Why is the owl laughing near the house? An owl shouts signs and superstitions near the house. If you saw an owl

We all know the well-known sign associated with the cuckoo: the more it “cuckoos” you, the more years of life you have left. But few people know that people also have signs associated with other birds. Moreover, there are enough of these signs for any bird, starting with a stork and ending with a hawk. One of the most controversial signs is the cry of an owl: it is simply impossible to find an exact interpretation of the sign, but there are a great many versions. How can you find out what exactly the heard voice of this bird promises? We tried to collect several of the most famous and truthful interpretations.

What to expect when you see an owl?

To be fair, it must be admitted that the nocturnal predator was not always considered a sign of disaster. In ancient Greece, the owl was included in the retinue of the goddess Athena for its wisdom; in Kazakhstan, she regularly scared away evil spirits from human dwellings with her hoots; in Siberia she herself acted as a forest spirit, kind and benign towards travelers. However, exceptions only confirm the rule: the night bird entered the legends of most peoples of Europe and the East as a harbinger of misfortune.

Depending on the time of day

If humanity could still accept the owl’s love for the dark, the bird’s daytime appearance caused superstitious horror. In Rome, they were so afraid of this sign that they tried to kill and burn the feathered troublemaker, and throw the ashes into the river, so as not to leave a trace of the bad prophetess in the city. Scottish superstitions and signs of some other European countries warn about the same thing: if an owl appears during the day, it predicts that trouble will happen.

In the dark, starting in the evening, the meaning of the sign softened - that’s why it’s night, so that owls can hunt.

At the cemetery

Travelers with weak nerves should not meet an owl.

What could the eerie winged figure mean, silently gliding over the graves at midnight? Naturally, fear, horror, death and illness to those who saw her... and a dead mouse, which were found in abundance at night in the thick grass of the churchyards. But the oppressive atmosphere took its toll, so hunting was not considered a sufficient justification for the appearance of a predator. If you’ve already flown to a cemetery, then it’s not good, thought the inhabitants of the surrounding houses near the place where everyone was crying. Moreover, the owl could provoke real panic if it occurred to her to sit down to rest on the cross. Moreover, it did not matter whether it towered over the grave or was erected on the top of a chapel nearby; in any case, the sign promised disaster to the entire area.

If the owl chose a church cross for respite, the parishioners began to greet the changes with bated breath. At best, the bird prophesied the appearance of a new priest; at worst, a fire. This belief is opposed by a Belgian legend, which tells of a church minister who personally invited a bird to live in one of the temple towers in order to get rid of rodents.

In the yard or on the roof

After all that has been said, have you already decided that the tailed predator needs to be driven away from the house with a heavier shovel? Not so! Signs about an owl near a human home are contradictory and confusing, but you can also glean a couple of favorable omens from them.

  • If an owl flies into a barn and touches a cow with its wing, blood will appear in the cow’s milk, and then Buryonka herself will wither away. After such an event, there may indeed be shortages in milk supply—you won’t get any milk from a frightened cow.
  • If an owl takes up residence in your yard and then disappears for no reason, you need to be on guard. Change is coming, and it can be both good and bad.

Near the house or apartment

  • If a bird circles over a human dwelling, one of its inhabitants faces serious illness, or even death.
  • If he sits on the ridge of the roof, his wealth will go away.
  • It starts making loud noises - stock up on water and hooks, a fire is not far away.
  • But if the predator begins to move its paws and squat on the roof under which there is a seriously ill person, he will recover.
  • If you meet an owl near your house on the eve of the wedding, real happiness awaits the newlyweds.

Sat on the fence

If you save an owlet, happiness will not leave you

  • The sign of a predator choosing a tree or fence as its perch is controversial. If this happened directly next to the house, and the bird made at least one cry, it is believed that the financial problems of the owners will soon be resolved. If a person passes by a tree with a singing bird, his career growth will stall and his wallet will lose weight. So guess how to interpret the prediction if the owner of the house passes by! The feathered hoaxer predicted difficulties for him as a pedestrian, and joy for him as a homeowner. Maybe we should attribute the hooting to the owl’s good mood and not worry about it?
  • The same sign promises recovery for the patient who manages to look out the window and notice a noisy bird.
  • And the best sign: if an owl screeches in a tree near your home, a baby will soon be born there. And they say she’s a bad prophetess...

