Characteristics of a Scorpio man - Snakes from A to Z!

People born under the sign of Scorpio are passionate and emotional individuals, but at the same time mysterious and distant. And if you add the wisdom of the Snake here, you get a truly mind-blowing cocktail of character traits. Combining, the eastern and western horoscopes promise such people an interesting life, full of events and adventures.

A person born under the Snake-Scorpio combination is a unique and unpredictable person. From the very first minutes of communication, such people surprise their interlocutors with their intelligence and intelligence. This person combines the features of two of the most mysterious signs.

He makes excessive demands on his loved ones. The inner experiences of such people, men and women, cannot be noticed - they hide them very deeply to themselves. These individuals require a special approach, since any wrong action can cause aggression in them.


The following are considered strong features:

  • magnetism;
  • strong will;
  • high intelligence;
  • organizational talent.

They are considered domineering and despotic. However, this is not at all true. Although their nature is very complex, this does not prevent them from becoming true friends and family men.

Weak sides

The main weakness of the Snake-Scorpio is its closedness. They find it difficult to express their emotions even when alone with those closest to them. The second drawback is the desire to have the last word in any situation.

This often irritates those around him, but he himself often does not notice this shortcoming until it is pointed out to him. The third minus is melancholy. These people often become depressed, which can prevent them from building their careers.

What qualities are worth developing?

It is almost impossible to change character - these people are difficult to re-educate. Self-satisfied and sometimes narcissistic, they seem to themselves to be perfect, so they do not at all strive to change anything. You should be careful and more lenient. Everything in life comes back, and aggression can turn against him.

He must also learn to eradicate the need to control other people. It is important for this complex and charismatic personality to learn to respect others and recognize their right to choice and mistakes. This task is difficult to accomplish, especially when it comes to his children.

Career and business

Whatever field of activity the Scorpio-Snake chooses, this woman everywhere proves herself to be a talented worker. She is a mysterious person to all her colleagues, and therefore few seek to establish friendly relations with her. From the first day at work, the Snake-Scorpio itself puts a certain barrier between itself and the rest of the employees, and tries to immediately show its intellectual superiority.

The bosses value workers like her.

The woman has practically no competitors. As soon as Scorpio-Snake feels that one of her colleagues is trying to overtake her, she begins to work with even greater persistence, and eventually finds herself in the lead again. In order to achieve a certain victory in their career, the Snake-Scorpio is not ready to make any sacrifices, is not ready to go over their heads or achieve success with the help of flattery. She tries to climb the career ladder as honestly and openly as possible. And if along the way he hurts someone, then he will not feel any remorse about this.

Such women are always confident in their abilities and in their own success. For this reason, they easily start running their own business and reach great heights in a short time. Work in the life of Scorpio-Snake takes up most of her life. This woman loves luxury, knows how to earn money and is ready to spend a lot of money on herself.

Love compatibility of Scorpios in the year of the Snake

Compatibility in love among men and women whose patrons are the Snake and Scorpio, from the eastern horoscopes, will be with those born in the year: Monkey, Rooster, Dragon, and to a slightly lesser extent with the Cat and Goat. You can try to build relationships with those born in the year: Horse, Ox, Snake and Rat, Snake and Dog. The least suitable partners for them will be those born in the year of the Boar (Pig), Tiger and Horse.

Family relationships for Scorpios go well with Capricorns and Aquarius. It is more convenient for them to start building a career and running a joint business, being in the same team with Gemini, Scorpio and Sagittarius. For friendship, the best partner and partner are representatives of the signs Leo and Aries. With Pisces, Libra and Taurus there are chances to build both friendly and loving relationships, but only if you want to make compromises.

Maximum compatibilityAverage compatibilityMinimum Compatibility
According to the eastern calendarDragon, Rooster, Goat, Monkey, Cat (Rabbit)Snake, Ox, Horse, RatPig, Tiger, Horse
According to the Western calendarCapricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Gemini, AquariusPisces, Libra, Taurus, Aries, LeoCancer, Virgo

Compatibility with representatives of the elements of Earth

A Taurus man (his ascendant is Venus) and a Scorpio woman can create a strong relationship if they make concessions to each other. All misunderstandings will disappear by themselves as soon as they establish mutual understanding. And then, addressing them, it will be possible to talk about responsible, stable relationships filled with love and sensuality. With mutual understanding, no one and nothing can destroy their union. In sex, everything happens quite violently, on which, in fact, relationships are built.

