Characteristics of Capricorn born in the year of the Snake


The combination of Capricorn and Snake is a sign of a person who prefers loneliness and solitude. They are smart, taciturn, and are not at all afraid to be left alone with themselves. The Capricorn-Snake woman is very attached to people, but at the same time she seems to be a gloomy and cold person. However, if you look closely, you can see under this mask an honest, calm person with a broad soul.

Such ladies are distinguished by incredible hard work; they simply cannot imagine themselves without their favorite job. Temporarily left idle, Capricorn-Snake women will certainly find something to do to help pass the time. It is worth noting that the owners of this combination are distinguished by a rational approach to work and rest; they know how to work hard and relax just as well. Women born in the year of the Snake under the constellation Capricorn know how to find the main thing in any event. And the innovative ideas of these young ladies always take root well.

The character of Capricorn-Snakes is contradictory. They are at the same time passionate, strong, delicate and vulnerable. Often such women demonstrate amazing willpower, commit ridiculous acts and speak out harshly. This usually turns people off. It is important to understand: this behavior is a way of attracting attention to your person.

Marriage and family of a Capricorn-Snake man

Such men manage to combine building a career and family life, never neglecting either one. Relatives will not be frequent guests in the Capricorn-Snake house, so relationships with them do not strain anyone. He is an excellent father to children, without pressuring with his opinion, he tries to show by his own example what a man should be.

He tries to pay maximum attention to his wife and values ​​family harmony very much.

The combination of Capricorn and Snake is considered one of the most successful for a man who sets himself far-reaching goals. Marriage is one of them, here you give it your all. In creating a family, one is rarely guided by feelings, as in other things, so calculation in this case justifies the overall well-being.

We recommend that you read: Characteristics of a Capricorn-Ox man in love and marriage

Capricorn men born in other years

  • Horoscope of Capricorn-Rooster man
  • Capricorn-Ox Man – Characteristics

Romantic relationship

Due to her difficult character, the Capricorn-Snake woman finds it very difficult to build relationships with men. But at the same time, she knows how to express her feelings like no other girl - originally and sincerely. What kind of partner does such a young lady need? First of all, he must be intelligent enough to support the desire to express emotions. Only with such a young man will this woman be able to build a long-term relationship. Otherwise, separation is simply inevitable.

Full characteristics of a Capricorn child born in the year of the Snake

A girl or boy of Capricorn in the year of the Snake is thoughtful and thoughtful; they rarely participate in noisy games of their peers, preferring comfortable solitude. They are prone to melancholy, however, they are not averse to being capricious and throwing tantrums from time to time. Capricorn-Snake is full of contradictions from childhood : intelligence, seriousness and incredible acumen successfully coexist with luck.

Sometimes such a child can be completely sincere and cheerful

The beneficial influence of the family, natural curiosity and intuition will allow the matured Capricorn-Snake to reach incredible heights and become a successful person.

The Capricorn-Snake child is more comfortable alone than in a noisy company


We invite you to talk about the compatibility of a Capricorn-Snake woman with representatives of the opposite sex. The ideal life partner for her is Aries. He is strong and down to earth. Excellent relationships will reign in this union, the family will be strong. Compatibility is also high with Taurus: these two are similar in many ways, they will easily find a common language. Calm and decent Cancer will also be an excellent partner for this woman. The Capricorn-Snake and Virgo couple seems very strange at first glance, but at the same time there is a lot of romance and warmth in their relationship. The relationship between Capricorn and Scorpio can be described in only one word: passion. When these two come together, a real miracle happens! Capricorns can build excellent relationships with Sagittarius and Capricorns. They are best friends, great lovers and partners for life!

Characteristics of Capricorn men and women in the year of the Snake

Year of the Snake: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 Zodiac sign Capricorn: December 23 – January 20

Pragmatists and supporters of material thinking are the true representatives of this combination of horoscopes. Capricorn-Snake in his life moves from sensations to actions: first feel, then make decisions. At the same time, no unnecessary movements or ineffective actions. This astrological group is characterized by decisions verified to the smallest detail and rationality of actions.

Purposefulness and social sociability, as well as some dryness of Capricorn in this combination are complemented by serpentine prudence, strength and sexuality. At the same time, the sign is characterized by a certain down-to-earth nature and a talent for self-preservation in dangerous situations.

A strong but conservative character complicates both the development of a career and personal life: ineradicable faith, once acquired, seems to enable Capricorn-Snake to go towards the chosen goal, but in complete denial of everything that does not apply to it. A sort of blinders on the eyes, allowing you to move only straight and without control of the situation on the side paths. The psychology of this astrological group carries realism, schematicism, calculation and intelligence . Alas, there is practically no room left for sensual romance, fantasy and inspiration.

Capricorn-Snakes are pragmatic and purposeful people

The contradiction of those born under this combination is that Snakes are prone to pathologically protecting themselves from various everyday hardships. Almost sybarites, trying to live for their own pleasure. Capricorns , however, can easily endure life's difficulties and problems, including those related to finances. Their prudence tells them that this difficult time will not last long. How Capricorn-Snake will get out of such a psychological rift depends on the specific person and situation.

Career and finance

These ladies are not interested in the career path. They will be able to make a dizzying career only if it coincides with their personal interests. But finances worry Capricorn-Snake women much more. It is not easy for them to achieve material well-being: for this they will have to work hard - both physically and mentally. Only a few manage to resolve financial issues without unnecessary energy costs.

