So what does it mean to take the path of the Runes? How will this affect your life?

Isa – stiffness and inability to move forward

Thin ice, unfounded fears. This sign is capable of freezing anything: consciousness, mind, thoughts, actions, unwanted events. The danger of unknown obstacles is coming and this rune warns that it is not always possible to move easily and naturally. There are even entire stages in a person’s life that are under the influence of the crushing sign of stagnation. Therefore, you need to use Isa carefully, because the ability to freeze leaves an imprint on the present and the future at the same time.

Ready? Then go ahead!

So, a few of our Russian sayings, which are very suitable for this topic, and, perhaps, will become more intelligible general rules for working with runes.

1. Measure seven times, cut once.

You don’t need to immediately grab onto everything you read on the Internet, on forums, heard from girlfriends and friends (you know, like sharing a pie recipe, or from the OBS series - one woman said) excuse the incorrect expression.

Stop and think:

Which rune or formula can solve your problem in the best way.

By the way, you can ask the runes themselves about this, they will tell you the best option.

Don't forget, before you start practicing, you need to gain theoretical knowledge.

We study the literature in advance, I never tire of repeating this to you, as it is very IMPORTANT!!! DO NOT HURRY!!!

Hagalaz - destruction and manifestation of the will of the Gods

The symbol destroys both good and bad events indiscriminately. The danger of use comes down to the fact that if the action of the rune is not correctly specified, the consequences will be irreversible. It is impossible to return what was destroyed, blown away by hail. The sign erases memories, situations, people from life, past experiences, pain, illness, negativity and positivity. And everything further depends on the degree of experience of the magician who was not afraid to interact with hagalaz. The most dangerous rune of all that exists can be both harmful and useful. However, it is not always possible to choose the right direction of action. So there's no harm in being careful.

How not to get hurt: strict rules

The use of ancient tools requires serious precautions. To avoid getting hurt, you must:

  1. Studying specialized literature. Moving on your own in the dark means you will certainly get into trouble. It is more effective to take advantage of the characteristics created by centuries of experience. The authors must provide a list of negative consequences.
  2. Expanded introduction to symbolism. Brainstorming is not enough. It is necessary to feel the runes and interact emotionally. Meditation will help you penetrate deeper into the magical world.
  3. Runology does not tolerate fuss or irresponsibility. It requires thoroughness and thoughtfulness. Analyze every experience. Write down your impressions.
  4. Avoid bragging about your achievements in the first steps. Keep the secret of your ancient hobby. Modesty in this case is a wonderful traveling companion, protecting you from ogling prying eyes.
  5. Cultivate the gift calmly, carefully, tirelessly. Practice will allow you to increase the power of cooperation many times over.
  6. Avoid anything that can in one way or another harm others, the space, the universe. Save yourself.

Orthodoxy, Islam, and Buddhism do not welcome rune practice. Knowledge is based on pagan tradition. Therefore, they contradict the main religious movements. The believer relies on God. The inclusion of alternative ideas in a number of internal principles leads to severe conflict.

Nautiz - need, troubles leading to development and progress

Serious tests of resilience and validity of life position. It poses a danger to women, depriving them of their usual comfort and ability to bear children. A strong rune brings both positive and negative changes at the same time. Sometimes indicates health problems. And in practical use it can harm the physical condition. Also, when using nautiz, it is quite possible to get rid of enemies and hit the evil forces so hard that it will be difficult to wake up after such shocks. The sign is used for defense and attack; it cannot be used to treat sick children and especially girls. The rune helps in gaining valuable experience, but with huge risks. Therefore, you should think carefully before putting the formula into practice.

Related article: Fortune telling on Scandinavian runes

Why runes are unsafe

The symbolism was created at the dawn of humanity, when powerful gods coexisted with earthly inhabitants. This is not a legend. The energy of space is constantly evolving and changing subtly. Astrologers track these metamorphoses and describe them in detail.

Millennia ago, the energy background on Earth was significantly different from what it is today. The universal power walked freely through the fields and forests, frightening the illiterate population. A few sages studied the elements and tried to establish interaction.

