Ancient fortune teller “Scratching” by day of the week: love omens. Why does the right and left chest, eyebrow, cheek, armpit, side of the butt, palm, elbow, knee, heel, foot, ankle itch on the right and left?

Itchy right and left breasts: sign

A person who trusts omens will definitely consider a random itch to be a “sign of fate”, which will hint to him about certain events in life. Women can also pay attention to the phenomenon of itchy breasts .

Interpretations will accept:

  • Left breast on Monday - for love and romantic adventures
  • Tuesday - meet an interesting man
  • On Wednesday - you will have a new admirer
  • On Thursday - expect pleasant gifts and surprises
  • On Friday - your friendship may develop into love
  • On Saturday - expect an invitation to a date
  • On Sunday - you will soon receive a pleasant message
  • Right breast on Monday - expect quarrels and disappointments
  • On Tuesday - you will have a rival (or has already appeared)
  • On Wednesday - expect disappointments in love
  • On Thursday - you will have a scandal with your loved one
  • On Friday - perhaps your loved one is cheating on you
  • On Saturday - expect separation from your loved one
  • On Sunday - expect unpleasant news from your loved one

The most detailed interpretations

Traditional methods of treating scars

If the scar turns red and itches, you should prepare a folk remedy. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you can try using traditional medicine methods against scars. Among the most effective recipes are the following:

  1. Grind melon seeds and eggshells in equal proportions. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained and add vegetable oil to the main mixture. This compress will help eliminate the feeling of itching and burning of the skin. Use the remedy until complete recovery.
  2. Combine beeswax (1 tbsp) and olive oil (3 tbsp) and mix thoroughly. Apply to the site where unpleasant symptoms occur.
  3. Combine St. John's wort and vegetable oil in equal proportions and leave for 13 days in a cold place. Apply compresses until the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

Using white clay and camphor oil can improve the patient's overall well-being. To do this, the ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the skin. The duration of treatment will be determined by a specialist. Before carrying out therapy with a folk remedy, it is recommended to visit a doctor, since self-medication often aggravates the course of the disease. First of all, it is necessary to undergo a thorough medical diagnosis and only then begin therapy.

The right and left eyebrows itch: a sign

If you suddenly have an itchy eyebrow , know this “sign” warns you about some events and messages.

Interpretations will accept:

  • Left eyebrow on Monday - expect unpleasant situations
  • On Tuesday - get ready to receive bad news
  • On Wednesday - you will meet an unpleasant person
  • On Thursday - you will quarrel with a loved one
  • On Friday - expect unexpected guests
  • On Saturday - you will spend a lot of money in vain
  • On Sunday - to difficulties and problems soon
  • Right eyebrow on Monday - expect a raise or bonus
  • On Tuesday - you will soon be pleased with good news
  • On Wednesday - good meetings with dear people
  • On Thursday - unexpected surprises and gifts
  • Friday – romantic adventures and experiences
  • On Saturday - for holidays and fun
  • On Sunday - a call or message from nice people

Signs about eyebrows

Note to the patient

Why do old scars itch? Only a doctor can answer this question for sure. This symptom often occurs with skin diseases. Doctors do not recommend self-medication, as this can aggravate the course of the underlying disease that provoked the development of the unpleasant symptom.

Scars can itch for several reasons. Only the attending doctor can determine the provoking factor after a thorough medical diagnosis of the patient. Based on the results of the patient’s examination, the specialist will prescribe an individual treatment regimen. If a person has other serious diseases, self-medication can be fatal.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is prohibited to use any medications without first consulting a doctor. Self-medication can harm not only the expectant mother, but also the baby.

The right and left cheek itches: a sign

Have you noticed how suddenly your cheek starts to burn or itch ? Perhaps this is also a sign that predicts events in the future for you.

Interpretations will accept:

  • Left cheek on Monday - a bad person remembers you
  • On Tuesday - apparently people are discussing you at work
  • On Wednesday - expect professional failures
  • On Thursday - they talk about you, and not the most pleasant things
  • On Friday - you have envious people
  • On Saturday - your work and merits evoke not only admiration, but also anger from colleagues (employees).
  • On Sunday - expect difficult and hard work
  • Right cheek on Monday - expect pleasant messages or surprises
  • On Tuesday - great prospects await you at work
  • On Wednesday - you will meet a good and pleasant person
  • On Thursday - don’t miss the opportunity to improve your financial condition.
  • On Friday - you have a trip ahead
  • On Saturday - for pleasant shopping and pastime
  • On Sunday - expect guests

Interpretation will accept

The right and left armpit itches: a sign

Do your armpits often itch? This is a fairly rare phenomenon, which can also be perceived as a sign.

