each other form the symbol of the caduceus, a symbol of medicine. In ancient Greece, there were hundreds of temples of sleep (temples of Asclepius, who was the god of sleep and healing), which were visited by people thirsting for healing. Snakes writhed on the floor of such temples, as they were believed to embody the power of healing. To be cured, a person had to spend the night in a temple with snakes. Snakes also embody transformation as they shed their skin. For Hindus, the snake is the expression of the kundalini energy, the life force energy that is coiled like a snake at the base of the spine. Snake energy can be a powerful totem for any part of the home. This totem embodies energy potential that you can use as needed. If the time of change or initiatory transition has come in your life and you need to leave the old and move on to the new, then the energy of the snake will be an excellent support. Under normal conditions, the energy of the snake totem is too strong to be used in the bedroom, but during the period of transformation it will be the best choice. It is useful at this time to completely surround yourself with the energy of these reptilian helpers.

Totems for the living room

Social animals such as wolves and dolphins are best used for living rooms. Any animal that brings the energy of community and connection into the home can also be perfectly used as totems. Playful animals such as seals are also a great choice. Animals that live in herds, such as elephants, are also suitable, they bring and maintain the energy of community and friendship.

Bathroom totems

Frogs, turtles, dolphins, whales, fish and fur seals are totems that can be worked with in the bathroom. They embody the spirit of water and keep your bathroom feeling alive and natural.

Totems for the kitchen

The kitchen is the source of food for the entire family, so kitchen totems are extremely important. Although I eat only vegetarian food, I have chosen the cow as my kitchen totem (an animal I believe is underrated). For me, a cow represents peace. It also has the energy of service, everything that a cow is made of can serve others. I know a woman who considers the fox to be the best totem for the kitchen, because it is a very smart and cunning animal. She thinks she needs to be smart and cunning to cook well!

Totems for the office

A totem for a home office is chosen depending on the specifics of the work you do. If your office is a place of peace and intellectual exploration, a deer totem may be right for you. Deer energy is associated with nobility, gentleness and love. If a lot of your life depends on your work, you can spread the influence of the deer totem throughout the house. If you feel like there is too much yang energy in your work, deer totems in the home will help balance the energy. If you spend a lot of time in the forest and study the tracks of various animals, you may have noticed that deer tread very carefully, trying not to damage the plants. In contrast, the moose chooses the shortest path and goes ahead. Nothing can stop him; he simply sweeps everything out of his way! This is a very large and strong animal, its horns can reach one and a half meters in length. His strength and endurance are simply amazing. If in your office you work on projects that require strength and endurance, when you need to go towards the goal despite any obstacles and obstacles, you can choose the moose as the totem of your office. The spirit of the elk resembles the energy and spirit of a warrior. This energy is also helpful if you feel like a victim in your life; it helps to counteract this destructive feeling. The crow can also be a good totem for the office. Crows are highly intelligent birds known for their persistence and curiosity. The crow never remains alone for long and constantly explores what attracts its attention until it completely satisfies its interest. The crow is cunning and can manipulate those around it to get what it wants. The qualities of a crow can be useful for running a successful business.

Totems as home protectors

Totems can be very good home protectors. If you take the time to connect with your totems and then place images of them in your home, you will have silent guardians protecting your home day and night. To ensure that the power and influence of the totem does not weaken and increase, it is important to periodically thank them. You can simply greet them (out loud or silently) from time to time. If you clean a totem image of dust, this action can also become an expression of gratitude and appreciation. Caring for and expressing gratitude to totems helps preserve their energy. Whatever you give your attention to responds with more energy. It is not the objects and pictures themselves that create protection for your home, but the meaning and energy that you put into them. Remember that totems are always personal, and the best totem for any part of your home will be the one with which you feel a special connection. I also recommend using representatives of the species that live in your region as totem animals. For example, if you live in Australia, you might work with dingoes or kangaroos or wombats. If you live in North America, you can choose animals that are native to that area—coyote, wolf, or moose. In England you might prefer deer or fox. Most often, people feel a stronger connection with animals that live in the same area, although sometimes there are people who feel a very special connection and attraction to animals they have never seen living in a place they have never been to.