Part of the ancient knowledge was embodied in material carriers - runes. Each sign (Scandinavian, Gothic or Slavic) represents a portal of calling one or another side of the universal flow. By picking up or drawing a symbol, you open a portal.

Powerful energy is not adapted to human weaknesses. But since those time immemorial, we have changed, become soft, and lost our fighting independence. The slightest contact can destroy the aura and cripple fate.

Runic magic is the destiny of a warrior of the spirit who has a system of appropriate knowledge and understands precautions. It is necessary to learn control, discipline, balance, and partially abandon emotional reactions. Then magicians will become an invincible weapon, a devoted assistant, a magnificent instrument for the perception and reorganization of reality.

Stats in inept hands - woe to the one who drew them

By activating the sign, you bring additional flow into your own aura. A few - it already resembles chaos. The previously existing harmony is being seriously tested.

Imagine a small team working well together. Each member knows the strengths and weaknesses of the others, has adjusted, adapted. And into this small group they introduce the same number of original individuals who consider themselves leaders. A real mortal battle will begin.

By creating a runic combination for a specific purpose, this is exactly what you are doing with your personal space. Introduce additional structures that can completely sweep away existing ones.

It becomes safe if, during its activation, all the numerous factors of a person’s earthly existence are taken into account. Otherwise, the best result is the absence of one.

Tattoo - a launch into the terrible unknown

The contact of symbolism with the body allows the energies to unfold even more actively. What is attracted? If you have no idea, it’s better to give up experimenting. Even the beautiful Fehu has a destructive side. For example, according to karma, well-being is no longer expected. The individual must achieve the right to enrichment. Fehu applied to the skin will attract such trials that it will no longer be possible to get out of samsara.

A runic tattoo becomes an ideal protection and support if it is harmoniously combined with the energies of the wearer. And with age, the background will certainly transform. Think about whether you are ready to create a sea of ​​disasters for yourself with your own hands.

Fortune telling - jumping into the abyss without a parachute

The danger of Tarot cards is the high probability of getting stuck in the deck psychologically. The instrument becomes a support, a crutch. Provokes the development of indecision, uncertainty, and childish behavior.

The rune theme is more serious. It's easy to tell fortunes. Take stones or cards - lay them out and read. Only the result is reflected in all worlds at the same time. Physical can be adjusted. The subtle plan firmly imprints energy structures. Erasing is almost impossible. Magic mercilessly reformats fate.

It is impossible to cancel the runic advice. They said that it would certainly come true for the minion to live in poverty until old age. If you prophesied death, buy a coffin. They told me to become an oligarch, even if you crawl under the sofa, you will have to get rich.

When agreeing to a deal, remember responsibility. Whatever they tell you, you will have to endure, beaming with happiness or shedding bitter tears.

Black magic

A completely undesirable activity. Damage by runes is a double-edged sword. Without the proper skill, he will be knocked off the Earth. The protection here is more complex and has an energy-informational nature. Analogue: confrontation with an opponent of equal strength. Whoever wins leads.

Ansuz is a symbol of knowledge and speech skills

At one moment it carries a positive meaning, and at another – negative. Dark forces influence a person to the same extent as light currents. The question is what the choice will be. A novice magician will encounter lies and hypocrisy, deception and arrogance, and this will be a significant lesson. And conclusions depend on the perception of situations. And if a person chooses the dark side, then it is difficult to change the polarity and become kinder to other people. Loki does not sleep and acts; the danger comes down to bad character traits that can absorb all the good.

The most effective ritual

Runes are a way of strongly influencing a person. With their help, you can cast a love spell even on someone who does not pay attention to the performer. The most powerful ritual is performed using 4 runes.

