Hello, my Students and random readers. Today I will tell you what conspiracies and prayers you should read if you decide to carry out a serious ceremony yourself, or if you want to protect yourself from witchcraft against you.
Those who are trained by me know that we all have natural protection, but with some black rituals it will not be enough. In this article I will tell you what protection is in magic and how to use it.
These conspiracies are used by practicing Master Magicians, sorcerers, clairvoyants and psychics (how I don’t like it when the Knowers are called that)) but for an ordinary person it will not interfere and will protect you from damage, the evil eye and all sorts of dirty tricks.
Protective spell for fire
You should be wearing black ritual clothing and a fire should be burning nearby:
Red fire, clear fire, protect me from evil attacks, from devilish suggestions.
Put your shield in front, put your shield behind
put a shield on the sides, put a shield on the bottom and on the top.
The evil from the shield will be repelled to me and will never return.
Let it be so!
This plot should be read when preparing for the ceremony - light candles and draw a circle
You can combine protective spells and read different ones until you understand which one works best for you.
Protection for 40 candles
This protective plot is read before dawn, when the sky turns pink on the day of the ceremony.
You will need:
- 40 candles from the church
- silver cross
- athame
The candles are placed in a circle drawn with a knife and the plot is read:
As soon as the Red Sun rises, I, slave (name), will be lucky in my business.
I put up white protection, God’s protection, from any evil enemy.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen
Then take the cross and with its upper end draw another invisible circle about a palm's length closer to the center:
White protection, God's help, help me, reverse the enemy.
Amen. Amen. Amen
Now take the athame knife with your left hand by the blade and touch your forehead with the handle of the knife:
As the Red Sun rises, it will dash around me.
When you hear the word Amen, you need to cross yourself and bow. It’s good if you can see (you can through the window) the pink sky.
Sit on your knees in a circle and wait for dawn.
You cannot leave the circle until the candles burn out.
Home amulets for the home were no less important for our ancestors than the talisman jewelry that they always carried with them.
Each nation had its own traditional amulets. Thus, the ancient Greeks placed in their homes apotropaia (from the ancient Greek - “avoiding trouble”) - magical objects, which were credited with the ability to protect the home and its inhabitants from evil forces. Most often these were images of deities and animals with a terrifying appearance - the gorgon Medusa, the dwarf Bes, a lion and a griffin.
In Hindu homes, prosperity and happiness were protected by figurines of seven elephants. By the way, such elephants that attract happiness were very popular in our country until the middle of the 20th century, but then the custom of placing elephants on the chest of drawers was considered philistine, and the cute little things gradually disappeared.
Plants often served as amulets for the home. The ancient Irish warded off evil spirits by placing pumpkins with holes into which candles were inserted on the windows. Among the Celts, holly branches attached above the entrance to the home warded off evil spirits. These customs have survived to this day: in Europe and America at Christmas it is customary to decorate the doors of houses with wreaths of holly, ivy and mistletoe. And during Halloween, one of the main attributes is a pumpkin lantern.
The custom of decorating their homes with amulets also continued among the ancient Slavs. Already when building a house, people tried to secure their home and attract wealth and happiness into it. The carved wooden ridge on the roof and patterned trim are not just decorations, but amulets protecting the house from the outside. The most suitable materials for amulets are ash, poplar, linden, and elm.
The interior decoration of the Slavic home was also filled with symbols with a protective meaning. On the shelves were horse heads, solar signs, and fertility signs. The table, water containers, and pits where grain was stored were covered with towels embroidered with protective patterns. Particularly carefully protected were things related to the preparation and consumption of food, as well as items used to make clothing.
Dry herbs, branches of rowan, birch, and viburnum were hung in the kitchen and room. Things were made using cereals and berries.
If you want to protect and improve the aura of your home, improve relationships with loved ones, use the recipes of our ancestors and decorate your home with amulets.
Things filled with special meaning were used as home amulets. Thus, the jug symbolized a full bowl in the house, spoons were considered a symbol of well-being and a well-fed life. Very often, an amulet in the form of two spoons was given to newlyweds. Miniature cups were not only a talisman, they were used in witchcraft procedures when it was necessary to give water to a sick family member. Keys protected against robbers and were a symbol of wealth. Images of these objects were also on the talismans that the Slavs wore on their bodies.
