Why is your right hand itching: what to be afraid of

One of the most famous signs is when your hand itches. But, if everyone knows why the left palm itches (for money), then the right one is not so clear. To determine why your right hand may be itching, pay attention to the day of the week and time of day, and even gender.

Why is your right arm or palm itching?

According to the sign, the left hand is responsible for cash flows, and the right hand for the accumulation of energy. That's why they say that if your left hand itches, it means money, and your right hand means a fight. True, sometimes experts disagree.

Esotericists have compiled a number of signs that mark certain events if your right hand is itchy:

  1. An itchy right hand indicates that a person has been holding back negative or positive emotions for a long time, which are now seeking release. It is possible that recently there was a quarrel or conflict that haunts you. Or maybe, due to the current circumstances, I had to make a decision that was not satisfactory. In this case, look inside yourself and analyze your emotional state, otherwise an emotional breakdown or nervous exhaustion awaits.
  2. In the near future you will have to make an important decision or life will take a sharp turn. In the East, it is believed that when the palm of the right hand itches, a person has accumulated the strength to take on a new task and overcome obstacles.
  3. A common explanation for an itchy hand is meeting a friend. This will be an old friend, a business partner, and maybe an ill-wisher or a future soulmate.
  4. Itching of the right hand warns of the sudden appearance of distant relatives. And it is not a fact that such a meeting will bring joyful emotions.
  5. The right side, like the left, is responsible for cash flows. But unlike the left hand, you will have to make an effort to get money. To improve your financial situation, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the signs about money.
  6. A slight tickling of the hand indicates that a decision will soon have to be made that will change fate. And this applies to both career and personal life. Therefore, during this period it is recommended to gather strength and remember ambitions.
  7. Tingling in the hand or right palm serves as a signal of emotional tension. Such a person should seek relief, since anger is already ready to spill out, and this is fraught with aggravation of relations with others.

If the itch occurs in the morning, then soon expect unplanned finances; in the evening - a meeting with a soul mate. When itching occurs suddenly and is very disturbing, it warns of danger. Postpone all risky meetings and trips.

Whose right hand itches (women/men)

Why does a woman's right hand itch?

Almost all interpretations of this sign for girls and women are associated with their soul mates. After all, a woman is the keeper of the home, a very gentle and romantic creature.

If your right palm suddenly itches, pay attention to your relationship with your man. Perhaps he will leave you for a while or go on a long-term business trip. Most likely, nothing threatens your relationship, but you should be patient.

For unmarried girls and women, itching in the right hand means that they will soon meet their betrothed. This can happen in a regular supermarket, or in a theater or opera. Be on the lookout, your future husband may already be somewhere nearby. But don’t get hung up on it, everything will happen by itself. Do not peer into the face of every stranger, let fate itself guide you.

Why does a man's right hand itch?

Unlike women, men's interpretation is more related to the financial sphere. As a rule, men are more pragmatic, serious and balanced. The bulk of their interests revolve around finance, investments, and the business sphere.

In men, the right hand itches to sudden financial losses. Moreover, they will be completely unexpected and will come from a direction you don’t expect. Analyze your finances, find holes in the budget and think about where you can lose significant amounts. It’s better not to make large investments, do not start large projects, they will not be successful.

Young people should think about education. Itching in your right hand means that your position is rather precarious. This may concern admission to a decent university. Pay attention to the preparation, it is better to clarify all the conditions for admission. This issue should be taken very seriously.

Why is your left arm or palm itching?

There is a well-known sign: if your left hand itches, then it means money. If your left palm is itchy, this does not necessarily indicate a financial gain. The fact is that the left hand is responsible for both incoming cash flows and waste. Perhaps soon you will have to give money rather than receive it.

Knowing why your palms may itch, you can plan your budget correctly. Below are a number of tips that will help you attract money or avoid waste.

