Is it possible to give a birthday gift in advance - should you listen to superstitions?

Some people like to give gifts, some people like to receive them, some need a reason to please a loved one with a present, while others are in a hurry to give a gift ahead of time in order to see the smile and joy on the face of the one who receives it. In any case, giving gifts is a pleasant, reverent and joyful event for everyone. However, there are exceptions: people who believe in omens. You can buy a gift in advance of a specific date or event, but you should not give a birthday gift in advance. This is due to folk superstitions and signs, which will be discussed below.

What do superstitions say about a gift given in advance?

Birthdays are not celebrated in advance. It is believed that this attracts misfortune and a person may not live to see his next birthday.

Many of those who do not believe in any signs at all and are not subject to superstitions still adhere to this rule. It is very firmly rooted in the public consciousness.

You can easily find yourself in an awkward situation, since there will always be a person who will draw the attention of those present to this or silently note this moment.

Therefore, if for some reason you decide to give a gift in advance, find out how the recipient feels about this sign. In a roundabout way, with leading questions, showing all his conspiratorial talents.

Ask mutual friends and acquaintances, ask them to start a conversation on this topic. All methods are good.

Take good advice

If a person is superstitious, then giving a gift in advance is definitely not worth it. You can cause negative thoughts and thereby spoil the very fact of giving. Even if it is a very necessary and relevant thing for today.

If the person to whom the gift is intended is not superstitious, you can give a gift. But do it in a joking manner and do not say congratulatory words. Get by without them somehow.

It is believed that it is not the gift itself, but the words of wishes and congratulations spoken in advance that activate evil forces.

Leave your congratulations for the holiday. Many people believe that advance congratulations bring bad luck in life. But on your birthday itself, you can not be shy and say all the good wishes that your heart tells you. If it is not possible to do this in person, there are phones, Skype and other instant messengers that provide this opportunity.

Basic rules of floral etiquette

There are few main principles:

  1. Flowers are chosen depending on the occasion, personal preferences, age and gender of the recipient.
  2. National traditions must be taken into account. Thus, in France, white callas are a symbol of mourning, while in the Russian Federation, a bouquet of white flowers is a sign of purity and purity.
  3. In Russia, an even number of flowers is brought only for the deceased, and in all other cases an odd number is given.

It is better to adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is customary to give small round bouquets to children.
  2. For a young girl, light, soft pink, pastel colors of buds are preferred.
  3. Elderly people are given flowers in pots as a symbol of longevity.
  4. The protocol bouquet is most often cream-colored (in no case white, because in many countries white is the color of mourning), on short stems. It includes at least 30 buds.
  5. Bright red and burgundy colors correspond to love and strong passion. Such shades are chosen with caution, because... they are not always appropriate.
  6. A bouquet of lilies of the valley reflects secret feelings.
  7. Violets will tell about strong friendship.
  8. If you give flowers to someone whose preferences are unknown, the best gift is a composition of different types of plants.
  9. A colorful bouquet is given when flowers are presented without any reason or meaning.
  10. To visit patients, choose bright or multi-colored buds that do not have a strong odor.
  11. Before giving flowers, it is better to find out if the person has allergies.

Tips and tricks

Is it possible to give a birthday gift in advance if it is needed now?

Can. But bring a bouquet of flowers, a card and some kind of souvenir for the holiday so as not to show up empty-handed if you don’t think it’s acceptable. And most importantly, come up with and say those words that are born in your soul with best wishes. They will definitely be fulfilled if they are spoken sincerely, from the bottom of their hearts.

  • If you come to a birthday party in person, and a gift has already been given, do not create a complex in front of other guests. Your bouquet and greeting card are also a gift and no one knows what and how much you could put in the envelope or attach to the card. You don’t have to make excuses and explain that your gift has been faithfully serving the birthday boy for a long time.
  • If you are leaving somewhere and in no way can you give a gift by the specified date, but really want the gift to be delivered on a certain day, ask the help of friends invited to the celebration, or use the services of a courier. Monitor the fulfillment of your request or make sure that the courier service has completed the order exactly according to your recommendations.
  • If the gift is intended for a loved one with whom you live in the same apartment, you can hide the gift, and on a special day call and tell them where to look. This method is perfect for those who cannot physically attend the celebration, but do not want to give a gift in advance.

How to give flowers correctly

To present flowers correctly, they are taken in the left hand, leaving the right hand for a handshake or hug. When handing indoors, it is best to remove the packaging if it does not complement the design. You can give a gift on the street without removing the wrapper.

If the bouquet is presented from the family, it is given by the man in the presence of his wife.

When flowers are intended for a girl, you should not present them immediately as soon as the meeting takes place. This is done after several greetings, handshakes, hugs, etc.

When there are two women in the house, according to the rules of etiquette, you need to offer an equal bouquet to both.

