Strong spells for good luck and money - a creative tool of white magic

A spell for good luck and money from Vanga for sugar

In the old days, it was believed that sugar could “sweeten” life, making it more prosperous and comfortable. Therefore, our ancestors not only chose the wedding day according to the lunar calendar, but also always gave sugar to the newlyweds. People believed that this simple ritual helped to attract good luck and money to the house.

Conspiracies and spells from the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga became widely known among the people. To perform this ritual you will need three white candles and a teaspoon of sugar. You are supposed to read the money plot on Sunday at noon, being completely alone. Light the candles and read this text:

Whatever the devil promises, I will not accept,

Only from the Lord will I take a gift!

I will earn honest money by honest work,

May my house become a full cup!

This sugar is sweet and nice to people,

I wish that I always have prosperity! Amen!

You need to eat a spoonful of sugar and imagine that your financial situation has improved. Can you imagine that you paid off your debts, acquired something you wanted, bought a new car, etc.

We attract good luck and wealth with the help of spells

Money magic can be classified as white magic. It reduces negative moods and increases positive factors, especially those related to finances. Previously, in ancient times, people trusted magic more than in the modern world.

Most life cycles were associated with various rituals, such as weddings or large purchases. This was done to fight evil forces and attract good ones. White magic was revered and spread more than black magic. After all, she served as a guard for humans. All the methods of white magic changed the poor man's thoughts in the right direction. It was necessary to get rid of hatred, anger, it depends, and replace them with faith, calmness and love.


It was necessary to eradicate the opinion that only a thief becomes rich. It was necessary to convince that every person deserves good luck and financial well-being. The magic of money has a large place in white magic, because the provision of the family, as a whole, and of each individual depended on it.

Rituals to attract money and good luck are considered popular. They are used before making large purchases, on the eve of major transactions.

For continuous growth of luck and money

Conspiracies for good luck and increased financial status were usually combined with certain actions. Often words must be spoken onto a piece of bread and eaten. At the same time, thoughts should be concentrated on the outcome of the entire ritual. For continuous growth of funds in your home, it is better not to have debts to other people. This other energy flow will, as it were, wash money out of housing. Before carrying out the conspiracy, it is better to return all funds.

Conspiracy to increase luck

Strong conspiracy prayer for money from Vanga

It is believed that the clairvoyant Vanga left a strong spell that attracts money into the house. It must be said on the waxing moon. No one should know about the intention to perform the ritual; the ritual must be carried out in a secret place so as not to attract outside attention.

If you failed to attract money, then the following mistakes may have been made:

  • did not reach a state of trance;
  • did not believe in the power of conspiracy;
  • read with hesitation without the necessary concentration;
  • the moon was waning.

Conspiracy from Vanga

Great importance should be attached to the condition of the person reading the plot. You can configure yourself in a certain way. Preview pictures depicting abundance and wealth to introduce yourself into a trance state.

To the stars

There are often conspiracies against the stars. They are carried out under clear skies in clear weather. There must be a lot of stars. No need to go outside, just open the window. But the ritual is not performed through glass.

Conspiracy on the stars

Lucky spells are usually cast on the stars. It is imperative to formulate what luck consists of. You may not need a specific brand of car, but rather a large purchase of a vehicle. When reading the plot, there should be no extraneous thoughts in your head. All energy should be directed towards fulfilling the main goal.

Big money conspiracy

According to white magic, big money comes to a person when he changes his attitude towards wealth. If this ceases to be the meaning of his life, the purpose of existence, then there is a chance, with the help of conspiracies, to turn cash flows into the house.

An important rule is not to overuse such rituals; they can turn into reverse if used frequently.

Big money

The positive result will not be immediate, the effect comes after a few weeks. At this time, there is no need to quarrel with your family and talk about the ritual performed. Money is energy, so it goes to positive places.

Conspiracies to get money back

People who really need a large amount of money or if they do not repay the amount borrowed for a long time resort to magical rituals for good luck and money. Usually you count on this money, but you don’t receive it on time. You have to influence the debtor with the help of white magic. Even in ancient times, they learned to influence the conscience of people with the help of conspiracies and special rituals.

Money back conspiracy

A ritual when the text of a conspiracy was read for some thing was considered a powerful method. Then she would quietly sneak into the debtor’s home. Thus, the enchanted object tormented the conscience with its presence, depriving him of sleep until the debt was repaid.