If a person happens to find an owlet that has fallen from its nest and return it to its parents, the gratitude of the soothsayers will be immeasurable! Legends promise that wise birds will take their baby’s savior under their wing and begin to invisibly care for him throughout his life. And they also say that anyone who sees an owl’s nest will become completely melancholic! Go figure it out... We can only assume that a good deed will protect you from this scourge.

Appears outside the window or hits the glass

If an owl hoots or flaps its wings outside the window, or knocks on the house, signs attribute to it the desire to inform the owners about someone’s illness or death. However, all signs are canceled if you know that there is an owl’s nest somewhere nearby. In this case, the appearance of birds does not carry a mystical meaning.

What does the owl warn against?

Traditionally, nocturnal birds, one of which is the owl, are associated with beliefs related to death, illness and other serious troubles. His appearance is quite sinister and further enhances the effect of his scream. The ancient Slavs had a saying: “An owl sits in the yard - expect death in the house.”

Interesting! In Ancient Greece, the owl was considered one of the companions of the warrior goddess Athena. In honor of this, it was even given a Latin scientific name - Athene noctua. The Greeks also minted the image of a bird on silver coins worth four drachmas.

What does it mean if feathered predators scream at night or during the day?

Only a naturalist can immediately distinguish an owl from an owl.

  • If the owl has gotten into the habit of flying near the house at night and filling the surrounding area with a loud cry, you can keep your head on the pillow. Signs consider the bird's violent behavior to be just a reaction to the coming cold snap and rain.
  • The noisy behavior of an owl has a piquant interpretation. It is believed that this bird begins to scream and cry when a nearby girl loses her virginity. A real guardian of morality in feathers!
  • However, it is not a fact that the owl was worried about the level of morality of the population. Some believed that the bird began to hoot before the flood.
  • The cry of an owl during the day, as well as a triple cry, regardless of the time of day, are considered signs of trouble.
  • If a pregnant woman hears an owl, it means she is carrying a girl. But it’s bad if the bird screams when labor has already begun! The legends were stern: a child born to the hoot of an owl will have a hard time making his way in this life.
  • Childbirth was viewed completely differently in ancient Babylon. There they believed that a woman in labor would be delivered from her pregnancy easily and quickly, if only the wise bird would cast his gaze on her. Since no one wrapped the predator’s beak with tape, she could hoot as much as she wanted, and no one was afraid of it.

If an owl screams there are signs

One of my childhood memories is of my father chasing an owl off the roof of the house. - For what? - I ask, - he didn’t do anything bad to us. The father muttered something under his breath and left. I'm going to see my mother. She explained that it is a bad omen when an owl screams on the house, it means that someone will die or some other misfortune will happen. And about a week after that, my mother had a stroke, at the age of 40.

I also built my own house, it took me a long time to build it, so all kinds of living creatures populated it in front of me. I came to finish the construction, and there was a nest and birds sitting on eggs in every hole in the hollow core slab. I asked the plasterers to wait, not to paint over it, until they flew away on their own. Birds, I later found out - redstarts, funny and sing interestingly. At first it was as if sandpaper was being struck on the wall, and then it was as if a steel ball had been thrown onto a steel table. Yes, as far as wildlife is concerned, this place is a paradise; the place was allocated on a former collective farm field. In winter, hares climb into the garden here, and handsome pheasants fly in. And a little over 4 years ago an owl moved in. It's like he came back from childhood. His favorite place is on the skate or in the chimney. He sits there, his eyes sparkling, and when evening comes, he screams, so unpleasantly, then cries, then laughs. I didn’t chase him, well, we don’t chase the postman when he brings a bad letter. And then he decided to add a terrace with a bathhouse, but he had no time for it. This is where the trouble happened. Then I analyzed it for a long time, reconsidered everything, and changed my mind. I even sinned against an owl at one time. And he blossomed, started a family, built a nest in the chimney of a new bathhouse, he had three chicks, and accordingly there were so many times more screams. Someone advised that if you scream, spit three times and say: “Ugh, ugh, ugh, shout at your own head.” And every night they have all the voices and characters. Well, I tried it. It’s funny, probably, a grown man, but he’s lying in bed and ugh)). But I noticed that as soon as I say these words, they immediately fall silent. And after a while after the start of the screaming, he spoke - they fell silent, and immediately, as soon as he started screaming, he turned it off. And now I haven’t heard anything for a week, maybe he flew off somewhere or yelled at his own head. But I began to sleep very restlessly, as if the alarm had been turned off.