Character of women Snakes - Capricorns:

They are women who are distinguished by their increased work ethic. They cannot imagine themselves without work. And if they temporarily don’t have something to do, they will definitely find something for themselves. A rational approach to work allows them not to forget about rest, which is generally surprising for this sign. They know how to see the main thing in any event and offer to introduce this main thing into life. The innovative ideas of these women always take root in life.

By nature, these women are contradictory personalities. They are vulnerable, gentle and delicate, and at the same time they can demonstrate remarkable willpower and increased passion. They often do strange things and express harsh judgments. This may turn women off. However, this behavior is just a demonstration; they want to attract attention to themselves in order to become loved and desired.

Snake women - Capricorns in love and relationships:

Romantic relationships for these women are not easy to build.
o is explained by the complexity of their character, but at the same time they can express their feelings, but in a very original way.
As a result, they simply need a partner who will support this unusual desire to express emotions so that the relationship continues. Otherwise, these women will be disappointed and break up. When they break up, they need to analyze their behavior for future relationships. Snake women - Capricorns in finance and career:

A career is not always an important area of ​​life for these women. They can make a career if it matches their personal needs. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to take good positions. As a rule, finances worry them quite a lot, and through hard mental or physical labor they can achieve a good position. In particular, to become richer and more successful. However, they should look for easier ways to solve their financial problems, and they will definitely find them.

Snake women - Capricorns in family and marriage:

Family relationships will be filled with harmony if they plan a union for adulthood. At this moment, they will be able to correctly evaluate their behavior and not slip into depression due to their partner’s non-recognition of their desires and thoughts. And their passionate nature during this period of life will allow them to maintain excellent relationships in the family. They especially love children, because they see themselves in them, but in a more perfect version.

Advice for Snake-Capricorn women:

These women need to control themselves and not slip into depression. You need to look at any situation from the outside to see the good and bad sides. Generosity of soul and the ability to humble pride will help them in business. By adopting these recommendations, they will be able to see that other women are more generous than they previously thought. Otherwise, their life will always turn out well, since they have all the necessary character traits.

Capricorn-Snake man in career

  • Career in your life is about power and career growth;
  • Practical activities are easy for you, unlike theory;
  • In some situations, you are ready to marry for the sake of your career;
  • You are not used to giving up;
  • If you have reached a high position, then you are able to stay at the top and no one will stop you from doing so.

You strive for success, but avoid adventurous and dubious undertakings. Therefore, you achieve stable success through a good education or work in government or the financial sector. You are prudent, economical, and do not like to advertise your intentions, which allows you to fully take advantage of your chance.

A career is not always an important area of ​​life for these women. They can make a career if it matches their personal needs. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to take good positions. As a rule, finances worry them quite a lot, and through hard mental or physical labor they can achieve a good position. In particular, to become richer and more successful. However, they should look for easier ways to solve their financial problems, and they will definitely find them.

These women need to control themselves and not slip into depression. You need to look at any situation from the outside to see the good and bad sides. Generosity of soul and the ability to humble pride will help them in business. By adopting these recommendations, they will be able to see that other women are more generous than they previously thought. Otherwise, their life will always turn out well, since they have all the necessary character traits.

Thanks to the determination of Capricorn and the ambition of the Snake, very mercantile, materialistic and concerned about the social status of individuals are born. Capricorn, born in the year of the Snake, is an excellent breadwinner, hunter, and breadwinner. Such a Snake is a little more restrained than its relatives; it does not know how to relax at all.

Capricorn-Snake is determined and persistent, but also strives to please others. This combination gives birth to intellectuals and innovators who do not like to brag about their own merits and are not self-centered. They strive to get work in progress, which can reveal their intelligence and determination.

All the actions and thoughts of these people are as accurate as a Swiss watch. They perfectly motivate people to take action. Capricorn, born in the year of the Snake, is easy to teach; for him there are simply no topics that he cannot understand. He is confident in the importance of acquiring knowledge; people of this combination study with great pleasure.

At home, as a rule, they have an extensive home library, which contains a wide variety of books. Capricorn-Snake loves to read, he prefers science fiction. He has his own company of like-minded people, however, he often strives to be alone in order to feel the peace and quiet that relaxes him.

In family life, it is quite easy to get along with a Capricorn-Snake, especially if he has a place where he can spend time in silence and solitude. Everything around him should be in order; he does not like disorganization and chaos. In the role of his partner, he sees only an intellectual to match himself, but it is important that the intellectual abilities of the other half do not exceed him.

They are not looking for a master or a helper around the house; the main thing for them in a partner is the ability to stimulate intellectually. The main negative feature of this personality is that sometimes they become indecisive and are capable of hesitating even in the simplest and most straightforward situations. Capricorn-Snake is more prone to a solitary image life. He is observant, has analytical skills, well-developed deduction and intuition.

Capricorn, born in the year of the Snake, is not a fan of teamwork, creativity, relaxation, and so on; he is more comfortable in peace and quiet, alone with himself. One of his favorite activities is observing the people and events around him, analyzing what is happening and searching for explanations. Thanks to their innate intuition, observation, and good memory, they often manage to build accurate and excellent explanations and theories based on even a small amount of data.

Regardless of gender, Capricorn-Snake can become a scientist, analyst or consultant; in principle, they can succeed in any field, the main thing is that the matter interests and intrigues them. People of this combination keep as friends only those who are truly able to understand them. Regardless of gender, Capricorn-Snake has high sexual attractiveness and energy, however, at the same time, he allows few people into his bed.

