TOP 12 pin spells: for weight loss, good luck and money

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It happens that clouds appear in the cloudless sky of a happy family life. The first quarrels, insults, and now the thought appears in the husband’s head that it would be nice to take a little break from his annoying wife, who is always demanding something. And in bed, everything is no longer as bright as it was at the very beginning of the marital relationship.

This is where I remember an old friend with whom I once had a relationship, or a nice work colleague who unambiguously glanced and smiled during lunch conversations. What to do to stop the impending disaster in time? Lapels will help - special rituals aimed at cooling the feelings. One of the proven methods is to turn the lapel with a pin.

Distinctive features of rituals

A strong ritual to turn away from a homewrecker is an effective ritual that will help save the family and break the husband’s connection with another woman.

Factors influencing the success of the lapel:

  1. Lunar phase. The best time to perform magical rituals for separation and lapel is the period of the waning moon. The ritual performed at this time is the most effective and powerful.
  2. Lead time. Unless otherwise indicated in the ritual, the best time to perform the lapel is late at night: the time after midnight and later is the most suitable.
  3. Meditation and thoughts during the lapel.

At the time of performing the ritual, you should concentrate on negative thoughts regarding the homewrecker. Hatred, hostility and disgust towards this woman will become an excellent foundation for the ritual.

After completing the lapel, you need to concentrate on positive thoughts towards your husband. Such thoughts will prepare you for the return of your spouse and help make the arrival a joyful event.

When can lapels be used:

  1. If magic was used on a man and all signs point to this. A magical lapel will help return a representative of the stronger half of humanity to the family and remove the effect of the love spell.
  2. If a man left the family / is just about to do this, and the reason was another woman. Even when there are certain signs of magic, but there is no final certainty about the presence of a love spell, or maybe you are confident in the use of magic, we recommend making a love spell.

Turning away from your opponent with a pin - for protection purposes

From a purely human perspective, it is easy to justify the ritual that a legal wife performs to free her beloved spouse from someone else’s witchcraft spells - a love spell (after all, a love spell not only destroys a family, but also causes mortal harm to a man, suppressing his will and harming his health).

If you are sure that the reason your husband went to the left was precisely the black magic of his rival, a prayer to the Patron Saints and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker can help (the best option for believers who do not accept any witchcraft rituals).

Types of rituals for discord

Conventionally, all rituals for turning away from another woman are divided into three types:

  1. Turning on a rival is a method of returning a husband to the family. Let's say a loved one fell in love on the side and is going to break off the relationship and go to another woman. In the above case, he does everything consciously and no magic was used on him. It is better to do a ritual to end the rift with your lover and at the same time analyze the relationship, understanding the reason for looking for a new relationship. After all, magic will help in this particular case, and working on relationships will guarantee a happy future together.
  2. The lapel is a measure of protection. In this case, white magic helps to turn away a loved one and remove any impact. It’s possible to do such a ritual yourself using photos and other components. Lapels from a homewrecker will help return your spouse to the family.
  3. Lapel for personal gain. Here magic is used to destroy a family, and this, in turn, is not always good. A positive result can be achieved if a man is unhappy in his marriage and separation will benefit both him and his wife. And if a woman decides to destroy a strong and happy family, then the consequences of these actions will be different.

Human behavior before and after the procedure

The behavior of the ritual operator or the person being charmed differs markedly from his actions before the operation. The table compares the situation before and after performing the ritual on the fastener.

General weakness, groundless anxiety, series of failures, headacheA surge of vital energy, good luck in all matters, no signs of pain
Lack of moneyIncrease in salary at the place of employment, receipt of funds from various sources
Cravings for alcohol or drugsNo alcohol or drug addiction
Nervous breakdowns due to frequent absence of husband from homeReturning him to his family
Lack of customers at the outletInflux of visitors to the store

Video plot for a pin:

Ritual with a candle

Lapels from a mistress are considered an effective method to help return a husband to the family, and if purple attributes are also used, then the power increases. In magic it is believed that purple is the color of separation, which should be used to cool one person towards another. You only need one thin purple candle, not scented or decorated.

At midnight, light a candle and, looking at the fire, focus on the negative towards the homewrecker. Do you want to turn your husband away?

Read the lapel:

“Burn the candle, burn... Separate lovers forever and ever. Take all the love and passion for yourself and put it out. Burn, burn, separate forever!”

Just read the text of the plot, put out the candle, and store it in a secluded place. If within a few weeks the lovers do not fall out, or perhaps the consequences of the lapel seem insignificant, then it is possible to repeat the ritual with the same candle.

