Master class on making a doll “Northern Coast”

Doll Bereginya

We’ll start our master class by preparing materials and tools.

  • You can, of course, use a cardboard roll from paper towels or roll up a tube of thick paper with your own hands. But in order for our craft to truly replicate the master class of our great-grandmothers, do not be too lazy to cut a piece of splint measuring 10x28 cm from a fallen birch tree. We will also need strong red threads, beautiful scraps of fabric, some padding polyester and glue.

  • Using thin fabric and padding polyester, we make the butt and chest of our toy with our own hands.

  • Glue them onto a birch bark or cardboard tube. We attach a piece of padding polyester in the area of ​​the future face.

  • Throw a square piece of light-colored fabric measuring 20x20 cm over the body (our well-maintained birch bark) and decorate the head, tying it around the “neck”.

  • Tie the fabric with red thread crosswise, as shown in the photo. This is a Vedic sign called the “protective cross”.

  • Tie the fabric to the very bottom with the same crosses.

  • Try on and then secure the fabric for the petticoat.

  • Take a square piece (the future jacket), equal diagonally to the distance between the doll’s arms, and make a cross-shaped cut in the very center of it.

  • Secure it with a thread on the wrong side of the neck.

  • Fasten the sleeves and sew a smart skirt.

  • Tie a scarf and an apron. The master class on making the first Beregini is over.

How to make a talisman with your own hands?

Making a doll yourself is not at all difficult, the main thing is to have the right attitude and transfer positive energy to the amulet.

We recommend: The ancient Slavic symbol of the family is the Lovebird dolls. Meaning, step-by-step manufacturing instructions, activation

When making amulets dolls, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not use piercing or cutting objects, that is, a needle and scissors;
  • the doll is made in one sitting from start to finish;
  • At this time, you cannot be distracted and have idle conversations.

To make a doll you need the following materials:

  • an odd number of bright scraps of fabric measuring approximately 6x18 cm;
  • square for a scarf with a side of 10–12 cm;
  • light fabric for the face measuring 3x12 cm;
  • a thread;
  • medium width ribbons.

Measurements for scraps do not need to be taken with a ruler. You can focus on your hand size. The length of the flap is the palm of your hand, the width is four fingers.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We prepare everything necessary. Fabric and threads must be torn by hand.
  2. Fold the edges of the scraps inward, then fold them in half.
  3. We put the layers together and put them aside, pressing them down with something heavy.
  4. We make a face - a central twist. We fold the fabric widthwise, then lengthwise and roll it into a roll.
  5. Place the remaining pieces on top.
  6. We tie the thread around the neck.
  7. We fold the handkerchief diagonally, tie the ends with thread - we get handles.
  8. We put the scarf on the doll's head and tie it again.
  9. Decorate with a ribbon with a beautiful bow.

The amulet doll is ready! Place it in a prominent place, and adversity will bypass your home.

Fast doll

To make a talisman with your own hands in 15 minutes, you need to prepare padding polyester or cotton wool, thread and four equal-sized squares of fabric: three colored and one white. The master class will end before it even begins, and the work is so simple that the master himself can still go to kindergarten.

  • Place a lump of filling in the center of the white square and tie. This is the head.

  • Do the same with two colored pieces - these are the breasts. Gather the third colored square slightly in the center. Tie the doll's palms.

  • Place everything together and tie it as shown in the photo. The fastest doll Bereginya is ready to bring you happiness.

The meaning of the North Bereginya doll and its features

If you are interested in Slavic traditional rag dolls, then you already know that almost every such doll is a unique illustration of the principles of the universe as our ancestors understood them. Let me give just a few examples:

  • the division of the doll into three parts - head, torso and legs suggests that there is underground space, earthly life and space (interpretations are possible here - it depends on religiosity);
  • the use of twists, twists, and spirals corresponds to knowledge of the basic principles of the existence of space in time and the flow of time in space, as well as the ability to control certain energy flows;
  • multi-layeredness reflects the complexity of the structure of both the human body in the literal and metaphysical senses, and the universe as a whole.

- Isn’t it too... uh... abstruse? – Veselina asked with some doubt.

- On the one hand, this really seems like pretentious, pompous nonsense, but only until you independently discover direct evidence of what has been said. Look at the doll you made. What do you see?

Northern Bereginya doll, what’s special about it?

- What, what... I see Bereginya, what else? – my assistant says without understanding.

- This is understandable, but what does it consist of, how is it structured? – I continue to try to get to the bottom of this.

