What to do if you are jinxed: identify and remove (advices from grandmothers)

» Damage and the evil eye » What to do in case of damage or the evil eye?



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People are envious creatures. Sometimes envy of others overcomes them so much that they are ready to ruin the life of the one they envy, no matter whether it is a child or an adult. To do this, magical methods such as the evil eye or love spell are often used. What to do if you are jinxed, how to get rid of this bad energy?

What to do if you are jinxed

What is the effect of the evil eye?

First of all, let's understand the concepts. What, in principle, does the evil eye or damage mean in itself and what is the symptom of this action. These are rituals of black magic that work to destroy the integrity of the victim’s energy.

But anyone who decides to use the evil eye must understand that at the same time he makes his own energy more vulnerable. It's unavoidable. When a person decides to put the evil eye on someone, he makes knots and fetters for himself through karma and thinks that this will not affect me. And if it is not the customer himself who will then unravel these karmic knots, then future generations will have to do it.

What happens to the victim who has been jinxed? Her energy body is disrupted. It is a little more difficult for such a person than usual to attract positive events into his life and repel negative events from himself. What to do if you are jinxed? It is necessary to carry out a ritual to remove the evil eye and damage. This can easily be done at home.

People who are distinguished by trust and openness in relationships especially need to protect themselves from envy. Of course, this does not mean that you need to deliberately narrow your circle of contacts, no. Here it would be more correct to periodically carry out protective spells so that the evil eye cannot be cast on you. It is, of course, worth taking a closer look at the people who surround you. Don’t get into too close relationships with everyone in a row; first, take a closer look at the person.

Rituals against the evil eye

The use of traditional methods does not always help to remove the consequences of malicious intent. The magical program for solving the problem of the evil eye is aimed at conducting rituals, conspiracies and storing amulets. You can protect yourself from the bad influence of dark forces yourself or by contacting specialists in this field. Clients of magicians and healers go for help to people with strong energy that can protect and heal victims. They highlight tips for using these methods:

Washing with plant decoctions. The healing properties of chicory, plantain and chamomile bring purity not only physical, but also spiritual.

Ritual without words of conspiracy

You need to stand in the doorway and wave your arms 12 times. The body and face are directed towards the street or entrance. Evil forces leave your body and are gone forever.

Swimming in freshwater bodies. Water procedures relieve the body of excess tension and wash away energy dirt.

Swimming in a freshwater body relieves the body of unnecessary stress

Healing by fire

The ritual consists of bringing a lit candle closer to your body at a distance of feeling warmth from the object. It is also useful to look at the fire. This promotes relaxation and burns negative energy.

Ritual with salt

Sprinkle it on your head to form a cross. Then it is washed off under running water.

A trip to the forest improves your well-being. Physical contact with plants of virgin nature serves to reduce the influence of the evil eye on the victim. Signs of dark forces disappear over time, improving the condition of the victim.

The use of these rituals also helps to get rid of the evil eye. Belief in healing plays an important role when performing rituals. Only complete concentration and the desire to return your condition to its original form eliminates the influence of someone else’s malicious intent.

Delivering a child from the evil eye

The issue of removing the evil eye from a child requires special attention. The baby cannot take independent action, so this issue is decided by his closest person - his mother. Signs of the influence of the evil eye on young children are associated with their anxiety, tantrums and insomnia. If there are no medical factors for the presence of such problems, you need to take care of his spiritual protection. This is done in several ways:

The mother runs her tongue over the baby's face and cheeks. Then he spits over his left shoulder. Repeat the procedure 3 times.

An ancient ritual with a sentence. The mother wipes the baby's face with the hem of her dress, repeating lines about her blood connection with the child and about his protection.

Ritual with reading Orthodox prayers. Driving the baby around the table asking for God's help is reinforced with sips of holy water and washing the face.

Holy water helps heal a child from the evil eye. The child should wear it before bedtime. Water washes away all the negativity received from the evil eye. Doing such procedures once will not be enough. Regular bathing is carried out until the baby’s condition improves. You need to dry your wet body with the hem of your mother's skirt. This action transfers the protective energy of the mother to her child.

Holy water has healing properties. It also helps against the evil eye as a drink. Give 3 times a day for consumption in small sips. While drinking, the mother reads a spell based on prayers.

Holy water has healing properties

How to understand that you have the evil eye or damage?

It is also important to be able to understand when you have exposed yourself to the evil eye or damage. What are the signs that make you feel like you’ve been jinxed?