Another protector of the home can be called the “spirit of your home.” Everything has a spirit, everything has a spirit. In ancient traditions, it was important to thank the spirits of all phenomena: the spirit of the house, the spirit of the mountain, the spirit of the river that irrigates the plants, the spirit of plants and animals used for food, the spirit of the earth lying under your feet. If you respect and appreciate the world around you, it will support and protect you. An interesting story related to the spirit of the house occurred in Bali. In January 1993, the Bali Beach Hotel in Sanur burned down. The fire did not touch only one room on the third floor, room 327. The neighboring rooms were completely burned, and there was not a single trace of fire in it. Room 327 had a very interesting history. Before the fire, residents of these expensive apartments often complained to the servants. They could not live in this room for a long time, because strange sounds disturbed their sleep at night. The air conditioning, telephone, plumbing and electrical wiring mysteriously broke down. But the repairmen found no damage. After the fire, as is customary in Bali, a native medium was called in to reveal the cause of the fire. This medium came into contact with the spirit of the building, who in Bali is called the “Lord of the Manor.” This spirit was named Ein Meduwa Karang, and he reported that he wanted room 327 to become his Sanctuary. The spirit also reported that he sent many signs that no one paid attention to. These were exactly those mysterious breakdowns. In the end, he decided to burn down the hotel. Local traders agreed that there were other omens, such as the hotel being built on the site of a cemetery (not acceptable in Bali). Several of the hotel's staff suffered heart attacks, which in Bali is always considered a sign of problems with the spirit world. To appease the spirits who caused these diseases, sacrifices were made shortly before the fire, but, as the Bali Post wrote on January 26, 1993: “This did not bring the desired result. One of the reasons for the fire was that the hotel management did not understand anything about Balinese sacrifice rituals. Can a German, a chief cook, understand that it is necessary to feed not only people, but also “souls”? His budget does not allow this, it does not at all correspond to his ideas about such work.” In Bali, after a fire, it is customary to either build a building in a new place or give it a new name. This story ended with the hotel being restored, it became even bigger and better. It was renamed the Grand Bali Beach Hotel, and room 327 was used only as the Sanctuary. To “summon” the spirit of your home: - sit quietly in a place that you consider the center of your home; - take seven deep breaths and exhalations, relax deeper and deeper with each inhalation and exhalation; - close your eyes and begin to “feel” the energy of the room around you; - Expand your awareness to feel the energy of the entire home. It's like listening to an orchestra. An orchestra consists of many instruments, but their combined sound creates a symphony. Although there are many different energy fields in a home, together they form a single energy field. When you feel an inner connection with your home, ask about its name and try to see the image associated with this name. We can better interact with personalized phenomena. If you are not sure, ask additional questions: ask what gender he is, is he tall or short, young or old? Questions like these will help you better understand the personality of your home. Once you know the name, you can ask the house about its needs. You might be surprised to see that your home can talk. For example, he or she might tell you to clean the purifier filter above the stove, or clean the fireplace, or leave the windows open more often. Or, as was the case with the Balinese hotel, the spirit of your house wants to have a special altar, a Sacred Place, dedicated to him or her. You can then ask the spirit of your house for the protection and safety of your home. Promise to thank him. I knew several people who named their houses Summersfield House. They said they named it after the house's protective spirit, Sarah Summersfield. They said that she was a warm, happy, motherly loving protector. Leaving the house, they said: “Goodbye, Sarah! Thank you for keeping our home safe." Returning home, they said: “Hi, Sarah! It’s so good to be home again.” And, entering the house with these words, they always felt a warm wave of energy enveloping them.