For you, a career means stability, money and power. You know many ways to achieve your goal, so you easily swim against the flow, even if people and circumstances are against you. You achieve your goals thanks to courage, hard work and the ability to wait.

  • Clearly set goals for yourself and successfully move towards achieving them;
  • For you, a career is about power and money;
  • You can use other people for your purpose;
  • You cannot sacrifice family happiness for the sake of a career;
  • For their own benefit, they are ready to start an office romance or get married for convenience.

Character of Snake-Capricorn

It is difficult for Snake-Capricorn to get along with people, because they are not too eager to make friends. He is very picky about choosing like-minded people. People with whom the Snake-Capricorn eventually becomes close must understand the complex world in which the Snake-Capricorn “arrives.”

It goes without saying that such a person is extremely careful in choosing a partner. Much will depend on commonality of views, while sexuality will fade into the background. The Capricorn Snake is prudent enough to waste its energy on an unpromising partner. And, I must say, she rarely makes mistakes in her choice!

The difficult character of the Snake-Capricorn, at the same time, is distinguished by great willpower and the ability to concentrate on the main goal. Such people know how to work with persistence and inspiration, they are self-confident and achieve significant success in life.

Snake-Capricorn Man

The Capricorn man, born in the year of the Snake, is one of the most difficult types. The point is that it is very difficult for him to make decisions. The snake always tries to play it safe and always looks for solid ground under its feet - personal comfort, psychological and physical, is important to it. Capricorn, on the other hand, sets high goals and when these two “animals” are combined, that same “difficult case” arises when you want to achieve a lot, but there are not enough guarantees to do something real for this. And the Snake-Capricorn man walks in circles...

There are also a lot of difficulties in my personal life. A man has a hard time entering into a long-term relationship, which logically should develop into a family relationship. It is difficult for him to decide on a responsible step and without the active participation of a woman, he can also walk in three pines all his life, ultimately concentrating his efforts in work and in his career, leaving his personal life in a state of eternal uncertainty.

Snake Capricorn Woman

Here the situation is somewhat simpler and clearer. A woman is always softer and more accommodating. Yes, she is committed to personal fulfillment. she may have many side interests and hobbies that help her develop, but love will not pass by!

The Snake-Capricorn woman has a lot to offer a man in exchange for his devotion and respect. She knows how to organize a household, will do everything on time and do it efficiently, she is able to help a man in his affairs and his career, which is also important in our turbulent times. This woman is very practical and reliable.

Yes, perhaps there is not much romance in her feelings, she shows love with her real care, attention, and understanding... Passion and emotional attachment are not about her, but such a woman will be a reliable support in the life of the man she chooses.


A representative of this sign can become an excellent entrepreneur, as he is endowed with absolutely all the qualities for this - zeal for work, a calculating mind and developed intuition. He is excellent at organizing the work process and is endowed with all the qualities of a good leader. For him, his own material gain is not so important as the prosperity of his brainchild - the Capricorn-Snake man stands up for his cause. The only character quality that can hinder him is uncertainty in decision-making.

Love relationships for this sign are quite difficult, again due to indecision. Until he comes across a woman who can stir him up, he himself will not take decisive action. This type of man is not very concerned about building relationships. But if someone manages to get a Capricorn-Snake as a spouse, then we can call it a rare success. The man will be an exemplary family man and a reliable support for his family.

General characteristics of Capricorn women born in the year of the Snake

If a woman was born in the year of the Snake, according to the Chinese horoscope (and these are the years: 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002), then this is a good sign for her, since the qualities of the Snake are very favorable for the female sex. The snake in the East is considered an energetically very strong sign, possessing mystical powers. At the same time, she personifies not rough and punchy, but soft power. In addition, such women are characterized by dexterity, wisdom and mobility. They are very mysterious and know how to keep secrets.

The snake will not waste its precious resources and strength in vain. She waits for an opportune moment and begins to act only when the situation seems most successful and profitable to her. It should not be surprising that it is often the Snake who reaches the finish line first, without spilling its internal energy and retaining the potential for many new things.

If we turn to Western astrology and consider the characteristics of solar Capricorns, then we should note, first of all, their perseverance, tenacity and serious attitude towards life. Women born under this earth sign love to make plans and pursue their goals for a long time, systematically and persistently. The disadvantage of such a life position may be the movement to heights that no longer need to be conquered. Circumstances and conditions of the outside world often change, and clumsy Capricorns can continue to move by inertia in the direction they set many years ago.

The combination of the characteristics of the Snake and Capricorn in the horoscope allows one to overcome this disadvantage. Snake qualities make Capricorns more diplomatic, maneuverable, flexible in life, and therefore contribute to achieving success in life.

Snake - Capricorn

Snake-Capricorn is by nature a “lone wolf” who loves solitude and leads an isolated lifestyle. This person has a good analytical mind, so their whole life passes through the prism of their own analysis and reflection.

K lake, born in the year of the Snake, is distinguished by isolation, lack of friends and stubbornness. If this person is friends with someone, this is friendship for life, his affection and loyalty knows no bounds, you can rely on such a friend without looking back.

The Snake-Capricorn man has a highly developed intellect, he is calculating and cold-blooded. It seems that this person is “unbreakable”; his every step is weighed and analyzed dozens of times. He is excellent at his job and is an excellent professional in the field that he has chosen. He spares no effort in work and self-improvement. It is the Snake-Capricorn man who is able to give the world something unique and very useful. In personal relationships, he finds it difficult to make contact, opens up for a long time, but once he trusts, he gives himself over to the family completely and without reserve, demonstrating to his household his big and kind heart.

