Topaz mystic: 14 reasons to buy this magic stone

/ List of stones / Characteristics and magical features of the Topaz Mystic stone



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Everyone has heard about the beauty of topaz, but not many know what is special about such a variety as mystical topaz. Mystic topaz, also known as the “rainbow stone,” is one of the most delightful stones, captivating with its brilliance and magical tints.

Topaz Mystic Stone

History and origin

This rainbow mineral has a complicated history. The stone owes its name to the island of Topazios, where it was first discovered. It has been known to us for 3 thousand years and is associated with something mysterious and otherworldly.

This picturesque decoration was first discovered by the ancient Romans, who mystified the rainbow stone. The Bible devotes an entire section to it, which says that it is a symbol of the Apocalypse and forms the center of the 12 gates of Jerusalem.

It must be said that in its original form this mineral does not look so colorful and bright - it is just a colorless stone that needs processing in order to shine. Mystic topaz is the creation of human hands, and masters of their craft achieve rainbow shimmers using special technologies. The mineral itself belongs to igneous and metasomatic rocks .

We know about the past of topaz from numerous legends and traditions. They said that kings and sultans preferred this jewelry to diamonds and diamonds on their crowns. We do not know how ancient people processed stone and how they achieved multifaceted radiance.

The history of mineral processing dates back to 1993. For the first time, the company Azotic Coating Technology, Ink., was engaged in the production of jewelry with mysticism, which, through numerous studies, found a way to give the mineral rainbow reflections.

This technology consists of spraying a titanium layer onto the surface of the gem. Next, the stone is subjected to low temperatures and the mineral shines with all the colors of the rainbow.

In Russia and Ukraine, this jewelry became known in the 18th century, and in the middle of the 20th century it was dubbed the “Siberian diamond.” But when the Kochevskaya, Prutovskaya and Trubyevskaya mines were devastated, the glory of the mineral subsided.

The magical properties of the stone of inner enlightenment

Mystic Topaz has all the properties of raw topaz. It is believed that it puts the owner in an optimistic mood, endows men with wisdom, and endows women with beauty. This mineral is popular as a talisman among travelers: sailors have long believed that it calms storms. The ability of the stone to pacify the elements also extends to human relationships - it has the power to calm the intensity of passions and reconcile opponents.

According to magicians, topazes promote inner enlightenment and stimulate intelligence, so they are indispensable for people whose professional activities require mental stress. This same property of the crystal favors the development of intuition. Over time, each owner of the stone begins to show extrasensory qualities, expressed in the ability to predict the actions of other people and decipher their state of mind. If a person subsequently develops these qualities, then in the future he will even be able to influence others, imposing his opinion on them and suppressing their own thoughts.

Varieties and colors

There are topazes of various colors: green, blue, yellow, red, amber. Mystic pleases the eye with the iridescence of various colors - from pink to dark green. But this tint is always based on two colors: either violet or emerald.

The brightness and color palette depend on the lighting and the angle of inclination; the iridescent tint is also affected by the framing of the stone.

Characteristics of mystic topaz

There is another version of the name of the stone. From Sanskrit the word "topas" means fire or heat. By nature, the mineral has a uniform shimmer, but sometimes you come across topazes that shimmer in different colors.

Of course, topaz has natural beauty, but the human hand helps it shine in different shades. For this, a special technique is used, after which the mineral becomes polychrome.

Features of stone processing

A special technology for processing the gem was developed back in 1993. The processing method was named “Azotik” in honor of the company that first patented this technology.

It takes place in two stages:

  • coating the surface of the stone with a titanium or gold layer;
  • exposure to low temperatures to increase wear resistance.

The goal of the method is to achieve as many colors as possible that will shimmer brightly in any light. In addition, irradiation is used to give the gem a deeper, richer blue hue.

Despite the beauty and uniqueness of the mineral, jewelers do not classify topaz as a precious stone. But this does not prevent this product from being actively used in the jewelry industry. The stone that is part of the jewelry will shine equally brightly in daylight and evening light and attract the views of others.

