How to find your Slavic amulet by date of birth

In our age of developed information technology, it is not so easy to remain a naive dreamer - a bunch of harsh materialists immediately gather around who declare that magic does not exist, all this is fiction and attempts to lure money to buy another Feng Shui frog or a handful of semi-precious stones. However, you and I know that in fact the most valuable thing in any amulet is not the power of it itself, but the power of faith in it of the person who wears it, or, even better, made it with his own hands.

What amulets are there, how to choose:

  1. Amulets to attract money.
  2. Good luck amulets.
  3. Love amulets.
  4. Amulets and amulet for the family.

From time immemorial, humanity believed in the magical power of small special paraphernalia - in security amulets that were nailed above the door, in small secret things that had to be worn on oneself for good luck, or in those that were given to newlyweds for a wedding so that they would become happy and strong family.

Amulets differed in type, appearance and purpose, as well as in the tradition to which they belonged. Today, you have no obligations to the tradition from which you borrow an amulet - you can quite easily wear some kind of Celtic knot on yourself next to Thor’s hammer and a Feng Shui toad, if only you are satisfied with such a combination.

However, if you are determined to get yourself an amulet and believe in its magical abilities, it would be a good idea to decide what you need it for and which amulet is most suitable for this.

Basic recommendations on how to choose a talisman

How to choose a talisman? To find the perfect mascot, you need to follow some recommendations. The main one is to do no harm. From time immemorial, a suitable talisman served for the benefit of a person, while a “stranger” one could simply not give any effect or, on the contrary, act negatively. When we talk about the negative effect of a talisman, we do not mean real physical impact or material deprivation. If you choose the wrong talisman, get ready for the fact that your worst character traits will come to the fore and prevail over your virtues. Knowing this information, one cannot underestimate the role of talismans in a person’s life. Having firmly decided to choose the right talisman, you should not pay attention solely to the appearance. Your task is to listen to your inner voice, turn on your intuition, and not just choose the first item you like.

Important point:

Even if you make a talisman yourself, it may not work. In this case, you need to correctly select all the necessary elements. For example, if you use a stone (even a very expensive one) that simply doesn’t suit you, get ready for problems - the talisman can negatively affect your health or career. You need to choose signs and materials for your future amulet responsibly. Should we expect support from such talismans? And what if you like a particular form?

With the form, everything is simple: you can choose any one, but be sure to use materials and signs that are suitable for your zodiac sign. But the question of action is an order of magnitude more serious. Why can't you choose a mascot that isn't yours? With the “wrong” talisman, the situation can develop as follows:

  • Lack of any action. In this case, the talisman simply does not manifest itself in any way; it can be used as an accessory.
  • Slight negative impact. It will cause a number of inconveniences to its owner and, possibly, will cause a number of troubles, which, however, will not pose a threat to life.
  • Strong negative impact. It can cause significant damage to a person, and will affect literally all areas of life.

To make the talisman work for your benefit, you can study the recommendations of astrologers. In the works of experienced professionals you can find all the necessary information - how to choose a talisman that matches your Zodiac sign, how to make sure that an artifact made especially for you is really suitable. To check your talisman, you can use the following tips.

When choosing a talisman, be guided by:

  • the generally accepted value and characteristics of the materials from which it will be made;
  • its correspondence with your zodiac sign;
  • your own intuition.

By adhering to the listed rules, you can choose or make your own talisman that will perform all the necessary functions and serve you faithfully for many years. Today there is a huge amount of information about various minerals and metals. True, astrologers clarify that you shouldn’t get too hung up on them. You can pay attention to a number of other factors: use plants, study the effect of numbers, planets, colors, totems and other components that make up a kind of magical alphabet for creating talismans.

How to determine your talisman by date of birth

By date of birth you can find out the characteristics of your energy, strengths and weaknesses of character. Numerology will help you choose the best talisman that will enhance your positive qualities.

Numbers are always around us, and their influence changes every day, month or year. A numerological horoscope will help you track it. With the help of expert advice, you can become happier and more successful. To choose a talisman by date of birth, you first need to calculate your destiny number.

How to calculate the number of fate

To find out your destiny number, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. You should get a number in the range from 1 to 9. If you get a larger number, then the numbers that make it up must be added again.

For example, let's take the date 08/29/1998. Add the numbers 2+9+0+8+1+9+9+8=46. Add it up again: 4+6=10. And again we get a number greater than 9, so we repeat the procedure again: 1+0=1. After completing the calculations, all that remains is to find out what your destiny number means and which talisman corresponds to it.

Decoding the number of fate

Unit. Number 1 gives a person hard work and a desire to conquer new heights. Under the patronage of the Unit, kind people are born who love communication. They constantly learn something new, explore this world, strive for perfection, and fall in love easily.