  1. Nautiz.
  2. Gebo.
  3. Berkana.
  4. Inguz.

Becoming Nautiz-Gebo-Berkana-Inguz

These symbols must be memorized before casting a love spell on runes. It is important to maintain consistency in the pronunciation of signs. If you confuse them, it is impossible to predict what consequences will await the performer. For the ritual to be successful, you need to be alone. It is better to choose the most remote room in the house. Before the ceremony begins, it is worth doing a short meditation. This will help you concentrate much faster and get more energy. Remember about visualization; without it, a strong love spell on runes will not work.

You need to place candles throughout the room. They can be any color and size. For convenience, it is better to take small tablet candles. After all preparations are completed, it is recommended to take a small thing with which memories of your beloved are associated. This will make a strong love spell on runes even more durable. The Vedas must be written on paper or carved out on pieces of wood in advance. After this, they must be placed in the correct order.

Activation of runes

You need to apply a little blood to each symbol. This is activation - without it, a strong love spell will not begin to work. To extract some biological fluid, you need to take a medium-sized needle and one candle from those lit earlier. The puncture tool must be held over the flame for 30 seconds and the same amount of time must be allowed to cool. After this, you can prick your finger. Blood is applied to the runes one by one, in the order in which they lie on the table. Then the candle over which the needle was held is taken into the hand. Wax is poured onto the signs. You can blow on the runes. After this, you need to put signs on the selected item. The second stage of activation - you need to say the following words:

Now the ritual is completed. You need to leave everything on the table and sit in the middle of the room. It is recommended to monitor the candles - when the latter goes out on its own, the ritual is considered ready and will begin to take effect.

You must not break the sequence of actions, otherwise there may be dire consequences. The most common are pathological jealousy and assault. A person whose mind is clouded by witchcraft will see rivals everywhere and accuse the performer of infidelity, but it will be difficult to break off the relationship; the victim is not able to simply leave and not have contact with the performer. You may need the help of an experienced sorcerer.

There is a Law of Magical Silence.

What does it mean? This means that when we do something, we don’t tell anyone about it. And only when we have received the result can we share it.

This does not apply to the training period. That is, while we are learning, we ask questions, consult, explain the course of our thoughts and actions. This will help you avoid mistakes and better understand your actions.

And one more proverb, which, in my opinion, does not require decoding:

6. “Maybe” and “somehow” won’t lead to good things

Runes can be dangerous, and this should not be forgotten!

All the best to you and good luck!


Third saying:

3. Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself.

Runes are a serious tool, but do not forget that none other than ourselves works with runes. And therefore, the result obtained depends on our knowledge, skills and abilities!

In addition, you should not scatter your energy and grab onto everything at once. It is necessary to focus on a specific, correctly defined goal and task.

Therefore, if the result does not meet your expectations, look for errors in your actions.

All your actions when working with runes must be thoughtful, serious and responsible!

We have only ourselves to blame for all failures. For everything that turned out well, for all the successful results, we thank the runes


Instilling feelings of guilt

To instill feelings of guilt, they use becoming a Forcer. It allows you to inspire a person with any thought and any accompanying feeling.

To force the victim to obey and feel guilt, they use a formula consisting of the following components:

  • Salt (Soulu);
  • Ansuz;
  • Nautiz;
  • European glyph.

There is a dot in the center of the stave. It symbolizes the object of future coercion. The Sol runes located around enhance the work of the formula. The inverted position of Ansuz is responsible for the weakened will of the victim. Submission strengthens Nautiz. The final part of the formula is the European glyph Will over man. He makes a slave out of a full-fledged personality.

Activation of symbols

Suggestion using strong runes will go faster if you use the correct activation method. To do this, use a reservation or connect one of the natural elements. Statues are spoken in order to direct their action and create the right feeling in the soul of another person.

They create a reservation for themselves. First of all, the conspirator turns to the runes, after which he forms his request to them - clearly and concisely. The disclaimer ends with words of gratitude.

To consolidate the effect during activation, a universal conductor is used - water. The stave is doused with water or immersed in a charmed liquid.

If a ritual is performed in an open area, the element of air participates in it - it acts as an activator. They make their staves habitable with the help of fire, charging them with additional strength. The two activation methods work well together.

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