Physicochemical characteristics

Mystical topaz is a stone that has a number of specific physical and chemical characteristics. They are the hallmark of a semi-precious gem.

ColorBlue with iridescent tint
Density3.49—3.57 g/cm³

Properties of mystic topaz

The mineral has both magical and healing properties . Since ancient times, topazes have been credited with miraculous properties, with the help of which one could be healed of any ailment or defeat evil spirits.

Magic properties

Ancient people had a habit of mystifying things that they could not understand. This is what happened with this mysterious mineral. These are the miraculous properties that this stone is endowed with to this day:

  1. Serves as a talisman against accidents, accidents and shipwrecks. Healers especially recommend that sailors and avid travelers carry this amulet with them.
  2. Strengthens the sixth sense. According to legend, the mineral restores a person’s connection with higher powers that can warn of trouble and prevent misfortune.
  3. Helps achieve what they want and attracts people to its owner.
  4. Relieves bad dreams and insomnia.
  5. Makes its owner more attractive and charismatic. The owner of such a stone has a greater chance of falling in love with a member of the opposite sex.
  6. Increases your intelligence level and helps you concentrate on your goals.
  7. Serves as protection from energy vampires, envious people and enemies.

Attention! The miracle mineral can be worn instead of a red thread against the evil eye, because it is a powerful barrier against those who practice black magic and cast spells on people.

Medicinal properties

Few people know, but mystical topaz has a number of healing properties and is actively used in alternative medicine. Traditional healers believe that the mineral helps get rid of many diseases and improves both mental and physical health in general.

Mystic has the following healing properties:

  1. Improves the functioning of the stomach, intestinal tract, liver and kidneys. It is advisable to carry the stone with you for those who suffer from gastritis, cirrhosis of the liver, gastroduodenitis and colitis.
  2. Helps to recover faster after a fracture, bruise or dislocation.
  3. It has a positive effect on the condition of the female pelvic organs and relieves infertility.
  4. Strengthens the immune system and resists viral and infectious diseases.
  5. Serves as an antiseptic, as it has the ability to kill pathogenic microflora.
  6. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the prostate and bladder in men.
  7. Prevents the occurrence of cancer.

Important! Any type of topaz can work real miracles. In addition, the mineral has a beneficial effect on the human psyche: it relieves depression, apathy, panic attacks and makes the nervous system resistant to stressful situations.

Magic abilities

The stone does not lose its magical properties after processing. The radiance of a gem, according to many esotericists, enhances some of its abilities, but also reduces others. What gets stronger:

  • protection from evil spirits;
  • belief in the divine principle;
  • care for illnesses.

The mystic is not afraid of energy vampires, helps with wisdom, and gives the desire to constantly develop. Mystic adds charm and charisma. Owners become attractive and quickly find life partners. The properties of crystals, according to esotericists, help certain professions:

  • geologists;
  • travelers;
  • truckers.

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They will be protected by nature, which is in harmony with the mineral.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

This stone of unusual beauty has many advantages and protects its owner from misfortunes and failures. But do not rush to buy jewelry without making sure that it suits your horoscope. After all, it can have an extremely negative effect on some zodiac representatives: worsen their health, sow discord in the family, attract illness, or even cause an accident.

If a mineral suits a certain zodiac sign, it will compensate for some shortcomings and emphasize the person’s advantages. The following can safely acquire this amulet:

  1. Gemini, whom topaz makes reasonable and emotionally stable. Astrologers believe that this is the most successful combination of stone and sign. Geminis manage to control their lives and make the right decisions. The mineral protects against unconscious spending and helps to save money.
  2. Scorpios have an activated inner sense of the world, with the help of which they can find the answer to any question. Sensuality and empathy will increase, which improves family relationships. When Scorpio acquires this amulet, his mood improves and he has a desire to share his feelings with the people around him.
  3. Cancer's intuition is heightened, thanks to this they avoid awkward situations and failures. There is self-confidence and confidence that all plans are feasible. Cancers stop being afraid to do unpredictable things and leave their comfort zone.
  4. Virgo is filled with optimism. The stone will help her let go of the past and forget about old mistakes. With the help of a mystic, Virgo manages to overcome internal pessimism and get rid of complexes.
  5. Capricorns, under the influence of topaz, easily leave their comfort zone and become optimistic. With the help of topaz, they become cheeky, forget about shyness and easily make new acquaintances.
  6. It's no secret that for Leo, financial stability is the most important thing in life. This mineral helps increase your monthly income and climb the career ladder. The Leo woman gains self-confidence.