How to make a husband's lapel from his mistress

There are several types of turning a husband away from another woman, and each of them is valid for a certain period of time. At the same time, the effectiveness of rituals also differs. The most effective rituals for turning a husband away from his mistress forever include:

  • Ritual using a candle.

This option can be considered one of the most effective. If you manage to find a purple candle, the effect will be even longer, since this color is considered “separating” in the magical environment.

The ritual itself involves the use of a thin purple candle, but it should not be decorative or scented. After waiting until midnight, you need to light it, focus on hating your opponent and at the same time look at the flame. To carry out a ritual to turn a husband away from his mistress, you need to go to the window with a candle and read the plot:

“Burn, candle, burn... Separate your lover from your mistress once and for all. Take all your love and passion with you and extinguish it. Burn, burn, separate forever."

After the ceremony, the candle cannot be thrown away. It needs to be hidden in a secluded place. After waiting two weeks, you should check whether the plot worked. If the husband and mistress have not yet quarreled, it is necessary to repeat it.

  • Underwear ritual.

To perform a magical action, you should prepare your husband's underpants, a new needle and black thread. It is necessary to sew all existing seams, turning the item inside out. It should be borne in mind that the husband should not suspect anything. During this process, the following conspiracy should be pronounced:

“I don’t trim underwear, but I cross out and close all the visible and invisible roads-paths to my beloved (husband’s name) to the underwater snake (mistress’s name). She will become for you blacker than the blackest cloud, more dangerous than a wild beast and more disgusting than a creeping reptile. Only one road is open for you, (name of spouse), love only me and run only to me. You will never be with other women, and only with me will you be in harmony and love. My word is strong, my word is indestructible.”

The ritual requires three repetitions. Remember that the more emotions the wife experiences, the more effective he will be. Linen with charmed threads should be thrown to the husband when he gets ready to visit his mistress. This method will not only turn the spouse away from the homewrecker, but also protect him from potential rivals.

Articles recommended for reading:

  • How to choose a talisman according to your zodiac sign
  • Strong amulets for the home and their meaning
  • Feng Shui sectors - Eastern wisdom for your well-being
  • Ritual for poppy seeds.

You should buy poppy seeds at the store in advance. You need to turn your husband away from his mistress on the waning moon. As you pour the seeds onto a plate, say the following words:

“When you, villainess (name of mistress), find each grain and put it back into the bag, then my beloved, (name of husband), will leave me.”

The next morning you should take a plate and scatter the grains to the wind.

  • A plot to turn a husband away from his mistress for food.

To carry out the ritual, you will have to cook a liquid dish, preferably soup.

During its preparation, you need to read the love spell:

“Just as hot boiling water burns your mouth and destroys your flesh, so the appearance of (your lover’s name) becomes hateful to the eye, it kills your feelings, drives you away from you, and returns you to me (your name), your beloved. Only with me, (your name), does your soul, (spouse’s name), find peace, fill with love, and return to a happy life.”

If necessary, you can add a reference to sex in the text. To do this you need to read the following words:

“In bed with others there is trouble, with me there is delight. With me it stands, with others it falls.”

In order for the ritual to be as effective as possible, you should put into it all the negative emotions towards your rival, visualizing in your imagination a conversation with her. The result will not be long in coming.

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  • Ritual for compote.

If the question of divorce has arisen in the family, but the husband and wife still live together, then you can try to improve the relationship with the help of a compote spell. It will help not only to return the man, if necessary, but also to renew feelings between spouses. For the ritual you need to prepare a compote of berries. The plot is read at the moment when the drink boils:

“The berries grew separately, but now they will always be together. So we (your names) grew up separately, and now we will only be together.”

It should be taken into account that both spouses need to drink the compote, then very soon prosperity and love will return to the house.

  • A powerful ritual for boiling water.

As a rule, this lapel of the husband from his mistress is carried out at a distance, that is, when the husband has left the family. The ritual of boiling water will return the man, awakening in his heart love and tenderness for his wife. You need to choose a time for the new month and wait until sunset. The husband's lapel from his mistress is carried out as follows: take a pan, fill it with water and put it on the fire. After the water begins to boil, you need to read the plot:

“Just as water boils and boils, then dries and dries,

So my husband (name) will seethe, dry up and yearn for me.

By his family, by his wife.

So that he comes home soon, so that he doesn’t see life without me.

He will run home and hurry, he will hurry to his family!

As I said, so it will be!

My word is strong and strong.”

This text is repeated three times, after which boiling water is poured into the sink.

  • The husband's lapel from his mistress with a pin.

Take a pin and attach it to a visible place on your husband’s clothes. During this process the words are repeated:

“As soon as the pin comes unfastened, the loved one will wake up from the love of a stranger.”

Ritual on a pin

The lapel pin has a long history. This ritual will not be difficult to perform: you will need a new pin and your husband’s clothes, in which he has been wearing for quite a long time.