The Snake-Capricorn woman is smart, taciturn, and affectionate with people. She, like a man of the same combination, is a very responsible and professional worker who values ​​time and strives for perfection in everything. In relationships with men, she is characterized by prudence, like all Capricorn women, but the Snake adds some cunning and deceit to everything else. Next to this woman there should be a serious and respectable man who will allow her to do her own thing, calmly react to the desire to be alone, and at the same time take her to a new social level. The Snake-Sagittarius woman is a very faithful wife; divorce is like death for her, even when the relationship with her husband has reached a dead end.

On the outside, the Capricorn Snake appears to be a cold and sullen person in his own right. But upon closer examination, you can see that this is a man of a broad soul, honest and calm, striving to make this world a better place.

Source: Snake - Capricorn Characteristics of a person born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Snake. Zodiac sign Capricorn, according to the Chinese horoscope Snake

Snake Capricorn woman

Eastern horoscope: year of the snake (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013).

Zodiac horoscope: Capricorn sign (December 23 - January 20).

So, let's look at the horoscope of a Capricorn the Snake man and a Capricorn the Snake woman.

The snake of the zodiac sign Capricorn prefers to lead a solitary lifestyle. She is very observant, has a penchant for analysis and synthesis, is good at the method of deduction and can become a genius of private investigation like Sherlock Holmes if she is seriously interested in this activity.

Capricorn the snake does not like collective work, creativity and relaxation, preferring peace and quiet. Her favorite pastime is creating various theories based on observing people and events. And thanks not only to a good memory, but also to developed intuition, she often manages to make a construction that is stunning in its harmony and logic based on a small amount of data.

The Capricorn snake man can succeed in politics - he has no equal in the art of creating elegant political platforms. The Capricorn snake woman can immerse herself in art - but certainly elitist and highly intellectual. These people can become analytical scientists or consultants on any issue - the main thing is that what they do intrigues and interests them and that their associates and colleagues are close to them in some categories. And they choose only those who are able to understand the complex and abstract world in which Capricorn the snake lives as friends.

The sexual energy of both men and women of Capricorn snakes is very high, but they allow few people to approach them. As a result, this sign is extremely picky in choosing partners and does not accept casual relationships. Capricorn snakes are capable of deep feelings and sincere love.

Source: Snake Capricorn woman Capricorn snake horoscope Eastern horoscope: year of the snake (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013). Zodiac horoscope: Capricorn sign (December 23 - January 20). So, let's consider the horoscope of Capricorn the snake man and Capricorn woman


The character of Capricorn-Snake is very complex and multifaceted, because it combines several contradictory traits. Representatives of this sign are rightfully considered to be very hardworking, because they simply cannot imagine themselves doing nothing. They try with all their might to move up the career ladder, because it is important for them to be financially independent. The Capricorn-Snake woman will make an excellent career in the analytical field thanks to her insightful mind. She knows how to manage her own time very well, so she doesn’t forget about resting after work.

Scorpio-Snake: characteristics of men and women, compatibility with other zodiac signs

If at work this sign behaves extremely dryly and professionally, then in relationships he prefers to show himself vulnerable and soft, always striving to receive care and affection from his partner. Women of this sign are characterized by practical calculations in relationships, but if they have chosen a person, they plan to stay with him for the rest of their lives. It is believed that such girls open up well in family relationships. They will show themselves perfectly in the role of wife and mother, and will always surround their loved ones with care and attention. They can easily delve into their husband’s work affairs and help manage them.

One of the brightest representatives of Capricorn-Snake is Julia Ormond, a famous British actress who has starred with many famous actors. In addition to his main activities, Ormond shows his active civic position in politics. The woman was able to build an excellent acting and television career precisely thanks to the diligence and perseverance for which Capricorn-Snakes are so famous. She attracts many glances with her charisma and sexuality, like many representatives of these signs.

Snake Capricorn woman

Thanks to the determination of Capricorn and the ambition of the Snake, very mercantile, materialistic and concerned about the social status of individuals are born. Capricorn, born in the year of the Snake, is an excellent breadwinner, hunter, and breadwinner. Such a Snake is a little more restrained than its relatives; it does not know how to relax at all. In Chinese astrology, the Snake is considered a symbol of intelligence, calculation and resourcefulness. People born under this combination are famous for their charm. They are very determined and persistent. The obvious advantage of this personality is impeccable manners and the habit of thinking twice before speaking.

In family life, it is quite easy to get along with a Capricorn-Snake, especially if he has a place where he can spend time in silence and solitude. Everything around him should be in order; he does not like disorganization and chaos. In the role of his partner, he sees only an intellectual to match himself, but it is important that the intellectual abilities of the other half do not exceed him. They are not looking for a master or a helper around the house; the main thing for them in a partner is the ability to stimulate intellectually. The main negative feature of this personality is that sometimes they become indecisive and are capable of hesitation even in the simplest and most straightforward situations. Capricorn-Snake is more prone to a solitary lifestyle. He is observant, has analytical skills, well-developed deduction and intuition.

Capricorn, born in the year of the Snake, is not a fan of teamwork, creativity, relaxation, and so on; he is more comfortable in peace and quiet, alone with himself. One of his favorite activities is observing the people and events around him, analyzing what is happening and searching for explanations. Thanks to their innate intuition, observation, and good memory, they often manage to build accurate and excellent explanations and theories based on even a small amount of data. Men born under a combination of these signs often succeed in the political sphere. He is a master at building political platforms. While the Capricorn-Snake woman often immerses herself in creativity and art.