Man began to use rituals at the dawn of his history. A ritual is a symbolic action performed in an altered state of consciousness and leading to the desired results. Essentially, you are projecting energy through a form of ritual. There is no energy in the ritual itself; it only serves to focus your intention. It purifies your energy passing through it and symbolically embodies your intention. The most important meaning of ritual is that it allows you to focus energy for the results you desire. The power of the ritual depends on your intention, but you must also consider the state of the energy around you. Literally everything from the phase of the moon and the location of the stars to the time of year can influence your ritual. Sometimes the flow of surrounding energy helps you, and sometimes you have to go against the flow. Some people deliberately choose the most appropriate time for the ritual. However, I prefer to trust my intuition when choosing the timing of the ritual. I usually just pick a time that feels right to me. You can use the following ritual to strengthen the energy of safety and security around your home. But in general, I believe that the most powerful rituals happen spontaneously when you use your intuition and what you have at hand. Stand at the front door. Relax and come into the center of your being. Take a candle (even a thin wax candle or a candle in a glass lamp will do). Look into the center of the flame and imagine that this light is expanding and you find yourself in the center of a flickering sphere of light. Hold the candle at the center of your chest, filling the candle flame with loving energy. Slowly lift the candle up. Then, lowering the candle in a straight line down, repeat: “Safety... Protection and Good.” As you lower the candle, feel like you are inviting light to “come down” into your home. Then return the candle to the center of your chest. Slowly move the candle to the left and then to the right, saying “Safety... Protection and Good.” You create a cross, a symbol of protection and strength. Go through the entire house, from bottom to top through the floors, clockwise. At each external door and window, stop, say: “Safety... Protection and Good,” and “baptize” the doors and windows with a candle. Return to the front door and repeat the cross again to complete the ritual. Then blow out the candle. You have put the sign of the cross on every door and every window. The cross is a sacred symbol that existed long before Christ. It is a powerful symbol of peace and protection. Using it does not mean that you are driving out something bad with the cross. Even if you do it as a joke, deep psychological connections with the collective unconscious remain.


I find prayer to be the most effective and efficient way to protect and preserve energy in the home. Simply praying to the Spirit can produce immediate positive results. You can pray like this: “Great Spirit (or Lord), I ask for your protection and blessing on this house.” Sometimes immediately after these words you can hear the rustling of angels' wings and a soft wave of Spirit energy filling your home. Another way to use prayers is the Tibetan prayer wheel. This unique item consists of thousands of Buddhist prayers written on the finest paper. These pieces of paper, moving inside a silver drum rotated by a handle, make a slight rustling sound. A person spinning a prayer wheel spreads prayers throughout the world. © Denis Lynn - Sacred Space

Love for your home

A house is like a living organism. Sources of energy in your home. Brownies. Method of cleansing the home. Four cardinal directions. Systems for achieving internal balance

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional love

The main purpose of the Algiz rune

Algiz is a rune of powerful protection. It represents a kind of bridge between the divine part and people; it is through it that strength descends to people, which makes it possible to overcome all troubles. The power of this rune is so great that it was carved on the shields of the great warriors of those years.

The main feature of the magical symbol is that it encourages a person to completely trust his own intuition. If this symbol appears during fortune telling, then it tells a person standing at a crossroads that soon the Universe will give a sign of what to do and how to find a way out of the current situation. You just need to notice this very sign in time.

How to choose runic amulets of the Slavs

Many practicing magicians claim that Slavic amulets on the territory of ancient Kievan Rus are more effective than Scandinavian ones. This is the result of the action of a special energy field that the amulets created for several centuries in a row. Many images and their interpretation are easier for the people who invented magical characters. After all, everyone can use the memory of their ancestors, embedded in the subconscious.

However, many of our compatriots have better contact with Scandinavian signs. Perhaps the ancestors of these people came from Scandinavian peoples. Therefore, making a choice between two cultures is intuitive.

Sometimes experienced practitioners use magical symbols during meditation. Although it is believed that meditation came to us from the east, techniques for achieving enlightenment and visionary trance were known to the ancient Slavs. In addition, the meaning of Slavic runes and amulets can be more fully revealed to a calm mind during meditation.

For the home, symbols are most often made on pieces of wood of any pleasant species. Other materials are also suitable, but are more difficult to process. When carving a sign, the master endows it with his own energy. Therefore, inscriptions on stone are considered more powerful, and metal ones are stronger than wooden ones. But a homemade wooden amulet is much more effective than a custom-made metal one. You should use other people's amulets very carefully: someone else's energy can cause harm.

To activate a magical sign, you should hold it in your hand, thinking about positive images and cherished desires.

Before working with powerful ancient symbols, it is necessary to carefully study Slavic amulets and their meaning. Otherwise, you can seriously harm yourself or others. You should absolutely not use runes for long-lasting tattoos. One symbol should not be with a person all his life.