Interpretations will accept:

  • Left armpit on Monday - you will meet an unpleasant person
  • On Tuesday - you are destined to meet a person “from the past”
  • On Wednesday - you will have to endure unpleasant news
  • On Thursday - you will be surprised or shocked by an unpleasant message
  • On Friday - you will begin a series of failures
  • On Saturday - be careful, because you can completely waste a lot of money.
  • On Sunday - you have a road and adventure ahead of you
  • Right armpit on Monday - meet a new person
  • On Tuesday - you definitely have a fan or admirer
  • On Wednesday - expect a declaration of love
  • On Thursday - you have a romantic date ahead
  • On Friday - the task you have planned will definitely be successful
  • On Saturday - you will have reasons to rejoice
  • Sunday – fun meetings with nice people

Itching in the armpits is also a sign

How to alleviate the condition?

First of all, it is necessary to find out the factor that provoked the itching. Without determining the cause, treatment will have a short-term effect. It is quite common for the scar to itch after surgery. Under such conditions, relieve unpleasant symptoms with:

  • "Radovida";
  • "Akriderm";
  • "Sinaflana";
  • "Bepanthena."

Such drugs help eliminate itching and irritation. Peppermint solution can soothe your skin. To do this, pour boiling water (2 cups) over mint (60 g) and leave to steep for an hour. After this, it is necessary to treat the problem areas with the infusion.

The right and left side of the butt itches: a sign

Interpretations will accept:

  • Left on Monday - to lies and deception
  • Tuesday - to betrayal
  • On Wednesday - to the severance of friendships and relationships
  • On Thursday - to unpleasant fuss
  • On Friday - to sadness and longing
  • On Saturday - to debts and waste
  • On Sunday - to an unpleasant meeting
  • Right on Monday - to meet a “helpful” person
  • On Tuesday - to laughter and fun
  • On Wednesday - for the holiday and guests
  • On Thursday - to an unexpected message
  • Friday - someone talks a lot about you
  • On Saturday - expect compliments and recognition
  • Sunday - unexpected events

Why is your butt itching?

Lower body


Signs of why the lower back part of the body suddenly itches are quite varied. The main thing is to correlate which of the buttocks is bothering you with the day of the week and you will get the next scratch.

Right buttockLeft buttock
MondayMeeting with a person who will be useful in some way.Someone will lie, try to dissuade you from a profitable business out of envy.
TuesdayA funny situation arises, an unexpected reason to have fun and have fun.Betrayal of a loved one.
WednesdayReceive guests, receive gifts chosen with soul, but completely useless.A friend will commit an act after which a warm relationship will be in danger of breaking.
ThursdayUnexpected news that completely changes the idea of ​​a situation or a certain person.Useless, petty tasks that steal free time.
FridayFind yourself in the center of gossip and conversations, good-natured, but contrary to reality.Tendency to feel depressed all day.
SaturdayReceive compliments, recognition of merit (if at work, then decorated with a generous bonus, bonuses).You may suddenly need money, but you should be wary of loans. Unforeseen expenses due to temptations.
SundayThe weekend won't go as planned.Meeting with an energy vampire.


Of all the signs that a person is itching, his feet are most oriented towards the weather. If the heel is in winter, there will be a thaw, in summer - there will be rain, in spring and autumn - there will be clear, cold days. Ankles - to increased wind. Itching on one foot - you have to go on a journey, perhaps to the other end of the city, another continent. Both feet - someone will invite you to dance. Knee in front - a friend will trust you with a secret. Under the knee - a friend will become the keeper of a personal secret. When the leg begins to itch in other places before noon, bad news awaits. From noon to evening - the news will be good.