Regardless of gender, Capricorn-Snake can become a scientist, analyst or consultant; in principle, they can succeed in any field, the main thing is that the matter interests and intrigues them. People of this combination keep as friends only those who are truly able to understand them. Regardless of gender, Capricorn-Snake has high sexual attractiveness and energy, however, he allows few people into his bed. This person is very attentive and picky when choosing partners; casual relationships are not for him. People of this combination are capable of pure and sincere love.

Source: Snake Capricorn woman Thanks to the determination of Capricorn and the ambition of the Snake, very mercantile, materialistic and concerned about the social status of individuals are born. Capricorn, born in the year of the Snake, is an excellent breadwinner, hunter, and breadwinner. Such a Snake is a little more restrained than its relatives; it does not know how to relax at all. In Chinese astrology, the Snake is considered a symbol of intelligence, calculation and resourcefulness. People born under this combination are famous for their charm. They are very determined and persistent. The obvious advantage of this personality is impeccable manners and the habit of thinking twice before speaking.

Characteristics of Capricorn-Snake women

A fragile, taciturn, very spontaneous and even simple-minded Capricorn girl, born in the year of the Snake, may not immediately set priorities in her professional activities and find what her soul and abilities are for. The character of such a woman has serious creative inclinations that need to be developed and supported. Alas, a creative career that suddenly ends cannot always pass without a trace for the subtle mental organization of the Capricorn-Dragon woman. A striking example of this is the personal and professional tragedy of actress Valentina Serova (films “Girl with Character”, “Hearts of Four” and others).

It is difficult for a Capricorn woman in the year of the Snake to resist even experienced heartthrobs

High sexual attractiveness and amazing energy - this woman is difficult to resist even with experienced heartthrobs. She herself is very selective; such a woman cannot be caught in casual relationships: purity and sincerity of love are important to her.

Disadvantages of the sign

Is it possible to include a practical inability to work in a team as a disadvantage of this astrological combination? Yes, these people are not so much self-sufficient as self-absorbed. It’s easier for them to do all the work themselves than to redistribute it and correct others’ mistakes. As a manager and organizer, such a person is simply invaluable, but a weak collective spirit does not allow him to work in offices and enterprises with a large number of employees, especially if their activities constantly overlap.

Capricorn-Snakes love to work alone

Capricorn in the Year of the Snake

Horoscope of the sign Capricorn, born in the year of the Snake. The Snake, in this combination of signs, greatly influences Capricorn, forcing him to lead a solitary lifestyle. Almost all the time, the Snake-Capricorn creates, analyzes, and draws conclusions. The whole life of such a person is built on personal observations. He will make a good detective or politician. In the research field, he can also prove himself to be quite successful.

This is not a particularly sociable person, due to his solitude. When choosing friends, Snake-Capricorn carefully approaches the selection. Most likely, such a person will look for like-minded people who will be able to understand and accept his complex inner world.

In their personal life, the Snake-Capricorn is guided by the same point of view in choosing a partner as in their everyday life. Such a person is careful and prudent. A life partner will be determined by the similarity of views and characters; passion and sensuality in the choice will fade into the background. He always enters into relationships for the future; such a person will not waste time on frivolous pastimes. Snake-Capricorn is a self-confident person with great willpower. A person with this combination of signs knows how to highlight his goal, firmly move towards it, working with inspiration and perseverance. Such qualities allow him to achieve great success in life.

This is a highly intelligent man, calculating and always looking at the world soberly. This man is a rock who is always confident in himself. Every action of the Snake-Capricorn man is carefully thought out, analyzed and planned. He is a brilliant professional in his field. When choosing a profession, he devotes his whole life to it. The Snake-Capricorn man is very hardworking, constantly improves himself and raises his professional level. Such a man can surprise the whole world.

In his personal life, it is very difficult for this man to open up and trust the woman he has chosen. But having entered into marriage, he will once and for all give his heart to his one and only. Such a man will make any sacrifice to ensure that his household is happy and prosperous.

She is an intelligent, responsible woman who strives for perfection in everything. In the profession, she is a master of her craft, just like a man of a similar combination of signs.

In his personal life, he approaches the choice of a partner from a prudent and practical point of view. To win the man she likes, the Snake-Capricorn woman will resort to cunning and deceit. Most likely, such a woman will choose a respectable and self-confident man who will not limit her freedom, will understand the desire to sometimes be alone, and will be her support in everything. In the family, the Snake-Capricorn woman is a faithful wife, for whom divorce is morally unacceptable.

Source: Capricorn in the year of the Snake The calculating Snake-Capricorn is perfectly capable of identifying the main goals in life and methodically achieving their implementation. He always knows what exactly he needs.

How does a Capricorn born in the year of the Snake manifest itself?

The cold nature of Capricorn manifests itself not only in work and study, but also in bed.


Usually Capricorn-Snake is the most diligent student at the institute and the most competent student at school. Such people are careful and responsible. They gladly respond to requests from teachers.

Capricorns are able to keep a huge amount of information in their heads. They have a breadth of knowledge and are able to clearly organize their thoughts.

In the classroom, such a child is a little withdrawn and distant from other students. He tries to build a kind of wall around him in order to abstract himself from unnecessary information.

In progress

Work is an integral part of Capricorn's life. The following qualities allow them to achieve success:

  • strength of will;
  • diligence;
  • accuracy;
  • patience.

