Is it possible to keep geraniums in the house? Interpretation of signs and superstitions

Modern people, due to lack of time, have flowers in their apartment less and less often. So the undeservedly forgotten geranium was expelled from the windowsills, but in vain. This plant not only enriches the room with oxygen and pleases the eye with its beauty, but can also become a good amulet against dark forces for all family members. The sign of geranium in the house promises many interesting and favorable events in the life of its owner.

The magical properties of geranium

The birthplace of pelargonium is South Africa; it came to Europe in the 17th century and immediately won the hearts of jaded flower growers with its beauty, splendor, and unpretentiousness.

Over time, various magical properties began to be attributed to the flower, which, according to esotericists, can change the life of a person and his family members.

This is not a complete list of the positive qualities of a flower.

  1. Geranium can kindle the fire of love. This sign is especially relevant for flowers in red shades. In the old days, young girls dried the leaves and carried them in a canvas bag under their clothes to quickly find a lover and start a family.
  2. A house where this plant blooms profusely and brightly on the windowsill will be avoided by envious people and slanderers.
  3. Geranium helps strengthen family ties and harmony.
  4. The flower is considered the patron of wealth and prosperity, attracts and increases money. Essential oil is used in household magic to attract financial flows into the home.
  5. The plant pacifies anger and promotes enlightenment of the mind.

A strong smell can trigger an allergy attack, so be careful.
A houseplant with bright flowers purifies the air of harmful impurities, drives away flies and mosquitoes in the summer; they cannot tolerate a specific aroma.

The video is dedicated to signs and superstitions associated with geraniums.

Superstitions about geraniums and family happiness

Folk signs attribute positive qualities to geranium that help in achieving family harmony.

  • Pink buds on a red bush - to romantic love, wedding, strong union. The flower helps strengthen existing relationships. Those who have it in their home are not afraid of quarrels, conspiracies to cool off lovers, quarrels, damage and the evil eye.
  • White inflorescences symbolize purity, tenderness, and purity. Positive properties include assistance with conceiving a child.
  • The red clusters of the flower help those who constantly quarrel and do not get along with their significant other. They symbolize harmony and family well-being.
  • Another sign about red geranium is related to its ability to prolong the youth and beauty of women. Esotericists believe that the plant helps women over 40 years old to easily endure age-related changes. Be in a good mood, not notice the negative sides of menopause.

There is a misconception that the plant symbolizes loneliness, melancholy, and restlessness. It is based on the fact that a specific pungent smell can scare off a potential partner. But that’s not the point, it’s just that each person has an individual reaction to odors. Before you get pelargonium at home, coordinate the purchase with family members so as not to cause them any inconvenience.

A lush, abundantly flowering bush is a sure sign that everything is fine in the house, the spouses love each other and not a single homewrecker will get to this couple.

The magic of smells and their influence

The influence of odors on a person occurs in two, so to speak, planes. Let us consider them separately, conventionally calling them “scientific” and “magical”. Let’s immediately make a reservation that when describing the properties of aromas, we will take both into account.

So, a “scientific” explanation of the influence of aromas on humans.

The ability to quickly respond to odors, to identify them as threatening or attractive, has developed during evolution as a mechanism responsible for safety. Therefore, a person is very susceptible to odors, and this is the secret of their action. On the other hand, the aromatic substances of essential oils and incense are very volatile, spread quickly, enter the nasal mucosa and almost instantly have an effect on the nervous and endocrine systems of the body. Thus, one or another “scenario” is activated, certain functions are stimulated. For example, perception sharpens, relaxation occurs, or, conversely, attention increases. It may start to make you sleepy or, on the contrary, a wave of vigor will come, your tone will increase. It all depends on what scent you choose and for what purpose. Aromatherapy is built on this principle - healing the body and soul with the help of aromas.

In addition, associations also have power over us. Thus, the aroma of coffee beans invigorates and clears the mind, not only because it affects the nervous system in this way, but also because it is associated with a good start in the morning and a day that promises wonderful events.

The second layer of influence is magical influence. We are talking about those effects that cannot be explained by the science known to us. But it can be explained by the magic we know.