  • Damage can even manifest itself in a bad mood. You know about yourself that you are a cheerful person who reacts relatively easily and calmly to various events in your life. And then you noticed that the events seemed to be the same, but your character had deteriorated greatly. Damage manifests itself in the fact that you often get angry and sad over trifles. You may have the feeling that damage has stolen the luck from your life.
  • If the damage was directed specifically at your family, then that’s where the problems will appear. Here, not only your character will deteriorate, but also that of your loved ones who surround you. Your family may now quarrel over mere trifles. You seem to be trying to come to an agreement out of a cold mind and a warm heart, but still everything ends up in misunderstanding and scandal. This could also mean that someone has put the evil eye on you.
  • Those who are jealous could bring damage or the evil eye specifically to your home. Then an unhealthy heavy energy will be felt in the house. If the house is damaged, then you may notice that outside of it, your family seems to communicate more or less normally, but as soon as it gets into the walls of the house, then everyone immediately begins to quarrel. Observe your feeling in the house and outside its walls, it will strongly tell you whether the house is damaged or not.
  • Of course, the hand of a magician can cast a strong evil eye on the material well-being of both a specific person and a family in general. One necessary magical spell can ruin your personal or family income for as much as a whole year. Financial well-being can drop by an order of magnitude.

In all these cases, a correctly selected magical spell with protective properties is required. It is also advisable to know who exactly caused the damage. When, while reading a conspiracy, you imagine a specific pest, the ritual will work more powerfully.

Evil eye or no evil eye

First you need to determine whether a person has been jinxed or not. For determination, they mainly use an egg, water and an assistant.

Method No. 1

You need to take a glass cup and a raw egg. The assistant takes the egg in his hands and begins to roll clockwise the entire human body, starting from the top of the head, it is advisable not to miss a centimeter.

Then you need to carefully break the egg and pour the contents into a glass of water:

  • If white threads go up from the egg, it means that the person has a slight evil eye.
  • Bubbles have formed on the threads - a serious evil eye.

A glass of water should be placed at the head of the bed throughout the night:

  • If in the morning the water remains clear and the egg has not darkened, then there is no evil eye.
  • And if the egg turns black and the water is cloudy, then there is definitely spoilage.

Method number 2

The evil eye can still be determined in another way.

Pour water into a plate and place it on the person’s head. The assistant must melt the candle, and with the words

“Water pours, fire ripples, wax melts, trouble pours out”

Then pour the wax into a plate of water. When the wax hardens, you need to examine the resulting figure. If there is an evil eye, then the figures will look like:

  • cross,
  • coffin
  • graves,
  • churches,
  • buckets,
  • beds.

If the figures turn out to be like a flower, an animal or a person, then there is no evil eye.

An article almost on the topic: Rituals for attracting wealth to the family - top 7.

Method number 3

You can also light three church candles. The ritual must be performed at night. Before the candles, read the prayer to the Mother of God and cross yourself three times. If at this time the flame is flickering and the candles are smoking heavily, then the person has been jinxed.

Cleaning the house

It is very good to carry out energy cleansing at home if you have a feeling that some person has cast an evil eye. It is very easy to find out if there is damage to a house. Take a church candle. Take a moment when it’s just you in the house and walk around the house with this candle. Notice how it burns. If the light burns evenly, straight, and does not smoke, then most likely the energy in your home is clean. If the candle turns black, crackles, and the light constantly tries to go out, this may be evidence of the evil eye. The question arises: what to do in case of the evil eye, how to neutralize it? If this is the case, then it is easy to clean your home with dried herbs. You will need dried wormwood and nettle. Be sure to perform such a ritual during the waning moon. So the moon will also try to rid your home of evil. When cleaning your home, no one should be there except you.

Set fire to dried herbs, walk around the house with them and at the same time say the following magical spell:

“I need to protect my house, I need to stand guard over it. Let the person who is slandering him hear the smell of herbs, let that person worry, ours, hear my speech. His eyes turn into fear, all his words against my house lose their power. You don’t slander us anymore, you don’t compete with us anymore. The grass is dried, the evil eye is dead.”

You need to read this magical text with confidence, feeling strong, feeling like the master of the house. It is your strong energy that will help you get rid of the bad effects of the magic ritual. This way you can bring luck back to your home. Then your favorite prayer is read. After such a ritual, it will have an even stronger effect.

About a week later you can repeat the diagnosis at home using candles. You may be surprised that the candle does not smoke at all and burns evenly. But it may also happen that the candle smokes a little more. Then you need to repeat cleaning the house with herbs on the next waxing moon.

What should I do if they envy me? How can I stop being afraid that I will be jinxed?

In order to find out what to do when you are envied, and also to examine the issue of envy and the evil eye in more detail, we need, first, to decide what exactly you perceive as “envy” and what “people envy” you.

If you perceive any sideways glance at you as envy, then I have bad news for you: most people, in fact, don’t give a damn about you.

For example, very often it happens to me that I can sit in a cafe or restaurant and look at some person. From the outside it will look exactly like I am looking at it. In fact, I look through, at one point, and notice no one, and two minutes later I can notice that my gaze has been focused on some person all this time.