Itchy palm and fingers on the right and left hand: sign

Interpretations will accept:

  • Left palm on Monday - expect financial profit
  • On Tuesday - unexpected profit
  • On Wednesday - good and big salary, bonus
  • On Thursday - expect pleasant spending
  • Friday – shopping for an important item
  • On Saturday - gifts and surprises for you
  • Sunday – for family gatherings
  • Right hand on Monday - you will spend a lot of money in vain
  • On Tuesday - expect debts and loans
  • On Wednesday - if money was borrowed from you, it will not be returned to you soon
  • On Thursday - expect messages from afar
  • On Friday - you have bustle and worries ahead
  • On Saturday - to unpleasant troubles
  • On Sunday - expect a meeting with an unpleasant person
  • Thumb - talking to parents
  • Index finger - meeting with an old acquaintance
  • Middle finger - grievances and tears
  • Ring finger - date
  • Little finger - troubles with children

Itching on palms

Who is itching? Signs and beliefs.

Probably every person knows why their nose itches. Naturally, look into the glass. True, they also say: “a good nose can smell a fist in a week,” but drinking is somehow closer, more understandable. Ears are burning - that’s also not a question - someone is gossiping. But what about everything else? What and why is it itching, itching, freezing and itching? Our knowledge in this area is very, very approximate, and therefore we are constantly confused, confused and mistaken, misinterpreting all kinds of “pricks” and “scratchings”

From the renounced books.

Meanwhile, back in ancient times, our ancestors compiled entire treatises with detailed descriptions of “itchy” places, and at the same time explained their meaning. Then people were sure that all kinds of sensations in different parts of the body had some special prophetic meaning. For example, Hermes Trismegistus, who lived back in the Alexandrian period, tried to predict and change the future using involuntary body sensations. For the first time, as a separate magical book about fortune telling by sensations, it was mentioned in the prayer book of Cyprian (1406) and in the writings of Metropolitan Zosima (1490-1494). Publications of such content were considered “black”, and therefore they were either immediately burned or kept in strict secrecy in the archives of monasteries. In 1899, thanks to the works of M. Speransky, in the series “From the history of renounced books”, a complete analysis of texts was published that were devoted to the topic “who has what itches.” In the old days, this divination was called “Trembler” - from the word “tremble”. The concept of “trembling” includes ringing, scratching, tingling or any other sensation, so whether the tip of the nose ache, it itches or hurts - the meaning is the same. Another important thing is which side it itches on. Popular wisdom attributed the prerogative to give signs of the future to evil demons and good spirits. The first “ruled” the left side, and the second - the right, respectively, all the signs of the left side brought bad news, and the right - good. So…

Why is it itching?

If the top of your head itches , then this is news. If the middle of the head itches is a sign of goodness, money, and mercy. If your cheeks burn or your face , you cry, but this can be avoided if you wash your face with blessed water in time. If an unmarried person hears a ringing in the right ear , it means good luck in love, and if a married person hears a ringing, it means good luck for the child. In Rus', they once did the following: they made a wish and asked someone: “Which ear is ringing?” If the person being asked guessed correctly, then the wish should come true. The left ear rings , respectively, problems: for bachelors - on the love front, for married people - with children. This negative prediction could be canceled; to do this, the left ear was plugged, at least with some finger, and they walked like this for some time. If your chin suddenly hurts , then a bearded man will become seriously ill. But there is another, more pleasant option - if your chin itches at night, then this is a sign of short love dates. It is very easy to cancel a prediction - anoint your chin with oil. If your eyelids ache , then you will meet a new face or a new acquaintance awaits you. When the right eyelid hurts , this is a sign that you have to quarrel and win, and if the left , on the contrary, you have to quarrel and lose. If you decide to change the situation, then scratch your right eyelid. If your eyebrows itch , then this is good. Itching under the eyebrow : for the rich - for waste, for the poor - for profit. Teeth aching is a sure sign of destruction, which, however, is very simple to reverse: just chew something or rinse your mouth with oak bark infusion. If your ears are burning , someone is gossiping or mocking you somewhere. To stop this disgrace, turn around counterclockwise and say: “Keep me away, mind me!” If the bridge of the nose , then perhaps someone will become seriously ill or die. The middle of the nose itches is a popular sign that the cheese will become cheaper, the wings of the nose mean a fight, and the tip of the nose means drinking wine. When your right leg or foot hurts, go to the path. The whole body trembles - the person will be forced to pray for others and wish them well. A rib is evil, but if you rub the ribs with a terry towel, the prediction will not come true. Itching in your sinus - to see a friend. The right shoulder itches - you will receive something, the left one itches - you will give something. Itchy elbow - new news. The right nostril - there will be good, the left nostril - there will be misery. The tongue hurts : if on the left side, then you will participate in a good procession, if on the right, in a secular one. The little finger or middle finger of the left hand tingles - a strong sadness that will disappear if you put a gold ring on your finger. And if the little finger of the right hand itches , then this is a sign that the sadness will not be strong. The ring finger itches - I think, if it’s the left one, then it’s sad, if it’s the right one, then it’s cheerful. If the buttocks itch : then the right one means illness, and if the left one means greed. In order not to get sick and not turn into a curkul, you need to ask kind people to whip you with a birch or spruce broom.