Turning away a lover involves discreetly pinning a pin to clothing and reading the text of the lapel:

“A sharp pin, a pin, with the slave (name) everywhere, save from temptations and fornication, protect from betrayal. If only slave (name) remained faithful to me, and immediately left everyone else. If he left his mistress, he did not return, he did not see joy and peace with her. My word is law. The word cannot be removed. Amen!"

Lapels from your mistress using a pin will help make visits to your mistress unpleasant. Subsequently, these visits will lead to a complete break. Unpleasant sensations, discomfort next to the homewrecker and the desire to leave as quickly as possible are the consequences of this ritual.

Ritual for water

Do you want to turn your husband away from his mistress and return him to the family? Use different lapels from your mistress. Do you want to restore peace in your lover’s soul and return feelings to your lawful wife? The following ritual should be used for water.

Wash your husband’s things with your hands, and read the spell over the last water in which the clothes were rinsed:

“I will get up in the morning at dawn. I will go out of my doors, they will go to the gates, and I will come out of them. Oh, you, powers of heaven and earth, help. Let the slave (husband’s name) be surprised by my beauty, captivated by my mind, surrounded by love from now on and forever. If only he thought about me and missed me, If only he could not see life without me. If he didn’t want to see the slave (the name of his rival) and didn’t want to know, if he saw her, he left. Don’t be with her, the underwater snake, the filthy homewrecker. If only my husband's path led to me And only with me he knew happiness. No one will change my word, no one will remove my conspiracy, Forever. Amen!"

After reading the words of the lapel, you should wash your feet in this water and pour it under the woman’s tree. Female tree - viburnum, birch, pine, viburnum, spruce, except aspen. The ritual begins to take effect almost from the moment it is performed, but the first results will have to wait a little. The power of the ritual lies in the use of water and the use of the female tree.

Magic that is used to restore relationships and against homewreckers is considered very effective, because it is used for good. If you do this ritual with the goal of taking your husband away from the family, the result may be the opposite. Give the magic a little time and believe in the result.

Lapel with blood

Lapels that use blood are considered more serious lapels. It is worth resorting to them only in the most extreme cases, when nothing else helps. To make such a lapel, you will need to light eight candles, place them in a semicircle in front of you and prick your finger until it bleeds. It is better to do this with one quick strong blow, otherwise it will hurt more and the mood may be lost. When blood appears on the tip of your finger, hold your hand over the burning candles and say:

“By my blood I call upon my own blood; from now on we will be forever connected, and without me there will be no other life for him. Just as I am suffering now, so will his days seem filled with suffering. Amen!".

After this, hold your finger over each candle in turn, repeating your name and the name of your beloved man three times. When you're done, cross yourself and try to quickly put out the candles. You cannot tell anyone about this ritual, because it can not only destroy the result, but also attract negative energy to you.

In any case, love rituals, love spells and lapels affect at least two people. This means that from now on you are responsible for the fate of the second person. It’s very bad if after some time the realization comes that this is not at all the person you need, and there was no trace of love.

The consequences can be very serious: firstly, the man will be doomed to love only you for the rest of his life, and with unrequited love, suicide attempts are very likely. Think about whether you are ready to take such a sin on your soul.

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Ritual for food

It is possible to turn a man away on your own with the help of food that is enchanted. It is necessary to prepare delicious dishes for your loved one, adding an order of magnitude more salt and pepper.

Before serving, the plot is read:

“Like hot pepper and salty salt eat away at you, so let hatred and hostility towards the servant of God (name) grow. If only you hated and despised her, but only ran to me To the hearth of the home, to the woman you loved! Amen!"

Do not serve food hot. Since the ceremony is carried out at home, it is possible to try to prepare food. A man must like her. The opponent's lapel begins to work almost immediately, and the first results will become visible in a week.

Plot to separate a husband from his mistress on black fabric

A conspiracy to cause a quarrel between a spouse and his mistress, carried out using a piece of black cloth, has great power. To do this you need the following:

  1. They buy a small piece of black fabric, always from a woman.
    Important! They don’t take change – it’s a kind of ransom.
  2. A piece of fabric is torn into 2 approximately equal parts and they say: “One can be made into two, two cannot be joined together.” Let it be so".
  3. After this, the pieces of cloth are taken to different temples and left there.
  4. Then in these churches they light candles for the health of those who are being charmed.

Ritual with black thread

A strong turn away from a rival can be done in several directions at the same time: to quarrels and discord and to the lack of sexual contact. In this case, the ritual can actually be performed independently. You will need black thread, a needle and your husband's underwear. At midnight, you need to thread a needle and, sewing the linen, make a lapel for your opponent.

