Magic for beauty: effective conspiracies for weight loss

Hariola 06/10/2018 137 183 7 Min(s) read

How hard it is to be a girl! You always have to watch your figure, go on diets, attend sports training in order to look fit and attractive. But sometimes we get so lazy to do something and then they come - the hated extra pounds! It turns out that a weight loss plot will really help you remove fat. We invite you to try several effective rituals, and you can share your results with us in the comments.

How to read conspiracies correctly

  1. We don’t tell anyone, including close people, about our intention.
  2. We read the plot in the morning early before sunrise or late in the evening after sunset
  3. Definitely on an empty stomach
  4. We throw all unnecessary thoughts out of our heads and focus on our goal - losing weight
  5. We take this action seriously and with unconditional faith in the result.
  6. The room should be dark and you should be there alone
  7. It is better to memorize the spell in advance so that you can pronounce it without hesitation, in an even voice

Consequences of using conspiracies, precautions

Don't be afraid of anything! Women have long used and continue to use magical techniques in everyday life. The main thing is to observe all the nuances of the rituals. As said - do it!

It is said to close the ritual after some time - be sure to close it (as written below in the ritual with the alarm clock). If you are told to bury an object or throw it into the water or give it to someone - do so.

This means that you need to calculate all your steps in advance. And do not change the sequence of actions. For example, it is said to throw an object into the nearest body of water, this does not mean that you can throw it into the toilet.

Do not be afraid of conspiracies with the root “hud”. A thin trough means it has a leak. But if you want to lose weight, then the fat must flow out!

As for black and white magic, they are practically no different from each other. As far as I know, otherworldly entities are often used in black magic. Therefore, you need to be more careful here.

Regarding the topic of losing weight, after using magic you don’t need to think that you can now eat everything and not move at all. Be reasonable!

Comb method

In addition to the comb, the ritual also uses the already familiar thin church candle. Which comb is better to choose? It is desirable that the comb be made of natural material. Do not try to perform a magical ceremony while the Moon is waxing, all for the same mysterious reasons for unpredictable results.

Wait until nightfall and light a candle, bring the comb to it and begin to read the spell:

“You have been given the power to save my little head from dandruff and parasites, so I ask you to remove my excess fat from my body. I know you can do everything. I conjure. Be that way."

After this, hide the comb under your bed for the coming night. In the following days, combing your hair with the specifically enchanted comb, you need to draw your desired image in your imagination. Picture in your head a slender, beautiful, graceful woman, happy with herself and her body, and the result will appear immediately.

Alarm clock spell. We prime the body to lose weight.

I heard this conspiracy on YouTube from Alena Polyn, she told it at a webinar about losing weight. This ritual is especially suitable for those who cannot start the process of losing weight. By the way, the webinar is very interesting, I advise women to listen to it, even if you do not need to lose weight.

You definitely need a new alarm clock, absolutely any one, but with a dial. If it works out, then don’t take change for it, because you want to lose weight, but in essence, get beauty and health, which cost much more than an alarm clock. This is called buying with initiative.

Now you will need to set the alarm, and then lie down and wait for the call to say the magic text. You can say it in your own words. Set a call in 1-2 minutes or whenever you want, the main thing is that you are ready. When you get it, lie down and set the alarm clock on your stomach. When the bell rings, say “Turn on!” When you decide you have lost enough weight, reverse the ritual. That is, set the alarm clock in the same way and say: “As soon as the alarm clock rings, I will stop my weight loss.” Lie down again and place him on his stomach. And when the call comes, say “Turn off!”

Recommendations for losing weight using white magic

There is no point in running to a psychic or looking for magic words in a panic if the scales show 3-4 kilograms more than usual. Here you can get by with completely traditional methods - run in the morning for several days, start doing exercises and give up sweets for a while. But there are cases when magic will save you from excess weight:

READ Conspiracy to pass an exam: how to easily pass the test using rituals

  1. Neither sports, nor proper nutrition, nor strong motivators help you lose weight.
  2. The person has weak willpower.
  3. Relatives of a person who is losing weight do not support his desire to lose weight and continue to prepare high-calorie meals.
  4. Religious customs do not allow for the regulation of eating behavior.
  5. Addiction to junk food (fast food, sweets, fatty and salty foods).
  6. A person has already successfully lost weight, but is afraid of gaining weight again. In this case, the ritual will help consolidate the achieved result.

Rituals for weight loss with water

It is known that water receives and stores any information very well. And it gives it away just as well if you drink such water or use it for ablution. Therefore, rituals with water for weight loss work great.

• This is a Simoron ritual for weight loss. I read it on the forum, they even advise you to weigh yourself before using it. We buy still water in the store, calculate that you have enough for the entire period of the debilitated Moon (about 15 days) until the full moon. We open all the bottles and say:

Now you need to take a piece of paper and write on it and on the bottle itself:

“Water for burning fat” You need to put the bottle on the paper with the phrase written above. And before you go to bed say:

In the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before bed, drink a glass of charged water, but before doing this, say the following words into the glass of water:

You don’t have to say anything about water in a glass, if, for example, someone is bothering you. This is done to enhance the effect.