“There’s a tight twist in the middle,” Veselina began to list, thinking more and more about her own words, “around there are many layers of flaps folded into strips, all tied together with thread, the top flap turned into hands, the palms are also tied.” Everything seems so.

- Well, you don’t need more. In other words, in the center is the essence, truth, indivisible and holistic, around this is the entire surrounding world, divided into layers. All this is tightly connected together, and besides this, the upper flap has no exit or entrance, that is, the system is complete in its development and perfect. Here's a rag doll for you!

- That’s great, I didn’t even think so at all. – Veselina said quietly, digesting the information received, “After such a debriefing, today I will visit the Rag Doll Quarter once again.”

- Go, go, but for now let’s talk about our Northern Bereginya.

Our ancestors, when making such a doll, found in everyday life a simpler explanation for the structure of the doll. This was necessary, because you can’t constantly tell everyone what you know, how the world works. Secret knowledge is always transmitted allegorically, encrypted. So, for the central bolster in the doll’s head, they took a piece of clothing from the family member who needed protection more than others. If everything was wonderful and beautiful in the house, then these were leftovers from the outfits of the doll’s author.

The strips that hug the twist in the middle are scraps from each relative’s old clothes. It turns out that the whole family has come together and are firmly connected to each other, protecting and preserving everyone. Here's Family Bereginya for you. Such a rag amulet could cope with any misfortune, because it was based on the unification of the spiritual forces of all household members.

- Understood. Listen, how interesting it was all invented! So simple and difficult at the same time! – Veselina says enthusiastically, inspired by her new understanding.

- Yes, now you know that not everything can be as simple as it seems at first glance.

Please note that this doll is shaped like a rattle and a broom. The Slavs were the first to scare away evil spirits, and the second were to drive evil spirits out of the house. This is exactly how Northern Bereginya was used in difficult times. When reading a conspiracy or prayer, you need to go around the house, and with a doll in your hand, sweep away (figuratively) all the evil disgrace that is trying to harm the family.

North Bereginya doll without a central twist and in a headscarf

The Northern Bereginya doll is without a central twist and in a headscarf, unfolded a little - it’s clearer.

Northern Bereginya could be made without a central twist, and also in a headscarf, the ends of which turned into hands. Quite an interesting option, which certainly has a right to exist. In conclusion, I will add that the scraps for the stripes should be bright, and there should be an odd number of them - the magic of color and numerology added magical power to the doll.

Northern Bereginya

The child has a wild imagination. He can see a rocket in an ordinary log, and a beautiful princess in a bunch of rags. Northern Bereginya is as conventional and simple as it is original.

In ancient times, scraps of beautiful rags were valued more than gold, especially in the north, where cotton and silk were unheard of. It was from these scraps that mothers and grandmothers made an “accordion”, intercepted it in the middle with a tourniquet and folded it in half.

Having measured the “head” from the bend, they intercepted the “neck” with a twine. Northern Bereginya differs from the southern one in that the scarf for the head and hands for it are made from one piece of scrap.

Now we are not limited in materials, so we can do it with our own hands so that our northern Bereginya flaunts in a frilly skirt and an elegant scarf. We can even give the northern doll Beregina a face.

How to charge and activate?

The Slavic amulet doll is a clot of energy flows. The energy, thoughts and desires of the author of the doll are concentrated and wrapped in pieces of fabric, tied with threads, collected in a talisman and stored there. Therefore, in order not to damage the doll’s energy structure, you should not use a needle or scissors when making it.

Also, you cannot be distracted during work or interrupt it.

The amulet must be made in one go. Therefore, you need to choose a time and place so that you will not be disturbed.

It is important to concentrate your thoughts and correctly formulate your wishes. You can use conspiracies: they are specifically designed for such purposes and will help you avoid mistakes. Saying prayers would also be a suitable option. It all depends on the sincerity and faith of the author.

We recommend: Slavic doll Zhelannitsa: description, meaning, making it yourself. How to charge and activate the amulet?

The finished doll needs proper handling:

  1. the amulet is placed in a place of honor, in the red corner;
  2. From time to time you should wipe the talisman from dust, as dirt worsens the energy;
  3. it is necessary to cleanse Bereginya from the negativity that she collects, removing from household members; You can use salt or a candle for this.

Thus, following our recommendations, you can independently assemble and give good energy to the Northern Bereginya doll - a reliable assistant and protector of the family, a time-tested guardian of the hearth.