The following text is read:

“I am closing and sewing up the path to the house of the harlot (woman’s name), Let everything interfere with the meeting and happiness, So that every time we see each other, we quarrel and swear. If she drove you away from her, and you feared and hated her Stronger than death, a fierce enemy or a wild beast. You didn’t get along well in bed with anyone but me, I sew up the paths, I sew up all the paths to her. You are with me alone forever and ever and you can’t live without me. My word is law. Amen!"

It is better to sew linen along the seams, so that outside interference is unnoticeable. The lapel of a loved one involves concentrating on negative thoughts towards your rival, which allows you to strengthen the ritual. Do you want to quickly turn your husband away from the homewrecker?

He must often wear the charmed underwear. This ritual belongs to light magic, and the white essence of the ritual limits the possible consequences.

Rite of land from the cemetery

It is possible to make a strong lapel of a rival using cemetery land. This ritual is done independently and no one should know about its implementation. Magic does not tolerate publicity. You will need land taken from the cemetery. It is not at all necessary to use the soil from the grave; it is possible to perform a ceremony with soil collected within the cemetery.

A conspiracy should be read for this land:

“Just as death is inevitable, so too is the death of (the name of the husband and mistress) of love. All feelings will die, and they will be replaced by fierce hatred. Relationships will crumble and crumble to smithereens. Swearing and deadly anger will settle in and take you in different directions. My word is law. And no one can take it off or interrupt it: Not a sorcerer, not a sorceress, not a black goat. Key and lock!

The enchanted earth should be thrown into the place where both the spouse and the mistress will step over it. It is better to choose their usual meeting place, since it will be possible to turn away the husband only if both he and she step over the ground.

If you do this ritual correctly, the result will be strong and quick, and the effect of the ritual will help turn your loved one away forever.

Rules for making lapels at home

A deceived wife can turn to professionals in the magical world for help. The wife has the opportunity to turn her husband away from his mistress at home. The wife has the forces of good on her side, because:

  • she is a legal spouse (the bonds are especially strong if the couple has undergone a wedding ceremony);
  • a woman keeps and protects the home;
  • spouses are planning or are already raising children;
  • the hearts of husband and wife are forever united by the magic of family union.

Conditions for reading a husband's lapel from his mistress:

  1. Choose a suitable day for the conspiracy, focusing on the lunar calendar. It is easier to achieve the desired effect by performing the lapel in the first days of the waning moon cycle.
  2. The recommended time for performing a magical action is the period 01:00-03:00 at night.
  3. The energy with which the wife independently reads the plot has special power. You cannot think about revenge on your husband, even if the betrayal brought unbearable pain. You should focus on the desire to save the family and ward off evil from the hearth.

Spell for fighting dogs

Do you want to cause discord in a man’s communication with his rival?

It is necessary, when you see dogs/cats fighting on the street, to read the following plot:

“Like these animals bite and fight, and then scatter as evil enemies, so let the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name of rival) swear and fight, and then scatter. Let everything said come true! Amen!"

The words of the conspiracy should be spoken while approaching the animals. Then leave immediately.

A conspiracy to separate a husband from his mistress, salt

Salt is present in the kitchen of any housewife, so there are a large number of different conspiracies for this substance. The popularity of this product is also explained by its properties - it quickly accumulates human energy and also quickly releases it when dissolved, giving magical words even greater power. This way the desired result is achieved much faster.

Most often, with the help of salt, a conspiracy is made to cause separation or “quarrel” between a spouse and his mistress. One of the fastest-acting conspiracies is read in this order:

  1. Take Thursday salt, which is prepared only once a year, on clean Thursday (if necessary, you can replace it with regular table salt, but Thursday salt is stronger).
  2. On the waning moon after midnight you need to retire. When no one is around, they turn off the lights, even the night lamps, and go to the window.
  3. A small amount of salt is poured into the palm and the eyes are raised to the Moon. After this, they begin a conspiracy, the text of which is as follows: “I call on the light of the moon, I invite help for myself, I turn my hopes to the forces of the night. The salt burns strongly - my words also strike. They will turn away the Servant of God (name of the spouse) from the Servant of God (name of the mistress). They will create a stone wall between them and send fierce enmity upon them. Settled hatred in their hearts, dissolved bile in them. Let separation become inevitable, let them not be able to spend a day together or spend a night together. And let them not know how sweet they are with each other. My word is true, my desire is strong. I said so, so it will be so.”
  4. After this, the salt from the palm is carefully poured into a container prepared in advance and left on the windowsill until the morning.
  5. Early in the morning, the charmed salt is taken to the house of the husband’s mistress and scattered at the doorstep. During this it is necessary to
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