  • If your left palm suddenly begins to itch, then rub it against the bottom of the table with the words: “I’ll take the money, I’ll tidy it up to the table.” Stroke something red with the back of your hand, saying: “Rub my hand on the red so that it doesn’t itch in vain.”
  • When the rib of your left hand itches, you should prepare for the fact that although a “gift” is expected, you will have to seriously try to get it.
  • If the fingers on your left hand itch, profit will come only after difficult negotiations.

Still, it is generally accepted that the left side means profit. Here are some recommendations that will help you influence your profit:

  • at the first sensation of itching, take a large sum (or a large denomination banknote) in your left hand and hold it for about a minute;
  • The left hand is clenched tightly into a fist, and the right hand is grabbed from above. Imagine holding wealth tightly in your hands.

For those who are worried that they will have to give money instead of taking it, there is also a method - placing the itchy palm under flowing cold water. We recommend reading an article that explains why you should not give money in the evening.

Why do different parts of the hand itch?

Right palm

itching for an unexpected meeting. You will soon see an old friend, a distant relative.


on the right hand itches to a successful resolution of circumstances. Any undertaking of this day will end in success for you.


begins to itch in anticipation of climbing the career ladder. For those who have long dreamed of changing their position to a higher one, the time has come to reveal their talents and declare themselves publicly. This promises quick employment for the unemployed, and success in studies and science for students.

Middle finger

the right hand portends an increase in income. The arrival of money promises to be large and will not necessarily be related to the type of activity. Therefore, get ready for a period of financial dawn and start thinking about where you will spend this money.

Ring finger

– the situation with others is stabilizing. The person who annoyed you and caused negative emotions will soon switch his attention to another person. At the same time, there is a great chance of receiving a profit or a gift. For unmarried people, this may promise a quick proposal to walk down the aisle.

Little finger

itching for failure. You should be more careful about your words and actions. To weaken the meaning of the prediction, take your gold ring and put it on your little finger, saying:

“Take off the ring from me, Fears, anger, envy, Bring me to the porch Laughter, luck, joy.”

It should not be removed until the itching subsides.

Between the fingers

itches for resentment. Someone will greatly disappoint you or drive you to despair. Don't rush to conclusions and look at the situation from the other side.

Finger tip or area near the nail

itching for a promising acquaintance. You will have a soul mate or even a contender for your hand and heart.

Itching at the base of the fingers or near the palm of the hand

signals a meeting with a person you care about. When leaving home on this day, try to look attractive and don’t forget to smile.

Right fist

itching for a fight. You risk becoming an actor in a serious conflict if you don’t pull yourself together in time. Let your rage come out not through your fists. Let off some steam with windsurfing or mountaineering.

Right wrist

In this way, it notifies you of good news. You will be offered a new job, or the trial will end in your favor. It also speaks of unexpected wealth.

Right elbow

itches for a pleasant surprise. A valuable gift, an invitation to visit, or an offer for a vacation may await you.

Right shoulder

itching for hard work. It will be difficult, but you will cope with your obligations.

Itching under the armpit

means that your health will soon worsen, and there is a risk of going to the hospital. Be more attentive to your health and do not overload yourself with work. For women, this sign may have a different meaning. Take a closer look at yourself, perhaps your image needs adjustment.

Sign by day of the week

To understand why your right or left palm itches, pay attention to the day of the week.


Despite the fact that this day is considered difficult for undertakings, profits can be made easily. But these finances are not suitable for investments, spend it on yourself. If your right palm itches on Monday:

  • for a man - an unexpected find or bonus;
  • for a woman - a prize or winning a lottery.

But it is recommended to spend that kind of money right away. This sign also indicates an imminent meeting with a relative, girlfriend or friend.


If your hand itches on Tuesday, it promises the return of an old debt in the form of money or in the form of an obligation or promise.

  • Men have an itching left hand to talk about the fact that soon there will be a meeting with an old acquaintance who will repay the debt. But this money is worth spending on the family. This will enhance cash flows.
  • For women, debt repayment will occur at a time when she needs money.