With Capricorn, a Scorpio woman can build a very strong, reliable relationship, which, in most cases, turns into a long-term relationship. They will appreciate the positive qualities of their chosen one. Both he and she need a long-term relationship. In marriage, such a star union has a lot of romance, tenderness and stability. Moreover, this suits both partners.

If we talk about the compatibility of Virgo and Scorpio in this interpretation, then their love is based on true friendship and trust. A representative of the fair sex is infinitely devoted to her chosen one and, if he lives up to her trust, she will bestow upon him tenderness, affection and warmth. A man born under the sign of Virgo adheres to the same principles.

The Scorpio woman can regulate compatibility with other signs independently. Everything depends solely on her sympathy for her chosen one. And remember, no matter what your horoscope is, you can always make some changes to it. Good luck!

Chinese symbols

Now it’s worth turning to such a source of valuable information as the eastern horoscope. Scorpio-Snake is a man who combines very powerful energy. You could even say it's double.

A person born in is a wise, perspicacious, attentive person. He always shows himself only in the best light. The snake is everything is good in it - manners, culture, behavior, speech. Therefore, the Snake always makes excessive demands on others. Like the previously mentioned Scorpio.

These personalities are attractive. There is something mysterious and unusual about them. They are not against conversations and new acquaintances, but they do not let anyone close to them. If someone tries to influence them, they will immediately break off the relationship, since they will not tolerate such behavior. In general, such a person needs a very unique approach.

Characteristics of Scorpio-Snake women

The Scorpio girl, born in the year of the Snake, greatly values ​​people who have high intelligence and professionalism in any field. They are withdrawn and often do not have real girlfriends. These are advanced women who will be ahead in any field. It is precisely such natures that become those who influence fashion trends. Possessing powerful and rebellious energy, they rarely stop in front of obstacles and achieve even the most unrealistic goals.

For their own realization, they find new ideas and solutions. A large amount of energy allows you to set high goals and achieve them. Scorpio women born in the year of the Snake have the character of a gourmet and an esthete. They love to eat delicious food, so most of them suffer from excess weight .

Women whose patrons are Scorpio and Snake plan their careers in childhood. They clearly understand what they need: finances, respect in the team, power. Most often, they achieve success because they are rewarded by nature with great talents and special character traits.

Their intuition allows women to work even in the foreign exchange market and achieve success

Personal relationships with a partner in the life of Scorpio-Snake occupy a large place. They can change partners from one to another, without thinking about feelings. Such dispersion leads to internal burnout and emptiness. A breakup occurs due to the high demands that women place on themselves and their partner. Moreover, the initiator is the other half, unable to withstand the domineering nature.

In family life, relationships among women of these signs are very difficult. Because they are bossy, they do not pay attention to the wishes of others. Scorpio-Snakes create such an atmosphere in the family that members of the household begin to express dissatisfaction. If an agreement cannot be reached, a break is inevitable.

Personal relationships with a partner in the life of Scorpio-Snake occupy a large place. They can change partners from one to another without thinking about feelings

Disadvantages of the sign

An important disadvantage that you should pay attention to is pressure and importunity in communication. They can be so intrusive that the interlocutor does not want to deal with them. They do not accept opinions different from their own, which pushes people away from them.

Another weak character element is melancholy. Women fall into this mood, which often interferes with career development.

Intimate component

Many men believe that the most important thing in a relationship is sex. Scorpio-Snake is no exception. This man is sensitive and inquisitive in this regard. In addition, they are very passionate individuals. They like various experiments. They also love to surprise their partner with something unusual.

These people like the best and most refined things. They are not against special surroundings and initiative on the part of their partner. For this man, it is ideal when both he and his lover enjoy it.

Full characteristics of a Scorpio child born in the year of the Snake

If you have a Scorpio boy born in the year of the Snake, get ready for him to become your real pride.

These are wise children for their age and treat everything responsibly. They are active and smart, so they do well at school.

Thanks to determination, boys and girls fulfill their desires. Their activity can sometimes unsettle even the most patient parent. You rarely see them at the computer. They will be better able to engage in outdoor games.

They know how to defend their position, believing in what is right. The Scorpio-Snake girl and boy show leadership inclinations early. It is important for parents to teach their children to develop this ability.

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