Fuchsite (Muscovite) - why is it called that and what is it useful for?


The name of the stone is misleading to an inexperienced person. The canonical color of fuchsia is intense red with a bluish tint, bright pink-lilac. And fuchsite is green.

Fuchsit from the island of Groix

The stone is named after Johann von Fuchs. This Bavarian chemist was the first to study and scientifically describe the characteristics of the gem.

In different countries, the mineral is known under other names:

  • Verdit. In Italian, verde means "green". This is how the stone is called only in Italy and then unofficially. For mineralogists, verdite and fuchsite are different stones.
  • Celadonite. In the French town of Celadon, they were the first to start adding green mica chips to clay for colored ceramics.
  • Mariposit. By stone deposit (USA, California, Mariposa County).
  • Listvenite. Pure green or grayish-green Ural stone.

In the specialized literature, the mineral appears as chrome muscovite, African gold, mica schist.

Deposits and production

Rich deposits have been recorded in the Ural Mountains, in the area of ​​the Berezovsky mine. The rock also occurs in other countries - Africa, the USA, Canada, Australia, Karelia, India, Brazil, China and the Kola Peninsula.

The physical characteristics of the mineral differ somewhat, taking into account the depth of the layers and the composition of impurities. However, in general the breed has similar properties.


In mineralogy, fuchsite is a type of muscovite stone, mica with chromium in its composition.

Chrome incorporated into the crystal structure creates the green color and iridescence for which fuchsite is famous. The more chromium, the more the crystals refract the sun's rays.

This property, as well as the matte, pearlescent luster, make it possible to establish the origin of the sample and distinguish the gem from an imitation.

Fuchsite nuggets interspersed with ruby ​​and emerald are prized. Their condition is not jewelry, but the gem looks unusual.

Products made from fuchsite

Samples suitable for cutting are often used for rings or earrings. The most common shape is oval, less often round. More complex forms are rare, since this type of muscovite in most cases is destroyed by such processing. The mineral is also a popular element in beads. Necklaces or intricate bracelets are especially expensive due to their rarity.

How to spot a fake

Artificial stones are quite easy to distinguish. To determine whether fuchsite is a fake, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Price. This mineral must be expensive. Cheap jewelry or amulets are definitely not natural.
  2. Pattern, color distribution. The complete absence of inclusions or soft transitions indicate artificial origin.
  3. Presence of defects. Most fakes have perfect shapes, without any cracks or irregularities. This happens extremely rarely among real samples.

In fact, artificial material is quite rare. This is based on the fact that the unique external characteristics of chrome mica make it difficult to create a copy.


Physico-chemical characteristics

For a chemist, fuchsite is chromium muscovite or mica with a complex formula.

ColorWhite, grey, silver, brownish, pale green
Stroke colorWhite
TransparencyTranslucent, translucent
CleavageVery perfect by {001}
KinkThe mineral is elastic
Density2.76—3.10 g/cm³
singoniamonoclinic system
Refractive index1,6

Chromium replaces aluminum in colorless muscovite. The more chromium, the greener the color.

Where is the gem used?

Fuchsite has been known for several millennia as a decorative and ornamental material. For example, in Pakistan they dug up a vase that is more than five thousand years old.

Today the scope of use of stone is wider.


The gem is fragile, so the range of products made from it is specific:

  • More often you can buy pendants, pendants, rings, brooches. Bracelets, necklaces, and beads are rare.
  • The variegated surface of the stone makes each product unique.
  • The description of jewelry or other products indicates the peculiarity of a particular crystal. For example, pink corundum in fuchsite, fuchsite/kyanite, other options.

Fuchsite jewelry

The noble range of the stone allows you to wear a complete set of jewelry. It doesn't look vulgar even if the inserts are large.

The most expensive jewelry setting is silver. The usual setting is a silver-plated jewelry alloy.


Master decorators use the gem as an inlay for jewelry boxes, small plastic items, candelabra, and other interior accessories.

Fuchsite box

Balls, pyramids, and mineral eggs are popular among adherents of esoteric practices.


For industrial production, fuchsite raw materials are a source of chromium. It is valued as a dielectric and a natural filler for glass melts, varnishes, and paints.

Application area

Fuchsite stone is most often used as an ornamental stone. Figurines, balls and stands made of mineral begin to shine after polishing, and the design of the stone becomes brighter and more expressive. Such products can decorate any office or residential space.

The crystal failed to achieve great popularity among jewelers. It is rarely used to make jewelry. And if they are used, it is in the form of cabochons or round beads. It is then that the stone begins to beautifully refract light.

Most often, samples with various inclusions are used in products. Ruby in fuchsite looks absolutely stunning thanks to the combination of opaque hot pink or red flecks of corundum with translucent greenery. Fuchsite with kyanite are blue scales on a green background. Jewelry with such a stone looks amazing.