This day is considered difficult emotionally. This applies not only to mood, but also to finances. Even if they suddenly appear, it is better to donate them to charity. Otherwise, there is a risk that they will turn into problems. Some believe that such itching warns of large financial expenses.

On Wednesday, your hand itches for an unexpected gift in the form of finances. It is better to spend them on home improvement or renovation. The palm also predicts a romantic meeting or meeting a potential partner.


On Thursday you should not plan any serious meetings or agreements, as itching in the palms of this day signals scandals and quarrels. Therefore, it will not be easy to reach an agreement.

For women on this day, the sign predicts an early meeting with a loved one. But there is a risk that friends will ruin everything. Therefore, if your partner has taken the initiative, then it is better to reschedule the date and meet him on another day.


On this day, the right hand itches for an unexpected gift or the opportunity to realize a goal. Expect a pleasant set of circumstances for yourself.

  • For men, on Friday the palm itches to find a large sum. But, most importantly, it is profitable to invest them.
  • But for women, this promises a meeting with a former partner, which will end in a rendezvous. If you don’t want to remember the past, then in the near future avoid those places where you used to spend time with him.


A tickle in the palm on this day predicts career advancement. Perhaps a deal will soon take place that will either generate income or provide an increase in wages.

And also an itch in the palm of your hand on Saturday marks new acquaintances that will help improve your personal life. Therefore, you should not refuse invitations to parties.


Why can your right palm itch on Sunday, other than good news - an invitation to a party or corporate event? At such an event it is easy to make new acquaintances, which will bring significant benefits in the future.

For men, as well as for women, a sign on this day means a gift that will decide one’s fate. There will also be a meeting or acquaintance with an influential person.

Day of the week meaning

The interpretation of signs largely depends on the day of the week:

  • on Monday - a fateful meeting;
  • on Tuesday - a major purchase that will bring joy;
  • on Wednesday - soon the secret will become apparent;
  • on Thursday - be careful, do not fall for the deception and tricks of scammers;
  • on Friday - the receipt of a large amount of money;
  • on Saturday - the sign foretells an imminent opportunity to enjoy a long-awaited vacation;
  • on Sunday - squandering, irrational spending.


In the old days in Rus', girls believed that, regardless of the day of the week, itching on the right wrist on the hand was a sign of a kiss.

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The interpretation of itching in the left wrist is mostly negative. Decoding signs by day of the week:

  • Monday - conflict, severe reprimand at work;
  • Tuesday - restriction of freedom, ban on carrying out any activity;
  • environment - worries, excessive self-criticism;
  • Thursday - quarrels with loved ones;
  • Friday - conflict situation at work, possible financial losses;
  • Saturday - losses;
  • Sunday is a temporary rest.

Remember what time of day the itching in your wrists occurred. This information will help you find out when the sign will come true. The superstition will come true within 24 hours if your hands itched closer to midnight. The morning itch warns that the day will be prosperous. It’s worse if your wrist itches during the day - this is a sign that there is an ill-wisher who can ruin all your plans.

If the wrist itches closer to the finger area, it means serious discord in the family and conflicts related to money. When interpreting, the phase of the moon is also taken into account. If it grows, then the likelihood that a bad omen will come true is maximum. In general, you need to look at the situation. For example, the left wrist itches on Saturday, during the waxing moon. According to the interpretation, the sign means loss. The fact that the superstition came true on the waxing moon means serious expenses, unexpected expenses.

Morning or evening?

It’s not only the signs for the days of the week that are interesting and what they lead to when your palms itch. The time of day also adds nuance to the interpretation.

If the feeling arose in the morning, then this is a harbinger of an important meeting, and on the same day. For business gatherings, it is worth preparing both externally and in terms of knowledge.

In the event of unpleasant negotiations, you can not be afraid to defend your point of view - those around you will listen carefully and support the authority of your statements. On this day, you don’t have to be afraid to spend money - it will come back quickly, and the purchases themselves will bring joy.