The Bereginya doll, which not only psychologically creates the illusion of protection, but also actually has healing properties, is made in exactly the same way as the “fast doll.” The difference in the master class is that we tie a bag with medicinal herbs under her skirt: St. John's wort, mint, lemon balm, thyme, etc. This is how easy it is to make yourself happy with your own hands.

Master class on making a doll “Northern Coast”

Why does a folk doll have no face?

Traditional rag doll with no face. The face, as a rule, was not marked and remained white. A doll without a face was considered an inanimate object, inaccessible to the instillation of evil, unkind forces into it, and therefore harmless to the child. She was supposed to bring him prosperity, health, joy. It was a miracle: from several rags, without arms, without legs, without a designated face, the character of the doll was conveyed. The doll had many faces, she could laugh and cry.

Amulet dolls

In ancient times, dolls had a different purpose: they were protection for people from diseases, misfortunes, and evil spirits. The doll took care of a person, and that’s what they called it: amulet or bereginya. As a rule, the most protective were dolls made without needles and scissors. When making dolls, they tried not to cut the fabric, but to tear it (sometimes the dolls were called “torn”).

Even before the baby was born, a doll was made and placed in a cradle so that the doll would “warm” it for the unborn baby. When the baby was born, the doll did not part with him even then. In order for the baby to sleep soundly and peacefully, the mother would say: “Sleepy-insomniac, don’t play with my baby, but play with this doll.” The doll distracted evil spirits, protecting the child. The mother gave a rag doll-bereginya, made with her own hands, to her daughter before the wedding, blessing her for marriage. The amulets were given to a son who was going to serve in the army, and to a husband on the road. Peasant families had a lot of dolls, they were not scattered, they were treasured, they were taken care of. The peasants believed that the more dolls, the more happiness there was in the family.


- the oldest amulet doll. The diaper was in the cradle until the child was baptized (At baptism, the baby acquired the status of a person). This doll was kept in the family along with the baptismal shirt. The doll was easy to make; pieces of worn, often homespun, clothing were used for it. The swaddled doll could be used by children in games.

birch bark
doll was widespread in the North of Russia ;
the doll was made of birch bark rolled into a tube.
A prayer (or conspiracy) was placed inside. It was a strong amulet. As a rule, this doll was made for a child and given to him by his own grandmother (that’s why it was sometimes called “ grandmother’s doll

An important moment in a person's life is a wedding. For this case, there was a special ritual doll “Couple”
sometimes such a doll was called
“Lovebirds” .
The female and male figures have a common hand - a symbol of a strong marriage. The wedding “Couple” was made from three red rags of the same size. The doll was given to newlyweds at a wedding, attached to a towel. When the first child was born in a young family, they began to use a towel, and the doll was given to the child or kept for life as a talisman of family and marriage.


- a doll that symbolized prosperity in the house and was a kind of amulet for the family.
Sometimes it was called "keryopsis". This doll was made after the harvest. At the heart of this doll is a bag filled with grain. Also, this doll could be made by a woman so that she could have children. This
doll symbolized wealth and well-being in the family. It lived in areas where cereals were grown.

In the southern provinces of Russia there was a doll - a talisman for the home, called “Day and Night”

(it refers to two-faced or paired dolls). As a rule, it was done on New Year's Eve. It was made from fabrics of dark and light colors. Light fabric symbolized day, and dark fabric symbolized night. Early in the morning, every day it was turned with the light side (for the day), and in the evening - with the dark side (for the night). They said: “The day has passed, and thank God, let the night pass in the same way.”

Doll - broom

helped the hostess “sweep the dirty laundry in public.” Of course, this was not material garbage, but rubbish, over which there were quarrels and discord in the house. It was made, as a rule, from herbs, straw, and bast. The doll's clothes consisted of a sundress and a scarf. Based on the doll's outfit, one could determine the place of its “birth”. This doll was used in the central and southern provinces.

Fever dolls.

Twelve dolls, swaddled like babies, fastened together. They were placed behind the stove so that no one could see them. Fever saved people from illness.

Ritual dolls

This is a fairly common category of folk toys. Such dolls, made of various materials, quite simple in technology, are associated with the transfer of cosmogonic, moral, symbolic and mythological knowledge to the child. Ritual dolls are very unique in their kind, as they contain symbolic knowledge of previous generations. They were created by people for ritual, cult and magical purposes. They exist among most peoples of the world and are used in both pagan and Christian religions. Used for various magical rituals.