Attention! It is not advisable for other star representatives to buy such jewelry, as it can negatively affect a person’s life and make fortune turn away from you.

Zodiac combinations

Most of the zodiac constellations are combined with the mystical gem. They can wear jewelry, but you shouldn’t expect the stone to become not just a decoration, but something magically powerful. Topaz is a very selective stone. It's better to start with who should give up the gem. This is the zodiac sign Taurus. What can happen if a sign does not listen to the recommendations of astrologers:

  • family problems will begin that will lead to divorce;
  • there will be unexplained problems at work;
  • you will want to take risks, realizing that the risk is unreasonable.

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Taurus, even with the strongest protection of cosmic bodies, will notice that troubles will arise out of nowhere. The reason is mystical topaz. Give it up and everything will fall into place.

Who is a shining crystal suitable for? These are two constellations:

  1. Twins.
  2. Scorpios.

Geminis are as many-sided as a gem. Their character can change throughout the day, making it difficult to see the true face of a Gemini. What does the mystic topaz stone give to the owner:

  • protection from envy, the evil eye and evil spirits;
  • inner harmony;
  • maintains calm and functionality of the central nervous system;
  • imparts wisdom and practicality;
  • creates peace around the owner.

The gem develops the intuitive abilities of the sign. Gemini will sense deception and detect deceit not only in work matters, but also in personal relationships. The rainbow crystal will become a talisman of health. Men retain their potency, while menopause is postponed for women.

The second sign is Scorpio. The owner of the gem will be able to assess the situation ahead for a long time and calculate all possible risks. The sign will become reasonable, calm and balanced. In addition, the mystical mineral will make Scorpio very straight. They will be afraid of his “bite”, and an atmosphere of real respect will be created around him. Scorpio will be an excellent adviser, a faithful friend, a devoted companion.

There are some other zodiac signs that will experience the special abilities of the gem:

  1. Cancers. The stone will protect you from wrong, conscious actions and help develop intuition.
  2. Lions. The mineral will protect the owner’s income, a career will begin to be built, money will appear, and there will be an opportunity to get the desired profit.
  3. Virgos. Signs will stop constantly analyzing their actions, begin to enjoy life, and move away from the past.
  4. Capricorns. The mineral is an excellent amulet for family relationships. Moreover, it will help not only spouses, but also resolve complex connections between parents and children.

For most, a crystal is neutral, so you should consider purchasing it to decorate your image, provide special charm and emphasize your individuality.

Compatibility with other stones

Before you get this rainbow decoration, you need to find out whether topaz is compatible with other stones, since the energy created by the combination of minerals depends on this. The mystic creates positive energy with the following stones:

  • diamonds;
  • diamonds;
  • sapphires;
  • agate;
  • pearl;
  • amber;
  • emerald.

Such a successful combination will not only attract good luck into your life, but also complement your evening or daytime look. You should not combine mystic with moonstone, coral, opal and aquamarine . This may bring trouble or an accident.


The rainbow gem with an unusual name is a fairly popular material for jewelry. Pendants, earrings, brooches and rings are in great demand - these products attract attention to the owner.

Ordinary colorless stones are not used as jewelry inserts. To obtain precious crystals, the raw materials are polished and sprayed. Only after complex processing does the sample acquire jewelry value.

Mystic topaz is most often framed in silver, less often in gold. Sometimes non-precious alloys are used as frames. The price of one carat of this mineral is approximately 1000 rubles.