The magical properties of fragrances are in one way or another connected with the elements to which the fragrance belongs, with planetary and zodiacal correspondences. Thus, fragrances bring success, promote good luck and prosperity, attract money, and attract love. They also protect against damage and the evil eye.

Money signs

To attract money and success is the main purpose of geranium. The peoples of South Africa used the essential oils of the plant and its aroma for rituals associated with the successful outcome of a hunt or sowing season. Feng Shui experts recommend having this plant for those whose activities are related to cash flows.

The shade of pelargonium does not matter; it is enough that it blooms profusely and luxuriantly, then there will be prosperity in the house.

Geranium is suitable as an office plant, as it has the ability to clarify consciousness and pacify anger. Give your boss a pot of a plant for a holiday or birthday, and see how his behavior changes for the better.

Keep the dried leaf in your wallet; it will attract banknotes like a magnet.

Before an important transaction or major purchase, rub a tart-smelling leaf between your fingers and inhale the aroma.

Which shade of geranium is not recommended to keep at home?

In esotericism and psychology, each color is associated with certain qualities.

  • Red is passion, sensuality, sexual attractiveness, aggression.
  • Pink – romance, passion, immaturity.
  • White – purity of soul and body, tenderness, purity.

The clusters of domestic pelargonium are also painted in these colors. In fact, the shades of the plant are different. Hybrid varieties brought from Holland amaze with their riot of colors and flower shapes.

White geranium

There is an opinion that this particular color helps people find happiness in love, find a soul mate, and successfully get married.

In everyday magic, it is believed that white pelargonium enhances attractiveness and helps to attract a companion into life. The flower is rightfully considered a symbol of family well-being and childbirth. Infertile couples who want to have a child are recommended to place this houseplant in the bedroom. Snow-white petals, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, have a beneficial effect on the aura of the home.

red geranium

The color symbolizes strong family ties, loyalty of partners, stable relationships, and respect.

Red geranium - a universal flower

If you want your daughter to get married, place a pot of red geraniums in her room. The girl will quickly arrange her destiny.

Red pelargonium will rid the house of guests whose thoughts are not pure. The plant can accurately distinguish good people from bad ones; it will not allow enemies and envious people to destroy harmony.

Pink geranium

Pink inflorescences symbolize romantic relationships. If you want to find a life partner, bring this plant into your home. Very soon a welcome guest will knock on his door.

In former times, pink pelargonium flowers were given to old maids as a radical means of getting married.

When choosing geraniums for your home, first of all, follow your intuition. Don't buy the first flower you come across. Walk around the store and take a closer look. Listen to the sensations, feel the internal energy of the plant. It will speak to you and give you a sign.

If you are not satisfied with the traditional colors of the plant, take a closer look at the hybrid varieties. A universal geranium for all occasions will become a home decoration and a living talisman that attracts good luck, money, love and success. Do not tolerate the strong smell of leaves - choose non-fragrant specimens.

Legends about geranium and medicinal properties are collected in this video.

How and when to use essential oils in magic

The magical properties of essential oils are very extensive, and you can find a scent for any task.

First of all, let's discuss the nuances of use. The magical properties of odors and their proper use are very important, but some safety rules must be followed.

Rule one. Do not leave a burning aroma lamp unattended! Always fill the water tank with enough water. Also, do not leave burning incense, resins, or candles unattended.

Rule two. Never apply undiluted essential oil to your skin! An allergic reaction or even a burn is possible. Always dilute essential oils in a neutral carrier oil. For example, you can use jojoba oil, grape seed oil, almond oil, avocado oil, olive oil. Choose oils with a mild aroma.

Rule three. Don't overdo it: essential oils have a very high concentration of aroma. A few drops are enough.

Now that we have clarified the issues of safe use, let's get down to business. What essential oils are used most often in magic and what is a must-have in your arsenal?

Experts at the Witch's Happiness store recommend:

Magic oil from Anna Riva “Gold and Silver” For material well-being

861 rub. 990 rub.



Helps enhance divination and clairvoyance abilities. The first assistant to a tarot reader and fortune teller.


Invigorates, improves mood, clears thoughts. At the same time, sweet orange gives charm and attractiveness, while bitter orange enhances leadership qualities.


The scent of money. Attracts prosperity and prosperity. Use it to scent your wallet, and there will always be money in it.