When your lips are burning , kiss. Moreover, if the upper lip is with a man, and if the lower lip is with a woman or a child, and if both are, then with a married couple. The knee itches : the left one means profitable work, but if the right one is the opposite, it means unprofitable work. It hurts under the knees - there will be a way. Under the left is incorrect, under the right is correct. Both soles of the feet are for dancing, separately: if the right one is for dancing, if the left one is for running.

And finally, I will share with you a secret on how to calm down the “trepidation”, wherever it is observed. As they used to say in the old days, the only cure for “trembling” is a good bathhouse, which can temporarily reconcile even the eternally warring good and evil demons.

Itchy elbow on the right and left arm: sign

Interpretations will accept:

  • Left elbow on Monday - to worries at work
  • Tuesday – a lot of work
  • On Wednesday - for a sleepless night
  • On Thursday - to the disease
  • Friday - for changes in life
  • On Saturday - news from afar
  • On Sunday - to unexpected guests
  • Right elbow on Monday - to unexpected surprises
  • On Tuesday - fatigue and bad mood
  • On Wednesday - financial expenses
  • Thursday - to sadness and disappointment
  • On Friday - for a romantic date
  • On Saturday - to an unexpected call
  • On Sunday - for a nice gift

Signs about the elbow

Itching on the body

Different parts of the body are associated with their own interpretation, which characterizes the itching in a given area, according to its position.

Part of the bodyWhat does it mean
ShouldersIf your left shoulder itches, you should reschedule all important matters and trips until another day. It is necessary to avoid conflict situations and unpleasant people, as the left shoulder itches to failures and quarrels. Right - on this day a meeting may occur, after which life or outlook on many things will change
BreastIn men, the chest itches is a sign of sadness and disappointment. In women, the left one itches to chagrin of the opposite sex or from meeting a man, the right one - to misunderstanding between a woman and mother, friend or colleague, as well as to resentment towards a loved one
Back Predicts grief and troubles:
  • Shoulder blades - there will be a depressed mood for some time due to groundless rumors.
  • Itching in the lower back - expect trouble and hard work.
  • Scabies along the spine indicate disappointment in specific people
Buttocks A suddenly itchy butt indicates that the person is being praised:
  • Left buttock - discussing his internal qualities.
  • Right - they talk about appearance.
  • If the tailbone itches, the person will be lucky and will dodge trouble or get away with it.
Stomach Most often, the stomach itches when the weather changes:
  • From top to bottom, it will change quickly.
  • From side to side - in a couple of days.
  • In the area of ​​the navel or the navel itself - there will be a fun or pleasant meeting
SideThe right side itches if the person scratching is worried about his actions. Left - he worries about his loved one or loved one
Armpits Predict a slight illness that will go away within a few days or hours:
  • The one on the right speaks about the illness of the person himself.
  • In the left - someone close to you will feel bad.

Intense itching indicates the strength of emotions and the speed of prediction. The stronger it is, the more experiences and impressions a person will receive.


According to folk superstitions, suddenly itchy legs most often foreshadow travel, changes in weather, and minor problems. If your leg itches immediately after waking up, you should expect some news. Closer to night - a person has missed something important and he needs to be more attentive to the signs that fate gives.

Why is my right palm itching?

The interpretation of the sign depends on which part of the leg itches:

Leg partSign
ThighsUnpleasant sensations in the right thigh warn against material expenses, as they will bring even more expenses. Itching on the left thigh indicates troubles associated with relatives: you may have to go on the road because of their illness
Knees My knees are itching for change and news:
  • Left - the weather or a person’s mood will change.
  • Right - to good news related to family and friends
ShinIf the shin of any leg itches in the morning, it predicts an unpleasant meeting or news. In the dark - unexpected joy
Feet Feet itch or burn towards the road. The interpretation depends on the nature of the itching:
  • If he is strong, the road will be long and fast.
  • Feet slightly itchy - a person will be away a short distance from home.
  • The right foot is for a joyful and cheerful road.
  • Left - there will be a meeting with a loved one or a person pleasant to the heart
ToesTowards a change in weather
  1. Left - there will be improvements in love relationships.
  2. Right - worth waiting for news.
  3. Both heels itch - you want to hide from someone or avoid an unpleasant meeting.
  4. Tingling heels indicate good luck while traveling.