Other similar stories:

The bird settled in the house

Almost everywhere in Europe and in most regions of Russia, a feathered guest diving through a window or an open door was considered a disgusting prediction for the family. In Ireland, an owl that unfortunately flew into a house was simply killed immediately! It’s sad, but the owners firmly believed that when she flew away, she would take good luck with her, and they were not going to take any risks. Moreover, if the bird accidentally died on its own, the superstitious Irish were ready to tear out their hair in despair, because they couldn’t think of a worse sign.

How to neutralize bad signs

1. If it happens that the winged soothsayer prophesied something bad for you, take a pinch and throw it into the fire. The prediction will burn with the fire.

2. When defending a house that, according to a sign, is in danger of some kind of misfortune, heat a poker red-hot and draw a circle around your home with it, thereby blocking the way to misfortunes.

3. Those who nevertheless decide to bring a stuffed owl into the house are recommended to burn candles in the corners of the room in which it will stand for seven days in a row. This ritual is quite expensive, so if you do not want to spend a lot of money on buying candles, it is advised to wipe the window sills with water that has stood under the moonlight; it is important to dip a silver spoon into this water overnight.

Wise people advise, if possible, to see only good signs and omens in everything. If an owl scared you, it was her way of warning you, which means you need to think about it and become more attentive. We should not blindly believe in omens, because bad events will lie in wait for us if we ourselves constantly wait for them and tune in to the negative.

Write your opinion

In the Slavic tradition, all nocturnal birds of the owl family are ominous: the owl, the eagle owl and the owl. By its appearance near a house, an owl foreshadows death: when it circles over a house or yard, in front of a window, knocks on a window, lands on the roof or chimney of a house, or flies into a barn. It is no coincidence that the Czechs call the owl “smrtonoška”. Seeing an owl on a tree is a harbinger of bad luck for a traveler in Bulgaria. The sign that the cry of an owl, owl or eagle owl near a dwelling predicts death (in a weakened version - misfortune) is known among all Slavs: Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Poles and Kashubians, Czechs, Lusatians, Bulgarians, Serbs and Croats, Slovenes. Often such a cry is characterized as a sarcastic laugh or a plaintive whimper, like a groan, howl or voicelessness. Stable expressions (sayings, curses) are associated with the deadly cry of these birds: Russian. “The owner's owl survives”, Bulgarian. “Yes, you’re drinking and drinking on the fireplace!” (“May the owl scream on the trumpet for you!”), floor. “Sowa na dachu kwili, ktoś pewnie umrze po chwili” (“The owl on the roof is whining, someone will probably die soon.”

The cry of an owl, predicting death, is conveyed by verbal exclamations: “Pochował!”, “Pochował!”, “Pochował, pochował!”, “Pójdź, pójdź, pochował, pochował!” (“Go, buried!”), “Pójdź, pójdź w dołek pod kościołek!” (“Go to the hole in the churchyard!” The cry “Pokhovav!” is associated with the Ukrainian names of the house owl “pokhovav” and “pokhovavkalo”, and with the cry “pójdź!” are the Polish names of owls (most often the tawny owl and the owl) pójdźka, pućka , późdźka, podźko. Map 398 of the “Polish Ethnographic Atlas”, dedicated to the owl in signs of death, indicates a number of other owl calls recorded on the territory of Poland: “Pójdź, pójdź, zabieraj się!” (“Go, get ready!”), “Pójdź, pójdź pod kościołek, pod zieloną gródź!” (“Go under the church, under the shade of the grave green!”), “Zakończ, zakończ!” (“End your life!”), “Kom mit!” (“Come with me !") and so on.