Awakens sensuality, increases vitality, restores energy. Increases sexual appetite.


Attracts good luck, sharpens the mind and helps find solutions to problems. Helps cleanse and expel negativity.


A scent that attracts love and financial well-being. The smell of a prince on a white horse - it combines all the best at once. Strengthens natural defenses and helps ward off negativity.


The strongest invigorating, tonic aroma. Drives away evil spirits, promotes strengthening and healing. Strengthens courage, gives courage.


The strongest protector and healer of the aura and energy field. Perfectly eliminates the effects of stress.


A sensual, truly loving scent. Aphrodisiac. Immerses you in sensual fantasies, enhances charm and attractiveness.


One of the strongest aphrodisiacs. It is especially good for women - it not only increases attractiveness and enhances beauty, but also helps not to lose your head, harmonize energies and gain integrity.


Aroma is a protective amulet; with it you are literally not afraid of any black magic. An energetic, light aroma that enhances mood and energy levels.


One of the sacred plants in several cultures, the oldest incense. Cleanses, elevates the spirit, protects from evil and brings favor of the gods.


Pungent, invigorating aroma. Attracts money and financial luck.


Delicate, feminine scent. Heals body and soul, improves mood, relieves stress. Relaxes even to the point of removing muscle tension.


Restores energy, tones and invigorates. Disinhibits the psyche. The strongest adaptogen.


Sacred plant in ancient cultures. The aroma of purity and spiritual perfection. Promotes healing, helps to establish contact with the subtle world.


The aroma of spiritual purity protects against evil and negativity directed in your direction. It is one of the strongest healing aromas.


A fragrance for meditation. Attracts good luck, awakens internal reserves.


An aphrodisiac aroma that attracts the opposite sex. Moreover, it can be used by both men and women. Awakens courage and helps to express oneself.


Soothing fresh scent. Cleanses, attracts money and financial luck.


A powerful remedy for increasing attractiveness and beauty. It will help you gain irresistible attraction.


Dark and thick, patchouli oil has been used since ancient times as an aphrodisiac. It has a thick oriental aroma and neutralizes negative energies.


It has the strongest protective properties, expels evil and negativity of any kind.

Pink tree

Ideal for restoring mental balance. Relieves stress and brings you back to life.


The true scent of love, and that says it all. Helps to enjoy life, increases attractiveness and eloquence.


The aroma of spiritual purity, sublime and clear. Ideal for meditation and astral travel. Protects from evil and drives out negativity.


Promotes the manifestation and development of magical abilities, awakens the true essence, invigorates and excites.

Tea tree

Panacea for a damaged, weakened aura. Harmonizes and corrects distortions on the subtle plane. Has strong healing properties.


Clears the mind, protects and purifies. Gives you the courage to express your feelings and act actively, without regard to others.

Signs about the smell of geranium

Geranium oil is used in aromatherapy to treat insomnia, nervous disorders, and nightmares. A few drops of the magic elixir will allow you to relax, forget about sad thoughts, and restore peace of mind.

  1. Apply a drop of oil to your wrist and the scent will stay with you all day. It will help you resist stress and give you strength at the right time.
  2. Use essential oil to harmonize your home. Dilute it with clean water and pour it into the aroma lamp. Let the smell completely envelop the apartment. Perform the ritual every evening, and within a week you will feel how your sleep will become calm and serene.
  3. Take a bath with a drop of geranium oil before going to bed, but no earlier than an hour before bed.
  4. Add an aromatic component to your daily face and décolleté care products. Geranium improves skin firmness and elasticity. Restores youth, gives smoothness and freshness to the face.

An aroma pendant will allow you to always carry your favorite scent with you

In esotericism, the smell of geranium is used to combat the evil thoughts and intentions of enemies. It scares away evil spirits and helps cope with the consequences of energy attacks. It’s not for nothing that they say that the smell of pelargonium kills annoying flies, and enemies will bypass the house where this plant is found.

The kitchen is the central place in the apartment. According to a long-established tradition, we receive guests here and spend more time than in the room. Place a flowerpot in the kitchen and you will always feel the protection of this flower.

Geranium - home care

As a rule, different varieties of indoor geranium are grown in homes: due to their ease of care, it is a popular plant, especially among novice gardeners.