Itchy knee, ankle, thigh on the right and left leg: sign

Interpretations will accept:

  • Left leg on Monday - to household chores
  • On Tuesday - to an unexpected call or letter
  • On Wednesday - for a holiday or party
  • On Thursday - you will waste a lot of time
  • On Friday - you will experience pleasant emotions
  • On Saturday - meet someone you have already forgotten
  • On Sunday - you will get the most desired
  • Right leg on Monday - you need a rest from hard work
  • On Tuesday - for a pleasant family evening
  • On Wednesday - an unpleasant conversation
  • Thursday - to quarrels and scandals
  • On Friday - to sort things out
  • Saturday - for travel and road
  • Sunday – meetings with old friends

Itchy foot

Itchy heel, right and left foot and leg: sign

Interpretations about itchy feet:

  • Left foot or heel on Monday - you will finally be able to buy what you have been missing for so long
  • On Tuesday - you have a long journey ahead of you
  • On Wednesday - your friends talk a lot about you, even bad things
  • On Thursday - be sure that you will be envied
  • On Friday - you will meet a former loved one
  • On Saturday - you will have a reason to be jealous
  • On Sunday - you will make a new acquaintance
  • Right foot or heel on Monday - you have a rival or rival
  • On Tuesday - don’t plan anything serious on this day, everything will be in vain.
  • On Wednesday - wasted spending and labor
  • On Thursday - expect an unexpected and unpleasant conversation
  • On Friday - you will have to justify yourself and explain yourself
  • On Saturday - you will lose something
  • Sunday – sadness and worries

Signs about heels

Other interpretations of signs

  1. The stomach may itch with worries and worries that will knock you out of the normal rhythm of life. Think about the positive and hope that the negative will pass you by.
  2. Itching of this part of the body foreshadows a noisy party, where there will be an abundance of drinks and snacks. Moderate your appetite and do not indulge in alcohol.
  3. An itchy belly may indicate that you are suppressing your secret desires, one of which is related to the desire for leadership. Motivate yourself for success and be more confident: you will conquer any heights.
  4. Another interpretation is that betrayal awaits you. A good friend or relative will let you down at a crucial moment in life. Do not ask others for help: rely only on yourself.
  5. Your stomach itches before events that will make you indignant and indignant.
  6. A dream in which the stomach or navel itch means a hidden threat. There is a person next to you who wishes evil. Analyze your close social circle: there are two-faced people among them.
  7. For the elderly, this sign promises sadness. Sons or grandchildren will stop visiting you, which will provoke melancholy and negative thoughts.

Lips itch: sign

Interpretations about itchy lips:

  • Upper lip on Monday – for conversations
  • On Tuesday - to condemnation
  • On Wednesday - to troubles
  • On Thursday - you will talk badly about someone you know
  • On Friday - for a kiss
  • On Saturday - to bad events
  • On Sunday - to worries
  • Lower lip on Monday - for a phone call or message
  • Tuesday – problems in your personal life
  • On Wednesday - to tears
  • Thursday - for fun and laughter
  • Friday - goodbye
  • Saturday - for sex
  • On Sunday - someone fell in love with you

Itchy nose: sign

Interpretations will take about a nose that itches:

  • On Monday - for festivities and holidays
  • Tuesday - to meet nice people
  • Wednesday – drinking wine
  • On Thursday - to guests
  • Friday - for gifts
  • On Saturday - a date with your loved one
  • On Sunday - to meet a good person

Itchy right and left eyes: sign

Interpretations about itchy eyes:

  • Left on Monday - to doubts and wrong decisions
  • On Tuesday - to unpleasant words and insults
  • Wednesday – for travel
  • On Thursday - to tears
  • On Friday - to the guests
  • Saturday – for pleasant shopping
  • On Sunday - a slight illness
  • Right on Monday - to forced spending
  • Tuesday – rival at work
  • On Wednesday - someone will surpass you
  • On Thursday – your person is “in the spotlight”
  • On Friday - you deserve a bad reputation
  • Saturday - you have a bad reputation
  • On Sunday - someone wants to offend you

Itchy eye

Why do your eyes itch?