If Capricorn gets down to business, he forgets about everything in the world. Typically, such people choose quiet professions that do not involve risk. They don't like global changes and working in a noisy team. The following specialties are most suitable for the earth sign:

  • sociologist;
  • administrator;
  • lawyer;
  • astrologer
  • teacher

The will to win, endurance and desire to achieve success can make Capricorn an excellent athlete. He doesn't mind becoming famous all over the world and making money on his achievements.

Capricorn-Snake treats money thriftily. He knows the value of his work and carefully plans his waste. Such a person is aimed at a stable income and tries to get as much money as possible.

Capricorn-Snake characteristics

A person born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Snake is a very unusual person. The Snake is a sign of logic and wisdom, the influence of which on the already insightful and judicious Capricorn concentrated cold intelligence and deep aestheticism in one person. This is a thinker, capable of analyzing information, fluent in the method of deduction and developed intuition. He is smart, resourceful and calculates everything several steps ahead.

Such a person never wastes words and always fulfills his promises. Difficult character and willpower distinguish people born under this sign with extraordinary perseverance and vital inspiration to look only forward. His thinking abilities allow him to easily learn and gain knowledge in any industry. Moreover, he has a love of knowledge and is constantly learning, reaching new heights and firmly believing in the importance of education. In his house, as a rule, there are a lot of books of different genres. This is an avid reader who loves silence and the opportunity to concentrate or relax.

Capricorn-Snake does not like collective creativity and relaxation, and prefers peace and a solitary lifestyle. In unfamiliar company he feels very uncomfortable and constrained. A person born with the Capricorn-Snake combination is very ambitious and is always concerned about how people around him treat him. He works hard for the benefit of the family and quickly solves problems that arise. Most often, he chooses a profession related to the humanities, in which he can reveal his intelligence and determination. He tends to reason competently, analyze, observe and approach questions logically. He likes to work in peace and quiet, so he prefers individual activity rather than collective work. And, if the work fascinates him, then he can achieve very high results, especially in such professions as a psychologist, consultant, analyst or politician. It is not without reason that the horoscope attributes to this person great eloquence and the ability to convince that he is right. In the research field, he can also prove himself to be quite successful.

The weakness of this personality is that he can be indecisive, and even in absolutely normal situations, he can begin to hesitate, doubt what he has done and feel insecure. At the same time, Capricorn-Snake has enormous willpower and the ability to concentrate on the main goal.

In a love relationship, Capricorn-Snake cannot decide for a long time on the choice of a partner. Despite the fact that this is a very sexual sign, he never takes advantage of this and is guided only by logic and reason, not allowing casual relationships. He is prudent, careful and does not waste time on those whom he does not see in the future next to him. In family life, this is an ideal partner with whom it is very easy to get along, especially if you provide him with space in which he can be alone and think about life. In the house, order, cleanliness and properly organized space are important to him. As a life partner, he chooses a person who will correspond to his intellectual level, but not exceed it. He needs a partner who would not be in charge, but who would be able to stimulate his intellectual activity.

Characteristics of a Capricorn - Snake man from A to Z!

(from 02/02/1965, from 02/18/1977, from 02/06/1989, from 01/24/2001)

They always try to stay in the shadows, to be invisible, even when they are in the center of events. Usually they retire for internal work, analyze something, think through it and place certain emphasis on a particular event or person. It should be noted that their whole life is built on observations. With their help, they can make the right choice in favor of one person or another and assess reality.

Characteristics of a Capricorn - Snake man in LOVE

He always makes the right choice of partner, which is again based on analysis. It is difficult for him to get along with a woman at first, as his complex character and unsociability take their toll. As a result, he cannot find his other half for a long time. But, having decided on a partner, he is unlikely to let her go. He can use any means of conquest to achieve his goal.

In love, first of all, he values ​​community of interests. He never chooses a girl who does not share at least one of his interests. At the same time, he will always look for a girl who would also meet his wishes. As a result, he will be able to correctly place emphasis in relationships and be happy. It should be noted that in other respects it changes even under the influence of feelings.

Capricorn born in the year of the Snake in the BED

He is too calculating, so in rare cases he only looks for bed in a relationship. Some goals are important to him, and the intimate sphere can become a way to achieve it. It should be noted that he also tries to win his partner in this way. It should be noted that he has a rather cool attitude towards this area of ​​life and only uses it for certain purposes, although in principle he is not against this relationship.

In the intimate sphere, he can use everything that is most traditional, but if desired, this can be experiments. In fact, these relationships are not an end in themselves, but only a method. That is why he does not focus on details. If his partner is interested in this relationship, he can also adjust. At the same time, there will be no unnaturalness, strain or unpleasant emotions in this case.

Horoscope of a Capricorn man - Snakes in MARRIAGE

Once married, he can become an inspired owner and will make a career. He always combines both activities, although this requires considerable effort, he does not try to choose one of the areas. His relations with his relatives are smooth and simple; he does not crave communication, so he rarely meets with them. As for his wife, he shares some interests with her. Relations with children are smooth, without quarrels.

He is always successful if he moves towards a specific goal. Marriage may also become his goal, but not at an early age. The fact is that he is looking for a reliable life partner who will support him in all his endeavors. And this search is not easy, which delays the process. It should be noted that he is not emotional, so he rarely gives in to feelings and emotions in this matter, as in other areas of life.

The most important! What kind of girl does he need?

You can be advised to be more emotional with him so that he can receive all the joys of life. It may also be a minor miscalculation, since their analysis and study of the situation can play a cruel joke on you when events go according to a different scenario. His line of behavior allows them to achieve high goals and all the best in life. You can especially achieve personal happiness with him if you calculate the situation in moderation.