Lapel from food

Some people gain weight because they cannot control the amount of food they eat. In this case, a ritual for losing weight at home, confined to four walls, will come in handy. It is held at night so that none of the loved ones become an unwitting witness to the magical action.

250 ml of water are charmed three times: “Icy water flows, a clear and cold stream. So the fat will float from all sides to strangers and enemies. I will be filled with the same water. I will drink it and resist eating. And if hunger overcomes me, I will remember the water and be satisfied with it. My speech was spoken on the water, my thoughts were attached to it, cut off on a chopped-icy stone and highlighted in my memory. No force can turn them into a different direction, where hope is empty.”

Lapel from food

It is then recommended to drink the water slowly so as not to choke and reduce the sacrament of the ritual to zero. Over the course of a month, the person will noticeably moderate his exorbitant appetite while turning away from all food. Charmed water for the desired weight loss cannot be stored.

Milk bath for beauty and slimness

This ritual will help you become more beautiful and slimmer, because it is not without reason that in Russian fairy tales you had to plunge into boiling milk in order to become young and beautiful.

You need to buy milk at the market or from grandmothers or in a store if you are firmly convinced of its naturalness. Before taking a bath, you need to shake it 3 times if it is in a bottle, stir 3 times clockwise if it is in a jar. And say:

Enter the filled bathtub. Pour milk over yourself with these words:

Now lie down in the bath for 20 minutes.

Rice spell for weight loss

This weight loss ritual will help remove toxins from the body. But keep in mind that you may feel unwell, as always happens when removing toxins from the body. During the ritual, drink at least 2 liters of water so that toxins are more actively removed from your body.

You need to take a pack of round, unpolished rice. On the first day after the full moon, open the packet and say the following spell:

In the morning, don’t drink or eat anything, but take from a pack as many grains of rice as you are old and eat without drinking water. After this, refrain from eating and drinking for 2 hours. And do this until the Moon begins to grow, and in a couple of weeks you will see the result in the mirror and on the scales.

Method with a mirror and candles

This type of ritual is also performed during the waning moon. Forecasts for future weight loss – loss of more than ten kilograms and their complete non-recovery. You will need:

  • calculate the full moon and begin the ritual on the first day after;
  • get a mirror cloth that would reflect you in full height;
  • buy a red candle.

In the evening, go to the mirror, light a candle and start reading the words:

“In this ocean, hunger is prohibited. It is not ordered to release him into the world, so that the servant of God (name) does not torment me. Terrible endless hunger, stop, open up in all four directions. Close my eyes, go to bed, don’t make me hungry. Just as darkness comes, so I do not know grief. Just as darkness comes, so the eyelids rest, hunger does not bother the body. It’s like my words are sealed. May it remain so. Amen".

After finishing reading the text, you should put out the candle with your fingers and put it under the pillow. Hands must be washed with soap, always under running water, and at the same time mentally read the words of the “Our Father” prayer. After everything you have done, go to bed quietly. In order to achieve a comforting result, you need to repeat this ritual every day throughout the entire period of the waning of the Moon.

Soap spell for slimness

You need to take simple soap without dyes and fragrances, such as Bath or Children's. And speak to him:

You only need to wash with this soap those places where you have excess fat. At the same time, do not lather it on a washcloth, but rub it directly with a bar of soap. This should be done at least every 2-3 days. And only you can wash yourself with this soap.

You can also take shower gel or body milk (cream) and explain to him that he (it) will now be responsible for your slimness. And tell me how many kg you want to lose, don’t be greedy, start with 3 kilograms, for example. Now you need to forget about your words, let go of the desire and constantly use this gel or cream.

On the red thread

The thread should be wool, length from the middle finger to the elbow. On this thread you need to tie knots at equal distances according to the number of years you have lived. We tie each knot twice. And while tying we say:

We put this thread on our wrist and walk with it without taking it off for 40 days. The thread will gradually wear out, and you will begin to lose weight, also gradually.

Ritual with orange for cellulite

This ritual is best carried out during the entire period of the debilitated Moon; it lasts about 2 weeks (which lunar phase these days you can always spy on the Internet).

Buy beautiful oranges, you can eat them as usual, and save the peels for the ritual. Choose a time when no one will disturb you, take an orange peel and move it over your problem areas, saying

After the ritual, the crust must be buried in the ground. Since this ritual assumes that the crust should rot, and due to this the skin will be leveled, unevenness will disappear, and fat will dissolve.

Method with potatoes

A strong and quite effective way to remove excess fat from the waist, abdomen and other problem areas. All you need is ordinary potatoes. This ritual is performed under moonlight in the last phase of the waning of the Luminary. Magicians promise that the result will be quick and stable, and your lost weight will not return again. Also, some claim that all rituals performed on the full moon belong to African Voodoo magic, so wait until the Moon turns into the Moon, visible to the naked eye, and then begin the ceremony.