It is believed that St. John's wort and fern protect the house from misfortunes, and coniferous branches protect from diseases and evil forces. Pine needles also perfectly cleanse the aura of the home. Cereals and legumes are a symbol of wealth and physical strength of family members; millet protects from the evil eye, garlic – from evil spirits. Rowan and rosehip give women beauty and youth, pepper - masculine strength, sunflower seeds - health for children and solar energy, bay leaf - fame and success, buckwheat - fertility and prosperity. Amulets using natural materials are sold in stores. Most often these are cute miniature brooms with beans, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, rose hips, and symbolic objects like a cockerel or a wattle attached to them. However, it is better to make such a talisman with your own hands.
If you string hazelnuts on a red thread and then hang these garlands throughout your apartment, good luck and money will definitely come to you. Just don’t try to eat these nuts, otherwise the amulet will not work. Necklaces made of nuts were found in ancient burials found in Russia. People probably wore them around their necks as decoration. A stick carved from hazel and hung in the house also has the ability to attract good luck and wealth.
You can improve the aura of your home with the help of small bulbs strung on a red thread. It is enough to hang such garlands of three peeled bulbs in the corners of the house - and you can sleep peacefully. Necklaces of onions should decorate the house for seven nights, after which they should be removed, wrapped each separately in a sheet of white paper, salted and thrown into a fire or running water (for example, into a river or stream, but not into a lake). Having thrown, you should leave without looking back.
To protect your property from thieves, you can put a head of garlic on the windowsill. A branch of white mistletoe attached to the ceiling blocks the path of evil spirits into the house.
The dwellings of our ancestors were also guarded by beregin dolls made by women from bast, straw, and flax tow. Make such a doll from threads and fabric, and it will protect and decorate your home.
In addition to brooms and dolls, you can make paintings and appliqués using cereals and plants with symbolic meaning; they will also protect your home from the invasion of evil.
It is best to make amulets on the first day of the full moon; it is at this time that the energy of even the weakest person in this regard is on the rise. Women are recommended to make talismans on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, men - on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
Ordinary indoor flowers can also be home amulets. Thus, balsam relieves tension and protects against despondency; a cactus placed on the window protects the apartment from burglars; Monstera and money tree improve financial situation; ficus cleanses the aura of the home from negative energy and promotes the creation of a family.
A favorite item can also become a talisman for your home: a toy, a vase, a painting, a figurine, a candlestick, etc. It is especially good if such an item was given as a gift by loved ones; it is even better when it was inherited, which means it is charged with the love and energy of your ancestors
Protective spell for water
An hour before the planned ceremony, you need to draw water from the well, read and wash.
I, God’s servant (name), began to walk through the holy place,
from the Holy Spirit the seal of Christ is upon me, the hand of Savior. Virgin Mary cross. I am baptized with that cross, I am not afraid of anyone.
The protector is on my back, the intercessor is on my shoulders, the angels are on my sides - they will never allow any enemy to reach me.
All angels, all saviors, all guardians, do not allow any enemy to reach me. Mother Most Pure Most Holy Theotokos, Mother of God of Intercession, Mother of God of Kazan, I ask and pray to you: Forgive my sinful soul and save, protect, do not allow any enemy to reach me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Water can only be taken from a well!
Witch bottle
Many people have heard about such protection. It is used if you receive people at home, if you do not have a special reception room or room for work and you conduct rituals in a common room, an ordinary room in your house.
For protection we will need:
- small dark glass bottle with a stopper,
- wax candle,
- red wine by bottle volume - fortified, with alcohol,
- a sprig of wormwood, thyme and St. John's wort,
- about 2 handfuls of salt,
- 7 unstitched needles and 7 new pins.
We will also need a connection to our home - it doesn’t matter what it is, the main thing is that this thing should be associatively connected with your home and fit into the bottle.
All ingredients, if they have just been purchased, must remain open for at least a night in your home, except for wine, which can be opened immediately before the ritual, and the next day protection can be installed.
We light a candle, put in an empty bottle one by one: salt, herbs, needles, open pins, ties to the house. We recite a spell on the bottle, imagining everything we say.
“I’m creating a defense, I’m closing my house
from an evil word, from an evil eye,
from trouble, from misfortune, from any misfortune,
from those who come to my house as enemies, bringing quarrels and discord with them,
from those who wish grief for this house, they send damage and curses to the house.
Now we take the wine, first taking a sip and then spitting into the bottle
I pour in strength, create protection for the house, close my house from what has been said.
Salt and herbs stand in the way of spoilers, they protect my house from strife with their strength.