In Belarus, Ukraine and mainly in eastern Poland, the cry of an owl is conveyed by two different verbal exclamations and is interpreted in two ways, either to a deceased person or to the birth of a child: “Pu-u-u-ts!” (to death) - “Ku-gu!” (imitating a crying child). Sometimes the cry of an owl near the house and among Russians is considered to predict the birth of a child. In the south of Russia, her cry is reproduced as the cry of a baby: “Kuga, kuga!” Among the Belarusians of the Grodno province. The cry of an eagle owl is interpreted in a similar way: if it moans near the house, then there is a pregnant woman there, and if it squeals near the barn, then the pig will bring piglets. According to a South Slavic belief from the Dubrovnik region, an owl crowing from the eastern side over a house in which there is a pregnant woman predicts the birth of a son, and if from the western side, then a daughter. The contamination of the motives of birth and death can be seen in the following Belarusian belief: “If an owl shouts eloquently “ku-gu-oo-oo!”, imitating the cry of a hare, then by this she will confirm the pregnancy of the young woman, although at the same time she will indicate that the pregnancy will be resolved by shedding , premature birth or stillbirth."

The theme of death also appears in beliefs that connect these birds with the souls of the dead, and in many of them the motif of death is combined with the motif of a small child. So, in Pereyaslavsky district. Poltava province. The ban on burying children who died without baptism in a cemetery is explained by the fact that the soul of such a child passes into an eagle owl, which is why it most often nests in cemeteries. Ideas about souls in the form of owls are also found among Western Ukrainians, and even more often among Poles. The Poles know beliefs about the souls of unbaptized children in the form of owls, and Lusatians know about the owl-like appearance of the souls of the dead in general. The Mazovian Poles of Mariana Forest represent the soul of the deceased in the form of an owl. In Selce, in eastern Poland, they believe that an owl screeching at night calls out the souls of the dead. Among the Serbs of Homolja, it is considered dangerous for children to hear the cry of an owl, owl or eagle owl, otherwise the children may lose their mother or die themselves, since these birds are nothing more than evil souls capable of luring children out of the house and taking their lives. Sometimes the motif of death in beliefs about these birds is also found in relation to them themselves. So, in Zamoyskiy Voiv. Poland noted the idea that the owl comes to life only in the dark, and during the day it is dead.

Based on the book by A. V. Gura “The symbolism of animals in the Slavic folk tradition”

Some Englishmen still have a tradition according to which a pregnant woman needs to prepare a huge head of cheese and let it ripen for 9 months. After the birth of the child, it is divided into a number of parts equal to the number of relatives, but the outer crust is not touched.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Owls and owls are amazing creatures. They see in the dark, go out hunting when other animals are sleeping, make strange “hooting” sounds, have a piercing gaze and pronounced magnetism.

  • It is not surprising that in this situation, folk superstitions declared the owl “the bearer of superpowers.”

Domestic owls and owls

A tame owl enhances family well-being

What about the domestic owl? Is it possible to keep it in the room without risking bad predictions 24 hours a day? Oddly enough, it is possible. The belief gives wise birds the ability to unite family members and help establish harmonious relationships between spouses.

Remember the sign about the owlet? If it was not possible to return the foundling to the nest, take it home and try to go out. A grown-up pet will repay you for your care with devoted love, will protect your family from dark forces, and will endow you with wisdom in making decisions. And if one day it does fly out the window, don’t be upset. It is believed that a tame owl that has flown away has a presentiment of trouble and carries it away from the house on its tail... Although it doesn’t hurt to look for a feathered pet that is not accustomed to life in the wild. Perhaps he threw your troubles into some thorny bush, is not going to settle there and is waiting nearby for you to find him.

From time immemorial, the nomadic peoples of Central Asia decorated children's skullcaps with owl and owl feathers so that nothing harmful could get close to the children, and they made amulets for livestock and amulets against infertility from the claws of birds of prey. They tried to treat whooping cough and treat drunkenness with a broth made from owl eggs. And they even included it in a kind of rejuvenation program! In Asian countries they believed that the delicacy dish could restore sharpness to vision and color to gray hair.

Keep me safe my talisman. Choosing an owl figurine and figurine

Owls in the house protect the owners from troubles, bring prosperity, impart wisdom, and stop them from thoughtless spending.

The main thing is to activate the magical effect of the talisman, based on your goals.

If you are planning to improve your financial situation, choose a figurine sitting on a money tree or coins. Place it in a place where your savings are kept. According to Feng Shui, this should be the northeast side of the room or a desk. Three owl figurines placed together will enhance the effect of the influx of money and protect the family from the evil eye and unfriendly neighbors.