Capricorn-Snake woman

A woman born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Snake is gentle, smart and hardworking. By nature, this is a rather contradictory personality. On the one hand, she is vulnerable, tender and delicate, on the other hand, she can show remarkable willpower and express harsh judgments. This may push people away from her, but in any case, such behavior is just a demonstration. By doing this she wants to attract attention to herself in order to become loved and desired.

The Capricorn-Snake woman is taciturn, efficient and hardworking. She simply cannot sit idle, and in any situation she finds something to do. Carefully performs work, especially those related to logic and calculation. Can achieve good results in intellectual activity. Born in the year of the Snake, the Capricorn woman is a very responsible and professional worker who values ​​time and strives for excellence in everything. What is surprising for this combination of signs is that the Capricorn-Snake woman has a rational approach to work and does not forget about rest. Her career doesn’t always come first, but she worries very much about finances. And she strives to achieve material well-being by any means, including hard mental or physical labor.

The romantic relationship of the Capricorn-Snake woman is not easy to build. She has a rather complex character and she expresses her feelings in a very original way. In relationships with men, like all women born under the sign of Capricorn, she is characterized by prudence, but the Snake also adds a certain cunning and deceit to everything else. Most often, the Capricorn-Snake woman marries for convenience, but she is distinguished by her constancy, affection, and can hardly part with a man, even when the relationship has already exhausted itself.

Next to this woman there should be a serious and respectable man who will allow her to do her own thing, calmly react to the desire to be alone, and at the same time take her to a new social level. It is worth noting that there is not much romance in the feelings of a woman born with the Capricorn-Snake combination, but she fully shows her love with real care, attention and understanding. She especially loves children, because she sees herself in them, but in a more perfect form. In exchange for the devotion and respectful attitude of a man, she will not only superbly organize the household, but will also help her companion in his career and affairs.

Horoscope of Capricorn-Snake man in Family and Marriage

Once married, he can become an inspired owner and will make a career. He always combines both activities, although this requires considerable effort, he does not try to choose one of the areas. His relations with his relatives are smooth and simple; he does not crave communication, so he rarely meets with them. As for his wife, he shares some interests with her. Relations with children are smooth, without quarrels.

He is always successful if he moves towards a specific goal. Marriage may also become his goal, but not at an early age. The fact is that he is looking for a reliable life partner who will support him in all his endeavors. And this search is not easy, which delays the process. It should be noted that he is not emotional, so he rarely gives in to feelings and emotions in this matter, as in other areas of life.

They are women who are distinguished by their increased work ethic. They cannot imagine themselves without work. And if they temporarily don’t have something to do, they will definitely find something for themselves. A rational approach to work allows them not to forget about rest, which is generally surprising for this sign. They know how to see the main thing in any event and offer to introduce this main thing into life. The innovative ideas of these women always take root in life.

By nature, these women are contradictory personalities. They are vulnerable, gentle and delicate, and at the same time they can demonstrate remarkable willpower and increased passion. They often do strange things and express harsh judgments. This may turn women off. However, this behavior is just a demonstration; they want to attract attention to themselves in order to become loved and desired.

Family relationships will be filled with harmony if they plan a union for adulthood. At this moment, they will be able to correctly evaluate their behavior and not slip into depression due to their partner’s non-recognition of their desires and thoughts. And their passionate nature during this period of life will allow them to maintain excellent relationships in the family. They especially love children, because they see themselves in them, but in a more perfect version.

Honesty, decency and responsibility are the qualities that you show in family relationships. To start a family, you can choose a woman for a long time and often choose not a bright, but interesting woman who may turn out to be a good wife and mother to children. But in your family, you may demand too much order from your loved ones and discourage fun.

  • You are faithful and constant;
  • Are ready to sacrifice their own well-being for the sake of their family and children;
  • Strive to maintain relationships at any cost;
  • Afraid of losing your family;
  • With difficulty they are able to forgive betrayal.

You evaluate any man as a potential husband, so you choose your spouse very carefully. Marry not for love, but for convenience, but this does not spoil your relationship in any way, so over time, not only love, but also passion appears in your relationship. Strive for a permanent and honest relationship; it is important for you that your partner is a reliable and decent person.

Such men manage to combine building a career and family life, never neglecting either one. Relatives will not be frequent guests in the Capricorn-Snake house, so relationships with them do not strain anyone. He is an excellent father to children, without pressuring with his opinion, he tries to show by his own example what a man should be.

The combination of Capricorn and Snake is considered one of the most successful for a man who sets himself far-reaching goals. Marriage is one of them, here you give it your all. In creating a family, one is rarely guided by feelings, as in other things, so calculation in this case justifies the overall well-being.

  • Strive for one marriage throughout your life, and try with all your might to maintain the relationship;
  • You have a hard time experiencing betrayal and betrayal;
  • Be very frugal with your savings and don’t like to waste money;
  • In a difficult situation, you will try to escape, but you will not try to persuade the woman to change her attitude towards you;
  • You are stubborn and try to convince others that you are right.

Capricorn-Snake man

A man born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Snake has a pronounced analytical mind, is intellectually developed, calculating and cold-blooded. It seems that he is simply “unbreakable”; his every step is weighed and carefully analyzed many times. He knows how to delve into a problem and solve it from the inside. In addition, he has bright, extraordinary abilities to foresee the future and, thanks to this, he avoids many mistakes.