This situation is repeated among many people I interviewed, so you should not exaggerate the degree of interest of other people in you and your life: this is fraught with an irrational perception of the situation and incorrect conclusions, which can subsequently play a cruel joke on you and make you worry and be nervous about your own illusions that have nothing to do with the real picture of the world.

If, as a sign that you are envied, you perceive sidelong glances at you from the people around you, translating them into your own life in the form of ominous predictions and begin to fear that these glances will somehow affect your health, well-being and future life, or it will be completely destroyed, then most likely you are one of those people who are prone to magical thinking.

What is magical thinking?

Magical thinking is a type of thinking characterized by belief in various rituals, fairy tales, magical actions, patterns and the ability to influence other people/events/other people's property at a distance.

For example, a person who is characterized by magical thinking believes that people envy him and, thereby, attract only failures into his life. Or that someone can damage him, curse him - and that’s all. Literally, everything. A nightmare in life is guaranteed and you urgently need to run to remove the damage, curse, evil eye, run for money, throw away a lot of time and money in order to get rid of some extraneous negative influence.

At the same time, these same people also believe that their thoughts, words and wishes can have some power of influence on the world around them, people and events.

In particular, they believe that with their magical actions they can help themselves, whispering: “Gogol-mogol, one, two, three, success, come on, fly to me!”, achieve success, achieve goals and transform their lives from the swamp to sweet raspberries.

And now I’m not talking about concentrating the brain on a necessary goal in order to achieve it, but about believing in magical pink dreams, reflexively scrolling through which a person hopes to get everything in the world without leaving the couch.

Well, did you recognize yourself in any of the signs? Then I recommend that you pay attention to the existence of two wonderful organizations: the James Randi Foundation (USA), founded in 1996 by the American magician-illusionist James Randi, and the Harry Houdini Award (Russia), founded in 2015 by the Sci-One channel and the medical-genetic , named after the American illusionist, philanthropist, actor Harry Houdini (real name Eric Weiss).

Each of them offers to receive 1 million in the national currency of the country in which the organization is located.

The condition for receiving this amount of money is quite primitive: magicians, psychics, sorcerers and people with paranormal abilities only need to prove that they have these very “paranormal abilities” through an adequately controlled scientific experiment.

At the same time, all the items necessary for a “psychic”, including ritual paraphernalia and conditions (for example, time of day, day of week, etc.) will be kindly provided by the organizations to the subjects, creating the most comfortable and fruitful environment for them.

The only requirement of organizations, which they strictly regulate, is that “psychic” applicants do not have any technical ability to falsify facts, cheat and deceitfully adjust the results of testing.

Over all these years, not a single applicant has been able to prove that he has any paranormal abilities.

Meanwhile, the James Randi Foundation had a sufficient number of people willing to demonstrate their miraculous skills: about 50 applicants from all over the world every year. Hunters for a million came to Randy from all over the world, including applicants from the USSR.

For example, Natasha Lulova, who before meeting Randy claimed that she could see through the blindfold. Everything was decided simply simply: after an impenetrable mask put on her face, Randy found out that all of her extrasensory perception came down to the unusual structure of her face, which, in a regular, and not special, bandage proposed by James Randi, gave her the opportunity to slightly move this very bandage and see objects in front of her are invisible to others.

Among the famous charlatans exposed by Randi, one can safely include the lover of bending spoons with his gaze, Uri Geller, who, although he refused to participate in Randi’s experiments, was caught red-handed by him on one of the television programs in which Geller was supposed to bend spoons with his gaze.

After Randy suggested that the organizers of the show independently choose spoons from normal material and hide them under glass, all of Uri Geller’s abilities were blown away by the wind - the “psychic” became “overexcited” and was unable to perform the trick.

But how do we know that these abilities really exist if we don’t believe the words, and we haven’t seen any evidence with our own eyes?

Considering that the conditions were more than comfortable, and a thin layer of glass could not prevent such a great “psychic” from bending spoons, the answer is obvious: out of nowhere.

The James Randi Foundation has existed for more than 20 years - since 1996, and the Harry Houdini Award - since 2015. A lot of applicants, a lot of farce, mysterious rituals, clapping hands and... no outstanding results that would even remotely give us the opportunity to believe in the evil eye, damage and the terrible power of other people's envy.

Naturally, all the magicians who screwed up during the tests found and are finding a hundred reasons to justify themselves, but the fact remains: not one of them justified the title that he hung on himself in the form of an impressive label of paranormalism and miraculous talents.

If you are sure that one of your friends has the great ability to jinx him with envy so that everything in your life will collapse, feel free to invite him to be tested in any of these organizations. Divide the profit in half.

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