Gift for a child

Children are a special people and the expectation of a miracle that will certainly happen to them on their birthday cannot be overshadowed by anything. If there is an urgent need for things or care items, just buy it and give it to your parents. Please note that such assistance has nothing to do with gifts for a child.


The child should receive his piece of the holiday on his birthday and nothing else.

Therefore, be prepared to double spend or choose, if you have already spent money on purchasing the necessary things for the child, a cheaper gift. But let it be as bright and colorful as possible. Compensate with elegant packaging, balloons, bows, party hats and whistles.

Good advice

You should not give a gift to your child in advance. All the same, when his birthday comes, he will expect pleasant surprises and will be disappointed if he does not receive them. This is how a person is designed, especially a small person, that he will forget that he has already received a gift. He needs joyful experiences on his birthday.

If the gift is intended for a child, you can draw a whole treasure map and arrange a treasure hunt. The result is a fun and exciting game in which all guests can take part. Such searches for a gift will be remembered for a lifetime. As a person grows up, he will bring this tradition to his family, and such moments always bring closer people and make relationships between family members warmer.

Why can't you congratulate in advance?

In addition to the fact that it is not worth celebrating the holiday in advance, it is also forbidden to congratulate the birthday person ahead of time. In this case, pleasant words lose all their meaning. After all, congratulating a person on a birth that has not yet occurred according to the calendar is pointless.

Reference! Kind words spoken exactly on time acquire magical power and have a doubly positive effect on the fate of the person born. If you say wishes before birth, they will not have any special power and will be useless.

There is an opinion that with early congratulations, the speaker steals the birthday person’s happiness, luck and health. Everything that is wished for the born goes to the one who utters these pleasant words.

Also, with the end of a person’s next annual cycle, he is emotionally and energetically weakened. The congratulator, not observing the established deadlines, starts a new cycle ahead of time when the hero of the occasion is not ready for it. As a result, the birthday boy will face a year full of failures, difficulties and problems.

Let's draw conclusions, gentlemen.

Whether it is possible to give a birthday gift in advance to each person will decide for himself in each specific situation. We tried to tell you what will follow this decision, what pitfalls may be hidden behind giving a gift before the appointed time.

However, you know the recipient better, you can predict his reaction and assess the need for giving a gift before the birthday.

If this is justified by necessity, do not pay attention to superstitions and signs, present the necessary thing. Perhaps by doing this you will save the future birthday boy from unnecessary expenses on its purchase. And this is already a good goal that will justify all doubts and hesitations.

Each specific situation dictates to us actions for which we ourselves are responsible. Is it possible to give the birthday boy a gift in advance? It is possible if it is dictated by necessity. But don’t forget to warm the soul of the hero of the occasion with sincere warmth and kindest wishes on his birthday. It is not worth reminding that the gift has already been presented. Read about how to give a beautiful wedding gift here.

Giving gifts in honor of a birthday: can this be done in advance?

Superstitions and prejudices aside, the whole idea of ​​giving a gift some time before the actual holiday seems a little awkward, doesn't it? Why congratulate a person who, so to speak, was not even born yet? This is tantamount to congratulating a pregnant woman on the birth of her child. While the birthday boy probably can't wait for the holiday to arrive, it's best to leave it on standby.

In addition, premature congratulations in Slavic culture are considered not only bad manners, but also a bad sign. They say that such an act attracts too much attention and negative emotions from a person’s enemies to an event that has not yet occurred. Envious people, ill-wishers, opponents - they will all look for a way to ruin the life of the birthday boy.

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How to give flowers to a man

Representatives of the stronger sex can also be given flowers. Only the bouquet should be slightly different. It is simpler and more restrained, without decorations. Includes plants with long and thick stems - gladioli, callas, gerberas, chrysanthemums. The color palette should be calm and consistent. In this case, choose the simplest possible packaging.

Along with the flower arrangement, it is good to present a basket of fruit, a bottle of cognac or good wine as a gift.

If the hero of the day is a man, the words of congratulations are addressed to him, and the flowers are given to the hostess.

Flowers for an actor

The most suitable bouquet for an artist is the one that differs from others in its uniqueness. For example, a composition made from rare or wild flowers attracts attention with its exoticism. You can creatively decorate flowers with greenery and packaging material. They should be given without hugging, shaking hands or other actions. Unusual baskets with flowers are suitable.

How to extend the life of flowers in a vase

To keep flowers fresh for as long as possible, you can use special products sold in flower shops. There are many folk methods - this includes 2 tbsp. sugar per 1 liter of water, and citric acid, and aspirin. According to numerous user reviews, the best of them is Sprite lemonade, because... it contains phosphoric acid.

The following is known for certain:

  • To preserve flowers, a cool room is required;
  • You need to make an oblique cut on the stem with a knife;
  • roses love sugar and cold;
  • the water level is not too important, but it is recommended that the water reaches 2/3 of the length of the stem or a little more;
  • It is better to remove spines and leaves from the underwater part of the flowers.
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