Geraniums are found not only with different colors of buds - white, pink, scarlet, orange, red, lilac, but also with different shapes of flower brushes. And also with leaves variegated in color and shape.

Basic requirements for caring for pelargonium:

  1. Watering
    Produced depending on how quickly the top layer of soil dries out: from one to three times a week. Important: do not allow moisture to get on the leaves - they will become deformed and fall off. Spraying the flower is also not recommended.
  2. Location
    . The best place for this flower is a south window.
  3. Temperature.
    The plant feels comfortable at temperatures not lower than 10 degrees Celsius.
  4. Feeding.
    The plant is fed during the period of bud formation and development, as well as during the flowering period, with fertilizer with a high phosphorus content.
    Pelargonium does not like organic fertilizers .
  5. Transplant
    . It is carried out once every two to three years by transferring a clod of earth into a larger pot.
  6. Diseases and pests
    . Most often, geraniums are affected by rot, which is recommended to be combated with fungicides. The flower can also be attacked by pests such as spider mites, scale insects, and mealybugs. When treating pests, the plant is isolated and sprayed with fungicides. Therefore, it is important to systematically inspect the plant for lesions to prevent diseases.

Geraniums are propagated in two ways: by rooting cuttings or seeds:

  • Cuttings: cut young stems are placed in water, and after a few weeks, when roots appear, they are transplanted into the soil.
  • Seeds: it is necessary to collect seeds and carefully select them. It is better to discard deformed or small seeds and sow only large and whole ones. You should wait for the first shoots only after 2-3 months. To speed up this process, you can carry out a scarification procedure - i.e. manually remove the top protective layer from each seed using fine dacha paper.

Geranium for the office

Living plants in the office are very popular today. They are pleasing to the eye, create an informal atmosphere, and relieve stress.

Geranium will increase the motivation of employees, help them concentrate, calm disputes, and create a working atmosphere.

Representatives of the older generation remember that previously not a single school, kindergarten or enterprise could do without pelargonium. It’s unlikely that the atheists of the past knew about the healing properties of indoor flowers, but you can’t fool your intuition! At the subconscious level, people understood that the presence of geranium improves the microclimate in the team, so clay pots were displayed on every window.

Medicinal geranium. Tips for use and contraindications.

To calm a hyperactive child, set him up to learn the material and be perseverant, place pelargonium in the children's room.

A flower placed in the company's meeting room will help quickly reach an agreement between the parties.

Geranium and the science of Feng Shui

Pelargonium, as mentioned above, has the ability to purify the air, emit positive vibrations, and absorb negative energy. The flower does not necessarily have to bloom all year round; indoor plants have a dormant period. At this time they rest and gain strength. At this point, the houseplant does not require frequent watering. It is enough to tear off the dried leaves and lightly loosen the soil to ensure ventilation of the roots.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, geraniums bloom in a house when there is a large accumulation of negative energy charges. It absorbs negativity and neutralizes it.

This is how the plant shows home owners that they have nothing to fear anymore. The flower fulfills the mission assigned to it. The more abundant the geranium blooms, the worse the situation in the apartment. So don’t be upset if your pelargonium just turns green on the windowsill and is in no hurry to delight you with lush flowering - this means that everything is fine in your family.

Tags: Ksenia Likhachevskaya, Signs

About the author: Ksenia Likhachevskaya

Esotericism for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and prospects are hidden. More than 20 years ago I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then I have used them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersing yourself in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life. Tarot reader services

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Feng Shui location

The arrangement of plants in your home also matters. For the plant to really help, according to Feng Shui it should be placed in the southeastern part of the room. The flower should be visible from the window, which will create powerful protection from outside anger. To cleanse the room of viruses and bacteria, place the plant in the middle of the room, and in case of nightmares, in the bedroom.

Attention. Geranium is most favorable for Aries. But other signs will not go unnoticed. The plant will replenish energy, become a talisman against negativity and evil slander, soften anger, give confidence and good mood.

According to folk signs and superstitions, as well as the science of Feng Shui, the question of whether it is possible to keep geraniums in the house automatically disappears. This flower is able to cope not only with negative influences, protect against ill-wishers, and heal emotional wounds, but also has various beneficial properties. Has a positive effect on people caring for him.

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