Among the peoples of Russia, dolls were used in various rituals and holidays of the folk calendar. Dolls were largely associated with all sorts of rituals during the holidays.

Haircut Doll

was associated with a rich harvest. Haircuts were made from straw, bast, and flax production waste. Sometimes she was dressed, but sometimes she was decorated with colored woolen threads. Straw dolls made from the first “named” sheaf were considered sacred.

doll was associated with Christmas rituals .
This doll was made on a cross-shaped base, and the face, horns and beard were made of bast. The “Goat” was dressed in a beautiful dress and had ritual objects on it: bells, beads, earrings, rings and bags of herbs. This doll was used in caroling rituals.

On Epiphany days they made a doll of the Sacrum

, they placed it near a bucket of water, which must be blessed. It was believed that these days the water was holy. The doll was made on a cross-shaped base and was decorated with strings and ribbons.

The red-faced Easter birds were very unusual

dolls made for Palm Sunday were always made from red rags. They were given for happiness, joy, she could be present at the Easter table along with Easter gifts, and then these dolls were given to pilgrims (new dolls were made the next year).

Home Maslenitsa

During Maslenitsa week, such a doll was hung outside the window. This was a sign that the mother-in-law was expecting her son-in-law and daughter to visit for pancakes. Most often, such dolls were made from straw and bast. The face was covered with linen cloth and dressed in traditional attire.

Kupavka doll was made on a cross-shaped base.

, dressed up in women's clothes (shirt, sundress, belt). Ribbons were hung on Kupavka’s hands—the girls’ cherished wishes—then they were sent to float down the river. Ribbons floating along the river took with them misfortunes and hardships. Doll "Kupavka".


- a doll intended for a young woman (a girl who recently got married). Such a doll was often given to the bride for her wedding so that she could do everything and everything would go well in her family. Traditionally, this doll was made from grass, straw, bast and beautifully decorated.

Doll exhibition

Rope Beregini

Toys for children were made from scrap materials. Wood and straw were used. Often the Bereginya doll was made by hand from flax fiber or hemp rope. The master simply folded a bunch of tow tied in the middle in half, indicating the “neck”. Then he put another bundle, which was supposed to become arms, between the threads under the neck and tied the waist. Then all that remained was to dress and decorate Bereginya.


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Master class “Northern Coast”

“Don’t forbid yourself to create, Let it sometimes come out crooked - No one can repeat your ridiculous motives.”


Goal: To create a traditional folk doll-amulet for the house “Northern Coast”

Beregini are traditional Slavic amulets dolls. The main task of the doll was to protect against misfortunes; it was supposed to protect all household members from diseases and evil spirits.

One of these amulet dolls is the “Northern Coast”

This unusual doll is very different from traditional dolls. It is made according to the ratchet principle, from bright fabrics. Very positive and elegant. This is a powerful amulet for the home, attracting prosperity and good luck.

“Northern Coast” doll was made from small scraps of fabric, bright colors, and second-hand clothes that absorbed the energy of the owner. It was believed that it brings prosperity to the house and protects it from the four elements (fire, water, air, earth). The multilayered nature of this doll indicated many human bodies, many worlds. The doll protected the peoples of the north from the evil spirits with which the northern land was full, since it was believed that all evil was in the northern latitudes and people there had a very difficult time protecting themselves from evil spirits. It was believed that the brighter the pieces of fabric, the stronger the doll and its magical power.

The Bereginya doll is given for any occasion and protects the home and family. It can be secured in the car, by the child’s bed, you can put it in your purse or decorate a Christmas tree with it. A bright colored coastline will bring you a good mood and happiness! With the help of this doll, we can REMOVE everything that we don’t like in our life, isolate ourselves from other people’s influence; You can also INCLUDE luck, joy, health and well-being into your home, into your life.

When performing the “Northern Coast” , the doll turns out to be bright and mischievous, has seven colors, like a rainbow, and is also called Seven Flowers.

Master class on making the “Northern Coast” .


  1. The base of the doll is 7 6x18 pieces (bright colors)
  2. Shawl – a bright piece of fabric 10x10
  3. Face - Strip of light fabric: width 3x10-15 cm
  4. Red threads and ribbons - for decorating the doll

Forming the base - body:

A Bereginya doll can be made for love and fidelity, family well-being, successful marriage, happy motherhood, good luck on the road and travel, monetary profit, a successful career, business success and much more at your request. She will be your faithful companion and amulet. Talk to her, ask for help and advice, thank her for her help.

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