Spells for money on the waxing moon

Almost all conspiracies for good luck and money are carried out during the waxing Moon. Rituals that take place immediately after the new moon are considered especially powerful. The ritual must be performed after 24 hours; light from the Moon must penetrate into the room. The use of other lighting sources is strictly prohibited.

Moon conspiracy

On the days of the full moon, it is better not to carry out rituals aimed at attracting material well-being; this may have the opposite result. But in specialized literature there are rituals that are performed during the full moon.

Wallet spell

Conspiracies and ritual actions on the wallet are very popular. It must be new; no magical actions are performed on old things, because they retain the old energy. It's hard to overcome. It’s good if the wallet was not purchased, but received as a gift from a loved one.

To wallet

The best colors for “money storage” are red or green. The quality must be made of leather or imitate it. When you feel your wallet for the first time, imagine it warm and thick, as if swollen with money, but not wet. Be sure to put any paper money in it. The first bill should not be wrinkled, preferably a new one, not torn or taped up. If it is a dollar, then it is better to fold it into a triangle.

Strong ritual for a coin

From the point of view of white magic, it is useful to keep an irredeemable coin in your wallet to attract finance and good luck. In rituals, amulets are often used that will protect and attract positive energy to the owner; a coin will act as such for a wallet. It must be a multiple of 5, for example, 5 or 10 rubles. You can buy souvenir money in the Chinese goods departments. White magic considers coins found by chance or received as a gift from a kind person with good wishes to be good amulets.

Ritual for a coin

You need to put the coin in your wallet on the waxing Moon and not spend it; it is better not to take it out of your wallet at all and not show it to anyone or tell about it. Otherwise, she will lose her magical power.

Other conspiracies

There are many magical conspiracies, the text of which is recited on a variety of objects. Then they become talismans; you need to carry them with you constantly to attract good luck and money. For example, when reading a spell for a green candle or three candles, you then need to wait until they burn out and carry wax in your wallet. If a special spell is read on a pin, then it is pinned on the inside of the clothing and also accompanies the owner everywhere.

There is an opinion that money attracts money. In this regard, it is useful to keep a special bag in the house. The housing is thoroughly cleaned beforehand. General cleaning is carried out, everything is washed with a concentrated saline solution to remove bad energy. To attract new and positive energy, you need to throw away unnecessary things and objects.

Attracting wealth

You need to sew a red bag from simple fabric. Then take a paper bill or coin, preferably one that is in circulation in most countries of the world. Put some money and some oats in a red bag and sew it up. Place it in a secluded place so that it is not visible and is not accidentally reached by children or pets. Gradually, the bag will help deal with all financial problems and bring good luck and material well-being to the house.

If money seems to be “leaking” out of your wallet, then you need to clean it. Place all the items from your wallet on a green tablecloth. Put back only what will attract money. You cannot keep in your wallet:

  • Photos of relatives - they will turn into greedy people.
  • Business cards with people's names. They will have profit from your wallet. There are special business card holders for business cards.
  • Receipts from the store. They need to be thrown away. The amount shown on paper is virtual money. If you don't want to turn your savings into a paper entry, throw away the check.

Place bills in your wallet in ascending order, coins separately. Get rid of trash such as coupons, tickets, stickers. A clean wallet will attract positive monetary energy.

money bag

You can ask another person to read the plot for you if this person has luck in life. So that he does not share his luck, and you feel good, you need to thank him. But money, expensive gifts or alcoholic drinks will not do. The best thing would be a culinary dish prepared with your own hands.

A spell for good luck and money from Vanga for bread

With this spell you can get rid of want, but it will not give you bags of money. This is one of the rituals that should be performed only in the most difficult cases. It can be performed on any day of the week, but there is a prerequisite - for at least six hours before reading the plot, you must keep a strict fast (do not eat or drink anything).

Take a crust of black bread and read the following spell over it:

From time immemorial the people have been nourished by bread,

Helps in difficult times, saves from hunger.

I'll get up early in the morning and pray,

I will cross myself three times at the icon and wash myself with dew.

Lord Intercessor, help,

They didn’t deprive me of my daily bread! Amen!

A piece of bread should be eaten and washed down with plain water. And do not forget that this is one of the magical spells that should be done only in the most critical situation. Otherwise, the Higher Powers simply will not come to your aid.

Conspiracy on an old newspaper (from poverty)

In the old days they said that if it “clings” to a person dashingly, then things are bad! You can work like an ox, run the household zealously, but there will still be no sense. Sometimes lack of money occurs as a result of damage, but more often - due to an absurd accident. However, there is a conspiracy that will help attract money and get rid of poverty.