The Capricorn-Snake man is captivating and has excellent organizational skills. This is a natural leader. He is not talkative or reserved, hardworking and practical, so he can feel confident in a leadership position and make a career unexpected for everyone. Born in the year of the Snake, the Capricorn man spares no effort and time in either work or self-improvement and is well versed in the professional field he chooses.

A man born with this combination perfectly understands his responsibilities and approaches them with increased seriousness. His indecisiveness in making decisions can hinder his success. The fact is that the Snake is always looking for a way to insure itself - psychological and physical comfort is important to it. Capricorn, on the other hand, sets high goals, but in combination with the Snake, it turns out that you want to achieve a lot, but there are not enough guarantees. And the Capricorn-Snake man “walks in circles.” He is of little interest to the financial side. On the one hand, he loves the comfort that money provides, but on the other hand, he makes little effort to become rich. But fate is favorable to him and presents him with unexpected income from various sources.

In romantic relationships, the Capricorn-Snake man has a hard time making contact and opens up for a very long time. As a result, a lot of difficulties arise in your personal life. It is difficult for him to decide on a responsible step and without the active participation of a woman, he may never start a family. He will concentrate all his efforts on work and career, and leave his personal life in a state of eternal uncertainty. His chosen one will have to make a lot of effort to rock him, but if she succeeds, then she will get a noble man as a husband who can become a reliable support.

Having married and opened his heart to his chosen one, the Capricorn-Snake man will give himself to his family without reserve, showing all his kindness and cordiality. The family life of a man born with this combination will be successful if he chooses the right life partner. First of all, he needs a woman who completely shares his views and aspirations. Otherwise, he will have to sacrifice either his business or family life.

Years 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

Capricorn Snake - characteristics of compatibility of sign and year

Representatives of this astrological group are practical in business and materialistic in thinking. There are few outstanding ones here.

Capricorn-Snakes can “imitate” Capricorn-Horses, but you can distinguish a Snake from a Horse. The snake goes from sensations to action. The horse is the opposite. The first is economical in actions, the second cannot live without movement. Capricorn is goal-oriented and social.

The dryish Capricorn gets from the Snake even more rationality, as well as strength and sexuality, but Capricorn-Snake lacks stars from the sky. The character turns out to be strong, but somewhat one-sided and conservative.

Once convinced of something, once believing in something, Capricorn-Snake will methodically move towards its intended goal, denying everything with which it does not agree and which it does not understand or does not want to understand. He has too much realism and calculation, but not enough imagination and creativity. There are few ideals, feelings and romance here, but a lot of schematics and intelligence. Perhaps such “groundedness” bears fruit, but not everyone is happy with these fruits.

Snakes are very dependent on the state of their body and try to live for their own pleasure, but Capricorns can easily endure long-term hardships for the sake of their goals. This is the only contradiction between the two astrological components, and it does not relate to flights of fancy and creativity, but lies purely in the mainstream of practical affairs, habits and foundations. Just what is this business? What do these people want from life? Careers, wealth, power? So that everything remains unchanged? The whole combination is crowned with iron logic. The results vary.

Capricorn snake man

What style will the representative of this sign choose for herself? For the Capricorn woman, the most important thing is not fashion trends or price tags.

Capricorn man born in the year of the Snake 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001

The peculiarity of the character of these men is that they constantly want to remain in the shadows and not attract much attention to themselves. Moreover, they can be at the center of the event of their own free will. Often their job involves constantly analyzing circumstances and everything that happens around them. These people base almost their entire lives on their own observations.

A man in love In almost any life situation, this person makes the right and confident choice, just as when choosing a partner for himself. However, the formation of such a character makes it quite difficult for him to find a worthy partner for himself, which leads to certain difficulties at an early age. However, if he makes his choice and the girl is not against the development of the relationship, then he will not miss his chance. In love, as in all of his life, what he loves most is having a common goal and interests. This means that when choosing, he will only look for the girl who will share at least one interest with him. It is also important for him that the girl must meet all his wishes. Only in this case can partners feel truly happy.

A man in bed A high degree of prudence in all actions taken leads to the fact that such men rarely start relationships unless they see other benefits. Such a person may have different goals, and intimate life may act as a way to achieve them. It is worth noting that he is very cold about his personal and intimate life, but still cannot live without it, since using a similar method he can achieve certain goals in a relationship. Intimate life is often based solely on the use of traditional methods. However, this man may not be against adding variety to his life. Due to the fact that intimate relationships rarely become the main goal for this person, but are only a way to achieve it, he pays attention to all the little things.

Married life After going through the stage of falling in love, the Capricorn man becomes a good owner in marriage, and also pays a lot of attention to his career. However, throughout his life he tries to combine all this, since for him marriage is also an important aspect in life. He tries to share all his emotions with his wife, and often communicates with his children without quarrels. The desire to achieve certain goals allows him to constantly move in life. Marriage can also become a life goal, however, not at an early age. This is due to the fact that such people are constantly looking for a worthy companion who will fit all parameters, and this happens extremely rarely. Finding a partner can take quite a long time. What kind of woman does this man need?

Due to some dryness of his character, we can advise girls to behave somewhat emotionally, which will allow her chosen one to receive all the joys of life. His line of behavior allows him to achieve great heights, but at the same time, his life path can be quite difficult.

Source: Capricorn Snake Man A feature of the character of these men is that they constantly want to remain in the shadows and not attract much attention to themselves. Moreover, they can be at the center of the event of their own free will. Often their job involves constantly analyzing circumstances and everything that happens around them. These people base almost their entire lives on their own observations. A man in love

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