From the spells that are sent to the house, from the misfortunes that are desired for the house,
from the fact that he walks along secret paths and takes away wealth from this house,
strong and fragrant grass obscures, drives away trouble, does not let into the house.
The evil thing that has entered the house, takes away the salt, locks it in itself, and does not allow it to sprout in my house.
And whoever comes to my house as an enemy, brings envy and gossip with him,
who harbors hatred in his heart and burns with malice towards my house,
they pierce him with sharp needles and pins and drive him out of my house,
But what will a villain bring with him, to misfortune, to toil, poverty, illness, to nonsense in my house, and quarrels,
With that he leaves my house, then he will hit him in the back with needles and pins,
He will return to the villain, but it will turn into misfortune, toil, poverty, illness and quarrels and discord.”
Pour in the wine and close with the cork tightly. We put the candle on top of the cork to burn out, so that the wax, flowing down, seals the bottle and say:
“I created protection, I closed my house from troubles. As long as there is protection in my house, the house will not know troubles and misfortunes. Be according to this, according to my word. Truly."
When the candle burns out, put the bottle away from prying eyes. The protection lasts for a year, then the bottle must be taken out of the house and buried in the ground. If the bottle cracks or leaks before the expiration date, then the protection has worked and there has been an “attack on you”
Conspiracies to preserve family and homeLora Melik, 2021
Let's talk about love. Love does not always bring happiness and joy, sometimes it also brings pain, resentment, despair... And it also happens that love bypasses you.
In this book you will find many useful tips on how to save your family. But I’m not a supporter of love spells, and therefore don’t look for them here. Never use these methods to improve or attract love.
Love spell magic will always have a negative impact on relationships later, and if you bewitched a person who was not your destiny, then expect trouble...
If you have met a person to whom you are attracted, and he is attracted to you, do you understand the need for love spells? To love you more deeply? Nonsense! You can’t escape fate, but you can’t interfere with someone else’s.
There are conspiracies to attract a groom, they are harmless. Since they will help you get noticed, and then it’s a matter of his or her free choice.
And in order for you to understand all the consequences of the conspiracies made, I want to introduce you to some love stories.
Lyudmila is 29 years old. A lean but pretty woman. He has a lot of complexes because of his small breasts. By the way, many women began to feel complex because, in their opinion, the size of their breasts was insufficient. I think this is stupid. But if this shortcoming interferes with life, in our time it can be corrected.
So, Lyudmila’s husband, Svyatoslav, 34 years old, began to stay late at work and come home drunk. Accordingly, there were scandals and swearing at home. He, knowing her attitude towards breasts, constantly emphasized this “flaw” of hers. He treated his son, who was about nine years old, coolly.
After a while, it became painful to look at Lyudmila. Her eyes expressed so much pain that it simply ached her heart. A little more time passed, and well-wishers were found, and they always are, you can be sure of this, who not only talked about her husband’s relationship with another woman, but also brought her a photo of her. In the photograph, Lyudmila saw a young, pretty girl of about 20–22 years old, full-breasted and smiling provocatively. This is where she couldn’t overcome herself. Her rival's smile, breasts and beauty simply drove her into despair. And so, having bought a book about magic in the store, Lyudmila started working on love spells and lapels.
To her amazement, a month later her husband began to come home on time, but he did not smile at all and did not go to bed with her. His irritability turned into violent scandals, then he began to beat her, did not give her money, humiliated, insulted and openly hated her. Her life turned into hell. And this hell forced her to file for divorce. They divorced for a long time, scandalously and ugly. They shared, staging fights for every square centimeter of the apartment and every fork and spoon. This process was a very pitiful sight.
Two years after these events, I met Lyudmila again. She told me about her troubles. I was very upset for her. After all, Lyudmila made such an irreparable mistake as using a love spell. But it was possible to find another method that does not violate the laws of the Universe.
We worked with her for a long time. They removed a love spell from her ex-husband, her curses sent to that girl, and much, much more.
When everything was left behind, Lyudmila seemed to blossom, she got an interesting job, the team loved her, and she told me that her ex-husband married the same girl - apparently, this was their destiny, both are happy with their marriage. And a year later, when Lyudmila came to me again, I found out that she got married and was expecting a child. How to know what's next in our destiny. Or maybe happiness is ahead!