Old newspaper with yellow pages

In the old days, to perform this ritual, they took an old, unnecessary thing, cast-offs, rags. In a word, something that is associated with poverty. Nowadays, to perform this ritual, you can take an old newspaper with yellowed sheets.

Important ! This white magic ritual is performed only on the waning moon!

Write the following words on the newspaper: “poverty”, “debts”, “valiantly”, “trouble”. Then, exactly at midnight, burn the newspaper and scatter the ashes to the wind. You can simply pour it out the open window. Alternatively, flush the ashes down the drain. This way, you will get rid of the negative energy that was blocking your money channel.

Spell for prosperity on the New Moon

This plot is best read on 1 lunar day, then its effectiveness will be maximum. You need to cover the table with a white, cream or beige tablecloth. It is advisable to use a new tablecloth, but this is not a requirement. The main thing is that there are no stains, scuffs or holes on it.

Cover the table with a tablecloth, light a candle, then you can read a short prayer, for example, the Lord's Prayer. After this, you need to read the conspiracy for money on the New Moon:

You, Moon, arrive and illuminate the way at night,

Every day you gain strength.

So my wealth will continue to increase, day by day!

The chests are full, the bins are full, and there is livestock in the barn.

My word cannot be spoiled or interrupted,

As I say, so be it! Amen!

Soon after reading this plot, your financial problems will be resolved. As soon as the first money comes to you, it is recommended to give part of it to charity. This will help reinforce the ritual. Our ancestors usually gave a tenth ("tithe"), but this is not a requirement, but rather a recommendation.

How to open a money channel

Lucky Ganesha mantra for attracting money

Spell for money on the full moon

The full moon has a special energy, at this time the influence of the moon on the earth and on humans becomes maximum. This is a rather difficult time (statistically, during the Full Moon the number of road accidents increases and mental illnesses worsen). On the other hand, this period can be used to perform powerful magic rituals for good luck and money.

let's create magic under the full moon!

You will need a mirror (keep in mind that it will need to be destroyed during the ritual), as well as a banknote - the larger the better. It makes sense to carry out a ritual for money only if the Moon is visible in the sky on the night of the full moon. Direct the mirror so that the Moon is reflected in it, “show” her a banknote and read the following plot:

I entice, I invite, I lure!

I attract wealth to myself!

At dawn and during the moon, in autumn and spring - come to me for money!

Moonlight path, happy path, follow me, wealth!

I’ll put on brocade clothes, I’ll pray for my luck,

May the golden horse and the silver goose be with me! Amen!

In this plot, a silver goose (a migratory bird) symbolizes the Moon and good luck, and a golden horse symbolizes prosperity. At the end of the ritual, the mirror will have to be broken to break the connection with the astral world.

Strong spells for money on the full moon

The full moon is a strange time - especially sensitive people may experience emotional and physical instability, mental disorders, and visual hallucinations. However, full moon spells for money have a powerful effect. An indispensable condition for such rituals is pure, unclouded moonlight pouring onto coins or banknotes.

Take twelve coins, show them to the full moon, say seven times:

Mix the charmed coins with other money in your wallet. It is useful to make a money amulet, which is stored in your wallet and calls for abundance there. An amulet can be a coin, a purse mouse, or an image of expensive things that you dream about. The text is spoken on the selected item:

White magic advises repeating money spells monthly, then prosperity and wealth will never leave your home and wallet.

Secrets of magic to attract good luck - 7 golden rules

1. Money should never be treated with disdain. Do not crumple banknotes or store them in a place where the bills may become dirty. Never leave your wallet on the floor as this will block your cash flow.

2. Any loan or debt creates negative energy. If you frequently use consumer loans or borrow money without special need, you will weaken your bioenergy-information field and “program” yourself for poverty.

3. It is not recommended to make transactions, make large purchases, or even just count money after sunset. This is due to the ancient belief that at night evil spirits gain special power - witches and sorcerers can cause damage to those without money. If you still need to count money at night, then you should first cross your wallet and show your fig out the window.

4. If you only take money, then sooner or later the balance will be upset, and the Universe will become stingy with you. Therefore, it is advisable to give part of the funds received to charity. Of course, this rule only applies to those people who have financial surpluses.

5. If you often buy things you don’t need, sooner or later you will fall into poverty. Therefore, you should not chase fashion trends - it is better to listen to your inner voice. Your intuition will tell you whether you really should make a purchase or whether it’s just a passing desire.