Family life is bursting at the seams - a figurine of a white owl in the bedroom or living room will strengthen the relationship. However, remember! The talisman accumulates negative energy. You can’t quarrel and sort things out in front of him, otherwise the negativity from the figurine will resonate several times over.

If you want to always stay healthy, buy an oak figurine. It is enough to touch it once a day and mentally ask for healing.

Children's studies are not going well - the image of a bird will help in mastering knowledge and activates the desire in schoolchildren to gnaw on the granite of science. A figurine of a white owl with folded wings endows children with diligence and wisdom. A feathered talisman on books helps students pass the exam (here are others).

If you dream of promotion, there is a talisman for this purpose. A white owl with outstretched wings made of stone or crystal will clap for your career. Decorate her office desk.

Resort to the help of amulets. Its strength is tested by time and results.

Should I keep a stuffed animal in my house?

Many people consider stuffed birds to be an interesting decorative element. There is no doubt that a strict and majestic owl will look impressive in any interior... However, esotericists do not advise filling the house with the dead energy that comes from such decorations. The fact is that at the moment of death, a living being is one big clot of negativity. For a mystic, installing such a thing near relatives and household members is like bringing home a bucket of uranium! No matter how hard you try, it will affect the health of the apartment’s inhabitants in reality.

If you hit a bird with a car

The wanton killing of an owl promised misfortune and was considered a great sin in many cultures, so even avid hunters were in no hurry to raise their guns when they saw a predator overhead. And even if the bird crashed itself - for example, it emerged from the darkness right in front of the car and crashed into the windshield - one cannot count on a good turn of events. Just remember how in Europe they treated an owl that died in a house! There is one consolation: a car is not a home, which means that the effects here are significantly weakened. Most often, a bird that hits the windshield and is hit to death costs the unlucky driver the loss of a large sum, but without a threat to life and health.

Signs associated with owl calls

Beliefs associate the appearance of an owl with future misfortunes. Higher powers send their feathered messenger as a warning, giving you the opportunity to prepare in advance and meet trouble fully armed.

Near the house or in the yard

If a bird screams near a home, this is a warning against supernatural forces . An owl arriving gives a sign that serious danger awaits ahead on the path of life. It can affect not only property, but also health and even life. This could be a traffic accident, robbery, or an attempt to cause harm on the part of ill-wishers.

Neutralization of negative signs

  • If an owl predicts something bad, throw a handful of salt into the fire and the prediction will burn.
  • If trouble threatens your home, arm yourself with a red-hot poker and draw a line on the ground around your home, closing the path to trouble.
  • If you absolutely want to place a scarecrow in one of the rooms, light 7 candles in each corner for three days in a row and let them burn to the end. Is buying almost a hundred candles out of your financial plans? Then at least wipe the windows and doors with the water in which the silver spoon has lain overnight, and wash the floor with a decoction of wormwood.

What's good about owl omens is their ambiguity. If some wild predator suddenly scares you with its behavior, arm yourself with the beliefs of the ancient Greeks, Babylonians and our Siberians and consider that this is a kind and wise spirit that has flown in to warn you to be more careful. And it’s not a fact that there are problems ahead. Maybe there’s a new opportunity that only a keen owl’s eye will help you spot?

Protectors of the home

Have you found a little owlet on the ground? In this case, it is recommended to take the chick into your home, raise it and release it into the wild. If an adult owl does not want to leave your home, then it will become its amulet and bring you.

A wise bird that flies away from home, according to legend, senses approaching trouble and carries it away on its tail, thereby protecting its owners. It doesn't hurt to go in search of the family's favorite, since an owl raised in captivity is not ready for life in the wild.

The inhabitants of the houses cannot cause harm. It is believed that such poultry are able to unite the family. An unusual pet will bring harmony and understanding to your home, so when asked whether it is possible to keep such birds at home, the answer is unequivocal: “Yes.” An owl figurine will attract financial energy to your home; the figurine should be placed near the place where you keep money.

Collectors sometimes purchase a stuffed owl for their home, believing that it can serve as a talisman. This is a big misconception. According to esotericists, at the moment of death the owl’s body becomes a clot of negative energy. Such a stuffed animal will not bring anything good to the house.

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