Irina Stepanovna, an interesting woman of 58 years old, I have always really liked. Tall, slender, intelligent. Her house is an example of cleanliness, and she is the personification of decency. However, trouble came to her house, and this trouble was her neighbor, with whom Irina Stepanovna had always been on very good terms. She can't say anything bad about her neighbor. And she told me only good things about her. I watched with horror the suffering of Irina Stepanovna when her beloved husband left for another. She lost weight and had dark circles under her eyes. How can you help when a person loves very much, has lived in love and understanding for 35 years, and suddenly everything collapses? My friend was always a happy, kind, sympathetic and tactful person, and her grief and sadness are understandable to me.
One day we met and started talking. I was telling her something about karma, about the trials that we need to endure, when I saw her ex-husband walking right past us. He, with a glassy look, hunched over, tense, walked past without even saying “hello.” Where is the old man?
- Yes, he’s bewitched! Irina Stepanovna, how did you not guess? Look, these are the eyes of a zombie, not a human!
- What are you talking about, my dear! - Irina Stepanovna said looking at me affectionately with a smile. — Shura (that’s the neighbor’s name) is an intelligent person. She will not engage in such nonsense, and she does not believe in all this. She told me this all the time. She doesn’t believe in psychics either, so that’s out of the question. And then, it seems to me, he simply fell in love with her, and stopped loving me. Look for yourself, I’m almost sixty, and she’s barely turned forty. What can you do if fate has decreed it this way?
- Well, you know, you can’t blame fate for everything and you can’t refer to it. Fate is our choice, our actions and desires. Better give me his photo, I’ll try to count the love spell and read prayers to save the family. Prayers will make things worse for no one except the villains. And if something is done by force, it will help him.
- Yes, here it is, his photograph, I always have it with me! — Unfastening her wallet, she carefully took out a small documentary photo. - Just please don’t lose it, I have only one - his last photo. “She handed me the photograph, looking at it briefly and sadly.
A month and a half later, I saw her on the threshold of my apartment.
- Are you for the photo? You can pick it up. I read everything I could. Prayers and conspiracies are very effective. And then as God wills.
- Thank you. I really want to take the photo. But I came to share with you a joyful event. Pyotr Mikhailovich has been living at home for a week now, and a neighbor has submitted an advertisement for a change of residence. And imagine, the husband himself found scattered poppy seeds on himself - both under the insoles of his shoes, and in his pockets, and the buttons were wrapped in hair and threads, under the armpits of his jacket there was something sewn with a cross, and much more... And she gave him something to drink... then with water, the saint said, from the church, so that I would not return him. And he, like a stupid donkey, drank it. But, thank God, it's all over.
Her eyes shone with happiness and joy. God! What else is needed?! I am so glad to see such happy eyes! Looking at them, you understand how beautiful this world is! Happiness to you, dear spouses!
The day came, you met a man. And unexpectedly for myself, I fell in love with him. But he doesn’t notice you, looks at other girls, without giving preference to anyone. It’s high time you got married, and you really want to be loved and the only one. What to do here?
There are many love spells in Russian folklore. People call them love spells and sugar spells.
But I don't advise you to use them. Everything that goes against the will of a person is unacceptable and sinful. Remember: “You can’t be nice by force”? Believe me, this will never lead to anything good. After all, each person has his own destiny, his own path. For interfering with cosmic laws, you will certainly be punished. And most importantly, such a “forced” marriage will never bring happiness.
But there are “attractive” conspiracies. You can draw attention to yourself with them, so that you are noticed and your beauty is appreciated. Here the choice is up to the bride or groom. And this choice is free. Nobody forces themselves on anyone. I will only tell you such conspiracies.
A typical fragment of a love plot was brought to us by a birch bark letter from the second half of the 14th century. from Novgorod: “...so burn your whole heart and your body and your soul to me and to my body and to my appearance.”
Blood protection
- Prick your finger and drop one drop of blood onto the ground. At the same time, read the words of the protective plot:
“I cover myself with earth, I was created from it, and I will go into it. And may mother earth forgive my mistake and take my sin upon herself. Glory to her."
- At sunset, or if the ritual was done at night, 30 minutes after work, go to the aspen tree, grab the thickest branch, and read the text of the spell for protection three times:
“Let what grows in the ground take all the evil upon itself, mind you, not me and not my family, but this aspen. Amen". Then, after piercing your finger, put a cross on the tree and leave according to the rules.
- Drive 3 nails into the tree in the shape of a triangle, tie them with red thread soaked in your blood. If a rollback occurs, the rollback energy will go to the tree. This allows you to reliably, according to the principle of exchange, protect the customer from negativity during rituals. In case a mistake is made in the work, as a result of which it will lie crookedly and give a kickback, or if the impact is removed, then the return will not work the customer, but on the tree.