How to spot a fake

There is no need to worry that you received a fake stone, because creating synthetic topaz will take much more time and effort than processing natural stone. Therefore, now natural mystics are found on the market much more often than artificial ones.

Identifying a fake is not so easy. The mineral must be taken to the laboratory and examined under a magnifying glass. Typically, natural topaz will have some flaws that cannot be seen with the naked eye . A person will not find cracks or foreign inclusions in synthetic topaz, which indicates the artificial origin of the mineral.

How to identify synthetic stone

Artificial crystals are obtained in laboratory conditions; this is a labor-intensive and expensive process. Such minerals cost less, and often look better - more transparent, with a rich color. Topazes with impurities are not considered fakes - sometimes they are added specifically during processing to give the stone the desired color.

The production of hydrothermal topaz is not economically profitable, so artificial sapphire or ruby ​​is often used as an imitation. Analogues are similar to a real gem in appearance and repeat most of the physical properties. But synthetic stone is usually less strong and durable. Its synthesis is similar to growing flowers in a greenhouse. Scientists create the conditions necessary for a mineral to develop, monitor its growth, and purposefully influence its external qualities - color, transparency, shine. The crystals grown under such conditions are larger than in nature, their growth rate is several times faster, and the colors are more saturated: natural bright blue topaz is difficult to find in nature.

Growing stones in artificial conditions is regulated by legal acts, according to which the jewelry tag must indicate that the mineral is synthetic. If there is no information about the origin of the insert, it will not be easy to recognize synthetic topaz at home.

Its main difference from natural is the depth of shade and the complete absence of defects.

It is necessary to distinguish synthetic topaz from cubic zirconia, which has no analogue in nature and is therefore cheaper. This artificial crystal has a strong, diamond-like luster, which is not characteristic of topaz. In addition, cubic zirconia does not have the effect of pleochroism - it does not change color when the viewing angle or lighting changes.

How to wear and care

In fact, there are no secrets to caring for a mystic. You only need to know one rule: mystical topaz becomes dull when exposed to sunlight. Therefore, it is better to wear jewelry in the evening.

It is not advisable to take a bath with jewelry on your hand or neck. Sudden changes in temperature should also be avoided: the stone loses its color saturation.

To clean the mineral, it is not recommended to use detergents. It is better to simply rinse the jewelry under running water and dry it naturally. The stone should be stored in a place hidden from light.


Buying a gemstone is the most crucial moment, so it is necessary to correctly identify it.


Favorable time to buy

Mystical topaz manifests its abilities in different ways, depending on the phase of the moon or the day of the week.

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Esoteric practitioners believe that the best time to buy is Sunday, especially during the new moon, when the Moon is in its first phase.

How to spot a fake

A true mystic is determined by the same rules as natural topaz:

  • First of all, you should pay attention to the weight - the mineral has a high density and will be heavier than a lighter gem of the same size;
  • If you rub the mineral with a thick cloth, it will quickly become electrified;
  • The hardness of the stone indicates authenticity - it cannot be scratched by a less hard stone, such as quartz.


How to wear and care

The beauty and brilliance of a gem is vulnerable, so you need to know the rules for caring for it.

  1. Mystic Topaz fades easily in the sun, so keep it away from sunlight at all costs.
  2. Salt water can damage the structure of the crystal, so it is not advisable to take the jewelry with you to the beach.
  3. You should not carry out cleaning yourself - it is better to entrust it to a specialist.


These simple rules will allow you to preserve the gem for a long time.

Compatible with other stones and metals

  • Mystic topaz looks most impressive in an expensive gold frame.
  • Because this precious alloy makes it easier for the gem to be damaged, jewelers usually use silver.
  • When properly processed, a silver ring with a mystic looks stunning.
  • Topaz does not conflict with other gemstones.
  • Some more faded minerals (such as quartz, tourmaline) highlight the beauty of the mystic: against their background, the rainbow gem looks even brighter.

Text author: Sergey TIMOVSKY

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