Rules of the ritual:

  • what kind of potatoes to take - for this, buy or find the largest root vegetable at home;
  • use a knife to peel it during the waning moon;
  • and again, with the same weapon, you need to carve a number on the potato with the desired kilograms lost;
  • at the moment of cutting, read the spell: “Take away, Moon, all the moisture, let these potatoes dry out and reduce their weight. Amen";
  • for the next week, the potatoes should be hidden in the house, in a dark, secluded place, and after seven days, thrown away.

After you run out of potatoes, weight loss will begin.

Daily simple spells for weight loss

These are small simple rituals that you need to believe in and do in a good mood and with the belief that everything will be fine - only then will they work. They can be done without paying attention to the lunar phases.

• Magic tea for slimness This is the easiest and most pleasant spell for a beautiful figure. Since it allows you to use it in any conditions (at work, at a party, in a cafe), regardless of the lunar phases. You don’t have to say the plot out loud, just repeat it in your head. You can do it at least constantly, it does not pose any threat. But there are several conditions. Tea should not be sweet, without milk, but candy is allowed! Tea can be bagged, but 2-3 tea leaves at the bottom are required (you can get them if you break the tea bag). So, pour the tea, make 3 circles with a teaspoon and say:

• When we are going to eat, we take a piece of paper and write “Effective Diet” on it. We sit on it and eat. And you will be surprised how easy it will be for you to stay away from excess food and unnecessary products. The power of suggestion! Before eating we say:


• We put a piece of paper under the pillow with the inscription “Excess fat goes away in your sleep.” • We light a thick white or yellow candle every evening for 10 minutes, on which we write “My excess fat is 5 kg.” And your fat will gradually melt away along with this candle. • Before drinking water we say:

• When you go outside, we repeat to ourselves:

Full moon method

For those who are active, so to speak, early risers, who want to become slimmer without going on strict diets, several types of spells are presented when a weight loss spell can be carried out during daylight hours. The ritual is quite simple, the only thing that is necessary is to wait for the period of the full moon and clearly pronounce the cherished words without hesitation. This method allows for frequent repetition of the ceremony so that the effect is more noticeable and tangible.

Action plan:

  • find a room in your house where you can retire, hang a mirror on the door, not necessarily a large one: for some, such a room with a pre-prepared mirror sheet is the bathroom;
  • take care of a chair and seven candles in advance;
  • light all the candles, place them on the chair in any order;
  • stay with your foot in the room;
  • turn your face to the mirror to see your reflection and, without taking your eyes off, peer at your body, imagining the ideal figure: visualization helps send energy into Space, and with this weight loss will begin;
  • run your palms over areas with fatty deposits and quietly pronounce the cherished words;
  • After reading, get dressed, put out the remaining candles and throw away.

Weight loss spell for the full moon:

“Like a smoldering candle under the full moon, my body takes on curves. It loses weight with faith in luck, the weight no longer burdens it. A wasp waist will appear without effort and tears. The moon is shining in the sky, and my body is losing weight. So be it. Amen".

Magicians advise repeating one more spell in succession to ensure success:

“What kind of moon I watch, what kind of candles are burning, this is the kind of figure I expect. The fat will melt and go to the dark kingdom. My past beauty will return. The body will become healthy, the hated heaviness will be removed from the body. The moon is getting fatter, and I'm losing weight. So be it. Amen".

Within 13 days, the weight will begin to go away; if the result is insufficient, then repeat the ritual again next month.

Webinar. How to lose weight quickly?

Alena Polyn, a hereditary witch, tells how to quickly lose weight using rituals and in general about women’s health. For example, why if you breastfeed a child for more than a year, you can cause harm to your child and many other interesting facts that many of us do not know about at all... It also talks about the mechanisms of losing weight.

Choose the waning moon spells for weight loss that are most suitable for you. Just don’t think that now you can overeat with cakes and various goodies. Weight loss rituals will only help your body adjust correctly.

But the physical part depends entirely on you and you need to strictly control it and eat right. And give your body good physical activity.

How to get rid of a big belly quickly
How to lose weight quickly - in a month
How to lose weight from 2 kg per month using zucchini.


Is it worth it or not?

Some are afraid of any magical actions, having heard stories from friends, frightened by children's horror stories. However, they are not as harmful and dangerous as, for example, medications. Let's look at the benefits of spells:

  • ease and accessibility - anyone, even without previous experience, can independently perform the ritual;
  • no material investments;
  • positive emotions and excellent mood, any spell inspires and reminds of good things.

The worst thing that can happen to you after using white magic is nothing. The most “terrible” thing is when the ritual simply doesn’t work. Spells are not just words, they contain a treasured magical meaning that helps us solve a particular problem by sending energy into the universe. They are filled with magic from the faith of the fortuneteller, from his desire, desire to achieve what he needs. And, if you do not achieve the desired result, do not despair, it means that your faith is not so strong and you should choose another conspiracy that is suitable for you.

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