Amulets for home
In this chapter we will look at amulets that will help in any situation and bring what you lack in your home and life.
In ancient times and the Middle Ages, people used many amulets. They were worn around the neck as jewelry and kept in houses, gardens and fields. For example, the Greeks used the protective powers of amulets by wearing rings with stones. After the birth of a child, a talisman was immediately put on him so that evil spirits could not scare him or take away his health. The Romans had a similar custom, but they used tiles of different shapes and materials, which they wore around their necks in a case. Of the amulets still found among European peoples, horseshoes (mainly among the trading class) and various types of amulet are especially interesting and widespread.
Amulets can be a wide variety of objects and decorations - stones, animal horns, salt, bast shoes, nets, horseshoes, colored ribbons, wolf teeth, various herbs and much more. They can be natural, artificial, enchanted, living or mixed.
Natural amulets are minerals and plants that have natural protective properties and do not require additional processing for use. African children are hung with pieces of malachite because it is believed that it can protect against the influence of evil spirits.
Artificial amulets are man-made objects that carry symbols or signs that have a distancing property. These are Turkish and Arabic glass eyes, figurines of deities, plates with a spreading spiral and images of runes. The very fact of the presence of symbols or images is protective; such objects do not require additional magical processing.
Enchanted amulets are objects of natural or artificial origin that are specially enchanted: Japanese belts with 1000 stitches for warriors, Slavic embroidered towels for the road, any jewelry and objects created without special symbols as a gift with the intention of protecting from all troubles and the evil eye.
Living amulets are those in which a spirit or entity, specially created for this purpose or natural, settles. They are the most reliable and can have multiple functions.
The mixed type of amulets includes the qualities of two or more of the properties of the amulet listed above. They can also be configured for several functions at the same time.
Any amulet has the ability to ward off some special type of events and situations from the owner. The more settings for the type of event, the lower the protective properties of the amulet. Setting it up for two or more types of events reduces the effectiveness of the item. However, a living amulet is capable of combining several types of protection without losing its strength.
Ancient Christianity recognized only symbols of faith permitted by the church - breast crosses, phylacteries and medals. Pagan amulets, amulets and talismans were prohibited. However, pagan symbols that were of Greco-Roman or Eastern origin still passed into the Christian era. They also wore pieces of parchment with verses from the Gospel of John written on them, which were a protective measure against illness and misfortune.
! Throughout history, the Church has constantly fought against the remnants of paganism. The use of amulets and amulets was prohibited at various times: at the Council of Laodicea in the 9th century, Gregory II in 721 and under Charlemagne in Tours. In the East, amulets are still widespread. They are often used in Italy (especially against the evil eye). Some symbols used as amulets are found throughout history: the eye and the phallus. Eyes can be found on many graves, walls and decorations. There is a belief that such an image protects against evil spirits. The phallic symbol, depicted in the form of a horn or a hand, protects against the evil eye. Since ancient times, the names of gods have also been written on amulets - this has become especially popular since the Renaissance.
Amulets protect their owner and his home from any negative impact: accidents, illnesses, physical and magical attacks. There are many ways of personal protection: rings, beads, bracelets, household items, protective embroideries on towels, towels and clothes, various wooden trims on shutters, over gates, porches and the roof of the house. A talisman is a magical protector, a powerful energy source that is designed to block all negative intrusions: the magical effects of ill-wishers or the invasion of thieves.
The most powerful amulets are family heirlooms that are passed down from generation to generation. This could be, for example, jewelry that helped someone in your family in difficult times. Such amulets are considered the strongest; they are kept in your family for many years and, therefore, acquire devotion and loyalty to their owners.
The amulets that were given by a person who sincerely loves you are very powerful. It could be a gift from a loved one or relative, best friend or friend. However, he will not start working right away: he needs to get used to his owner.
You can buy a talisman for yourself, especially for jewelry, but in this case it will also take a long time to get used to you. There should be a connection between you. Sometimes the addiction process can last for several years.
In addition, you can make a talisman with your own hands, endowing it with strength and special properties. But it is worth remembering a few rules when creating it:
1. You cannot make a talisman for yourself, only for someone else.
2. No one can force you to make a talisman or beg you to do it. It is made only of good will and from the heart.
3. The strongest amulets will be made for you by your blood relatives: father, mother, sister or children. Marital ties are not considered blood ties. But if the marriage is happy, then mutually created amulets also have great power.