Itchy eyes are the most common phenomenon reported by omens. The legacy of folk wisdom contains information that each of a person’s two eyes can itch for different events. Usually itching on the left is a harbinger of joy. The right one itches to tears. But popular beliefs also say that on some days both eyes that itch promise joy. The condition for foreshadowing joyful events is the presence of the letter “r” in the name of the day on which itching appears.

In addition, the magical heritage contains a simple way to protect yourself from shedding tears, regardless of the day of the week.

You just need to scratch both eyes and mark them with the sign of the cross three times.

This simple action in the case when the right eyelid itches will take events away from the person that can cause tears.

Folk signs, if the eye area itches, always foreshadowed an imminent meeting, but the meanings changed over time.

The right and left ear itches: a sign

Interpretations about itchy ears:

  • Left on Monday - they talk badly about you
  • On Tuesday - your ex or ex is talking about you
  • On Wednesday - to gossip
  • Thursday - problems at work
  • On Friday - someone is jealous of you
  • On Saturday - you have a lot of envious people
  • Sunday - tomorrow you will meet an unpleasant person
  • Right on Monday - someone praises you
  • On Tuesday - you have earned a good reputation
  • On Wednesday - you are so good that many people admire you
  • Thursday - someone is judging you at the moment
  • On Friday - expect a phone call or message
  • Saturday - you offended someone
  • On Sunday - someone holds a grudge against you

Itchy tongue: sign

Interpretations will accept:

  • Monday - you said something bad about a good person.
  • On Tuesday - don’t say something stupid, otherwise you’ll regret it
  • On Wednesday - you will have a reason to laugh and have fun
  • Thursday - soon there will be fun and joy
  • On Friday - you will have problems with your family
  • On Saturday - don’t make mistakes, they will greatly harm you in the future.
  • Sunday – pleasant conversations

Effective ointment

If your general health has deteriorated and the scar from the cut is itchy, you should consult a doctor before undergoing treatment. Among the most effective drugs are:

"Uniderm". The medicine will help eliminate irritation, redness and inflammation. For psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, allergies, this medication is prescribed. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease. In particular cases, the drug is used until the symptoms are eliminated. Use no more than once a day. Side effects appear as:

  • acne;
  • prickly heat;
  • severe redness;
  • burning and itching.

It is forbidden to use the ointment for necrotic and viral skin infections. While carrying a baby, it is not recommended to use Uniderm therapy.

Itchy head: sign

Interpretations will take about a head that itches:

  • On Monday - big and hard work
  • On Tuesday - to worries and troubles with children
  • Wednesday – for travel
  • Thursday - a difficult decision
  • Friday - problems at work
  • On Saturday - for spending money
  • Sunday - for love affairs

Itchy tongue

Itchy neck and shoulders: sign

Interpretations will accept:

  • Neck on Monday - to the nerves
  • On Tuesday - to overwork from work
  • On Wednesday - to a dark streak in life
  • Thursday - you will have troubles
  • On Friday - you can solve your problems yourself
  • On Saturday - expect an unpleasant conversation
  • On Sunday - you will have a reason to worry seriously
  • Shoulder on Monday (left) – expect envious glances
  • On Tuesday - you will have an unexpected meeting
  • On Wednesday - troubles in relationships with colleagues or family
  • Thursday – financial difficulties and debts
  • Friday – emotional stress and disappointments
  • On Saturday - to a painful separation
  • On Sunday - to losses
  • Shoulder on Monday (right) - to a bad letter or an unpleasant conversation.
  • On Tuesday - to the wrong decision
  • On Wednesday - someone will offend you
  • Thursday - scandal at work
  • On Friday - news from afar
  • On Saturday - you will quarrel with your loved one
  • On Sunday - you have a reason to be jealous

Stomach itches: sign

Interpretations will accept:

  • Monday - an unexpected trip
  • Tuesday - for bright impressions and fun events
  • On Wednesday - easy money
  • On Thursday - for a pleasant date or meeting
  • On Friday - to disappointment and frustration
  • On Saturday - something bad is coming
  • On Sunday - to tears
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