Evening itching warns of responsibility. The next day there will be a meeting or acquaintance, at which you need to make a decision that will seriously affect your future fate.

If you are not yet ready for such a turn of events, then try not to scratch your palm, but clench it into a fist and kiss it. When this does not help and the itching does not stop, then scratch the area towards you.

Interpretation of signs for women

Women have a keen sense of the world around them, and this affects what her left or right palm may itch for.

Women are very sensitive, so for them signs take on an emotional connotation. Therefore, most of them affect relationships with the opposite sex. But nevertheless, the left palm more symbolizes financial flows.

Although, it was previously believed that this meant marriage. But, if there is no permanent partner, then this indicates an imminent meeting with your soulmate.

And it’s also worth saying about the elbows, because they are an extension of the arm. If the sensations affect the left elbow, then this predicts family conflicts in the near future, but if the right elbow, then it predicts physical showdowns. Read more about itchy elbows in this article.

If her left palm itches, then the woman must make a choice herself, and choose what is more important to her - finances or the groom.

Interpretation of signs for men

A man's left palm is responsible for profit. Previously, it was believed that this hand predicted a good harvest, catch or hunt. And since they got money for the loot, today the itch in the left palm definitely promises profit.

It is also a signal that the next transaction will end successfully. Therefore, if negotiations are planned that have complex issues, then it is better to schedule them as soon as the itching appears in the left hand.

But the right hand marks a quick meeting with a girl who will be the mistress of the house. Perhaps a fateful meeting will take place soon.

For men, there is another interpretation of the sign - why the fingers on the left hand itch:

  • big - fortune will smile soon;
  • indicative - career advancement or management will notice you as an excellent employee;
  • medium - salary increase or unexpected inheritance;
  • ring finger - meeting a potential beloved (read the link for more information about itching of the ring finger);
  • little finger - problems will soon arise that will take a long time to solve.

Sometimes, along with the palm, the rib also itches. This suggests that a gift will soon be presented, but not with good intentions.

Possible values

Our body gives clues through sensations: if the right hand, wrist or thumb itches, then the human body is trying to tell it about upcoming changes. People who are attentive to signs will notice that repeating signals are not just that, and it’s time to turn to their interpretation in order to understand what to expect from fate.

One of the most common signs is itching of the right palm. Itching portends a quick enrichment or a meeting with an old acquaintance whom the person has not seen for a very long time. The sign promises that the meeting will bring good luck or it will be the beginning of a long, cordial relationship. The explanation for the origin of the sign is simple: when meeting, many people shake hands with each other, and most often their right hands.

If the back of your hand is itchy, then you should wait for a meeting that will bring profit: it will be expressed both in banknotes and in any other valuables - expensive gifts or a profitable contract.

An itchy thumb is a sign of great luck. If the finger itches for several days, then most likely a gift of fate awaits the person.

The right wrist itches for sudden wealth. Previously, it was believed that this sign foreshadows the possibility of additional income.

Signs about why lips itch in boys and girls

There are moments in a man’s life when his fists itch for a showdown. This means that a person will face conflict.

Both arms or palms itch at the same time

Esotericists claim that if the hands itch at the same time, then the “good” hand will neutralize the omen of the “bad” hand. Well, if the sign is positive from both hands, then the symbols will only double the strength.

If the interpretation of the sign is not satisfactory, then it can be “neutralized”:

  • bathe your hands in ice water - do not wipe them, let them dry on their own, under no circumstances should you clench your fingers into fists;
  • so that only good things come from your left hand, you need to scratch it at the moment of itching only in relation to yourself - from the fingers to the wrist;

If the prediction is good, then you need to clench your palm into a fist and put it in your pocket or armpit. It is advisable to always have a red thing or object with you so that at the right moment you can scratch it with your hand and secure good luck. Another option to keep a good signal is to kiss your palm and stroke the top of your head with it.

If both hands itch, then fate gives a sign. If you can't stand it, be sure to listen to your palms and prepare for future events or difficult life choices.

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