The best talismans of the Unit: jewelry made of platinum, sapphire, amethyst, blue and green, citrus plants.

Two. Number Two is the patron of strong and self-sufficient individuals for whom there are no barriers. They feel most comfortable next to the closest people or alone. These are successful people, but they may have many enemies and ill-wishers.

The best talismans for Two: jewelry made of silver, white quartz, obsidian, moonstone, basil and geranium, as well as black and red.

Troika . This is a spiritual number that gives rise to a person’s desire to find the meaning of life. These people are engaged in art, creative activity, have innate wisdom and an incredibly flexible mind. They rarely lose heart and are often a happy talisman for those around them.

The best talismans of the Troika: jewelry made of gold and platinum, moonstone, rock crystal, pearls, chrysoprase, white and purple, sage and basil.

Four. It is quite difficult to predict how a child with such a destiny number will grow up. Any doors are open to these people. But in order to open each of them, willpower and self-confidence are required. People-Fours are suitable for universal talismans for good luck.

The best talismans of the Four: ficus, dollar tree, fern, platinum and gold jewelry, rhodonite, tiger's eye, black quartz, black and white.

Five. These people feel good being around someone. In solitude they regain strength, but their true potential is revealed in communication and interaction with people they like. Those born under the auspices of the Five are guided by intuition in many matters.

The best talismans of the Five: platinum and gold jewelry, amethyst, aquamarine, gray, yellow and blue, mint, crassula and orchid.

Six. People ruled by the number 6 have increased sensitivity and empathy, and therefore do not show indifference to others. They are reserved, kind, and value peace and quiet. All they need is energy supply, love and friendship. They should be wary of manipulative people and energy vampires.

The best talismans of the Six: garnet, ruby, rhodonite, carnelian, silver jewelry, gray and green, cactus, juniper and geranium.

Seven. Another spiritual number that gives people love for the world around them. Those for whom Seven is a patron should be wary of excessive sincerity in communication and excessive altruism. These are modest and also very talented people who can become anything they want. They are not characterized by envy or malice. Of the main vices, one can only name excessive skepticism.

The best talismans for the Seven: quartz, hematite, diamond, silver and platinum jewelry, lily of the valley, white and gray.

Eight. These people strive for success, which, in their opinion, is expressed in material values, in achievements, knowledge and power. Those born under the auspices of the Eight manage money well, always have a backup plan just in case, have composure, fearlessness and great ambitions. They need friends and support from loved ones.

The best talismans for the Eight: dollar tree, ficus, ivy, gold jewelry, green and black, turquoise, chrysoprase, topaz.

Nine. This is the number of love, so people born under its rule value friendships and relationships. They have strong charm and charisma, and the ability to care for those who are dear to them. Their disadvantage is the inability to analyze their mistakes and admit to themselves that they exist. Their strengths are excellent memory, high intelligence, and the desire to always complete what they start and keep their promises.

The best Nine talismans: blue and orange, carnelian, amber, garnet, platinum jewelry, wax ivy, myrtle, sansevieria.

Whatever your destiny number is, you yourself determine which direction to move in and what to accept as truth. Three effective practices will help you attract the right things, people and events into your life.

How to choose a talisman according to your zodiac sign

Each zodiac sign corresponds to a certain natural stone. By choosing it, a person will be able to fully experience the full power of the talisman’s energy. How to choose a stone and a talisman according to your zodiac sign?

  1. Aries.

Representatives of this sign should choose a diamond. Yes, it is not cheap, but this purchase will be the right investment in your happy and carefree future.

  1. Calf.

Emerald is the ideal stone for Taurus. Important: choose green stones; red and blue ones cannot boast such a bright positive effect.

  1. Twins.

Topaz has very soft energy. This stone is favorable for Gemini. Thanks to him, representatives of the sign will be able to take only the right steps in life.

  1. Cancer.

Water is the element of Cancer. They should choose an exquisite and very energetically strong moonstone. To make it work more effectively, wear it closer to your body.

  1. A lion.

Leos can easily wear all types of accessories using peridot.

  1. Virgo.

Virgos should choose jade. Wear it under your clothes; this stone must touch your body. Jade has powerful natural energy, and representatives of this sign have the opportunity to take advantage of it.

  1. Scales.

Representatives of this sign should choose aquamarine. This stone will provide support in any matter day after day.

  1. Scorpion.

The sophisticated garnet is an ideal stone for Scorpios. Having put on a talisman with this stone, a person will immediately feel changes in his well-being and worldview. Worth a try!

  1. Sagittarius.

Sagittarius needs to opt for turquoise. This extraordinary pale blue stone will make Fortune a permanent guest in your life.