Chromium muscovite is also used in industry. The following is obtained from the crystal:

  • Chromium, which is not obtained from natural sources in its pure form.
  • Metals for adding to stainless and acid-resistant steels.


Russian jewelers and handmade craftsmen create a variety of stone products (price/rub.):

  • set (ring, pole earrings, silver) – 3,900;
  • pendant (silver plated) – 850;
  • brooch (silver plated) – 590.

There is a wide choice of collection material (price/rub.):

  • nugget (13x5 cm; Russia, Karelia) – 1,140;
  • tumbling (3-3.5 cm; India) – 1,100;
  • cabochon (3.8x2.2x0.5 cm; Russia, Southern Urals) – 620.

The price depends on the deposit, frame material, size, and degree of stone processing.


The sparkling emerald gem is mined in Kenya, Germany and Tanzania. Tsavorite is considered a young jewelry stone. The unusual mineral got its name in 1974 thanks to the president of the world's most famous jewelry company Tiffany & Co.

The delicate, pleasant colors of the tsavorite gemstone are an excellent sedative. Tsavorite balances the internal state of its owner, brings harmony and peace of mind to his life . It is believed that tsavorite protects from all the negativity that may come from the outside world. In family terms, tsavorite acts as a reconciliator stone that will fight internal disagreements. The healing properties of this mineral are revealed in stabilizing blood pressure, as well as helping weather-dependent people.

Astrologically, tsavorite is ideal for such zodiac signs as Pisces and Cancer, although the stone will not harm other representatives as a talisman.

Magic properties

African shamans even today use the magical properties of fuchsite as a clue to the right path or decision.

It was believed that stone amulets made the earth fertile. And this guarantees a generous harvest. Folk healers wore a talisman with a gem so as not to be left without spoils when going for medicinal herbs, and not to make mistakes when making potions from them.

Modern magicians define the meaning of the stone more pragmatically:

  • They recommend fuchsite to clients who want to assert themselves.
  • It makes it easier for young people to find a place in life and decide on a calling.
  • The green color of the stone symbolizes material enrichment.
  • The magic of the mineral develops logic, intuition, and a thirst for knowledge.

A fuchsite product in the home or office will attract good luck, wealth, and will improve relationships between household members or colleagues.

Combination with other stones

This type of muscovite belongs to the Earth element. Therefore, it can be combined with stones of the same element to enhance their magical effects. The best representatives for creating an effective combination are:

  • sarder;
  • turquoise;
  • jasper;
  • nephritis.

The mineral can also be worn together with representatives of the element of Water (for example, topaz or opal). It is not recommended to combine this type of muscovite with the elements of Air or Fire. They will simply suppress the beneficial effects of fuchsite.

Therapeutic effect

Lithotherapists have thoroughly studied the capabilities of green mica.

It turned out that its main significance for humans is the stabilization of physiological and emotional processes occurring in the body.

The healing properties of fuchsite help overcome many ailments:

  • Gastrointestinal tract (stomach sluggishness, increased acidity);
  • musculoskeletal system (arthritis, seizures, osteoporosis);
  • brain (migraine, dizziness, forgetfulness);
  • skin (psoriasis, wounds, eczema, acne, burns).

Fuchsite helps with unmotivated anxiety and poor sleep. It is also worn by people aspiring to become parents.

Using the stone you can remove toxins, make your nails and hair beautiful.

The unique value of fuchsite is to enhance the healing properties of other minerals.

Relationship with zodiac signs

The effect of fuchsite affects people differently depending on the sector of the zodiac circle under which they are born. So, for Libra, the mineral serves as an assistant in establishing the real reason for the behavior of others. Fuchsite helps Aries get rid of complexes and gain confidence in their own abilities. The crystal gives Pisces additional strength, which is especially important during times of change, both family and work.

If fuchsite is worn by owners of the zodiac symbol Cancer, then for them the stone will serve as a real amulet against envious energy, injustice, lies and negativity. Capricorns, using a crystal, better establish contact with the right people, gain eloquence and learn to express their thoughts correctly. For Sagittarius, fuchsite will also be an excellent assistant, as it helps them solve problems with their superiors and establish relationships with colleagues.

Fuchsite and the Zodiac

Having studied the influence of this mineral on the zodiac signs, astrologers have established: fuchsite is suitable for Aquarius, Pisces, Libra.

They will become more confident and will be able to deal with problems more easily. Any product in the office will improve the microclimate and eliminate conflicts in large crowds of people.

Caution is required from Leo, Virgo, and Capricorn. The pebble is capable of activating not the best character traits of these zodiac signs.

Storage and care

Given the fragility of the material, products with fuchsite must be protected from prolonged exposure to sunlight. Otherwise, it will burn out, begin to peel off and gradually collapse. It is important to protect from shocks and temperature changes.

Jewelry is stored in special bags and boxes. When cleaning, use only a damp cloth soaked in plain water. After wet wiping, be sure to wipe dry and polish with a cloth.

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