6. Always thank the Universe for what you have. Of course, there is nothing wrong with wanting a bigger house, a better car, and more wealth. But we must not forget that many do not have what you have. This applies not only to finances - friendship, love and health are priceless, although they are not valued in money.

7. Train yourself to think positively in any situation. The worst thing that can happen to a person is death. And temporary financial problems (the so-called “black streak of bad luck”) will end sooner or later!

How can rituals help?

We often look at successful people with envy. How lucky they are in life! They know how to be in the right place at the right time and meet the right people. Fortune is their companion. It is not uncommon for such people to turn to esotericism. They are superstitious, attentive to details and events. Often luck is a consequence of ritual. We have seen more than once how someone’s life has changed dramatically for the better. A successful deal or acquaintance. And suddenly the loser becomes a successful and happy person. A good business or job appears, financial stability and prosperity. The powerful “Keys of Luck” ritual will help you attract good luck. Experts from the Magistika website will introduce you to the rules of the ritual. Let's look at what conditions are necessary to carry out the ritual and how to carry it out.

Charming a houseplant for wealth

For this ritual for good luck and money, absolutely any indoor plant is suitable, with the exception of a cactus. The fact is that a cactus is a kind of energy vampire, so it is not suitable for white magic rituals.

Buy a seedling of any indoor plant and bring it home. Transplant it into a larger pot, and while you do this, whisper the following spell three times:

I grow a flower, I let wealth into my home!

Come to me, good, gold and silver!

I will cover myself from troubles and adversity, wrap myself up,

And I will confuse all the roads for enemies and envious people.

Now and ever, from this day on, the Lord protects me! Amen.

Carefully care for the flower, because if it dies, the ritual will lose its power and everything will have to be done again. For this reason, it is advisable to purchase not an exotic plant, but some simple home flower that is common in your area.

Alternative view

A love spell for good luck is a very popular ritual, with the help of which all life circumstances always turn out in favor of the customer. You can cast a love spell for good luck either on the person himself or on a specific object, which will later be used as an amulet.

After the love spell ritual is performed, the person’s energy field begins to repel negativity and attract luck. It is these people who are usually called lucky in real life.

A simple and effective love spell for good luck

A love spell for good luck using honey is very popular. The ritual uses solar energy, which makes it very effective. It is honey and the energy of the sun that in magic are considered symbols of abundance and fortune. For the ritual you will need to use copper coins as additional attributes. Soviet copper coins or Feng Shui coins are quite suitable. The ritual takes place on a sunny Thursday during the waxing moon. First, you need to smear the prepared coins with honey and place them in a stack, fastened together, on a white porcelain saucer without rims or patterns.

The saucer with coins should be placed in the sun on the eastern or southern side of your own home and left there for the whole day. At the first sign of sunset, the saucer with coins should be brought into the house and left in a secluded place for several days. This ritual is unique in that it does not require pronouncing any magic words, because the sun's rays and copper coins themselves will attract good luck to your home. The main thing for success is a sincere belief that in this magical way you will attract good luck to yourself.

Charming amulets

Love spells for good luck using charmed amulets are very popular. By far the most widely known magical object is the horseshoe.

Ritual at the horseshoe

For the ceremony, you can use either a real horseshoe or a souvenir purchased in a store. To cast a love spell for good luck, you need to focus on the positive aspects of life and push away the negativity around you.

The magic words with which you can spell a horseshoe are as follows:

“The horse galloped fast, beautifully, brought good luck and lost a horseshoe. I took her and brought good luck to my home. And with it success, goodness and happiness.”

A horseshoe charmed for good luck must be hung in a visible place above the front door with its horns facing up. From time to time, such a talisman should be placed under the sun’s rays to remove the negative collected by the horseshoe and renew its positive energy charge.

Ritual on the mirror

You can also turn an ordinary pocket mirror into an amulet. First, as a cover for it, you should sew a bag from blue natural fabric. Before the ceremony, on a small piece of paper you need to write your full name and patronymic, as well as your birthday.

After this, you should pick up the mirror and say the following words:

“Mirror, mirror, bright window into a mysterious looking glass, help me, and reflect all the troubles on my path, remove all obstacles from my path, leave only good things on my path in life, attract good luck to me and attract success to me. Amen".

For the first week, you need to carry the enchanted mirror in a bag with you constantly so that it is saturated with your energy and begins to act like a magnet, attracting good luck into your life. Then such an amulet should be kept in a secluded place and taken with you only at very important decisive moments in your life. When charming any amulet into the process, you need to invest as much as possible your own desire to attract good luck to yourself.

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