4. When creating a talisman, keep in mind that the materials that are suitable for you may not be suitable for the person for whom you are making it.
5. When creating a talisman, you must constantly think about the person for whom you are making it. While working, mentally keep his image in front of you all the time; you should feel the personal energy, character and needs of this person.
By following all these rules, you will be able to create a talisman that will help protect people close to you from troubles and misfortunes.
Strong protection during Black Rites
You will need:
- athame
- a rope (braid) from your own hair
Spit on the braided braid and go to the pre-designated tree. Tie a thread to any of the branches, tightening it by 3 knots, for each knot reading the words of the protection plot:
“Here’s mine for you, but I need yours. I change with you, I close myself with you.”
Then break off a twig and take it home. When you work, place it on the altar or next to you in a circle.
When performing complex Black rites, the tree is replaced by an animal, preferably horned and warm-blooded of the same sex. I use a goat. A rope is tied around the neck or horns and a piece of wool is plucked out.
How to protect your house threshold
The front door and threshold must be reliably protected from the penetration of evil. On the threshold of the house, an unkind person will already lose some of the evil power with which he came. Having crossed the threshold, the black power remaining in him will lose its power, being reflected in the enchanted mirror.
Therefore, it is advisable to hang a mirror opposite the front door. What to do with the threshold of the house, what spell to read for protection?
First of all, the threshold needs to be cleared of accumulated dirt: sweep and wash. Make it a rule to keep the threshold, front door handles and the door itself clean. Then you will not be afraid of any evil, and luck will often visit such a house.
While sweeping the threshold of the house with a broom, read the plot:
“I sweep away ailments, illnesses, damage and cramps, Evil eyes brought and carried. My threshold is marked, blessed by God. Amen."
Salt water spell
The next method for cleaning the threshold is to use salt water. To do this, throw three pinches of salt into a bucket of water and wash the threshold three times, saying the following spell:
“I added salt and soaked it with water. Just as salt does not rot, so spoilage does not stick to the threshold. Roll away, turn away, come back! There you go! I didn’t call you!”
Then the dirty water must be poured out at a pedestrian intersection. Don't worry about what people think of you! They poured it out and went home without looking back.
Protection from unkind people and the penetration of evil
And now that the threshold has been cleared, we need to put up protection from unkind people and the penetration of evil. To do this, take Thursday salt and sprinkle it on the threshold. In this case, you need to read the plot:
“Salt from Maundy Thursday! Drive out sickness and pain from your home! Keep everything evil, all misfortunes and dashing things at bay! Evil spirits will bypass this house. Like I said, it will happen!”
You can also hide a new blade under the threshold. It will cut off evil.
Protection of cemetery allotment
This method is used to redirect the return flow and everything “hooked up” to the graveyard.
You can see the rules for working at the cemetery here.
You will need:
- mention
- candle
Closer to sunset, come to the graveyard and walk between the graves while reading the text below. As a result, you need to find an abandoned grave.
I ask for the graveyard army, so I ask for the owner of the graveyard.
The coffin will creak open, and the path will spread out before me,
then it is walked with footsteps, but is not seen by anyone, only known by the dead.
There's a black hut there, a military gas station, a dead blacksmith's accomplice.
Then their swords are forged there, and the blades are hardened there, damask steel is damask steel, and the steel is tacked there,
the arrows there are sharpened, and the chain mail is knitted there, and the shield is made by that blacksmith,
Yes, from the sins themselves, that black shield was forged, cooled with tears, strengthened with prayers, and it was called a churchyard shield.
Not with a bow, but with a word, and a firm statement, but this shield was asked for, but requested by me,
then I will hide with it, I will hide from evil, from the strangler, and the night destroyer, from the brewed poison,
from the progress of the church, from the word of the witcher, from everything dirty and nasty that has happened to me,
then I can hide from everything, and hide with this shield, I can’t see the bad, I can’t foresee the bad, but I can get along with each other
, okay, let’s face each other’s fate.
When you find the right grave, put a memorial on it, eat at least a crumb yourself (remember the deceased by wishing him the kingdom of heaven) and only after that put a candle on the grave and say:
Forged, crafted, and made into a shield for me. Amen
It lasts for a month until the phase of the moon completely changes.
Among other protections for my Students, I advise you to find the opportunity to make protection for a gold item and a pin
and there is also an article about protection from witchcraft for ordinary people and there is very good protection for silver, if you live in a private house, for a house and a plot. Take a look.