  1. Capricorn.

The ideal stone for creating a talisman would be ruby. With its help, you will have a simpler attitude towards life and discover new facets of character in yourself.

  1. Aquarius.

Representatives of this water sign are recommended to choose talismans with amethyst. It is distinguished by harmony, which is so important for Aquarius in life.

  1. Fish.

Pay attention to the laconic pearls. By the way, you don’t have to choose a classic color - take any one you like. Pearls must be natural.

How to choose a talisman for a woman

Choosing or making a talisman for women is much easier than for men. The role of a talisman can be performed by embroidery, items made of beads, clay or other materials. Usually the main goal of a talisman for women is to maintain the beauty and youth of the owner, improve relationships, attract love into life, and work to strengthen family ties. Keychains can be used by both men and women. But for women there is an incredible assortment of various accessories that can serve as a talisman.

  1. Fern flower.

Another name for the talisman is Perunov's color. This is an ancient female Slavic symbol. It reveals the gift of healing, treats various diseases, and maintains good energy in the house.

  1. Lunnitsa.

A very powerful talisman that can be used by women. He is the embodiment of lunar energy. Thanks to Lunnitsa, a woman does not have to worry about her health and beauty.

  1. Turtle.

Any item in the shape of a turtle or with a similar design can be used as a talisman. This talisman is worth choosing when you need a good pregnancy and no problems after the birth of the baby. By the way, this talisman was used not only by the Slavs. The turtle was mentioned in the chronicles and writings of various nationalities.

It is worth noting that women are an order of magnitude more susceptible to the energy of talismans than men. If a woman was able to achieve a strong connection with the talisman, she can leave it as an inheritance to her daughters.

Articles recommended for reading:

  • Zodiac signs by elements and their compatibility
  • Strong amulets for the home and their meaning
  • Feng Shui sectors - Eastern wisdom for your well-being

What are talismans?

As mentioned above, you can use anything as a talisman, but most often it is:

  • gems and minerals, usually precious or semi-precious. They are the ones who have the greatest power. Stones are used for various purposes - protection from damage and the evil eye, finding peace of mind, healing from illnesses, overcoming difficulties, achieving happiness and love, acquiring superpowers, etc. Zodiac signs, various figurines or jewelry can serve as talismans;
  • esoteric talismans - things with magical symbols or inscriptions. Such talismans were created by our ancestors, who sincerely believed in their power. Magical symbols are passed down from generation to generation;
  • various objects - a stone found on the seashore, a piece of tree bark, a fragment of a favorite vase, a gift from a lover, a soft toy, some accessory, clothing, etc. It happens that such simple things can help much better than an expensive stone or esoteric amulet.

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Simple red threads, structures made of ropes with knots, symbols of the elements, and Feng Shui figures can serve as talismans to attract prosperity and good luck. The most common good luck talismans are horseshoes, crosses, money trees, ladybug, goldfish, keys, four-leaf clovers, etc.

How to choose the right mascot for a child

There are special talismans for children. If the child, due to his small age, cannot yet choose or do it, you will have to take on this work yourself. It is important to truly believe that the chosen talisman can help the baby. There are many types of children's mascots:

  • A neat gold ring that is used as a pendant. By choosing this talisman, you will protect your child from unnecessary fears.
  • You can purchase items made from carnelian as a talisman for a child. The choice is huge, so you are sure to find a suitable talisman. This stone is best worn by boys for confidence and courage.
  • Zircon is ideal for active fidgets. The stone will be especially relevant for primary school students and simply for hyperactive children.
  • High school students and students can choose talismans with rauchtopaz. It will help you do better in class and allow you to pass exams without any problems.

How to choose the right talisman stone

It often happens: you have studied how to choose a talisman and amulet according to your zodiac sign, you have found a stone that should suit you perfectly, but your heart doesn’t suit you - you don’t like it and that’s it. What is the reason? Often a person takes his choice too seriously and strictly follows all the recommendations. True, as a talisman, these objects may either have no effect at all, or, on the contrary, cause significant harm.

Listen not only to advice, but first of all to your intuition. Do you feel warm when holding a stone in your hands? In this case, you have found the perfect talisman! Having chosen it, you can be sure that with you it will reveal itself to the fullest.

How do talismans work?

Talisman stones are not just jewelry associated with certain calendar months. Each of them has a number of useful properties, which, in turn, are inextricably linked with the signs of the zodiac. The natural energy they possess can ease anxiety, increase self-confidence, and even strengthen relationships. With the help of talisman stones, you can charge water (so you can drink it or swim in it), cleanse your skin of harmful toxins - in short, do everything related to self-care, self-love and peace. That's why studying their energy potential is so interesting.

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