Slavic runes, amulets, rituals can provide significant help. But they should be used extremely carefully. It requires painstaking study of theory, intuition, and gradual careful practice.

How to properly use signs for protection

Some meaning of the runes itself acts as a protective amulet. That is, it is enough to apply the symbol, and it already begins to act. And the most popular rune in this regard is Algiz. It can be applied to the body or embroidered on clothes; you are also allowed to carry a plate with the image of this symbol. This sign is considered the safest, because simply by its meaning it cannot harm human health.

If you combine it with others, you can get a wonderful guard. In most cases, the following symbols are used for this:

  • Inguz + Algiz - well-being, prosperity.
  • Algiz + Otal + Algiz - protection of any property.
  • Feu + Algiz - protection of material assets.
  • Feu + Algiz - protection of family goods, both existing and acquired.

The Ewise rune is also considered an effective symbol of protection for the house and its inhabitants. The symbol itself denotes a connection with the other world and helps protect its wearer from the forces of evil. He will not be able to protect the owner from everyday troubles and misfortunes, but he will reliably protect him from the evil eye, damage and curses.
Externally, the symbol resembles a drawing of a yew tree, which is the main active element in communication with the other world.

Features and meaning

You can use runes to protect your home and family in different ways. Staves are often prepared independently or the formulas are altered to suit their own needs. For personal safety, it is better to prepare talismans from constantly worn jewelry - such amulets are very common. To compile a runescript yourself, you can refer to reference books on the meanings of runes in upright and inverted form. The most common runes for protection are:

  1. Algiz is an active protective rune that is used as a talisman against evil people or the intrusion of strangers into a room.
  2. Fehu - improves the atmosphere in the home and gives material prosperity and well-being.
  3. Otal - the rune most often symbolizes connection with ancestors, wisdom and stability, but often indicates property and home.

Drawing runic ligatures and formulas is not a difficult task, but for this method of protection to work correctly, you need to act in a certain algorithm. Combining Scandinavian and Slavic runes is acceptable, but the meanings must be checked first. Each of the symbols is applied only in a pre-calculated order with a reservation. In some cases, scattered runes are applicable, which are placed in separate parts of the house, but they should not conflict with each other.

The order of symbols

The “Home Protection” runes require adherence to a certain order when applying signs. They need to be drawn exactly on what needs protection. If you need to protect a house, then runic staves are applied directly to the doorframes from the inside or above the threshold. Ideally, all the symbols can be written directly on the front door.

To protect your car, just draw a runic symbol on paper and put it in the glove compartment of your car. If it is necessary to save funds or any documents, a piece of paper with runes is placed in a safe.

Runes applied to your own body . But if this is not entirely convenient, then you are allowed to draw runes on a piece of paper and put it in your pocket or in your bag. Such a talisman should always be with its owner.

You can protect a loved one simply by applying the formula to their photo on the back side.

It is important to remember that one rune cannot harm a person. But bets use two or even three symbols. Thus, an inscription of seven runes can lead to the death of the person to whom the damage is directed. To do this, it is not even necessary to contact the victim.

You can protect yourself from such effects by applying a runic protective stave to your body with a red marker: Nautiz-Solu-Nautiz . You should walk with such an inscription for at least 9 days. It will help bring a person’s soul and body back to normal and calm down. However, these runes have a significant side effect. They greatly inflate the self-esteem of their carrier. Therefore, after the required wearing time, you need to wash off the inscription and apply the Algiz rune to the body. It will help remove excessive pride.

Activation and deactivation of signs

In order for runic symbols to begin their work, they need to be activated. It is enough to say the name of each rune one by one. To enhance the effect, you can start meditating, imagining each rune separately. It must be superimposed in thoughts on the object of protection and close it from the outside world and its problems.

No less often, activation is carried out using the elements. To do this, the stave is poured with water, sprinkled with salt, blown by the wind and carried over the fire.

There is no need to deactivate runes:

  1. They are designed to work for a certain time.
  2. Over time, the effect of the signs weakens.
  3. Repeated activation helps restore their strength again.

It is required to destroy only those symbols that were intended to act before a certain moment. In this case, they need to be burned and thanked.

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